WoWInterface SVN CompactBars

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Rev 11 → Rev 12

1,6 → 1,10
## Interface: 30000
## Interface: 30000
## Title: CompactBars
## Title-zhTW: CompactBars直覺效果條
## Title-zhCN: CompactBars直觉效果条
## Notes: Creates compact bars for neraly everything.
## Notes-zhTW: 直覺式多目標效果條,可監控多目標負面效果,多目標持續傷害,自身正面效果,自身技能冷卻,自身裝備冷卻,支援新增法術,自定法術細節 |cFFFF8080繁體中文by:巴哈嘴砲戰|r
## Notes-zhCN: 直觉式多目标效果条,可监控多目标负面效果,多目标持续伤害,自身正面效果,自身技能冷却,自身装备冷却,支援新增法术,自定法术细节 |cFFFF8080简体中文by:巴哈嘴炮战|r
## Author: Eggi
## Version: 1.0
## SavedVariables: CompactBarsDB
16,3 → 20,5
trunk/CompactBars/localization/zhTW.lua New file
0,0 → 1,127
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("CompactBars", "zhTW")
if L then
L["Duration"] = "更新時間"
L["This should return the time. For example if you want that this spell is 10 seconds then type: return 10 (you can use any lua code here)"] = "這裡輸入該法術的冷卻/持續時間,例如你有個冷卻時間是10秒的技能/持續時間是10秒的負面效果,就輸入return 10(可輸入lua代碼,lua代碼介紹"
L["Applications"] = "應用"
L["The maximum number of applications that are possible for this spell. This leads to a changing alpha value. If you want that your spell always uses the alpha value (instead of actual_applications/maxapplications) from the color input then leave this at one."] = "為這個效果調整一個有可能的最大應用變數,這會導致整體時間改變,如果這效果總是使用固定的(而不是基於標準的/最大的)The maximum number of applications that are possible for this spell. This leads to a changing alpha value. If you want that your spell always uses the alpha value (instead of actual_applications/maxapplications) from the color input then leave this at one."
L["Positive color"] = "自定顏色"
L["This value overrides the default values for this spell. For the default values see the color dialogue."] = "自定顏色,默認值依照法術屬性設置"
L["Negative color"] = "負面效果顏色"
L["This value overrides the default values for this spell. For the default values see the color dialogue."] = "自定顏色,默認值依照法術屬性設置"
L["Type"] = "類型"
L["The type of the spell"] = "法術類型"
L["Class"] = "職業"
L["The class which belongs to the spell"] = "法術類型分類"
L["General"] = "設定"
L["General options"] = "設定選項"
L["Locked"] = "鎖定"
L["Locks or unlocks the bar (use ALT+Click to drag when unlocked!)"] = "鎖定(取消鎖定後用 ALT+Click+滑鼠左鍵來移動位置!)"
L["Only debuffs from Target"] = "只顯示當前目標負面效果"
L["Shows only the dots for your current target"] = "只顯示當前目標負面效果,更換目標之後原本追蹤的負面效果會隱藏,此設定不包含持續傷害"
L["Icon out of the bar"] = "圖案不超出時間條"
L["As soon as the icon reaches zero the bar will fade"] = "圖案不超出時間條"
L["Hide the scale"] = "無可追蹤時隱藏"
L["... if there is nothing to track"] = "沒有任何可以追蹤的時後自動隱藏"
L["Hide target text"] = "隱藏目標文字"
L["This is not needed if you run the addon only with your own dots"] = "如果使用這ui只為顯示自己的增益,目標文字就沒有必要開了"
L["Remove debuffs on target change"] = "更換目標取消負面效果追蹤"
L["Removes all the debuff bars that do not belong to your current target"] = "更換目標後取消原目標負面效果追蹤"
L["Enable dots"] = "啟用持續性傷害"
L["Enable cooldowns"] = "啟用技能冷卻"
L["Enable debuffs"] = "啟用負面效果"
L["Enable ccs"] = "啟用控場技能"
L["Enable short buffs"] = "啟用短性增益"
L["Enable internal cooldowns"] = "啟用公共冷卻"
L["Mainly like the shortbuffs category but the bar will not be removed when the buff fades"] = "像短性增益,但是效果消失不會移除,用來提醒你補上增益"
L["Enable shared debuffs"] = "啟用唯一的負面效果"
L["Enable bossmods"] = "開啟BOSS模組"
L["Bossmods"] = "BOSS模組"
L["Hide bossmod bars"] = "隱藏BOSS時間條"
L["Hide bar text"] = "隱藏時間條文字"
L["Logarithmic scale"] = "時間尺個人化設定"
