WoWInterface SVN GuildTracker

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 12
    Reverse comparison

Rev 11 → Rev 12

1,9 → 1,13
## Interface: 50001
## Interface: 50100
## Title: Guild Tracker
## Notes: Keeps track of changes in the guild roster between logins, and also shows who disabled their account
## Author: Dracula
## Version: 5.0.5-2
## Version: 5.1.0-1
## SavedVariables: GuildTrackerDB
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 5.1.0-1
## X-Curse-Project-Name: Guild Tracker
## X-Curse-Project-ID: guild-tracker
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/guild-tracker/mainline
\ No newline at end of file
581,7 → 581,7
name, rank, rankIndex, level, class, zone, note, officernote, online, status, classconst, achievementPoints, achievementRank, isMobile, canSoR = GetGuildRosterInfo(i)
years, months, days, hours = GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i)
lastOnline = online and 0 or (years * 365 + months * 30.417 + days + hours/24)
lastOnline = (online or not years) and 0 or (years * 365 + months * 30.417 + days + hours/24)
tinsert(players, getplayertable(name, rankIndex, classconst, level, note, officernote, lastOnline, canSoR))