WoWInterface SVN StellarUF

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 130 to Rev 131
    Reverse comparison

Rev 130 → Rev 131

1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 70000
## Interface: 70100
## Title: Stuf Raid Options
## Author: TotalPackage
## Notes: Configuration Menu for StufRaid.
1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 70000
## Interface: 70100
## Title: Stuf_Options
## Author: TotalPackage
## Notes: Configuration Menu for Stuf.
1,6 → 1,6
Name: LibRangeCheck-2.0
Revision: $Revision: 149 $
Revision: $Revision: 170 $
Author(s): mitch0
Description: A range checking library based on interact distances and spell ranges
41,7 → 41,7
-- @class file
-- @name LibRangeCheck-2.0
local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibRangeCheck-2.0"
local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(("$Revision: 149 $"):match("%d+")) + 100000
local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(("$Revision: 170 $"):match("%d+")) + 100000
local lib, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
if not lib then
81,126 → 81,113
-- list of harmful spells that have different ranges
local HarmSpells = {}
FriendSpells["DEATHKNIGHT"] = {
47541, -- ["Death Coil"], -- 40
HarmSpells["DEATHKNIGHT"] = {
47541, -- ["Death Coil"], -- 40
49576, -- ["Death Grip"], -- 30
FriendSpells["DEMONHUNTER"] = {
HarmSpells["DEMONHUNTER"] = {
185123, -- ["Throw Glaive"], -- 30
FriendSpells["DRUID"] = {
5185, -- ["Healing Touch"], -- 40
467, -- ["Thorns"], -- 30
774, -- ["Rejuvenation"], -- 40
2782, -- ["Remove Corruption"], -- 40
HarmSpells["DRUID"] = {
5176, -- ["Wrath"], -- 40
770, -- ["Faerie Fire"] -- 35 (Glyph of Faerie Fire: +10)
339, -- ["Entangling Roots"], -- 35
6795, -- ["Growl"], -- 30
-- 16979, -- ["Feral Charge"], -- 8-25
33786, -- ["Cyclone"], -- 20 (Gale Winds: 22, 24)
80964, -- ["Skull Bash"] -- 13
5211, -- ["Bash"], -- 5
33786, -- ["Cyclone"], -- 20
22568, -- ["Ferocious Bite"], -- 5
FriendSpells["HUNTER"] = {}
HarmSpells["HUNTER"] = {
1130, -- ["Hunter's Mark"] -- 100
53351, -- ["Kill Shot"] -- 45
75, -- ["Auto Shot"], -- 40
19801, -- ["Tranquilizing Shot"] -- 35
34490, -- ["Silencing Shot"] -- 35
2764, -- ["Throw"], -- 30
19503, -- ["Scatter Shot"], -- 20 (Glyph of Scatter Shot: +3)
2973, -- ["Raptor Strike"] -- 5
FriendSpells["MAGE"] = {
475, -- ["Remove Curse"], -- 40
1459, -- ["Arcane Brilliance"], -- 30
HarmSpells["MAGE"] = {
133, -- ["Fireball"], -- 40
116, -- ["Frostbolt"], -- 35
30455, -- ["Ice Lance"], -- 35 (Ice Shards: +2, +5)
44614, --["Frostfire Bolt"], -- 40
5019, -- ["Shoot"], -- 30
FriendSpells["MONK"] = {
115450, -- ["Detox"], -- 40
115546, -- ["Provoke"], -- 30
HarmSpells["MONK"] = {
115546, -- ["Provoke"], -- 30
115078, -- ["Paralysis"], -- 20
100780, -- ["Tiger Palm"], -- 5
FriendSpells["PALADIN"] = {
635, -- ["Holy Light"], -- 40
20217, -- ["Blessing of Kings"], -- 30
19750, -- ["Flash of Light"], -- 40