L["Input segments"] = "輸入時間尺個人化設定"
L["Every segement is seperated by a comma"] = "將時間尺個人化設置,每個都用英文逗號,分隔,例如正常是10秒1格共10格,想增加30秒,90秒,120秒(用途是XX祝福這類的長時間)就輸入30,90,120"
L["View"] = "外觀"
L["Scale text"] = "時間尺數字"
L["Hides or shows the text on the scale"] = "顯示時間尺數字"
L["Textures"] = "材質"
L["Scaletexture"] = "時間尺材質"
L["The texture of the scale"] = "選擇時間尺材質"
L["Bartexture"] = "時間條材質"
L["The texture of the bar"] = "選擇時間條材質"
L["Position"] = "定位"
L["The Position on the screen (bottom left corner)"] = "位置,輸入座標"
L["X"] = "X 水平座標,可以是負數"
L["Only numbers are a valid input"] = "只能輸入數字"
L["Y"] = "Y 垂直座標,可以是負數"
L["Scalesize"] = "時間尺每格長度"
L["The size of the scale."] = "時間尺長短"
L["Barsize"] = "時間條縮放"
L["The size of the bars."] = "時間條大小"
L["Scale"] = "縮放"
L["Scales everything."] = "全部縮放"
L["Maximum time"] = "最大時間"
L["Steps"] = "時間尺格數"
L["In how many steps the bar should be devided (if you have a 10 second bar and want a mark every second then you should input 10 here"] = "這不會讓時間尺和增益外觀變長,只是增加時間尺更多格基準點"
L["Maximum negative time"] = "最大負數時間"
L["Time limit where the bar should be truncated (If you want standard bars that do not show negative values use 0 here)"] = "延後時間條微調,如果你想要標準的顯示方式應該設成0就好"
L["Horizontal"] = "水平顯示"
L["If we use a horizontal (true) or vertical (false) scale and bars."] = "水平顯示"
L["Left/above Flag"] = "時間條位於下/右"
L["If this is true the scale will be above or on the left side of the bars."] = "如果啟用,時間條會在時間條下/右邊"
L["Barcolors"] = "時間條顏色"
L["Sets the colors for the bars."] = "設定時間條顏色"
L["Positive Barcolor"] = "時間條顏色"
L["The color of the positive area of the bar."] = "時間條條剩餘時間的顏色"
L["Arcane"] = "祕法"
L["Fire"] = "火焰"
L["Nature"] = "自然"
L["Frost"] = "冰霜"
L["Shadow"] = "暗影"
L["Holy"] = "神聖"
L["Physical"] = "物理"
L["Negative Barcolor"] = "負面效果條顏色"
L["The color of the negative area of the bar."] = "負面效果條剩餘時間的顏色"
L["Fonts"] = "字型設定"
L["Font of the bar"] = "時間條字型"
L["Font"] = "字型"
L["Size"] = "字型大小"
L["Monochrome"] = "字體平滑"
L["Outline"] = "加強輪廓"
L["Thick Outline"] = "粗體"
L["Font of the scale"] = "時間尺字型"
L["Spells"] = "法術效果特殊設定"
L["Insert the details you entered."] = "確定"
L["Important buffs"] = "短期正面效果"
L["Insert"] = "確定"
L["Insert new Spell"] = "自定法術"
L["Spell Id"] = "法術ID"
L["Input has to be a number, a spell link or a spell name (last two options are only possible for spells in your spellbook!)"] = "輸入一個法術ID或連結或名稱(最後兩項只能輸入兩個自己有的法術)"
L["Dots"] = "持續性傷害"
L["Short buffs"] = "短期正面效果"
L["Debuffs"] = "負面效果"
L["CCs"] = "控場計時"
L["Spell cooldowns"] = "技能冷卻"
L["Item cooldowns"] = "裝備冷卻"
L["Internal cooldowns"] = "公共冷卻"
L["Shared debuffs"] = "唯一的負面效果"
L["Debuffs which can be refreshed from other people"] = "單獨目標身上不管幾個人放都只能存在1個的負面效果,例如破甲,灼燒,雷霆一擊,挫志怒吼"
L["Effects that don't belong to the other categories"] = "負面效果"
L["CCs and Silences"] = "控場計時"
L["Death Knight"] = "死亡騎士"
L["Druid"] = "德魯伊"
L["Hunter"] = "獵人"
L["Mage"] = "法師"
L["Paladin"] = "聖騎士"
L["Rogue"] = "盜賊"
L["Shaman"] = "薩滿"
L["Warlock"] = "術士"
L["Warrior"] = "戰士"
L["General"] = "全部"
L["Priest"] = "牧師"
L["Shared debuffs are things that can be refreshed from other people (eg Sunder Armor)"] = "單獨目標身上不管幾個人放都只能存在1個的負面效果,例如破甲,灼燒,雷霆一擊,挫志怒吼"
L["This should return the time. For example if you want that this spell is 10 seconds then type: return 10 (you can use any lua code here)"] = "這裡輸入該法術的冷卻/持續時間,例如你有個冷卻時間是10秒的技能/持續時間是10秒的負面效果,就輸入return 10(可輸入lua代碼,lua代碼介紹"
