WoWInterface SVN MikScrollingBattleText

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 137 to Rev 138
    Reverse comparison

Rev 137 → Rev 138

205,7 → 205,7
-- Health/power changes.
threshold = function (f, t, v) if (type(v)=="number") then return f(t.currentPercentage, v/100) and not f(t.lastPercentage, v/100) end end,
unitID = function (f, t, v) if ((v == "party" and string_find(t.unitID, "party%d+")) or (v == "raid" and (string_find(t.unitID, "raid%d+") or string_find(t.unitID, "party%d+")))) then v = t.unitID end return f(t.unitID, v) end,
unitReaction = function (f, t, v) if (v == REACTION_HOSTILE) then return f(UnitIsFriend(t.unitID, "player"), nil) else return f(UnitIsFriend(t.unitID, "player"), 1) end end,
unitReaction = function (f, t, v) if (v == REACTION_HOSTILE) then return f(UnitIsFriend(t.unitID, "player"), false) else return f(UnitIsFriend(t.unitID, "player"), true) end end,
1213,6 → 1213,17
<td class="ParameterName" nowrap="nowrap"><a name="WhatsNew"></a>Latest</td>
<td class="ParameterDesc">
<li>Moved the new font loader logic into its own frame to prevent issues with UIs such as RealUI that play with opacity on objects they don't own.</li>
<li>Fixed unit reaction condition that was preventing many triggers like Kill Shot and Hammer of Wrath from working.</li>
<li>Fixed taint issues cause by the _ global variable.</li>
<li>Updated options dialogs to remove reference to support for mp3s which the game no longer supports.</li>
<td class="ParameterName" nowrap="nowrap">5.7.137</td>
<td class="ParameterDesc">
<li>Corrected an error that occurs on startup with deleted default triggers.</li>
70,6 → 70,9
-- Private variables.
-- Prevent tainting global _.
local _
-- Dynamically created frame for animation updates.
local animationFrame
88,7 → 91,9
-- Scroll area table to be returned for external use.
local externalScrollAreas = {}
-- Font strings used to do initial load of used fonts.
-- Dynmically create frame and font strings used to do initial load of used
-- fonts.
local fontLoaderFrame
local loadedFontStrings = {}
211,17 → 216,16
-- Create the font string and load the font. Since it's only being used to
-- cause the font to be loaded by the game, the default font size and outline
-- flags are acceptable to use.
fontString = animationFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
fontString = fontLoaderFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
fontString:SetText("Font Loader")
fontString:SetText("Font Loader")
loadedFontStrings[fontName] = fontString
-- Finally, show the animation frame to ensure the font is loaded.
553,6 → 557,13
animationFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdateAnimationFrame)
-- Create a frame for preloading fonts. It seems that it needs to be anchored
-- and have a height and width in order for the fonts to actually to be loaded.
fontLoaderFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
36,7 → 36,7
L.MSG_INVALID_SCROLL_AREA_NAME = "Неверное название области прокрутки."
L.MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT = "Вы уверены что хотите выполнить данное действие?"
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Звуки должны быть в .mp3 или .ogg формате."
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Звуки должны быть в .ogg формате."
L.MSG_NEW_TRIGGER = "Новый триггер"
L.MSG_TRIGGER_CLASSES = "Триггер классы"
L.MSG_MAIN_EVENTS = "Главные события"
212,7 → 212,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="Шрифт:", tooltip="Название, используемое для определения шрифта.\n\nПример: Мой Супер Шрифт"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="Путь к шрифту:", tooltip="Путь к файлу шрифта.\n\nNOTE: Если файл находится в рекомендованном директории шрифтов\\MikScrollingBattleText, тогда впишите только названия файла, вместо полного пути.\n\nПример: мойШрифт.ttf "}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="Звук:", tooltip="Название, используемое для определения звука.\n\nПример: Мой Звук"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Путь к звуку:", tooltip="Путь к файлу звука.\n\nNOTE: Если файл находится в рекомендованном директории звуков\\MikScrollingBattleText, тогда впишите только названия файла, вместо полного пути.\n\nExample: мойЗвук.mp3 "}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Путь к звуку:", tooltip="Путь к файлу звука.\n\nNOTE: Если файл находится в рекомендованном директории звуков\\MikScrollingBattleText, тогда впишите только названия файла, вместо полного пути.\n\nExample: мойЗвук.ogg "}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="Новое название профиля:", tooltip="Название нового профиля в который будет скопирован выбранный профиль."}
obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="Трейлер который будут добавляться при возникновении частичного эффекта."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="Новое названия области прокрутки:", tooltip="Новое название для области прокрутки."}
36,7 → 36,7
L.MSG_INVALID_SCROLL_AREA_NAME = "Nom de zone de défilement invalide."
