WoWInterface SVN InFlight

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 109 to Rev 110
    Reverse comparison

Rev 109 → Rev 110

tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/koKR.lua New file
0,0 → 1,26
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "koKR")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "호박석 절벽 - 북풍의 땅"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "은빛십자군 마상시합 광장"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "검은바람 비행기지"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "시간의 동굴"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "던홀드 요새"
L["Expedition Point"] = "원정대 거점"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "탐험가 연맹 전초기지"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "지옥불 반도"
L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"] = "(.+)|1으로;로; 보내 주십시오"
L["Honor Point"] = "명예 거점"
L["Nighthaven"] = "나이트헤이븐"
L["NighthavenGossip"] = "(.+)|1으로;로; 가고 싶습니다"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "옛 언덕마루 구릉지"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "루테란 마을"
L["Shatter Point"] = "징검다리 거점"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "무너진 태양 집결지"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "하늘경비대 전초기지"
L["Stormwind City"] = "스톰윈드"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "태양너울 항구"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "신로렌호"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "썬더 블러프"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "변위의 보호막 (시닉 루트)"
L["Valgarde"] = "발가드"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/ptBR.lua New file
0,0 → 1,26
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "ptBR")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "Promontório Âmbar"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Campos do Torneio Argênteo"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "Campo de Pouso Ventonegro"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "Cavernas do Tempo"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "Forte do Desterro"
L["Expedition Point"] = "Posto da Expedição"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Posto Avançado da Liga dos Exploradores"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Península Fogo do Inferno"
L["Honor Point"] = "Ponto da Honra"
L["Nighthaven"] = "Refúgio Noturno"
L["Nozdormu's Lair"] = "Covil de Nozdormu"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Antigo Contraforte de Eira dos Montes"
L["Return"] = "Volta"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "Vila de Rut'theran"
L["Shatter Point"] = "Posto Despedaçado"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Bivaque Sol Partido"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Posto Avançado da Guarda Aérea"
L["Stormwind City"] = "Ventobravo"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "Porto de Beirassol"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "O Sin'lonren"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "Penhasco do Trovão"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "Escudo de Transitus (Rota Cênica)"
L["Valgarde"] = true
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/itIT.lua New file
0,0 → 1,26
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "itIT")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "Scogliera d'Ambra"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Campi del Torneo d'Argento"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "Aerodromo di Ventotetro"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "Caverne del Tempo"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "Forte Durnholde"
L["Expedition Point"] = "Presidio della Spedizione"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Avamposto della Lega degli Esploratori"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Penisola del Fuoco Infernale"
L["Honor Point"] = "Rocca dell'Onore"
L["Nighthaven"] = "Nottequieta"
L["Nozdormu's Lair"] = "La tana di Nozdormu"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Passato di Colletorto"
L["Return"] = "Tornare"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "Rut'theran"
L["Shatter Point"] = "Presidio di Torre Infranta"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Base Operativa del Sole Infranto"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Avamposto dei Guardacieli"
L["Stormwind City"] = "Roccavento"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "Porto di Approdo del Sole"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "Sin'loren"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "Picco del Tuono"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "Cupola di Transito (Itinerario Panoramico)"
L["Valgarde"] = "Valguardia"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/enUS.lua New file
0,0 → 1,37
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "enUS", true)
if not L then return end
L["Blackwind Landing"] = true -- location - Blackwind Landing, Terokkar Forest
L["Return"] = true -- location - Flight path that returns to it's starting location
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = true -- location - Skyguard Outpost, Blade's Edge Mountains
L["AmberLedgeGossip"] = "I'd like passage to the Transitus Shield" -- gossip - Amber Ledge to Transitus Shield scenic flight path
L[ "Amber Ledge"] = true -- location - Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
L[ "Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = true -- location - Transitus Shield, Borean Tundra (aka)
L["ArgentTournamentGossip"] = "Mount the Hippogryph and prepare for battle" -- gossip - 'Get Kraken!' daily quest
L[ "Argent Tournament Grounds"] = true -- location - Argent Tournament Grounds, Icecrown
L["CavernsOfTimeGossip"] = "Please take me to the master's lair" -- gossip - Caverns of Time entrance to the master's lair flight path
L[ "Caverns of Time"] = true -- location - Caverns of Time, Tanaris
L[ "Nozdormu's Lair"] = true -- location - The master's lair in the Caverns of Time, Tanaris
L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"] = "Send me to (.+)!" -- gossip - Hellfire Peninsular flight paths (Alliance)
L[ "Expedition Point"] = true -- location - Expedition Point, Hellfire Peninsula
L[ "Hellfire Peninsula"] = true -- location - Honor Point, Hellfire Peninsula (aka)
L[ "Honor Point"] = true -- location - Honor Point, Hellfire Peninsula
L[ "Shatter Point"] = true -- location - Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsular
L["NighthavenGossip"] = "I'd like to fly to (.+)%." -- gossip - Moonglade to Teldrassil/Mulgore flight path
L[ "Nighthaven"] = true -- location - Nighthaven, Moonglade
L[ "Rut'theran Village"] = true -- location - Rut'theran Village, Teldrassil
L[ "Thunder Bluff"] = true -- location - Thunder Bluff, Mulgore
L["OldHillsbradGossip"] = "I'm ready to go to Durnholde Keep" -- gossip - Old Hillsbrad Foothills to Durnholde Keep flight path
L[ "Durnholde Keep"] = true -- location - Durnholde Keep, The Escape from DurnHolde, Caverns of Time, Tanaris
L[ "Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = true -- location - Old Hillsbrad Foothills, The Escape from DurnHolde, Caverns of Time, Tanaris
L["SSSAGossip"] = "Speaking of action, I've been ordered to undertake an air strike" -- gossip - 'The Air Strikes Must Continue' daily quest
L["SSSAGossip2"] = "I need to intercept the Dawnblade reinforcements" -- gossip - 'Keeping the Enemy at Bay' daily quest
L[ "Sun's Reach Harbor"] = true -- location - Shattered Sun Staging Area, Isle of Quel'Danas (aka)
L[ "Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = true -- location - Shattered Sun Staging Area, Isle of Quel'Danas
L["StormwindCityGossip"] = "I'd like to take a flight around Stormwind Harbor" -- gossip - Tour around Stormwind Harbor
L[ "Stormwind City"] = true -- location - Stormwind Harbor, Stormwind City (aka)
L["TheSin'lorenGossip"] = "Ride the dragonhawk to Sun's Reach" -- gossip - 'The Air Strikes Must Continue' daily quest
L[ "The Sin'loren"] = true -- location - The Sin'loren, Isle of Quel'Danas
L["ValgardeGossip"] = "Take me to the Explorers' League Outpost" -- gossip - Valgarde to Explorers' League Outpost flight path
L[ "Valgarde"] = true -- location - Valgarde, Howling Fjord
L[ "Explorers' League Outpost"] = true -- location - Explorers' League Outpost, Howling Fjord
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/esMX.lua New file
0,0 → 1,26
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "esMX")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "El Saliente Ámbar"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Campos del Torneo Argenta"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "Alto de los Vientonegro"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "Cavernas del Tiempo"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "Castillo de Durnholde"
L["Expedition Point"] = "Punta de Expedición"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Avanzada de la Liga de Expedicionarios"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Península del Fuego Infernal"
L["Honor Point"] = "Alto del Honor"
L["Nighthaven"] = "Amparo de la Noche"
L["Nozdormu's Lair"] = "Guarida de Nozdormu"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Antiguas Laderas de Trabalomas"
L["Return"] = "Regresar"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "Aldea Rut'theran"
L["Shatter Point"] = "Puesto Devastación"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Zona de Escala de Sol Devastado"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Avanzada de la Guardia del Cielo"
L["Stormwind City"] = "Ciudad de Ventormenta"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "Puerto de Tramo del Sol"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "El Sin'loren"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "Cima del Trueno"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "Escudo de Tránsito (Ruta Pintoresca)"
L["Valgarde"] = true
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/zhTW.lua New file
0,0 → 1,26
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "琥珀岩臺"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "銀白聯賽場地"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "黑風平臺"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "時光之穴"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "敦霍爾德城堡"
L["Expedition Point"] = "遠征隊哨塔"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "探險者協會前哨"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地獄火半島"
L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"] = "送我去(.+)!"
L["Honor Point"] = "榮譽崗哨"
L["Nighthaven"] = "永夜港"
L["NighthavenGossip"] = "我想飛往(.+)。"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "魯瑟蘭村"
L["Shatter Point"] = "破碎崗哨"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "破碎之日會所"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "禦天者前哨"
L["Stormwind City"] = "暴風城"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "日境港"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "辛洛倫"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "隘境之盾(觀光路線)"
L["Valgarde"] = "瓦爾加德"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/ruRU.lua New file
0,0 → 1,27
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "ruRU")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "Янтарная гряда"
L["AmberLedgeGossip"] = "Мне хотелось бы"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Ристалище Серебряного турнира"
L["ArgentTournamentGossip"] = "Забраться на гиппогрифа"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "Лагерь Черного Ветра"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "Пещеры Времени"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "Крепость Дарнхольд"
L["Expedition Point"] = "Лагерь экспедиции"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Лагерь Лиги Исследователей"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Полуостров Адского Пламени"
L["Honor Point"] = "Пик Чести"
L["Nighthaven"] = "Ночная Гавань"
L["Nozdormu's Lair"] = "Логово Ноздорму"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Старые предгорья Хилсбрада"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "Деревня Рут'теран"
L["Shatter Point"] = "Парящая застава"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Подготовительный плацдарм Расколотого Солнца"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Застава Стражи Небес"
L["Stormwind City"] = "Штормград"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "Гавань Солнечного Края"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "Син'лорен"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "Громовой Утес"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "Маскировочный щит (Живописный маршрут)"
L["Valgarde"] = "Валгард"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/esES.lua New file
0,0 → 1,30
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "esES")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "El Saliente Ámbar"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Campos del Torneo Argenta"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "Alto de los Vientonegro"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "Cavernas del Tiempo"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "Castillo de Durnholde"
L["Expedition Point"] = "Punta de Expedición"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Avanzada de la Liga de Expedicionarios"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Península del Fuego Infernal"
L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"] = "Envíame a (.+)!"
L["Honor Point"] = "Alto del Honor"
L["Nighthaven"] = "Amparo de la Noche"
L["NighthavenGossip"] = "Me gustaría volar a (.+)%."
L["Nozdormu's Lair"] = "Guarida de Nozdormu"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Antiguas Laderas de Trabalomas"
L["Return"] = "Regresar"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "Aldea Rut'theran"
L["Shatter Point"] = "Puesto Devastación"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Zona de Escala de Sol Devastado"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Avanzada de la Guardia del Cielo"
L["SSSAGossip"] = "Hablando de acción"
L["SSSAGossip2"] = "Necesito interceptar"
L["Stormwind City"] = "Ciudad de Ventormenta"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "Puerto de Tramo del Sol"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "El Sin'loren"
L["TheSin'lorenGossip"] = "Monte el HalcónDragón"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "Escudo de Tránsito (Ruta Pintoresca)"
L["Valgarde"] = true
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/frFR.lua New file
0,0 → 1,26
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "frFR")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "Escarpement d'Ambre"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Enceinte du tournoi d'Argent"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "Le Raie’odrome de Noirvent"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "Grottes du Temps"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "Donjon de Fort-de-Durn"
L["Expedition Point"] = "Halte de l’Expédition"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de la Ligue des explorateurs"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Péninsule des Flammes infernales"
L["Honor Point"] = "Halte de l'Honneur"
L["Nighthaven"] = "Havrenuit"
L["Nozdormu's Lair"] = "Le tanière de Nozdormu"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Contreforts de Hautebrande d’antan"
L["Return"] = "Revenir"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "Rut'theran"
L["Shatter Point"] = "Halte du Fracas"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Zone de rassemblement du Soleil brisé"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de la Garde-ciel"
L["Stormwind City"] = "Hurlevent"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "Port des Confins du soleil"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "Le Sin’loren"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "Les Pitons-du-Tonnerre"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "Bouclier Transitus (Route Panoramique)"
L["Valgarde"] = true
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/deDE.lua New file
0,0 → 1,37
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "deDE")
if not L then return end
L["Amber Ledge"] = "Bernsteinflöz"
L["AmberLedgeGossip"] = "Ich möchte Durchgang zum Transitusschild"
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Argentumturnierplatz"
L["ArgentTournamentGossip"] = "Schwingt Euch auf den Hippogryphen und macht Euch bereit zum Kampf"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "Schattenwindlager"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "Höhlen der Zeit"
L["CavernsOfTimeGossip"] = "Bringt mich bitte zum Hort des Meisters"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "Burg Durnholde"
L["Expedition Point"] = "Expeditionsposten"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Außenposten der Forscherliga"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Höllenfeuerhalbinsel"
L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"] = "Schickt mich zum (.+)[%.!]"
L["Honor Point"] = "Ehrenposten"
L["Nighthaven"] = "Nachthafen"
L["NighthavenGossip"] = "Ich würde gerne nach (.+) fliegen"
L["Nozdormu's Lair"] = "Nozdormus Versteck"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Vorgebirge des Alten Hügellands"
L["OldHillsbradGossip"] = "Ich bin bereit, nach Burg Durnholde zu gehen"
L["Return"] = "Zurück zum Startpunkt"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "Rut'theran"
L["Shatter Point"] = "Trümmerposten"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Sammelpunkt der Zerschmetterten Sonne"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Außenposten der Himmelswache"
L["SSSAGossip"] = "Wo wir gerade von Kämpfen sprechen, ich habe die Order, einen Luftangriff zu starten"
L["SSSAGossip2"] = "Ich muss die Verstärkung der Dämmerklingen abfangen"
L["Stormwind City"] = "Sturmwind"
L["StormwindCityGossip"] = "Ich möchte durch den Hafen von Sturmwind fliegen"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "Hafen der Sonnenweiten"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "Die Sin'loren"
L["TheSin'lorenGossip"] = "Fliegt auf dem Drachenfalken in die Sonnenweiten"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "Donnerfels"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "Transitusschild (Freiflug)"
L["Valgarde"] = true
L["ValgardeGossip"] = "Bringt mich zum Außenposten der Forscherliga"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/locales.xml New file
0,0 → 1,14
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="enUS.lua"/>
<Script file="deDE.lua"/>
<Script file="esES.lua"/>
<Script file="esMX.lua"/>
<Script file="frFR.lua"/>
<Script file="itIT.lua"/>
<Script file="koKR.lua"/>
<Script file="ptBR.lua"/>
<Script file="ruRU.lua"/>
<Script file="zhTW.lua"/>
<Script file="zhCN.lua"/>
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/locales/zhCN.lua New file
0,0 → 1,28
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "zhCN")
if not L then return end
L["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "银色比武场"
L["Blackwind Landing"] = "黑风码头"
L["Caverns of Time"] = "时光之穴"
L["Durnholde Keep"] = "敦霍尔德城堡"
L["Expedition Point"] = "远征军岗哨"
L["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "探险者协会哨站"
L["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地狱火半岛"
L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"] = "送我到(.+)去!"
L["Honor Point"] = "荣耀岗哨"
L["Nighthaven"] = "永夜港"
L["NighthavenGossip"] = "我想飞往(.+)。"
L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "旧希尔斯布莱德丘陵"
L["Rut'theran Village"] = "鲁瑟兰村"
L["Shatter Point"] = "破碎岗哨"
L["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "破碎残阳基地"
L["Skyguard Outpost"] = "天空卫队哨站"
L["SSSAGossip"] = "说到行动"
L["SSSAGossip2"] = "我必须阻止"
L["Stormwind City"] = "暴风城"
L["Sun's Reach Harbor"] = "阳湾港口"
L["The Sin'loren"] = "辛洛雷号"
L["TheSin'lorenGossip"] = "骑上龙鹰"
L["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖"
L["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = "永生之盾(观光路线)"
L["Valgarde"] = "瓦加德"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/InFlight_Load.lua New file
0,0 → 1,135
local InFlight = CreateFrame("Frame", "InFlight") -- no parent is intentional
local self = InFlight
InFlight:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...) this[event](this, ...) end)
local function LoadInFlight()
if not InFlight.ShowOptions then
return (InFlight.ShowOptions and true) or nil
function InFlight:ADDON_LOADED(addonName)
if addonName == "InFlight_Load" then
if self.SetupInFlight then
elseif addonName == "InFlight" then
function InFlight:TAXIMAP_OPENED(...)
if LoadInFlight() then
local uiMapSystem = ...;
local isTaxiMap = uiMapSystem == Enum.UIMapSystem.Taxi
-- maybe this stuff gets garbage collected if InFlight isn't loadable
if GetAddOnEnableState(UnitName("player"), "InFlight") == 2 then
local ipairs, pairs, strfind, strmatch = ipairs, pairs, strfind, strmatch
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("InFlight", true)
InFlight.L = L
local t
t = {
[L["Blackwind Landing"]] = {{ find = L["Skyguard Outpost"], s = "Blackwind Landing", d = "Skyguard Outpost" }},
[L["Skyguard Outpost"]] = {{ find = L["Blackwind Landing"], s = "Skyguard Outpost", d = "Blackwind Landing" }},
[L["Amber Ledge"]] = {{ find = L["AmberLedgeGossip"], s = "Amber Ledge", d = "Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)" }},
[L["Argent Tournament Grounds"]] = {{ find = L["ArgentTournamentGossip"], s = "Argent Tournament Grounds", d = "Return" }},
[L["Caverns of Time"]] = {{ find = L["CavernsOfTimeGossip"], s = "Caverns of Time", d = "Nozdormu's Lair" }},
[L["Expedition Point"]] = {{ find = L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"], s = "Expedition Point", d = "Shatter Point" }},
[L["Hellfire Peninsula"]] = {{ find = L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"], s = "Honor Point", d = "Shatter Point" }},
[L["Shatter Point"]] = {{ find = L["HellfirePeninsulaGossip"], s = "Shatter Point", d = "Honor Point" }},
[L["Nighthaven"]] = {{ match = L["NighthavenGossip"], s = "Nighthaven" }},
[L["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"]] = {{ find = L["OldHillsbradGossip"], s = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills", d = "Durnholde Keep" }},
[L["Sun's Reach Harbor"]] = {{ find = L["SSSAGossip"], s = "Shattered Sun Staging Area", d = "Return" },
{ find = L["SSSAGossip2"], s = "Shattered Sun Staging Area", d = "The Sin'loren" }},
[L["Stormwind City"]] = {{ find = L["StormwindCityGossip"], s = "Stormwind City", d = "Return" }},
[L["The Sin'loren"]] = {{ find = L["TheSin'lorenGossip"], s = "The Sin'loren", d = "Shattered Sun Staging Area" }},
[L["Valgarde"]] = {{ find = L["ValgardeGossip"], s = "Valgarde", d = "Explorers' League Outpost" }},
-- support for flightpaths that are started by gossip options
hooksecurefunc("GossipTitleButton_OnClick", function(this, button)
if this.type ~= "Gossip" then
local subzone = GetMinimapZoneText()
local tsz = t[subzone]
if not tsz then
local text = this:GetText()
if not text or text == "" then
local source, destination
for i, sz in ipairs(tsz) do
if sz.find then
if strfind(text, sz.find) then
source = sz.s or subzone
destination = sz.d or subzone
elseif sz.match then -- destination is in the text
local dest = strmatch(text, sz.match)
if dest then
for k, v in pairs(L) do
if v == dest then
source = sz.s or subzone
destination = k
if source and destination and LoadInFlight() then
self:StartMiscFlight(source, destination)
function InFlight:SetupInFlight()
SlashCmdList.INFLIGHT = function()
if LoadInFlight() then
SLASH_INFLIGHT1 = "/inflight"
local panel = CreateFrame("Frame") = "InFlight"
panel:SetScript("OnShow", function(this)
if LoadInFlight() and InFlight.SetLayout then
InFlight.SetupInFlight = nil
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/InFlight_Load.toc New file
0,0 → 1,27
## Interface: 80200
## Title: InFlight_Load
## Notes: Loader for InFlight
## Notes-deDE: Loader für InFlight
## Notes-esES: Cargadora para InFlight
## Notes-esMX: Cargadora para InFlight
## Notes-frFR: Loader pour InFlight
## Notes-itIT: Caricatore per InFlight
## Notes-koKR: InFlight 용 로더
## Notes-ptBR: Loader para InFlight
## Notes-ruRU: Загрузчик для InFlight
## Notes-zhCN: InFlight 的載入器
## Notes-zhTW: InFlight 的裝載機
## Author: TotalPackage
## Version: 8.2.003
## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
## OptionalDeps: Ace3
## LoadManagers: AddonLoader
## X-LoadOn-Always: delayed
tags/8.2.003/InFlight_Load/embeds.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Script file="..\InFlight\libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
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\ No newline at end of file Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/Defaults.lua New file
0,0 → 1,14836
InFlight.defaults = {
profile = {
p = "BOTTOM",
rp = "TOP",
x = 0,
y = -170,
fill = true,
spark = true,
texture = "Blizzard",
width = 230,
height = 14,
border = "Blizzard Dialog",
barcolor = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.8, a = 1.0, },
unknowncolor = { r = 0.2, g = 0.2, b = 0.4, a = 1.0, },
backcolor = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.6, },
bordercolor = { r = 0.6, g = 0.6, b = 0.6, a = 0.8, },
inline = false,
totext = "-->",
font = "Friz Quadrata TT",
fontsize = 12,
fontcolor = { r = 1.0, g = 1.0, b = 1.0, a = 1.0, },
outline = false,
outlinetime = false,
chatlog = true,
confirmflight = false,
perchar = false,
global = {
["Horde"] = {
[1513] = {
[1408] = 203,
[1442] = 148,
[1529] = 104,
[1432] = 147,
["name"] = "Apexis Excavation",
[1515] = 25,
[1440] = 97,
[1504] = 101,
[1508] = 27,
[1487] = 27,
[630] = {
[672] = 121,
[85] = 49,
[86] = 20,
[654] = 274,
[10] = 273,
[87] = 29,
["name"] = "Light's Shield Tower",
[649] = 132,
[84] = 61,
[68] = 39,
[1514] = {
[1512] = 21,
[1621] = 87,
[1580] = 108,
[1509] = 138,
[1408] = 125,
[1442] = 27,
[1510] = 160,
[1559] = 46,
[1443] = 46,
[1432] = 83,
["name"] = "Evermorn Springs",
[1515] = {
[1512] = 118,
[1569] = 46,
[1513] = 42,
[1442] = 137,
[1510] = 43,
[1529] = 89,
[1443] = 82,
["name"] = "Crow's Crook",
[1389] = 201,
[1408] = 188,
[1509] = 26,
[1508] = 20,
[1487] = 34,
[631] = {
[87] = 267,
["name"] = "Falconwing Square",
[625] = 48,
[83] = 67,
[82] = 18,
[2027] = {
[1966] = 43,
[2045] = 24,
[1959] = 24,
[2046] = 17,
[1974] = 67,
[2009] = 58,
[1953] = 52,
[2061] = 29,
[1957] = 39,
[1965] = 58,
[1954] = 81,
["name"] = "Temple of the Prophet",
[2076] = 71,
[632] = {
[635] = 25,
[17] = 289,
["name"] = "Bloodwatcher Point",
[70] = 110,
[21] = 39,
[675] = 153,
[18] = 338,
[1774] = {
[1758] = 98,
[1766] = 120,
[1837] = 72,
[1778] = 137,
[1719] = 147,
[1857] = 122,
[1861] = 95,
[1739] = 106,
[1755] = 161,
[1633] = 55,
[1767] = 147,
[1858] = 63,
["name"] = "Dalaran",
[1870] = 64,
[1622] = 79,
[1941] = 56,
[1756] = 201,
[1764] = 123,
[1713] = 125,
[1855] = 173,
[1859] = 52,
[1863] = 92,
[1615] = 91,
[1942] = 63,
[1761] = 167,
[1885] = 118,
[1880] = 78,
[1777] = 126,
[1613] = 75,
[1741] = 122,
[1753] = 158,
[1856] = 43,
[1860] = 68,
[1738] = 96,
[1742] = 122,
[1759] = 113,
[1673] = 99,
[1754] = 163,
[1879] = 77,
[1520] = {
[1512] = 54,
[1441] = 74,
[1389] = 83,
[1408] = 138,
[1442] = 31,
[1514] = 59,
[1432] = 82,
["name"] = "Breaker's Crown",
[1388] = 122,
[1568] = 28,
[1539] = 34,
[1508] = 159,
[1487] = 167,
[1017] = {
[1019] = 35,
[1294] = 256,
[989] = 171,
[990] = 171,
[1022] = 61,
[1052] = 71,
[992] = 165,
[1024] = 140,
[1056] = 247,
[1058] = 83,
[1029] = 39,
[984] = 174,
[969] = 139,
[985] = 88,
["name"] = "Binan Village",
[986] = 86,
[1018] = 66,
[1053] = 134,
[1023] = 95,
[10] = {
[85] = 307,
[617] = 199,
[205] = 392,
[649] = 177,
[17] = 213,
[651] = 191,
[667] = 98,
[668] = 62,
[76] = 255,
[669] = 115,
[654] = 26,
[82] = 482,
[84] = 298,
[86] = 300,
[383] = 202,
[681] = 51,
[68] = 380,
[13] = 95,
[384] = 164,
[70] = 539,
["name"] = "The Sepulcher",
[645] = 53,
[630] = 281,
[646] = 55,
[631] = 515,
[87] = 246,
[191] = {
[340] = 412,
[294] = 330,
[248] = 130,
[310] = 294,
[256] = 368,
[295] = 40,
[257] = 548,
[304] = 204,
[289] = 553,
[250] = 165,
[254] = 247,
[258] = 479,
[249] = 104,
["name"] = "Vengeance Landing",
[252] = 299,
[307] = 197,
[337] = 263,
[190] = 80,
[192] = 71,
[1778] = {
[1758] = 70,
[1759] = 37,
[1761] = 55,
[1856] = 128,
[1857] = 48,
[1858] = 89,
[1673] = 122,
[1767] = 45,
[1766] = 105,
[1738] = 45,
[1863] = 89,
[1764] = 88,
[1741] = 24,
[1742] = 67,
[1756] = 93,
[1837] = 164,
[1755] = 75,
[1777] = 53,
[1622] = 151,
[1753] = 30,
[1941] = 155,
[1719] = 28,
[1739] = 68,
[1713] = 124,
["name"] = "Stonehoof Watch",
[1754] = 57,
[1879] = 71,
[1942] = 143,
[1615] = 139,
[1859] = 118,
[1018] = {
[985] = 69,
[1017] = 74,
[1019] = 52,
[1021] = 40,
[1056] = 204,
[1053] = 16,
[1222] = 90,
["name"] = "Temple of the White Tiger",
[1022] = 31,
[1294] = 107,
[1058] = 111,
[1029] = 141,
["Amber Ledge"] = {
["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = 62,
[1524] = {
[1572] = 172,
[1520] = 52,
[1644] = 109,
[1408] = 155,
[1442] = 72,
[1514] = 91,
["name"] = "Iron Docks",
[1646] = 125,
[1432] = 135,
[1384] = 209,
[1388] = 113,
[1539] = 28,
[1019] = {
[985] = 117,
[1070] = 119,
[1056] = 156,
[1195] = 173,
["name"] = "Eastwind Rest",
[986] = 114,
[1222] = 138,
[1017] = 31,
[1022] = 48,
[1024] = 50,
[1058] = 61,
[1053] = 126,
[40] = {
[58] = 508,
[30] = 168,
[61] = 428,
[683] = 448,
[38] = 399,
[652] = 169,
[513] = 50,
[179] = 121,
[22] = 304,
[80] = 240,
[42] = 195,
[531] = 97,
[77] = 241,
[23] = 333,
[369] = 374,
["name"] = "Gadgetzan",
[391] = 208,
[25] = 300,
[674] = 261,
[69] = 681,
[539] = 56,
[53] = 563,
[360] = 472,
[55] = 194,
[79] = 100,
[29] = 421,
[386] = 102,
[56] = {
[205] = 815,
[17] = 493,
[635] = 284,
[68] = 721,
[667] = 598,
[76] = 565,
[669] = 574,
[21] = 181,
[593] = 226,
[18] = 226,
[20] = 169,
[676] = 159,
[13] = 608,
[384] = 639,
[675] = 219,
["name"] = "Stonard",
[1537] = 57,
[599] = 45,
[75] = 208,
[70] = 176,
[592] = 209,
[80] = {
[58] = 282,
[166] = 268,
[402] = 226,
[513] = 221,
[179] = 162,
[40] = 242,
[61] = 190,
[42] = 242,
[22] = 175,
[390] = 117,
[23] = 101,
[539] = 298,
[362] = 254,
[354] = 131,
[25] = 68,
[536] = 195,
["name"] = "Ratchet",
[537] = 159,
[53] = 325,
[77] = 137,
[55] = 101,
[79] = 342,
[29] = 218,
[38] = 333,
[383] = {
[668] = 169,
[13] = 100,
[672] = 82,
[85] = 106,
[384] = 77,
["name"] = "Thondroril River",
[82] = 285,
[86] = 98,
[654] = 207,
[10] = 206,
[68] = 100,
[87] = 45,
[617] = 85,
[649] = 65,
[651] = 39,
[667] = 128,
[1021] = {
[985] = 198,
[1017] = 111,
[1056] = 297,
["name"] = "Zouchin Village",
[1073] = 199,
[1053] = 172,
[1222] = 51,
[973] = 167,
[1022] = 62,
[1018] = 54,
[1058] = 142,
[1025] = 139,
[160] = {
[139] = 125,
[120] = 262,
[122] = 78,
[151] = 152,
[126] = 29,
[128] = 238,
[99] = 287,
[140] = 452,
[141] = 353,
[123] = 371,
[127] = 306,
[130] = 358,
[102] = 215,
["name"] = "Evergrove",
[150] = 143,
[118] = 184,
[159] = 435,
[163] = 91,
[192] = {
[340] = 369,
[294] = 60,
[248] = 56,
[310] = 256,
[256] = 295,
[295] = 110,
[334] = 278,
[304] = 157,
[191] = 74,
[320] = 229,
[250] = 93,
[254] = 174,
[249] = 58,
["name"] = "Camp Winterhoof",
[335] = 283,
[323] = 305,
[337] = 216,
[307] = 149,
[190] = 80,
[894] = {
[985] = 92,
[1017] = 131,
[993] = 216,
[984] = 41,
[971] = 72,
["name"] = "Grookin Hill",
[895] = 63,
[1080] = 60,
[973] = 61,
[1058] = 134,
[1025] = 226,
[1022] = {
[985] = 220,
[1017] = 67,
[1019] = 58,
[1021] = 58,
[1023] = 51,
[1056] = 174,
["name"] = "One Keg",
[1053] = 141,
[1222] = 108,
[1025] = 99,
[1018] = 30,
[1024] = 81,
[1058] = 148,
[1029] = 132,
[320] = {
[324] = 90,
[332] = 222,
[340] = 173,
[294] = 186,
[248] = 218,
[310] = 71,
[326] = 127,
[334] = 94,
[257] = 325,
[296] = 318,
[304] = 90,
[289] = 370,
[305] = 43,
[258] = 295,
[252] = 135,
[250] = 162,
[337] = 37,
[192] = 242,
[322] = 100,
[335] = 100,
["name"] = "K3",
[307] = 148,
[323] = 76,
[254] = 142,
[308] = 272,
[333] = 224,
[384] = {
[670] = 45,
[85] = 177,
[646] = 182,
[13] = 73,
[651] = 49,
[10] = 127,
[17] = 191,
[83] = 287,
["name"] = "The Bulwark",
[645] = 93,
[68] = 164,
[649] = 34,
[681] = 115,
[383] = 72,
[895] = {
[968] = 35,
[970] = 39,
[894] = 71,
[1029] = 103,
[971] = 40,
[1023] = 236,
[973] = 88,
[967] = 28,
[984] = 75,
[986] = 111,
["name"] = "Dawn's Blossom",
[990] = 205,
[1080] = 37,
[1294] = 144,
[1058] = 209,
[985] = 127,
[1023] = {
[985] = 222,
[1017] = 86,
[1019] = 73,
[1056] = 123,
["name"] = "Kota Basecamp",
[1055] = 116,
[1022] = 42,
[1024] = 24,
[1058] = 188,
[1025] = 28,
[2045] = {
[2119] = 137,
[2061] = 38,
[2009] = 89,
[2075] = 113,
[1954] = 63,
[1955] = 79,
[2143] = 92,
[1957] = 74,
[2118] = 74,
[2120] = 114,
[2126] = 64,
[1975] = 76,
[2027] = 35,
[1966] = 58,
[2165] = 100,
[1974] = 99,
[2076] = 87,
["name"] = "Garden of the Loa",
[2111] = 115,
[1965] = 44,
[1959] = 40,
[2117] = 85,
[1953] = 34,
[2046] = {
[2045] = 28,
["name"] = "Atal'Dazar",
[1959] = 31,
[1974] = 91,
[2027] = 41,
[1957] = 66,
[1025] = {
[985] = 254,
[1017] = 112,
[1019] = 84,
[1021] = 155,
[1023] = 27,
[1056] = 96,
[1053] = 42,
["name"] = "Winter's Blossom",
[1022] = 68,
[1073] = 101,
[1058] = 136,
[1537] = {
[593] = 135,
[70] = 209,
[676] = 217,
[56] = 58,
[635] = 344,
[75] = 267,
[18] = 243,
["name"] = "Shattered Landing",
[675] = 251,
[21] = 286,
[20] = 173,
[258] = {
[309] = 121,
[294] = 148,
[310] = 208,
[256] = 91,
[334] = 231,
[257] = 85,
[296] = 30,
[335] = 231,
[191] = 391,
[289] = 75,
[259] = 73,
[306] = 283,
[254] = 177,
[252] = 139,
["name"] = "Taunka'le Village",
[337] = 255,
[307] = 346,
[320] = 254,
[308] = 128,
[226] = 111,
[322] = {
[320] = 87,
[307] = 88,
[323] = 128,
[324] = 33,
[310] = 180,
[326] = 84,
["name"] = "Dun Niffelem",
[333] = 246,
[190] = 298,
[1029] = {
[895] = 95,
[1294] = 219,
[989] = 82,
[1022] = 122,
[1052] = 20,
[1053] = 217,
[1055] = 206,
[1056] = 228,
[1058] = 87,
[1090] = 324,
[973] = 95,
["name"] = "Tavern in the Mists",
[894] = 56,
[1070] = 162,
[986] = 57,
[967] = 103,
[970] = 144,
[968] = 110,
[984] = 22,
[969] = 135,
[985] = 40,
[1195] = 151,
[1017] = 39,
[987] = 83,
[1018] = 103,
[1019] = 89,
[1024] = 120,
[259] = {
[309] = 49,
[294] = 225,
[310] = 251,
[256] = 168,
[334] = 273,
[257] = 72,
[296] = 107,
[289] = 57,
[305] = 320,
[250] = 311,
[258] = 77,
["name"] = "Bor'gorok Outpost",
[226] = 92,
[320] = 296,
[252] = 216,
[308] = 56,
[325] = 139,
[645] = {
[649] = 128,
["name"] = "Forsaken High Command",
[10] = 38,
[681] = 27,
[668] = 101,
[654] = 64,
[383] = 166,
[2062] = {
[2274] = 83,
[2275] = 57,
[2089] = 80,
[2127] = 133,
[2090] = 30,
[2091] = 56,
["name"] = "Wolf's Den",
[2279] = 72,
[2077] = 114,
[2093] = 70,
[2273] = 57,
[2109] = 113,
[130] = {
[139] = 364,
[120] = 253,
[122] = 316,
[151] = 190,
[126] = 295,
[128] = 182,
[99] = 59,
[160] = 321,
[141] = 125,
[123] = 252,
[127] = 188,
[102] = 122,
["name"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
[150] = 381,
[159] = 316,
[118] = 271,
[163] = 261,
[646] = {
[667] = 112,
[654] = 38,
["name"] = "Forsaken Forward Command",
[226] = {
[309] = 83,
[294] = 176,
[252] = 153,
[256] = 137,
[295] = 295,
[257] = 57,
[296] = 96,
[304] = 281,
[191] = 338,
[289] = 30,
[259] = 52,
[258] = 77,
[306] = 265,
[254] = 195,
[260] = 179,
[310] = 215,
["name"] = "Transitus Shield",
[326] = 318,
[250] = 233,
[331] = 343,
[308] = 89,
[190] = 318,
[260] = {
[310] = 56,
[248] = 188,
["name"] = "Kor'kron Vanguard",
[250] = 149,
[324] = {
[320] = 114,
[307] = 99,
[323] = 100,
[310] = 185,
[326] = 74,
[327] = 121,
["name"] = "Camp Tunka'lo",
[256] = 299,
[249] = 181,
[322] = 46,
[304] = 151,
[337] = 152,
[1294] = {
[968] = 177,
[895] = 143,
[987] = 281,
[1029] = 245,
[1056] = 471,
[967] = 169,
[984] = 217,
[986] = 253,
[1222] = 436,
["name"] = "Huojin Landing",
[973] = 230,
[1058] = 308,
[985] = 268,
[2075] = {
[1966] = 83,
[2045] = 95,
[1959] = 78,
[1974] = 83,
[2126] = 82,
[1955] = 146,
[2165] = 42,
[2009] = 61,
[1953] = 122,
[2061] = 88,
[1957] = 49,
[1965] = 102,
[2076] = 52,
["name"] = "Seeker's Outpost",
[2111] = 203,
[2076] = {
[2119] = 201,
[2061] = 56,
[2009] = 90,
[2381] = 78,
[2045] = 90,
[2075] = 66,
[1955] = 101,
[2143] = 169,
[1957] = 69,
[2118] = 152,
[2120] = 167,
[2126] = 36,
[2027] = 78,
[1966] = 36,
[2165] = 96,
[1975] = 50,
["name"] = "Atal'Gral",
[1974] = 100,
[1965] = 55,
[1959] = 66,
[2117] = 140,
[1953] = 88,
[649] = {
[83] = 266,
[85] = 156,
[617] = 90,
[17] = 163,
[651] = 16,
[667] = 138,
[10] = 101,
[654] = 216,
[86] = 147,
[383] = 50,
[13] = 109,
[384] = 37,
[675] = 532,
["name"] = "Andorhal",
[75] = 467,