L["The class which uses the spell"] = "使用該法術的職業"
L["Bar order"] = "時間條排序Shortbuffs,Cooldowns,Bossmods,Debuffs用英文逗號分開,只能輸入英文(翻譯:短期正面效果,冷卻,BOSS模組,負面效果)"
L["Invalid input!"] = "無效的輸入"
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trunk/CompactBars/localization/zhCN.lua New file
0,0 → 1,127
[CODE]local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("CompactBars", "zhTW")
if L then
L["Duration"] = "更新时间"
L["This should return the time. For example if you want that this spell is 10 seconds then type: return 10 (you can use any lua code here)"] = "这里输入该法术的冷却/持续时间,例如你有个冷却时间是10秒的技能/持续时间是10秒的负面效果,就输入return 10(可输入lua代码,lua代码介绍"
L["Applications"] = "应用"
L["The maximum number of applications that are possible for this spell. This leads to a changing alpha value. If you want that your spell always uses the alpha value (instead of actual_applications/maxapplications) from the color input then leave this at one."] = "为这个效果调整一个有可能的最大应用变数,这会导致整体时间改变,如果这效果总是使用固定的(而不是基于标准的/最大的)The maximum number of applications that are possible for this spell. This leads to a changing alpha value. If you want that your spell always uses the alpha value (instead of actual_applications/maxapplications) from the color input then leave this at one."
L["Positive color"] = "自定颜色"
L["This value overrides the default values for this spell. For the default values see the color dialogue."] = "自定颜色,默认值依照法术属性设置"
L["Negative color"] = "负面效果颜色"
L["This value overrides the default values for this spell. For the default values see the color dialogue."] = "自定颜色,默认值依照法术属性设置"
L["Type"] = "类型"
L["The type of the spell"] = "法术类型"
L["Class"] = "职业"
L["The class which belongs to the spell"] = "法术类型分类"
L["General"] = "设定"
L["General options"] = "设定选项"
L["Locked"] = "锁定"
L["Locks or unlocks the bar (use ALT+Click to drag when unlocked!)"] = "锁定(取消锁定后用 ALT+Click+滑鼠左键来移动位置!)"
L["Only debuffs from Target"] = "只显示当前目标负面效果"
L["Shows only the dots for your current target"] = "只显示当前目标负面效果,更换目标之后原本追踪的负面效果会隐藏,此设定不包含持续伤害"
L["Icon out of the bar"] = "图案不超出时间条"
L["As soon as the icon reaches zero the bar will fade"] = "图案不超出时间条"
L["Hide the scale"] = "无可追踪时隐藏"
L["... if there is nothing to track"] = "没有任何可以追踪的时后自动隐藏"
L["Hide target text"] = "隐藏目标文字"
L["This is not needed if you run the addon only with your own dots"] = "如果使用这ui只为显示自己的增益,目标文字就没有必要开了"
L["Remove debuffs on target change"] = "更换目标取消负面效果追踪"
L["Removes all the debuff bars that do not belong to your current target"] = "更换目标后取消原目标负面效果追踪"
L["Enable dots"] = "启用持续性伤害"
L["Enable cooldowns"] = "启用技能冷却"
L["Enable debuffs"] = "启用负面效果"
L["Enable ccs"] = "启用控场技能"
L["Enable short buffs"] = "启用短性增益"
L["Enable internal cooldowns"] = "启用公共冷却"
L["Mainly like the shortbuffs category but the bar will not be removed when the buff fades"] = "像短性增益,但是效果消失不会移除,用来提醒你补上增益"
L["Enable shared debuffs"] = "启用唯一的负面效果"
L["Enable bossmods"] = "开启BOSS模组"
L["Bossmods"] = "BOSS模组"
L["Hide bossmod bars"] = "隐藏BOSS时间条"
L["Hide bar text"] = "隐藏时间条文字"
L["Logarithmic scale"] = "时间尺个人化设定"
L["Input segments"] = "输入时间尺个人化设定"
L["Every segement is seperated by a comma"] = "将时间尺个人化设置,每个都用英文逗号,分隔,例如正常是10秒1格共10格,想增加30秒,90秒,120秒(用途是XX祝福这类的长时间)就输入30,90,120"
L["View"] = "外观"
L["Scale text"] = "时间尺数字"
L["Hides or shows the text on the scale"] = "显示时间尺数字"
L["Textures"] = "材质"
L["Scaletexture"] = "时间尺材质"
