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[/] [trunk/] [lib/] [oUF/] [elements/] [eclipsebar.lua] - Blame information for rev 2

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Line No. Rev Author Line
1 2 Blooblahguy-207965
--[[ Element: Eclipse Bar
2 Blooblahguy-207965
 Handle updating and visibility of the Druid eclipse state status bars.
3 Blooblahguy-207965
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 EclipseBar - A table to hold the sub-widgets.
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 LunarBar - A StatusBar used to represent the lunar power state.
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 SolarBar - A StatusBar used to represent the solar power state.
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 The default StatusBar texture will be applied if the UI widget doesn't have a
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 status bar texture or color defined.
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20 Blooblahguy-207965
   local EclipseBar = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, self)
21 Blooblahguy-207965
   EclipseBar:SetPoint('BOTTOM', self, 'TOP')
22 Blooblahguy-207965
   EclipseBar:SetSize(160, 20)
23 Blooblahguy-207965
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   -- Position and size
25 Blooblahguy-207965
   local LunarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)
26 Blooblahguy-207965
27 Blooblahguy-207965
   LunarBar:SetSize(160, 20)
28 Blooblahguy-207965
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   local SolarBar = CreateFrame('StatusBar', nil, EclipseBar)
30 Blooblahguy-207965
   SolarBar:SetPoint('LEFT', LunarBar:GetStatusBarTexture(), 'RIGHT')
31 Blooblahguy-207965
   SolarBar:SetSize(160, 20)
32 Blooblahguy-207965
33 Blooblahguy-207965
   -- Register with oUF
34 Blooblahguy-207965
   EclipseBar.LunarBar = LunarBar
35 Blooblahguy-207965
   EclipseBar.SolarBar = SolarBar
36 Blooblahguy-207965
   self.EclipseBar = EclipseBar
37 Blooblahguy-207965
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 Hooks and Callbacks
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 Override(self) - Used to completely override the internal update function.
41 Blooblahguy-207965
                  Removing the table key entry will make the element fall-back
42 Blooblahguy-207965
                  to its internal function again.
43 Blooblahguy-207965
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if(select(2, UnitClass('player')) ~= 'DRUID') then return end
46 Blooblahguy-207965
47 Blooblahguy-207965
local parent, ns = ...
48 Blooblahguy-207965
local oUF = ns.oUF
49 Blooblahguy-207965
50 Blooblahguy-207965
local ECLIPSE_BAR_SOLAR_BUFF = GetSpellInfo(171744)
51 Blooblahguy-207965
local ECLIPSE_BAR_LUNAR_BUFF = GetSpellInfo(171743)
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local UNIT_POWER = function(self, event, unit, powerType)
56 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(self.unit ~= unit or (event == 'UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT' and powerType ~= 'ECLIPSE')) then return end
57 Blooblahguy-207965
58 Blooblahguy-207965
        local eb = self.EclipseBar
59 Blooblahguy-207965
60 Blooblahguy-207965
        local power = UnitPower('player', SPELL_POWER_ECLIPSE)
61 Blooblahguy-207965
        local maxPower = UnitPowerMax('player', SPELL_POWER_ECLIPSE)
62 Blooblahguy-207965
63 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb.LunarBar) then
64 Blooblahguy-207965
                eb.LunarBar:SetMinMaxValues(-maxPower, maxPower)
65 Blooblahguy-207965
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68 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb.SolarBar) then
69 Blooblahguy-207965
                eb.SolarBar:SetMinMaxValues(-maxPower, maxPower)
70 Blooblahguy-207965
                eb.SolarBar:SetValue(power * -1)
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73 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb.PostUpdatePower) then
74 Blooblahguy-207965
                --[[ :PostUpdatePower(unit)
75 Blooblahguy-207965
76 Blooblahguy-207965
                 Callback which is called after lunar and solar bar was updated.
77 Blooblahguy-207965
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                 self - The widget that holds the eclipse frame.
81 Blooblahguy-207965
                 unit - The unit that has the widget.
82 Blooblahguy-207965
                 power - The unit's current power.
83 Blooblahguy-207965
                 maxPower - The unit's maximum power.
84 Blooblahguy-207965
85 Blooblahguy-207965
                return eb:PostUpdatePower(unit, power, maxPower)
86 Blooblahguy-207965
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89 Blooblahguy-207965
local UPDATE_VISIBILITY = function(self, event)
90 Blooblahguy-207965
        local eb = self.EclipseBar
91 Blooblahguy-207965
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        -- check form/mastery
93 Blooblahguy-207965
        local showBar
94 Blooblahguy-207965
        local form = GetShapeshiftFormID()
95 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(not form) then
96 Blooblahguy-207965
                local ptt = GetSpecialization()
97 Blooblahguy-207965
                if(ptt and ptt == 1) then -- player has balance spec
98 Blooblahguy-207965
                        showBar = true
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        elseif(form == MOONKIN_FORM) then
101 Blooblahguy-207965
                showBar = true
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104 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(UnitHasVehicleUI'player') then
105 Blooblahguy-207965
                showBar = false
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        if(showBar) then
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114 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb.PostUpdateVisibility) then
115 Blooblahguy-207965
                --[[ :PostUpdateVisibility(unit)
116 Blooblahguy-207965
117 Blooblahguy-207965
                 Callback which is called after the eclipse frame was shown or hidden.
