WoWInterface SVN MadeBy

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 12 to Rev 13
    Reverse comparison

Rev 12 → Rev 13

1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 50300
## Interface: 50400
## Title: MadeBy
## Notes: Stores your Tradeskills
## Notes-deDE: Speichert Berufelinks
297,6 → 297,7
local char = UnitName('player')
local name,_,_ = GetTradeSkillLine()
local link = GetTradeSkillListLink()
-- print(char, name, link,db[char][name]['link'])
if (link and name and char) then
db[char] = db[char] or {}
db[char][name] = db[char][name] or {}