L["The texture of the scale"] = "选择时间尺材质"
L["Bartexture"] = "时间条材质"
L["The texture of the bar"] = "选择时间条材质"
L["Position"] = "定位"
L["The Position on the screen (bottom left corner)"] = "位置,输入座标"
L["X"] = "X 水平座标,可以是负数"
L["Only numbers are a valid input"] = "只能输入数字"
L["Y"] = "Y 垂直座标,可以是负数"
L["Scalesize"] = "时间尺每格长度"
L["The size of the scale."] = "时间尺长短"
L["Barsize"] = "时间条缩放"
L["The size of the bars."] = "时间条大小"
L["Scale"] = "缩放"
L["Scales everything."] = "全部缩放"
L["Maximum time"] = "最大时间"
L["Steps"] = "时间尺格数"
L["In how many steps the bar should be devided (if you have a 10 second bar and want a mark every second then you should input 10 here"] = "这不会让时间尺和增益外观变长,只是增加时间尺更多格基准点"
L["Maximum negative time"] = "最大负数时间"
L["Time limit where the bar should be truncated (If you want standard bars that do not show negative values use 0 here)"] = "延后时间条微调,如果你想要标准的显示方式应该设成0就好"
L["Horizontal"] = "水平显示"
L["If we use a horizontal (true) or vertical (false) scale and bars."] = "水平显示"
L["Left/above Flag"] = "时间条位于下/右"
L["If this is true the scale will be above or on the left side of the bars."] = "如果启用,时间条会在时间条下/右边"
L["Barcolors"] = "时间条颜色"
L["Sets the colors for the bars."] = "设定时间条颜色"
L["Positive Barcolor"] = "时间条颜色"
L["The color of the positive area of the bar."] = "时间条条剩余时间的颜色"
L["Arcane"] = "秘法"
L["Fire"] = "火焰"
L["Nature"] = "自然"
L["Frost"] = "冰霜"
L["Shadow"] = "暗影"
L["Holy"] = "神圣"
L["Physical"] = "物理"
L["Negative Barcolor"] = "负面效果条颜色"
L["The color of the negative area of the bar."] = "负面效果条剩余时间的颜色"
L["Fonts"] = "字型设定"
L["Font of the bar"] = "时间条字型"
L["Font"] = "字型"
L["Size"] = "字型大小"
L["Monochrome"] = "字体平滑"
L["Outline"] = "加强轮廓"
L["Thick Outline"] = "粗体"
L["Font of the scale"] = "时间尺字型"
L["Spells"] = "法术效果特殊设定"
L["Insert the details you entered."] = "确定"
L["Important buffs"] = "短期正面效果"
L["Insert"] = "确定"
L["Insert new Spell"] = "自定法术"
L["Spell Id"] = "法术ID"
L["Input has to be a number, a spell link or a spell name (last two options are only possible for spells in your spellbook!)"] = "输入一个法术ID或连结或名称(最后两项只能输入两个自己有的法术)"
L["Dots"] = "持续性伤害"
L["Short buffs"] = "短期正面效果"
L["Debuffs"] = "负面效果"
L["CCs"] = "控场计时"
L["Spell cooldowns"] = "技能冷却"
L["Item cooldowns"] = "装备冷却"
L["Internal cooldowns"] = "公共冷却"
L["Shared debuffs"] = "唯一的负面效果"
L["Debuffs which can be refreshed from other people"] = "单独目标身上不管几个人放都只能存在1个的负面效果,例如破甲,灼烧,雷霆一击,挫志怒吼"
L["Effects that don't belong to the other categories"] = "负面效果"
L["CCs and Silences"] = "控场计时"
L["Death Knight"] = "死亡骑士"
L["Druid"] = "德鲁伊"
L["Hunter"] = "猎人"
L["Mage"] = "法师"
L["Paladin"] = "圣骑士"
L["Rogue"] = "盗贼"
L["Shaman"] = "萨满"
L["Warlock"] = "术士"
L["Warrior"] = "战士"
L["General"] = "全部"
L["Priest"] = "牧师"
L["Shared debuffs are things that can be refreshed from other people (eg Sunder Armor)"] = "单独目标身上不管几个人放都只能存在1个的负面效果,例如破甲,灼烧,雷霆一击,挫志怒吼"
L["This should return the time. For example if you want that this spell is 10 seconds then type: return 10 (you can use any lua code here)"] = "这里输入该法术的冷却/持续时间,例如你有个冷却时间是10秒的技能/持续时间是10秒的负面效果,就输入return 10(可输入lua代码,lua代码介绍"
L["The class which uses the spell"] = "使用该法术的职业"
L["Bar order"] = "时间条排序Shortbuffs,Cooldowns,Bossmods,Debuffs用英文逗号分开,只能输入英文(翻译:短期正面效果,冷却,BOSS模组,负面效果)"
L["Invalid input!"] = "无效的输入"
\ No newline at end of file
201,12 → 201,6
return nil
if not _bar[k] or v > _bar[k] then
_bar[k] = v
_bar[k] = v