[70] = 477,
[68] = 149,
[522] = {
[525] = 49,
["name"] = "Silver Tide Hollow",
[526] = 110,
[610] = 69,
[521] = 57,
[609] = 36,
[163] = {
[118] = 185,
[122] = 57,
[126] = 63,
[127] = 228,
[128] = 160,
[120] = 243,
[150] = 122,
["name"] = "Mok'Nathal Village",
[102] = 136,
[130] = 279,
[139] = 104,
[160] = 88,
[151] = 74,
[651] = {
[649] = 26,
[672] = 44,
["name"] = "The Menders' Stead",
[384] = 63,
[635] = 451,
[87] = 81,
[383] = 37,
[390] = {
[166] = 286,
[402] = 117,
[356] = 173,
[350] = 198,
[80] = 94,
[22] = 66,
[23] = 162,
[595] = 269,
[391] = 74,
[368] = 186,
[25] = 43,
[354] = 106,
[53] = 411,
[537] = 217,
[55] = 108,
[77] = 48,
[370] = 194,
["name"] = "Hunter's Hill",
[652] = {
[539] = 128,
[61] = 567,
[557] = 680,
[513] = 208,
[179] = 279,
[40] = 159,
[80] = 400,
[42] = 279,
[531] = 68,
[23] = 499,
[391] = 367,
[674] = 94,
["name"] = "Ramkahen",
[569] = 254,
[55] = 419,
[79] = 252,
[370] = 473,
[653] = 84,
[2090] = {
[2273] = 71,
[2092] = 35,
["name"] = "Hillcrest Pasture",
[2093] = 44,
[2139] = 68,
[2089] = 57,
[2062] = 21,
[2091] = 33,
[2091] = {
[2109] = 110,
[2139] = 70,
[2275] = 75,
[2023] = 155,
[2093] = 68,
[2089] = 33,
[2127] = 138,
[2090] = 35,
[2095] = 97,
["name"] = "Stonetusk Watch",
[2279] = 117,
[2092] = 36,
[2062] = 52,
[2273] = 54,
[2274] = 136,
[2092] = {
[2109] = 138,
[2275] = 103,
[2023] = 154,
[2089] = 42,
[2127] = 166,
[2090] = 35,
[2139] = 42,
["name"] = "Diretusk Hollow",
[2093] = 44,
[2077] = 153,
[2091] = 32,
[2273] = 82,
[2062] = 50,
[653] = {
[539] = 311,
[370] = 593,
[386] = 224,
[402] = 762,
[79] = 265,
[568] = 362,
["name"] = "Oasis of Vir'sar",
[569] = 29,
[22] = 686,
[531] = 222,
[652] = 121,
[781] = {
[350] = 446,
[616] = 94,
[558] = 67,
[179] = 471,
[559] = 94,
["name"] = "Sanctuary of Malorne",
[53] = 184,
[557] = 30,
[22] = 420,
[69] = 194,
[23] = 40,
[2095] = {
[2139] = 30,
[2089] = 63,
[2127] = 219,
[2090] = 86,
[2062] = 101,
["name"] = "Shrine of the Storm",
[2279] = 165,
[2077] = 204,
[2092] = 69,
[2093] = 46,
[2091] = 87,
[526] = {
[525] = 77,
["name"] = "Tenebrous Cavern",
[522] = 119,
[610] = 58,
[521] = 188,
[609] = 153,
[654] = {
[85] = 309,
[87] = 248,
[649] = 208,
[681] = 86,
[68] = 303,
[10] = 35,
[669] = 90,
[21] = 440,
[84] = 300,
[86] = 301,
[383] = 204,
[673] = 526,
[13] = 98,
[384] = 168,
["name"] = "The Forsaken Front",
[645] = 71,
[630] = 282,
[668] = 38,
[1052] = {
[985] = 26,
[1055] = 217,
[1029] = 16,
[967] = 139,
[984] = 29,
[973] = 214,
["name"] = "Grassy Cline",
[1294] = 227,
[1058] = 69,
[1017] = 67,
["The Sin'loren"] = {
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 12,
[1053] = {
[985] = 179,
[1055] = 48,
[1019] = 106,
[1071] = 149,
[1056] = 67,
[1073] = 152,
[1054] = 40,
["name"] = "Longying Outpost",
[1025] = 43,
[1017] = 115,
[1024] = 41,
[1058] = 106,
[1029] = 152,
[1054] = {
[985] = 181,
[1055] = 51,
[989] = 311,
[1023] = 104,
[1056] = 72,
[1018] = 167,
[1053] = 19,
["name"] = "Gao-Ran Battlefront",
[990] = 150,
[1073] = 170,
[1024] = 40,
[1058] = 109,
[1072] = 33,
[656] = {
[635] = 348,
["name"] = "Crushblow",
[599] = 435,
[660] = 95,
[659] = 47,
[661] = 80,
[673] = 349,
[1055] = {
[985] = 302,
[1070] = 133,
[1023] = 102,
[1056] = 22,
[1053] = 49,
["name"] = "Rensai's Watchpost",
[1054] = 44,
[1073] = 157,
[1058] = 149,
[1056] = {
[1019] = 134,
[973] = 220,
[990] = 223,
[992] = 229,
[1054] = 17,
[1055] = 14,
[1058] = 160,
[1029] = 201,
[967] = 302,
[1053] = 76,
[1222] = 262,
[1070] = 118,
[1071] = 166,
[985] = 216,
["name"] = "Shado-Pan Garrison",
[986] = 309,
[1073] = 86,
[987] = 65,
[1021] = 212,
[1023] = 120,
[657] = {
[656] = 58,
["name"] = "The Gullet",
[659] = 36,
[661] = 91,
[76] = 279,
[1568] = {
[1452] = 150,
[1621] = 88,
[1580] = 34,
[1539] = 37,
[1408] = 115,
[1442] = 48,
[1450] = 119,
[1441] = 98,
["name"] = "Everbloom Wilds",
[1462] = 137,
[1646] = 87,
[1524] = 44,
[1384] = 190,
[1432] = 103,
[1520] = 29,
[2111] = {
[2117] = 33,
[1959] = 145,
[2118] = 85,
[2126] = 142,
[2119] = 50,
[2120] = 41,
[2143] = 67,
[2076] = 175,
[1957] = 180,
[1955] = 114,
[1954] = 74,
[1953] = 90,
["name"] = "Vorrik's Sanctum",
[1058] = {
[1195] = 138,
[1073] = 63,
[1019] = 67,
[895] = 163,
[1023] = 126,
[968] = 181,
[970] = 186,
[1054] = 108,
[1070] = 107,
[986] = 113,
[990] = 165,
[992] = 150,
[1090] = 149,
["name"] = "Shrine of Two Moons",
[1055] = 150,
[1071] = 133,
[1018] = 124,
[894] = 127,
[1022] = 143,
[1024] = 140,
[967] = 173,
[969] = 206,
[971] = 139,
[973] = 133,
[1052] = 75,
[1056] = 168,
[1072] = 107,
[987] = 106,
[1080] = 186,
[993] = 177,
[1029] = 89,
[1222] = 192,
[984] = 91,
[985] = 73,
[1017] = 67,
[989] = 124,
[1053] = 103,
[1294] = 69,
[1021] = 151,
[1025] = 135,
[658] = {
[17] = 109,
["name"] = "Vermillion Redoubt",
[659] = 41,
[661] = 78,
[673] = 179,
[531] = {
[539] = 62,
[652] = 73,
[569] = 326,
[22] = 401,
[513] = 143,
[386] = 194,
[179] = 214,
[391] = 301,
[79] = 193,
["name"] = "Dawnrise Expedition",
[38] = 458,
[40] = 93,
[42] = 302,
[23] = 434,
[674] = 166,
[659] = {
[656] = 59,
["name"] = "Bloodgulch",
[660] = 50,
[657] = 49,
[673] = 344,
[661] = 56,
[76] = 325,
[2118] = {
[2117] = 56,
[1959] = 95,
[2111] = 85,
[2119] = 73,
[1955] = 134,
[2120] = 89,
[2143] = 29,
["name"] = "Temple of Akunda",
[1957] = 129,
[1965] = 98,
[1954] = 94,
[2045] = 63,
[1953] = 87,
[458] = {
[25] = 52,
[537] = 115,
[354] = 57,
[558] = 278,
["name"] = "Nozzlepot's Outpost",
[362] = 199,
[22] = 171,
[536] = 151,
[390] = 113,
[391] = 175,
[55] = 194,
[80] = 93,
[23] = 60,
[597] = 370,
[1573] = {
[1572] = 44,
[1621] = 198,
[1520] = 168,
[1524] = 206,
[1408] = 252,
[1442] = 158,
[1574] = 47,
[1503] = 58,
[1432] = 94,
[1440] = 138,
[1504] = 64,
["name"] = "Nivek's Overlook",
[1502] = 53,
[660] = {
[659] = 55,
[661] = 48,
[657] = 103,
["name"] = "The Krazzworks",
[1574] = {
[1572] = 32,
[1441] = 90,
[1505] = 32,
[1573] = 52,
[1442] = 125,
[1510] = 163,
[1432] = 56,
["name"] = "Joz's Rylaks",
[1440] = 113,
[1504] = 45,
[1408] = 228,
[1450] = 83,
[661] = {
[75] = 280,
[657] = 93,
[70] = 289,
[658] = 122,
[56] = 426,
[660] = 54,
[76] = 325,
[17] = 238,
[656] = 65,
["name"] = "Dragonmaw Port",
[675] = 331,
[21] = 218,
[673] = 303,
[205] = 534,
[659] = 44,
[2126] = {
[2119] = 172,
[2061] = 38,
[2009] = 82,
[2045] = 61,
[1953] = 60,
[1954] = 86,
[1955] = 79,
[2143] = 140,
[1957] = 61,
[1959] = 47,
[2120] = 139,
[1965] = 28,
[1966] = 30,
[2076] = 46,
["name"] = "Scaletrader Post",
[2111] = 142,
[1975] = 38,
[1974] = 92,
[2117] = 111,
[2075] = 99,
[2127] = {
[2109] = 37,
[2275] = 87,
[2089] = 175,
[2090] = 153,
["name"] = "Anyport",
[2279] = 98,
[2091] = 154,
[2093] = 194,
[2273] = 100,
[2274] = 86,
[166] = {
[58] = 114,
[61] = 83,
[356] = 117,
[652] = 642,
[350] = 70,
[40] = 514,
[366] = 283,
[42] = 488,
[22] = 295,
[23] = 173,
[594] = 98,
[595] = 42,
[368] = 288,
[25] = 237,
[53] = 226,
[597] = 137,
["name"] = "Emerald Sanctuary",
[536] = 267,
[614] = 284,
[369] = 316,
[69] = 203,
[29] = 181,
[80] = 279,
[332] = {
[309] = 112,
[294] = 160,
[248] = 283,
[310] = 141,
[256] = 101,
[334] = 168,
[257] = 168,
[296] = 109,
[249] = 344,
[289] = 156,
[259] = 130,
[337] = 189,
[254] = 185,
[258] = 80,
[340] = 240,
["name"] = "Warsong Camp",
[335] = 160,
[320] = 186,
[333] = 164,
[308] = 75,
[325] = 112,
[1580] = {
[1408] = 143,
[1475] = 212,
["name"] = "Everbloom Overlook",
[1442] = 76,
[1568] = 43,
[1572] = 194,
[1432] = 137,
[1070] = {
[989] = 50,
[990] = 100,
[1052] = 129,
[1053] = 145,
[1054] = 71,
[1056] = 114,
[1058] = 97,
[1090] = 43,
[967] = 282,
[1222] = 289,
["name"] = "Klaxxi'vess",
[1195] = 79,
[985] = 79,
[1071] = 39,
[1072] = 31,
[1073] = 41,
[987] = 104,
[1021] = 291,
[1025] = 142,
[1837] = {
[1766] = 113,
[1759] = 139,
[1863] = 148,
[1756] = 212,
[1755] = 173,
[1856] = 91,
[1764] = 134,
[1858] = 85,
[1859] = 53,
[1860] = 18,
[1613] = 52,
[1738] = 142,
[1615] = 75,
[1777] = 138,
[1741] = 181,
[1742] = 165,
[1774] = 77,
[1713] = 118,
[1753] = 180,
[1870] = 61,
[1778] = 163,
[1622] = 34,
[1673] = 91,
[1719] = 159,
[1861] = 41,
[1880] = 90,
["name"] = "Wardens' Redoubt",
[1754] = 175,
[1879] = 123,
[1942] = 111,
[1633] = 23,
[1941] = 105,
[1071] = {
[985] = 159,
[1070] = 61,
[1029] = 254,
[1056] = 202,
[1090] = 44,
[1222] = 331,
[1072] = 99,
[1073] = 82,
["name"] = "Soggy's Gamble",
[1058] = 139,
[973] = 272,
[2139] = {
[2091] = 64,
[2092] = 46,
["name"] = "Windfall Cavern",
[2109] = 168,
[2095] = 31,
[2089] = 40,
[2062] = 84,
[2093] = 59,
[1072] = {
[985] = 178,
[1070] = 41,
[1029] = 219,
[1071] = 80,
[1056] = 131,
[1073] = 52,
[1018] = 161,
[990] = 131,
["name"] = "The Sunset Brewgarden",
[1054] = 34,
[1058] = 106,
[987] = 161,
[333] = {
[332] = 138,
[309] = 195,
[325] = 77,
[252] = 276,
[326] = 166,
[334] = 135,
[327] = 121,
[304] = 295,
[258] = 217,
[305] = 232,
[249] = 381,
[340] = 77,
[250] = 350,
[254] = 322,
[310] = 165,
[295] = 461,
["name"] = "The Shadow Vault",
[320] = 210,
[337] = 211,
[335] = 121,
[308] = 194,
[226] = 500,
[1073] = {
[1294] = 346,
[992] = 162,
[1055] = 177,
[1056] = 87,
[1058] = 59,
[967] = 287,
[1053] = 132,
[968] = 297,
[973] = 190,
[1070] = 53,
[985] = 131,
[1071] = 73,
[1072] = 54,
["name"] = "Serpent's Spine",
[987] = 206,
[1024] = 157,
[1025] = 228,
[2143] = {
[2117] = 56,
[1959] = 113,
[2118] = 32,
[2126] = 135,
[2119] = 54,
[2120] = 89,
[2076] = 159,
["name"] = "Scorched Sands Outpost",
[2111] = 63,
[2165] = 173,
[1954] = 96,
[2045] = 81,
[1957] = 147,
[539] = {
[350] = 362,
[77] = 301,
[652] = 136,
[674] = 229,
[531] = 64,
[513] = 110,
[386] = 161,
[179] = 181,
[80] = 300,
[79] = 159,
["name"] = "Bootlegger Outpost",
[55] = 244,
[40] = 60,
[42] = 269,
[23] = 400,
[653] = 217,
[667] = {
[668] = 44,
[13] = 28,
[383] = 135,
[646] = 112,
[669] = 20,
["name"] = "Ruins of Southshore",
[87] = 178,
[21] = 369,
[676] = 449,
[25] = {
[58] = 184,
[30] = 188,
[363] = 115,
[402] = 157,
[537] = 175,
[356] = 131,
[513] = 271,
[362] = 184,
[354] = 63,
[536] = 211,
[458] = 68,
[38] = 266,
[179] = 194,
[40] = 286,
[80] = 52,
[42] = 199,
[22] = 107,
[44] = 228,
[23] = 96,
["name"] = "The Crossroads",
[369] = 173,
[391] = 111,
[390] = 49,
[683] = 201,
[69] = 404,
[77] = 69,
[53] = 294,
[594] = 287,
[55] = 163,
[79] = 385,
[29] = 151,
[61] = 163,
[29] = {
[58] = 121,
[166] = 199,
[363] = 67,
[540] = 42,
[366] = 36,
[458] = 217,
[38] = 144,
[350] = 110,
[40] = 426,
[80] = 206,
[42] = 340,
[22] = 174,
[370] = 111,
[23] = 266,
[683] = 313,
[360] = 49,
[391] = 240,
[25] = 150,
[368] = 107,
[69] = 556,
["name"] = "Sun Rock Retreat",
[369] = 134,
[179] = 305,
[55] = 282,
[362] = 43,
[569] = 289,
[61] = 182,
[540] = {
[558] = 418,
[58] = 113,
["name"] = "The Sludgewerks",
[29] = 37,
[360] = 31,
[23] = 280,
[362] = 43,
[668] = {
[83] = 381,
[85] = 273,
[617] = 164,
[205] = 360,
[681] = 124,
[68] = 266,
[667] = 37,
[10] = 74,
[654] = 40,
[670] = 89,
[84] = 263,
[86] = 264,
[383] = 168,
[13] = 62,
["name"] = "Southpoint Gate",
[630] = 248,
[17] = 158,
[87] = 212,
[82] = 448,
[58] = {
[166] = 123,
[61] = 170,
[356] = 128,
[683] = 258,
[38] = 565,
[350] = 81,
[40] = 514,
[80] = 287,
[42] = 485,
[22] = 246,
[368] = 232,
[23] = 259,
[29] = 122,
[595] = 188,
[360] = 74,
[25] = 235,
[536] = 357,
[69] = 263,
[568] = 270,
["name"] = "Zoram'gar Outpost",
[594] = 242,
[55] = 394,
[362] = 83,
[370] = 236,
[354] = 216,
[1080] = {
[985] = 171,
[967] = 89,
[894] = 61,
[971] = 116,
["name"] = "Serpent's Overlook",
[973] = 121,
[1294] = 188,
[1058] = 194,
[986] = 136,
[669] = {
[85] = 232,
[17] = 103,
["name"] = "Eastpoint Tower",
[667] = 25,
[86] = 225,
[617] = 124,
[76] = 182,
[13] = 21,
[670] = {
[13] = 32,
[672] = 139,
[384] = 48,
[82] = 399,
[83] = 334,
[10] = 138,
[68] = 219,
[205] = 312,
["name"] = "Strahnbrad",
[2164] = {
["name"] = "Isle of Fangs",
[2165] = 23,
[1974] = 37,
[1957] = 47,
[2009] = 48,
[2165] = {
[1966] = 69,
[2117] = 161,
[1974] = 47,
[2027] = 61,
[2164] = 21,
[2075] = 49,
[2009] = 47,
[1953] = 110,
[2061] = 76,
[1957] = 38,
[2045] = 82,
["name"] = "Tusk Isle",
[2126] = 88,
[2076] = 94,
[672] = {
[85] = 117,
[384] = 107,
[20] = 718,
["name"] = "Hearthglen",
[645] = 199,
[84] = 61,
[649] = 71,
[651] = 38,
[383] = 80,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = {
["Return"] = 152,
[673] = {
[632] = 135,
[76] = 428,
[70] = 85,
[676] = 82,
[87] = 558,
[635] = 146,
[86] = 518,
[75] = 24,
[617] = 392,
["name"] = "Iron Summit",
[20] = 285,
[21] = 90,
[675] = 47,
[17] = 341,
[599] = 185,
["Blackwind Landing"] = {
["Skyguard Outpost"] = 238,
[1856] = {
[1857] = 115,
[1855] = 149,
["name"] = "Vengeance Point",
[1719] = 155,
[1858] = 72,
[1622] = 108,
[1941] = 41,
[1615] = 117,
[1774] = 50,
[1863] = 68,
[1942] = 30,
[1742] = 99,
[1633] = 84,
[1759] = 121,
[1837] = 101,
[1777] = 134,
[1090] = {
[1058] = 145,
["name"] = "The Briny Muck",
[1070] = 49,
[1071] = 33,
[984] = 240,
[985] = 147,
[674] = {
[653] = 87,
[569] = 259,
[386] = 229,
[652] = 89,
[79] = 225,
[390] = 473,
[22] = 538,
[568] = 323,
["name"] = "Schnottz's Landing",
[1858] = {
[1758] = 51,
[1766] = 78,
[1837] = 90,
[1778] = 90,
[1719] = 94,
[1857] = 116,
[1861] = 85,
[1739] = 84,
[1755] = 108,
[1633] = 72,
[1767] = 93,
["name"] = "Meredil",
[1870] = 113,
[1622] = 70,
[1941] = 104,
[1756] = 149,
[1764] = 70,
[1713] = 95,
[1855] = 138,
[1859] = 43,
[1863] = 75,
[1615] = 66,
[1942] = 92,
[1815] = 118,
[1761] = 132,
[1880] = 26,
[1774] = 69,
[1759] = 65,
[1777] = 73,
[1753] = 110,
[1741] = 107,
[1613] = 57,
[1856] = 74,
[1860] = 95,
[1738] = 65,
[1742] = 87,
[1885] = 88,
[1673] = 76,
[1754] = 111,
[1879] = 43,
[675] = {
[70] = 52,
[676] = 35,
[635] = 182,
[18] = 329,
[673] = 45,
[632] = 170,
[21] = 125,
["name"] = "Flamestar Post",
[599] = 150,
[402] = {
[30] = 260,
[458] = 220,
[38] = 208,
[179] = 193,
[42] = 303,
[22] = 50,
[44] = 366,
[23] = 261,
[391] = 176,
[368] = 171,
[537] = 317,
[569] = 328,
["name"] = "Bloodhoof Village",
[55] = 195,
[77] = 133,
[354] = 216,
[29] = 176,
[25] = 153,
[1860] = {
[1759] = 145,
[1761] = 232,
[1764] = 140,
[1858] = 91,
[1859] = 59,
[1613] = 62,
[1615] = 85,
[1774] = 73,
[1837] = 18,
[1870] = 52,
[1719] = 165,
["name"] = "Watchers' Aerie",
[1861] = 51,
[1941] = 97,
[1622] = 44,
[1633] = 30,
[1713] = 127,
[676] = {
[70] = 17,
[635] = 147,
[617] = 392,
[75] = 77,
[18] = 294,
["name"] = "Chiselgrip",
[675] = 34,
[632] = 135,
[17] = 340,
[21] = 91,
[20] = 215,
[1862] = {
[1941] = 61,
[1741] = 140,
["name"] = "Acherus: The Ebon Hold",
[1622] = 152,
[69] = {
[616] = 216,
[166] = 186,
[540] = 371,
[356] = 301,
[558] = 181,
[559] = 135,
[350] = 254,
[80] = 404,
[42] = 604,
[22] = 460,
[23] = 377,
[458] = 415,
[595] = 156,
[360] = 338,
[25] = 353,
["name"] = "Moonglade",
[597] = 73,
[613] = 320,
[53] = 113,
[683] = 276,
[781] = 182,
[61] = 268,
[29] = 574,
[58] = 252,
[85] = {
[668] = 258,
[672] = 111,
[68] = 58,
[651] = 128,
[82] = 247,
[86] = 30,
[654] = 296,
[673] = 509,
[10] = 295,
[630] = 44,
[87] = 52,
[83] = 173,
[84] = 49,
["name"] = "Northpass Tower",
[340] = {
[294] = 285,
[296] = 334,
[304] = 266,
[249] = 330,
[306] = 250,
[307] = 247,
[308] = 280,
[309] = 281,
[310] = 140,
[252] = 247,
[190] = 472,
[254] = 221,
["name"] = "Argent Tournament Grounds",
[192] = 379,
[256] = 249,
[320] = 177,
[322] = 199,
[323] = 90,
[324] = 53,
[325] = 165,
[326] = 94,
[327] = 49,
[331] = 300,
[332] = 224,
[333] = 87,
[334] = 105,
[335] = 40,
[337] = 182,
[250] = 323,
[257] = 447,
[305] = 202,
[259] = 341,
[289] = 377,
[226] = 413,
[1613] = {
[1766] = 72,
[1759] = 105,
[1767] = 123,
[1885] = 62,
[1756] = 177,
[1879] = 89,
[1857] = 156,
[1858] = 51,
[1859] = 27,
[1860] = 58,
[1861] = 38,
[1738] = 109,
[1863] = 114,
[1761] = 171,
[1753] = 144,
[1742] = 131,
[1774] = 75,
[1837] = 48,
[1777] = 56,
[1870] = 93,
[1615] = 35,
[1673] = 50,
[1713] = 77,
[1719] = 123,
[1622] = 24,
[1880] = 54,
["name"] = "Azurewing Repose",
[1754] = 139,
[1941] = 103,
[1942] = 109,
[1633] = 36,
[1764] = 105,
[1870] = {
[1861] = 98,
[1719] = 197,
[1858] = 112,
[1622] = 90,
[1941] = 93,
[1633] = 66,
[1859] = 94,
[1713] = 166,
[1837] = 65,
[1764] = 174,
[1758] = 146,
[1774] = 69,
[1673] = 140,
["name"] = "Eye of Azshara",
[1615] = {
[1758] = 86,
[1837] = 74,
[1778] = 135,
[1719] = 141,
[1857] = 162,
[1861] = 45,
[1739] = 134,
[1755] = 152,
[1633] = 62,
[1767] = 142,
[1858] = 57,
["name"] = "Challiane's Terrace",
[1870] = 119,
[1622] = 51,
[1941] = 123,
[1756] = 195,
[1764] = 87,
[1713] = 38,
[1859] = 46,
[1863] = 120,
[1741] = 179,
[1879] = 94,
[1777] = 118,
[1759] = 112,
[1880] = 52,
[1613] = 34,
[1856] = 116,
[1774] = 93,
[1738] = 114,
[1742] = 137,
[1753] = 163,
[1673] = 33,
[1754] = 157,
[1885] = 37,
[681] = {
[13] = 126,
[383] = 185,
[654] = 54,
[10] = 30,
[645] = 24,
[76] = 286,
[669] = 144,
["name"] = "Forsaken Rear Guard",
[17] = 241,
[139] = {
[118] = 294,
[120] = 358,
[122] = 54,
[151] = 191,
[126] = 147,
[128] = 222,
[99] = 326,
[160] = 134,
[141] = 395,
[123] = 410,
[127] = 345,
[130] = 400,
[102] = 257,
["name"] = "The Stormspire",
[150] = 69,
[159] = 577,
[163] = 118,
[683] = {
[166] = 156,
[61] = 79,
[386] = 511,
[40] = 441,
[80] = 187,
[42] = 423,
[22] = 250,
[44] = 86,
[23] = 75,
[354] = 120,
["name"] = "Valormok",
[360] = 216,
[25] = 164,
[55] = 295,
[69] = 277,
[53] = 130,
[369] = 359,
[614] = 137,
[77] = 255,
[79] = 542,
[29] = 395,
[390] = 235,
[1621] = {
[1569] = 109,
[1384] = 74,
[1514] = 76,
[1644] = 63,
[1648] = 47,
[1408] = 60,
[1475] = 126,
[1487] = 151,
[1432] = 156,
[1440] = 75,
[1452] = 161,
[1539] = 113,
["name"] = "Vol'mar",
[1559] = 122,
[1441] = 98,
[1512] = 65,
[1646] = 31,
[1524] = 121,
[1568] = 83,
[1509] = 132,
[1450] = 124,
[1643] = 44,
[1395] = 104,
[1462] = 104,
[1529] = 130,
[1442] = 91,
[1504] = 142,
[1454] = 131,
[1515] = 140,
[1647] = 26,
[1573] = 188,
[1503] = 142,
[1502] = 148,
[1505] = 187,
[1622] = {
[1758] = 103,
[1766] = 84,
[1837] = 34,
[1778] = 143,
[1719] = 136,
[1857] = 169,
[1861] = 23,
[1739] = 139,
[1755] = 149,
[1633] = 29,
[1767] = 134,
[1858] = 64,
["name"] = "Illidari Stand",
[1870] = 88,
[1941] = 109,
[1756] = 190,
[1764] = 117,
[1713] = 90,
[1859] = 38,
[1863] = 127,
[1615] = 48,
[1942] = 115,
[1885] = 76,
[1880] = 65,
[1759] = 118,
[1777] = 115,
[1753] = 157,
[1741] = 161,
[1613] = 24,
[1856] = 96,
[1860] = 43,
[1738] = 121,
[1742] = 143,
[1673] = 63,
[1774] = 81,
[1754] = 150,
[1879] = 102,
[557] = {
[350] = 415,
[614] = 253,
[616] = 64,
[558] = 37,
[356] = 249,
[594] = 258,
["name"] = "Shrine of Aviana",
[568] = 739,
[53] = 155,
[23] = 173,
[559] = 65,
[69] = 166,
[683] = 118,
[86] = {
[668] = 252,
[85] = 32,
[17] = 238,
[654] = 289,
[10] = 288,
[68] = 25,
[87] = 46,
[630] = 17,
["name"] = "Eastwall Tower",
[84] = 66,
[383] = 84,
[102] = {
[118] = 150,
[122] = 199,
[139] = 242,
[140] = 286,
[123] = 204,
[127] = 139,
[99] = 73,
[120] = 132,
[130] = 143,
["name"] = "Falcon Watch",
[151] = 69,
[159] = 269,
[128] = 71,
[160] = 201,
[141] = 138,
[1880] = {
[1758] = 49,
[1766] = 60,
[1837] = 92,
[1778] = 99,
[1719] = 87,
[1857] = 126,
[1861] = 87,
[1739] = 108,
[1755] = 100,
[1633] = 75,
[1767] = 84,
[1858] = 29,
["name"] = "Irongrove Retreat",
[1622] = 57,
[1941] = 123,
[1764] = 57,
[1713] = 79,
[1859] = 47,
[1863] = 95,
[1615] = 58,
[1942] = 113,
[1761] = 135,
[1777] = 66,
[1759] = 74,
[1885] = 100,
[1613] = 57,
[1774] = 92,
[1738] = 89,
[1742] = 112,
[1753] = 108,
[1673] = 60,
[1754] = 104,
[1879] = 69,
[558] = {
[595] = 333,
[781] = 30,
[370] = 652,
["name"] = "Grove of Aessina",
[53] = 171,
[557] = 44,
[559] = 82,
[23] = 171,
[360] = 166,
[559] = {
[595] = 283,
[370] = 603,
[539] = 757,
[616] = 111,
[558] = 76,
[23] = 219,
[781] = 78,
[594] = 226,
["name"] = "Nordrassil",
[360] = 466,
[53] = 122,
[557] = 47,
[69] = 132,
[44] = 269,
[614] = 320,
[1885] = {
[1764] = 79,
[1858] = 112,
[1673] = 49,
[1767] = 134,
[1613] = 70,
[1615] = 48,
[1713] = 27,
[1622] = 87,
[1778] = 154,
[1719] = 134,
[1777] = 111,
[1861] = 77,
["name"] = "Gloaming Reef",
[1754] = 149,
[1755] = 202,
[1859] = 80,
[1633] = 98,
[1766] = 49,
[141] = {
[118] = 280,
[122] = 327,
[139] = 373,
[123] = 255,
[127] = 190,
[120] = 263,
[99] = 62,
["name"] = "Spinebreaker Ridge",
[102] = 129,
[130] = 133,
[128] = 185,
[160] = 330,
[151] = 198,
[205] = {
[670] = 317,
[68] = 101,
["name"] = "Zul'Aman",
[668] = 365,
[82] = 118,
[83] = 52,
[213] = 252,
[1384] = {
[1475] = 59,
[1569] = 46,
[1408] = 117,
[1442] = 140,
[1450] = 90,
[1529] = 63,
[1432] = 164,
["name"] = "Exile's Rise",
[1515] = 76,
[1504] = 128,
[1508] = 84,
[1440] = 96,
[1386] = {
[1408] = 223,
["name"] = "Wor'gol",
[1387] = 31,
[1389] = 76,
[1442] = 120,
[1390] = 37,
[1432] = 50,
[1387] = {
[1396] = 53,
[1389] = 59,
[1408] = 216,
[1442] = 115,
[1386] = 27,
[1390] = 29,
[1559] = 78,
[1503] = 95,
["name"] = "Bladespire Citadel",
[1395] = 92,
[1388] = 39,
[1432] = 44,
[1643] = {
[1647] = 31,
[1621] = 56,
[1644] = 34,
[1648] = 26,
[1442] = 51,
[1443] = 57,
["name"] = "Aktar's Post",
[1646] = 52,
[1408] = 111,
[1384] = 87,
[1432] = 117,
[1512] = 26,
[1388] = {
[1396] = 46,
[1389] = 39,
[1408] = 214,
[1442] = 114,
[1454] = 162,
[1432] = 63,
[1387] = 32,
["name"] = "Throm'Var",
[1524] = 111,
[1644] = {
[1647] = 52,
[1621] = 72,
[1648] = 34,
[1442] = 51,
[1408] = 126,
[1512] = 26,
[1443] = 33,
["name"] = "The Iron Front",
[1646] = 55,
[1440] = 33,
[1432] = 98,
[1643] = 35,
[1441] = 28,
[1389] = {
[1572] = 104,
[1396] = 28,
[1539] = 65,
[1408] = 183,
[1442] = 86,
[1386] = 74,
[1450] = 114,
["name"] = "Bloodmaul Slag Mines",
[1395] = 61,
[1387] = 52,
[1432] = 47,
[568] = {
[386] = 259,
[363] = 241,
[652] = 328,
[38] = 68,
[179] = 270,
[80] = 372,
[42] = 146,
[22] = 223,
[23] = 438,
[595] = 480,
[391] = 250,
[368] = 151,
["name"] = "Camp Ataya",
[531] = 392,
[77] = 286,
[79] = 286,
[569] = 75,
[369] = 178,
[1390] = {
[1572] = 95,
[1396] = 36,
[1569] = 162,
[1408] = 202,
[1442] = 92,
[1386] = 40,
[1559] = 59,
["name"] = "Stonefang Outpost",
[1395] = 70,
[1432] = 32,
[1646] = {
[1647] = 28,
[1396] = 48,
[1520] = 112,
[1644] = 54,
[1648] = 27,
[1442] = 92,
[1529] = 105,
["name"] = "Vault of the Earth",
[1408] = 88,
[1621] = 33,
[1643] = 47,
[1441] = 73,
[569] = {
[58] = 432,
[30] = 111,
[38] = 132,
[179] = 193,
[40] = 265,
[80] = 296,
[42] = 70,
[23] = 499,
[391] = 173,
[368] = 215,
[674] = 253,
["name"] = "Stonemaul Hold",
[386] = 183,
[568] = 65,
[369] = 242,
[370] = 220,
[653] = 168,
[1648] = {
[1647] = 31,
[1621] = 52,
[1644] = 31,
[1408] = 107,
[1442] = 68,
[1529] = 125,
[1443] = 51,
["name"] = "Sha'naari Refuge",
[1646] = 30,
[1440] = 34,
[1432] = 119,
[1643] = 23,
[1512] = 44,
[2273] = {
[2109] = 58,
[2275] = 22,
[2023] = 130,
[2089] = 86,
[2092] = 89,
[2090] = 64,
[2077] = 131,
["name"] = "Waning Glacier",
[2279] = 78,
[2062] = 54,
[2091] = 65,
[2093] = 105,
[2274] = 65,
[2274] = {
[2109] = 85,
[2275] = 55,
[2023] = 79,
[2089] = 152,
[2127] = 87,
[2091] = 131,
["name"] = "Swiftwind Post",
[2279] = 26,
[2077] = 103,
[2093] = 133,
[2273] = 78,
[2062] = 86,
[1395] = {
[1621] = 119,
[1520] = 35,
[1389] = 61,
[1408] = 144,
[1442] = 35,
[1390] = 70,
[1559] = 22,
["name"] = "Thunder Pass",
[1432] = 58,
[1529] = 175,
[1539] = 49,
[1568] = 56,
[1450] = 68,
[2276] = {
[2091] = 166,
["name"] = "Tol Dagor",
[2095] = 222,
[2023] = 85,
[2093] = 179,
[2077] = 65,
[1396] = {
[1475] = 249,
[1389] = 26,
[1408] = 195,
[1442] = 79,
[1386] = 64,
[1390] = 27,
[1559] = 37,
[1387] = 57,
["name"] = "Darkspear's Edge",
[1432] = 27,
[1388] = 49,
[1462] = 130,
[2279] = {
[2109] = 95,
[2275] = 60,
[2023] = 66,
[2089] = 134,
[2127] = 92,
[2090] = 84,
[2091] = 110,
["name"] = "Stonefist Watch",
[2093] = 124,
[2062] = 73,
[2077] = 89,
[2273] = 88,
[2274] = 19,
[44] = {
[683] = 84,
[25] = 234,
[537] = 153,
[458] = 153,
[29] = 322,
[614] = 52,
[360] = 311,
[22] = 304,
[613] = 32,
["name"] = "Bilgewater Harbor",
[53] = 149,
[540] = 324,
[80] = 211,
[23] = 98,
[61] = 149,
["Skyguard Outpost"] = {
["Blackwind Landing"] = 243,
[289] = {
[324] = 277,
[309] = 55,
[294] = 147,
[333] = 177,
[252] = 141,
[256] = 108,
[295] = 266,
[257] = 28,
[296] = 90,
[335] = 202,
[191] = 310,
[258] = 48,
[259] = 23,
[254] = 166,
[260] = 149,
["name"] = "Amber Ledge",
[310] = 186,
[340] = 227,
[308] = 61,
[226] = 25,
[1408] = {
[1569] = 158,
[1384] = 123,
[1514] = 127,
[1644] = 121,
[1396] = 203,
[1475] = 160,
[1487] = 198,
[1621] = 65,
[1440] = 134,
[1574] = 225,
[1515] = 182,
[1539] = 136,
["name"] = "Warspear",
[1503] = 219,
[1559] = 173,
[1504] = 196,
[1441] = 143,
[1508] = 265,
[1512] = 123,
[1390] = 203,
[1646] = 89,
[1524] = 147,
[1648] = 106,
[1510] = 217,
[1389] = 191,
[1388] = 234,
[1387] = 231,
[1643] = 103,
[1442] = 125,
[1513] = 220,
[1580] = 140,
[1647] = 84,
[1505] = 241,
[1572] = 250,
[1450] = 173,
[1454] = 191,
[1395] = 155,
[1462] = 162,
[1529] = 161,
[1509] = 179,
[1568] = 110,
[1386] = 225,
[1520] = 131,
[1443] = 159,
[1445] = 170,
[1452] = 206,
[1573] = 242,
[1502] = 202,
[1432] = 182,
[354] = {
[350] = 93,
[25] = 64,
[537] = 157,
[458] = 58,
[356] = 69,
[402] = 221,
["name"] = "The Mor'Shan Ramparts",
[80] = 115,
[362] = 143,
[22] = 171,
[23] = 102,
[61] = 46,
[1673] = {
[1758] = 84,
[1766] = 23,
[1837] = 100,
[1778] = 131,
[1719] = 111,
[1857] = 172,
[1861] = 72,
[1613] = 59,
[1755] = 122,
[1633] = 86,
[1767] = 112,
[1858] = 69,
["name"] = "Lorlathil",
[1622] = 74,
[1941] = 139,
[1756] = 165,
[1764] = 57,
[1713] = 30,
[1855] = 224,
[1859] = 63,
[1863] = 135,
[1615] = 44,
[1942] = 154,
[1815] = 71,
[1880] = 51,
[1777] = 89,
[1759] = 111,
[1885] = 52,
[1741] = 64,
[1856] = 131,
[1860] = 109,
[1738] = 129,
[1742] = 152,
[1753] = 133,
[1774] = 111,
[1754] = 127,
[1879] = 110,
[42] = {
[58] = 495,
[386] = 205,
[363] = 311,
[61] = 427,
[30] = 43,
[29] = 403,
[362] = 378,
[652] = 272,
[38] = 201,
[179] = 124,
[40] = 193,
[366] = 256,
[568] = 130,
[22] = 259,
[391] = 104,
[23] = 324,
["name"] = "Camp Mojache",
[368] = 281,
[360] = 411,
[25] = 248,
[166] = 506,
[69] = 639,
[683] = 428,
[53] = 572,
[80] = 227,
[55] = 140,
[79] = 232,
[569] = 66,
[513] = 160,
[254] = {
[294] = 82,
[248] = 98,
[310] = 148,
[256] = 133,
[295] = 152,
[257] = 301,
[296] = 75,
[249] = 160,
[320] = 123,
[305] = 83,
[250] = 59,
[192] = 143,
[252] = 51,
[190] = 186,
["name"] = "Venomspite",
[307] = 187,
[306] = 106,
[337] = 110,
[308] = 313,
[226] = 342,
[356] = {
[58] = 226,
[363] = 144,
[402] = 289,
[559] = 331,
[350] = 43,
[80] = 266,
[22] = 189,
[390] = 180,
[23] = 160,
[368] = 229,
[594] = 229,
[25] = 132,
["name"] = "Silverwind Refuge",
[458] = 126,
[354] = 69,
[362] = 76,
[29] = 121,
[61] = 66,
[127] = {
[139] = 313,
[120] = 98,
[122] = 261,
[151] = 135,
[126] = 242,
[128] = 56,
[99] = 125,
[140] = 149,
[160] = 266,
[141] = 191,
[123] = 68,
[130] = 195,
[102] = 132,
["name"] = "Stonebreaker Hold",
[150] = 330,
[159] = 132,
[118] = 193,
[163] = 207,
[967] = {
[968] = 38,
[895] = 27,
[1070] = 91,
[989] = 204,
[1017] = 207,
[1058] = 192,
[1056] = 354,
[985] = 152,
[969] = 63,
[986] = 136,
["name"] = "The Arboretum",
[973] = 114,
[984] = 101,
[1294] = 169,
[1073] = 317,
[1029] = 129,
[2119] = {
[1959] = 158,
[2117] = 68,
[1974] = 217,
[2118] = 76,
[2111] = 48,
[1955] = 149,
[1957] = 190,
[2120] = 85,
[2143] = 56,
["name"] = "Sanctuary of the Devoted",
[2045] = 125,
[1953] = 149,
[1954] = 110,
[2061] = 155,
[2126] = 179,
[2120] = {
[2117] = 44,
[1959] = 146,
[2118] = 95,
[2111] = 44,
[2119] = 88,
[1955] = 96,
[2076] = 174,
[2143] = 92,
[2061] = 140,
[2126] = 140,
[1953] = 90,
[1954] = 56,
[1957] = 180,
["name"] = "Tortaka Refuge",
[1879] = {
[1758] = 68,
[1766] = 117,
[1837] = 129,
[1778] = 84,
[1719] = 104,
[1857] = 78,
[1861] = 125,
[1739] = 56,
[1755] = 133,
[1633] = 111,
[1858] = 53,
["name"] = "Crimson Thicket",
[1622] = 111,
[1941] = 94,
[1756] = 162,
[1764] = 110,
[1713] = 136,
[1859] = 83,
[1863] = 42,
[1615] = 106,
[1753] = 109,
[1761] = 123,
[1777] = 98,
[1759] = 77,
[1880] = 65,
[1673] = 116,
[1856] = 66,
[1860] = 112,
[1738] = 53,
[1742] = 75,
[1741] = 77,
[1774] = 77,
[1754] = 137,
[1885] = 128,
[968] = {
[985] = 171,
[987] = 228,
[1056] = 373,
[967] = 38,
[984] = 149,
[971] = 120,
["name"] = "Jade Temple Grounds",
[1195] = 216,
[1080] = 82,
[1073] = 272,
[1058] = 169,
[986] = 156,
[2023] = {
[2109] = 152,
[2275] = 110,
["name"] = "Freehold",
[2092] = 154,
[2091] = 150,
[2279] = 64,
[2077] = 25,
[2274] = 77,
[2273] = 138,
[2062] = 107,
[87] = {
[668] = 207,
[85] = 61,
[384] = 115,
[86] = 53,
[654] = 245,
[10] = 244,
["name"] = "Crown Guard Tower",
[630] = 34,
[651] = 77,
[68] = 73,
[84] = 52,
[383] = 39,
[256] = {
[332] = 117,
[309] = 233,
[294] = 63,
[248] = 186,
[310] = 86,
[258] = 113,
[334] = 143,
[289] = 188,
[257] = 197,
[296] = 143,
[304] = 217,
[191] = 303,
[226] = 224,
[190] = 273,
[305] = 154,
[252] = 51,
[259] = 187,
[250] = 145,
[306] = 193,
[192] = 229,
[307] = 258,
[335] = 149,
["name"] = "Agmar's Hammer",
[254] = 87,
[333] = 281,
[331] = 311,
[308] = 156,
[340] = 235,
[969] = {
[968] = 79,
[970] = 21,
[1017] = 152,
[993] = 264,
[1071] = 341,
[967] = 63,
[984] = 131,
[971] = 40,
["name"] = "Sri-La Village",
[1056] = 385,
[985] = 182,
[1058] = 218,
[986] = 167,
[84] = {
[668] = 259,
[672] = 62,
[85] = 50,
[384] = 166,
[86] = 65,
[654] = 297,
[10] = 296,
["name"] = "Plaguewood Tower",
[630] = 61,
[617] = 176,
[87] = 52,
[68] = 96,
[383] = 92,
[179] = {
[30] = 101,
[61] = 335,
[652] = 266,
[513] = 48,
[40] = 98,
[80] = 150,
[42] = 150,
[531] = 196,
[23] = 199,
[22] = 224,
[166] = 413,
[391] = 88,
[368] = 366,
[537] = 303,
[55] = 63,
[539] = 155,
[53] = 468,
["name"] = "Mudsprocket",
[568] = 278,
[79] = 199,
[370] = 372,
[386] = 199,
[2117] = {
[2119] = 66,
[2061] = 113,
[2009] = 168,
[2045] = 88,
[1953] = 63,
[1954] = 47,
[1955] = 88,
[2143] = 54,
[1957] = 153,
[2118] = 58,
[2120] = 41,
[2126] = 115,
[2027] = 117,
[2076] = 148,
["name"] = "Vulpera Hideaway",
[2111] = 34,
[1975] = 133,
[1965] = 97,
[1974] = 178,
[1959] = 119,
[970] = {
[895] = 38,
[989] = 215,
[1071] = 323,
[967] = 65,
[971] = 22,
["name"] = "Emperor's Omen",
[973] = 74,
[1073] = 261,
[1058] = 160,
[985] = 164,
[294] = {
[340] = 236,
[248] = 160,
[310] = 123,
[256] = 64,
[295] = 184,
[257] = 14,
[296] = 132,
[249] = 222,
[289] = 228,
[258] = 153,
[190] = 247,
[259] = 225,
[252] = 49,
[250] = 121,
[192] = 205,
[306] = 168,
[320] = 167,
["name"] = "Moa'ki",
[326] = 293,
[327] = 278,
[254] = 62,
[308] = 282,
[226] = 264,
[249] = {
[332] = 346,
[340] = 312,
[294] = 264,
[248] = 105,
[310] = 199,
[256] = 292,
[295] = 159,
[334] = 220,
[296] = 395,
[304] = 100,
[191] = 105,
[289] = 478,
[258] = 403,
[305] = 132,
[252] = 223,
[259] = 451,
[254] = 183,
[306] = 93,
[192] = 48,
[335] = 225,
[250] = 95,
[307] = 92,
["name"] = "Camp Oneqwah",
[323] = 248,
[331] = 146,
[333] = 347,
[190] = 128,
[1855] = {
[1857] = 62,
[1858] = 139,
[1673] = 95,
[1613] = 183,
[1738] = 76,
[1863] = 91,
[1741] = 82,
[1742] = 61,
[1774] = 169,
[1713] = 204,
[1777] = 133,
[1778] = 105,
[1719] = 114,
[1764] = 167,
[1753] = 97,
["name"] = "Shield's Rest",
[1941] = 178,
[1879] = 104,
[1756] = 125,
[1755] = 154,
[1837] = 215,
[971] = {
[968] = 77,
[895] = 42,
[1025] = 294,
[967] = 86,
[894] = 66,
[986] = 175,
["name"] = "Tian Monastery",
[969] = 42,
[973] = 54,
[970] = 22,
[1058] = 179,
[985] = 157,
[21] = {
[70] = 72,
[676] = 81,
[56] = 227,
[635] = 46,
[75] = 62,
[18] = 300,
[673] = 86,
[20] = 243,
[632] = 45,
["name"] = "New Kargath",
[17] = 253,
[599] = 171,
[1941] = {
[1758] = 132,
[1759] = 147,
[1860] = 98,
[1885] = 154,
[1855] = 171,
[1856] = 30,
[1857] = 138,
[1858] = 98,
[1859] = 87,
[1767] = 182,
[1613] = 111,
[1738] = 129,
[1863] = 92,
[1764] = 158,
[1741] = 158,
[1742] = 122,
[1774] = 55,
[1837] = 107,
[1880] = 113,
[1622] = 113,
[1778] = 172,
[1713] = 162,
[1673] = 135,
[1719] = 182,
[1753] = 196,
[1739] = 105,
["name"] = "Deliverance Point",
[1861] = 128,
[1879] = 99,
[1942] = 30,
[1633] = 89,
[1615] = 127,
[53] = {
[58] = 296,
[386] = 545,
[61] = 228,
[356] = 349,
[29] = 448,
[370] = 524,
[539] = 638,
[568] = 627,
[683] = 135,
[559] = 126,
[350] = 153,
[40] = 576,
[80] = 342,
[42] = 550,
[22] = 385,
[44] = 148,
[23] = 243,
[536] = 341,
[595] = 204,
[368] = 521,
[25] = 299,
[597] = 122,
[69] = 130,
[594] = 145,
["name"] = "Everlook",
[390] = 405,
[77] = 430,
[55] = 459,
[569] = 658,
[166] = 229,
[1942] = {
[1759] = 151,
[1856] = 40,
[1857] = 136,
[1858] = 101,
[1673] = 167,
[1860] = 125,
[1863] = 89,
[1742] = 119,
[1774] = 79,
[1622] = 137,
[1719] = 185,
["name"] = "Aalgen Point",
[1753] = 194,
[1941] = 42,
[1615] = 146,
[1633] = 101,
[1739] = 103,
[295] = {
[340] = 400,
[294] = 195,
[248] = 56,
[310] = 231,
[256] = 258,
[296] = 326,
[304] = 225,
[191] = 143,
[320] = 261,
[250] = 103,
[254] = 174,
[260] = 290,
["name"] = "Kamagua",
[258] = 251,
[249] = 172,
[190] = 63,
[306] = 102,
[192] = 115,
[1432] = {
[1569] = 137,
[1384] = 164,
[1514] = 87,
[1644] = 86,
[1396] = 33,
[1408] = 178,
[1475] = 180,
[1487] = 150,
[1621] = 148,
[1440] = 92,
[1574] = 58,
[1515] = 146,
[1539] = 94,
["name"] = "Frostwall Garrison",
[1559] = 42,
[1503] = 48,
[1504] = 59,
[1508] = 146,
[1512] = 88,
[1390] = 41,
[1646] = 134,
[1524] = 117,
[1648] = 111,
[1510] = 175,
[1389] = 47,
[1388] = 72,
[1386] = 49,
[1580] = 126,
[1442] = 76,
[1387] = 58,
[1643] = 112,
[1647] = 129,
[1505] = 80,
[1572] = 74,
[1450] = 77,
[1454] = 97,
[1395] = 52,
[1462] = 109,
[1529] = 194,
[1513] = 128,
[1509] = 162,
[1568] = 98,
[1520] = 77,
[1443] = 89,
[1445] = 80,
[1452] = 106,
[1573] = 99,
[1502] = 63,
[1441] = 66,
[82] = {
[83] = 65,
[85] = 244,
[617] = 362,
[205] = 111,
[213] = 136,
[17] = 627,
[635] = 505,
[18] = 971,
[668] = 445,
[76] = 318,
[670] = 397,
[625] = 31,
[672] = 334,
[13] = 487,
["name"] = "Silvermoon City",
[315] = 241,
[20] = 1090,
[631] = 23,
[68] = 179,
[973] = {
[895] = 77,
[1294] = 219,
[989] = 199,
[1080] = 144,
[1022] = 120,
[1052] = 127,
[1053] = 195,
[1054] = 180,
[993] = 317,
[1056] = 87,
[1058] = 126,
[1029] = 180,
[990] = 239,
[970] = 64,
[894] = 63,
[971] = 43,
[967] = 104,
[986] = 138,
[968] = 111,
[984] = 103,
[969] = 83,
[985] = 147,
["name"] = "Honeydew Village",
[1017] = 61,
[1073] = 188,
[987] = 167,
[1019] = 94,
[1024] = 143,
[248] = {
[324] = 296,
[340] = 347,
[294] = 200,
[310] = 233,
[256] = 239,
[295] = 54,
[334] = 254,
[257] = 418,
[249] = 117,
[191] = 133,
[289] = 424,
[250] = 47,
[254] = 117,
["name"] = "Apothecary Camp",
[258] = 348,
[190] = 93,
[337] = 193,
[308] = 430,
[192] = 60,
[1767] = {
[1758] = 54,
[1759] = 57,
[1857] = 82,
[1858] = 81,
[1673] = 98,
[1738] = 78,
[1741] = 60,
[1742] = 100,
[1774] = 144,
[1713] = 100,
[1622] = 126,
[1778] = 41,
[1719] = 22,
[1777] = 29,
[1753] = 39,
["name"] = "Nesingwary",
[1754] = 24,
[1755] = 42,
[1756] = 63,
[1633] = 130,
[1764] = 64,
[1859] = {
[1758] = 76,
[1759] = 90,
[1885] = 71,
[1855] = 166,
[1857] = 140,
[1858] = 36,
[1673] = 51,
[1860] = 58,
[1613] = 29,
[1738] = 93,
[1615] = 44,
[1767] = 110,
[1741] = 132,
[1742] = 115,
[1774] = 53,
[1837] = 53,
[1777] = 89,
[1622] = 41,
[1778] = 114,
[1766] = 72,
[1764] = 84,
[1719] = 110,
[1861] = 55,
[1753] = 131,
["name"] = "Felblaze Ingress",
[1754] = 128,
[1941] = 82,
[1880] = 41,
[1633] = 35,
[1713] = 77,
[1861] = {
[1885] = 71,
[1860] = 49,
[1777] = 158,
[1764] = 127,
[1858] = 82,
[1859] = 56,
[1767] = 181,
[1613] = 42,
[1738] = 140,
[1615] = 46,
[1756] = 235,
[1741] = 179,
[1742] = 162,
[1774] = 97,
[1837] = 38,
[1941] = 124,
[1870] = 93,
[1778] = 24,
[1739] = 159,
[1753] = 202,
[1719] = 181,
[1673] = 72,
[1622] = 24,
["name"] = "Illidari Perch",
[1754] = 194,
[1879] = 120,
[1880] = 89,
[1633] = 45,
[1713] = 72,
[296] = {
[307] = 365,
[259] = 94,
[294] = 118,
[295] = 302,
[289] = 97,
[254] = 179,
[309] = 141,
[256] = 112,
["name"] = "Unu'pe",
[226] = 133,
[257] = 88,
[258] = 18,
[334] = 253,
[310] = 229,
[360] = {
[350] = 62,
[366] = 103,
[595] = 140,
[368] = 106,
[369] = 122,
[370] = 109,
[58] = 50,
[569] = 215,
[29] = 43,
["name"] = "Cliffwalker Post",
[390] = 130,
[540] = 20,
[362] = 43,
[363] = 63,
[23] = 179,
[653] = 316,
[118] = {
[139] = 257,
[120] = 81,
[122] = 209,
[151] = 112,
[126] = 113,
[128] = 151,
[99] = 165,
[140] = 365,
[160] = 139,
[141] = 287,
[123] = 284,
[127] = 220,
[130] = 149,
[102] = 147,
["name"] = "Zabra'jin",
[150] = 277,
[163] = 168,
[335] = {
[332] = 159,
[340] = 97,
[294] = 212,
[333] = 123,
[310] = 71,
[256] = 177,
[326] = 187,
[334] = 33,
[296] = 267,
[249] = 278,
[191] = 384,
[289] = 313,
[305] = 48,
[259] = 318,
[306] = 174,
[254] = 214,
[258] = 238,
["name"] = "Crusaders' Pinnacle",
[307] = 234,
[304] = 194,
[252] = 174,
[308] = 235,
[337] = 108,
[592] = {
[20] = 38,
[21] = 280,
[18] = 48,
[617] = 583,
["name"] = "Hardwrench Hideaway",
[593] = 73,
["Caverns of Time"] = {
["Nozdormu's Lair"] = 59,
[30] = {
[25] = 186,
[513] = 119,
[363] = 268,
[179] = 83,
[55] = 97,
[22] = 215,
["name"] = "Westreach Summit",
[38] = 247,
[40] = 154,
[42] = 50,
[23] = 283,
[391] = 100,
[984] = {
[968] = 90,
[895] = 70,
[987] = 80,
[989] = 104,
[970] = 94,
[1052] = 25,
[993] = 171,
[985] = 53,
[969] = 143,
[986] = 36,
["name"] = "Pang's Stead",