HarmSpells["PALADIN"] = {
62124, -- ["Hand of Reckoning"], -- 30
-- 20473, -- ["Holy Shock"], -- 20
20271, -- ["Judgement"], -- 10 (Improved Judgement: +10, +20; Enlightened Judgements: +5, +10)
853, -- ["Hammer of Justice"], -- 10 (Glyph of Hammer of Justice: +5)
62124, -- ["Reckoning"], -- 30
20271, -- ["Judgement"], -- 30
853, -- ["Hammer of Justice"], -- 10
35395, -- ["Crusader Strike"], -- 5
FriendSpells["PRIEST"] = {
2061, -- ["Flash Heal"], -- 40
6346, -- ["Fear Ward"], -- 30
527, -- ["Purify"], -- 40
17, -- ["Power Word: Shield"], -- 40
HarmSpells["PRIEST"] = {
589, -- ["Shadow Word: Pain"], -- 40
48045, -- ["Mind Sear"], -- 35
5019, -- ["Shoot"], -- 30
FriendSpells["ROGUE"] = {}
HarmSpells["ROGUE"] = {
2764, -- ["Throw"], -- 30 (Throwing Specialization: +5, +10)
3018, -- ["Shoot"], -- 30
2764, -- ["Throw"], -- 30
2094, -- ["Blind"], -- 15
-- 8676, -- ["Ambush"], -- 5 (Glyph of Ambush: +5)
-- 921, -- ["Pick Pocket"], -- 5 (Glyph of Pick Pocket: + 5)
2098, -- ["Eviscerate"], -- 5
FriendSpells["SHAMAN"] = {
331, -- ["Healing Wave"], -- 40
8004, -- ["Healing Surge"], -- 40
546, -- ["Water Walking"], -- 30
HarmSpells["SHAMAN"] = {
403, -- ["Lightning Bolt"], -- 30 (Elemental Reach: +5)
403, -- ["Lightning Bolt"], -- 40
370, -- ["Purge"], -- 30
8042, -- ["Earth Shock"], -- 25 (Elemental Reach: +7; Gladiator Gloves: +5)
73899, -- ["Primal Strike"],. -- 5
FriendSpells["WARRIOR"] = {}
HarmSpells["WARRIOR"] = {
3018, -- ["Shoot"], -- 30
2764, -- ["Throw"], -- 30
355, -- ["Taunt"], -- 30
100, -- ["Charge"], -- 8-25 (Glyph of Long Charge: +5)
20252, -- ["Intercept"], -- 8-25
100, -- ["Charge"], -- 8-25
5246, -- ["Intimidating Shout"], -- 8
88161, -- ["Strike"], -- 5
FriendSpells["WARLOCK"] = {
5697, -- ["Unending Breath"], -- 30
HarmSpells["WARLOCK"] = {
348, -- ["Immolate"], -- 40
27243, -- ["Seed of Corruption"], -- 35
686, -- ["Shadow Bolt"], -- 40
5019, -- ["Shoot"], -- 30
18223, -- ["Curse of Exhaustion"], -- 30 (Glyph of Exhaustion: +5)
FriendSpells["DEATHKNIGHT"] = {
49016, -- ["Unholy Frenzy"], -- 30
HarmSpells["DEATHKNIGHT"] = {
77606, -- ["Dark Simulacrum"], -- 40
47541, -- ["Death Coil"], -- 30
49576, -- ["Death Grip"], -- 30 (Glyph of Death Grip: +5)
45477, -- ["Icy Touch"], -- 20 (Icy Reach: +5, +10)
50842, -- ["Pestilence"], -- 5
45902, -- ["Blood Strike"], -- 5, but requires weapon, use Pestilence if possible, so keep it after Pestilence in this list
-- Items [Special thanks to Maldivia for the nice list]
local FriendItems = {
[5] = {
37727, -- Ruby Acorn
[6] = {
63427, -- Worgsaw
[8] = {
34368, -- Attuned Crystal Cores
33278, -- Burning Torch
250,19 → 237,31
[45] = {
32698, -- Wrangling Rope
[50] = {
116139, -- Haunting Memento
[60] = {
32825, -- Soul Cannon
37887, -- Seeds of Nature's Wrath
[70] = {
41265, -- Eyesore Blaster
[80] = {
35278, -- Reinforced Net
[100] = {
41058, -- Hyldnir Harpoon
local HarmItems = {
[5] = {
37727, -- Ruby Acorn
[6] = {
63427, -- Worgsaw
[8] = {
