WoWInterface SVN NeedyGreedy

[/] [trunk/] [Localization/] [enUS.lua] - Blame information for rev 217

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Line No. Rev Author Line
1 18 lokyst-32688
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("NeedyGreedy", "enUS", true)
2 lokyst-32688
3 lokyst-32688
if L then
4 lokyst-32688
5 lokyst-32688
L["NeedyGreedy"] = true
6 lokyst-32688
L["Displays a table of items and the roll choices players have made on them"] = true
7 lokyst-32688
L["Display Items"] = true
8 lokyst-32688
L["Number of item columns in the display window"] = true
9 lokyst-32688
L["Expiry Time"] = true
10 lokyst-32688
L["Minutes after item is received before it is removed from display (0 = forever)"] = true
11 lokyst-32688
L["Minimum Quality"] = true
12 lokyst-32688
L["Minimum quality of item to be displayed"] = true
13 20 lokyst-32688
L["Graphical Display"] = true
14 lokyst-32688
L["Display icons for rolls types instead of text"] = true
15 18 lokyst-32688
L["Detach Tooltip"] = true
16 lokyst-32688
L["Display the roll information in a standalone window"] = true
17 20 lokyst-32688
L["Item Names"] = true
18 lokyst-32688
L["Toggle the display of the item name in the header"] = true
19 18 lokyst-32688
L["%d of %d"] = true
20 lokyst-32688
L["%d-%d of %d"] = true
21 lokyst-32688
L["Click"] = true
22 lokyst-32688
L["to hide/show detached tooltip"] = true
23 20 lokyst-32688
L["Minimap Icon"] = true
24 lokyst-32688
L["Toggle the display of the minimap icon"] = true
25 21 lokyst-32688
L["Shift-Click"] = true
26 lokyst-32688
L["to attach/detach tooltip"] = true
27 22 lokyst-32688
L["Filter Loot Messages"] = true
28 lokyst-32688
L["Enable filtering of loot roll messages"] = true
29 28 lokyst-32688
L["Alt-Click"] = true
30 lokyst-32688
L["to clear item list"] = true
31 33 lokyst-32688
L["General"] = true
32 lokyst-32688
L["Profile"] = true
33 90 lokyst-32688
L["Show in party"] = true
34 lokyst-32688
L["Display the detached window when joining a party and hide the tooltip when leaving a party"] = true
35 34 lokyst-32688
L["You are not in a party"] = true
36 35 lokyst-32688
L["Hide in combat"] = true
37 60 lokyst-32688
L["Only display the detached window when not in combat"] = true
38 37 lokyst-32688
L["Hide Non-Members"] =  true
39 lokyst-32688
L["Only display the names of members currently in your party"] = true
40 70 lokyst-32688
L["Valid commands are: config, report, reset"] = true
41 52 lokyst-32688
L["Nothing to report"] = true
42 61 lokyst-32688
L["Popup when rolling"] = true
43 lokyst-32688
L["Automatically show the detached tooltip when an item is being rolled on"] = true
44 66 lokyst-32688
L["Reset on Join Party"] = true
45 lokyst-32688
L["Clear the item list when joining a new group"] = true
46 lokyst-32688
L["Do you wish to reset NeedyGreedy?"] = true
47 lokyst-32688
L["All items have been cleared."] = true
48 79 lokyst-32688
L["Reset in Instance"] = true
49 lokyst-32688
L["Clear the item list when entering an instance"] = true
50 84 lokyst-32688
L["Open the configuration menu"] = true
51 lokyst-32688
L["Hide the detached tooltip"] = true
52 lokyst-32688
L["Generate a text summary"] = true
53 lokyst-32688
L["Reset the item list"] = true
54 lokyst-32688
L["Show the detached tooltip"] = true
55 91 lokyst-32688
L["Scale"] = true
56 lokyst-32688
L["Adjust the scale of the detached tooltip"] = true
57 92 lokyst-32688
L["Detached Tooltip"] = true
58 93 lokyst-32688
L["Lock Tooltip"] = true
59 lokyst-32688
L["Adjust the position of the detached tooltip"] = true
60 96 lokyst-32688
L["DataBroker Tooltip"] = true
61 lokyst-32688
L["Hide In Raid"] = true
62 lokyst-32688
L["Suppress the display of the LibDataBroker tooltip when in a raid"] = true
63 103 lokyst-32688
L["Autohide delay"] = true
64 lokyst-32688
L["Time to remain visible after the last item has been received (Popup mode only)"] = true
65 111 lokyst-32688
L["Loot Summary"] = true
66 lokyst-32688
L["Print loot roll summary message to chat frame"] = true
67 112 lokyst-32688
L["Highlight Self"] = true
68 121 lokyst-32688
L["Self Color"] = true
69 112 lokyst-32688
L["Color loot you have won differently"] = true
70 121 lokyst-32688
L["Color loot you have won differently. Only works with loot summary enabled"] = true
71 113 lokyst-32688
L["Highlight Winner"] = true
72 lokyst-32688
L["Color winning loot rolls differently"] = true
73 121 lokyst-32688
L["Color winning loot rolls differently. Only works with loot summary enabled"] = true
74 lokyst-32688
L["Winner Color"] = true
75 lokyst-32688
L["UI options"] = true
76 lokyst-32688
L["Chat options"] = true
77 123 lokyst-32688
L["Show Loot Method"] = true
78 lokyst-32688
L["Display the loot method as a databroker feed"] = true
79 131 lokyst-32688
L["Background Color"] = true
80 lokyst-32688
L["Change the background color of the detached tooltip"] = true
81 lokyst-32688
L["Default Style"] = true
82 lokyst-32688
L["Use the default tooltip background and border style for detached tooltip"] = true
83 lokyst-32688
L["Border Color"] = true
84 lokyst-32688
L["Change the border color of the detached tooltip"] = true
85 141 lokyst-32688
L["Play Sound"] = true
86 lokyst-32688
L["Play sound when rolling is complete"] = true
87 152 lokyst-32688
L["Debug Options"] = true
88 144 lokyst-32688
L["Show Debug Messages"] = true
89 lokyst-32688
L["Show Debugging Messages"] = true
90 152 lokyst-32688
L["Debug Log"] = true
91 lokyst-32688
L["Clear Debug Log"] = true
92 189 lokyst-32688
L["Max Debug Messages"] = true
93 205 lokyst-32688
L["Maximum Height"] = true
94 lokyst-32688
L["Maximum height of the display window"] = true
95 217 lokyst-32688
L["Lock Minimap Icon"] = true
96 lokyst-32688
L["Lock the position of the minimap icon"] = true
97 189 lokyst-32688
98 18 lokyst-32688