[973] = 96,
[1080] = 117,
[1294] = 198,
[1058] = 94,
[1029] = 28,
[593] = {
[13] = 652,
[599] = 265,
[676] = 254,
[56] = 221,
[592] = 72,
[18] = 118,
["name"] = "Bambala",
[20] = 47,
[21] = 289,
[658] = 477,
[1440] = {
[1572] = 156,
[1512] = 43,
[1452] = 89,
[1515] = 82,
[1454] = 62,
[1384] = 95,
[1487] = 101,
[1643] = 39,
[1520] = 87,
[1648] = 32,
[1646] = 53,
[1539] = 123,
[1462] = 40,
[1432] = 111,
[1559] = 96,
[1443] = 25,
[1621] = 76,
[1529] = 134,
["name"] = "Zangarra",
[1442] = 68,
[1408] = 168,
[1502] = 97,
[1441] = 51,
[1504] = 86,
[1505] = 136,
[1475] = 124,
[1450] = 57,
[1508] = 94,
[1524] = 124,
[1644] = 33,
[159] = {
[118] = 323,
[122] = 391,
[139] = 439,
[123] = 61,
[127] = 134,
[120] = 153,
[150] = 457,
["name"] = "Sanctum of the Stars",
[128] = 186,
[99] = 257,
[130] = 328,
[163] = 336,
[1441] = {
[1621] = 91,
[1580] = 139,
[1644] = 32,
[1408] = 144,
[1442] = 53,
[1514] = 37,
[1443] = 41,
[1432] = 76,
["name"] = "Frostwolf Overlook",
[1440] = 43,
[1515] = 34,
[1454] = 60,
[1462] = 63,
[594] = {
[350] = 157,
[595] = 60,
[597] = 40,
[368] = 377,
[683] = 236,
[58] = 218,
[360] = 243,
[166] = 90,
[362] = 279,
["name"] = "Whisperwind Grove",
[53] = 146,
[40] = 600,
[559] = 230,
[23] = 264,
[61] = 171,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = {
["Return"] = 254,
["The Sin'loren"] = 59,
[213] = {
[13] = 532,
[70] = 862,
[631] = 193,
[56] = 1016,
[82] = 167,
["name"] = "Shattered Sun Staging Area",
[68] = 345,
[87] = 401,
[84] = 432,
[85] = 455,
[205] = 233,
[83] = 231,
[1443] = {
[1450] = 41,
[1452] = 74,
[1515] = 78,
[1454] = 57,
[1487] = 84,
[1395] = 62,
[1644] = 30,
[1462] = 32,
[1432] = 92,
[1408] = 152,
[1440] = 28,
[1441] = 34,
[1442] = 69,
["name"] = "Vol'jin's Pride",
[1475] = 116,
[1445] = 31,
[1508] = 88,
[1504] = 74,
[595] = {
[350] = 104,
[29] = 216,
[597] = 106,
[23] = 210,
[559] = 294,
[370] = 325,
[58] = 169,
[179] = 480,
[594] = 67,
[390] = 273,
["name"] = "Wildheart Point",
[53] = 211,
[166] = 34,
[22] = 330,
[69] = 165,
[683] = 181,
[362] = {
[61] = 140,
[77] = 198,
[368] = 122,
[354] = 137,
[29] = 45,
[356] = 77,
[458] = 192,
["name"] = "Krom'gar Fortress",
[363] = 68,
[360] = 70,
[540] = 48,
[22] = 114,
[80] = 204,
[23] = 238,
[58] = 152,
[1965] = {
[1975] = 43,
[2061] = 46,
[2045] = 49,
[1953] = 39,
[1954] = 67,
[1955] = 60,
[2143] = 127,
[1957] = 78,
[1959] = 56,
[2126] = 29,
[2027] = 70,
[1966] = 47,
[2076] = 62,
["name"] = "Nesingwary's Gameland",
[2111] = 120,
[2117] = 91,
[1974] = 112,
[2046] = 74,
[1445] = {
[1621] = 121,
[1475] = 142,
[1408] = 175,
[1442] = 86,
[1510] = 115,
[1514] = 66,
[1443] = 56,
[1432] = 90,
[1441] = 41,
["name"] = "Durotan's Grasp",
[1450] = 14,
[1462] = 47,
[1959] = {
[2119] = 161,
[2061] = 16,
[2009] = 52,
[2164] = 77,
[2045] = 38,
[2075] = 76,
[1954] = 93,
[1955] = 92,
[2143] = 116,
[1957] = 38,
[2118] = 98,
[2120] = 143,
[2126] = 39,
[2027] = 39,
[1966] = 24,
[2165] = 64,
[1975] = 68,
[2076] = 52,
["name"] = "The Great Seal",
[2111] = 144,
[1974] = 63,
[1965] = 44,
[2117] = 114,
[1953] = 63,
[1957] = {
[2119] = 187,
[2061] = 56,
[2009] = 34,
[2381] = 24,
[2045] = 61,
[2075] = 44,
[1954] = 117,
[1955] = 131,
[2143] = 141,
[2118] = 123,
[2120] = 170,
[1975] = 96,
[2126] = 67,
[1974] = 44,
[2027] = 39,
[1966] = 47,
[2165] = 32,
[1965] = 82,
[2076] = 88,
["name"] = "Port of Zandalar",
[2111] = 169,
[1959] = 44,
[1953] = 89,
[2117] = 140,
[2046] = 55,
[536] = {
[683] = 95,
[25] = 208,
[537] = 30,
[458] = 151,
[179] = 367,
["name"] = "Sen'jin Village",
[362] = 317,
[80] = 207,
[23] = 95,
[595] = 311,
[1955] = {
[2119] = 148,
[2061] = 93,
[2045] = 84,
[1953] = 62,
[1954] = 46,
[2143] = 137,
[1957] = 127,
[2118] = 142,
[2120] = 91,
[2126] = 79,
[1965] = 60,
[1966] = 96,
[2076] = 98,
["name"] = "Gloom Hollow",
[2111] = 111,
[1975] = 56,
[1974] = 159,
[2117] = 89,
[1959] = 104,
[597] = {
[595] = 100,
[356] = 244,
[594] = 41,
[166] = 128,
["name"] = "Irontree Clearing",
[38] = 451,
[69] = 75,
[559] = 205,
[23] = 304,
[53] = 121,
[2381] = {
[1957] = 20,
[2027] = 32,
["name"] = "The Mugambala",
[1954] = {
[2117] = 51,
[1959] = 93,
[2118] = 102,
[2111] = 73,
[2119] = 110,
[1975] = 90,
[2120] = 53,
[2143] = 98,
["name"] = "Zo'bal Ruins",
[1957] = 127,
[1965] = 68,
[1955] = 45,
[1953] = 37,
[2045] = 62,
[123] = {
[118] = 262,
[122] = 331,
[126] = 311,
[99] = 196,
[140] = 84,
[163] = 276,
[127] = 73,
[130] = 267,
[120] = 207,
[150] = 397,
["name"] = "Shadowmoon Village",
[151] = 205,
[159] = 65,
[128] = 126,
[160] = 338,
[139] = 384,
[150] = {
[118] = 312,
[122] = 64,
[139] = 61,
[123] = 420,
[120] = 372,
[128] = 287,
[151] = 204,
["name"] = "Cosmowrench",
[160] = 146,
[130] = 410,
[1450] = {
[1388] = 167,
[1452] = 44,
[1487] = 81,
[1644] = 64,
[1462] = 52,
[1432] = 85,
[1443] = 47,
[1408] = 170,
[1440] = 49,
[1503] = 67,
[1442] = 89,
[1505] = 89,
[1569] = 72,
[1445] = 22,
[1384] = 98,
[1504] = 45,
["name"] = "Shattrath City",
[1195] = {
[985] = 99,
[1070] = 91,
[989] = 41,
[993] = 78,
[1056] = 254,
["name"] = "Domination Point",
[987] = 91,
[1294] = 342,
[1058] = 136,
[1029] = 144,
[1953] = {
[2119] = 118,
[2061] = 52,
[2009] = 113,
[2045] = 36,
[1954] = 41,
[1955] = 57,
[2143] = 111,
[1957] = 145,
[2118] = 94,
[2120] = 92,
[2126] = 59,
[2027] = 62,
[1966] = 73,
[1975] = 73,
[2076] = 92,
["name"] = "Zul'jan",
[2111] = 86,
[1974] = 123,
[1965] = 41,
[2117] = 11,
[1959] = 64,
[599] = {
[593] = 267,
[70] = 109,
[676] = 118,
[56] = 41,
[17] = 433,
[18] = 217,
[673] = 193,
[20] = 210,
[21] = 182,
[383] = 564,
["name"] = "Bogpaddle",
[1452] = {
[1396] = 151,
[1513] = 42,
[1442] = 132,
[1432] = 128,
[1510] = 93,
[1559] = 136,
[1443] = 78,
["name"] = "Retribution Point",
[1450] = 58,
[1440] = 80,
[1408] = 205,
[1508] = 62,
[1454] = 29,
[122] = {
[139] = 48,
[120] = 306,
[151] = 137,
[126] = 108,
[128] = 224,
[99] = 273,
[160] = 80,
[141] = 342,
[123] = 357,
[127] = 292,
[130] = 343,
[102] = 204,
["name"] = "Area 52",
[150] = 67,
[159] = 421,
[118] = 248,
[163] = 64,
[61] = {
[58] = 163,
[166] = 85,
[363] = 199,
[356] = 61,
[594] = 185,
[458] = 106,
[38] = 477,
[350] = 85,
[40] = 438,
[80] = 203,
[42] = 413,
[22] = 267,
[44] = 160,
[23] = 96,
[652] = 569,
[595] = 130,
[360] = 166,
[25] = 160,
[537] = 156,
[69] = 287,
[354] = 51,
[53] = 220,
[614] = 207,
[55] = 170,
["name"] = "Splintertree Post",
[29] = 286,
[683] = 92,
[22] = {
[179] = 192,
[513] = 251,
[356] = 233,
[362] = 122,
[363] = 54,
[531] = 388,
[55] = 206,
[366] = 138,
[537] = 267,
[368] = 120,
[369] = 19,
[79] = 391,
[80] = 152,
[683] = 251,
["name"] = "Thunder Bluff",
[569] = 278,
[25] = 103,
[29] = 111,
[386] = 393,
[42] = 252,
[58] = 264,
[390] = 66,
[391] = 126,
[652] = 459,
[458] = 172,
[595] = 334,
[597] = 428,
[536] = 302,
[30] = 210,
[402] = 41,
[44] = 316,
[594] = 388,
[613] = 304,
[40] = 290,
[354] = 165,
[350] = 235,
[77] = 84,
[166] = 234,
[539] = 347,
[53] = 380,
[61] = 212,
[568] = 228,
[23] = 207,
[38] = 159,
[1454] = {
[1510] = 90,
[1450] = 33,
[1514] = 84,
[1644] = 75,
[1462] = 32,
[1432] = 109,
[1529] = 112,
["name"] = "Exarch's Refuge",
[1408] = 181,
[1502] = 75,
[1441] = 69,
[1442] = 108,
[1443] = 54,
[1475] = 96,
[1508] = 58,
[1539] = 141,
[1452] = 30,
[1504] = 70,
["Nighthaven"] = {
["Thunder Bluff"] = 400,
[1966] = {
[2045] = 65,
[1955] = 96,
[1959] = 37,
[1974] = 71,
[2126] = 26,
[2119] = 191,
[1975] = 56,
[2075] = 80,
[1953] = 80,
[2076] = 39,
[1957] = 37,
[1965] = 46,
[2120] = 158,
[2061] = 36,
["name"] = "Warbeast Kraal",
[83] = {
[668] = 380,
[670] = 334,
[70] = 672,
[631] = 95,
[635] = 441,
[10] = 420,
["name"] = "Tranquillien",
[68] = 117,
[625] = 52,
[76] = 257,
[649] = 279,
[205] = 51,
[82] = 73,
[120] = {
[139] = 322,
[122] = 274,
[151] = 156,
[126] = 177,
[128] = 77,
[99] = 199,
[140] = 290,
[160] = 203,
[141] = 266,
[123] = 210,
[127] = 64,
[130] = 270,
[102] = 126,
["name"] = "Garadar",
[150] = 339,
[159] = 274,
[118] = 67,
[163] = 227,
[363] = {
[25] = 86,
["name"] = "Malaka'jin",
[368] = 167,
[369] = 113,
[29] = 73,
[390] = 112,
[179] = 269,
[540] = 113,
[362] = 69,
[360] = 111,
[38] = 164,
[55] = 191,
[22] = 38,
[23] = 205,
[569] = 310,
[985] = {
[1195] = 82,
[1073] = 135,
[1019] = 118,
[895] = 128,
[1023] = 178,
[968] = 138,
[970] = 142,
[1054] = 180,
[1058] = 72,
[1070] = 114,
[986] = 33,
[990] = 94,
[992] = 79,
[1090] = 155,
["name"] = "Halfhill",
[1055] = 320,
[1071] = 161,
[1018] = 150,
[894] = 83,
[1022] = 116,
[1024] = 213,
[967] = 129,
[969] = 161,
[971] = 140,
[973] = 241,
[1052] = 32,
[1056] = 177,
[1072] = 184,
[987] = 44,
[1080] = 179,
[993] = 119,
[1029] = 38,
[1222] = 237,
[984] = 47,
[1017] = 85,
[1053] = 175,
[989] = 60,
[1294] = 245,
[1025] = 205,
[151] = {
[139] = 174,
[120] = 168,
[122] = 203,
[126] = 106,
[128] = 86,
[99] = 136,
[140] = 301,
[160] = 132,
[141] = 201,
[123] = 220,
[127] = 155,
[130] = 206,
[102] = 61,
["name"] = "Swamprat Post",
[150] = 193,
[118] = 111,
[163] = 71,
[2093] = {
[2109] = 174,
[2095] = 48,
[2139] = 62,
[2276] = 181,
[2089] = 76,
[2127] = 202,
[2090] = 49,
[2092] = 41,
["name"] = "Ironmaul Overlook",
[2279] = 128,
[2077] = 167,
[2091] = 66,
[2273] = 116,
[2062] = 64,
[327] = {
[324] = 132,
[332] = 248,
[309] = 307,
[294] = 299,
[333] = 113,
[310] = 151,
[256] = 264,
[326] = 44,
[320] = 127,
[259] = 367,
[306] = 173,
[254] = 269,
[322] = 149,
[190] = 407,
["name"] = "Bouldercrag's Refuge",
[340] = 60,
[323] = 41,
[331] = 251,
[308] = 307,
[325] = 189,
[986] = {
[985] = 46,
[987] = 42,
[989] = 92,
[1056] = 276,
[967] = 144,
[969] = 147,
[984] = 43,
["name"] = "Zhu's Watch",
[990] = 152,
[1017] = 88,
[1294] = 231,
[1058] = 117,
[1029] = 62,
[1741] = {
[1759] = 56,
[1885] = 175,
[1855] = 86,
[1856] = 118,
[1857] = 34,
[1858] = 109,
[1673] = 161,
[1761] = 55,
[1615] = 159,
[1738] = 35,
[1863] = 80,
[1756] = 94,
[1755] = 106,
[1742] = 53,
[1774] = 128,
[1837] = 184,
[1777] = 81,
[1622] = 171,
[1778] = 37,
[1753] = 47,
[1941] = 145,
[1719] = 59,
[1739] = 58,
[1713] = 152,
["name"] = "Forsaken Foothold",
[1754] = 81,
[1879] = 62,
[1880] = 110,
[1633] = 166,
[1764] = 116,
[366] = {
[61] = 408,
[368] = 38,
[369] = 55,
[29] = 107,
[356] = 225,
[458] = 269,
[22] = 100,
[568] = 137,
[38] = 67,
[362] = 149,
[42] = 249,
[23] = 311,
["name"] = "Furien's Post",
[334] = {
[320] = 77,
[252] = 142,
[322] = 177,
[323] = 103,
[294] = 180,
[340] = 124,
[192] = 296,
[335] = 28,
[249] = 248,
[337] = 77,
["name"] = "The Argent Vanguard",
[331] = 255,
[332] = 185,
[333] = 148,
[250] = 217,
[310] = 32,
[987] = {
[1294] = 258,
[989] = 98,
[990] = 80,
[1052] = 64,
[992] = 122,
[993] = 71,
[1056] = 271,
[1058] = 103,
[1090] = 226,
[967] = 177,
[968] = 150,
[984] = 61,
[1070] = 142,
["name"] = "Thunder Cleft",
[986] = 48,
[973] = 253,
[1018] = 144,
[985] = 32,
[1017] = 116,
[38] = {
[58] = 320,
[363] = 172,
[540] = 213,
[683] = 431,
[402] = 211,
[29] = 199,
[40] = 395,
[366] = 77,
[42] = 196,
[22] = 173,
[390] = 221,
[23] = 368,
[370] = 91,
[568] = 71,
[360] = 221,
[25] = 281,
[368] = 83,
[69] = 757,
["name"] = "Shadowprey Village",
[369] = 111,
[80] = 332,
[55] = 323,
[79] = 418,
[569] = 147,
[61] = 514,
[1462] = {
[1396] = 131,
[1569] = 46,
[1408] = 161,
[1442] = 89,
[1432] = 109,
[1514] = 66,
[1443] = 34,
["name"] = "Terokkar Refuge",
[1529] = 115,
[1440] = 36,
[1384] = 63,
[1568] = 121,
[1454] = 31,
[1863] = {
[1758] = 91,
[1855] = 89,
[1856] = 65,
[1857] = 55,
[1858] = 76,
[1673] = 139,
[1860] = 138,
[1767] = 126,
[1738] = 46,
[1615] = 129,
[1777] = 133,
[1741] = 75,
[1742] = 39,
[1774] = 97,
[1837] = 143,
[1942] = 79,
[1870] = 139,
[1778] = 89,
[1755] = 21,
[1739] = 22,
[1719] = 111,
[1753] = 114,
[1622] = 133,
["name"] = "Hafr Fjall",
[1754] = 141,
[1879] = 47,
[1880] = 88,
[1941] = 93,
[1713] = 158,
[1974] = {
[2119] = 206,
[2061] = 74,
[2009] = 25,
[2381] = 33,
[2045] = 81,
[2075] = 74,
[1954] = 138,
[1955] = 149,
[2143] = 161,
[1957] = 44,
[2118] = 143,
[2120] = 189,
[2126] = 96,
[2027] = 59,
[1966] = 83,
[2165] = 43,
[1965] = 102,
[2076] = 112,
["name"] = "Xibala",
[1959] = 63,
[1953] = 108,
[2164] = 36,
[2117] = 159,
[2046] = 74,
[76] = {
[668] = 225,
[13] = 159,
[70] = 419,
[56] = 576,
[669] = 180,
[86] = 151,
[17] = 93,
[18] = 648,
["name"] = "Revantusk Village",
[20] = 589,
[617] = 61,
[10] = 258,
[75] = 402,
[68] = 135,
[1975] = {
[1974] = 114,
[2045] = 81,
[1959] = 74,
[1955] = 57,
[2111] = 154,
[2046] = 106,
[2076] = 47,
[2075] = 104,
[1953] = 72,
["name"] = "Zeb'ahari",
[1957] = 89,
[1965] = 40,
[1954] = 93,
[2009] = 110,
[2126] = 40,
[1857] = {
[1758] = 86,
[1766] = 147,
[1837] = 170,
[1778] = 50,
[1719] = 73,
[1739] = 43,
[1755] = 119,
[1633] = 152,
[1767] = 87,
[1858] = 94,
["name"] = "Stormtorn Foothills",
[1870] = 169,
[1622] = 152,
[1941] = 142,
[1756] = 101,
[1764] = 129,
[1713] = 165,
[1855] = 58,
[1863] = 55,
[1741] = 30,
[1879] = 60,
[1761] = 60,
[1777] = 94,
[1759] = 59,
[1880] = 107,
[1856] = 114,
[1615] = 148,
[1738] = 32,
[1742] = 24,
[1774] = 124,
[1753] = 65,
[1754] = 103,
[1673] = 158,
[989] = {
[990] = 44,
[1052] = 82,
[992] = 63,
[1054] = 308,
[993] = 95,
[1056] = 255,
[1058] = 152,
[1029] = 120,
[967] = 222,
[1070] = 80,
["name"] = "Stoneplow",
[984] = 97,
[1072] = 126,
[985] = 51,
[1195] = 41,
[986] = 110,
[1073] = 229,
[1017] = 134,
[970] = 190,
[1024] = 216,
[1815] = {
[1766] = 43,
[1837] = 156,
[1778] = 149,
[1719] = 129,
[1857] = 190,
[1861] = 106,
[1613] = 117,
[1755] = 86,
[1633] = 144,
[1767] = 129,
[1858] = 107,
["name"] = "The Dreamgrove",
[1870] = 43,
[1622] = 133,
[1941] = 196,
[1756] = 116,
[1764] = 75,
[1713] = 39,
[1855] = 1331,
[1859] = 120,
[1741] = 167,
[1942] = 191,
[1761] = 150,
[1759] = 141,
[1880] = 90,
[1777] = 106,
[1885] = 50,
[1753] = 152,
[1615] = 78,
[1856] = 44,
[1860] = 117,
[1738] = 186,
[1742] = 208,
[1673] = 64,
[1774] = 170,
[1754] = 112,
[1879] = 147,
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = {
["Durnholde Keep"] = 88,
[1777] = {
[1758] = 37,
[1759] = 66,
[1761] = 27,
[1857] = 87,
[1858] = 63,
[1673] = 79,
[1767] = 27,
[1613] = 92,
[1738] = 84,
[1863] = 106,
[1766] = 63,
[1741] = 65,
[1742] = 106,
[1774] = 125,
[1713] = 81,
[1764] = 45,
[1756] = 80,
[1778] = 46,
[1755] = 44,
[1739] = 106,
[1719] = 27,
[1753] = 49,
[1615] = 94,
["name"] = "Sylvan Falls",
[1754] = 43,
[1879] = 78,
[1880] = 46,
[1859] = 83,
[1837] = 128,
[990] = {
[968] = 269,
[985] = 98,
[1070] = 104,
[989] = 60,
[1052] = 128,
[1071] = 188,
[984] = 126,
[1053] = 273,
["name"] = "Dawnchaser Retreat",
[1056] = 306,
[992] = 19,
[987] = 66,
[1058] = 162,
[993] = 50,
[304] = {
[324] = 136,
[332] = 267,
[340] = 233,
[325] = 345,
[333] = 268,
[310] = 120,
[296] = 327,
[249] = 99,
[191] = 205,
[320] = 94,
[305] = 53,
[259] = 396,
[250] = 98,
[254] = 145,
[258] = 323,
["name"] = "The Argent Stand",
[306] = 24,
[337] = 79,
[307] = 41,
[308] = 318,
[192] = 147,
[368] = {
[58] = 219,
[30] = 321,
[356] = 208,
[652] = 477,
[513] = 324,
[179] = 265,
[366] = 38,
[22] = 73,
[23] = 284,
[595] = 331,
[391] = 188,
[25] = 176,
[29] = 91,
[370] = 40,
[369] = 29,
["name"] = "Karnum's Glade",
[80] = 227,
[568] = 153,
[166] = 289,
[569] = 228,
[38] = 82,
[525] = {
[610] = 28,
[526] = 71,
["name"] = "Legion's Rest",
[522] = 50,
[70] = {
[13] = 459,
[599] = 108,
[676] = 17,
[56] = 192,
[635] = 138,
[75] = 61,
[17] = 348,
[18] = 284,
["name"] = "Flame Crest",
[675] = 51,
[76] = 440,
[68] = 571,
[21] = 82,
[20] = 207,
[77] = {
[539] = 323,
[402] = 168,
[356] = 292,
[179] = 110,
[42] = 131,
[531] = 304,
[390] = 56,
[23] = 195,
[391] = 44,
[368] = 237,
[22] = 117,
[369] = 183,
[53] = 444,
["name"] = "Vendetta Point",
[25] = 76,
[55] = 62,
[79] = 307,
[569] = 196,
[350] = 230,
[1759] = {
[1758] = 38,
[1761] = 76,
[1856] = 108,
[1857] = 58,
[1858] = 57,
[1673] = 106,
[1767] = 56,
[1861] = 135,
[1738] = 49,
[1863] = 94,
[1766] = 109,
[1741] = 46,
[1742] = 71,
[1774] = 111,
[1713] = 126,
[1777] = 63,
[1622] = 113,
[1778] = 32,
[1756] = 109,
[1755] = 89,
[1719] = 43,
[1764] = 80,
[1753] = 51,
["name"] = "Ironhorn Enclave",
[1754] = 72,
[1941] = 135,
[1942] = 123,
[1880] = 58,
[1859] = 86,
[20] = {
[632] = 287,
[17] = 494,
[635] = 298,
[68] = 736,
[70] = 198,
[21] = 242,
[593] = 57,
[656] = 509,
[667] = 619,
[673] = 328,
[75] = 230,
[13] = 563,
[659] = 517,
[675] = 240,
["name"] = "Grom'gol",
[676] = 207,
[599] = 302,
[56] = 173,
[18] = 63,
[592] = 39,
[992] = {
[968] = 215,
[985] = 65,
[989] = 61,
[993] = 43,
[1071] = 206,
[967] = 261,
[1056] = 259,
["name"] = "Cradle of Chi-Ji",
[990] = 15,
[1090] = 158,
[1294] = 324,
[1058] = 152,
[1072] = 160,
[609] = {
[635] = 819,
["name"] = "Sandy Beach",
[522] = 42,
[610] = 46,
[521] = 41,
[369] = {
[653] = 451,
[366] = 72,
[25] = 148,
[368] = 55,
[370] = 63,
[29] = 145,
[356] = 245,
[390] = 111,
[360] = 196,
[53] = 507,
["name"] = "Thunk's Abode",
[38] = 137,
[362] = 169,
[22] = 45,
[23] = 258,
[569] = 283,
[635] = {
[599] = 221,
[56] = 258,
[673] = 136,
[76] = 388,
[17] = 301,
[18] = 350,
[68] = 358,
[617] = 352,
[632] = 19,
[21] = 50,
["name"] = "Fuselight",
[75] = 112,
[993] = {
[985] = 74,
[987] = 77,
[989] = 138,
[1071] = 266,
[969] = 235,
[986] = 99,
["name"] = "Marista",
[990] = 64,
[992] = 51,
[1058] = 165,
[984] = 151,
[610] = {
[525] = 32,
["name"] = "Stygian Bounty",
[522] = 74,
[609] = 51,
[337] = {
[320] = 34,
[306] = 82,
[307] = 73,
[252] = 129,
[305] = 38,
[340] = 169,
[259] = 309,
[250] = 99,
[335] = 84,
["name"] = "Sunreaver's Command",
[248] = 213,
[331] = 195,
[249] = 187,
[192] = 235,
[334] = 77,
[310] = 56,
[2089] = {
[2274] = 147,
[2275] = 104,
[2139] = 42,
[2093] = 80,
[2127] = 166,
[2090] = 56,
[2095] = 69,
[2091] = 34,
[2279] = 137,
[2092] = 47,
[2062] = 72,
[2273] = 83,
["name"] = "Seekers Vista",
[1475] = {
[1572] = 209,
[1524] = 218,
[1520] = 180,
[1569] = 43,
[1408] = 156,
[1442] = 162,
["name"] = "Socrethar's Rise",
[1510] = 71,
[1529] = 31,
[1443] = 106,
[1432] = 181,
[1509] = 41,
[1440] = 114,
[1384] = 56,
[1508] = 93,
[1502] = 150,
[306] = {
[305] = 40,
[252] = 173,
[324] = 170,
[310] = 106,
[254] = 122,
[320] = 80,
[304] = 44,
["name"] = "Light's Breach",
[226] = 421,
[249] = 105,
[258] = 310,
[250] = 74,
[256] = 254,
[370] = {
[58] = 252,
[363] = 150,
[356] = 241,
[683] = 365,
[38] = 80,
[653] = 394,
[366] = 17,
[390] = 162,
[23] = 311,
[595] = 363,
[360] = 172,
[368] = 39,
["name"] = "Ethel Rethor",
[369] = 51,
[568] = 150,
[29] = 124,
[569] = 226,
[350] = 232,
[1739] = {
[1885] = 169,
[1855] = 78,
[1856] = 91,
[1857] = 45,
[1858] = 94,
[1673] = 157,
[1767] = 109,
[1738] = 29,
[1863] = 30,
[1764] = 82,
[1741] = 58,
[1742] = 28,
[1774] = 120,
[1837] = 169,
[1615] = 146,
[1777] = 116,
[1778] = 72,
[1880] = 106,
[1755] = 141,
[1719] = 95,
[1941] = 118,
[1753] = 97,
["name"] = "Dreadwake's Landing",
[1754] = 125,
[1879] = 59,
[1942] = 105,
[1633] = 152,
[1859] = 124,
[1572] = {
[1475] = 204,
[1509] = 159,
[1573] = 47,
[1442] = 142,
[1502] = 49,
["name"] = "Rilzit's Holdfast",
[1574] = 27,
[1432] = 71,
[1387] = 127,
[1524] = 183,
[1440] = 134,
[1504] = 73,
[1408] = 244,
[1505] = 25,
[1222] = {
[985] = 247,
[1055] = 264,
[1019] = 131,
[1021] = 51,
[1052] = 216,
[1056] = 50,
[1053] = 222,
[1018] = 93,
[1022] = 111,
["name"] = "Bozzle's Wreck",
[1058] = 184,
[1025] = 189,
[1719] = {
[1758] = 48,
[1766] = 81,
[1837] = 148,
[1778] = 31,
[1857] = 72,
[1861] = 141,
[1739] = 91,
[1755] = 56,
[1633] = 130,
[1767] = 20,
[1858] = 79,
["name"] = "Thunder Totem",
[1870] = 178,
[1622] = 126,
[1941] = 169,
[1756] = 73,
[1764] = 63,
[1713] = 67,
[1859] = 102,
[1863] = 113,
[1615] = 113,
[1879] = 89,
[1761] = 62,
[1774] = 135,
[1777] = 28,
[1880] = 65,
[1885] = 122,
[1613] = 112,
[1856] = 139,
[1741] = 50,
[1738] = 69,
[1742] = 90,
[1753] = 31,
[1673] = 98,
[1754] = 35,
[1759] = 46,
[1713] = {
[1758] = 97,
[1766] = 29,
[1837] = 128,
[1778] = 133,
[1719] = 114,
[1857] = 174,
[1861] = 71,
[1613] = 88,
[1755] = 121,
[1633] = 115,
[1767] = 113,
[1858] = 91,
["name"] = "Bradensbrook",
[1870] = 172,
[1622] = 103,
[1941] = 166,
[1756] = 167,
[1764] = 59,
[1859] = 91,
[1863] = 156,
[1615] = 43,
[1879] = 132,
[1761] = 162,
[1815] = 51,
[1777] = 90,
[1880] = 74,
[1759] = 125,
[1885] = 28,
[1856] = 155,
[1741] = 152,
[1738] = 170,
[1742] = 192,
[1753] = 135,
[1673] = 32,
[1754] = 130,
[1774] = 139,
[13] = {
[617] = 104,
[205] = 307,
[649] = 104,
[17] = 116,
[68] = 299,
[667] = 31,
[10] = 100,
[76] = 160,
[669] = 24,
[21] = 365,
[670] = 28,
[383] = 108,
[70] = 444,
[645] = 160,
[384] = 71,
[646] = 110,
["name"] = "Tarren Mill",
[75] = 427,
[668] = 71,
[56] = 600,
[20] = 690,
[18] = 673,
[613] = {
[683] = 122,
[614] = 73,
["name"] = "Southern Rocketway",
[23] = 87,
[536] = 178,
[568] = 533,
[53] = 188,
[22] = 306,
[80] = 199,
[44] = 39,
[390] = 249,
[2275] = {
[2274] = 56,
[2023] = 121,
["name"] = "Mudfisher Cove",
[2089] = 113,
[2127] = 83,
[2093] = 117,
[2062] = 66,
[2091] = 89,
[2279] = 68,
[2077] = 121,
[2092] = 106,
[2273] = 42,
[2109] = 70,
[1647] = {
[1512] = 48,
[1621] = 32,
[1644] = 55,
[1648] = 30,
[1442] = 74,
[1408] = 87,
["name"] = "Malo's Lookout",
[1646] = 30,
[1643] = 26,
[1432] = 140,
[1568] = 65,
[1487] = 149,
[1633] = {
[1758] = 107,
[1759] = 122,
[1859] = 36,
[1885] = 90,
[1615] = 62,
[1856] = 74,
[1764] = 117,
[1858] = 68,
[1766] = 103,
[1860] = 30,
[1613] = 41,
[1756] = 196,
[1863] = 131,
[1755] = 155,
[1741] = 164,
[1742] = 148,
[1774] = 60,
[1837] = 24,
[1777] = 120,
[1870] = 66,
[1778] = 146,
[1753] = 163,
[1713] = 108,
[1719] = 140,
[1673] = 82,
[1861] = 44,
["name"] = "Shackle's Den",
[1754] = 157,
[1879] = 106,
[1880] = 73,
[1622] = 29,
[1941] = 87,
[614] = {
[61] = 197,
[557] = 267,
[558] = 303,
[559] = 323,
[38] = 511,
[179] = 417,
[22] = 352,
[44] = 49,
[23] = 146,
[595] = 319,
[360] = 357,
[597] = 318,
[613] = 80,
[53] = 198,
["name"] = "Northern Rocketway",
[594] = 343,
[458] = 202,
[683] = 132,
[99] = {
[118] = 174,
[122] = 262,
[126] = 242,
[139] = 314,
[127] = 129,
[130] = 70,
[120] = 199,
[128] = 122,
["name"] = "Thrallmar",
[151] = 135,
[159] = 257,
[102] = 66,
[160] = 267,
[141] = 66,
[1738] = {
[1758] = 88,
[1759] = 56,
[1855] = 80,
[1856] = 93,
[1857] = 36,
[1858] = 70,
[1673] = 136,
[1764] = 72,
[1613] = 116,
[1777] = 92,
[1863] = 52,
[1756] = 120,
[1741] = 35,
[1742] = 30,
[1774] = 103,
[1837] = 146,
[1755] = 118,
[1870] = 144,
[1778] = 48,
[1622] = 130,
[1753] = 73,
[1719] = 71,
[1739] = 29,
[1713] = 152,
["name"] = "Cullen's Post",
[1754] = 100,
[1879] = 35,
[1880] = 85,
[1633] = 130,
[1941] = 119,
[250] = {
[332] = 323,
[340] = 299,
[294] = 170,
[248] = 57,
[310] = 186,
[256] = 207,
[295] = 111,
[334] = 207,
[304] = 123,
[191] = 158,
[258] = 318,
[259] = 390,
[249] = 101,
[306] = 80,
[254] = 88,
[260] = 204,
[320] = 160,
["name"] = "Conquest Hold",
[252] = 138,
[307] = 164,
[335] = 212,
[192] = 85,
[325] = 379,
[308] = {
[332] = 86,
[309] = 43,
[325] = 93,
[333] = 280,
[310] = 201,
[256] = 187,
[257] = 201,
[296] = 253,
[249] = 626,
[191] = 486,
[320] = 246,
[259] = 62,
[258] = 140,
[250] = 493,
[254] = 406,
[322] = 346,
[252] = 234,
["name"] = "River's Heart",
[260] = 263,
[323] = 244,
[327] = 460,
[340] = 263,
[226] = 154,
[1569] = {
[1475] = 51,
[1509] = 38,
[1408] = 156,
[1442] = 127,
[1432] = 143,
[1510] = 63,
[1514] = 106,
[1503] = 126,
["name"] = "Akeeta's Hovel",
[1462] = 44,
[1529] = 68,
[1384] = 52,
[1508] = 43,
[1487] = 44,
[2109] = {
[2274] = 87,
[2275] = 74,
[2023] = 156,
[2276] = 191,
[2089] = 142,
[2127] = 33,
[2090] = 120,
[2095] = 206,
["name"] = "Whitegrove Chapel",
[2279] = 100,
[2077] = 182,
[2091] = 121,
[2273] = 66,
[2062] = 108,
[391] = {
[30] = 101,
[402] = 213,
[356] = 252,
[652] = 342,
[179] = 61,
[40] = 174,
[366] = 301,
[42] = 98,
[22] = 163,
[390] = 98,
[23] = 240,
[25] = 121,
[674] = 373,
[386] = 275,
["name"] = "Desolation Hold",
[368] = 283,
[55] = 47,
[77] = 48,
[568] = 227,
[61] = 230,
[616] = {
[558] = 68,
["name"] = "Gates of Sothann",
[557] = 44,
[23] = 74,
[781] = 65,
[1559] = {
[1386] = 70,
[1388] = 74,
[1389] = 50,
[1390] = 51,
[1454] = 112,
[1395] = 26,
[1396] = 38,
[1432] = 44,
["name"] = "Wolf's Stand",
[1408] = 163,
[1440] = 92,
[1503] = 77,
[1442] = 54,
[1443] = 99,
[1475] = 190,
[1508] = 165,
[1539] = 67,
[1384] = 167,
[1452] = 125,
[1742] = {
[1758] = 108,
[1766] = 156,
[1837] = 167,
[1778] = 68,
[1719] = 90,
[1857] = 26,
[1861] = 163,
[1739] = 28,
[1755] = 136,
[1633] = 150,
[1767] = 104,
[1858] = 92,
["name"] = "Valdisdall",
[1622] = 149,
[1941] = 128,
[1756] = 118,
[1764] = 146,
[1713] = 176,
[1855] = 56,
[1859] = 122,
[1863] = 41,
[1615] = 144,
[1942] = 116,
[1761] = 77,
[1774] = 122,
[1777] = 111,
[1880] = 104,
[1885] = 167,
[1613] = 136,
[1856] = 101,
[1741] = 47,
[1738] = 29,
[1759] = 75,
[1753] = 82,
[1673] = 155,
[1754] = 119,
[1879] = 57,
[1487] = {
[1510] = 57,
[1573] = 111,
[1574] = 133,
[1513] = 27,
[1515] = 34,
[1462] = 71,
[1432] = 148,
[1529] = 92,
[1512] = 155,
[1408] = 240,
[1442] = 146,
[1384] = 95,
[1504] = 108,
["name"] = "Axefall",
[1475] = 79,
[1569] = 54,
[1508] = 24,
[1509] = 50,
[1450] = 79,
[617] = {
[68] = 180,
[13] = 17,
[87] = 125,
[85] = 186,
[384] = 111,
[56] = 542,
[635] = 373,
[86] = 142,
[17] = 70,
[76] = 84,
["name"] = "Hiri'watha Research Station",
[630] = 159,
[632] = 362,
[649] = 74,
[592] = 599,
[383] = 81,
[2077] = {
[2274] = 91,
[2023] = 33,
[2276] = 59,
[2089] = 178,
[2127] = 163,
[2091] = 154,
["name"] = "Castaway Point",
[2279] = 78,
[2062] = 112,
[2093] = 169,
[2273] = 143,
[2109] = 178,
[2061] = {
[1975] = 62,
[2009] = 63,
[2045] = 38,
[1953] = 51,
[1954] = 81,
[1955] = 83,
[2143] = 117,
[1957] = 48,
[2118] = 100,
[2120] = 132,
[2126] = 34,
[1965] = 35,
[1966] = 30,
[2076] = 59,
["name"] = "The Sliver",
[2111] = 132,
[1959] = 18,
[2027] = 31,
[2075] = 86,
[386] = {
[653] = 149,
[569] = 190,
[539] = 154,
[652] = 228,
[568] = 254,
[179] = 219,
[55] = 281,
[79] = 28,
["name"] = "Mossy Pile",
[38] = 321,
[40] = 99,
[42] = 213,
[23] = 438,
[674] = 232,
[1539] = {
[1574] = 140,
[1514] = 69,
[1454] = 149,
[1520] = 34,
[1524] = 29,
[1432] = 92,
[1621] = 117,
[1408] = 134,
[1440] = 104,
[1441] = 90,
[1442] = 48,
["name"] = "Skysea Ridge",
[1568] = 37,
[1450] = 108,
[1384] = 200,
[1462] = 143,
[1504] = 138,
[1529] = {
[1510] = 91,
[1450] = 130,
[1513] = 125,
[1515] = 92,
[1454] = 119,
[1487] = 102,
[1646] = 114,
[1648] = 134,
[1432] = 205,
[1621] = 137,
[1408] = 160,
[1440] = 124,
[1508] = 88,
[1442] = 175,
["name"] = "Darktide Roost",
[1475] = 28,
[1569] = 70,
[1384] = 61,
[1509] = 65,
[1462] = 110,
[190] = {
[191] = 80,
[307] = 228,
[252] = 246,
[308] = 534,
[295] = 76,
[289] = 498,
[254] = 191,
[310] = 352,
[257] = 529,
[248] = 103,
[256] = 315,
[249] = 136,
["name"] = "New Agamand",
[250] = 151,
[192] = 79,
[513] = {
[77] = 192,
[569] = 246,
[30] = 132,
[179] = 72,
["name"] = "Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge",
[402] = 362,
[40] = 39,
[22] = 307,
[23] = 379,
[55] = 108,
[310] = {
[294] = 159,
[295] = 310,
[296] = 265,
[248] = 256,
[304] = 145,
[249] = 111,
[306] = 126,
[250] = 199,
[308] = 117,
[309] = 246,
[252] = 120,
[190] = 348,
[254] = 162,
["name"] = "Dalaran",
[192] = 279,
[256] = 125,
[320] = 55,
[258] = 235,
[259] = 266,
[323] = 130,
[324] = 145,
[325] = 206,
[326] = 180,
[327] = 167,
[331] = 238,
[332] = 161,
[333] = 162,
[334] = 32,
[335] = 39,
[337] = 57,
[340] = 123,
[260] = 73,
[191] = 294,
[305] = 66,
[322] = 155,
[257] = 270,
[307] = 185,
[289] = 311,
[226] = 272,
[537] = {
[58] = 291,
[363] = 286,
[402] = 327,
[558] = 276,
[683] = 114,
[179] = 347,
[40] = 400,
[80] = 172,
[22] = 284,
[44] = 173,
[23] = 59,
[781] = 271,
[391] = 282,
[25] = 171,
["name"] = "Razor Hill",
[613] = 152,
[536] = 29,
[458] = 115,
[354] = 159,
[350] = 219,
[61] = 152,
[53] = 310,
[68] = {
[83] = 119,
[617] = 178,
[205] = 113,
[649] = 158,
[213] = 460,
[17] = 234,
[635] = 322,
[651] = 133,
[70] = 560,
[10] = 367,
[76] = 141,
[87] = 64,
[654] = 300,
[670] = 214,
[84] = 87,
[86] = 23,
[668] = 262,
[672] = 149,
[383] = 94,
[20] = 731,
[659] = 500,
[13] = 301,
[384] = 174,
[315] = 64,
["name"] = "Light's Hope Chapel",
[75] = 467,
[630] = 34,
[56] = 717,
[18] = 789,
[82] = 185,
[140] = {
[118] = 329,
[126] = 378,
[123] = 67,
[127] = 139,
[120] = 274,
[150] = 463,
[128] = 193,
[99] = 263,
["name"] = "Altar of Sha'tar",
[309] = {
[332] = 191,
[340] = 261,
[294] = 427,
[310] = 243,
[256] = 228,
[326] = 523,
[334] = 265,
[257] = 199,
[289] = 176,
[259] = 62,
[306] = 530,
[258] = 138,
["name"] = "Nesingwary Base Camp",
[226] = 228,
[320] = 432,
[331] = 699,
[308] = 51,
[325] = 91,
[79] = {
[386] = 37,
[22] = 416,
[652] = 261,
[38] = 359,
[179] = 268,
[40] = 93,
[80] = 334,
[42] = 253,
[531] = 191,
[390] = 388,
[23] = 433,
[683] = 547,
[166] = 617,
[391] = 300,
[25] = 391,
[674] = 270,
[568] = 290,
[539] = 149,
[53] = 675,
["name"] = "Marshal's Stand",
[55] = 294,
[653] = 185,
[569] = 226,
[513] = 143,
[55] = {
[58] = 358,
[30] = 111,
[363] = 228,
[540] = 344,
[652] = 328,
[513] = 123,
[179] = 62,
[40] = 204,
[80] = 89,
[42] = 143,
[22] = 183,
[390] = 113,
[23] = 215,
[61] = 325,
[391] = 44,
[25] = 162,
[166] = 352,
[69] = 568,
["name"] = "Brackenwall Village",
[369] = 249,
[683] = 335,
[568] = 272,
[53] = 467,
[29] = 277,
[38] = 322,
[323] = {
[324] = 96,
[332] = 264,
[340] = 97,
[294] = 259,
[310] = 111,
[326] = 51,
[334] = 81,
[327] = 35,
[249] = 277,
[258] = 343,
[192] = 325,
[322] = 141,
["name"] = "Grom'arsh Crash-Site",
[254] = 229,
[320] = 87,
[296] = 373,
[308] = 310,
[325] = 227,
[23] = {
[354] = 99,
[513] = 330,
[356] = 145,
[360] = 257,
[362] = 219,
[363] = 226,
[594] = 267,
[55] = 226,
[366] = 171,
[537] = 55,
[539] = 391,
[369] = 283,
[370] = 345,
[79] = 434,
[614] = 165,
[616] = 116,
[557] = 392,
[559] = 375,
["name"] = "Orgrimmar",
[368] = 338,
[531] = 432,
[77] = 179,
[569] = 374,
[25] = 112,
[29] = 257,
[386] = 437,
[42] = 218,
[350] = 138,
[58] = 228,
[390] = 160,
[391] = 222,
[179] = 266,
[652] = 503,
[69] = 358,
[458] = 55,
[595] = 213,
[597] = 309,
[536] = 91,
[22] = 225,
[540] = 269,
[30] = 299,
[402] = 269,
[44] = 113,
[674] = 596,
[613] = 93,
[166] = 167,
[653] = 503,
[683] = 81,
[558] = 218,
[781] = 211,
[80] = 107,
[53] = 240,
[61] = 90,
[568] = 449,
[40] = 335,
[38] = 373,
[1442] = {
[1569] = 132,
[1384] = 130,
[1514] = 39,
[1644] = 49,
[1396] = 82,
[1408] = 119,
[1475] = 173,
[1487] = 147,
[1621] = 99,
[1440] = 66,
[1574] = 128,
[1515] = 140,
[1539] = 47,
["name"] = "Beastwatch",
[1559] = 51,
[1573] = 154,
[1504] = 255,
[1508] = 151,
[1512] = 36,
[1390] = 102,
[1646] = 95,
[1524] = 66,
[1503] = 116,
[1648] = 72,
[1510] = 175,
[1389] = 91,
[1388] = 127,
[1386] = 111,
[1580] = 71,
[1387] = 127,
[1643] = 54,
[1647] = 74,
[1568] = 43,
[1572] = 143,
[1450] = 86,
[1454] = 107,
[1395] = 36,
[1462] = 92,
[1529] = 179,
[1513] = 141,
[1509] = 159,
[1505] = 153,
[1520] = 28,
[1443] = 69,
[1445] = 79,
[1452] = 123,
[1432] = 79,
[1502] = 113,
[1441] = 53,
[350] = {
[58] = 60,
[166] = 90,
[61] = 107,
[356] = 47,
[558] = 344,
[360] = 85,
[370] = 223,
[22] = 226,
[44] = 254,
[23] = 196,
[354] = 120,
[595] = 131,
[391] = 288,
[25] = 179,
[77] = 246,
[594] = 186,
[613] = 287,
[53] = 330,
["name"] = "Hellscream's Watch",
[568] = 324,
[362] = 123,
[29] = 113,
[368] = 220,
[126] = {
[118] = 149,
[122] = 97,
[139] = 158,
[123] = 335,
[127] = 271,
[120] = 227,
[150] = 163,
[128] = 202,
[151] = 116,
["name"] = "Thunderlord Stronghold",
[130] = 322,
[160] = 26,
[163] = 55,
[1753] = {
[1758] = 68,
[1837] = 168,
[1778] = 34,
[1719] = 29,
[1857] = 63,
[1861] = 159,
[1739] = 94,
[1755] = 66,
[1633] = 150,
[1767] = 33,
[1858] = 98,
["name"] = "Skyhorn",
[1622] = 145,
[1941] = 181,
[1756] = 70,
[1764] = 83,
[1713] = 120,
[1855] = 99,
[1859] = 122,
[1863] = 117,
[1615] = 133,
[1879] = 98,
[1761] = 36,
[1777] = 48,
[1759] = 56,
[1613] = 132,
[1856] = 154,
[1860] = 173,
[1738] = 71,
[1742] = 84,
[1741] = 45,
[1774] = 155,
[1754] = 45,
[1673] = 117,
[2009] = {
[1966] = 67,
[2045] = 64,
[1959] = 48,
[2027] = 43,
[2164] = 47,
[1974] = 27,
[2075] = 59,
[1955] = 134,
[2061] = 58,
[1957] = 28,
[1965] = 86,
[2119] = 190,
[2076] = 96,
["name"] = "Warport Rastari",
[1754] = {
[1758] = 84,
[1759] = 75,
[1761] = 41,
[1857] = 102,
[1713] = 116,
[1764] = 89,
[1756] = 42,
[1673] = 113,
[1767] = 34,
[1613] = 136,
[1738] = 99,
[1863] = 144,
[1755] = 32,
[1741] = 83,
[1742] = 121,
[1774] = 171,
[1837] = 172,
[1777] = 53,
[1622] = 151,
[1778] = 62,
[1753] = 46,
[1739] = 121,
[1719] = 43,
[1861] = 166,
[1615] = 138,
["name"] = "The Witchwood",
[1859] = 127,
[1941] = 204,
[1880] = 90,
[1633] = 147,
[1766] = 106,
[252] = {
[324] = 157,
[332] = 123,
[309] = 199,
[294] = 35,
[248] = 99,
[310] = 51,
[256] = 46,
[295] = 134,
[334] = 80,
[289] = 170,
[257] = 177,
[296] = 123,
[249] = 141,
[191] = 179,
[258] = 120,
[340] = 140,
[305] = 71,
[190] = 158,
[335] = 83,
[326] = 184,
[250] = 73,
[192] = 129,
[260] = 44,
[320] = 97,
["name"] = "Wyrmrest Temple",
[254] = 33,
[333] = 165,
[331] = 176,
[308] = 174,
[226] = 194,
[1755] = {
[1759] = 96,
[1885] = 142,
[1857] = 120,
[1858] = 102,
[1673] = 117,
[1767] = 48,
[1861] = 162,
[1738] = 117,
[1615] = 133,
[1741] = 98,
[1742] = 139,
[1774] = 165,
[1713] = 120,
[1777] = 49,
[1622] = 146,
[1778] = 80,
[1764] = 83,
[1756] = 44,
[1719] = 66,
[1761] = 78,
[1753] = 80,
["name"] = "Felbane Camp",
[1754] = 40,
[1941] = 196,
[1880] = 86,
[1863] = 161,
[1837] = 168,
[331] = {
[320] = 201,
[337] = 187,
[323] = 241,
[310] = 227,
[326] = 209,
[327] = 257,
["name"] = "Gundrak",
[256] = 319,
[307] = 56,
[333] = 375,
[304] = 108,
[192] = 186,
[1756] = {
[1758] = 114,
[1766] = 126,
[1837] = 200,
[1778] = 90,
[1719] = 83,
[1857] = 92,
[1739] = 128,
[1755] = 42,
[1633] = 182,
[1767] = 70,
[1858] = 134,
["name"] = "Shipwreck Cove",
[1622] = 178,
[1941] = 214,
[1764] = 115,
[1713] = 151,
[1859] = 155,
[1863] = 139,
[1741] = 82,
[1879] = 133,
[1761] = 45,
[1759] = 117,
[1777] = 81,
[1880] = 118,
[1774] = 197,
[1613] = 165,
[1856] = 188,
[1615] = 166,
[1738] = 106,
[1742] = 110,
[1753] = 63,
[1673] = 149,
[1754] = 50,
[1885] = 173,
[326] = {
[324] = 88,
[332] = 296,
[340] = 109,
[333] = 161,
[252] = 265,
[256] = 267,
[327] = 48,
[304] = 206,
[320] = 131,
[249] = 236,
[322] = 103,
[310] = 153,
["name"] = "Ulduar",
[307] = 153,
[323] = 44,
[331] = 207,
[308] = 355,
[190] = 363,
[325] = {
[320] = 283,
[308] = 117,
[309] = 118,
[310] = 208,
[323] = 254,
[327] = 214,
[335] = 214,
[258] = 195,
["name"] = "Death's Rise",
[331] = 465,
[249] = 454,
[333] = 94,
[304] = 369,
[340] = 170,
[1502] = {
[1510] = 142,
[1573] = 50,
[1450] = 60,
[1462] = 82,
[1432] = 63,
[1621] = 151,
[1574] = 42,
[1408] = 205,
[1443] = 98,
[1503] = 27,
[1442] = 110,
[1505] = 49,
[1504] = 19,
[1569] = 109,
[1384] = 137,
["name"] = "The Ring of Trials",
[1572] = 67,
[1758] = {
[1759] = 43,
[1857] = 92,
[1858] = 44,
[1673] = 92,
[1738] = 83,
[1742] = 105,
[1777] = 46,
[1778] = 65,
[1719] = 48,
[1859] = 78,
[1756] = 121,
[1753] = 66,
[1754] = 83,
[1879] = 54,
[1880] = 42,
["name"] = "Obsidian Overlook",
[1766] = 92,
[1503] = {
[1572] = 49,
[1505] = 42,
[1569] = 125,
[1573] = 65,
[1442] = 117,
[1408] = 219,
[1387] = 101,
[1454] = 85,
[1384] = 154,
["name"] = "Throne of the Elements",
[1432] = 47,
[1452] = 73,
[1504] = 31,
[1574] = 21,
[1502] = 28,
[625] = {
["name"] = "Fairbreeze Village",
[205] = 91,
[631] = 50,
[83] = 46,
[82] = 29,
[1504] = {
[1572] = 71,
[1573] = 50,
[1574] = 33,
[1513] = 112,
[1452] = 57,
[1487] = 115,
[1462] = 86,
[1432] = 59,
[1450] = 60,
[1384] = 146,
[1508] = 109,
["name"] = "Wor'var",
[1408] = 199,
[1440] = 85,
[1441] = 67,
[1442] = 105,
[1505] = 51,
[1568] = 139,
[1445] = 69,
[1539] = 143,
[1503] = 29,
[1502] = 11,
[257] = {
[332] = 158,
[309] = 117,
[294] = 211,
[248] = 360,
[252] = 225,
[256] = 176,
[295] = 394,
[334] = 317,
[296] = 93,
[304] = 391,
[191] = 477,
[289] = 36,
[258] = 87,
[226] = 72,
[327] = 420,
[259] = 68,
[320] = 317,
[249] = 421,
[254] = 262,
[307] = 432,
[310] = 145,
["name"] = "Warsong Hold",
[335] = 323,
[323] = 392,
[340] = 376,
[308] = 125,
[325] = 207,
[1505] = {
[1510] = 187,
[1387] = 133,
[1574] = 29,
[1390] = 106,
[1515] = 161,
[1487] = 142,
[1432] = 77,
[1408] = 251,
[1502] = 59,
[1503] = 43,
[1442] = 149,
["name"] = "Riverside Post",
[1568] = 172,
[1573] = 33,
[1384] = 190,
[1572] = 23,
[1504] = 60,
[1761] = {
[1758] = 100,
[1759] = 90,
[1885] = 173,
[1855] = 90,
[1857] = 60,
[1858] = 130,
[1673] = 149,
[1767] = 66,
[1613] = 164,
[1738] = 73,
[1615] = 164,
[1741] = 49,
[1742] = 80,
[1774] = 165,
[1713] = 151,
[1777] = 80,
[1622] = 178,
[1778] = 62,
[1766] = 133,
[1756] = 47,
[1719] = 61,
[1755] = 73,
["name"] = "Prepfoot",
[1753] = 43,
[1754] = 54,
[1879] = 100,
[1880] = 117,
[1764] = 115,
[1861] = 193,
[307] = {
[324] = 87,
[310] = 172,
[326] = 154,
[334] = 193,
[304] = 53,
[289] = 450,
[305] = 105,
[249] = 83,
[337] = 132,
[320] = 145,
[322] = 85,
[250] = 150,
["name"] = "Zim'Torga",
[335] = 198,
[295] = 241,
[331] = 54,
[306] = 77,
[190] = 210,
[305] = {
[340] = 180,
[325] = 261,
[248] = 174,
[310] = 68,
[334] = 88,
[327] = 153,
[304] = 64,
[289] = 346,
[258] = 271,
[250] = 158,
[254] = 99,
[249] = 149,