34368, -- Attuned Crystal Cores
33278, -- Burning Torch
297,22 → 296,28
-- 32698, -- Wrangling Rope
23836, -- Goblin Rocket Launcher
[50] = {
116139, -- Haunting Memento
[60] = {
32825, -- Soul Cannon
37887, -- Seeds of Nature's Wrath
[70] = {
41265, -- Eyesore Blaster
[80] = {
35278, -- Reinforced Net
[100] = {
33119, -- Malister's Frost Wand
-- This could've been done by checking player race as well and creating tables for those, but it's easier like this
for k, v in pairs(FriendSpells) do
tinsert(v, 28880) -- ["Gift of the Naaru"]
for k, v in pairs(HarmSpells) do
tinsert(v, 28734) -- ["Mana Tap"]
334,6 → 339,7
local GetNumSpellTabs = GetNumSpellTabs
local GetSpellTabInfo = GetSpellTabInfo
local GetItemInfo = GetItemInfo
local UnitAura = UnitAura
local UnitCanAttack = UnitCanAttack
local UnitCanAssist = UnitCanAssist
local UnitExists = UnitExists
344,8 → 350,11
local UnitClass = UnitClass
local UnitRace = UnitRace
local GetInventoryItemLink = GetInventoryItemLink
local GetSpecialization = GetSpecialization
local GetSpecializationInfo = GetSpecializationInfo
local GetTime = GetTime
local HandSlotId = GetInventorySlotInfo("HandsSlot")
local math_floor = math.floor
-- temporary stuff
466,8 → 475,8
local name, _, _, _, minRange, range = GetSpellInfo(sid)
local spellIdx = findSpellIdx(name)
if spellIdx and range then
minRange = math.floor(minRange + 0.5)
range = math.floor(range + 0.5)
minRange = math_floor(minRange + 0.5)
range = math_floor(range + 0.5)
-- print("### spell: " .. tostring(name) .. ", " .. tostring(minRange) .. " - " .. tostring(range))
if minRange == 0 then -- getRange() expects minRange to be nil in this case
minRange = nil
615,7 → 624,6
-- OK, here comes the actual lib
-- pre-initialize the checkerLists here so that we can return some meaningful result even if
663,7 → 671,9
-- initialize RangeCheck if not yet initialized or if "forced"
function lib:init(forced)
if self.initialized and (not forced) then return end
if self.initialized and (not forced) then
self.initialized = true
local _, playerClass = UnitClass("player")
local _, playerRace = UnitRace("player")
909,6 → 919,12
function lib:UNIT_AURA(event, unit)
if self.initialized and unit == "player" then
function lib:processItemRequests(itemRequests)
while true do
local range, items = next(itemRequests)
974,6 → 990,11
function lib:scheduleAuraCheck()
lastUpdate = UpdateDelay
-- << load-time initialization
992,7 → 1013,7
local _, playerClass = UnitClass("player")
if playerClass == "MAGE" or playerClass == "SHAMAN" then
-- Mage and Shaman gladiator gloves modify spell ranges
frame:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED", "player")
1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 70000
## Interface: 70100
## Title: Stuf_Range
## Author: TotalPackage
## Notes: Displays estimate distance using LibRangeCheck-2.0.
45,7 → 45,7
if ( unit == "player" or not ca.assist or ca.dead or not UnitIsConnected(unit) ) then
