WoWInterface SVN ZoneTimer

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Rev 1 → Rev 2

trunk/ZoneTimer.toc New file
0,0 → 1,14
## Interface: 20400
## Version: 1.23
## Title: ZoneTimer
## Notes: Displays how long it takes to zone in seconds.
## Notes-zhCN:
## Notes-deDE:
## Notes-esES:
## Notes-frFR:
## Notes-enGB:
## Notes-koKR:
## Notes-ruRU:
## Notes-zhTW:
## Author: Ryan "Gryphon" Snook
\ No newline at end of file Property changes : Added: svn:keywords + Id Rev LastChangedBy Date Author
trunk/ZoneTimer.lua New file
0,0 → 1,75
-- ZoneTimer.lua
-- Author
Ryan "Gryphon" Snook (
"Allied Tribal Forces" of "US - Mal'Ganis - Alliance".
-- Request
Please do not re-release this AddOn as "Continued", "Resurrected", etc...
if you have updates/fixes/additions for it, please contact me. If I am
no longer active in WoW I will gladly pass on the maintenance to someone
else, however until then please assume I am still active in WoW.
-- AddOn Description
Displays how long it takes to zone in seconds.
-- Dependencies
-- Changes
1.23 - Updated TOC for 2.4
1.22 - Updated TOC for 2.1
1.21 - Updated TOC for 2.0
1.20 - Dropped .xml for CreateFrame()
1.13 - Updated TOC for 1.12
1.12 - Fixed syntax errors
1.11 - Updated TOC for 1.11
1.10 - Cleaning house, general maintenance and reorganization.
1.00 - Initial Release
-- SVN info
local ZT = {
Version = GetAddOnMetadata("ZoneTimer", "Version");
Revision = tonumber(strsub("$Rev$", 7, strlen("$Rev$") - 2));
Time = 0.01;
function ZoneTimer_OnEvent()
if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" ) then
local t = GetTime() - ZT.Time
local c = "00cc00"
if ( t > 10 ) then
c = "ff0000"
elseif ( t > 5 ) then
c = "ffff00"
if ( t > .01 ) then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("|cffffd100ZoneTimer:|r |cff"..c.."%.3f Seconds|r", t))
elseif ( event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" ) then
ZT.Time = GetTime()
--Event Driver
if (not ZoneTimerFrame) then
CreateFrame("Frame", "ZoneTimerFrame")
--Frame Scripts
ZoneTimerFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", ZoneTimer_OnEvent)
\ No newline at end of file Property changes : Added: svn:keywords + Id Rev LastChangedBy Date Author