[192] = 198,
["name"] = "Ebon Watch",
[252] = 92,
[323] = 115,
[337] = 27,
[306] = 45,
[320] = 40,
[75] = {
[13] = 435,
[70] = 61,
[56] = 199,
[673] = 24,
[17] = 317,
[18] = 366,
[68] = 561,
[20] = 234,
[76] = 421,
["name"] = "Thorium Point",
[21] = 66,
[599] = 161,
[18] = {
[632] = 353,
[649] = 684,
[17] = 567,
[68] = 755,
[70] = 272,
[668] = 721,
[76] = 666,
[21] = 308,
[593] = 114,
[13] = 668,
[20] = 75,
[675] = 315,
["name"] = "Booty Bay",
[75] = 305,
[599] = 282,
[56] = 238,
[676] = 281,
[592] = 41,
[1508] = {
[1510] = 38,
[1573] = 122,
[1574] = 147,
[1513] = 37,
[1452] = 79,
[1515] = 46,
[1454] = 72,
[1487] = 21,
[1395] = 159,
[1462] = 80,
[1432] = 159,
[1572] = 162,
[1529] = 93,
[1502] = 121,
[1442] = 155,
[1408] = 194,
[1440] = 113,
["name"] = "Veil Terokk",
[1504] = 119,
[1505] = 142,
[1475] = 78,
[1569] = 53,
[1384] = 85,
[1509] = 35,
[1450] = 91,
[1764] = {
[1758] = 56,
[1766] = 38,
[1837] = 130,
[1778] = 92,
[1719] = 72,
[1857] = 133,
[1739] = 152,
[1755] = 82,
[1633] = 112,
[1767] = 73,
[1858] = 66,
["name"] = "Starsong Refuge",
[1622] = 123,
[1941] = 160,
[1756] = 122,
[1713] = 57,
[1855] = 185,
[1859] = 84,
[1615] = 91,
[1879] = 97,
[1761] = 121,
[1777] = 50,
[1759] = 85,
[1880] = 48,
[1613] = 107,
[1856] = 131,
[1774] = 129,
[1738] = 129,
[1742] = 152,
[1673] = 54,
[1753] = 94,
[1754] = 86,
[1885] = 79,
[1509] = {
[1621] = 134,
[1475] = 54,
[1569] = 26,
[1408] = 166,
[1442] = 143,
[1510] = 37,
[1529] = 67,
["name"] = "Talon Watch",
[1450] = 87,
[1487] = 42,
[1384] = 56,
[1508] = 29,
[1505] = 165,
[17] = {
[83] = 311,
[617] = 53,
[649] = 126,
[635] = 305,
[651] = 140,
[667] = 121,
[10] = 220,
[76] = 88,
[669] = 98,
[21] = 248,
[673] = 335,
[13] = 113,
[70] = 326,
[75] = 315,
["name"] = "Hammerfall",
[676] = 329,
[20] = 497,
[56] = 483,
[68] = 197,
[18] = 548,
[1510] = {
[1573] = 159,
[1452] = 118,
[1515] = 51,
[1454] = 111,
[1487] = 53,
[1462] = 98,
[1432] = 189,
[1621] = 165,
[1529] = 95,
["name"] = "Pinchwhistle Gearworks",
[1408] = 198,
[1502] = 159,
[1503] = 179,
[1442] = 174,
[1443] = 115,
[1568] = 206,
[1569] = 71,
[1508] = 47,
[1509] = 34,
[1504] = 158,
[1766] = {
[1758] = 75,
[1759] = 103,
[1857] = 150,
[1885] = 48,
[1863] = 133,
[1856] = 132,
[1764] = 37,
[1858] = 69,
[1859] = 80,
[1767] = 91,
[1613] = 77,
[1756] = 145,
[1615] = 61,
[1755] = 101,
[1741] = 130,
[1742] = 38,
[1774] = 130,
[1837] = 117,
[1777] = 68,
[1622] = 93,
[1778] = 110,
[1815] = 51,
[1753] = 111,
[1719] = 91,
[1713] = 26,
[1861] = 91,
["name"] = "Garden of the Moon",
[1754] = 107,
[1879] = 107,
[1880] = 50,
[1633] = 106,
[1673] = 24,
[521] = {
[525] = 129,
["name"] = "Smuggler's Scar",
[522] = 83,
[526] = 192,
[610] = 150,
[609] = 43,
[315] = {
[213] = 393,
[13] = 238,
[70] = 606,
[384] = 223,
[56] = 763,
[635] = 366,
[82] = 234,
[673] = 501,
[83] = 166,
[10] = 349,
[68] = 50,
[76] = 189,
[649] = 161,
[205] = 150,
["name"] = "Acherus: The Ebon Hold",
[1512] = {
[1647] = 51,
[1621] = 76,
[1520] = 48,
[1644] = 27,
[1408] = 116,
[1442] = 29,
[1572] = 146,
["name"] = "Bastion Rise",
[1514] = 17,
[1443] = 44,
[1432] = 97,
[1513] = 117,
[1539] = 1685,
[1504] = 83,
[1643] = 30,
[1475] = 221,
[1024] = {
[985] = 162,
[1055] = 109,
[1019] = 45,
[1023] = 31,
[1056] = 108,
[1053] = 65,
["name"] = "Shado-Pan Fallback",
[1017] = 134,
[1058] = 105,
[1054] = 38,
[1073] = 70,
[1025] = 69,
[128] = {
[139] = 253,
[120] = 81,
[122] = 205,
[151] = 79,
[126] = 185,
[159] = 197,
[99] = 131,
[140] = 214,
[160] = 211,
[141] = 215,
[123] = 133,
[127] = 69,
[130] = 201,
[102] = 77,
["name"] = "Shattrath",
[150] = 217,
[118] = 136,
[163] = 150,
["Alliance"] = {
[1513] = {
[1452] = 52,
[1539] = 174,
[1453] = 39,
[1508] = 29,
[1476] = 78,
[1450] = 63,
[1493] = 40,
[1510] = 58,
["name"] = "Apexis Excavation",
[1440] = 103,
[1515] = 24,
[1568] = 187,
[1643] = 138,
[1572] = 159,
[630] = {
[552] = 317,
[85] = 49,
[618] = 127,
[67] = 39,
[86] = 20,
[633] = 372,
[551] = 313,
["name"] = "Light's Shield Tower",
[87] = 30,
[84] = 61,
[635] = 354,
[205] = 138,
[651] = 106,
[1515] = {
[1467] = 84,
[1448] = 81,
[1493] = 37,
[1569] = 49,
[1513] = 41,
[1509] = 26,
[1476] = 74,
[1450] = 80,
["name"] = "Crow's Crook",
[1503] = 147,
[1462] = 55,
[1511] = 152,
[1510] = 43,
[1528] = 145,
[1508] = 18,
[1647] = 129,
[2] = {
[635] = 251,
[5] = 113,
[602] = 267,
[4] = 73,
[213] = 280,
[6] = 216,
[7] = 288,
[8] = 224,
[74] = 136,
[12] = 116,
[596] = 165,
[598] = 196,
[600] = 159,
[665] = 422,
[584] = 50,
[606] = 348,
[16] = 375,
[673] = 160,
[675] = 207,
[551] = 334,
[553] = 343,
[555] = 271,
[620] = 224,
[315] = 588,
["name"] = "Stormwind",
[1538] = 194,
[618] = 471,
[66] = 429,
[383] = 486,
[634] = 198,
[630] = 565,
[67] = 557,
[663] = 495,
[85] = 607,
[552] = 315,
[583] = 97,
[84] = 575,
[650] = 454,
[589] = 88,
[591] = 182,
[43] = 412,
[205] = 622,
[599] = 198,
[662] = 403,
[86] = 576,
[87] = 530,
[605] = 413,
[71] = 149,
[672] = 511,
[664] = 453,
[676] = 185,
[615] = 135,
[554] = 283,
[619] = 214,
[195] = 92,
[651] = 470,
[45] = 176,
[622] = 103,
[590] = 144,
[19] = 198,
[633] = 232,
[582] = 31,
[1518] = {
[1523] = 47,
[1520] = 39,
[1524] = 61,
[1528] = 58,
[1568] = 27,
[1476] = 138,
[1450] = 117,
[1539] = 53,
[1447] = 88,
["name"] = "Wildwood Wash",
[1511] = 64,
[1620] = 70,
[1519] = 34,
[1643] = 51,
[1420] = 107,
[1774] = {
[1758] = 98,
[1766] = 120,
[1837] = 72,
[1778] = 127,
[1719] = 147,
[1857] = 139,
[1861] = 93,
[1613] = 74,
[1747] = 103,
[1755] = 161,
[1633] = 55,
[1767] = 147,
[1858] = 63,
["name"] = "Dalaran",
[1744] = 124,
[1622] = 79,
[1815] = 166,
[1756] = 201,
[1764] = 123,
[1713] = 125,
[1855] = 169,
[1859] = 52,
[1863] = 92,
[1615] = 91,
[1745] = 88,
[1753] = 151,
[1761] = 177,
[1862] = 88,
[1754] = 163,
[1777] = 126,
[1673] = 98,
[1759] = 113,
[1870] = 64,
[1856] = 43,
[1860] = 67,
[1879] = 77,
[1742] = 122,
[1941] = 56,
[1885] = 117,
[1880] = 78,
[1942] = 63,
[4] = {
[2] = 84,
[555] = 339,
[8] = 283,
[16] = 465,
[619] = 287,
[66] = 647,
[589] = 163,
[5] = 130,
[74] = 206,
[591] = 153,
[620] = 305,
[590] = 113,
[43] = 484,
[195] = 62,
[6] = 82,
[45] = 182,
[12] = 90,
[583] = 23,
[673] = 234,
[596] = 187,
[67] = 595,
[7] = 358,
[582] = 106,
["name"] = "Sentinel Hill",
[315] = 660,
[71] = 194,
[584] = 32,
[622] = 31,
[19] = 183,
[5] = {
[635] = 158,
[2] = 112,
[4] = 129,
[584] = 161,
[6] = 209,
[7] = 278,
[8] = 210,
[12] = 61,
[596] = 53,
[16] = 353,
[600] = 47,
[602] = 216,
[673] = 169,
[551] = 307,
[553] = 309,
[555] = 206,
[622] = 118,
["name"] = "Lakeshire",
[66] = 487,
[634] = 105,
[67] = 527,
[583] = 153,
[650] = 497,
[589] = 39,
[43] = 435,
[599] = 87,
[71] = 56,
[676] = 93,
[615] = 20,
[582] = 90,
[619] = 314,
[590] = 156,
[74] = 130,
[45] = 124,
[598] = 84,
[195] = 84,
[19] = 217,
[633] = 112,
[315] = 582,
[6] = {
[635] = 175,
[2] = 210,
[4] = 259,
[5] = 221,
[7] = 116,
[8] = 101,
[12] = 259,
[598] = 257,
[600] = 267,
[665] = 267,
[606] = 187,
[673] = 103,
[675] = 149,
[551] = 162,
[553] = 191,
[555] = 147,
[620] = 56,
[315] = 415,
["name"] = "Ironforge",
[66] = 260,
[383] = 315,
[634] = 182,
[602] = 389,
[195] = 228,
[67] = 348,
[74] = 79,
[213] = 106,
[618] = 286,
[84] = 401,
[650] = 282,
[589] = 288,
[591] = 375,
[43] = 240,
[658] = 228,
[599] = 235,
[662] = 282,
[86] = 366,
[630] = 379,
[672] = 340,
[71] = 166,
[87] = 359,
[205] = 336,
[676] = 184,
[552] = 192,
[554] = 161,
[619] = 45,
[85] = 352,
[651] = 297,
[45] = 299,
[16] = 203,
[590] = 346,
[19] = 314,
[633] = 147,
[582] = 225,
[7] = {
[2] = 243,
[4] = 307,
[8] = 163,
[16] = 113,
[665] = 183,
[619] = 119,
[66] = 186,
[5] = 249,
[74] = 127,
[213] = 158,
[618] = 197,
[555] = 209,
[43] = 189,
[195] = 324,
[552] = 61,
[45] = 390,
[12] = 308,
[650] = 252,
[582] = 281,
[658] = 144,
[67] = 283,
[71] = 290,
[551] = 47,
["name"] = "Menethil Harbor",
[315] = 391,
[6] = 89,
[553] = 75,
[19] = 429,
[87] = 334,
[8] = {
[635] = 74,
[2] = 205,
[4] = 269,
[5] = 191,
[6] = 109,
[7] = 153,
[12] = 263,
[16] = 164,
[663] = 217,
[665] = 199,
[673] = 106,
[675] = 157,
[551] = 117,
[553] = 119,
[555] = 46,
[620] = 53,
[315] = 465,
["name"] = "Thelsamar",
[66] = 407,
[67] = 333,
[583] = 293,
[85] = 379,
[662] = 181,
[71] = 135,
[205] = 497,
[554] = 60,
[619] = 96,
[552] = 92,
[618] = 247,
[45] = 341,
[19] = 576,
[43] = 234,
[74] = 82,
[633] = 46,
[195] = 357,
[159] = {
[139] = 497,
[100] = 237,
[119] = 290,
[124] = 42,
["name"] = "Sanctum of the Stars",
[117] = 298,
[121] = 141,
[128] = 214,
[150] = 515,
[2033] = {
[2088] = 131,
[2127] = 66,
[2042] = 53,
[2102] = 53,
[2106] = 40,
[2108] = 68,
[2083] = 95,
[2085] = 140,
[2087] = 67,
[2089] = 130,
[2060] = 81,
[2277] = 81,
[2037] = 30,
[2035] = 55,
[2109] = 58,
[2107] = 42,
["name"] = "Fallhaven",
[2052] = 50,
[2034] = 34,
[2084] = 50,
[2138] = 122,
[2053] = 35,
[1778] = {
[1758] = 69,
[1759] = 37,
[1761] = 54,
[1673] = 121,
[1856] = 119,
[1764] = 87,
[1858] = 89,
[1859] = 118,
[1767] = 45,
[1857] = 48,
[1756] = 90,
[1615] = 139,
[1755] = 77,
[1744] = 77,
[1742] = 59,
[1774] = 127,
[1713] = 124,
[1745] = 42,
[1622] = 150,
[1747] = 31,
[1753] = 30,
[1766] = 105,
[1719] = 26,
[1777] = 46,
[1837] = 164,
["name"] = "Stonehoof Watch",
[1754] = 55,
[1941] = 146,
[1880] = 90,
[1879] = 63,
[1863] = 76,
[1523] = {
[1511] = 24,
[1389] = 86,
[1518] = 52,
[1519] = 31,
[1520] = 31,
[1462] = 95,
[1528] = 35,
[1506] = 149,
[1568] = 46,
[1503] = 114,
[1476] = 101,
["name"] = "Deeproot",
[1475] = 174,
[1569] = 118,
[1539] = 60,
[1447] = 50,
[1580] = 75,
[635] = {
[66] = 356,
[2] = 257,
[633] = 18,
[8] = 71,
[16] = 187,
[67] = 358,
[619] = 167,
[673] = 176,
[555] = 49,
[6] = 181,
[634] = 51,
[630] = 487,
["name"] = "Fuselight",
[1524] = {
[1520] = 49,
[1539] = 28,
[1476] = 167,
[1518] = 66,
["name"] = "Iron Docks",
[1440] = 134,
[1519] = 56,
[1523] = 78,
[1568] = 46,
[28] = {
[27] = 239,
[31] = 412,
[361] = 106,
[781] = 308,
[364] = 105,
[541] = 133,
[370] = 184,
[80] = 193,
[557] = 279,
[65] = 218,
["name"] = "Astranaar",
[565] = 268,
[567] = 353,
[387] = 145,
[388] = 244,
[389] = 244,
[166] = 78,
[167] = 134,
[457] = 350,
[595] = 125,
[26] = 205,
[338] = 53,
[339] = 88,
[52] = 295,
[594] = 179,
[41] = 322,
[37] = 134,
[33] = 175,
[39] = 412,
[652] = 742,
[351] = 41,
[616] = 212,
[32] = 388,
[32] = {
[27] = 547,
[179] = 63,
[513] = 123,
[653] = 401,
[39] = 147,
[364] = 240,
[367] = 387,
[368] = 355,
[28] = 369,
[370] = 354,
[79] = 248,
[80] = 114,
[557] = 587,
[33] = 352,
["name"] = "Theramore",
[565] = 339,
[567] = 260,
[386] = 257,
[387] = 183,
[388] = 81,
[389] = 129,
[166] = 391,
[167] = 260,
[457] = 660,
[532] = 241,
[26] = 499,
[338] = 361,
[52] = 412,
[41] = 70,
[369] = 337,
[616] = 521,
[539] = 205,
[558] = 622,
[37] = 331,
[31] = 201,
[541] = 266,
[559] = 730,
[351] = 294,
[652] = 325,
[674] = 506,
[2037] = {
[2088] = 111,
[2127] = 78,
[2102] = 34,
[2106] = 62,
[2077] = 116,
[2079] = 87,
[2083] = 75,
[2089] = 111,
[2060] = 62,
[2277] = 66,
[2109] = 71,
[2084] = 30,
[2074] = 83,
[2107] = 54,
["name"] = "Barbthorn Ridge",
[2033] = 34,
[2034] = 33,
[2035] = 50,
[2086] = 105,
[2108] = 91,
[1020] = {
[895] = 162,
[1017] = 44,
[1029] = 103,
[1021] = 98,
[1023] = 39,
[1056] = 134,
["name"] = "Westwind Rest",
[986] = 129,
[1018] = 62,
[985] = 130,
[1022] = 47,
[1024] = 28,
[1057] = 65,
[1190] = 183,
[80] = {
[166] = 266,
[31] = 306,
[387] = 90,
[364] = 147,
[652] = 418,
[167] = 156,
[37] = 439,
[513] = 228,
[179] = 169,
[389] = 130,
[41] = 389,
[388] = 54,
[539] = 298,
[594] = 376,
[532] = 334,
["name"] = "Ratchet",
[27] = 430,
[52] = 308,
[565] = 347,
[386] = 349,
[567] = 365,
[361] = 208,
[73] = 431,
[39] = 245,
[28] = 197,
[79] = 78,
[370] = 261,
[32] = 105,
[1528] = {
[1572] = 135,
[1511] = 42,
[1450] = 71,
[1420] = 163,
[1518] = 74,
[1519] = 44,
[1520] = 37,
[1523] = 36,
[1502] = 114,
[1503] = 89,
[1389] = 62,
["name"] = "Iron Siegeworks",
[1568] = 61,
[1476] = 115,
[1539] = 48,
[1447] = 57,
[1643] = 63,
[1021] = {
[1017] = 116,
[1070] = 220,
[1221] = 50,
[988] = 242,
[1023] = 112,
[1056] = 235,
[1053] = 213,
["name"] = "Zouchin Village",
[1293] = 369,
[1018] = 44,
[1020] = 93,
[1022] = 61,
[1057] = 156,
[966] = 220,
[1025] = 139,
[160] = {
[140] = 448,
[122] = 73,
[139] = 124,
[100] = 285,
[119] = 240,
[150] = 143,
[156] = 44,
[164] = 118,
[159] = 411,
[124] = 366,
[128] = 213,
[117] = 132,
[121] = 288,
[125] = 54,
["name"] = "Evergrove",
[101] = 197,
[2042] = {
[2088] = 111,
[2278] = 55,
[2127] = 107,
[2102] = 67,
[2137] = 113,
[2106] = 78,
[2108] = 97,
[2079] = 40,
[2060] = 63,
[2083] = 61,
[2085] = 121,
[2087] = 82,
[2089] = 144,
[2277] = 42,
[2084] = 53,
[2023] = 55,
[2097] = 122,
[2037] = 45,
[2101] = 106,
[2109] = 102,
[2074] = 45,
[2107] = 86,
["name"] = "Vigil Hill",
[2033] = 48,
[2034] = 28,
[2035] = 22,
[2086] = 105,
[2077] = 69,
[320] = {
[255] = 178,
[309] = 308,
[244] = 105,
[310] = 71,
[326] = 140,
[303] = 181,
[245] = 316,
[304] = 107,
[253] = 172,
[335] = 103,
[336] = 54,
[305] = 44,
[247] = 201,
[321] = 43,
[184] = 263,
[306] = 88,
[183] = 293,
[322] = 101,
[307] = 148,
["name"] = "K3",
[327] = 107,
[334] = 75,
[185] = 224,
[308] = 272,
[340] = 168,
[895] = {
[1293] = 142,
[1080] = 38,
[1052] = 100,
[1053] = 270,
[1056] = 324,
[1057] = 178,
[1090] = 346,
[966] = 78,
[967] = 28,
[968] = 35,
[984] = 76,
[969] = 74,
[985] = 126,
["name"] = "Dawn's Blossom",
[986] = 111,
[971] = 49,
[1017] = 140,
[972] = 70,
[970] = 40,
[1023] = {
[895] = 192,
[1025] = 28,
[1056] = 123,
[984] = 140,
["name"] = "Kota Basecamp",
[1020] = 37,
[1022] = 51,
[1024] = 30,
[966] = 187,
[1057] = 100,
[1024] = {
[1025] = 56,
[1029] = 107,
[1023] = 30,
[1056] = 109,
[1018] = 88,
[988] = 195,
[1053] = 53,
["name"] = "Shado-Pan Fallback",
[1020] = 26,
[1017] = 70,
[1054] = 38,
[1055] = 87,
[1221] = 174,
[321] = {
[255] = 226,
[309] = 300,
[294] = 218,
[333] = 177,
[310] = 64,
[295] = 323,
[334] = 34,
[304] = 155,
[296] = 323,
[335] = 60,
[253] = 220,
[226] = 406,
[247] = 227,
[185] = 273,
[244] = 153,
[325] = 227,
[184] = 311,
[306] = 136,
[307] = 197,
[322] = 149,
[320] = 49,
["name"] = "Frosthold",
[326] = 97,
[327] = 65,
[331] = 249,
[308] = 264,
[340] = 125,
[1025] = {
[968] = 253,
[1190] = 245,
[1055] = 77,
[1029] = 144,
[1021] = 124,
[1023] = 26,
[966] = 209,
["name"] = "Winter's Blossom",
[988] = 134,
[1053] = 34,
[1057] = 127,
[1020] = 78,
[1022] = 67,
[1024] = 56,
[1073] = 100,
[1017] = 132,
[129] = {
[139] = 396,
[122] = 348,
[124] = 266,
[159] = 308,
[101] = 115,
[140] = 348,
[156] = 265,
[160] = 317,
[164] = 259,
[117] = 196,
[119] = 277,
[121] = 188,
[125] = 287,
[100] = 73,
["name"] = "Hellfire Peninsula",
[150] = 416,
[128] = 190,
[1538] = {
[2] = 190,
[618] = 532,
[590] = 185,
[71] = 155,
[195] = 135,
[598] = 49,
[600] = 86,
["name"] = "Shattered Beachhead",
[12] = 103,
[676] = 190,
[1539] = {
[1572] = 151,
[1511] = 74,
[1450] = 110,
[1451] = 142,
[1452] = 149,
[1515] = 208,
[1518] = 56,
[1519] = 42,
[1520] = 32,
[1523] = 55,
[1524] = 29,
[1528] = 46,
[1502] = 154,
[1420] = 161,
[1506] = 162,
["name"] = "Skysea Ridge",
[1568] = 37,
[1476] = 157,
[1389] = 61,
[1447] = 95,
[1580] = 62,
[322] = {
[305] = 131,
[321] = 131,
[307] = 89,
[252] = 222,
[185] = 307,
[310] = 159,
[296] = 384,
[327] = 133,
[294] = 274,
[320] = 88,
["name"] = "Dun Niffelem",
[303] = 264,
[326] = 85,
[333] = 247,
[334] = 165,
[335] = 190,
[1029] = {
[988] = 90,
[1020] = 110,
[1052] = 20,
[992] = 128,
[1054] = 151,
[993] = 153,
[1056] = 222,
[1057] = 81,
[1090] = 203,
[1053] = 167,
["name"] = "Tavern in the Mists",
[1017] = 39,
[967] = 128,
[1221] = 190,
[968] = 110,
[984] = 21,
[969] = 168,
[985] = 51,
[1071] = 210,
[986] = 58,
[1070] = 162,
[1018] = 103,
[1190] = 132,
[1293] = 217,
[2055] = {
["name"] = "Southwind Station",
[2052] = 121,
[2053] = 54,
[2054] = 48,
[2083] = 89,
[2104] = 27,
[2056] = {
[2053] = 35,
[2052] = 50,
[2057] = 55,
["name"] = "Fallhaven",
[2057] = {
[2056] = 57,
["name"] = "Fletcher's Hollow",
[2053] = 33,
["Valgarde"] = {
["Explorers' League Outpost"] = 197,
[2060] = {
[2088] = 54,
[2278] = 30,
[2042] = 68,
[2102] = 61,
[2106] = 109,
[2077] = 98,
[2079] = 70,
[2137] = 80,
[2083] = 19,
[2085] = 63,
[2087] = 79,
[2089] = 91,
[2277] = 24,
[2108] = 139,
[2084] = 40,
[2097] = 64,
[2037] = 62,
[2101] = 48,
[2109] = 120,
[2074] = 44,
[2107] = 111,
["name"] = "Hatherford",
[2033] = 73,
[2034] = 55,
[2035] = 73,
[2086] = 47,
[2133] = 90,
[387] = {
[351] = 112,
[26] = 485,
[37] = 125,
[28] = 151,
[370] = 171,
[27] = 545,
[565] = 257,
[388] = 100,
[389] = 92,
["name"] = "Honor's Stand",
[361] = 118,
[368] = 173,
[80] = 85,
[364] = 58,
[567] = 354,
[2066] = {
[2161] = 134,
[2147] = 25,
[2080] = 113,
[2148] = 30,
[2012] = 114,
[2119] = 191,
[2157] = 108,
[2120] = 184,
[2075] = 63,
["name"] = "Atal'Gral",
[2078] = 114,
[1965] = 55,
[2145] = 74,
[2153] = 54,
[2126] = 42,
[226] = {
[309] = 103,
[294] = 173,
[252] = 198,
[295] = 295,
[303] = 182,
[296] = 95,
[289] = 30,
[245] = 74,
[305] = 260,
[334] = 238,
[321] = 264,
[184] = 344,
[247] = 140,
[326] = 322,
[244] = 221,
[246] = 52,
["name"] = "Transitus Shield",
[183] = 348,
[310] = 223,
[185] = 319,
[308] = 94,
[340] = 263,
[388] = {
[73] = 430,
[27] = 479,
[28] = 254,
[387] = 103,
[32] = 73,
[389] = 77,
["name"] = "Northwatch Hold",
[179] = 141,
[31] = 274,
[80] = 46,
[532] = 313,
[652] = 398,
[1293] = {
[988] = 288,
[989] = 319,
[1080] = 179,
[992] = 345,
[1056] = 463,
[1057] = 302,
[1029] = 243,
[967] = 168,
[1190] = 253,
[968] = 176,
[986] = 251,
[985] = 266,
["name"] = "Tushui Landing",
[1017] = 281,
[971] = 191,
[1018] = 345,
[972] = 210,
[895] = 141,
[2074] = {
[2037] = 84,
[2278] = 20,
[2096] = 63,
[2042] = 52,
[2102] = 83,
[2106] = 119,
[2077] = 55,
[2079] = 27,
[2083] = 38,
[2085] = 103,
[2087] = 100,
[2060] = 45,
[2277] = 27,
[2097] = 104,
[2127] = 153,
[2084] = 57,
[2023] = 54,
[2109] = 141,
[2107] = 130,
["name"] = "Bridgeport",
[2033] = 84,
[2034] = 63,
[2035] = 68,
[2086] = 88,
[2137] = 128,
[2075] = {
[2119] = 205,
[2012] = 78,
[2110] = 213,
[2112] = 183,
[2145] = 116,
[2147] = 39,
[2153] = 67,
[2126] = 82,
[2066] = 52,
[1965] = 102,
[2114] = 168,
[2078] = 155,
[2080] = 140,
[2157] = 96,
["name"] = "Seeker's Outpost",
[2148] = 103,
[2161] = 180,
[521] = {
[523] = 124,
["name"] = "Smuggler's Scar",
[522] = 83,
[524] = 143,
[605] = 170,
[606] = 33,
[325] = {
[335] = 174,
[321] = 267,
[245] = 249,
[308] = 117,
[185] = 494,
[340] = 170,
[309] = 119,
[327] = 214,
[247] = 253,
[255] = 439,
["name"] = "Death's Rise",
[226] = 259,
[303] = 173,
[333] = 94,
[334] = 227,
[310] = 237,
[2078] = {
[2119] = 156,
[2012] = 158,
[2075] = 164,
[2110] = 127,
[2112] = 98,
[2145] = 70,
[2147] = 140,
[2120] = 82,
[2153] = 110,
[2126] = 84,
[2066] = 117,
[1965] = 65,
["name"] = "Fort Victory",
[2080] = 56,
[2114] = 123,
[2157] = 105,
[2148] = 90,
[2161] = 33,
[2079] = {
[2088] = 122,
[2278] = 48,
[2042] = 53,
[2106] = 119,
[2077] = 32,
[2083] = 67,
[2085] = 132,
[2087] = 129,
[2089] = 161,
[2060] = 74,
[2074] = 29,
[2137] = 156,
["name"] = "Kennings Lodge",
[2033] = 86,
[2034] = 66,
[2035] = 67,
[2109] = 140,
[2023] = 31,
[2080] = {
[2119] = 120,
[2012] = 121,
[2075] = 140,
[2110] = 87,
[2112] = 61,
[2145] = 42,
[2120] = 79,
[2153] = 87,
[2126] = 74,
[2066] = 105,
[1965] = 62,
[2078] = 52,
[2114] = 81,
[2157] = 67,
["name"] = "Grimwatt's Crash",
[2148] = 48,
[2161] = 50,
[650] = {
[2] = 438,
[87] = 105,
[633] = 369,
[16] = 155,
[66] = 20,
[651] = 25,
[19] = 631,
[195] = 524,
[43] = 79,
[6] = 273,
[12] = 516,
[383] = 60,
[85] = 165,
[672] = 68,
[67] = 160,
[555] = 368,
[71] = 400,
["name"] = "Andorhal",
[676] = 417,
[630] = 138,
[553] = 213,
[618] = 154,
[205] = 259,
[195] = {
[2] = 98,
[4] = 66,
[633] = 241,
[66] = 518,
[589] = 140,
[5] = 103,
[74] = 222,
[622] = 39,
[555] = 309,
[19] = 115,
[45] = 138,
[6] = 300,
[12] = 48,
[7] = 370,
[676] = 194,
[598] = 177,
[67] = 629,
[590] = 54,
[582] = 88,
["name"] = "Rebel Camp",
[552] = 384,
[1538] = 131,
[553] = 411,
[602] = 230,
[591] = 94,
[2083] = {
[2106] = 117,
[2138] = 95,
[2034] = 64,
[2042] = 67,
[2107] = 123,
[2052] = 118,
[2060] = 18,
[2084] = 52,
[2108] = 148,
[2053] = 139,
[2023] = 96,
[2077] = 97,
[2035] = 82,
[2101] = 59,
[2109] = 131,
["name"] = "Tradewinds Market",
[2133] = 102,
[2086] = 59,
[2102] = 72,
[2055] = 88,
[2079] = 69,
[2087] = 91,
[2127] = 146,
[2088] = 65,
[2096] = 84,
[2104] = 67,
[2033] = 82,
[2089] = 103,
[2097] = 76,
[2278] = 27,
[2277] = 23,
[2074] = 43,
[2137] = 92,
[2037] = 73,
[2054] = 44,
[2085] = 75,
[2084] = {
[2088] = 83,
[2278] = 48,
[2042] = 51,
[2102] = 27,
[2106] = 81,
[2077] = 112,
[2079] = 84,
[2060] = 34,
[2083] = 47,
[2085] = 93,
[2087] = 46,
[2089] = 104,
[2023] = 103,
[2137] = 73,
[2108] = 111,
[2097] = 98,
[2037] = 26,
[2101] = 78,
[2109] = 86,
[2074] = 57,
[2107] = 75,
["name"] = "Norwington Estate",
[2033] = 54,
[2034] = 36,
[2035] = 53,
[2086] = 78,
[2277] = 38,
[651] = {
[66] = 43,
[665] = 364,
[672] = 44,
[85] = 141,
[2] = 469,
[67] = 136,
[8] = 44,
[16] = 180,
[71] = 424,
[383] = 36,
["name"] = "The Menders' Stead",
[630] = 115,
[650] = 28,
[6] = 298,
[205] = 238,
[7] = 306,
[2086] = {
[2088] = 28,
[2278] = 67,
[2042] = 105,
[2102] = 101,
[2106] = 148,
[2077] = 135,
[2137] = 52,
[2083] = 57,
[2085] = 35,
[2060] = 45,
[2089] = 63,
[2277] = 61,
[2084] = 81,
[2108] = 178,
[2097] = 36,
[2138] = 55,
[2101] = 20,
[2109] = 160,
[2074] = 81,
[2107] = 153,
["name"] = "Brennadam",
[2033] = 112,
[2034] = 95,
[2035] = 112,
[2133] = 63,
[2037] = 103,
[2087] = {
[2037] = 46,
[2127] = 83,
[2042] = 77,
[2102] = 22,
[2106] = 96,
[2077] = 149,
[2079] = 120,
[2083] = 84,
[2085] = 128,
[2060] = 72,
[2277] = 75,
[2137] = 72,
[2084] = 40,
[2109] = 54,
[2107] = 71,
["name"] = "Outrigger Post",
[2033] = 68,
[2034] = 59,
[2035] = 76,
[2108] = 113,
[2023] = 129,
[2088] = {
[2278] = 83,
[2127] = 192,
[2042] = 121,
[2106] = 163,
[2077] = 151,
[2083] = 72,
[2085] = 24,
[2087] = 133,
[2089] = 70,
[2060] = 61,
[2097] = 50,
[2137] = 66,
[2101] = 33,
[2109] = 174,
[2074] = 97,
[2084] = 97,
["name"] = "Mildenhall Meadery",
[2033] = 129,
[2034] = 110,
[2035] = 128,
[2086] = 21,
[2108] = 194,
[652] = {
[166] = 810,
[31] = 353,
[387] = 453,
[559] = 941,
[37] = 456,
[513] = 215,
[179] = 285,
[389] = 350,
[80] = 579,
[653] = 83,
[41] = 264,
["name"] = "Ramkahen",
[367] = 386,
[369] = 468,
[338] = 651,
[39] = 165,
[565] = 318,
[674] = 94,
[567] = 293,
[368] = 638,
[73] = 145,
[532] = 80,
[386] = 215,
[79] = 242,
[539] = 128,
[32] = 317,
[49] = {
[166] = 187,
[456] = 317,
[37] = 429,
[32] = 519,
[457] = 255,
[339] = 176,
[559] = 140,
[167] = 294,
[652] = 845,
[80] = 415,
[39] = 677,
["name"] = "Moonglade",
[41] = 615,
[27] = 145,
[351] = 301,
[594] = 110,
[367] = 474,
[781] = 188,
[595] = 170,
[338] = 241,
[65] = 64,
[386] = 766,
[26] = 85,
[52] = 119,
[73] = 765,
[567] = 609,
[28] = 260,
[79] = 766,
[370] = 441,
[387] = 405,
[66] = {
[2] = 418,
[4] = 558,
[8] = 309,
[16] = 138,
[619] = 264,
[651] = 41,
[85] = 163,
[5] = 439,
[74] = 297,
[87] = 103,
[205] = 248,
[599] = 455,
[552] = 234,
[43] = 65,
[7] = 194,
[6] = 257,
[672] = 85,
[383] = 59,
[12] = 500,
[618] = 139,
[67] = 148,
[84] = 145,
[71] = 454,
["name"] = "Chillwind Camp",
[315] = 214,
[630] = 137,
[45] = 667,
[19] = 723,
[650] = 26,
[653] = {
[73] = 103,
[567] = 325,
[539] = 314,
[616] = 1108,
[386] = 207,
[652] = 121,
[32] = 596,
["name"] = "Oasis of Vir'sar",
[39] = 349,
[367] = 461,
[674] = 129,
[781] = {
[595] = 304,
[52] = 190,
[616] = 94,
[558] = 66,
[594] = 289,
["name"] = "Sanctuary of Malorne",
[557] = 31,
[167] = 155,
[559] = 94,
[27] = 326,
[2096] = {
[2077] = 59,
[2106] = 175,
["name"] = "Tol Dagor",
[2074] = 63,
[2278] = 59,
[2083] = 68,
[2088] = 128,
[2097] = {
[2086] = 35,
[2109] = 133,
[2102] = 73,
[2088] = 53,
[2083] = 83,
[2089] = 33,
[2137] = 24,
[2060] = 72,
[2278] = 93,
["name"] = "Deadwash",
[2084] = 91,
[2107] = 144,
[2085] = 45,
[2138] = 25,
[2101] = 30,
[1052] = {
[971] = 133,
[1293] = 226,
["name"] = "Grassy Cline",
[984] = 29,
[895] = 85,
[1029] = 16,
[985] = 45,
[1057] = 64,
[2101] = {
[2088] = 39,
[2042] = 118,
[2102] = 87,
[2106] = 162,
[2108] = 192,
[2079] = 120,
[2083] = 70,
[2085] = 45,
[2089] = 49,
[2060] = 58,
[2097] = 22,
[2137] = 38,
[2133] = 72,
[2138] = 41,
[2107] = 158,
["name"] = "The Amber Waves",
[2033] = 136,
[2037] = 38,
[2084] = 94,
[2086] = 21,
[2023] = 148,
[2102] = {
[2037] = 31,
[2278] = 70,
[2042] = 62,
[2137] = 56,
[2077] = 134,
[2083] = 69,
[2085] = 112,
[2087] = 23,
[2060] = 57,
[2277] = 60,
[2138] = 78,
[2097] = 81,
[2084] = 25,
[2101] = 93,
[2109] = 64,
[2074] = 79,
[2107] = 75,
["name"] = "Roughneck Camp",
[2033] = 54,
[2034] = 45,
[2035] = 62,
[2086] = 99,
[2023] = 114,
["Expedition Point"] = {
["Shatter Point"] = 56,
[2104] = {
[2105] = 67,
["name"] = "Eastpoint Station",
[2052] = 145,
[2053] = 79,
[2054] = 72,
[2055] = 27,
[2083] = 67,
[2105] = {
[2104] = 67,
[2054] = 44,
["name"] = "Tradewinds Market",
[2106] = {
[2037] = 56,
[2278] = 125,
[2127] = 35,
[2042] = 74,
[2102] = 79,
[2137] = 127,
[2077] = 139,
[2079] = 110,
[2060] = 108,
[2083] = 121,
[2085] = 167,
[2087] = 90,
[2089] = 158,
[2277] = 113,
[2023] = 125,
[2084] = 76,
[2088] = 157,
[2138] = 149,
[2101] = 152,
[2109] = 47,
[2074] = 115,
[2107] = 31,
["name"] = "Arom's Stand",
[2033] = 39,
[2034] = 61,
[2035] = 57,
[2086] = 152,
[2108] = 37,
[2107] = {
[2037] = 61,
[2127] = 26,
[2042] = 86,
[2102] = 83,
[2106] = 32,
[2077] = 152,
[2079] = 123,
[2083] = 125,
[2085] = 170,
[2087] = 65,
[2089] = 161,
[2060] = 112,
[2137] = 130,
[2101] = 155,
[2108] = 47,
[2084] = 80,
[2109] = 20,
["name"] = "Watchman's Rise",
[2033] = 45,
[2034] = 68,
[2035] = 78,
[2086] = 155,
[2133] = 196,
[2108] = {
[2109] = 64,
[2087] = 111,
[2088] = 185,
[2042] = 92,
[2133] = 224,
[2035] = 75,
[2060] = 138,
[2083] = 150,
[2106] = 36,
[2137] = 156,
[2107] = 49,
[2127] = 37,
[2033] = 67,
["name"] = "Falconhurst",
[2109] = {
[2088] = 165,
[2127] = 35,
[2042] = 101,
[2102] = 65,
[2106] = 50,
[2108] = 65,
[2079] = 140,
[2083] = 137,
[2087] = 51,
[2089] = 147,
[2060] = 116,
[2277] = 119,
[2133] = 201,
[2097] = 140,
[2084] = 85,
[2101] = 152,
[2037] = 77,
[2074] = 139,
[2107] = 24,
["name"] = "Whitegrove Chapel",
[2033] = 62,
[2034] = 84,
[2035] = 100,
[2086] = 157,
[2137] = 116,
[1568] = {
[1448] = 99,
[1573] = 188,
[1450] = 120,
[1389] = 91,
[1515] = 189,
[1518] = 38,
[1519] = 40,
[1520] = 28,
[1523] = 48,
[1524] = 43,
[1620] = 86,
[1528] = 55,
[1510] = 221,
[1502] = 162,
[1440] = 90,
[1503] = 138,
[1574] = 154,
["name"] = "Everbloom Wilds",
[1506] = 171,
[1476] = 151,
[1539] = 36,
[1580] = 33,
[1647] = 64,
[457] = {
[27] = 109,
[31] = 753,
[513] = 713,
[361] = 449,
[781] = 448,
[364] = 449,
[365] = 484,
[368] = 529,
[28] = 344,
[32] = 638,
[80] = 537,
[557] = 416,
[65] = 263,
["name"] = "Darnassus",
[49] = 261,
[565] = 611,
[567] = 693,
[386] = 848,
[387] = 489,
[166] = 341,
[167] = 448,
[532] = 848,
[41] = 664,
[369] = 510,
[26] = 168,
[338] = 326,
[339] = 261,
[674] = 479,
[52] = 367,
[559] = 399,
[33] = 422,
[456] = 62,
[37] = 517,
[558] = 446,
[73] = 784,
[594] = 310,
[595] = 318,
[616] = 481,
[351] = 386,
[94] = 207,
[624] = 213,
[1569] = {
[1448] = 70,
[1450] = 66,
[1420] = 127,
[1453] = 56,
[1389] = 172,
[1462] = 44,
[1447] = 78,
[1384] = 50,
[1510] = 65,
[1382] = 56,
[1529] = 66,
[1468] = 70,
[1515] = 45,
[1467] = 83,
[1440] = 85,
[1493] = 55,
[1513] = 71,
["name"] = "Akeeta's Hovel",
[1475] = 51,
[1476] = 45,
[1508] = 42,
[1509] = 36,
[1572] = 160,
[658] = {
[552] = 44,
[554] = 66,
[663] = 61,
[665] = 28,
[16] = 92,
[7] = 96,
["name"] = "Vermillion Redoubt",
[619] = 153,
[662] = 101,
[664] = 66,
[651] = 199,
[6] = 152,
[2114] = {
[2119] = 58,
[2012] = 150,
[2075] = 161,
[2110] = 69,
[2112] = 68,
[2145] = 91,
[2147] = 176,
[2120] = 94,
[2126] = 121,
[2066] = 153,
[1965] = 110,
[2078] = 111,
[2080] = 71,
["name"] = "Deadwood Cove",
[2157] = 96,
[2148] = 73,
[2161] = 109,
["Honor Point"] = {
["Shatter Point"] = 30,
[1572] = {
[1511] = 161,
[1450] = 107,
[1389] = 107,
[1453] = 127,
[1518] = 178,
[1519] = 163,
[1646] = 190,
[1524] = 200,
[1620] = 200,
[1528] = 132,
[1573] = 44,
[1506] = 38,
[1502] = 50,
[1503] = 44,
[1476] = 165,
["name"] = "Rilzit's Holdfast",
[1568] = 202,
[1507] = 24,
[1539] = 173,
[1447] = 146,
[1574] = 25,
[2119] = {
[2147] = 225,
[2080] = 111,
[2066] = 204,
[2012] = 200,
[2112] = 66,
[2157] = 147,
[2075] = 212,
[2110] = 44,
["name"] = "Sanctuary of the Devoted",
[2114] = 56,
[1965] = 160,
[2120] = 88,
[2078] = 150,
[2126] = 171,
[1573] = {
[1506] = 30,
[1503] = 58,
[1493] = 120,
[1476] = 159,
["name"] = "Nivek's Overlook",
[1502] = 54,
[1572] = 44,
[1574] = 44,
[1574] = {
[1572] = 32,
[1520] = 192,
[1524] = 196,
[1513] = 131,
[1502] = 39,
[1476] = 154,
["name"] = "Joz's Rylaks",
[1503] = 20,
[1507] = 10,
[1506] = 36,
[1539] = 147,
[1384] = 180,
[1568] = 163,
[1573] = 49,
[67] = {
[85] = 54,
[2] = 527,
[4] = 612,
[8] = 424,
[16] = 192,
[213] = 339,
[619] = 381,
[66] = 148,
[651] = 134,
[87] = 64,
[5] = 483,
[74] = 467,
[19] = 835,
[606] = 520,
[45] = 669,
[7] = 318,
[84] = 88,
[86] = 22,
[6] = 368,
[12] = 544,
[383] = 95,
[672] = 149,
[618] = 77,
[635] = 323,
[43] = 162,
[71] = 427,
["name"] = "Light's Hope Chapel",
[315] = 69,
[630] = 35,
[553] = 251,
[205] = 108,
[650] = 160,
[331] = {
[255] = 111,
[340] = 318,
[244] = 270,
[333] = 394,
[310] = 227,
[326] = 210,
[303] = 341,
[183] = 271,
[304] = 108,
[253] = 190,
[226] = 520,
[321] = 243,
[306] = 132,
[322] = 141,
[307] = 56,
["name"] = "Gundrak",
[334] = 248,
[252] = 251,
[308] = 425,
[335] = 253,
[2126] = {
[2119] = 162,
[2012] = 108,
[2075] = 102,
[2110] = 152,
[2112] = 122,
[2145] = 46,
[2147] = 69,
[2120] = 156,
[2153] = 49,
[2157] = 80,
[2066] = 46,
[1965] = 28,
[2078] = 81,
[2080] = 77,
[2114] = 125,
["name"] = "Scaletrader Post",
[2161] = 106,
[2127] = {
[2037] = 87,
[2102] = 100,
[2106] = 40,
[2108] = 40,
[2083] = 151,
[2087] = 84,
[2089] = 180,
[2060] = 139,
[2137] = 149,
[2101] = 186,
[2084] = 106,
[2074] = 149,
[2107] = 35,
["name"] = "Anyport",
[2033] = 71,
[2034] = 94,
[2035] = 91,
[2086] = 182,
[2109] = 37,
[662] = {
[650] = 417,
[666] = 93,
[6] = 280,
[554] = 229,
[2] = 377,
[618] = 365,
[665] = 106,
[16] = 339,
[663] = 91,
[551] = 235,
[658] = 147,
[555] = 215,
["name"] = "Highbank",
[664] = 50,
[205] = 553,
[8] = 171,
[663] = {
[43] = 288,
[665] = 42,
[551] = 380,
["name"] = "Victor's Point",
[87] = 438,
[662] = 92,
[6] = 312,
[666] = 64,
[664] = 40,
[1580] = {
[1389] = 118,
[1382] = 216,
[1476] = 163,
[1510] = 251,
[1518] = 68,
[1462] = 163,
["name"] = "Everbloom Overlook",
[1523] = 75,
[1519] = 66,
[1568] = 40,
[1506] = 198,
[1070] = {
[1025] = 178,
[985] = 94,
[1017] = 177,
[989] = 49,
[991] = 70,
[1052] = 170,
[1056] = 178,
[1090] = 43,
[984] = 146,
[1053] = 117,
[1057] = 83,
[1072] = 38,
[1071] = 48,
[1054] = 72,
[1073] = 42,
["name"] = "Klaxxi'vess",
[1837] = {
[1758] = 125,
[1766] = 113,
[1774] = 77,
[1778] = 163,
[1719] = 159,
[1857] = 190,
[1861] = 41,
[1613] = 53,
[1755] = 173,
[1633] = 22,
[1767] = 158,
[1858] = 85,
["name"] = "Wardens' Redoubt",
[1744] = 180,
[1622] = 34,
[1941] = 107,
[1756] = 212,
[1764] = 134,
[1713] = 118,
[1859] = 53,
[1863] = 148,
[1615] = 75,
[1745] = 134,
[1753] = 181,
[1777] = 138,
[1673] = 92,
[1754] = 174,
[1856] = 91,
[1860] = 18,
[1870] = 61,
[1742] = 166,
[1879] = 122,
[1759] = 139,
[1880] = 90,
[1885] = 100,
[2138] = {
[2086] = 57,
[2109] = 134,
[2088] = 75,
[2042] = 131,
[2074] = 146,
[2097] = 28,
[2083] = 105,
["name"] = "Fort Daelin",
[2106] = 150,
[2137] = 26,
[2101] = 52,
[2089] = 22,
[2037] = 101,
[1072] = {
[1071] = 80,
[1056] = 131,
[1090] = 92,
[1073] = 52,
[1070] = 32,
[1057] = 117,
[1023] = 99,
[1054] = 34,
["name"] = "The Sunset Brewgarden",
[665] = {
[2] = 434,
[555] = 242,
[633] = 241,
[16] = 177,
[634] = 276,
[666] = 19,
[589] = 424,
[19] = 590,
[74] = 277,
[43] = 248,
[6] = 268,
[672] = 380,
[618] = 527,
[658] = 43,
[663] = 53,
["name"] = "Thundermar",
[675] = 347,
[7] = 182,
[552] = 106,
[630] = 373,
[553] = 133,
[662] = 110,
[664] = 58,
[1073] = {
[1025] = 102,
[1070] = 52,
[1071] = 72,
[967] = 288,
[1017] = 159,
[1293] = 344,
[1057] = 70,
[1072] = 54,
[1080] = 240,
[1054] = 86,
["name"] = "Serpent's Spine",
[1053] = 130,
[666] = {
[663] = 80,
[658] = 69,
["name"] = "Kirthaven",
[662] = 99,
[664] = 68,
[618] = 412,
[665] = 29,
[2147] = {
[2080] = 128,
[2012] = 109,
[2119] = 212,
[2066] = 27,
[2075] = 45,
[2078] = 130,
["name"] = "Castaway Encampment",
[2114] = 175,
[1965] = 75,
[2110] = 201,
[2153] = 73,
[2126] = 56,
[2148] = {
[2080] = 48,
[2110] = 121,
[2066] = 97,
[2119] = 112,
[2157] = 40,
[2120] = 113,
[2078] = 89,
["name"] = "Mugamba Overlook",
[2114] = 76,
[2126] = 65,
[2145] = 35,
[2153] = 78,
[2112] = 91,
[334] = {
[255] = 232,
[309] = 267,
[244] = 147,
[333] = 148,
[252] = 142,
[247] = 194,
[251] = 122,
[303] = 134,
[185] = 268,
[245] = 275,
[296] = 290,
[335] = 28,
[226] = 373,
[289] = 1160,
[305] = 132,
[336] = 72,
[183] = 295,
[321] = 40,
[320] = 88,
[306] = 142,
[310] = 32,
[322] = 177,
[304] = 161,
["name"] = "The Argent Vanguard",
[325] = 195,
[327] = 105,
[331] = 255,
[308] = 231,
[340] = 124,
[2153] = {
[2147] = 73,
[2080] = 96,
[2148] = 81,
[2012] = 74,
[2066] = 51,
[2157] = 68,
[2075] = 68,
[2120] = 162,
["name"] = "Mistvine Ledge",
[2126] = 41,
[1965] = 59,
[2145] = 62,
[2078] = 109,
[2112] = 140,
[1080] = {
[895] = 45,
[972] = 44,
[969] = 103,
[986] = 131,
[1018] = 311,
["name"] = "Serpent's Overlook",
[1054] = 299,
[1025] = 298,
[971] = 92,
[335] = {
[255] = 264,
[340] = 97,
[325] = 168,
[333] = 123,
[310] = 71,
[326] = 169,
[303] = 107,
[296] = 285,
[304] = 194,
[320] = 109,
[305] = 130,
[321] = 72,
[306] = 174,
[294] = 211,
[334] = 33,
[252] = 174,
["name"] = "Crusaders' Pinnacle",
[244] = 179,
[327] = 136,
[331] = 287,
[308] = 243,
[336] = 104,
[100] = {
[139] = 356,
[122] = 308,
[124] = 196,
[159] = 238,
[101] = 76,
[140] = 277,
[156] = 225,
[160] = 278,
[164] = 219,
[117] = 156,
[119] = 207,
[121] = 118,
[125] = 248,
["name"] = "Honor Hold",
[150] = 374,
[128] = 119,
[129] = 64,
[2161] = {
[2066] = 140,
[2110] = 96,
[2012] = 162,
[2126] = 107,
[2119] = 125,
[2112] = 68,
[2075] = 181,
[2120] = 52,
["name"] = "Redfield's Watch",
[2114] = 117,
[1965] = 89,
[2145] = 83,
[2078] = 31,
[2080] = 53,
[336] = {
[255] = 181,
[340] = 161,
[244] = 76,
[310] = 48,
[295] = 253,
[334] = 70,
[245] = 312,
[304] = 110,
[253] = 147,
[320] = 47,
[305] = 46,
[184] = 265,
["name"] = "Windrunner's Overlook",
[185] = 196,
[247] = 185,
[251] = 157,
[183] = 265,
[672] = {
[66] = 88,
[85] = 117,
[2] = 506,
[618] = 189,
[67] = 156,
[16] = 228,
[383] = 80,
[84] = 61,
["name"] = "Hearthglen",
[651] = 45,
[650] = 72,
[6] = 341,
[205] = 255,
[676] = 486,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = {
["Return"] = 152,
[1855] = {
[1759] = 113,
[1761] = 87,
[1764] = 167,
[1858] = 141,
[1673] = 202,
[1767] = 119,
[1615] = 194,
[1742] = 61,
[1774] = 178,
[1744] = 56,
[1745] = 86,
[1713] = 204,
[1747] = 93,
[1863] = 89,
[1756] = 125,
[1719] = 114,
[1857] = 62,
[1753] = 97,
["name"] = "Shield's Rest",
[1859] = 172,
[1879] = 107,
[1880] = 162,
[1837] = 217,
[1885] = 227,
["Blackwind Landing"] = {
["Skyguard Outpost"] = 243,
[1856] = {
[1857] = 114,
[1858] = 72,
[1673] = 138,
[1860] = 97,
[1861] = 123,
[1863] = 68,
[1742] = 98,
[1774] = 50,
[1744] = 100,
[1745] = 103,
[1622] = 107,
[1747] = 113,
[1837] = 101,
[1719] = 160,
[1713] = 156,
["name"] = "Vengeance Point",
[1753] = 161,
[1879] = 76,
[1941] = 41,
[1942] = 30,
[1633] = 83,
[1778] = 137,
[1090] = {
[1057] = 159,
[1055] = 169,
["name"] = "The Briny Muck",
[1056] = 191,
[1221] = 326,
[1023] = 223,
[1070] = 49,
[1025] = 191,
[674] = {
[653] = 87,
[567] = 297,
[39] = 253,
[179] = 373,
[532] = 167,
[79] = 244,
["name"] = "Schnottz's Landing",
[166] = 769,
[557] = 885,
[80] = 582,
[652] = 88,
[73] = 149,
[1858] = {
[1758] = 51,
[1766] = 78,
[1774] = 70,
[1778] = 90,
[1719] = 94,
[1857] = 116,
[1861] = 85,
[1613] = 58,
[1747] = 76,
[1755] = 109,
[1633] = 72,
[1767] = 94,
["name"] = "Meredil",
[1744] = 104,
[1622] = 72,
[1941] = 104,
[1756] = 148,
[1764] = 71,
[1713] = 96,
[1855] = 142,
[1859] = 45,
[1863] = 71,
[1615] = 67,
[1745] = 57,
[1753] = 112,
[1761] = 136,
[1777] = 75,
[1837] = 88,
[1754] = 109,
[1673] = 76,
[1856] = 73,
[1860] = 95,
[1759] = 64,
[1742] = 93,
[1879] = 48,
[1885] = 89,
[1880] = 25,
[1942] = 93,
[338] = {
[166] = 110,
[541] = 176,
[457] = 330,
[167] = 194,
[37] = 196,
[653] = 557,
[389] = 304,
[80] = 253,
[351] = 101,
[595] = 126,
["name"] = "Blackfathom Camp",
[368] = 242,
[27] = 220,
[26] = 159,
[361] = 163,
[567] = 411,
[33] = 136,
[28] = 60,
[557] = 338,
[339] = 68,
[565] = 329,
[1860] = {
[1856] = 86,
[1764] = 140,
[1858] = 91,
[1673] = 101,
[1613] = 62,
[1615] = 85,
[1774] = 73,
[1713] = 127,
[1777] = 145,
[1766] = 122,
[1622] = 43,
[1837] = 19,
["name"] = "Watchers' Aerie",
[1861] = 51,
[1941] = 98,
[1880] = 96,
[1633] = 29,
[1859] = 59,
[676] = {
[554] = 232,
[2] = 189,
[555] = 189,
[633] = 122,
[16] = 337,
[665] = 459,
[650] = 430,
[5] = 94,
[74] = 127,