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                 self - The widget that holds the eclipse frame.
122 Blooblahguy-207965
                 unit - The unit that has the widget.
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                return eb:PostUpdateVisibility(self.unit)
125 Blooblahguy-207965
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local UNIT_AURA = function(self, event, unit)
129 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(self.unit ~= unit) then return end
130 Blooblahguy-207965
        local eb = self.EclipseBar
131 Blooblahguy-207965
132 Blooblahguy-207965
        local hasSolarEclipse = not not UnitBuff(unit, ECLIPSE_BAR_SOLAR_BUFF)
133 Blooblahguy-207965
        local hasLunarEclipse = not not UnitBuff(unit, ECLIPSE_BAR_LUNAR_BUFF)
134 Blooblahguy-207965
135 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb.hasSolarEclipse == hasSolarEclipse and eb.hasLunarEclipse == hasLunarEclipse) then return end
136 Blooblahguy-207965
137 Blooblahguy-207965
        eb.hasSolarEclipse = hasSolarEclipse
138 Blooblahguy-207965
        eb.hasLunarEclipse = hasLunarEclipse
139 Blooblahguy-207965
140 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb.PostUnitAura) then
141 Blooblahguy-207965
                --[[ :PostUnitAura(unit)
142 Blooblahguy-207965
143 Blooblahguy-207965
                 Callback which is called after the eclipse state was checked.
144 Blooblahguy-207965
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                 self - The widget that holds the eclipse frame.
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                 unit - The unit that has the widget.
149 Blooblahguy-207965
150 Blooblahguy-207965
                return eb:PostUnitAura(unit)
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local ECLIPSE_DIRECTION_CHANGE = function(self, event, direction)
155 Blooblahguy-207965
        local eb = self.EclipseBar
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        eb.directionIsLunar = direction == "moon"
158 Blooblahguy-207965
        eb.direction = direction
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        if(eb.PostDirectionChange) then
161 Blooblahguy-207965
                --[[ :PostDirectionChange(unit)
162 Blooblahguy-207965
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                 Callback which is called after eclipse direction was changed.
164 Blooblahguy-207965
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                 self - The widget that holds the eclipse frame.
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                 unit - The unit that has the widget.
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                return eb:PostDirectionChange(self.unit)
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local Update = function(self, event, ...)
175 Blooblahguy-207965
        UNIT_POWER(self, event, ...)
176 Blooblahguy-207965
        UNIT_AURA(self, event, ...)
177 Blooblahguy-207965
        ECLIPSE_DIRECTION_CHANGE(self, event)
178 Blooblahguy-207965
        return UPDATE_VISIBILITY(self, event)
179 Blooblahguy-207965
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181 Blooblahguy-207965
local ForceUpdate = function(element)
182 Blooblahguy-207965
        return Update(element.__owner, 'ForceUpdate', element.__owner.unit, 'ECLIPSE')
183 Blooblahguy-207965
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local function Enable(self)
186 Blooblahguy-207965
        local eb = self.EclipseBar
187 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb) then
188 Blooblahguy-207965
                eb.__owner = self
189 Blooblahguy-207965
                eb.ForceUpdate = ForceUpdate
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                if(eb.LunarBar and eb.LunarBar:IsObjectType'StatusBar' and not eb.LunarBar:GetStatusBarTexture()) then
192 Blooblahguy-207965
193 Blooblahguy-207965
194 Blooblahguy-207965
                if(eb.SolarBar and eb.SolarBar:IsObjectType'StatusBar' and not eb.SolarBar:GetStatusBarTexture()) then
195 Blooblahguy-207965
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198 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:RegisterEvent('ECLIPSE_DIRECTION_CHANGE', ECLIPSE_DIRECTION_CHANGE, true)
199 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:RegisterEvent('PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE', UPDATE_VISIBILITY, true)
200 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', UNIT_AURA)
201 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:RegisterEvent('UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT', UNIT_POWER)
202 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:RegisterEvent('UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM', UPDATE_VISIBILITY, true)
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                return true
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local function Disable(self)
209 Blooblahguy-207965
        local eb = self.EclipseBar
210 Blooblahguy-207965
        if(eb) then
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213 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:UnregisterEvent('PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE', UPDATE_VISIBILITY)
214 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_AURA', UNIT_AURA)
215 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:UnregisterEvent('UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT', UNIT_POWER)
216 Blooblahguy-207965
                self:UnregisterEvent('UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORM', UPDATE_VISIBILITY)
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oUF:AddElement('EclipseBar', Update, Enable, Disable)