return false
elseif ( not UnitIsVisible(unit) ) or
( s40 and IsSpellInRange(s40, unit) == 0 ) or
( s40 and IsSpellInRange(s40, BOOKTYPE_SPELL, unit) == 0 ) or
( not s40 and Stuf.ingroup and ca.ingroup and not UnitInRange(unit) ) then
return true
1,8 → 1,8
## Interface: 70000
## Interface: 70100
## Title: Stuf Unit Frames
## Author: TotalPackage
## Notes: Main unitframes replacement. Assembly optional.
## Version: 7.0.003
## Version: 7.1.001
## SavedVariables: StufDB
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: StufCharDB
217,17 → 217,15
-- spell range setup
if CLS == "PALADIN" then
Stuf.supportspell = GetSpellInfo(4987)
Stuf.supportspell = 19750 -- Flash of Light
elseif CLS == "PRIEST" then
Stuf.supportspell = GetSpellInfo(2061)
Stuf.supportspell = 527 -- Purify
elseif CLS == "DRUID" then
Stuf.supportspell = GetSpellInfo(8936)
elseif CLS == "MAGE" then
Stuf.supportspell = GetSpellInfo(475)
Stuf.supportspell = 774 -- Rejuv
elseif CLS == "SHAMAN" then
Stuf.supportspell = GetSpellInfo(1064)
Stuf.supportspell = 8004 -- Healing Surge
elseif CLS == "MONK" then
Stuf.supportspell = GetSpellInfo(209525)
Stuf.supportspell = 115450 -- Detox
for _, func in ipairs(Stuf.inits) do -- let other sections know variables are loaded
1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 70000
## Interface: 70100
## LoadOnDemand: 1
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: r95
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 7.1.0
## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibSharedMedia-3.0
## X-Curse-Project-ID: libsharedmedia-3-0
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libsharedmedia-3-0/mainline
8,12 → 8,12
## Title: Lib: SharedMedia-3.0
## Notes: Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
## Author: Elkano
## Version: 3.0-95
## Version: 3.0-97
## X-Website:
## X-Category: Library
## X-Revision: 95
## X-Date: 2016-07-19T22:45:58Z
## X-Revision: 97
## X-Date: 2016-10-25T23:54:36Z
1,8 → 1,8
## Interface: 70000
## Interface: 70100
## Title: Stuf Raid Frames
## Author: TotalPackage
## Notes: Raid unit frames. Assembly optional. (Does not require Stuf)
## Version: 7.0.003
## Version: 7.1.001
## SavedVariables: StufRaidDB
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: StufRaidCharLayoutDB, StufRaidCharDB
151,18 → 151,17
local _, CLS = UnitClass("player")
if CLS == "PALADIN" then
a.s40 = GetSpellInfo(4987)
a.s40 = 19750
elseif CLS == "PRIEST" then
a.s40 = GetSpellInfo(2061)
a.s40 = 527
elseif CLS == "DRUID" then
a.s40 = GetSpellInfo(8936)
elseif CLS == "MAGE" then
a.s40 = GetSpellInfo(475)
a.s40 = 774
elseif CLS == "SHAMAN" then
a.s40 = GetSpellInfo(1064)
a.s40 = 8004
elseif CLS == "MONK" then
a.s40 = GetSpellInfo(209525)
a.s40 = 115450
-- Class Colors support
if not db.nocustomclass and CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS then
29,7 → 29,7
for u, uf in pairs(units) do
if uf.dead then
elseif not UnitIsVisible(u) or (s40 and IsSpellInRange(s40, u) ~= 1) or (not s40 and not UnitInRange(u)) then
elseif not UnitIsVisible(u) or (s40 and IsSpellInRange(s40, BOOKTYPE_SPELL, u) ~= 1) or (not s40 and not UnitInRange(u)) then
1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 70000
## Interface: 70100
## LoadOnDemand: 1
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: r95
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 7.1.0
## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibSharedMedia-3.0
## X-Curse-Project-ID: libsharedmedia-3-0
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libsharedmedia-3-0/mainline
8,12 → 8,12
## Title: Lib: SharedMedia-3.0
## Notes: Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
## Author: Elkano
## Version: 3.0-95
## Version: 3.0-97
## X-Website:
## X-Category: Library
## X-Revision: 95
## X-Date: 2016-07-19T22:45:58Z
## X-Revision: 97
## X-Date: 2016-10-25T23:54:36Z
54,7 → 54,7
-- update overlay opacity
if uf.dead or uf.dced then
elseif not UnitIsVisible(vu) or (s40 and IsSpellInRange(s40, vu) ~= 1) or (not s40 and not UnitInRange(vu)) then
elseif not UnitIsVisible(vu) or (s40 and IsSpellInRange(s40, BOOKTYPE_SPELL, vu) ~= 1) or (not s40 and not UnitInRange(vu)) then