[591] = 290,
[43] = 407,
[45] = 172,
[6] = 193,
[12] = 155,
[675] = 35,
[673] = 78,
[7] = 264,
[582] = 184,
["name"] = "Chiselgrip",
[551] = 290,
[598] = 130,
[552] = 265,
[71] = 38,
[553] = 292,
[195] = 199,
[590] = 249,
[1862] = {
[1759] = 146,
[1855] = 152,
[1856] = 59,
[1857] = 121,
[1858] = 116,
[1673] = 182,
[1860] = 141,
[1613] = 144,
[1863] = 75,
[1764] = 170,
[1742] = 104,
[1774] = 94,
[1713] = 200,
[1745] = 108,
[1622] = 151,
[1747] = 119,
[1880] = 130,
[1942] = 37,
[1719] = 165,
[1755] = 194,
[1753] = 167,
["name"] = "Acherus: The Ebon Hold",
[1861] = 167,
[1941] = 61,
[1756] = 212,
[1633] = 127,
[1837] = 145,
[339] = {
[27] = 152,
[33] = 162,
[26] = 92,
[338] = 65,
[28] = 84,
[49] = 184,
[167] = 187,
[652] = 690,
[594] = 122,
[94] = 189,
["name"] = "Grove of the Ancients",
[166] = 81,
[457] = 263,
[65] = 136,
[595] = 58,
[565] = 350,
[101] = {
[122] = 233,
[100] = 87,
[119] = 206,
[164] = 144,
[128] = 143,
["name"] = "Temple of Telhamat",
[117] = 65,
[129] = 149,
[125] = 172,
[160] = 203,
[121] = 203,
[117] = {
[150] = 219,
[122] = 153,
[139] = 200,
[100] = 169,
[119] = 124,
[128] = 97,
[156] = 69,
[164] = 55,
[159] = 292,
[124] = 250,
["name"] = "Telredor",
[121] = 172,
[129] = 230,
[125] = 91,
[160] = 145,
[101] = 82,
[551] = {
[7] = 53,
[552] = 30,
[85] = 390,
[676] = 293,
[618] = 162,
[650] = 214,
[16] = 79,
[553] = 29,
[6] = 141,
["name"] = "Whelgar's Retreat",
[555] = 166,
[554] = 63,
[619] = 146,
[87] = 300,
[43] = 149,
[340] = {
[255] = 304,
[185] = 372,
[244] = 252,
[247] = 264,
[326] = 95,
[294] = 284,
[333] = 88,
[252] = 247,
[183] = 399,
[295] = 422,
[334] = 106,
["name"] = "Argent Tournament Grounds",
[304] = 266,
[327] = 50,
[335] = 73,
[253] = 322,
[226] = 423,
[305] = 202,
[336] = 177,
[310] = 140,
[321] = 130,
[184] = 389,
[306] = 249,
[320] = 178,
[322] = 208,
[296] = 357,
[307] = 249,
[245] = 381,
[303] = 179,
[331] = 302,
[308] = 281,
[325] = 165,
[1613] = {
[1758] = 89,
[1759] = 106,
[1885] = 36,
[1764] = 105,
[1673] = 50,
[1857] = 156,
[1858] = 51,
[1859] = 26,
[1860] = 57,
[1861] = 38,
[1744] = 146,
[1615] = 36,
[1879] = 90,
[1622] = 23,
[1742] = 133,
[1774] = 76,
[1713] = 77,
[1745] = 101,
[1870] = 94,
[1747] = 116,
["name"] = "Azurewing Repose",
[1777] = 102,
[1719] = 122,
[1778] = 130,
[1837] = 48,
[1753] = 144,
[1754] = 140,
[1941] = 103,
[1880] = 54,
[1633] = 36,
[1766] = 72,
[1870] = {
[1719] = 197,
[1633] = 66,
[1941] = 94,
[1764] = 174,
[1713] = 167,
["name"] = "Eye of Azshara",
[1613] = 100,
[1774] = 69,
[1879] = 126,
[1673] = 140,
[1837] = 66,
[1615] = {
[1758] = 86,
[1759] = 113,
[1766] = 54,
[1885] = 37,
[1861] = 44,
[1756] = 195,
[1764] = 87,
[1858] = 57,
[1673] = 33,
[1767] = 142,
[1613] = 34,
[1879] = 94,
[1863] = 120,
[1860] = 85,
[1753] = 163,
[1777] = 119,
[1774] = 93,
[1713] = 38,
[1745] = 106,
[1622] = 51,
[1747] = 142,
[1778] = 161,
[1837] = 74,
[1719] = 142,
[1857] = 162,
[1859] = 45,
["name"] = "Challiane's Terrace",
[1754] = 157,
[1941] = 121,
[1942] = 126,
[1633] = 62,
[1880] = 52,
[554] = {
[552] = 33,
[43] = 181,
[7] = 110,
[6] = 168,
[676] = 230,
[633] = 104,
[8] = 59,
[16] = 110,
[553] = 61,
[551] = 59,
[673] = 163,
[555] = 104,
["name"] = "Slabchisel's Survey",
[619] = 154,
[618] = 194,
[2] = 265,
[555] = {
[554] = 104,
[2] = 253,
[8] = 46,
[16] = 208,
[619] = 157,
[5] = 209,
[74] = 127,
[43] = 278,
[6] = 155,
[383] = 409,
[673] = 151,
[658] = 205,
[552] = 137,
[551] = 162,
[7] = 198,
[676] = 189,
[633] = 66,
[553] = 164,
[662] = 226,
["name"] = "Farstrider Lodge",
[1620] = {
[1448] = 91,
[1450] = 117,
[1420] = 55,
[1452] = 147,
[1453] = 122,
[1518] = 65,
[1643] = 40,
[1645] = 64,
[1646] = 22,
[1523] = 93,
[1462] = 95,
[1513] = 146,
[1572] = 221,
[1382] = 94,
[1476] = 65,
[1475] = 65,
["name"] = "Lion's Watch",
[1524] = 122,
[1502] = 169,
[1440] = 65,
[1503] = 190,
[1515] = 116,
[1381] = 79,
[1568] = 84,
[1569] = 92,
[1508] = 63,
[1647] = 25,
[1648] = 44,
[43] = {
[2] = 454,
[4] = 557,
[8] = 246,
[16] = 75,
[85] = 211,
[650] = 70,
[66] = 57,
[555] = 293,
[584] = 492,
[5] = 439,
[74] = 354,
[622] = 546,
[19] = 613,
[552] = 174,
[7] = 205,
[84] = 91,
[551] = 137,
[45] = 591,
[12] = 505,
[618] = 79,
[673] = 354,
[658] = 225,
[67] = 164,
[6] = 257,
[71] = 383,
["name"] = "Aerie Peak",
[315] = 232,
[630] = 190,
[553] = 139,
[633] = 295,
[205] = 272,
[1622] = {
[1758] = 102,
[1766] = 84,
[1837] = 32,
[1778] = 141,
[1719] = 136,
[1857] = 169,
[1861] = 23,
[1613] = 23,
[1747] = 128,
[1755] = 150,
[1633] = 27,
[1767] = 136,
[1858] = 64,
["name"] = "Illidari Stand",
[1744] = 159,
[1941] = 109,
[1756] = 189,
[1764] = 117,
[1713] = 89,
[1859] = 36,
[1863] = 127,
[1615] = 48,
[1745] = 114,
[1753] = 157,
[1761] = 185,
[1774] = 80,
[1777] = 113,
[1754] = 150,
[1673] = 61,
[1759] = 118,
[1856] = 96,
[1860] = 43,
[1870] = 86,
[1742] = 146,
[1879] = 102,
[1885] = 76,
[1880] = 65,
[1942] = 115,
[557] = {
[52] = 161,
[28] = 264,
[558] = 37,
[39] = 854,
[27] = 295,
[594] = 208,
[49] = 151,
["name"] = "Shrine of Aviana",
[361] = 366,
[167] = 124,
[559] = 65,
[616] = 64,
[781] = 31,
[1879] = {
[1758] = 68,
[1759] = 77,
[1885] = 129,
[1855] = 126,
[1856] = 67,
[1764] = 110,
[1858] = 53,
[1673] = 117,
[1613] = 97,
[1766] = 117,
[1863] = 43,
[1859] = 83,
[1756] = 173,
[1742] = 77,
[1774] = 77,
[1744] = 75,
[1745] = 44,
[1777] = 98,
[1747] = 60,
[1857] = 78,
[1837] = 129,
[1719] = 106,
[1753] = 107,
[1778] = 83,
["name"] = "Crimson Thicket",
[1754] = 135,
[1941] = 94,
[1880] = 66,
[1622] = 111,
[1861] = 125,
[1880] = {
[1758] = 50,
[1766] = 60,
[1774] = 92,
[1778] = 99,
[1719] = 86,
[1857] = 123,
[1861] = 87,
[1613] = 57,
[1747] = 106,
[1755] = 101,
[1633] = 75,
[1767] = 86,
[1858] = 29,
["name"] = "Irongrove Retreat",
[1744] = 153,
[1622] = 71,
[1815] = 100,
[1764] = 56,
[1713] = 78,
[1859] = 53,
[1863] = 95,
[1615] = 58,
[1745] = 81,
[1753] = 108,
[1761] = 135,
[1777] = 65,
[1837] = 92,
[1879] = 69,
[1856] = 94,
[1860] = 98,
[1673] = 60,
[1742] = 113,
[1759] = 76,
[1870] = 130,
[1754] = 104,
[1941] = 122,
[140] = {
[139] = 537,
[100] = 276,
[119] = 329,
[150] = 555,
["name"] = "Altar of Sha'tar",
[121] = 181,
[124] = 81,
[160] = 459,
[128] = 254,
[1115] = {
["name"] = "The Lion's Redoubt",
[1024] = 213,
[559] = {
[616] = 110,
[166] = 278,
[456] = 432,
[386] = 879,
[33] = 447,
[93] = 414,
[557] = 44,
[652] = 953,
[558] = 76,
[167] = 171,
[37] = 508,
[567] = 661,
[39] = 820,
[532] = 832,
[80] = 503,
[27] = 260,
[351] = 350,
[52] = 127,
[594] = 226,
[595] = 284,
[781] = 77,
[94] = 356,
[65] = 179,
[49] = 116,
[26] = 199,
[361] = 413,
["name"] = "Nordrassil",
[338] = 356,
[28] = 311,
[79] = 914,
[339] = 291,
[539] = 671,
[1885] = {
[1759] = 146,
[1861] = 77,
[1863] = 177,
[1756] = 187,
[1764] = 80,
[1858] = 112,
[1673] = 51,
[1767] = 134,
[1613] = 69,
[1755] = 144,
[1615] = 48,
[1713] = 26,
["name"] = "Gloaming Reef",
[1742] = 205,
[1774] = 128,
[1744] = 223,
[1745] = 188,
[1622] = 86,
[1747] = 177,
[1777] = 110,
[1778] = 153,
[1719] = 134,
[1857] = 196,
[1837] = 107,
[1815] = 53,
[1859] = 80,
[1941] = 156,
[1880] = 94,
[1633] = 98,
[1766] = 50,
[1633] = {
[1766] = 103,
[1759] = 121,
[1863] = 130,
[1885] = 98,
[1855] = 198,
[1622] = 29,
[1764] = 116,
[1858] = 66,
[1673] = 80,
[1767] = 141,
[1613] = 40,
[1755] = 155,
[1615] = 62,
[1713] = 109,
[1870] = 66,
[1742] = 149,
[1774] = 60,
[1744] = 162,
[1745] = 118,
[1777] = 121,
[1747] = 152,
[1778] = 146,
[1837] = 22,
[1857] = 172,
[1859] = 35,
[1860] = 29,
["name"] = "Shackle's Den",
[1754] = 157,
[1941] = 87,
[1880] = 73,
[1879] = 106,
[1861] = 44,
[205] = {
[213] = 251,
[66] = 255,
[74] = 547,
[43] = 279,
[16] = 339,
["name"] = "Zul'Aman",
[67] = 108,
[6] = 475,
[7] = 480,
[315] = 176,
[1381] = {
[1511] = 102,
[1450] = 96,
[1451] = 52,
[1515] = 82,
[1518] = 153,
[1519] = 143,
[1646] = 74,
[1556] = 46,
[1389] = 193,
[1382] = 21,
[1384] = 19,
[1529] = 48,
[1468] = 26,
[1383] = 30,
[1506] = 152,
[1440] = 85,
[1476] = 38,
[1420] = 94,
["name"] = "Embaari Village",
[1568] = 150,
[1569] = 47,
[1508] = 80,
[1447] = 91,
[1467] = 29,
[1382] = {
[1448] = 107,
[1573] = 197,
[1450] = 110,
[1389] = 228,
[1452] = 130,
[1520] = 186,
[1620] = 103,
[1467] = 27,
[1468] = 40,
[1476] = 49,
["name"] = "Twilight Glade",
[1508] = 103,
[1383] = 33,
[1475] = 28,
[1381] = 27,
[1568] = 202,
[1569] = 59,
[1384] = 37,
[1509] = 39,
[1510] = 70,
[1383] = {
[1467] = 18,
[1381] = 23,
[1569] = 65,
[1468] = 18,
[1382] = 34,
[1476] = 55,
["name"] = "Path of the Light",
[1556] = 22,
[1620] = 80,
[1452] = 126,
[565] = {
[166] = 390,
[31] = 144,
[32] = 328,
[37] = 169,
[513] = 322,
[179] = 276,
[389] = 341,
[80] = 382,
[367] = 67,
[386] = 241,
[339] = 391,
[41] = 55,
[368] = 123,
[369] = 150,
[567] = 85,
["name"] = "Dreamer's Rest",
[73] = 172,
[27] = 537,
[28] = 309,
[532] = 315,
[370] = 129,
[653] = 233,
[1384] = {
[1451] = 53,
[1515] = 74,
[1493] = 97,
[1646] = 58,
[1523] = 127,
[1462] = 60,
[1556] = 47,
[1420] = 95,
[1620] = 73,
[1528] = 134,
[1529] = 63,
[1468] = 27,
[1475] = 58,
[1476] = 35,
[1382] = 34,
["name"] = "Exile's Rise",
[1453] = 81,
[1381] = 21,
[1568] = 139,
[1569] = 46,
[1383] = 41,
[1509] = 64,
[1647] = 81,
[119] = {
[139] = 327,
[122] = 280,
[124] = 200,
[159] = 241,
[101] = 208,
[140] = 281,
[156] = 195,
[160] = 248,
[164] = 182,
[117] = 126,
[121] = 122,
[125] = 217,
[100] = 199,
["name"] = "Telaar",
[150] = 344,
[128] = 88,
[129] = 260,
[1643] = {
[1647] = 24,
[1648] = 27,
[1476] = 81,
[1645] = 35,
[1518] = 54,
["name"] = "Aktar's Post",
[1511] = 25,
[1620] = 53,
[1440] = 42,
[1646] = 51,
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = {
["Durnholde Keep"] = 89,
[1645] = {
[1572] = 163,
[1648] = 33,
[1476] = 76,
[1420] = 161,
[1511] = 18,
[1620] = 67,
["name"] = "The Iron Front",
[1646] = 56,
[1440] = 28,
[1447] = 19,
[1643] = 25,
[1647] = 51,
[1646] = {
[1647] = 29,
[1381] = 63,
[1468] = 60,
[1645] = 45,
[1476] = 48,
[1420] = 130,
[1529] = 105,
[1448] = 71,
["name"] = "Vault of the Earth",
[1620] = 18,
[1440] = 45,
[1384] = 49,
[1643] = 45,
[1648] = 27,
[1647] = {
[1508] = 132,
[1580] = 94,
[1493] = 151,
[1648] = 30,
[1420] = 87,
[1476] = 73,
[1645] = 52,
[1643] = 23,
[1513] = 145,
["name"] = "Malo's Lookout",
[1646] = 30,
[1620] = 30,
[1384] = 73,
[1568] = 188,
[1528] = 82,
[1648] = {
[1646] = 29,
[1643] = 59,
["name"] = "Sha'naari Refuge",
[1620] = 39,
[1645] = 73,
[1440] = 29,
[1647] = 69,
[2277] = {
[2088] = 72,
[2278] = 16,
[2042] = 51,
[2102] = 64,
[2106] = 109,
[2079] = 54,
[2083] = 21,
[2085] = 82,
[2060] = 24,
[2137] = 111,
[2023] = 81,
[2097] = 83,
[2084] = 39,
[2101] = 67,
[2037] = 63,
[2074] = 27,
[2107] = 112,
["name"] = "Proudmoore Keep",
[2033] = 74,
[2034] = 57,
[2035] = 65,
[2086] = 66,
[2133] = 109,
[26] = {
[456] = 234,
[93] = 218,
[33] = 267,
[37] = 348,
[167] = 279,
[652] = 753,
[457] = 171,
[557] = 248,
[41] = 495,
[80] = 418,
[595] = 150,
[351] = 218,
["name"] = "Lor'danel",
[594] = 143,
[361] = 279,
[781] = 280,
[94] = 159,
[65] = 95,
[49] = 93,
[27] = 60,
[52] = 199,
[338] = 156,
[624] = 167,
[28] = 225,
[559] = 231,
[339] = 92,
[32] = 501,
[52] = {
[27] = 255,
[513] = 726,
[39] = 537,
[364] = 416,
[368] = 491,
[28] = 296,
[370] = 392,
[79] = 641,
[80] = 502,
[557] = 146,
[65] = 110,
["name"] = "Everlook",
[49] = 111,
[565] = 579,
[386] = 816,
[389] = 554,
[166] = 216,
[167] = 340,
[457] = 366,
[595] = 216,
[26] = 195,
[338] = 108,
[339] = 226,
[41] = 631,
[532] = 812,
[93] = 412,
[559] = 129,
[33] = 387,
[594] = 157,
[37] = 442,
[73] = 798,
[652] = 893,
[616] = 211,
[351] = 350,
[94] = 351,
[32] = 405,
[351] = {
[387] = 102,
[364] = 65,
[167] = 173,
[37] = 94,
[80] = 190,
[367] = 175,
[457] = 388,
[368] = 143,
[33] = 95,
["name"] = "Stardust Spire",
[361] = 63,
[27] = 277,
[52] = 360,
[28] = 39,
[338] = 91,
[339] = 125,
[93] = 433,
["Skyguard Outpost"] = {
["Blackwind Landing"] = 242,
[633] = {
[554] = 111,
[2] = 242,
[555] = 76,
[8] = 53,
[16] = 215,
[634] = 36,
[66] = 339,
[85] = 431,
[5] = 146,
[74] = 134,
[622] = 266,
[19] = 364,
[553] = 172,
[195] = 252,
[43] = 286,
[676] = 128,
[6] = 162,
[12] = 207,
[7] = 205,
[673] = 158,
[596] = 191,
[71] = 90,
[618] = 298,
[551] = 169,
["name"] = "Dustwind Dig",
[552] = 144,
[45] = 224,
[615] = 167,
[635] = 29,
[665] = 251,
[558] = {
[351] = 346,
[457] = 422,
[52] = 178,
[28] = 306,
[387] = 450,
["name"] = "Grove of Aessina",
[179] = 49,
[557] = 43,
[559] = 81,
[616] = 107,
[781] = 74,
[289] = {
[183] = 321,
[306] = 247,
[244] = 193,
[308] = 65,
[185] = 272,
[295] = 268,
[246] = 23,
[327] = 264,
[247] = 112,
[245] = 44,
["name"] = "Amber Ledge",
[226] = 25,
[294] = 144,
[296] = 66,
[310] = 194,
[325] = 137,
[1519] = {
[1572] = 167,
[1511] = 50,
[1450] = 99,
[1420] = 129,
[1518] = 25,
[1520] = 20,
[1523] = 32,
[1493] = 168,
[1556] = 178,
[1620] = 92,
[1528] = 40,
[1462] = 109,
[1389] = 97,
[1524] = 55,
[1476] = 129,
[1502] = 154,
[1503] = 122,
[1506] = 146,
["name"] = "Highpass",
[1568] = 29,
[1569] = 134,
[1539] = 42,
[1447] = 67,
[1580] = 64,
[79] = {
[386] = 37,
[32] = 243,
[652] = 261,
[513] = 139,
[39] = 90,
[389] = 275,
[80] = 338,
[179] = 211,
[367] = 359,
[41] = 236,
[65] = 776,
[567] = 266,
[565] = 291,
[73] = 121,
[26] = 732,
[52] = 849,
["name"] = "Marshal's Stand",
[27] = 778,
[28] = 524,
[532] = 179,
[539] = 143,
[653] = 181,
[1017] = {
[895] = 114,
[1020] = 51,
[1022] = 61,
[1023] = 89,
[1054] = 114,
[1024] = 77,
[1056] = 185,
[1057] = 97,
[1029] = 49,
[966] = 105,
[967] = 175,
[988] = 128,
[1053] = 128,
[989] = 138,
[985] = 87,
[1070] = 178,
["name"] = "Binan Village",
[986] = 86,
[971] = 161,
[1018] = 66,
[972] = 176,
[1115] = 178,
[1767] = {
[1758] = 54,
[1759] = 57,
[1761] = 67,
[1764] = 64,
[1858] = 82,
[1673] = 98,
[1613] = 112,
[1766] = 81,
[1615] = 113,
[1857] = 84,
[1756] = 62,
[1742] = 93,
[1774] = 144,
[1713] = 100,
[1745] = 76,
[1777] = 28,
[1747] = 65,
[1755] = 42,
[1837] = 147,
[1719] = 22,
[1753] = 38,
[1778] = 41,
["name"] = "Nesingwary",
[1754] = 24,
[1941] = 175,
[1880] = 64,
[1861] = 141,
[1863] = 110,
["Shatter Point"] = {
[129] = 33,
[122] = 365,
[139] = 412,
[100] = 57,
[119] = 263,
["Honor Point"] = 40,
[101] = 132,
[128] = 175,
[117] = 213,
[121] = 174,
[125] = 304,
[160] = 334,
[140] = 333,
[326] = {
[340] = 108,
[333] = 162,
[310] = 167,
[334] = 346,
[327] = 48,
[335] = 163,
[253] = 288,
[320] = 151,
[321] = 103,
[322] = 104,
[303] = 269,
["name"] = "Ulduar",
[307] = 154,
[252] = 285,
[331] = 207,
[308] = 355,
[183] = 369,
[634] = {
[582] = 201,
[74] = 145,
[633] = 36,
[8] = 87,
[16] = 250,
[67] = 412,
[71] = 55,
[673] = 169,
[620] = 140,
[2] = 207,
[6] = 197,
["name"] = "Dragon's Mouth",
[635] = 54,
[1777] = {
[1758] = 37,
[1759] = 65,
[1761] = 76,
[1857] = 87,
[1856] = 126,
[1764] = 45,
[1858] = 63,
[1673] = 79,
[1767] = 27,
[1613] = 92,
[1713] = 81,
[1615] = 94,
[1756] = 84,
[1755] = 44,
[1742] = 98,
[1774] = 124,
[1744] = 116,
[1745] = 81,
[1622] = 107,
[1747] = 70,
[1837] = 128,
[1753] = 49,
[1719] = 25,
[1766] = 56,
[1778] = 46,
["name"] = "Sylvan Falls",
[1754] = 43,
[1879] = 76,
[1942] = 145,
[1880] = 45,
[1863] = 107,
[2133] = {
[2086] = 61,
[2109] = 201,
[2088] = 54,
[2042] = 161,
[2089] = 85,
[2097] = 73,
[2277] = 116,
[2083] = 112,
["name"] = "Shrine of the Storm",
[2137] = 93,
[2107] = 208,
[2085] = 41,
[2108] = 233,
[2101] = 73,
[1507] = {
[1572] = 37,
[1580] = 225,
[1389] = 99,
[1513] = 110,
[1502] = 32,
[1476] = 144,
[1450] = 81,
[1574] = 16,
[1503] = 24,
[1462] = 105,
[1506] = 28,
[1515] = 128,
["name"] = "Yrel's Watch",
[1524] = 174,
[1573] = 47,
[541] = {
[365] = 52,
[33] = 38,
[338] = 165,
[28] = 122,
[370] = 138,
[387] = 134,
["name"] = "Mirkfallon Post",
[361] = 29,
[167] = 253,
[80] = 219,
[37] = 91,
[333] = {
[309] = 196,
[294] = 313,
[310] = 165,
[303] = 263,
[327] = 122,
[304] = 295,
[253] = 352,
[320] = 211,
[336] = 206,
[321] = 174,
[325] = 77,
[335] = 121,
["name"] = "The Shadow Vault",
[307] = 319,
[334] = 134,
[252] = 276,
[185] = 401,
[308] = 194,
[340] = 77,
[2052] = {
[2056] = 49,
[2083] = 112,
["name"] = "Anglepoint Wharf",
[2104] = 138,
[2053] = 82,
[2054] = 72,
[2055] = 113,
[2033] = 50,
[673] = {
[2] = 151,
[555] = 158,
[8] = 113,
[16] = 276,
[634] = 161,
[619] = 114,
[635] = 186,
[5] = 168,
[74] = 25,
[43] = 346,
[6] = 116,
[12] = 229,
[633] = 159,
[45] = 286,
[7] = 186,
[71] = 113,
["name"] = "Iron Summit",
[675] = 47,
[598] = 204,
[676] = 82,
[599] = 183,
[553] = 232,
[551] = 229,
[618] = 359,
[2053] = {
[2056] = 35,
[2057] = 35,
[2052] = 83,
[2083] = 139,
["name"] = "Old Drust Road",
[2054] = 98,
[2055] = 54,
[2033] = 35,
[2035] = 35,
[73] = {
[386] = 72,
[31] = 381,
[93] = 765,
[37] = 402,
[39] = 187,
[389] = 352,
[80] = 416,
[652] = 145,
[367] = 23,
[539] = 221,
[41] = 107,
[49] = 706,
[65] = 841,
[674] = 149,
[27] = 673,
[52] = 741,
["name"] = "Cenarion Hold",
[179] = 400,
[28] = 630,
[79] = 113,
[653] = 65,
[532] = 224,
[1520] = {
[1452] = 137,
[1389] = 85,
[1528] = 33,
[1508] = 177,
[1476] = 138,
[1420] = 147,
[1448] = 84,
[1524] = 48,
["name"] = "Breaker's Crown",
[1511] = 51,
[1523] = 32,
[1519] = 21,
[1568] = 28,
[1539] = 31,
[1861] = {
[1885] = 71,
[1855] = 212,
[1764] = 127,
[1858] = 82,
[1673] = 72,
[1860] = 49,
[1613] = 42,
[1615] = 46,
[1742] = 163,
[1774] = 98,
[1713] = 72,
[1745] = 132,
[1622] = 24,
[1766] = 93,
[1837] = 38,
[1756] = 235,
[1719] = 182,
[1755] = 191,
["name"] = "Illidari Perch",
[1753] = 203,
[1754] = 194,
[1941] = 124,
[1880] = 90,
[1633] = 44,
[1859] = 56,
[121] = {
[122] = 311,
[139] = 357,
[100] = 96,
[119] = 149,
[140] = 163,
[128] = 75,
[164] = 221,
[129] = 156,
[150] = 387,
["name"] = "Allerian Stronghold",
[117] = 158,
[159] = 121,
[125] = 249,
[160] = 279,
[124] = 79,
[582] = {
[2] = 25,
[4] = 92,
[8] = 293,
[16] = 406,
[634] = 201,
[619] = 233,
[635] = 254,
[589] = 56,
[5] = 97,
[591] = 203,
[633] = 339,
[195] = 111,
[19] = 223,
[6] = 235,
[12] = 68,
[615] = 118,
[673] = 180,
[620] = 243,
[583] = 116,
[590] = 161,
[71] = 152,
["name"] = "Goldshire",
[676] = 189,
[1538] = 163,
[584] = 69,
[600] = 115,
[650] = 473,
[552] = {
[554] = 33,
[2] = 238,
[8] = 91,
[16] = 78,
[665] = 107,
[619] = 187,
[74] = 172,
[622] = 388,
[84] = 326,
[6] = 167,
[658] = 68,
[43] = 149,
[618] = 161,
[551] = 25,
["name"] = "Greenwarden's Grove",
[7] = 78,
[630] = 274,
[553] = 28,
[85] = 293,
[650] = 213,
[553] = {
[554] = 68,
[85] = 266,
[555] = 173,
[8] = 127,
[16] = 50,
[665] = 143,
[650] = 186,
[651] = 210,
[74] = 207,
[43] = 121,
[6] = 173,
[12] = 379,
[383] = 227,
[67] = 220,
[551] = 33,
["name"] = "Dun Modr",
[552] = 35,
[630] = 246,
[7] = 85,
[606] = 318,
[618] = 134,
[966] = {
[1017] = 110,
[895] = 97,
[968] = 65,
[970] = 135,
[972] = 38,
[1054] = 223,
[984] = 79,
[986] = 49,
[988] = 125,
["name"] = "Paw'Don Village",
[1055] = 272,
[1071] = 242,
[1018] = 174,
[1020] = 160,
[1022] = 169,
[1024] = 190,
[1221] = 261,
[967] = 103,
[971] = 145,
[1052] = 195,
[1056] = 237,
[1190] = 39,
[985] = 88,
[989] = 134,
[991] = 149,
[1025] = 224,
[1029] = 106,
[1070] = 243,
[1293] = 237,
[1072] = 241,
[1021] = 213,
[1053] = 237,
[1057] = 130,
[1073] = 197,
[1080] = 80,
[583] = {
[2] = 111,
[4] = 26,
[8] = 373,
[16] = 486,
[66] = 531,
[589] = 188,
[5] = 168,
[622] = 57,
[195] = 90,
[6] = 315,
[12] = 117,
[582] = 132,
[7] = 388,
[590] = 139,
["name"] = "Moonbrook",
[584] = 58,
[615] = 181,
[555] = 364,
[1420] = {
[1506] = 215,
[1447] = 168,
[1518] = 105,
[1648] = 167,
[1475] = 123,
[1503] = 223,
[1381] = 103,
[1511] = 161,
[1515] = 160,
[1519] = 133,
[1523] = 146,
[1468] = 93,
[1476] = 102,
["name"] = "Stormshield (Alliance)",
[1382] = 143,
[1453] = 169,
[1524] = 163,
[1528] = 231,
[1384] = 107,
[1574] = 256,
[1440] = 126,
[1556] = 109,
[1573] = 233,
[1510] = 186,
[1568] = 129,
[1572] = 246,
[1450] = 149,
[1507] = 229,
[1647] = 83,
[1462] = 159,
[1529] = 122,
[1539] = 153,
[1452] = 188,
[1389] = 209,
[1448] = 176,
[1569] = 128,
[1509] = 155,
[1620] = 62,
[1493] = 180,
[1502] = 200,
[1508] = 153,
[86] = {
[85] = 31,
[618] = 118,
[67] = 30,
[16] = 215,
["name"] = "Eastwall Tower",
[87] = 45,
[6] = 394,
[84] = 65,
[630] = 17,
[967] = {
[1052] = 125,
[988] = 192,
[1020] = 218,
[1021] = 268,
[1054] = 279,
[1056] = 94,
[1057] = 187,
[1029] = 103,
[966] = 84,
[968] = 31,
["name"] = "The Arboretum",
[969] = 50,
[985] = 152,
[970] = 65,
[986] = 165,
[971] = 75,
[895] = 27,
[972] = 66,
[1293] = 167,
[584] = {
[582] = 81,
[2] = 58,
[4] = 27,
[8] = 322,
[16] = 443,
[5] = 160,
["name"] = "Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm",
[583] = 51,
[589] = 137,
[619] = 263,
[622] = 57,
[386] = {
[73] = 82,
[52] = 852,
[567] = 230,
[27] = 755,
[39] = 97,
[41] = 200,
[652] = 225,
[31] = 289,
[32] = 248,
[79] = 28,
["name"] = "Mossy Pile",
[166] = 613,
[389] = 282,
[80] = 276,
[364] = 441,
[532] = 185,
[85] = {
[2] = 565,
[87] = 52,
[633] = 392,
[16] = 242,
[665] = 426,
[650] = 156,
[66] = 148,
[651] = 128,
[74] = 440,
[84] = 50,
[86] = 30,
[6] = 400,
[672] = 111,
[383] = 90,
[673] = 464,
[551] = 333,
[67] = 59,
[7] = 368,
[71] = 636,
["name"] = "Northpass Tower",
[552] = 336,
[43] = 209,
[553] = 301,
[555] = 421,
[618] = 88,
[968] = {
[985] = 144,
[972] = 37,
[1029] = 148,
[895] = 45,
[971] = 93,
[1056] = 350,
[967] = 39,
[988] = 130,
[1293] = 186,
[1057] = 187,
[1018] = 230,
["name"] = "Jade Temple Grounds",
[1024] = 243,
[966] = 57,
[1025] = 280,
[167] = {
[616] = 81,
[166] = 111,
[32] = 435,
[33] = 315,
[37] = 423,
[39] = 553,
[80] = 163,
[351] = 182,
[539] = 605,
[179] = 453,
[364] = 246,
[565] = 408,
[52] = 306,
[65] = 238,
["name"] = "Forest Song",
[26] = 346,
[361] = 246,
[27] = 169,
[338] = 194,
[28] = 141,
[49] = 310,
[370] = 323,
[559] = 210,
[522] = {
[523] = 43,
["name"] = "Silver Tide Hollow",
[606] = 47,
[524] = 97,
[521] = 72,
[605] = 89,
[1556] = {
[1467] = 27,
[1453] = 120,
[1476] = 75,
[1452] = 142,
[1529] = 58,
[1383] = 23,
["name"] = "Tranquil Court",
[1518] = 216,
[1620] = 103,
[1468] = 30,
[1493] = 132,
[1462] = 100,
[969] = {
[971] = 50,
[985] = 231,
[1017] = 196,
[970] = 21,
[895] = 56,
[967] = 62,
[986] = 207,
["name"] = "Sri-La Village",
[1859] = {
[1758] = 77,
[1759] = 90,
[1863] = 99,
[1855] = 167,
[1755] = 124,
[1764] = 84,
[1858] = 36,
[1673] = 51,
[1860] = 57,
[1613] = 29,
[1756] = 164,
[1615] = 43,
[1879] = 73,
[1713] = 77,
[1742] = 117,
[1774] = 53,
[1744] = 131,
[1745] = 85,
[1622] = 40,
[1778] = 115,
[1857] = 140,
[1766] = 72,
[1719] = 110,
[1777] = 88,
[1837] = 53,
["name"] = "Felblaze Ingress",
[1754] = 126,
[1941] = 82,
[1880] = 41,
[1633] = 34,
[1861] = 54,
[179] = {
[31] = 143,
[32] = 52,
[167] = 453,
[559] = 656,
[513] = 60,
[39] = 103,
[389] = 66,
[80] = 167,
[532] = 191,
[41] = 283,
[368] = 127,
[37] = 292,
[594] = 494,
[367] = 349,
[567] = 203,
[565] = 282,
["name"] = "Mudsprocket",
[79] = 199,
[652] = 275,
[653] = 351,
[1753] = {
[1758] = 68,
[1759] = 57,
[1761] = 37,
[1855] = 100,
[1764] = 83,
[1858] = 98,
[1673] = 118,
[1767] = 33,
[1613] = 131,
[1766] = 101,
[1742] = 86,
[1778] = 35,
[1744] = 104,
[1745] = 69,
[1777] = 48,
[1747] = 58,
[1756] = 69,
[1755] = 65,
[1719] = 29,
[1857] = 78,
[1837] = 167,
["name"] = "Skyhorn",
[1754] = 45,
[1879] = 89,
[1880] = 85,
[1859] = 122,
[1885] = 141,
[970] = {
[971] = 22,
[966] = 114,
["name"] = "Emperor's Omen",
[895] = 38,
[988] = 185,
[969] = 22,
[1057] = 198,
[294] = {
[255] = 237,
[309] = 256,
[244] = 85,
[333] = 278,
[252] = 48,
[295] = 184,
[245] = 181,
[335] = 150,
[253] = 156,
[289] = 224,
[305] = 143,
[226] = 260,
[184] = 290,
[320] = 167,
[247] = 55,
[246] = 181,
[310] = 122,
["name"] = "Moa'ki",
[183] = 264,
[296] = 132,
[185] = 205,
[308] = 244,
[336] = 150,
["The Sin'loren"] = {
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 11,
[523] = {
["name"] = "Tranquil Wash",
[522] = 35,
[524] = 68,
[605] = 60,
[521] = 113,
[606] = 98,
[971] = {
[988] = 189,
[989] = 220,
[1057] = 209,
[1090] = 318,
[1029] = 144,
[966] = 119,
["name"] = "Tian Monastery",
[967] = 69,
[1190] = 155,
[968] = 95,
[984] = 116,
[969] = 42,
[985] = 168,
[970] = 22,
[1072] = 313,
[1073] = 270,
[1071] = 328,
[972] = 111,
[895] = 42,
[37] = {
[387] = 130,
[33] = 101,
[388] = 230,
[541] = 95,
[364] = 81,
[80] = 422,
[567] = 219,
[167] = 407,
[365] = 52,
[513] = 357,
[39] = 461,
[389] = 232,
[41] = 199,
["name"] = "Nijel's Point",
[351] = 105,
[52] = 461,
[367] = 81,
[594] = 321,
[595] = 264,
[368] = 50,
[565] = 135,
[65] = 356,
[26] = 337,
[361] = 74,
[369] = 31,
[27] = 369,
[28] = 140,
[73] = 381,
[370] = 48,
[32] = 307,
[45] = {
[2] = 190,
[4] = 177,
[8] = 546,
[16] = 699,
[66] = 741,
[602] = 92,
[590] = 57,
[19] = 243,
[74] = 298,
[591] = 229,
[622] = 153,
[630] = 716,
[676] = 179,
[43] = 577,
[7] = 430,
[6] = 322,
[12] = 92,
[71] = 201,
[673] = 256,
[596] = 97,
[67] = 664,
[598] = 39,
[582] = 158,
["name"] = "Nethergarde Keep",
[583] = 202,
[599] = 66,
[195] = 64,
[5] = 150,
[633] = 226,
[532] = {
[653] = 167,
[367] = 468,
[539] = 50,
[39] = 87,
[41] = 347,
[386] = 191,
[179] = 207,
[79] = 181,
["name"] = "Gunstan's Dig",
[370] = 530,
[80] = 337,
[65] = 738,
[652] = 86,
[674] = 178,
[1942] = {
[1758] = 136,
[1855] = 167,
[1856] = 40,
[1764] = 164,
[1858] = 105,
[1673] = 167,
[1863] = 90,
[1742] = 119,
[1774] = 67,
[1713] = 185,
[1745] = 122,
[1622] = 137,
[1778] = 158,
[1719] = 181,
[1857] = 135,
[1879] = 97,
["name"] = "Aalgen Point",
[1754] = 201,
[1941] = 41,
[1756] = 238,
[1633] = 113,
[1859] = 107,
[74] = {
[2] = 126,
[4] = 192,
[8] = 88,
[16] = 251,
[634] = 137,
[66] = 302,
[5] = 123,
[555] = 134,
[19] = 313,
[84] = 445,
[6] = 89,
[43] = 398,
[676] = 106,
[45] = 35,
[12] = 439,
[598] = 180,
[673] = 24,
[71] = 88,
[67] = 449,
["name"] = "Thorium Point",
[675] = 71,
[7] = 160,
[315] = 463,
[599] = 159,
[553] = 206,
[662] = 268,
[633] = 134,
[87] = {
[2] = 521,
[618] = 147,
[650] = 104,
[635] = 390,
[651] = 77,
[84] = 52,
[86] = 54,
[6] = 348,
[383] = 39,
[673] = 412,
[67] = 74,
[598] = 586,
[676] = 494,
[630] = 35,
["name"] = "Crown Guard Tower",
[85] = 61,
[7] = 358,
[2077] = {
[2088] = 146,
[2278] = 73,
[2096] = 58,
[2042] = 76,
[2079] = 34,
[2083] = 91,
[2023] = 33,
[2097] = 157,
[2037] = 105,
[2084] = 109,
[2074] = 54,
[2107] = 146,
["name"] = "Castaway Point",
[2033] = 108,
[2034] = 88,
[2035] = 90,
[2086] = 140,
[2138] = 176,
[122] = {
[139] = 49,
[124] = 414,
[159] = 456,
[101] = 247,
[140] = 496,
[156] = 93,
[160] = 78,
[164] = 229,
[117] = 165,
[119] = 290,
[121] = 337,
[125] = 127,
[100] = 333,
["name"] = "Area 52",
[150] = 66,
[128] = 262,
[129] = 395,
[590] = {
[2] = 147,
[555] = 357,
[8] = 343,
[16] = 505,
[634] = 256,
[19] = 96,
[591] = 43,
[195] = 54,
[602] = 152,
[45] = 190,
[12] = 99,
[4] = 120,
[673] = 296,
[583] = 143,
[7] = 424,
[552] = 434,
[71] = 208,
[598] = 227,
[676] = 244,
[1538] = 179,
["name"] = "Fort Livingston",
[622] = 89,
[633] = 290,
[39] = {
[166] = 522,
[31] = 213,
[32] = 152,
[33] = 458,
[167] = 568,
[37] = 411,
[513] = 49,
[179] = 120,
[389] = 186,
[80] = 247,
[41] = 297,
[539] = 53,
[532] = 88,
[367] = 418,
[386] = 105,
["name"] = "Gadgetzan",
[27] = 675,
[65] = 651,
[567] = 273,
[26] = 647,
[52] = 755,
[73] = 197,
[388] = 227,
[28] = 434,
[79] = 95,
[652] = 173,
[653] = 248,
[33] = {
[166] = 207,
[387] = 152,
[364] = 102,
[37] = 108,
[365] = 63,
[351] = 87,
[339] = 168,
[367] = 143,
[541] = 40,
[567] = 281,
[361] = 84,
[368] = 121,
[338] = 126,
[26] = 254,
[52] = 409,
[369] = 138,
["name"] = "Thal'darah Overlook",
[28] = 171,
[457] = 424,
[370] = 156,
[557] = 403,
[244] = {
[255] = 158,
[340] = 261,
[294] = 99,
[252] = 54,
[295] = 177,
[303] = 155,
[245] = 88,
[304] = 128,
[253] = 77,
[226] = 320,
[305] = 64,
[296] = 211,
[246] = 240,
[306] = 89,
[325] = 312,
[247] = 115,
[184] = 191,
["name"] = "Wintergarde Keep",
[310] = 118,
[183] = 195,
[185] = 126,
[251] = 96,
[336] = 71,
[591] = {
[2] = 188,
[555] = 398,
[8] = 383,
[16] = 546,
[634] = 238,
[620] = 401,
[19] = 53,
[622] = 130,
[43] = 616,
[602] = 192,
[45] = 230,
[12] = 140,
[5] = 193,
[673] = 337,
[195] = 95,
[618] = 628,
[676] = 284,
[582] = 200,
[598] = 268,
[583] = 224,
["name"] = "Explorers' League Digsite",
[71] = 248,
[590] = 44,
[633] = 331,
[1057] = {
[1017] = 90,
[895] = 170,
[1023] = 101,
[966] = 125,
[968] = 168,
[972] = 161,
[1054] = 127,
[984] = 80,
[986] = 106,
[988] = 108,
[992] = 144,
[1090] = 155,
["name"] = "Shrine of Seven Stars",
[1055] = 176,
[1071] = 139,
[1018] = 125,
[1020] = 64,
[1022] = 108,
[1024] = 92,
[1221] = 200,
[967] = 162,
[969] = 194,
[971] = 183,
[1052] = 63,
[1056] = 198,
[1190] = 158,
[985] = 67,
[989] = 139,
[991] = 132,
[1025] = 128,
[1029] = 77,
[993] = 215,
[1021] = 172,
[1293] = 276,
[1070] = 113,
[1072] = 112,
[1053] = 141,
[1073] = 68,
[1115] = 83,
[1080] = 172,
[1747] = {
[1758] = 74,
[1759] = 41,
[1855] = 88,
[1766] = 130,
[1764] = 112,
[1858] = 79,
[1673] = 143,
[1860] = 143,
[1613] = 123,
[1859] = 109,
[1863] = 57,
[1744] = 61,
[1879] = 44,
[1742] = 43,
[1774] = 109,
[1713] = 149,
[1745] = 24,
[1622] = 136,
[1778] = 34,
[1857] = 37,
["name"] = "Skyfire Triage Camp",
[1719] = 56,
[1777] = 77,
[1837] = 154,
[1753] = 58,
[1754] = 85,
[1941] = 127,
[1880] = 93,
[1633] = 137,
[1861] = 150,
[310] = {
[294] = 159,
[244] = 128,
[296] = 269,
[245] = 261,
[246] = 274,
[247] = 173,
[185] = 248,
[304] = 144,
[305] = 81,
[306] = 126,
[307] = 185,
[308] = 211,
[251] = 99,
[252] = 120,
[253] = 199,
["name"] = "Dalaran",
[255] = 215,
[320] = 55,
[321] = 71,
[226] = 352,
[325] = 206,
[326] = 168,
[327] = 135,
[331] = 238,
[333] = 160,
[334] = 32,
[335] = 39,
[336] = 53,
[340] = 123,
[322] = 155,
[295] = 298,
[184] = 300,
[183] = 281,
[303] = 114,
[289] = 316,
[309] = 246,
[71] = {
[555] = 157,
[2] = 157,
[4] = 195,
[8] = 172,
[16] = 309,
[634] = 56,
[633] = 90,
[66] = 438,
[5] = 62,
[599] = 77,
[19] = 336,
[74] = 91,
[591] = 258,
[552] = 233,
[7] = 293,
[582] = 154,
[43] = 386,
[590] = 218,
[6] = 171,
[12] = 122,
[45] = 181,
[673] = 120,
[195] = 166,
[67] = 477,
[551] = 258,
[675] = 77,
[598] = 98,
[315] = 543,
[1538] = 140,
["name"] = "Morgan's Vigil",
[676] = 43,
[618] = 387,
[41] = {
[386] = 186,
[31] = 92,
[387] = 323,
[37] = 226,
[39] = 325,
[389] = 425,
[80] = 407,
[179] = 221,
[365] = 204,
[367] = 147,
[368] = 178,
[565] = 55,
[73] = 117,
[65] = 550,
[674] = 264,
[26] = 494,
[52] = 654,
[27] = 555,
[567] = 30,
[28] = 333,
["name"] = "Feathermoon",
[652] = 260,
[32] = 293,
[1745] = {
[1758] = 83,
[1766] = 128,
[1837] = 139,
[1778] = 45,
[1719] = 67,
[1857] = 40,
[1613] = 107,
[1747] = 20,
[1755] = 114,
[1885] = 139,
[1767] = 82,
[1858] = 63,
["name"] = "Lorna's Watch",
[1744] = 55,
[1622] = 121,
[1815] = 169,
[1756] = 134,
[1764] = 124,
[1713] = 145,
[1855] = 87,
[1859] = 94,
[1863] = 47,
[1615] = 117,
[1879] = 29,
[1761] = 93,
[1777] = 89,
[1774] = 93,
[1754] = 97,
[1742] = 37,
[1673] = 154,
[1759] = 50,
[1880] = 76,
[1941] = 112,
[16] = {
[2] = 376,
[4] = 515,
[5] = 360,
[6] = 271,
[7] = 126,
[8] = 171,
[12] = 748,
[598] = 397,
[600] = 410,
[602] = 528,
[553] = 59,
[618] = 84,
[315] = 301,
["name"] = "Refuge Pointe",
[66] = 122,
[383] = 178,
[195] = 456,
[84] = 250,
[650] = 141,
[589] = 398,
[85] = 215,
[658] = 145,
[599] = 375,
[71] = 304,
[672] = 203,
[552] = 94,
[554] = 127,
[619] = 220,
[582] = 407,
[67] = 233,
[45] = 621,
[74] = 249,
[43] = 71,
[19] = 562,
[633] = 215,
[205] = 337,
[2137] = {
[2088] = 72,
[2042] = 113,
[2102] = 56,
[2106] = 131,
[2079] = 154,
[2083] = 117,
[2085] = 65,
[2089] = 38,
[2060] = 105,
[2277] = 109,
[2023] = 165,
[2097] = 35,
[2084] = 74,
[2101] = 50,
["name"] = "Millstone Hamlet",
[2074] = 128,
[2107] = 126,
[2109] = 115,
[2033] = 104,
[2138] = 30,
[2035] = 112,
[2086] = 54,
[2037] = 82,
[1440] = {
[1506] = 134,
[1447] = 38,
[1451] = 40,
[1648] = 32,
[1475] = 121,
[1420] = 161,
[1503] = 138,
[1507] = 142,
[1574] = 156,
[1389] = 157,
[1645] = 34,
[1523] = 99,
[1468] = 100,
[1476] = 52,
["name"] = "Zangarra",
[1508] = 95,
[1453] = 61,
[1646] = 53,
[1493] = 113,
[1568] = 109,
[1572] = 165,
[1513] = 98,
[1643] = 38,
[1462] = 38,
[1384] = 80,
[1511] = 40,
[1539] = 156,
[1519] = 112,
[1569] = 87,
[1573] = 152,
[1620] = 54,
[1450] = 68,
[1502] = 125,
[1448] = 48,
[1053] = {
[985] = 281,
[1017] = 66,
[1029] = 177,
[1021] = 158,
[1025] = 34,
[1071] = 187,
["name"] = "Longying Outpost",
[969] = 281,
[1054] = 40,
[1057] = 129,
[1055] = 49,
[992] = 205,
[1024] = 41,
[1070] = 102,
[1056] = 67,
[2145] = {
[2119] = 132,
[2012] = 102,
[2075] = 110,
[2110] = 127,
[2112] = 99,
[2114] = 96,
[2120] = 119,
[2153] = 56,
[2126] = 43,
[2066] = 75,
[1965] = 33,
[2078] = 67,
[2080] = 52,
["name"] = "Verdant Hollow",
[2157] = 50,
[2148] = 35,
[2161] = 92,
[594] = {
[166] = 89,
[456] = 402,
[457] = 341,
[167] = 196,
[37] = 307,
[39] = 583,
[351] = 214,
[595] = 60,
[65] = 59,
[26] = 169,
[52] = 163,
[27] = 229,
["name"] = "Whisperwind Grove",
[28] = 172,
[33] = 216,
[339] = 109,
[559] = 263,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = {
["The Sin'loren"] = 59,
["Return"] = 255,
[213] = {
[2] = 851,
[4] = 915,
[67] = 337,
[45] = 992,
[19] = 1035,
[651] = 460,
[12] = 913,
[6] = 692,
[205] = 232,
["name"] = "Shattered Sun Staging Area",
[245] = {
[294] = 181,
[244] = 46,
[296] = 64,
[246] = 75,
[247] = 145,
[185] = 386,
[305] = 323,
[306] = 348,
[307] = 415,
[308] = 137,
[251] = 219,
[310] = 261,
[252] = 229,
[253] = 336,
["name"] = "Valiance Keep",
[255] = 417,
[320] = 307,
[321] = 323,
[226] = 99,
[325] = 222,
[326] = 424,
[327] = 388,
[333] = 317,
[334] = 284,
[335] = 317,
[336] = 303,
[340] = 376,
[183] = 445,
[295] = 364,
[184] = 450,
[303] = 148,
[289] = 63,
[309] = 150,
[595] = {
[52] = 229,
[28] = 118,
[370] = 300,
[27] = 340,
[339] = 51,
[594] = 67,
[389] = 539,
["name"] = "Wildheart Point",
[166] = 35,
[65] = 124,
[167] = 141,
[49] = 190,
[616] = 219,
[2034] = {
[2037] = 28,
[2042] = 26,
[2106] = 66,
[2077] = 92,
[2079] = 63,
[2083] = 70,
[2060] = 58,
[2097] = 122,
[2277] = 58,
["name"] = "Hangman's Point",
[2074] = 68,
[2107] = 68,
[2109] = 85,
[2033] = 31,
[2084] = 41,
[2035] = 29,
[2086] = 100,
[2108] = 96,
[1054] = {
[1055] = 51,
[1056] = 71,
[1053] = 46,
[1057] = 128,
["name"] = "Gao-Ran Battlefront",
[1022] = 145,
[1024] = 39,
[1073] = 83,
[1072] = 33,
[1018] = {
["name"] = "Temple of the White Tiger",
[985] = 161,
[1070] = 189,
[1029] = 113,
[1021] = 40,
[1023] = 81,
[1056] = 195,
[1022] = 39,
[969] = 245,
[1293] = 328,
[988] = 201,
[1020] = 62,
[992] = 238,
[1057] = 124,
[1221] = 89,
[1017] = 74,
[596] = {
[12] = 108,
[584] = 207,
[2] = 159,
[71] = 102,
[551] = 353,
[598] = 55,
[600] = 93,
[5] = 47,
[599] = 34,
["name"] = "Shalewind Canyon",
[615] = 24,
[166] = {
[32] = 367,
[457] = 340,
[167] = 104,
[37] = 217,
[39] = 499,
[80] = 263,
[351] = 124,
[594] = 98,
[595] = 43,
[65] = 135,
["name"] = "Emerald Sanctuary",
[52] = 218,
[338] = 96,
[41] = 593,
[28] = 80,
[559] = 314,
[339] = 77,
[27] = 229,
[139] = {
[122] = 55,
[140] = 549,
[101] = 302,
[119] = 343,
[124] = 467,
[121] = 390,
[164] = 230,
[128] = 315,
[150] = 69,
["name"] = "The Stormspire",
[117] = 220,
[129] = 448,
[125] = 154,
[160] = 134,
[159] = 509,
[1447] = {
[1448] = 21,
[1511] = 37,
[1450] = 40,
[1451] = 53,
[1452] = 80,
[1453] = 66,
[1518] = 96,
[1519] = 70,
[1520] = 78,
[1645] = 27,
[1523] = 56,
[1493] = 107,
[1528] = 60,
[1420] = 171,
[1440] = 26,
[1502] = 89,
[1476] = 78,
["name"] = "Fort Wrynn (Alliance)",
[1506] = 113,
[1569] = 75,
[1539] = 97,
[1462] = 52,
[1572] = 142,
[308] = {
[255] = 402,
[309] = 43,
[294] = 376,
[252] = 264,
[303] = 225,
[296] = 133,
[253] = 394,
[289] = 169,
[321] = 393,
[184] = 471,
[226] = 149,
[246] = 69,
[320] = 247,
[245] = 139,
["name"] = "River's Heart",
[244] = 481,
[310] = 201,
[247] = 202,
[325] = 140,
[334] = 335,
[1448] = {
[1452] = 71,
[1420] = 171,
[1523] = 76,
[1569] = 81,
[1528] = 94,
[1447] = 34,
[1476] = 93,
[1450] = 36,
[1574] = 114,
[1462] = 43,
["name"] = "Redemption Rise",
[1451] = 54,
[1440] = 48,
[1453] = 53,
[1568] = 127,
[1572] = 155,
[12] = {
[2] = 88,
[4] = 87,
[5] = 60,
[6] = 268,
[7] = 337,
[8] = 270,
[16] = 451,
[600] = 106,
[602] = 189,
[673] = 229,
[551] = 367,
[555] = 265,
[620] = 1044,
[622] = 63,
["name"] = "Darkshire",
[66] = 503,
[195] = 48,
[583] = 110,
[650] = 548,
[589] = 97,
[591] = 138,
[43] = 494,
[599] = 147,
[71] = 115,
[676] = 152,
[598] = 136,
[1538] = 103,
[619] = 290,
[74] = 188,
[67] = 587,
[45] = 97,
[590] = 98,
[582] = 55,
[19] = 172,
[633] = 199,
[315] = 640,
[456] = {
[595] = 378,
[26] = 229,
[338] = 385,
[28] = 406,
[93] = 325,
[457] = 56,
[624] = 274,
[94] = 266,
["name"] = "Dolanaar",
[27] = 169,
[167] = 553,
[65] = 324,
[364] = 512,
[79] = 911,
[598] = {
[2] = 197,
[555] = 257,
[633] = 191,
[16] = 405,
[634] = 156,
[635] = 210,
[5] = 85,
[74] = 196,
[195] = 181,
[602] = 135,
[45] = 44,
[12] = 135,
[599] = 29,
[551] = 358,
[630] = 593,
[552] = 333,
[71] = 107,
[675] = 177,
["name"] = "Marshtide Watch",
[676] = 143,
[1538] = 44,
[615] = 83,
[600] = 40,
[590] = 232,
[1450] = {
[1448] = 36,
[1511] = 66,
[1574] = 84,
[1451] = 62,
[1452] = 43,
[1453] = 40,
[1520] = 98,
[1462] = 49,
[1556] = 146,
[1493] = 100,
[1528] = 77,
[1513] = 60,
[1420] = 148,
[1476] = 85,
[1506] = 71,
[1502] = 61,
[1503] = 78,
[1389] = 109,
["name"] = "Shattrath City",
[1568] = 45,
[1569] = 69,
[1440] = 57,
[1447] = 48,
[1572] = 108,
[2089] = {
[2088] = 73,
[2042] = 143,
[2133] = 81,
[2106] = 161,
[2077] = 213,
[2079] = 185,
[2083] = 112,
[2085] = 53,
[2060] = 100,
[2023] = 195,
[2108] = 191,
[2084] = 104,
[2097] = 36,
[2037] = 112,
[2101] = 58,
[2109] = 145,
[2074] = 158,
[2138] = 19,
["name"] = "Seekers Vista",
[2033] = 135,
[2034] = 126,
[2035] = 143,
[2086] = 64,
[2137] = 38,
[246] = {
[309] = 77,
[294] = 182,
[310] = 257,
[334] = 286,
[245] = 70,
[335] = 286,
[253] = 324,
[289] = 44,
[321] = 318,
[184] = 438,
[226] = 80,
[308] = 63,
[247] = 133,
[296] = 65,
[307] = 332,
[244] = 254,
["name"] = "Fizzcrank Airstrip",
[185] = 560,
[251] = 315,
[325] = 222,
[599] = {
[45] = 67,
[16] = 379,
[5] = 79,
[2] = 190,
[633] = 164,
[635] = 183,
[71] = 81,
[19] = 297,
[596] = 33,
[598] = 25,
[600] = 63,
["name"] = "Bogpaddle",
[664] = 445,
[12] = 141,
[8] = 258,
[1452] = {
[1448] = 68,
[1450] = 57,
[1451] = 76,
[1453] = 30,
[1523] = 135,
[1462] = 84,
[1389] = 151,
[1509] = 72,
[1508] = 62,
[1476] = 108,
[1513] = 41,
[1502] = 70,
[1503] = 89,
[1510] = 88,
["name"] = "Retribution Point",
[1568] = 168,
[1569] = 82,
[1539] = 152,
[1447] = 97,
[1572] = 123,
[1941] = {
[1758] = 133,
[1766] = 155,
[1774] = 54,
[1778] = 163,
[1719] = 182,
[1857] = 137,
[1861] = 128,
[1613] = 111,
[1747] = 136,
[1755] = 195,
[1633] = 89,
[1858] = 101,
["name"] = "Deliverance Point",
[1744] = 123,
[1622] = 113,
[1756] = 235,
[1764] = 157,
[1713] = 161,
[1855] = 168,
[1859] = 88,
[1863] = 92,
[1615] = 127,
[1745] = 125,
[1753] = 184,
[1862] = 51,
[1754] = 198,
[1777] = 161,
[1837] = 107,
[1673] = 134,
[1759] = 148,
[1856] = 30,
[1860] = 97,
[1870] = 88,
[1742] = 121,
[1879] = 99,
[1885] = 153,
[1880] = 112,
[1942] = 30,
[1453] = {
[1448] = 43,
[1450] = 36,
[1451] = 52,
[1452] = 30,
[1462] = 39,
[1620] = 126,
[1510] = 94,
[1513] = 39,
[1440] = 68,
[1502] = 83,
[1476] = 98,
["name"] = "Exarch's Refuge",
[1381] = 90,
[1475] = 92,
[1569] = 58,
[1384] = 78,
[1447] = 75,
[1572] = 134,
[600] = {
[7] = 388,
[599] = 65,
[2] = 160,
[4] = 182,
[45] = 79,
[16] = 403,
["name"] = "The Harborage",
[5] = 46,
[673] = 215,
[675] = 171,
[71] = 102,
[634] = 151,
[12] = 107,
[598] = 38,
[1965] = {
[2110] = 140,
[2147] = 85,
[2080] = 66,
[2148] = 53,
[2066] = 64,
[2119] = 151,
[2157] = 68,
[2075] = 114,
[2126] = 30,
["name"] = "Nesingwary's Gameland",
[2114] = 115,
[2120] = 138,
[2145] = 37,
[2078] = 63,
[2012] = 119,
[1857] = {
[1758] = 87,
[1766] = 143,
[1774] = 127,
[1778] = 50,
[1719] = 69,
[1613] = 141,
[1747] = 37,
[1755] = 119,
[1633] = 160,
[1767] = 87,
[1858] = 107,
["name"] = "Stormtorn Foothills",
[1744] = 38,
[1622] = 154,
[1815] = 180,
[1756] = 101,
[1764] = 129,
[1713] = 166,
[1855] = 58,
[1859] = 127,
[1863] = 54,
[1615] = 156,
[1745] = 41,
[1753] = 74,
[1761] = 59,
[1777] = 94,
[1837] = 178,
[1754] = 99,
[1856] = 118,
[1673] = 158,
[1759] = 59,
[1742] = 23,
[1879] = 58,
[1885] = 188,
[1880] = 108,
[1941] = 142,
[984] = {
[985] = 56,
[1017] = 66,
[989] = 127,
[1052] = 26,
[1056] = 249,
[967] = 103,
[895] = 56,
[1293] = 197,
["name"] = "Pang's Stead",
[1057] = 87,
[971] = 104,
[1029] = 29,
[966] = 132,
[986] = 36,
[150] = {
[122] = 64,
[139] = 61,
[140] = 559,
[164] = 291,
[159] = 520,
[128] = 326,
[117] = 229,
[121] = 401,
[125] = 192,
[160] = 145,
["name"] = "Cosmowrench",
[365] = {
[33] = 53,
[457] = 478,
[37] = 63,
[541] = 45,
[41] = 219,
[388] = 265,
["name"] = "Farwatcher's Glen",
[361] = 76,
[80] = 249,
[364] = 115,
[368] = 111,
[1451] = {
[1452] = 73,
[1513] = 85,
[1528] = 98,
[1569] = 60,
[1453] = 46,
[1420] = 120,
[1476] = 44,
[1450] = 50,
["name"] = "Anchorite's Sojourn",
[1462] = 20,
[1507] = 126,
[1447] = 43,
[1440] = 37,
[1384] = 57,
[1509] = 83,
[1539] = 132,
[985] = {
[1017] = 86,
[895] = 104,
[1023] = 172,
[966] = 179,
[968] = 137,
[970] = 141,
[972] = 115,
[1054] = 194,
[1070] = 115,
[986] = 41,
[988] = 42,
[992] = 77,
[1090] = 154,
["name"] = "Halfhill",
[1055] = 309,
[1071] = 161,
[1018] = 153,
[1020] = 131,
[1022] = 144,
[1024] = 158,
[1221] = 236,
[967] = 129,
[969] = 165,
[971] = 154,
[1052] = 33,
[1056] = 255,
[1190] = 92,
[1072] = 152,
[989] = 53,
[991] = 67,
[1025] = 196,
[1029] = 63,
[984] = 51,
[1293] = 243,
[993] = 83,
[1021] = 188,
[1053] = 208,
[1057] = 69,
[1073] = 132,
[1080] = 179,
[602] = {
[2] = 250,
[555] = 365,
[633] = 298,
[16] = 512,
[19] = 146,
[591] = 189,
[195] = 211,
[45] = 72,
[12] = 164,
[618] = 596,
[590] = 234,
["name"] = "Surwich",
[598] = 111,
[599] = 138,
[4] = 249,
[600] = 148,
[5] = 194,
[183] = {
[255] = 168,
[340] = 394,
[294] = 291,
[244] = 220,
[252] = 267,
[251] = 310,
[295] = 96,
[334] = 336,
[247] = 329,
[226] = 534,
[327] = 537,
[304] = 249,
[253] = 144,
[289] = 497,
[185] = 69,
[336] = 282,
["name"] = "Valgarde Port",
[245] = 455,
[184] = 71,
[306] = 210,
[320] = 289,
[296] = 425,
[310] = 281,
[307] = 240,
[305] = 249,
[326] = 394,
[331] = 294,
[308] = 482,
[303] = 369,
[2110] = {
[2161] = 96,
[2066] = 185,
[2147] = 207,
[2080] = 89,
[2075] = 220,
[2012] = 215,
[2119] = 46,
[2157] = 160,
[2120] = 63,
[2126] = 153,
["name"] = "Shatterstone Harbor",
[2114] = 71,
[1965] = 141,
[2145] = 122,
[2078] = 123,
[2112] = 42,
[247] = {
[255] = 276,
[294] = 71,
[252] = 89,
[303] = 67,
[334] = 170,
[251] = 82,
[226] = 209,
[296] = 101,
[335] = 176,
[253] = 98,
[289] = 172,
[244] = 124,
[336] = 190,
[246] = 129,
[321] = 210,
[184] = 310,
[306] = 207,
[325] = 232,
[322] = 293,
[245] = 132,
["name"] = "Stars' Rest",
[320] = 194,
[183] = 313,
[185] = 244,
[308] = 191,
[310] = 146,
[19] = {
[2] = 199,
[4] = 148,
[8] = 587,
[16] = 560,
[66] = 615,
[205] = 810,
[5] = 212,
[74] = 481,
[591] = 49,
[590] = 92,
[195] = 118,
[45] = 252,
[43] = 597,
[583] = 175,
[6] = 323,
[12] = 168,
[598] = 254,
[71] = 272,
[622] = 154,
[67] = 773,
["name"] = "Booty Bay",
[582] = 221,
[7] = 471,
[315] = 774,
[1538] = 243,
[602] = 144,
[600] = 262,
[618] = 652,
[2278] = {
[2088] = 78,
[2096] = 66,
[2042] = 60,
[2106] = 119,
[2077] = 76,
[2079] = 48,
[2083] = 23,
[2085] = 87,
[2089] = 116,
[2060] = 30,
[2277] = 17,
[2109] = 133,
[2074] = 21,
[2084] = 49,
["name"] = "Mariner's Row",
[2023] = 75,
[2034] = 66,
[2035] = 74,
[2086] = 72,
[2037] = 73,
["Stormwind City"] = {
["Return"] = 65,
[31] = {
[73] = 201,
[367] = 205,
[39] = 215,
[41] = 85,
[79] = 311,
[179] = 133,
[32] = 206,
[49] = 671,
["name"] = "Shadebough",
[166] = 499,
[389] = 198,
[80] = 298,
[513] = 178,
[567] = 60,
[972] = {
[968] = 36,
[895] = 75,
[1017] = 152,
[970] = 113,
["name"] = "Pearlfin Village",
[984] = 186,
[1293] = 215,
[988] = 213,
[985] = 131,
[1080] = 45,
[1018] = 271,
[966] = 47,
[986] = 91,
[1462] = {
[1448] = 35,
[1511] = 65,
[1450] = 33,
[1451] = 31,
[1452] = 56,
[1453] = 32,
[1518] = 163,
[1528] = 98,
[1515] = 53,
[1440] = 36,
[1476] = 72,
[1502] = 80,
[1503] = 104,
[1507] = 109,
["name"] = "Terokkar Refuge",
[1568] = 158,
[1569] = 46,
[1384] = 62,
[1447] = 60,
[1574] = 113,
[986] = {
[985] = 46,
[1017] = 89,
[989] = 93,
[895] = 89,
[1070] = 154,
[1071] = 200,
[988] = 83,
[969] = 184,
[971] = 137,
[1057] = 119,
[984] = 34,
["name"] = "Zhu's Watch",
[1054] = 201,
[966] = 40,
[1190] = 76,
[988] = {
[895] = 147,
[989] = 74,
[991] = 76,
[1052] = 95,
[992] = 77,
[1054] = 219,
[993] = 63,
[1056] = 290,
[1057] = 113,
[1090] = 189,
[1029] = 90,
[966] = 121,
[967] = 172,
[1190] = 51,
[968] = 163,
[986] = 84,
[969] = 203,
[985] = 44,
["name"] = "The Incursion",
[1017] = 127,
[1071] = 196,
[1070] = 149,
[972] = 158,
[1293] = 286,
[1719] = {
[1758] = 48,
[1766] = 81,
[1774] = 135,
[1778] = 31,
[1857] = 75,
[1861] = 139,
[1613] = 112,
[1747] = 56,
[1755] = 56,
[1633] = 131,
[1767] = 20,
[1858] = 78,
["name"] = "Thunder Totem",
[1744] = 100,
[1622] = 29,
[1815] = 118,
[1756] = 74,
[1764] = 64,
[1713] = 100,
[1855] = 126,
[1859] = 102,
[1863] = 99,
[1615] = 113,
[1745] = 66,
[1753] = 31,
[1761] = 61,
[1837] = 147,
[1777] = 28,
[1754] = 35,
[1673] = 97,
[1759] = 46,
[1856] = 142,
[1860] = 153,
[1879] = 86,
[1742] = 83,
[1941] = 170,
[1885] = 122,
[1880] = 65,
[1942] = 157,
[367] = {
[33] = 157,
[567] = 140,
[338] = 284,
[28] = 242,
[41] = 126,
[179] = 329,
[31] = 198,
[389] = 334,
["name"] = "Thargad's Camp",
[370] = 64,
[37] = 102,
[368] = 57,
[364] = 183,
[565] = 55,
[370] = {
[33] = 159,
[367] = 51,
[338] = 261,
[28] = 209,
[41] = 160,
[386] = 346,
[387] = 196,
["name"] = "Ethel Rethor",
[368] = 39,
[37] = 66,
[369] = 52,
[989] = {
[985] = 51,
[1017] = 134,
[1029] = 119,
[993] = 97,
[1056] = 205,
["name"] = "Stoneplow",
[984] = 81,
[1293] = 293,
[988] = 62,
[1052] = 82,
[992] = 63,
[1054] = 133,
[1057] = 119,
[986] = 89,
[606] = {
[522] = 60,
[524] = 155,
[2] = 343,
[605] = 66,
[16] = 353,
[521] = 30,
[19] = 530,
[555] = 294,
[523] = 101,
[6] = 190,
["name"] = "Sandy Beach",
[673] = 241,
[184] = {
[255] = 97,
[340] = 380,
[244] = 178,
[310] = 214,
[295] = 130,
[245] = 412,
[304] = 179,
[253] = 97,
[226] = 474,
[336] = 235,
[321] = 284,
[306] = 162,
[307] = 169,
["name"] = "Fort Wildervar",
[320] = 240,
[185] = 80,
[308] = 463,
[183] = 74,
[303] = {
[309] = 171,
[244] = 135,
[333] = 161,
[310] = 90,
[326] = 256,
[334] = 114,
[252] = 114,
[245] = 214,
[304] = 231,
[253] = 207,
[226] = 277,
[308] = 136,
[305] = 168,
[247] = 81,
[321] = 153,
[335] = 110,
[306] = 222,
[183] = 325,
[322] = 237,
["name"] = "Valiance Landing Camp",
[307] = 285,
[325] = 166,
[327] = 224,
[331] = 325,
[251] = 49,
[340] = 206,
[1467] = {
[1381] = 30,
[1475] = 33,
[1509] = 65,
[1468] = 55,
[1382] = 34,
[1476] = 60,
[1420] = 103,
[1529] = 37,
[1383] = 16,
["name"] = "The Draakorium",
[1556] = 25,
[1646] = 93,
[1493] = 97,
[1518] = 181,
[304] = {
[255] = 71,
[340] = 233,
[294] = 196,
[333] = 287,
[252] = 144,
[295] = 240,
[303] = 230,
[183] = 230,
[335] = 146,
[253] = 107,
[226] = 414,
[305] = 53,
[321] = 136,
[184] = 156,
[306] = 24,
[246] = 334,
[320] = 93,
[310] = 120,
["name"] = "The Argent Stand",
[244] = 106,
[307] = 42,
[185] = 190,
[251] = 164,
[334] = 140,
[368] = {
[369] = 28,
[33] = 121,
[567] = 187,
[37] = 56,
[28] = 196,
[370] = 40,
[386] = 342,
[179] = 353,
[565] = 102,
[79] = 369,
["name"] = "Karnum's Glade",
[389] = 288,
[387] = 61,
[80] = 269,
[364] = 136,
[367] = 49,
[1468] = {
[1420] = 75,
[1452] = 119,
[1453] = 95,
[1646] = 65,
[1556] = 34,
[1528] = 150,
[1529] = 62,
[1440] = 104,
[1502] = 153,
[1476] = 52,
[1383] = 24,
[1381] = 26,
[1382] = 38,
[1569] = 57,
[1384] = 29,
["name"] = "Elodor (Alliance)",
[1389] = 217,
[991] = {
[1072] = 111,
[968] = 203,
[985] = 68,
[1017] = 151,
[989] = 45,
[993] = 93,
[1056] = 214,
[1070] = 74,
["name"] = "Sentinel Basecamp",
[986] = 106,
[988] = 75,
[1020] = 196,
[992] = 38,
[1057] = 135,
[966] = 145,
[1190] = 126,
[361] = {
[365] = 92,
[33] = 65,
[26] = 274,
[37] = 63,
[28] = 91,
[368] = 112,
[387] = 107,
[338] = 146,
[167] = 225,
["name"] = "Windshear Hold",
[166] = 176,
[351] = 56,
[80] = 192,
[364] = 58,
[541] = 30,
[1673] = {
[1758] = 84,
[1766] = 22,
[1774] = 111,
[1778] = 131,
[1719] = 112,
[1857] = 58,
[1861] = 72,
[1613] = 59,
[1747] = 155,
[1755] = 121,
[1633] = 86,
[1767] = 109,
[1858] = 67,
["name"] = "Lorlathil",
[1744] = 188,
[1622] = 75,
[1815] = 71,
[1756] = 163,
[1764] = 57,
[1713] = 28,
[1855] = 225,
[1859] = 62,
[1863] = 134,
[1615] = 44,
[1745] = 121,
[1753] = 133,
[1761] = 160,
[1777] = 89,
[1837] = 97,
[1754] = 125,
[1759] = 111,
[1856] = 133,
[1870] = 144,
[1879] = 110,
[1742] = 153,
[1941] = 139,
[1885] = 52,
[1880] = 51,
[1942] = 153,
[1713] = {
[1758] = 97,
[1766] = 29,
[1774] = 138,
[1778] = 133,
[1719] = 112,
[1857] = 176,
[1861] = 72,
[1613] = 87,
[1747] = 154,
[1755] = 121,
[1633] = 115,
[1767] = 113,
[1858] = 91,
["name"] = "Bradensbrook",
[1744] = 203,
[1622] = 104,
[1815] = 51,
[1756] = 165,
[1764] = 58,
[1855] = 228,
[1859] = 91,
[1863] = 156,
[1615] = 41,
[1745] = 168,
[1753] = 135,
[1837] = 127,
[1777] = 90,
[1754] = 130,
[1673] = 31,
[1759] = 125,
[1856] = 156,
[1860] = 136,
[1879] = 131,
[1742] = 184,
[1941] = 168,
[1885] = 28,
[1880] = 74,
[1942] = 175,
[992] = {
[985] = 80,
[1190] = 80,
[989] = 61,
[991] = 36,
[993] = 43,
[1056] = 249,
[969] = 240,
[988] = 79,
["name"] = "Cradle of Chi-Ji",
[1018] = 285,
[966] = 157,
[1057] = 149,
[305] = {
[255] = 135,
[340] = 180,
[294] = 144,
[310] = 67,
[295] = 239,
[334] = 89,
[183] = 251,
[304] = 63,
[320] = 41,
[336] = 34,
[184] = 220,
[306] = 45,
[252] = 91,
[322] = 141,
["name"] = "Ebon Watch",
[307] = 104,
[185] = 182,
[244] = 62,
[331] = 158,
[251] = 112,
[335] = 93,
[369] = {
[367] = 103,
[368] = 55,
["name"] = "Thunk's Abode",
[370] = 62,
[652] = 659,
[37] = 33,
[624] = 516,
[1190] = {
[1017] = 162,
[1029] = 124,
[1021] = 263,
[993] = 98,
[991] = 111,
[1293] = 284,
[988] = 36,
[1057] = 146,
[992] = 111,
["name"] = "Lion's Landing",
[966] = 51,
[1053] = 284,
[993] = {
[992] = 51,
[989] = 138,
[1073] = 198,
[991] = 85,
[1029] = 151,
[988] = 63,
[1052] = 135,
["name"] = "Marista",
[605] = {
[523] = 45,
["name"] = "Voldrin's Hold",
[606] = 71,
[524] = 81,
[67] = 566,
[6] = 261,
[673] = 311,
[185] = {
[255] = 183,
[340] = 361,
[294] = 244,
[252] = 200,
[295] = 51,
[334] = 269,
[226] = 465,
[251] = 241,
[183] = 69,
[304] = 186,
[253] = 77,
[320] = 221,
[289] = 429,
[336] = 214,
[245] = 387,
[321] = 265,
[184] = 85,
[306] = 143,
[244] = 151,
[322] = 311,
["name"] = "Westguard Keep",
[307] = 227,
[246] = 385,
[310] = 248,
[247] = 260,
[308] = 438,
[296] = 357,
[124] = {
[122] = 409,
[139] = 515,
[100] = 196,
[119] = 249,
[140] = 83,
[156] = 326,
[164] = 320,
[129] = 256,
[150] = 475,
["name"] = "Wildhammer Stronghold",
[121] = 101,
[159] = 42,
[125] = 348,
[160] = 379,
[128] = 174,
[1475] = {
[1467] = 32,
[1509] = 39,
[1453] = 89,
[1382] = 30,
[1476] = 68,
[1420] = 116,
[1529] = 31,
[1383] = 45,
["name"] = "Socrethar's Rise",
[1569] = 45,
[1384] = 56,
[1493] = 70,
[1572] = 206,
[306] = {
[255] = 115,
[340] = 219,
[244] = 83,
[310] = 107,
[295] = 220,
[303] = 232,
[183] = 235,
[304] = 44,
[253] = 84,
[320] = 80,
[305] = 40,
[321] = 167,
[184] = 200,
["name"] = "Light's Breach",
[307] = 84,
[252] = 130,
[331] = 137,
[185] = 167,
[336] = 73,
[1476] = {
[1506] = 134,
[1447] = 67,
[1451] = 31,
[1518] = 136,
[1648] = 89,
[1467] = 66,
[1475] = 71,
[1420] = 109,
[1503] = 148,
[1381] = 41,
[1511] = 79,
[1389] = 168,
[1519] = 153,
[1523] = 118,
[1468] = 62,
[1539] = 148,
["name"] = "Lunarfall (Alliance)",
[1384] = 39,
[1382] = 45,
[1520] = 127,
[1453] = 73,
[1646] = 46,
[1524] = 161,
[1528] = 110,
[1440] = 69,
[1507] = 151,
[1508] = 70,
[1510] = 97,
[1515] = 64,
[1452] = 98,
[1556] = 82,
[1509] = 67,
[1450] = 71,
[1568] = 134,
[1572] = 176,
[1513] = 91,
[1643] = 98,
[1647] = 74,
[1462] = 46,
[1529] = 81,
[1580] = 163,
[1383] = 63,
[1493] = 99,
[1569] = 38,
[1573] = 149,
[1574] = 155,
[1620] = 73,
[1645] = 85,
[1502] = 123,
[1448] = 77,
[1221] = {
[985] = 255,
[1021] = 53,
[1023] = 165,
[1056] = 280,
[984] = 226,
[1053] = 225,
["name"] = "Beeble's Wreck",
[1020] = 146,
[1022] = 115,
[1057] = 203,
[1293] = 476,
[364] = {
[387] = 50,
[33] = 113,
[167] = 252,
[37] = 67,
[80] = 134,
[351] = 79,
[367] = 148,
[565] = 201,
["name"] = "Northwatch Expedition Base Camp",
[27] = 286,
[361] = 60,
[567] = 285,
[41] = 255,
[28] = 118,
[52] = 71,
[370] = 114,
[365] = 122,
[27] = {
[179] = 237,
[513] = 605,
[361] = 341,
[39] = 655,
[364] = 340,
[365] = 378,
[368] = 418,
[28] = 236,
[32] = 527,
[79] = 785,
[80] = 428,
[557] = 311,
[65] = 155,
["name"] = "Rut'theran Village",
[49] = 152,
[565] = 487,
[567] = 585,
[386] = 741,
[387] = 380,
[388] = 478,
[389] = 480,
[166] = 234,
[167] = 271,
[457] = 111,
[41] = 557,
[595] = 209,
[33] = 314,
[93] = 155,
[541] = 354,
[26] = 60,
[338] = 217,
[339] = 152,
[31] = 645,
[52] = 259,
[456] = 172,
[37] = 370,
[594] = 201,
[559] = 292,
[558] = 338,
[73] = 708,
[616] = 373,
[652] = 814,
[781] = 342,
[351] = 276,
[94] = 80,
[624] = 105,
[296] = {
[309] = 155,
[294] = 118,
[252] = 164,
[295] = 301,
[303] = 160,
[245] = 60,
[226] = 158,
[253] = 273,
[289] = 122,
[251] = 176,
[247] = 97,
[325] = 227,
[321] = 301,
[246] = 79,
[244] = 202,
["name"] = "Unu'pe",
[334] = 261,
[183] = 382,
[307] = 364,
[310] = 240,
[320] = 284,
[185] = 322,
[308] = 142,
[340] = 353,
[327] = {
[305] = 171,
[321] = 79,
[244] = 232,
[308] = 307,
[294] = 291,
[253] = 299,
[326] = 44,
[310] = 142,
[320] = 127,
["name"] = "Bouldercrag's Refuge",
[303] = 243,
[322] = 148,
[333] = 113,
[334] = 112,
[340] = 60,
[255] = {
[340] = 313,
[294] = 251,
[333] = 350,
[310] = 200,
[295] = 211,
[303] = 304,
[245] = 394,
[304] = 82,
[253] = 79,
[252] = 207,
[246] = 392,
[185] = 161,
[184] = 86,
[306] = 144,
[244] = 159,
[322] = 157,
[307] = 73,
["name"] = "Westfall Brigade",
[183] = 158,
[325] = 394,
[331] = 126,
[334] = 222,
[335] = 226,
[307] = {
[255] = 56,
[309] = 405,
[244] = 158,
[310] = 172,
[295] = 267,
[303] = 281,
[245] = 388,
[304] = 53,
[253] = 135,
[320] = 146,
[305] = 105,
[184] = 142,
[306] = 76,
[183] = 214,
[322] = 85,
[185] = 217,
["name"] = "Zim'Torga",
[247] = 261,
[326] = 154,
[331] = 53,
[335] = 197,
[336] = 138,
[93] = {
[456] = 341,
[26] = 228,
[338] = 386,
[28] = 403,
[594] = 311,
[94] = 100,
["name"] = "Blood Watch",
[457] = 281,
[37] = 578,
[27] = 168,
[624] = 108,
[295] = {
[183] = 81,
[184] = 121,
[252] = 236,
[185] = 37,
[310] = 281,
[296] = 326,
[247] = 249,
["name"] = "Kamagua",
[294] = 195,
[245] = 377,
[308] = 437,
[125] = {
[122] = 119,
[139] = 170,
[100] = 251,
[119] = 207,
[156] = 57,
[101] = 164,
[150] = 185,
["name"] = "Sylvanaar",
[117] = 82,
[121] = 255,
[128] = 63,
[160] = 51,
[164] = 66,
["Caverns of Time"] = {
["Nozdormu's Lair"] = 59,
[589] = {
[45] = 165,
[5] = 41,
[582] = 51,
[584] = 120,
[2] = 77,
[4] = 143,
[650] = 524,
[71] = 97,
["name"] = "Eastvale Logging Camp",
[596] = 94,
[19] = 258,
[195] = 145,
[74] = 186,
[6] = 193,
[12] = 101,
[590] = 197,
["Amber Ledge"] = {
["Transitus Shield (Scenic Route)"] = 62,
[128] = {
[139] = 284,
[122] = 236,
[124] = 152,
[159] = 195,
[101] = 165,
[140] = 234,
[156] = 123,
[160] = 205,
[164] = 146,
[117] = 84,
[119] = 88,
[121] = 75,
[125] = 175,
[100] = 111,
["name"] = "Shattrath",
[150] = 301,
[129] = 51,
[615] = {
[596] = 33,
[598] = 88,
[195] = 128,
[599] = 67,
[676] = 115,
[633] = 162,
[43] = 446,
[16] = 376,
["name"] = "Camp Everstill",
[5] = 23,
[673] = 192,
[600] = 70,
[602] = 220,
[589] = 61,
[12] = 85,
[2] = 134,
[2120] = {
[2161] = 57,
[2066] = 178,
[2110] = 62,
[2148] = 116,
[2012] = 191,
[2119] = 91,
[2112] = 34,
[2075] = 214,
[2126] = 146,
["name"] = "Tortaka Refuge",
[2114] = 95,
[1965] = 146,
[2145] = 115,
[2078] = 85,
[2080] = 84,
[2054] = {
[2105] = 43,
["name"] = "Firebreaker Expedition",
[2052] = 75,
[2033] = 122,
[2055] = 47,
[2083] = 43,
[2104] = 71,
[2157] = {
[2080] = 72,
[2148] = 35,
[2012] = 81,
[2066] = 110,
[2078] = 106,
[2075] = 99,
[2126] = 82,
["name"] = "Veiled Grotto",
[2114] = 101,
[1965] = 72,
[2145] = 49,
[2153] = 69,
[2110] = 146,
[616] = {
[595] = 142,
[28] = 134,
[558] = 69,
[541] = 223,
[32] = 330,
[389] = 297,
["name"] = "Gates of Sothann",
[39] = 409,
[557] = 44,
[559] = 87,
[167] = 41,
[781] = 64,
[567] = {
[166] = 452,
[31] = 61,
[32] = 243,
[167] = 500,
[37] = 226,
[513] = 238,
[179] = 191,
[80] = 356,
[624] = 693,
[532] = 291,
[386] = 219,
[595] = 493,
[652] = 292,
[368] = 210,
[565] = 88,
[41] = 33,
[39] = 274,
["name"] = "Tower of Estulan",
[73] = 150,
[365] = 190,
[79] = 247,
[370] = 218,
[653] = 211,
[1742] = {
[1758] = 105,
[1766] = 161,
[1774] = 126,
[1778] = 65,
[1719] = 88,
[1857] = 26,
[1861] = 167,
[1613] = 139,
[1747] = 44,
[1755] = 134,
[1633] = 154,
[1767] = 102,
[1858] = 96,
["name"] = "Valdisdall",
[1744] = 25,
[1622] = 154,
[1941] = 128,
[1756] = 119,
[1764] = 149,
[1713] = 181,
[1855] = 55,
[1859] = 125,
[1863] = 41,
[1615] = 149,
[1745] = 39,
[1753] = 90,
[1761] = 77,
[1777] = 109,
[1837] = 171,
[1754] = 117,
[1856] = 101,
[1860] = 161,
[1673] = 159,
[1759] = 73,
[1870] = 171,
[1879] = 61,
[1880] = 109,
[1885] = 203,
[1071] = {
[985] = 192,
[1070] = 62,
[991] = 130,
[1090] = 55,
[971] = 333,
[1057] = 152,
[1053] = 176,
[1073] = 82,
["name"] = "Soggy's Gamble",
[309] = {
[321] = 304,
[252] = 444,
[245] = 221,
[253] = 601,
[246] = 78,
[296] = 212,
[308] = 51,
["name"] = "Nesingwary Base Camp",
[226] = 159,
[310] = 242,
[325] = 137,
[334] = 397,
[340] = 261,
[1389] = {
[1572] = 105,
[1580] = 114,
[1539] = 62,
[1453] = 147,
[1476] = 179,
[1420] = 211,
[1506] = 110,
[1503] = 78,
["name"] = "Bloodmaul Slag Mines",
[1450] = 114,
[1440] = 135,
[1528] = 68,
[1568] = 86,
[1569] = 176,
[1744] = {
[1758] = 118,
[1766] = 175,
[1774] = 131,
[1778] = 79,
[1719] = 101,
[1857] = 41,
[1861] = 181,
[1747] = 57,
[1755] = 148,
[1633] = 159,
[1767] = 116,
[1858] = 110,
["name"] = "Greywatch",
[1622] = 167,
[1815] = 211,
[1756] = 133,
[1764] = 158,
[1713] = 194,
[1855] = 50,
[1859] = 140,
[1863] = 39,
[1745] = 53,
[1753] = 103,
[1761] = 92,
[1777] = 123,
[1837] = 177,
[1754] = 131,
[1673] = 173,
[1856] = 101,
[1860] = 172,
[1759] = 87,
[1742] = 23,
[1879] = 75,
[1941] = 127,
[1880] = 122,
[1942] = 132,
[1056] = {
[988] = 263,
[1021] = 211,
[992] = 222,
[1054] = 57,
[1024] = 90,
[1025] = 89,
[1057] = 178,
[1029] = 196,
[1053] = 61,
[967] = 202,
[1190] = 297,
[1055] = 14,
[1070] = 119,
["name"] = "Shado-Pan Garrison",
[985] = 217,
[1071] = 208,
[1072] = 109,
[1017] = 157,
[1018] = 176,
[1221] = 259,
[1293] = 414,
[618] = {
[85] = 133,
[555] = 310,
[16] = 98,
[634] = 347,
[650] = 148,
[66] = 135,
[19] = 660,
[74] = 348,
[84] = 167,
[86] = 103,
[6] = 313,
[672] = 201,
[383] = 119,
[673] = 372,
[67] = 87,
["name"] = "Stormfeather Outpost",
[71] = 402,
[7] = 180,
[552] = 191,
[630] = 114,
[553] = 156,
[43] = 83,
[665] = 281,
[539] = {
[386] = 163,
[32] = 211,
[457] = 843,
[167] = 628,
[652] = 135,
[513] = 108,
[39] = 60,
[389] = 245,
[80] = 310,
[532] = 50,
[94] = 837,
[368] = 519,
[674] = 228,
[388] = 286,
[179] = 179,
["name"] = "Bootlegger Outpost",
[567] = 332,
[28] = 499,
[79] = 155,
[73] = 266,
[653] = 217,
[156] = {
[122] = 84,
[119] = 265,
[124] = 321,
[164] = 125,
[128] = 170,
[150] = 150,
["name"] = "Toshley's Station",
[117] = 73,
[129] = 302,
[125] = 60,
[160] = 53,
[101] = 154,
[251] = {
[244] = 87,
[310] = 65,
[295] = 264,
[303] = 60,
[245] = 202,
[253] = 158,
[226] = 279,
[305] = 119,
[321] = 128,
[296] = 170,
[183] = 276,
["name"] = "Fordragon Hold",
[247] = 74,
[252] = 65,
[185] = 207,
[308] = 262,
[336] = 153,
[619] = {
[554] = 75,
[2] = 195,
[4] = 256,
[8] = 99,
[618] = 290,
[665] = 297,
[650] = 283,
[66] = 261,
[620] = 47,
[605] = 242,
[19] = 390,
[43] = 242,
[6] = 45,
[12] = 274,
[582] = 218,
[7] = 118,
["name"] = "Kharanos",
[555] = 145,
[584] = 233,
[662] = 279,
[16] = 208,
[2085] = {
[2088] = 31,
[2278] = 97,
[2127] = 201,
[2042] = 136,
[2102] = 114,
[2106] = 178,
[2083] = 87,
[2087] = 133,
[2089] = 54,
[2060] = 76,
[2097] = 45,
[2277] = 91,
[2101] = 48,
["name"] = "Tidecross",
[2074] = 111,
[2138] = 66,
[2109] = 173,
[2033] = 143,
[2133] = 32,
[2037] = 134,
[2086] = 36,
[2137] = 65,
[513] = {
[73] = 229,
[565] = 318,
[567] = 240,
[27] = 625,
[39] = 43,
[179] = 72,
[594] = 565,
[389] = 137,
["name"] = "Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge",
[79] = 139,
[31] = 179,
[80] = 238,
[539] = 97,
[32] = 125,
[1493] = {
[1510] = 47,
[1573] = 120,
[1450] = 99,
[1451] = 109,
[1453] = 77,
[1523] = 175,
[1462] = 98,
[1420] = 184,
[1447] = 115,
[1513] = 42,
[1476] = 112,
[1506] = 126,
[1515] = 61,
[1382] = 95,
[1389] = 213,
[1440] = 141,
[1503] = 166,
[1475] = 80,
["name"] = "Southport",
[1568] = 219,
[1569] = 62,
[1508] = 41,
[1509] = 50,
[1572] = 152,
[620] = {
[7] = 142,
[554] = 116,
[2] = 262,
[8] = 57,
[16] = 220,
[43] = 268,
["name"] = "Gol'Bolar Quarry",
[19] = 406,
[555] = 174,
[6] = 69,
[619] = 43,
[66] = 289,
[74] = 137,
[1055] = {
[1020] = 102,
["name"] = "Rensai's Watchpost",
[1056] = 22,
[1053] = 48,
[1057] = 166,
[1054] = 44,
[985] = 288,
[383] = {
[66] = 58,
[85] = 105,
[618] = 109,
[67] = 100,
[16] = 195,
[620] = 329,
["name"] = "Thondroril River",
[630] = 80,
[650] = 80,
[6] = 311,
[651] = 39,
[87] = 45,
[1815] = {
[1758] = 114,
[1766] = 43,
[1774] = 168,
[1778] = 149,
[1719] = 130,
[1857] = 192,
[1861] = 106,
[1613] = 116,
[1747] = 173,
[1755] = 86,
[1633] = 144,
[1767] = 129,
[1858] = 107,
["name"] = "The Dreamgrove",
[1744] = 218,
[1622] = 132,
[1941] = 201,
[1756] = 116,
[1764] = 75,
[1713] = 39,
[1855] = 229,
[1859] = 119,
[1615] = 77,
[1745] = 183,
[1753] = 152,
[1777] = 106,
[1837] = 157,
[1754] = 112,
[1860] = 167,
[1673] = 64,
[1742] = 200,
[1879] = 148,
[1759] = 141,
[1880] = 91,
[1885] = 51,
[1863] = {
[1758] = 90,
[1766] = 137,
[1774] = 97,
[1778] = 77,
[1719] = 100,
[1857] = 55,
[1861] = 147,
[1613] = 120,
[1747] = 53,
[1755] = 146,
[1633] = 125,
[1767] = 113,
[1858] = 73,
["name"] = "Hafr Fjall",
[1744] = 41,
[1622] = 133,
[1941] = 95,
[1756] = 147,
[1764] = 133,
[1713] = 159,
[1855] = 87,
[1615] = 129,
[1745] = 42,
[1753] = 101,
[1761] = 105,
[1777] = 121,
[1856] = 68,
[1837] = 143,
[1754] = 129,
[1742] = 39,
[1673] = 139,
[1879] = 47,
[1880] = 88,
[1942] = 82,
[94] = {
[365] = 477,
[39] = 688,
[457] = 211,
[52] = 359,
[28] = 335,
[93] = 88,
[27] = 99,
[539] = 800,
[624] = 39,
[49] = 12,
["name"] = "The Exodar",
[166] = 273,
[339] = 193,
[167] = 440,
[567] = 688,
[26] = 102,
[2112] = {
[2161] = 69,
[2110] = 37,
[2080] = 60,
[2148] = 92,
[2066] = 155,
[2119] = 67,
[2078] = 96,
[2120] = 33,
[2126] = 123,
["name"] = "Vulture's Nest",
[2114] = 69,
[1965] = 111,
[2145] = 92,
[2153] = 136,
[2075] = 190,
[524] = {
[523] = 51,
["name"] = "Darkbreak Cove",
[522] = 94,
[605] = 79,
[521] = 164,
[606] = 149,
[622] = {
[554] = 366,
[2] = 123,
[4] = 42,
[8] = 308,
[16] = 470,
[650] = 118,
[651] = 584,
[5] = 118,
[591] = 130,
[195] = 40,
[6] = 330,
[12] = 62,
[673] = 277,
[602] = 245,
[19] = 153,
[71] = 173,
["name"] = "Raven Hill",
[676] = 210,
[45] = 154,
[582] = 126,
[600] = 164,
[590] = 90,
[84] = {
[7] = 406,
[383] = 91,
[67] = 95,
[16] = 280,
[86] = 64,
[85] = 56,
[673] = 465,
[87] = 52,
[630] = 60,
[650] = 134,
["name"] = "Plaguewood Tower",
[672] = 62,
[1754] = {
[1758] = 83,
[1766] = 96,
[1837] = 164,
[1778] = 62,
[1719] = 43,
[1857] = 105,
[1861] = 166,
[1613] = 128,
[1747] = 86,
[1755] = 31,
[1759] = 78,
[1767] = 35,
[1858] = 98,
["name"] = "The Witchwood",
[1744] = 132,
[1622] = 151,
[1815] = 101,
[1756] = 42,
[1764] = 79,
[1713] = 125,
[1859] = 126,
[1863] = 131,
[1615] = 138,
[1745] = 97,
[1753] = 45,
[1761] = 41,
[1777] = 53,
[1774] = 162,
[1885] = 147,
[1742] = 114,
[1879] = 117,
[1673] = 123,
[1880] = 90,
[1941] = 192,
[252] = {
[294] = 36,
[244] = 34,
[296] = 109,
[245] = 129,
[183] = 160,
[247] = 45,
[185] = 114,
[305] = 71,
[306] = 90,
[308] = 170,
[251] = 39,
[310] = 63,
[253] = 81,
["name"] = "Wyrmrest Temple",
[255] = 135,
[320] = 98,
[321] = 105,
[226] = 181,
[325] = 189,
[326] = 170,
[327] = 149,
[333] = 165,
[334] = 80,
[335] = 83,
[336] = 77,
[340] = 140,
[322] = 165,
[309] = 179,
[184] = 171,
[303] = 79,
[295] = 148,
[289] = 157,
[246] = 128,
[1755] = {
[1758] = 81,
[1759] = 95,
[1761] = 78,
[1673] = 118,
[1764] = 83,
[1858] = 102,
[1859] = 122,
[1767] = 48,
[1857] = 123,
[1837] = 168,
[1615] = 133,
[1744] = 149,
["name"] = "Felbane Camp",
[1742] = 131,
[1774] = 165,
[1713] = 119,
[1745] = 114,
[1622] = 146,
[1747] = 103,
[1753] = 80,
[1766] = 100,
[1719] = 66,
[1777] = 49,
[1778] = 79,
[1815] = 83,
[1754] = 39,
[1879] = 122,
[1756] = 43,
[1633] = 151,
[1885] = 142,
[65] = {
[166] = 129,
[456] = 218,
[387] = 348,
[33] = 282,
[167] = 233,
[37] = 337,
[39] = 702,
[80] = 418,
[594] = 52,
[457] = 285,
["name"] = "Talonbranch Glade",
[73] = 830,
[49] = 67,
[27] = 175,
[26] = 115,
[52] = 109,
[338] = 185,
[41] = 525,
[28] = 209,
[79] = 809,
[339] = 120,
[32] = 542,
[1756] = {
[1766] = 132,
[1837] = 199,
[1778] = 89,
[1719] = 87,
[1857] = 92,
[1861] = 194,
[1613] = 164,
[1747] = 113,
[1755] = 37,
[1759] = 117,
[1767] = 69,
[1858] = 134,
["name"] = "Shipwreck Cove",
[1744] = 127,
[1622] = 178,
[1815] = 114,
[1764] = 115,
[1713] = 150,
[1855] = 123,
[1859] = 155,
[1863] = 142,
[1615] = 165,
[1745] = 124,
[1753] = 62,
[1761] = 44,
[1777] = 75,
[1860] = 205,
[1673] = 149,
[1742] = 112,
[1754] = 50,
[1774] = 197,
[1880] = 118,
[1941] = 227,
[2012] = {
[2119] = 187,
[2075] = 71,
[2110] = 195,
[2112] = 165,
[2145] = 97,
[2147] = 101,
[2120] = 187,
[2153] = 68,
[2126] = 102,
[2066] = 114,
[1965] = 121,
[2114] = 151,
[2078] = 151,
[2080] = 122,
[2157] = 74,
["name"] = "Xibala",
[2148] = 96,
[2161] = 163,
[624] = {
[456] = 282,
[26] = 170,
[52] = 369,
[28] = 346,
[93] = 99,
[94] = 41,
["name"] = "Azure Watch",
[37] = 478,
[65] = 266,
[27] = 109,
[457] = 222,
[1502] = {
[1572] = 61,
[1573] = 50,
[1450] = 58,
[1451] = 94,
[1452] = 59,
[1645] = 102,
[1493] = 123,
[1528] = 119,
[1462] = 81,
[1420] = 193,
[1389] = 123,
[1476] = 117,
[1440] = 98,
[1503] = 28,
[1513] = 91,
["name"] = "The Ring of Trials",
[1506] = 36,
[1507] = 33,
[1539] = 155,
[1447] = 88,
[1574] = 37,
[1758] = {
[1759] = 42,
[1761] = 94,
[1855] = 146,
[1764] = 58,
[1858] = 45,
[1673] = 92,
[1767] = 67,
[1742] = 102,
[1774] = 100,
[1713] = 110,
[1745] = 77,
[1622] = 103,
[1747] = 73,
[1777] = 46,
[1719] = 48,
[1859] = 79,
[1753] = 66,
["name"] = "Obsidian Overlook",
[1754] = 83,
[1879] = 55,
[1880] = 42,
[1857] = 92,
[1778] = 65,
[1503] = {
[1452] = 73,
[1506] = 39,
[1475] = 208,
[1389] = 86,
[1573] = 55,
[1502] = 30,
[1476] = 137,
[1420] = 208,
[1574] = 22,
[1572] = 49,
["name"] = "Throne of the Elements",
[1507] = 31,
[1515] = 134,
[1519] = 173,
[1523] = 119,
[1528] = 95,
[1759] = {
[1758] = 38,
[1764] = 80,
[1713] = 126,
[1761] = 72,
[1855] = 112,
[1856] = 108,
[1857] = 58,
[1858] = 57,
[1673] = 109,
[1767] = 56,
[1613] = 105,
[1756] = 109,
[1863] = 76,
[1755] = 88,
[1744] = 86,
[1742] = 68,
[1774] = 111,
[1837] = 132,
[1745] = 40,
[1622] = 120,
[1747] = 39,
[1753] = 51,
[1766] = 108,
[1719] = 43,
[1777] = 64,
[1778] = 32,
["name"] = "Ironhorn Enclave",
[1754] = 71,
[1941] = 135,
[1880] = 58,
[1879] = 57,
[1859] = 86,
[675] = {
["name"] = "Flamestar Post",
[676] = 35,
[618] = 403,
[8] = 158,
[71] = 74,
[19] = 347,
[596] = 174,
[673] = 45,
[598] = 213,
[2] = 195,
[6] = 159,
[12] = 190,
[74] = 69,
[1022] = {
[985] = 197,
[1017] = 67,
[1021] = 73,
[1023] = 52,
[1221] = 106,
["name"] = "One Keg",
[1020] = 56,
[1018] = 24,
[1025] = 99,
[2035] = {
[2037] = 44,
[2278] = 73,
[2096] = 126,
[2042] = 21,
[2106] = 60,
[2108] = 78,
[2083] = 79,
[2087] = 82,
[2089] = 144,
[2060] = 72,
[2277] = 60,
[2055] = 88,
[2097] = 138,
[2127] = 89,
[2138] = 136,
[2109] = 98,
[2074] = 63,
[2107] = 83,
["name"] = "Fletcher's Hollow",
[2033] = 45,
[2034] = 25,
[2053] = 33,
[2086] = 115,
[2137] = 113,
[1761] = {
[1759] = 90,
[1855] = 90,
[1857] = 59,
[1673] = 149,
[1767] = 67,
[1766] = 133,
[1747] = 86,
[1742] = 79,
[1774] = 182,
[1713] = 152,
[1745] = 94,
[1622] = 177,
[1778] = 61,
[1756] = 46,
[1755] = 72,
[1719] = 61,
[1777] = 79,
[1753] = 43,
["name"] = "Prepfoot",
[1754] = 55,
[1941] = 196,
[1880] = 117,
[1837] = 199,
[1859] = 154,
[1506] = {
[1448] = 95,
[1573] = 26,
[1450] = 75,
[1420] = 209,
[1452] = 73,
[1453] = 91,
[1519] = 153,
[1462] = 96,
[1493] = 121,
[1572] = 41,
[1510] = 154,
[1476] = 142,
[1389] = 116,
[1502] = 29,
[1503] = 42,
["name"] = "Telaari Station",
[1381] = 172,
[1440] = 116,
[1507] = 29,
[1539] = 169,
[1447] = 114,
[1574] = 29,
[1529] = {
[1467] = 31,
[1381] = 49,
[1475] = 28,
[1453] = 116,
[1382] = 54,
[1476] = 79,
[1420] = 114,
[1450] = 130,
["name"] = "Darktide Roost",
[1468] = 59,
[1510] = 120,
[1384] = 61,
[1523] = 170,
[1572] = 239,
[253] = {
[255] = 84,
[309] = 391,
[294] = 175,
[252] = 130,
[295] = 135,
[303] = 232,
[245] = 317,
[304] = 110,
[246] = 320,
[320] = 145,
[251] = 172,
[336] = 138,
[247] = 190,
[321] = 103,
[184] = 117,
[306] = 66,
[244] = 82,
[185] = 84,
["name"] = "Amberpine Lodge",
[307] = 156,
[183] = 151,
[310] = 172,
[331] = 203,
[308] = 371,
[340] = 284,
[664] = {
[2] = 430,
[618] = 469,
[8] = 223,
[16] = 232,
[663] = 41,
["name"] = "Firebeard's Patrol",
[666] = 73,
[662] = 54,
[6] = 333,
[205] = 387,
[665] = 56,
[1508] = {
[1510] = 41,
[1573] = 135,
[1513] = 37,
[1452] = 80,
[1515] = 43,
[1580] = 242,
[1643] = 152,
[1493] = 23,
[1440] = 116,
[1502] = 133,
[1447] = 121,
[1476] = 94,
["name"] = "Veil Terokk",
[1568] = 221,
[1569] = 55,
[1384] = 86,
[1509] = 32,
[1572] = 172,
[1764] = {
[1758] = 55,
[1766] = 38,
[1774] = 129,
[1778] = 92,
[1719] = 72,
[1857] = 136,
[1861] = 120,
[1613] = 107,
[1747] = 116,
[1755] = 82,
[1633] = 112,
[1767] = 73,
[1858] = 66,
["name"] = "Starsong Refuge",
[1744] = 161,
[1622] = 123,
[1815] = 80,
[1756] = 126,
[1713] = 57,
[1855] = 187,
[1859] = 84,
[1863] = 125,
[1615] = 91,
[1745] = 127,
[1753] = 94,
[1761] = 122,
[1777] = 49,
[1837] = 130,
[1754] = 88,
[1856] = 131,
[1860] = 136,
[1673] = 54,
[1742] = 144,
[1759] = 84,
[1885] = 79,
[1880] = 48,
[1941] = 153,
[1509] = {
[1510] = 38,
[1451] = 66,
[1452] = 99,
[1515] = 32,
[1518] = 176,
[1493] = 46,
[1462] = 66,
[1389] = 191,
[1508] = 29,
[1476] = 66,
[1382] = 39,
[1503] = 157,
[1513] = 57,
["name"] = "Talon Watch",
[1568] = 179,
[1569] = 27,
[1384] = 56,
[1475] = 50,
[1506] = 150,
[164] = {
[122] = 184,
[139] = 232,
[100] = 221,
[119] = 177,
[128] = 120,
[101] = 134,
[129] = 282,
[150] = 249,
["name"] = "Orebor Harborage",
[117] = 53,
[159] = 344,
[125] = 65,
[121] = 225,
[124] = 302,
[1510] = {
[1448] = 127,
[1511] = 154,
[1452] = 121,
[1515] = 54,
[1518] = 202,
[1520] = 198,
[1493] = 43,
[1462] = 97,
[1476] = 110,
[1508] = 46,
[1507] = 172,
[1502] = 168,
[1503] = 185,
[1382] = 68,
["name"] = "Pinchwhistle Gearworks",
[1506] = 156,
[1569] = 71,
[1539] = 218,
[1509] = 41,
[1573] = 153,
[1766] = {
[1758] = 76,
[1774] = 130,
[1778] = 111,
[1719] = 92,
[1857] = 155,
[1861] = 89,
[1613] = 78,
[1747] = 134,
[1755] = 101,
[1633] = 104,
[1767] = 89,
[1858] = 67,
["name"] = "Garden of the Moon",
[1744] = 180,
[1622] = 93,
[1815] = 51,
[1756] = 143,
[1764] = 35,
[1713] = 25,
[1859] = 80,
[1863] = 135,
[1615] = 61,
[1745] = 145,
[1753] = 112,
[1777] = 68,
[1837] = 117,
[1754] = 105,
[1856] = 132,
[1860] = 126,
[1673] = 24,
[1742] = 162,
[1759] = 103,
[1885] = 48,
[1880] = 52,
[1941] = 161,
[1511] = {
[1448] = 43,
[1574] = 139,
[1518] = 54,
[1519] = 48,
[1645] = 22,
[1523] = 30,
[1462] = 73,
[1528] = 37,
[1450] = 69,
[1502] = 120,
[1524] = 97,
[1508] = 136,
["name"] = "Bastion Rise",
[1568] = 64,
[1476] = 86,
[1539] = 75,
[1447] = 32,
[1643] = 25,
[315] = {
[2] = 580,
[4] = 637,
[8] = 450,
[16] = 280,
[66] = 190,
[5] = 578,
[74] = 462,
[43] = 210,
[6] = 413,
[12] = 637,
[67] = 52,
[582] = 618,
[7] = 380,
["name"] = "Acherus: The Ebon Hold",
[71] = 546,
[19] = 759,
[205] = 151,
[45] = 605,
[2023] = {
[2101] = 136,
[2079] = 28,
[2087] = 131,
[2034] = 76,
[2109] = 150,
[2042] = 61,
[2074] = 48,
[2108] = 147,
[2060] = 93,
[2278] = 68,
["name"] = "Freehold",
[2083] = 86,
[2077] = 25,
[2106] = 128,
[2033] = 96,
[2102] = 116,
[389] = {
[166] = 332,
[31] = 208,
[387] = 103,
[364] = 161,
[388] = 76,
[37] = 227,
[513] = 125,
[39] = 169,
[80] = 121,
[367] = 307,
[565] = 347,
[179] = 66,
[361] = 221,
["name"] = "Fort Triumph",
[41] = 292,
[28] = 254,
[167] = 384,
[567] = 268,
[32] = 118,
["Nighthaven"] = {
["Rut'theran Village"] = 149,
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/InFlight.toc New file
0,0 → 1,27
## Interface: 80200
## Title: InFlight
## Notes: Status bar timer for your flight paths
## Notes-deDE: Statusleisten-Zeitanzeige für Ihre Flugrouten
## Notes-esES: Temporizador barra de estado para sus rutas de vuelo
## Notes-esMX: Temporizador barra de estado para sus rutas de vuelo
## Notes-frFR: Minuterie de barre d'état pour vos trajectoires de vol
## Notes-itIT: Timer della barra di stato per le tue traiettorie di volo
## Notes-koKR: 비행 경로에 대한 상태 표시 줄 타이머
## Notes-ptBR: Temporizador da barra de status para suas rotas de voo
## Notes-ruRU: Таймер строки состояния для ваших маршрутов полета
## Notes-zhCN: 您的航班路径的状态栏计时器
## Notes-zhTW: 您的航班路徑的狀態欄計時器
## Author: TotalPackage
## Version: 8.2.003
## SavedVariables: InFlightDB
## Dependencies: InFlight_Load
## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibSharedMedia-3.0
## LoadOnDemand: 1
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua New file
0,0 → 1,30
-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. for more info
-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
local oldminor = self.minors[major]
if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
return self.libs[major], oldminor
function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
function LibStub:IterateLibraries() return pairs(self.libs) end
setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceLocale-3.0.lua"/>
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,137
--- **AceLocale-3.0** manages localization in addons, allowing for multiple locale to be registered with fallback to the base locale for untranslated strings.
-- @class file
-- @name AceLocale-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceLocale-3.0.lua 1035 2011-07-09 03:20:13Z kaelten $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceLocale-3.0", 6
local AceLocale, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceLocale then return end -- no upgrade needed
-- Lua APIs
local assert, tostring, error = assert, tostring, error
local getmetatable, setmetatable, rawset, rawget = getmetatable, setmetatable, rawset, rawget
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: GAME_LOCALE, geterrorhandler
local gameLocale = GetLocale()
if gameLocale == "enGB" then
gameLocale = "enUS"
AceLocale.apps = AceLocale.apps or {} -- array of ["AppName"]=localetableref
AceLocale.appnames = AceLocale.appnames or {} -- array of [localetableref]="AppName"
-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale
local readmeta = {
__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: fire off a nonbreaking error and return key
rawset(self, key, key) -- only need to see the warning once, really
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": "..tostring(AceLocale.appnames[self])..": Missing entry for '"..tostring(key).."'")
return key
-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale if the silent flag is true, it does not issue a warning on unknown keys
local readmetasilent = {
__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: return key
rawset(self, key, key) -- only need to invoke this function once
return key
-- Remember the locale table being registered right now (it gets set by :NewLocale())
-- NOTE: Do never try to register 2 locale tables at once and mix their definition.
local registering
-- local assert false function
local assertfalse = function() assert(false) end
-- This metatable proxy is used when registering nondefault locales
local writeproxy = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(self, key, value)
rawset(registering, key, value == true and key or value) -- assigning values: replace 'true' with key string
__index = assertfalse
-- This metatable proxy is used when registering the default locale.
-- It refuses to overwrite existing values
-- Reason 1: Allows loading locales in any order
-- Reason 2: If 2 modules have the same string, but only the first one to be
-- loaded has a translation for the current locale, the translation
-- doesn't get overwritten.
local writedefaultproxy = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(self, key, value)
if not rawget(registering, key) then
rawset(registering, key, value == true and key or value)
__index = assertfalse
--- Register a new locale (or extend an existing one) for the specified application.
-- :NewLocale will return a table you can fill your locale into, or nil if the locale isn't needed for the players
-- game locale.
-- @paramsig application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]
-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
-- @param locale Name of the locale to register, e.g. "enUS", "deDE", etc.
-- @param isDefault If this is the default locale being registered (your addon is written in this language, generally enUS)
-- @param silent If true, the locale will not issue warnings for missing keys. Must be set on the first locale registered. If set to "raw", nils will be returned for unknown keys (no metatable used).
-- @usage
-- -- enUS.lua
-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "enUS", true)
-- L["string1"] = true
-- -- deDE.lua
-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "deDE")
-- if not L then return end
-- L["string1"] = "Zeichenkette1"
-- @return Locale Table to add localizations to, or nil if the current locale is not required.
function AceLocale:NewLocale(application, locale, isDefault, silent)
-- GAME_LOCALE allows translators to test translations of addons without having that wow client installed
local gameLocale = GAME_LOCALE or gameLocale
local app = AceLocale.apps[application]
if silent and app and getmetatable(app) ~= readmetasilent then
geterrorhandler()("Usage: NewLocale(application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]): 'silent' must be specified for the first locale registered")
if not app then
if silent=="raw" then
app = {}
app = setmetatable({}, silent and readmetasilent or readmeta)
AceLocale.apps[application] = app
AceLocale.appnames[app] = application
if locale ~= gameLocale and not isDefault then
return -- nop, we don't need these translations
registering = app -- remember globally for writeproxy and writedefaultproxy
if isDefault then
return writedefaultproxy
return writeproxy
--- Returns localizations for the current locale (or default locale if translations are missing).
-- Errors if nothing is registered (spank developer, not just a missing translation)
-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
-- @param silent If true, the locale is optional, silently return nil if it's not found (defaults to false, optional)
-- @return The locale table for the current language.
function AceLocale:GetLocale(application, silent)
if not silent and not AceLocale.apps[application] then
error("Usage: GetLocale(application[, silent]): 'application' - No locales registered for '"..tostring(application).."'", 2)
return AceLocale.apps[application]
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"/>
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,212
--[[ $Id: CallbackHandler-1.0.lua 1186 2018-07-21 14:19:18Z nevcairiel $ ]]
local MAJOR, MINOR = "CallbackHandler-1.0", 7
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not CallbackHandler then return end -- No upgrade needed
local meta = {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end}
-- Lua APIs
local tconcat = table.concat
local assert, error, loadstring = assert, error, loadstring
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
local next, select, pairs, type, tostring = next, select, pairs, type, tostring
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: geterrorhandler
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function Dispatch(handlers, ...)
local index, method = next(handlers)
if not method then return end
xpcall(method, errorhandler, ...)
index, method = next(handlers, index)
until not method
-- CallbackHandler:New
-- target - target object to embed public APIs in
-- RegisterName - name of the callback registration API, default "RegisterCallback"
-- UnregisterName - name of the callback unregistration API, default "UnregisterCallback"
-- UnregisterAllName - name of the API to unregister all callbacks, default "UnregisterAllCallbacks". false == don't publish this API.
function CallbackHandler:New(target, RegisterName, UnregisterName, UnregisterAllName)
RegisterName = RegisterName or "RegisterCallback"
UnregisterName = UnregisterName or "UnregisterCallback"
if UnregisterAllName==nil then -- false is used to indicate "don't want this method"
UnregisterAllName = "UnregisterAllCallbacks"
-- we declare all objects and exported APIs inside this closure to quickly gain access
-- to e.g. function names, the "target" parameter, etc
-- Create the registry object
local events = setmetatable({}, meta)
local registry = { recurse=0, events=events }
-- registry:Fire() - fires the given event/message into the registry
function registry:Fire(eventname, ...)
if not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) then return end
local oldrecurse = registry.recurse
registry.recurse = oldrecurse + 1
Dispatch(events[eventname], eventname, ...)
registry.recurse = oldrecurse
if registry.insertQueue and oldrecurse==0 then
-- Something in one of our callbacks wanted to register more callbacks; they got queued
for eventname,callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
for self,func in pairs(callbacks) do
events[eventname][self] = func
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if first and registry.OnUsed then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
first = nil
registry.insertQueue = nil
-- Registration of a callback, handles:
-- self["method"], leads to self["method"](self, ...)
-- self with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- "addonId" (instead of self) with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- all with an optional arg, which, if present, gets passed as first argument (after self if present)
target[RegisterName] = function(self, eventname, method, ... --[[actually just a single arg]])
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(eventname, method[, arg]): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
method = method or eventname
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
if type(method) ~= "string" and type(method) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - string or function expected.", 2)
local regfunc
if type(method) == "string" then
-- self["method"] calling style
if type(self) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): self was not a table?", 2)
elseif self==target then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): do not use Library:"..RegisterName.."(), use your own 'self'", 2)
elseif type(self[method]) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - method '"..tostring(method).."' not found on self.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,arg,...) end
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,...) end
-- function ref with self=object or self="addonId" or self=thread
if type(self)~="table" and type(self)~="string" and type(self)~="thread" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(self or \"addonId\", eventname, method): 'self or addonId': table or string or thread expected.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) method(arg,...) end
regfunc = method
if events[eventname][self] or registry.recurse<1 then
-- if registry.recurse<1 then
-- we're overwriting an existing entry, or not currently recursing. just set it.
events[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if registry.OnUsed and first then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
-- we're currently processing a callback in this registry, so delay the registration of this new entry!
-- yes, we're a bit wasteful on garbage, but this is a fringe case, so we're picking low implementation overhead over garbage efficiency
registry.insertQueue = registry.insertQueue or setmetatable({},meta)
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- Unregister a callback
target[UnregisterName] = function(self, eventname)
if not self or self==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): bad 'self'", 2)
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
if rawget(events, eventname) and events[eventname][self] then
events[eventname][self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(events[eventname]) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
if registry.insertQueue and rawget(registry.insertQueue, eventname) and registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] then
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = nil
-- OPTIONAL: Unregister all callbacks for given selfs/addonIds
if UnregisterAllName then
target[UnregisterAllName] = function(...)
if select("#",...)<1 then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): missing 'self' or \"addonId\" to unregister events for.", 2)
if select("#",...)==1 and ...==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): supply a meaningful 'self' or \"addonId\"", 2)
for i=1,select("#",...) do
local self = select(i,...)
if registry.insertQueue then
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(events) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(callbacks) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
return registry
-- CallbackHandler purposefully does NOT do explicit embedding. Nor does it
-- try to upgrade old implicit embeds since the system is selfcontained and
-- relies on closures to work.
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,298
Name: LibSharedMedia-3.0
Revision: $Revision: 112 $
Author: Elkano (
Inspired By: SurfaceLib by Haste/Otravi (
Description: Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
Dependencies: LibStub, CallbackHandler-1.0
License: LGPL v2.1
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibSharedMedia-3.0", 8020001 -- 8.2.0 v1 / increase manually on changes
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
local _G = getfenv(0)
local pairs = _G.pairs
local type = _G.type
local band =
local table_sort = _G.table.sort
local locale = GetLocale()
local locale_is_western
local LOCALE_MASK = 0
lib.LOCALE_BIT_koKR = 1
lib.LOCALE_BIT_ruRU = 2
lib.LOCALE_BIT_zhCN = 4
lib.LOCALE_BIT_zhTW = 8
lib.LOCALE_BIT_western = 128
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
lib.callbacks = lib.callbacks or CallbackHandler:New(lib)
lib.DefaultMedia = lib.DefaultMedia or {}
lib.MediaList = lib.MediaList or {}
lib.MediaTable = lib.MediaTable or {}
lib.MediaType = lib.MediaType or {}
lib.OverrideMedia = lib.OverrideMedia or {}
local defaultMedia = lib.DefaultMedia
local mediaList = lib.MediaList
local mediaTable = lib.MediaTable
local overrideMedia = lib.OverrideMedia
-- create mediatype constants
lib.MediaType.BACKGROUND = "background" -- background textures
lib.MediaType.BORDER = "border" -- border textures
lib.MediaType.FONT = "font" -- fonts
lib.MediaType.STATUSBAR = "statusbar" -- statusbar textures
lib.MediaType.SOUND = "sound" -- sound files
-- populate lib with default Blizzard data
if not lib.MediaTable.background then lib.MediaTable.background = {} end
lib.MediaTable.background["None"] = [[]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Collections Background"] = [[Interface\Collections\CollectionsBackgroundTile]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background Dark"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background Gold"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Gold-Background]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background"] = [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonUIBackground]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background 2"] = [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonUIBackground2]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background 3"] = [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonMissionUIInfoBoxBackgroundTile]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Low Health"] = [[Interface\FullScreenTextures\LowHealth]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Marble"] = [[Interface\FrameGeneral\UI-Background-Marble]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Out of Control"] = [[Interface\FullScreenTextures\OutOfControl]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Parchment"] = [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-Parchment-Horizontal]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Parchment 2"] = [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-GuildAchievement-Parchment-Horizontal]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Rock"] = [[Interface\FrameGeneral\UI-Background-Rock]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Tabard Background"] = [[Interface\TabardFrame\TabardFrameBackground]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Tooltip"] = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Solid"] = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]]
lib.DefaultMedia.background = "None"
if not lib.MediaTable.border then lib.MediaTable.border = {} end
lib.MediaTable.border["None"] = [[]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Achievement Wood"] = [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-WoodBorder]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Chat Bubble"] = [[Interface\Tooltips\ChatBubble-Backdrop]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Dialog"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Dialog Gold"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Gold-Border]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Party"] = [[Interface\CHARACTERFRAME\UI-Party-Border]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Tooltip"] = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]]
lib.DefaultMedia.border = "None"
if not lib.MediaTable.font then lib.MediaTable.font = {} end
local SML_MT_font = lib.MediaTable.font
All font files are currently in all clients, the following table depicts which font supports which charset as of 5.0.4
Fonts were checked using from DejaVu fonts ( and FontForge (
latin means check for: de, en, es, fr, it, pt
file name latin koKR ruRU zhCN zhTW
2002.ttf 2002 X X X - -
2002B.ttf 2002 Bold X X X - -
ARHei.ttf AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold X - X X X
ARIALN.TTF Arial Narrow X - X - -
ARKai_C.ttf AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat) X - X X X
ARKai_T.ttf AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium X - X X X
bHEI00M.ttf AR Heiti2 Medium B5 - - - - X
bHEI01B.ttf AR Heiti2 Bold B5 - - - - X
bKAI00M.ttf AR Kaiti Medium B5 - - - - X
bLEI00D.ttf AR Leisu Demi B5 - - - - X
FRIZQT__.TTF Friz Quadrata TT X - - - -
FRIZQT___CYR.TTF FrizQuadrataCTT x - X - -
K_Damage.TTF YDIWingsM - X X - -
K_Pagetext.TTF MoK X X X - -
MORPHEUS.TTF Morpheus X - - - -
MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF Morpheus X - X - -
NIM_____.ttf Nimrod MT X - X - -
SKURRI.TTF Skurri X - - - -
SKURRI_CYR.TTF Skurri X - X - -
WARNING: Although FRIZQT___CYR is available on western clients, it doesn't support special European characters e.g. é, ï, ö
Due to this, we cannot use it as a replacement for FRIZQT__.TTF
if locale == "koKR" then
SML_MT_font["굵은 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["기본 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["데미지 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\K_Damage.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["퀘스트 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "기본 글꼴" -- someone from koKR please adjust if needed
elseif locale == "zhCN" then
SML_MT_font["伤害数字"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_C.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["默认"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_T.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["聊天"] = [[Fonts\ARHei.ttf]]
lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "默认" -- someone from zhCN please adjust if needed
elseif locale == "zhTW" then
SML_MT_font["提示訊息"] = [[Fonts\bHEI00M.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["聊天"] = [[Fonts\bHEI01B.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["傷害數字"] = [[Fonts\bKAI00M.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["預設"] = [[Fonts\bLEI00D.ttf]]
lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "預設" -- someone from zhTW please adjust if needed
elseif locale == "ruRU" then
SML_MT_font["2002"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["2002 Bold"] = [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold"] = [[Fonts\ARHei.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat)"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_C.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_T.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Arial Narrow"] = [[Fonts\ARIALN.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Friz Quadrata TT"] = [[Fonts\FRIZQT___CYR.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["MoK"] = [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Morpheus"] = [[Fonts\MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Nimrod MT"] = [[Fonts\NIM_____.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["Skurri"] = [[Fonts\SKURRI_CYR.TTF]]
lib.DefaultMedia.font = "Friz Quadrata TT"
locale_is_western = true
SML_MT_font["2002"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["2002 Bold"] = [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold"] = [[Fonts\ARHei.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat)"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_C.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_T.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Arial Narrow"] = [[Fonts\ARIALN.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Friz Quadrata TT"] = [[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["MoK"] = [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Morpheus"] = [[Fonts\MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Nimrod MT"] = [[Fonts\NIM_____.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["Skurri"] = [[Fonts\SKURRI_CYR.TTF]]
lib.DefaultMedia.font = "Friz Quadrata TT"
if not lib.MediaTable.statusbar then lib.MediaTable.statusbar = {} end
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard"] = [[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Character Skills Bar"] = [[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-Skills-Bar]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Raid Bar"] = [[Interface\RaidFrame\Raid-Bar-Hp-Fill]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Solid"] = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]]
lib.DefaultMedia.statusbar = "Blizzard"
if not lib.MediaTable.sound then lib.MediaTable.sound = {} end
lib.MediaTable.sound["None"] = 1 -- Relies on the fact that PlaySound[File] doesn't error on existing invalid input files.
lib.DefaultMedia.sound = "None"
local function rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
if not mtable then return end
if not mediaList[mediatype] then mediaList[mediatype] = {} end
local mlist = mediaList[mediatype]
-- list can only get larger, so simply overwrite it
local i = 0
for k in pairs(mtable) do
i = i + 1
mlist[i] = k
function lib:Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask)
if type(mediatype) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask) - mediatype must be string, got "..type(mediatype))
if type(key) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask) - key must be string, got "..type(key))
mediatype = mediatype:lower()
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.FONT and ((langmask and band(langmask, LOCALE_MASK) == 0) or not (langmask or locale_is_western)) then
-- ignore fonts that aren't flagged as supporting local glyphs on non-western clients
return false
if type(data) == "string" and (mediatype == lib.MediaType.BACKGROUND or mediatype == lib.MediaType.BORDER or mediatype == lib.MediaType.STATUSBAR or mediatype == lib.MediaType.SOUND) then
local path = data:lower()
if not path:find("^interface") then
-- files accessed via path only allowed from interface folder
return false
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.SOUND and not (path:find(".ogg", nil, true) or not path:find(".mp3", nil, true)) then
-- Only ogg and mp3 are valid sounds.
return false
if not mediaTable[mediatype] then mediaTable[mediatype] = {} end
local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
if mtable[key] then return false end
mtable[key] = data
self.callbacks:Fire("LibSharedMedia_Registered", mediatype, key)
return true
function lib:Fetch(mediatype, key, noDefault)
local mtt = mediaTable[mediatype]
local overridekey = overrideMedia[mediatype]
local result = mtt and ((overridekey and mtt[overridekey] or mtt[key]) or (not noDefault and defaultMedia[mediatype] and mtt[defaultMedia[mediatype]])) or nil
return result ~= "" and result or nil
function lib:IsValid(mediatype, key)
return mediaTable[mediatype] and (not key or mediaTable[mediatype][key]) and true or false
function lib:HashTable(mediatype)
return mediaTable[mediatype]
function lib:List(mediatype)
if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
return nil
if not mediaList[mediatype] then
return mediaList[mediatype]
function lib:GetGlobal(mediatype)
return overrideMedia[mediatype]
function lib:SetGlobal(mediatype, key)
if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
return false
overrideMedia[mediatype] = (key and mediaTable[mediatype][key]) and key or nil
self.callbacks:Fire("LibSharedMedia_SetGlobal", mediatype, overrideMedia[mediatype])
return true
function lib:GetDefault(mediatype)
return defaultMedia[mediatype]
function lib:SetDefault(mediatype, key)
if mediaTable[mediatype] and mediaTable[mediatype][key] and not defaultMedia[mediatype] then
defaultMedia[mediatype] = key
return true
return false
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/lib.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua" />
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceDB-3.0.lua"/>
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/libs/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,744
--- **AceDB-3.0** manages the SavedVariables of your addon.
-- It offers profile management, smart defaults and namespaces for modules.\\
-- Data can be saved in different data-types, depending on its intended usage.
-- The most common data-type is the `profile` type, which allows the user to choose
-- the active profile, and manage the profiles of all of his characters.\\
-- The following data types are available:
-- * **char** Character-specific data. Every character has its own database.
-- * **realm** Realm-specific data. All of the players characters on the same realm share this database.
-- * **class** Class-specific data. All of the players characters of the same class share this database.
-- * **race** Race-specific data. All of the players characters of the same race share this database.
-- * **faction** Faction-specific data. All of the players characters of the same faction share this database.
-- * **factionrealm** Faction and realm specific data. All of the players characters on the same realm and of the same faction share this database.
-- * **locale** Locale specific data, based on the locale of the players game client.
-- * **global** Global Data. All characters on the same account share this database.
-- * **profile** Profile-specific data. All characters using the same profile share this database. The user can control which profile should be used.
-- Creating a new Database using the `:New` function will return a new DBObject. A database will inherit all functions
-- of the DBObjectLib listed here. \\
-- If you create a new namespaced child-database (`:RegisterNamespace`), you'll get a DBObject as well, but note
-- that the child-databases cannot individually change their profile, and are linked to their parents profile - and because of that,
-- the profile related APIs are not available. Only `:RegisterDefaults` and `:ResetProfile` are available on child-databases.
-- For more details on how to use AceDB-3.0, see the [[AceDB-3.0 Tutorial]].
-- You may also be interested in [[libdualspec-1-0|LibDualSpec-1.0]] to do profile switching automatically when switching specs.
-- @usage
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("DBExample")
-- -- declare defaults to be used in the DB
-- local defaults = {
-- profile = {
-- setting = true,
-- }
-- }
-- function MyAddon:OnInitialize()
-- -- Assuming the .toc says ## SavedVariables: MyAddonDB
-- self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("MyAddonDB", defaults, true)
-- end
-- @class file
-- @name AceDB-3.0.lua
-- @release $Id: AceDB-3.0.lua 1193 2018-08-02 12:24:37Z funkydude $
local ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR = "AceDB-3.0", 26
local AceDB = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR)
if not AceDB then return end -- No upgrade needed
-- Lua APIs
local type, pairs, next, error = type, pairs, next, error
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
-- WoW APIs
local _G = _G
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: LibStub
AceDB.db_registry = AceDB.db_registry or {}
AceDB.frame = AceDB.frame or CreateFrame("Frame")
local CallbackHandler
local CallbackDummy = { Fire = function() end }
local DBObjectLib = {}
AceDB Utility Functions
-- Simple shallow copy for copying defaults
local function copyTable(src, dest)
if type(dest) ~= "table" then dest = {} end
if type(src) == "table" then
for k,v in pairs(src) do
if type(v) == "table" then
-- try to index the key first so that the metatable creates the defaults, if set, and use that table
v = copyTable(v, dest[k])
dest[k] = v
return dest
-- Called to add defaults to a section of the database
-- When a ["*"] default section is indexed with a new key, a table is returned
-- and set in the host table. These tables must be cleaned up by removeDefaults
-- in order to ensure we don't write empty default tables.
local function copyDefaults(dest, src)
-- this happens if some value in the SV overwrites our default value with a non-table
--if type(dest) ~= "table" then return end
for k, v in pairs(src) do
if k == "*" or k == "**" then
if type(v) == "table" then
-- This is a metatable used for table defaults
local mt = {
-- This handles the lookup and creation of new subtables
__index = function(t,k)
if k == nil then return nil end
local tbl = {}
copyDefaults(tbl, v)
rawset(t, k, tbl)
return tbl
setmetatable(dest, mt)
-- handle already existing tables in the SV
for dk, dv in pairs(dest) do
if not rawget(src, dk) and type(dv) == "table" then
copyDefaults(dv, v)
-- Values are not tables, so this is just a simple return
local mt = {__index = function(t,k) return k~=nil and v or nil end}
setmetatable(dest, mt)
elseif type(v) == "table" then
if not rawget(dest, k) then rawset(dest, k, {}) end
if type(dest[k]) == "table" then
copyDefaults(dest[k], v)
if src['**'] then
copyDefaults(dest[k], src['**'])
if rawget(dest, k) == nil then
rawset(dest, k, v)
-- Called to remove all defaults in the default table from the database
local function removeDefaults(db, defaults, blocker)
-- remove all metatables from the db, so we don't accidentally create new sub-tables through them
setmetatable(db, nil)
-- loop through the defaults and remove their content
for k,v in pairs(defaults) do
if k == "*" or k == "**" then
if type(v) == "table" then
-- Loop through all the actual k,v pairs and remove
for key, value in pairs(db) do
if type(value) == "table" then
-- if the key was not explicitly specified in the defaults table, just strip everything from * and ** tables
if defaults[key] == nil and (not blocker or blocker[key] == nil) then
removeDefaults(value, v)
-- if the table is empty afterwards, remove it
if next(value) == nil then
db[key] = nil
-- if it was specified, only strip ** content, but block values which were set in the key table
elseif k == "**" then
removeDefaults(value, v, defaults[key])
elseif k == "*" then
-- check for non-table default
for key, value in pairs(db) do
if defaults[key] == nil and v == value then
db[key] = nil
elseif type(v) == "table" and type(db[k]) == "table" then
-- if a blocker was set, dive into it, to allow multi-level defaults
removeDefaults(db[k], v, blocker and blocker[k])
if next(db[k]) == nil then
db[k] = nil
-- check if the current value matches the default, and that its not blocked by another defaults table
if db[k] == defaults[k] and (not blocker or blocker[k] == nil) then
db[k] = nil
-- This is called when a table section is first accessed, to set up the defaults
local function initSection(db, section, svstore, key, defaults)
local sv = rawget(db, "sv")
local tableCreated
if not sv[svstore] then sv[svstore] = {} end
if not sv[svstore][key] then
sv[svstore][key] = {}
tableCreated = true
local tbl = sv[svstore][key]
if defaults then
copyDefaults(tbl, defaults)
rawset(db, section, tbl)
return tableCreated, tbl
-- Metatable to handle the dynamic creation of sections and copying of sections.
local dbmt = {
__index = function(t, section)
local keys = rawget(t, "keys")
local key = keys[section]
if key then
local defaultTbl = rawget(t, "defaults")
local defaults = defaultTbl and defaultTbl[section]
if section == "profile" then
local new = initSection(t, section, "profiles", key, defaults)
if new then
-- Callback: OnNewProfile, database, newProfileKey
t.callbacks:Fire("OnNewProfile", t, key)
elseif section == "profiles" then
local sv = rawget(t, "sv")
if not sv.profiles then sv.profiles = {} end
rawset(t, "profiles", sv.profiles)
elseif section == "global" then
local sv = rawget(t, "sv")
if not then = {} end
if defaults then
copyDefaults(, defaults)
rawset(t, section,
initSection(t, section, section, key, defaults)
return rawget(t, section)
local function validateDefaults(defaults, keyTbl, offset)
if not defaults then return end
offset = offset or 0
for k in pairs(defaults) do
if not keyTbl[k] or k == "profiles" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults): '%s' is not a valid datatype."):format(k), 3 + offset)
local preserve_keys = {
["callbacks"] = true,
["RegisterCallback"] = true,
["UnregisterCallback"] = true,
["UnregisterAllCallbacks"] = true,
["children"] = true,
local realmKey = GetRealmName()
local charKey = UnitName("player") .. " - " .. realmKey
local _, classKey = UnitClass("player")
local _, raceKey = UnitRace("player")
local factionKey = UnitFactionGroup("player")
local factionrealmKey = factionKey .. " - " .. realmKey
local localeKey = GetLocale():lower()
local regionTable = { "US", "KR", "EU", "TW", "CN" }
local regionKey = regionTable[GetCurrentRegion()]
local factionrealmregionKey = factionrealmKey .. " - " .. regionKey
-- Actual database initialization function
local function initdb(sv, defaults, defaultProfile, olddb, parent)
-- Generate the database keys for each section
-- map "true" to our "Default" profile
if defaultProfile == true then defaultProfile = "Default" end
local profileKey
if not parent then
-- Make a container for profile keys
if not sv.profileKeys then sv.profileKeys = {} end
-- Try to get the profile selected from the char db
profileKey = sv.profileKeys[charKey] or defaultProfile or charKey
-- save the selected profile for later
sv.profileKeys[charKey] = profileKey
-- Use the profile of the parents DB
profileKey = parent.keys.profile or defaultProfile or charKey
-- clear the profileKeys in the DB, namespaces don't need to store them
sv.profileKeys = nil
-- This table contains keys that enable the dynamic creation
-- of each section of the table. The 'global' and 'profiles'
-- have a key of true, since they are handled in a special case
local keyTbl= {
["char"] = charKey,
["realm"] = realmKey,
["class"] = classKey,
["race"] = raceKey,
["faction"] = factionKey,
["factionrealm"] = factionrealmKey,
["factionrealmregion"] = factionrealmregionKey,
["profile"] = profileKey,
["locale"] = localeKey,
["global"] = true,
["profiles"] = true,
validateDefaults(defaults, keyTbl, 1)
-- This allows us to use this function to reset an entire database
-- Clear out the old database
if olddb then
for k,v in pairs(olddb) do if not preserve_keys[k] then olddb[k] = nil end end
-- Give this database the metatable so it initializes dynamically
local db = setmetatable(olddb or {}, dbmt)
if not rawget(db, "callbacks") then
-- try to load CallbackHandler-1.0 if it loaded after our library
if not CallbackHandler then CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0", true) end
db.callbacks = CallbackHandler and CallbackHandler:New(db) or CallbackDummy
-- Copy methods locally into the database object, to avoid hitting
-- the metatable when calling methods
if not parent then
for name, func in pairs(DBObjectLib) do
db[name] = func
-- hack this one in
db.RegisterDefaults = DBObjectLib.RegisterDefaults
db.ResetProfile = DBObjectLib.ResetProfile
-- Set some properties in the database object
db.profiles = sv.profiles
db.keys = keyTbl = sv
--db.sv_name = name
db.defaults = defaults
db.parent = parent
-- store the DB in the registry
AceDB.db_registry[db] = true
return db
-- strip all defaults from all databases
-- and cleans up empty sections
local function logoutHandler(frame, event)
if event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT" then
for db in pairs(AceDB.db_registry) do
db.callbacks:Fire("OnDatabaseShutdown", db)
-- cleanup sections that are empty without defaults
local sv = rawget(db, "sv")
for section in pairs(db.keys) do
if rawget(sv, section) then
-- global is special, all other sections have sub-entrys
-- also don't delete empty profiles on main dbs, only on namespaces
if section ~= "global" and (section ~= "profiles" or rawget(db, "parent")) then
for key in pairs(sv[section]) do
if not next(sv[section][key]) then
sv[section][key] = nil
if not next(sv[section]) then
sv[section] = nil
AceDB.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", logoutHandler)
AceDB Object Method Definitions
--- Sets the defaults table for the given database object by clearing any
-- that are currently set, and then setting the new defaults.
-- @param defaults A table of defaults for this database
function DBObjectLib:RegisterDefaults(defaults)
if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected.", 2)
validateDefaults(defaults, self.keys)
-- Remove any currently set defaults
if self.defaults then
for section,key in pairs(self.keys) do
if self.defaults[section] and rawget(self, section) then
removeDefaults(self[section], self.defaults[section])
-- Set the DBObject.defaults table
self.defaults = defaults
-- Copy in any defaults, only touching those sections already created
if defaults then
for section,key in pairs(self.keys) do
if defaults[section] and rawget(self, section) then
copyDefaults(self[section], defaults[section])
--- Changes the profile of the database and all of it's namespaces to the
-- supplied named profile
-- @param name The name of the profile to set as the current profile
function DBObjectLib:SetProfile(name)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:SetProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
-- changing to the same profile, dont do anything
if name == self.keys.profile then return end
local oldProfile = self.profile
local defaults = self.defaults and self.defaults.profile
-- Callback: OnProfileShutdown, database
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileShutdown", self)
if oldProfile and defaults then
-- Remove the defaults from the old profile
removeDefaults(oldProfile, defaults)
self.profile = nil
self.keys["profile"] = name
-- if the storage exists, save the new profile
-- this won't exist on namespaces.
if then[charKey] = name
-- populate to child namespaces
if self.children then
for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
DBObjectLib.SetProfile(db, name)
-- Callback: OnProfileChanged, database, newProfileKey
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileChanged", self, name)
--- Returns a table with the names of the existing profiles in the database.
-- You can optionally supply a table to re-use for this purpose.
-- @param tbl A table to store the profile names in (optional)
function DBObjectLib:GetProfiles(tbl)
if tbl and type(tbl) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:GetProfiles(tbl): 'tbl' - table or nil expected.", 2)
-- Clear the container table
if tbl then
for k,v in pairs(tbl) do tbl[k] = nil end
tbl = {}
local curProfile = self.keys.profile
local i = 0
for profileKey in pairs(self.profiles) do
i = i + 1
tbl[i] = profileKey
if curProfile and profileKey == curProfile then curProfile = nil end
-- Add the current profile, if it hasn't been created yet
if curProfile then
i = i + 1
tbl[i] = curProfile
return tbl, i
--- Returns the current profile name used by the database
function DBObjectLib:GetCurrentProfile()
return self.keys.profile
--- Deletes a named profile. This profile must not be the active profile.
-- @param name The name of the profile to be deleted
-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
function DBObjectLib:DeleteProfile(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:DeleteProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if self.keys.profile == name then
error("Cannot delete the active profile in an AceDBObject.", 2)
if not rawget(self.profiles, name) and not silent then
error("Cannot delete profile '" .. name .. "'. It does not exist.", 2)
self.profiles[name] = nil
-- populate to child namespaces
if self.children then
for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
DBObjectLib.DeleteProfile(db, name, true)
-- switch all characters that use this profile back to the default
if then
for key, profile in pairs( do
if profile == name then[key] = nil
-- Callback: OnProfileDeleted, database, profileKey
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileDeleted", self, name)
--- Copies a named profile into the current profile, overwriting any conflicting
-- settings.
-- @param name The name of the profile to be copied into the current profile
-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
function DBObjectLib:CopyProfile(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:CopyProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if name == self.keys.profile then
error("Cannot have the same source and destination profiles.", 2)
if not rawget(self.profiles, name) and not silent then
error("Cannot copy profile '" .. name .. "'. It does not exist.", 2)
-- Reset the profile before copying
DBObjectLib.ResetProfile(self, nil, true)
local profile = self.profile
local source = self.profiles[name]
copyTable(source, profile)
-- populate to child namespaces
if self.children then
for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
DBObjectLib.CopyProfile(db, name, true)
-- Callback: OnProfileCopied, database, sourceProfileKey
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileCopied", self, name)
--- Resets the current profile to the default values (if specified).
-- @param noChildren if set to true, the reset will not be populated to the child namespaces of this DB object
-- @param noCallbacks if set to true, won't fire the OnProfileReset callback
function DBObjectLib:ResetProfile(noChildren, noCallbacks)
local profile = self.profile
for k,v in pairs(profile) do
profile[k] = nil
local defaults = self.defaults and self.defaults.profile
if defaults then
copyDefaults(profile, defaults)
-- populate to child namespaces
if self.children and not noChildren then
for _, db in pairs(self.children) do
DBObjectLib.ResetProfile(db, nil, noCallbacks)
-- Callback: OnProfileReset, database
if not noCallbacks then
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileReset", self)
--- Resets the entire database, using the string defaultProfile as the new default
-- profile.
-- @param defaultProfile The profile name to use as the default
function DBObjectLib:ResetDB(defaultProfile)
if defaultProfile and type(defaultProfile) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:ResetDB(defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or nil expected.", 2)
local sv =
for k,v in pairs(sv) do
sv[k] = nil
initdb(sv, self.defaults, defaultProfile, self)
-- fix the child namespaces
if self.children then
if not sv.namespaces then sv.namespaces = {} end
for name, db in pairs(self.children) do
if not sv.namespaces[name] then sv.namespaces[name] = {} end
initdb(sv.namespaces[name], db.defaults, self.keys.profile, db, self)
-- Callback: OnDatabaseReset, database
self.callbacks:Fire("OnDatabaseReset", self)
-- Callback: OnProfileChanged, database, profileKey
self.callbacks:Fire("OnProfileChanged", self, self.keys["profile"])
return self
--- Creates a new database namespace, directly tied to the database. This
-- is a full scale database in it's own rights other than the fact that
-- it cannot control its profile individually
-- @param name The name of the new namespace
-- @param defaults A table of values to use as defaults
function DBObjectLib:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected.", 2)
if self.children and self.children[name] then
error ("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - a namespace with that name already exists.", 2)
local sv =
if not sv.namespaces then sv.namespaces = {} end
if not sv.namespaces[name] then
sv.namespaces[name] = {}
local newDB = initdb(sv.namespaces[name], defaults, self.keys.profile, nil, self)
if not self.children then self.children = {} end
self.children[name] = newDB
return newDB
--- Returns an already existing namespace from the database object.
-- @param name The name of the new namespace
-- @param silent if true, the addon is optional, silently return nil if its not found
-- @usage
-- local namespace = self.db:GetNamespace('namespace')
-- @return the namespace object if found
function DBObjectLib:GetNamespace(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if not silent and not (self.children and self.children[name]) then
error ("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - namespace does not exist.", 2)
if not self.children then self.children = {} end
return self.children[name]
AceDB Exposed Methods
--- Creates a new database object that can be used to handle database settings and profiles.
-- By default, an empty DB is created, using a character specific profile.
-- You can override the default profile used by passing any profile name as the third argument,
-- or by passing //true// as the third argument to use a globally shared profile called "Default".
-- Note that there is no token replacement in the default profile name, passing a defaultProfile as "char"
-- will use a profile named "char", and not a character-specific profile.
-- @param tbl The name of variable, or table to use for the database
-- @param defaults A table of database defaults
-- @param defaultProfile The name of the default profile. If not set, a character specific profile will be used as the default.
-- You can also pass //true// to use a shared global profile called "Default".
-- @usage
-- -- Create an empty DB using a character-specific default profile.
-- self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("MyAddonDB")
-- @usage
-- -- Create a DB using defaults and using a shared default profile
-- self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("MyAddonDB", defaults, true)
function AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile)
if type(tbl) == "string" then
local name = tbl
tbl = _G[name]
if not tbl then
tbl = {}
_G[name] = tbl
if type(tbl) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'tbl' - table expected.", 2)
if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaults' - table expected.", 2)
if defaultProfile and type(defaultProfile) ~= "string" and defaultProfile ~= true then
error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or true expected.", 2)
return initdb(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile)
-- upgrade existing databases
for db in pairs(AceDB.db_registry) do
if not db.parent then
for name,func in pairs(DBObjectLib) do
db[name] = func
db.RegisterDefaults = DBObjectLib.RegisterDefaults
db.ResetProfile = DBObjectLib.ResetProfile
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/embeds.xml New file
0,0 → 1,7
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Script file="libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
<Include file="libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml"/>
<Include file="libs\AceDB-3.0\AceDB-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="libs\AceLocale-3.0\AceLocale-3.0.xml"/>
<Include file="libs\LibSharedMedia-3.0\lib.xml"/>
\ No newline at end of file
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/enUS.lua New file
0,0 → 1,36
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "enUS", true)
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Background Color"
L["BarColor"] = "Bar Color"
L["BarOptions"] = "Bar Options"
L["Border"] = true
L["BorderColor"] = "Border Color"
L["CompactMode"] = "Compact Mode"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Confirm Flight"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "Take flight to %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Default data updated."
L["DestParse"] = ", (.+)"
L["Duration"] = "Duration: "
L["FillUp"] = "Fill Up"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "flight time added:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s flight times available to contribute."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "flight time updated:"
L["Font"] = true
L["FontColor"] = "Font Color"
L["Height"] = true
L["OutlineInfo"] = "Outline Info"
L["OutlineTime"] = "Outline Time"
L["PerCharOptions"] = "Character Specific Options"
L["ResetFlightTimes"] = "Reset Flight Times"
L["ResetOptions"] = "Reset Options"
L["ShowChat"] = "Chat Messages"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Show Spark"
L["TextOptions"] = "Text Options"
L["Texture"] = true
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Shift Left-Click> to move"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Right-Click> for Options"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Ctrl Left-Click> to force close"
L["ToText"] = "\"To\" Text"
L["UnknownColor"] = "Unknown Color"
L["Width"] = true
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/esMX.lua New file
0,0 → 1,30
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "esMX")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Color de Fondo"
L["BarColor"] = "Color de la Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opciones de barra"
L["Border"] = "Borde"
L["BorderColor"] = "Color de Borde"
L["CompactMode"] = "Modo Compacto"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Confirmar Vuelo"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "Tomar vuelo a %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Datos por defecto actualizados."
L["Duration"] = "Duración: "
L["FillUp"] = "Rellenar"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "tiempo de vuelo añadido:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s tiempos de vuelo para contribuir."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "tiempo de vuelo actualizado:"
L["Font"] = "Fuente"
L["FontColor"] = "Color de fuente"
L["Height"] = "Alto"
L["ShowChat"] = "Mensajes de Chat"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Mostrar Chispa"
L["TextOptions"] = "Opciones de Texto"
L["Texture"] = "Textura"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Shift Click-Izquierdo> para mover"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Click-Derecho> para Opciones"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Ctrl Clic-Izquierdo> para forzar cerca"
L["ToText"] = "Texto \"Hacia\""
L["UnknownColor"] = "Color de Desconocido"
L["Width"] = "Ancho"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/zhTW.lua New file
0,0 → 1,27
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "背景顏色"
L["BarColor"] = "時間條顏色"
L["BarOptions"] = "外觀"
L["Border"] = "邊框"
L["BorderColor"] = "邊框顏色"
L["CompactMode"] = "內嵌模式"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "確定飛行"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "你確定你要飛到%s?"
L["DestParse"] = ",(.+)"
L["Duration"] = "時間: "
L["FillUp"] = "遞增"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "飛行時間補充:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s 飛行時間可供貢獻。"
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "航班時間更新:"
L["Font"] = "字形"
L["FontColor"] = "字形顏色"
L["Height"] = "高度"
L["TextOptions"] = "字形"
L["Texture"] = "時間條紋理"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "Shift-左擊: 移動"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "右擊: 打開設定選單"
L["ToText"] = "「到」文字"
L["UnknownColor"] = "未知顏色"
L["Width"] = "寬度"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/ruRU.lua New file
0,0 → 1,30
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "ruRU")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Цвет фона"
L["BarColor"] = "Цвет заполнения"
L["BarOptions"] = "Опции полосы"
L["Border"] = "Края"
L["BorderColor"] = "Цвет края"
L["CompactMode"] = "Компактный режим"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Подтверждать полет"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "Лететь в %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Данные по умолчанию обновлены."
L["Duration"] = "Продолжительность полета: "
L["FillUp"] = "Заполнять"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "добавлено время полета:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s раз полета доступны внести свой вклад."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "Время полета обновлено:"
L["Font"] = "Шрифт"
L["FontColor"] = "Цвет шрифта"
L["Height"] = "Высота"
L["ShowChat"] = "Сообщения чата"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Показать Спарк"
L["TextOptions"] = "Опции текста"
L["Texture"] = "Текстура"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Shift левый-клик> для перемещения"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Правый-клик> для опций"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Ctrl левый-клик> чтобы заставить близко"
L["ToText"] = "\"в\" Текст"
L["UnknownColor"] = "Неизвестный цвет"
L["Width"] = "Ширина"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/esES.lua New file
0,0 → 1,30
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "esES")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Color de Fondo"
L["BarColor"] = "Color de la Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opciones de la Barra"
L["Border"] = "Borde"
L["BorderColor"] = "Color de Borde"
L["CompactMode"] = "Modo Compacto"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Confirmar Vuelo"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "¿Coger un vuelo hacia %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Datos por defecto actualizados."
L["Duration"] = "Duración: "
L["FillUp"] = "Rellenar"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "tiempo de vuelo añadido:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s tiempos de vuelo para contribuir."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "tiempo de vuelo actualizado:"
L["Font"] = "Fuente"
L["FontColor"] = "Color de Fuente"
L["Height"] = "Alto"
L["ShowChat"] = "Mensajes de Chat"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Mostrar Chispa"
L["TextOptions"] = "Opciones de Texto"
L["Texture"] = "Textura"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Shift Click-Izquierdo> para mover"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Clic-Derecho> para Opciones"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Ctrl Clic-Izquierdo> para forzar cerca"
L["ToText"] = "Texto \"Hacia\""
L["UnknownColor"] = "Color de Desconocido"
L["Width"] = "Ancho"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/frFR.lua New file
0,0 → 1,30
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "frFR")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Couleur de Fond"
L["BarColor"] = "Couleur de Remplissage"
L["BarOptions"] = "Status Options"
L["Border"] = "Bordure"
L["BorderColor"] = "Couleur de la Bordure"
L["CompactMode"] = "Mode Compact"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Confirmer votre vol"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "Prenez votre envol pour %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Données par défaut mises à jour."
L["Duration"] = "Durée: "
L["FillUp"] = "Compléter"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "temps de vol ajouté:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s temps de vol disponibles pour contribuer."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "temps de vol mis à jour:"
L["Font"] = true
L["FontColor"] = "Couleur de Font"
L["Height"] = "Hauteur"
L["ShowChat"] = "Messages de Chat"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Montrer l'étincelle"
L["TextOptions"] = "Options du Texte"
L["Texture"] = true
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Shift Clic-Gauche> pour se déplacer"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Clic-Droit> pour les Options"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Ctrl Clic-Gauche> pour forcer la fermeture"
L["ToText"] = "\"Après\" Text"
L["UnknownColor"] = "Couleur Inconnu"
L["Width"] = "Largeur"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/deDE.lua New file
0,0 → 1,36
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "deDE")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Hintergrundfarbe"
L["BarColor"] = "Farbe der Leiste"
L["BarOptions"] = "Leisteneinstellungen"
L["Border"] = "Rand"
L["BorderColor"] = "Randfarbe"
L["CompactMode"] = "Kompaktmodus"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Flug bestätigen"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "Flug nehmen zu %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Standarddaten aktualisiert."
L["DestParse"] = ", (.+)"
L["Duration"] = "Flugdauer: "
L["FillUp"] = "Füllen"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "Flugzeit hinzugefügt:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "Es stehen %s Flugzeiten zur Verfügung die zur Verbesserung des Addons beitragen."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "Flugzeit aktualisiert:"
L["Font"] = "Schriftart"
L["FontColor"] = "Schriftfarbe"
L["Height"] = "Höhe"
L["OutlineInfo"] = "Kontur-Info"
L["OutlineTime"] = "Kontur-Zeitangabe"
L["PerCharOptions"] = "Charakterspezifische Einstellungen"
L["ResetFlightTimes"] = "Flugzeiten zurücksetzen"
L["ResetOptions"] = "Einstellungen zurücksetzen"
L["ShowChat"] = "Chat-Nachrichten"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Funken anzeigen"
L["TextOptions"] = "Texteinstellungen"
L["Texture"] = "Textur"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Umschalttaste+Linksklick> zum Bewegen"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Rechtsklick> für Einstellungen"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Strg+Linksklick> schließen erzwingen"
L["ToText"] = "\"Nach\" Text"
L["UnknownColor"] = "Unbekannt-Farbe"
L["Width"] = "Breite"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/locales.xml New file
0,0 → 1,14
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="enUS.lua"/>
<Script file="deDE.lua"/>
<Script file="esES.lua"/>
<Script file="esMX.lua"/>
<Script file="frFR.lua"/>
<Script file="itIT.lua"/>
<Script file="koKR.lua"/>
<Script file="ptBR.lua"/>
<Script file="ruRU.lua"/>
<Script file="zhTW.lua"/>
<Script file="zhCN.lua"/>
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/zhCN.lua New file
0,0 → 1,8
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "zhCN")
if not L then return end
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "飞行时间补充:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s 飞行时间可供贡献。"
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "飞行时间更新:"
L["ShowChat"] = "채팅 메시지"
L["UnknownColor"] = "未知的颜色"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/koKR.lua New file
0,0 → 1,26
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "koKR")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "배경 색상"
L["BarColor"] = "바 색상"
L["BarOptions"] = "바 설정"
L["Border"] = "테두리"
L["BorderColor"] = "테두리 색상"
L["CompactMode"] = "간단 모드"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "경로 확인"
L["DestParse"] = " %- (.+)"
L["Duration"] = "지속시간: "
L["FillUp"] = "바 채우기"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "추가 비행 시간 :"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s 비행 시간 업로드 할 수는."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "업데이트 된 비행 시간 :"
L["Font"] = "글꼴"
L["FontColor"] = "글꼴 색상"
L["Height"] = "높이"
L["ShowChat"] = "채팅 메시지"
L["TextOptions"] = "글자 설정"
L["Texture"] = "바 텍스처"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<쉬프트+클릭> 하면 이동합니다"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<오른쪽-클릭> 하면 설정을 엽니다"
L["UnknownColor"] = "모르는 경로 색상"
L["Width"] = "길이"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/ptBR.lua New file
0,0 → 1,29
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "ptBR")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Cor de Fundo"
L["BarColor"] = "Cor da Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opções de Bar"
L["Border"] = "Borda"
L["BorderColor"] = "Cor da Borda"
L["CompactMode"] = "Modo Compacto"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Confirmar Vôo"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "Tome o vôo para %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Dados padrão atualizados."
L["Duration"] = "Duração:"
L["FillUp"] = "Encher"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "tempo de vôo acrescentou:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s tempos de voo disponíveis para contribuir."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "tempo de vôo atualização:"
L["Font"] = "Fonte"
L["FontColor"] = "Cor da Fonte"
L["Height"] = "Altura"
L["ShowChat"] = "Mensagens de Chat"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Mostrar Faísca"
L["TextOptions"] = "Opções de Texto"
L["Texture"] = "Textura"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Shift Clique-Esquerdo> para mover"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Clique-Direito> para Opções"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Ctrl Clique-Esquerda> para forçar perto"
L["UnknownColor"] = "Cor Desconhecida"
L["Width"] = "Largura"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/locales/itIT.lua New file
0,0 → 1,28
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "itIT")
if not L then return end
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Colore di Sfondo"
L["BarColor"] = "Colore della Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opzioni della Barra"
L["Border"] = "Bordo"
L["BorderColor"] = "Colore del Bordo"
L["CompactMode"] = "Modalità Compatta"
L["ConfirmFlight"] = "Confermare Volo"
L["ConfirmPopup"] = "Prendi il volo per %s?"
L["DefaultsUpdated"] = "Dati predefiniti aggiornati."
L["Duration"] = "Durata:"
L["FlightTimeAdded"] = "tempo di volo aggiunto:"
L["FlightTimeContribute"] = "%s tempo di volo disponibile per contribuire."
L["FlightTimeUpdated"] = "orario di volo aggiornato:"
L["Font"] = true
L["FontColor"] = "Colore del Carattere"
L["Height"] = "Altezza"
L["ShowChat"] = "Messaggi di Chat"
L["ShowSpark"] = "Mostra Spark"
L["TextOptions"] = "Opzioni di Testo"
L["Texture"] = "Aspetto"
L["TooltipOption2"] = "<Shift Sinistra-Click> per spostare"
L["TooltipOption3"] = "<Right-Click> per le Opzioni"
L["TooltipOption4"] = "<Ctrl Sinistro-Click> per forzare vicino"
L["UnknownColor"] = "Colore Sconosciuto"
L["Width"] = "Larghezza"
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.2.003/InFlight/InFlight.lua New file
0,0 → 1,1043
local _G = getfenv(0)
local InFlight, self = InFlight, InFlight
local GetNumRoutes, GetTaxiMapID, GetTime, NumTaxiNodes, TaxiGetNodeSlot, TaxiNodeGetType, TaxiNodeName, UnitOnTaxi
= GetNumRoutes, GetTaxiMapID, GetTime, NumTaxiNodes, TaxiGetNodeSlot, TaxiNodeGetType, TaxiNodeName, UnitOnTaxi
local abs, floor, format, print, strjoin
= abs, floor, format, print, strjoin
local gtt = GameTooltip
local oldTakeTaxiNode
InFlight.debug = false
local smed = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
local debug = InFlight.debug
local Print, PrintD = InFlight.Print, InFlight.PrintD
local vars, db -- addon databases
local taxiSrc, taxiSrcName, taxiDst, taxiDstName, endTime -- location data
local porttaken, takeoff, inworld, ontaxi -- flags
local ratio, endText -- cache variables
local sb, spark, timeText, locText, bord -- frame elements
local totalTime, startTime, elapsed, throt = 0, 0, 0, 0 -- throttle vars
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("InFlight", not debug)
InFlight.L = L
local function FormatTime(secs, f) -- simple time format
if not secs then
return "??"
if not f then
return format("%d:%02d", secs / 60, secs % 60)
f:SetFormattedText("%d:%02d / %s", secs / 60, secs % 60, endText)
local function ShortenName(name) -- shorten name to lighten saved vars and display
return gsub(name, L["DestParse"], "")
local function GetNodeID(slot)
local taximapNodes = C_TaxiMap.GetAllTaxiNodes(GetTaxiMapID())
for i, taxiNodeData in ipairs(taximapNodes) do
if (slot == taxiNodeData.slotIndex) then
return taxiNodeData.nodeID
local function SetPoints(f, lp, lrt, lrp, lx, ly, rp, rrt, rrp, rx, ry)
f:SetPoint(lp, lrt, lrp, lx, ly)
if rp then
f:SetPoint(rp, rrt, rrp, rx, ry)
local function SetToUnknown() -- setup bar for flights with unknown time
sb:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1)
sb:SetStatusBarColor(db.unknowncolor.r, db.unknowncolor.g, db.unknowncolor.b, db.unknowncolor.a)
endText = "??"
local function GetEstimatedTime(slot) -- estimates flight times based on hops
local numRoutes = GetNumRoutes(slot)
if numRoutes < 2 then
local taxiNodes = {[1] = taxiSrc, [numRoutes + 1] = GetNodeID(slot)}
for hop = 2, numRoutes, 1 do
taxiNodes[hop] = GetNodeID(TaxiGetNodeSlot(slot, hop, true))
local etimes = { 0 }
local prevNode = {}
local nextNode = {}
local srcNode = 1
local dstNode = #taxiNodes - 1
PrintD("|cff208080New Route:|r", taxiSrcName.."("..taxiSrc..") -->", ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(slot)).."("..taxiNodes[#taxiNodes]..") -", #taxiNodes, "hops")
while srcNode and srcNode < #taxiNodes do
while dstNode and dstNode > srcNode do
PrintD("|cff208080Node:|r", taxiNodes[srcNode].."("..srcNode..") -->", taxiNodes[dstNode].."("..dstNode..")")
if vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]] then
if not etimes[dstNode] and vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]][taxiNodes[dstNode]] then
etimes[dstNode] = etimes[srcNode] + vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]][taxiNodes[dstNode]]
PrintD(taxiNodes[dstNode].."("..dstNode..") time:", FormatTime(etimes[srcNode]), "+", FormatTime(vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]][taxiNodes[dstNode]]), "=", FormatTime(etimes[dstNode]))
nextNode[srcNode] = dstNode - 1
prevNode[dstNode] = srcNode
srcNode = dstNode
dstNode = #taxiNodes
dstNode = dstNode - 1
srcNode = prevNode[srcNode]
dstNode = nextNode[srcNode]
if not etimes[#taxiNodes] then
srcNode = prevNode[srcNode]
dstNode = nextNode[srcNode]
return etimes[#taxiNodes]
local function addDuration(time)
if time > 0 then
gtt:AddLine(L["Duration"]..FormatTime(time), 1, 1, 1)
gtt:AddLine(L["Duration"].."-:--", 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
local function postTaxiNodeOnButtonEnter(button) -- adds duration info to taxi node tooltips
local id = button:GetID()
if TaxiNodeGetType(id) ~= "REACHABLE" then
addDuration(vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][GetNodeID(id)] or GetEstimatedTime(id) or 0)
local function postFlightNodeOnButtonEnter(button) -- adds duration info to flight node tooltips
if button.taxiNodeData.state ~= Enum.FlightPathState.Reachable or GetTaxiMapID() == 994 then
addDuration(vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][button.taxiNodeData.nodeID] or GetEstimatedTime(button.taxiNodeData.slotIndex) or 0)
function InFlight.Print(...) -- prefix chat messages
print("|cff0040ffIn|cff00aaffFlight|r:", ...)
Print = InFlight.Print
function InFlight.PrintD(...) -- debug print
if debug then
print("|cff00ff40In|cff00aaffFlight|r:", ...)
PrintD = InFlight.PrintD
function InFlight:LoadBulk() -- called from InFlight_Load
InFlightDB = InFlightDB or {}
-- Convert old saved variables
if not InFlightDB.version or InFlightDB.version < 1 then
InFlightDB.perchar = nil
InFlightDB.dbinit = nil
InFlightDB.upload = nil
local tempDB = InFlightDB
InFlightDB = { profiles = { Default = tempDB }}
InFlightDB.version = 1
-- Update default data
if InFlightDB.dbinit ~= 821 or debug then
InFlightDB.dbinit = 821
InFlightDB.upload = nil
if then
local defaults =
for faction, t in pairs( do
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
if defaults[faction][src] then
for dst, dtime in pairs(dt) do
if dst ~= "name" and defaults[faction][src][dst] and abs(dtime - defaults[faction][src][dst]) < (debug and 2 or 5) then[faction][src][dst] = defaults[faction][src][dst]
-- Check every 2 weeks if there are new flight times that could be uploaded
if not InFlightDB.upload or InFlightDB.upload < time() then
if then
local defaults =
for faction, t in pairs( do
local found = 0
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
for dst, dtime in pairs(dt) do
if dst ~= "name" then
if not defaults[faction][src] or not defaults[faction][src][dst] then
found = found + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", src, "-->", dst, "|cff208020found:|r", FormatTime(dtime))
elseif abs(dtime - defaults[faction][src][dst]) >= (debug and 2 or 5) then
found = found + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", src, "-->", dst, "|cff208020updated:|r", FormatTime(dtime), "-->", FormatTime(defaults[faction][src][dst]))
if found > 0 then
Print(faction, format("|cff208020-"..L["FlightTimeContribute"].."|r", "|r"..found.."|cff208020"))
InFlightDB.upload = time() + 1209600 -- 2 weeks in seconds (60 * 60 * 24 * 14)
-- Create profile and flight time databases
local faction = UnitFactionGroup("player")
if not debug then[faction == "Alliance" and "Horde" or "Alliance"] = nil
self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("InFlightDB", self.defaults, true)
db = self.db.profile
vars =[faction]
oldTakeTaxiNode = TakeTaxiNode
TakeTaxiNode = function(slot)
if TaxiNodeGetType(slot) ~= "REACHABLE" then
-- Don't show timer or record times for Argus map
if GetTaxiMapID() == 994 then
return oldTakeTaxiNode(slot)
taxiDst = GetNodeID(slot)
taxiDstName = ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(slot))
local t = vars[taxiSrc]
if t and t[taxiDst] and t[taxiDst] > 0 then -- saved variables lookup
endTime = t[taxiDst]
endTime = GetEstimatedTime(slot)
if db.confirmflight then -- confirm flight
StaticPopupDialogs.INFLIGHTCONFIRM = StaticPopupDialogs.INFLIGHTCONFIRM or {
button1 = OKAY, button2 = CANCEL,
OnAccept = function(this, data) InFlight:StartTimer(data) end,
timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, hideOnEscape = 1,
StaticPopupDialogs.INFLIGHTCONFIRM.text = format(L["ConfirmPopup"], "|cffffff00"..taxiDstName..(endTime and format(" (%s)", FormatTime(endTime)) or "").."|r")
local dialog = StaticPopup_Show("INFLIGHTCONFIRM")
if dialog then = slot
else -- just take the flight
-- function hooks to detect if a user took a summon
hooksecurefunc("TaxiRequestEarlyLanding", function()
porttaken = true
PrintD("|cffff8080Taxi Early|cff208080, porttaken -|r", porttaken)
hooksecurefunc("AcceptBattlefieldPort", function(index, accept)
porttaken = accept and true
PrintD("|cffff8080Battlefield port|cff208080, porttaken -|r", porttaken)
hooksecurefunc("ConfirmSummon", function()
porttaken = true
PrintD("|cffff8080Summon|cff208080, porttaken -|r", porttaken)
hooksecurefunc("CompleteLFGRoleCheck", function(bool)
porttaken = bool
PrintD("|cffff8080LFG Role|cff208080, porttaken -|r", porttaken)
hooksecurefunc("CompleteLFGReadyCheck", function(bool)
porttaken = bool
PrintD("|cffff8080LFG Ready|cff208080, porttaken -|r", porttaken)
self.LoadBulk = nil
function InFlight:InitSource(isTaxiMap) -- cache source location and hook tooltips
taxiSrc = nil
taxiSrcName = nil
if isTaxiMap then
for i = 1, NumTaxiNodes(), 1 do
local tb = _G["TaxiButton"..i]
if tb and not tb.inflighted then
tb:HookScript("OnEnter", postTaxiNodeOnButtonEnter)
tb.inflighted = true
if TaxiNodeGetType(i) == "CURRENT" then
taxiSrc = GetNodeID(i)
taxiSrcName = ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(i))
elseif FlightMapFrame then
local tb = FlightMapFrame.pinPools.FlightMap_FlightPointPinTemplate
for flightnode in tb:EnumerateActive() do
if not flightnode.inflighted then
flightnode:HookScript("OnEnter", postFlightNodeOnButtonEnter)
flightnode.inflighted = true
if flightnode.taxiNodeData.state == Enum.FlightPathState.Current then
taxiSrc = flightnode.taxiNodeData.nodeID
taxiSrcName = ShortenName(
-- Workaround for Blizzard bug on OutLand Flight Map
if not taxiSrc and GetTaxiMapID() == 1467 then
taxiSrc = "Shatter Point"
taxiSrcName = L["Shatter Point"]
function InFlight:StartTimer(slot) -- lift off
if CanExitVehicle() == 1 then
-- create the timer bar
if not sb then
-- start the timers and setup statusbar
if endTime then
sb:SetMinMaxValues(0, endTime)
sb:SetValue(db.fill and 0 or endTime)
endText = FormatTime(endTime)
FormatTime(0, timeText)
porttaken = nil
elapsed, totalTime, startTime = 0, 0, GetTime()
takeoff, inworld = true, true
throt = min(0.2, (endTime or 50) / (db.width or 1)) -- increases updates for short flights
if slot then
function InFlight:StartMiscFlight(src, dst) -- called from InFlight_Load for special flights
endTime = vars[src] and vars[src][dst]
taxiSrc = src
taxiDst = dst
taxiSrcName = L[src]
taxiDstName = L[dst]
do -- timer bar
local bdrop = { edgeSize = 16, insets = {}, }
local bdi = bdrop.insets
function InFlight:CreateBar()
sb = CreateFrame("StatusBar", "InFlightBar", UIParent)
sb:SetPoint(db.p, UIParent, db.rp, db.x, db.y)
sb:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, a1)
if a1 == "RightButton" then
elseif a1 == "LeftButton" and IsControlKeyDown() then
ontaxi, porttaken = nil, true
sb:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(this)
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
sb:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(this)
local a,b,c,d,e = this:GetPoint()
db.p, db.rp, db.x, db.y = a, c, floor(d + 0.5), floor(e + 0.5)
sb:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
gtt:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
gtt:SetText("InFlight", 1, 1, 1)
gtt:AddLine(L["TooltipOption2"], 0, 1, 0)
gtt:AddLine(L["TooltipOption3"], 0, 1, 0)
gtt:AddLine(L["TooltipOption4"], 0, 1, 0)
sb:SetScript("OnLeave", function() gtt:Hide() end)
timeText = sb:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
locText = sb:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
spark = sb:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
bord = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, sb) -- border/background
SetPoints(bord, "TOPLEFT", sb, "TOPLEFT", -5, 5, "BOTTOMRIGHT", sb, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -5)
local function onupdate(this, a1)
elapsed = elapsed + a1
if elapsed < throt then
totalTime = GetTime() - startTime
elapsed = 0
if takeoff then -- check if actually in flight after take off (doesn't happen immediately)
if UnitOnTaxi("player") then
takeoff, ontaxi = nil, true
elapsed, totalTime, startTime = throt - 0.01, 0, GetTime()
elseif totalTime > 5 then
if not UnitOnTaxi("player") then -- event bug fix
ontaxi = nil
if not ontaxi then -- flight ended
PrintD("|cff208080porttaken -|r", porttaken)
if not porttaken and taxiSrc then
vars[taxiSrc] = vars[taxiSrc] or { name = taxiSrcName }
local oldTime = vars[taxiSrc][taxiDst]
local newTime = floor(totalTime + 0.5)
local msg = strjoin(" ", taxiSrcName, db.totext, taxiDstName, "|cff208080")
if not oldTime then
msg = msg..L["FlightTimeAdded"].."|r "..FormatTime(newTime)
elseif abs(newTime - oldTime) >= 5 then
msg = msg..L["FlightTimeUpdated"].."|r "..FormatTime(oldTime).." |cff208080"..db.totext.."|r "..FormatTime(newTime)
if debug then
PrintD(msg..L["FlightTimeUpdated"].."|r "..FormatTime(oldTime).." |cff208080"..db.totext.."|r "..FormatTime(newTime))
newTime = oldTime
msg = nil
vars[taxiSrc][taxiDst] = newTime
if db.chatlog and msg then
endTime = nil
if endTime then -- update statusbar if destination time is known
if totalTime - 2 > endTime then -- in case the flight is longer than expected
endTime = nil
local value = db.fill and totalTime or (endTime - totalTime)
if value > endTime then
value = endTime
elseif value < 0 then
value = 0
spark:SetPoint("CENTER", sb, "LEFT", value * ratio, 0)
FormatTime(value, timeText)
else -- destination time is unknown, so show that it's timing
FormatTime(totalTime, timeText)
function self:LFG_PROPOSAL_DONE()
porttaken = true
PrintD("|cffff8080Proposal Done|cff208080, porttaken -|r", porttaken)
porttaken = true
PrintD("|cffff8080Proposal Succeeded|cff208080, porttaken -|r", porttaken)
function self:PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD()
inworld = nil
inworld = true
if not inworld then
if self:IsShown() then
ontaxi = nil
onupdate(self, 3)
self:SetScript("OnUpdate", onupdate)
self.CreateBar = nil
function InFlight:UpdateLook()
if not sb then
local texture = smed:Fetch("statusbar", db.texture)
local inset = (db.border=="Textured" and 2) or 4
bdrop.bgFile = texture
bdrop.edgeFile = smed:Fetch("border", db.border)
bdi.left, bdi.right,, bdi.bottom = inset, inset, inset, inset
bord:SetBackdropColor(db.backcolor.r, db.backcolor.g, db.backcolor.b, db.backcolor.a)
bord:SetBackdropBorderColor(db.bordercolor.r, db.bordercolor.g, db.bordercolor.b, db.bordercolor.a)
if sb:GetStatusBarTexture() then
spark:SetHeight(db.height * 2.4)
if endTime then -- in case we're in flight
ratio = db.width / endTime
sb:SetStatusBarColor(db.barcolor.r, db.barcolor.g, db.barcolor.b, db.barcolor.a)
if db.spark then
locText:SetFont(smed:Fetch("font", db.font), db.fontsize, db.outline and "OUTLINE" or nil)
locText:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, db.fontcolor.a)
locText:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
locText:SetTextColor(db.fontcolor.r, db.fontcolor.g, db.fontcolor.b, db.fontcolor.a)
timeText:SetFont(smed:Fetch("font", db.font), db.fontsize, db.outlinetime and "OUTLINE" or nil)
timeText:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, db.fontcolor.a)
timeText:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
timeText:SetTextColor(db.fontcolor.r, db.fontcolor.g, db.fontcolor.b, db.fontcolor.a)
if db.inline then
SetPoints(timeText, "RIGHT", sb, "RIGHT", -4, 0)
SetPoints(locText, "LEFT", sb, "LEFT", 4, 0, "RIGHT", timeText, "LEFT", -2, 0)
locText:SetText(taxiDstName or "??")
SetPoints(timeText, "CENTER", sb, "CENTER", 0, 0)
SetPoints(locText, "TOPLEFT", sb, "TOPLEFT", -24, db.fontsize*2.5, "BOTTOMRIGHT", sb, "TOPRIGHT", 24, (db.border=="None" and 1) or 3)
locText:SetFormattedText("%s %s %s", taxiSrcName or "??", db.totext, taxiDstName or "??")
function InFlight:SetLayout(this) -- setups the options in the default interface options
local t1 = this:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
t1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
t1:SetText("|cff0040ffIn|cff00aaffFlight|r") = t1
local t2 = this:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
SetPoints(t2, "TOPLEFT", t1, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8, "RIGHT", this, "RIGHT", -32, 0)
local function GetInfo(field)
return GetAddOnMetadata("InFlight", field) or "N/A"
t2:SetFormattedText("|cff00aaffAuthor:|r %s\n|cff00aaffVersion:|r %s\n\n%s|r", GetInfo("Author"), GetInfo("Version"), GetInfo("Notes"))
local b = CreateFrame("Button", nil, this, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
b:SetWidth(max(120, b:GetTextWidth() + 20))
b:SetScript("OnClick", InFlight.ShowOptions)
b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", t2, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -8)
this:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
self.SetLayout = nil
-- options table
smed:Register("border", "Textured", "\\Interface\\None") -- dummy border
local InFlightDD, offsetvalue, offsetcount, lastb
local info = { }
function InFlight.ShowOptions()
if not InFlightDD then
InFlightDD = CreateFrame("Frame", "InFlightDD", InFlight)
InFlightDD.displayMode = "MENU"
hooksecurefunc("ToggleDropDownMenu", function(...) lastb = select(8, ...) end)
local function Exec(b, k, value)
if k == "totext" then
StaticPopupDialogs["InFlightToText"] = StaticPopupDialogs["InFlightToText"] or {
text = "Enter your 'to' text.",
button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL,
hasEditBox = 1, maxLetters = 12,
OnAccept = function(self)
db.totext = strtrim(self.editBox:GetText())
OnShow = function(self)
OnHide = function(self)
EditBoxOnEnterPressed = function(self)
local parent = self:GetParent()
db.totext = strtrim(parent.editBox:GetText())
EditBoxOnEscapePressed = function(self)
timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1,
elseif (k == "less" or k == "more") and lastb then
local off = (k == "less" and -8) or 8
if offsetvalue == value then
offsetcount = offsetcount + off
offsetvalue, offsetcount = value, off
local tb = _G[gsub(lastb:GetName(), "ExpandArrow", "")]
ToggleDropDownMenu(b:GetParent():GetID(), tb.value, nil, nil, nil, nil, tb.menuList, tb)
elseif k == "resetoptions" then
if self.db:GetCurrentProfile() ~= "Default" then
db.perchar = true
elseif k == "resettimes" then
InFlightDB.dbinit = nil = {}
local function Set(b, k)
if not k then
db[k] = not db[k]
if k == "perchar" then
local charKey = UnitName("player").." - "..GetRealmName()
if db[k] then
db[k] = false
db = self.db.profile
db[k] = true
db = self.db.profile
local function SetSelect(b, a1)
db[a1] = tonumber(b.value) or b.value
local level, num = strmatch(b:GetName(), "DropDownList(%d+)Button(%d+)")
level, num = tonumber(level) or 0, tonumber(num) or 0
local b = _G["DropDownList"..level.."Button"..i.."Check"]
if b then
b[i == num and "Show" or "Hide"](b)
local function SetColor(a1)
if not dbc then
if a1 then
local pv = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues
dbc.r, dbc.g, dbc.b, dbc.a = pv.r, pv.g, pv.b, 1 - pv.opacity
dbc.r, dbc.g, dbc.b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
dbc.a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
local function AddButton(lvl, text, keepshown)
info.text = text
info.keepShownOnClick = keepshown
UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, lvl)
local function AddToggle(lvl, text, value)
info.arg1 = value
info.func = Set
info.checked = db[value]
info.isNotRadio = true
AddButton(lvl, text, true)
local function AddExecute(lvl, text, arg1, arg2)
info.arg1 = arg1
info.arg2 = arg2
info.func = Exec
info.notCheckable = 1
AddButton(lvl, text, true)
local function AddColor(lvl, text, value)
local dbc = db[value]
if not dbc then
info.hasColorSwatch = true
info.padding = 5
info.hasOpacity = 1
info.r, info.g, info.b, info.opacity = dbc.r, dbc.g, dbc.b, 1 - dbc.a
info.swatchFunc, info.opacityFunc, info.cancelFunc = SetColor, SetColor, SetColor
info.value = value
info.notCheckable = 1
info.func = UIDropDownMenuButton_OpenColorPicker
AddButton(lvl, text)
local function AddList(lvl, text, value)
info.value = value
info.hasArrow = true
info.notCheckable = 1
AddButton(lvl, text, true)
local function AddSelect(lvl, text, arg1, value)
info.arg1 = arg1
info.func = SetSelect
info.value = value
if tonumber(value) and tonumber(db[arg1] or "blah") then
if floor(100 * tonumber(value)) == floor(100 * tonumber(db[arg1])) then
info.checked = true
info.checked = (db[arg1] == value)
AddButton(lvl, text, true)
local function AddFakeSlider(lvl, value, minv, maxv, step, tbl)
local cvalue = 0
local dbv = db[value]
if type(dbv) == "string" and tbl then
for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
if dbv == v then
cvalue = i
cvalue = dbv or ((maxv - minv) / 2)
local adj = (offsetvalue == value and offsetcount) or 0
local starti = max(minv, cvalue - (7 - adj) * step)
local endi = min(maxv, cvalue + (8 + adj) * step)
if starti == minv then
endi = min(maxv, starti + 16 * step)
elseif endi == maxv then
starti = max(minv, endi - 16 * step)
if starti > minv then
AddExecute(lvl, "--", "less", value)
if tbl then
for i = starti, endi, step do
AddSelect(lvl, tbl[i], value, tbl[i])
local fstring = (step >= 1 and "%d") or (step >= 0.1 and "%.1f") or "%.2f"
for i = starti, endi, step do
AddSelect(lvl, format(fstring, i), value, i)
if endi < maxv then
AddExecute(lvl, "++", "more", value)
InFlightDD.initialize = function(self, lvl)
if lvl == 1 then
info.isTitle = true
info.notCheckable = 1
AddButton(lvl, "|cff0040ffIn|cff00aaffFlight|r")
AddList(lvl, L["BarOptions"], "frame")
AddList(lvl, L["TextOptions"], "text")
AddList(lvl, _G.OTHER, "other")
elseif lvl == 2 then
if sub == "frame" then
AddToggle(lvl, L["FillUp"], "fill")
AddToggle(lvl, L["ShowSpark"], "spark")
AddList(lvl, L["Height"], "height")
AddList(lvl, L["Width"], "width")
AddList(lvl, L["Texture"], "texture")
AddList(lvl, L["Border"], "border")
AddColor(lvl, L["BackgroundColor"], "backcolor")
AddColor(lvl, L["BarColor"], "barcolor")
AddColor(lvl, L["UnknownColor"], "unknowncolor")
AddColor(lvl, L["BorderColor"], "bordercolor")
elseif sub == "text" then
AddToggle(lvl, L["CompactMode"], "inline")
AddExecute(lvl, L["ToText"], "totext")
AddList(lvl, L["Font"], "font")
AddList(lvl, _G.FONT_SIZE, "fontsize")
AddColor(lvl, L["FontColor"], "fontcolor")
AddToggle(lvl, L["OutlineInfo"], "outline")
AddToggle(lvl, L["OutlineTime"], "outlinetime")
elseif sub == "other" then
AddToggle(lvl, L["ShowChat"], "chatlog")
AddToggle(lvl, L["ConfirmFlight"], "confirmflight")
AddToggle(lvl, L["PerCharOptions"], "perchar")
AddExecute(lvl, L["ResetOptions"], "resetoptions")
AddExecute(lvl, L["ResetFlightTimes"], "resettimes")
elseif lvl == 3 then
if sub == "texture" or sub == "border" or sub == "font" then
local t = smed:List(sub == "texture" and "statusbar" or sub)
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 1, #t, 1, t)
elseif sub == "width" then
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 40, 500, 5)
elseif sub == "height" then
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 4, 100, 1)
elseif sub == "fontsize" then
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 4, 30, 1)
ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, InFlightDD, "cursor")
if debug then
function inflightupdate(updateExistingTimes)
local updates = {}
local ownData = false
if #updates == 0 then
updates[1] =
ownData = true
local InFlightVars =
for i, flightPaths in ipairs(updates) do
-- Set updateExistingTimes to true to update and add new times (for updates based
-- on the current default db)
-- Set updateExistingTimes to false to only add new unknown times (use for updates
-- not based on current default db to avoid re-adding old/incorrect times)
updateExistingTimes = updateExistingTimes ~= nil and updateExistingTimes or false
for faction, t in pairs(flightPaths) do
if faction == "Horde" or faction == "Alliance" then
local found = false
local updated, added, removed = 0, 0, 0
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
if not InFlightVars[faction][src] then
InFlightVars[faction][src] = {}
PrintD(faction, "|cff208080New source:|r", src)
for dst, utime in pairs(dt) do
if dst == "name" then
if InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] ~= utime then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = utime
PrintD(faction, "|cff208080New source name:|r", utime, src)
elseif src ~= dst and type(utime) == "number" then
local vtime = InFlightVars[faction][src][dst]
if utime >= 10 and (not vtime or ownData or abs(utime - vtime) >= 5) then
if vtime then
if updateExistingTimes and InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] ~= utime then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = utime
found = true
updated = updated + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020Update time:|r", InFlightVars[faction][src].name, src, "|cff208020-->|r", dst, "|cff208020- old:|r", vtime, "|cff208020new:|r", utime)
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = utime
found = true
added = added + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208080New time:|r", src, "|cff208020-->|r", dst, "|cff208020- new:|r", utime)
elseif vtime and vtime < 10 then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = nil
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove time:|r", src, "|cff208020-->|r", dst, "|cff208020- old:|r", vtime)
elseif InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = nil
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove dest:|r", src, "|cff208020-->|r", dst)
if InFlightVars[faction][src] and next(InFlightVars[faction][src]) == nil then
InFlightVars[faction][src] = nil
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove empty source:|r", src)
if found then
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", updated, "|cff208020updated times.|r")
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", added, "|cff208080new times.|r")
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", removed, "|cff808020removed times.|r")
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r No time updates found.")
InFlightVars[faction] = nil
Print("Unknown faction removed:", faction)
InFlightDB.defaults = InFlightVars
end -- debug