L.MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT = "Etes-vous certain de vouloir effectuer cette action?"
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Le fichier son doit être au format .mp3 ou .ogg."
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Le fichier son doit être au format .ogg."
L.MSG_NEW_TRIGGER = "Nouveau déclencheur"
L.MSG_TRIGGER_CLASSES = "Classes du déclencheur"
L.MSG_MAIN_EVENTS = "Evènements principaux"
212,7 → 212,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="Nom de la Police:", tooltip="Le nom utilisé pour identifier la police.\n\nExemple: Ma Super Police"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="Chemin de la police:", tooltip="Le chemin du fichier de la police.\n\nNOTE: Si le fichier est situé dans le répertoire recommandé MikScrollingBattleText\\Fonts, seul le nom de fichier doit être entré ici, au lieu du chemin complet.\n\nExemple: maPolice.ttf"}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="Nom du Son:", tooltip="Le nom utilisé pour identifier le son.\n\nExemple: Mon Son"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Chemin du Son:", tooltip="Le chemin qui pointe vers le fichier du son.\n\nNOTE: Si le fichier est situé dans le répertoire rcommandé MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds, seul le nom de fichier doit être entré ici, au lieu du chemin complet.\n\nExemple: monSon.mp3"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Chemin du Son:", tooltip="Le chemin qui pointe vers le fichier du son.\n\nNOTE: Si le fichier est situé dans le répertoire rcommandé MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds, seul le nom de fichier doit être entré ici, au lieu du chemin complet.\n\nExemple: monSon.ogg"}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="Nom du nouveau profil:", tooltip="Nom du nouveau profil vers lequel copier le profil courant."}
--obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="The trailer that will be appended when the partial effect occurs."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="Nouveau nom pour la zone de défilement:", tooltip="Nouveau nom pour la zone de défilement."}
36,7 → 36,7
L.MSG_INVALID_SCROLL_AREA_NAME = "Ungültiger Name für Scroll-Bereich."
L.MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT = "Bist du sicher, dass du diese Aktion durchführen willst?"
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Sound muss eine .mp3 oder .ogg Datei sein."
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Sound muss eine .ogg Datei sein."
L.MSG_NEW_TRIGGER = "Neuer Auslöser"
L.MSG_TRIGGER_CLASSES = "Klassen Auslöser"
L.MSG_MAIN_EVENTS = "Hauptereignisse"
212,7 → 212,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="Schriftname:", tooltip="Der Name wird benutzt um die Schrift zu identifizieren.\n\nBeispiel: Meine Super Schrift"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="Schrift Pfad:", tooltip="Der Pfad zu der Schrift Datei.\n\nNOTIZ: Wenn die Datei in dem empfohlenen MikScrollingBattleText\\Fonts Ordner ist, muss nur der Dateiname hier eingegeben werden anstatt der ganze Pfad.\n\nBeispiel: meineSchrift.ttf "}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="Sound Name:", tooltip="Der Name wird benutzt um den Sound zu identifizieren.\n\nBeispiel: Mein Sound"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Sound Pfad:", tooltip="Der Pfad zu der Sound Datei.\n\nNOTIZ: Wenn die Datei in dem empfohlenen MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds Ordner ist, muss nur der Dateiname hier eingegeben werden anstatt der ganze Pfad.\n\nBeispiel: mySound.mp3 "}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Sound Pfad:", tooltip="Der Pfad zu der Sound Datei.\n\nNOTIZ: Wenn die Datei in dem empfohlenen MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds Ordner ist, muss nur der Dateiname hier eingegeben werden anstatt der ganze Pfad.\n\nBeispiel: mySound.ogg "}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="Neuer Profilname:", tooltip="Der Name des neuen Profils auf den das eben gewählte Profil kopiert werden soll."}
obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="Der Trailer, der angehängt wird wenn der Partielle Effekte erscheint."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="Neuen Scroll-Bereich-Namen eingeben:", tooltip="Neuer Name für den Scroll-Bereich."}
36,7 → 36,7
L.MSG_INVALID_SCROLL_AREA_NAME = "Nome invalido per l'area di scorrimento."
L.MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT = "Sei sicuro di voler eseguire questa operazione?"
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Il suono deve essere un file .mp3 o un .ogg."
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Il suono deve essere un file .ogg."
L.MSG_NEW_TRIGGER = "Nuovo Innesco"
L.MSG_TRIGGER_CLASSES = "Innesco Classi"
L.MSG_MAIN_EVENTS = "Evento Principale"
212,7 → 212,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="Nome Carattere:", tooltip="Il nome usato epr identificare il carattere"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="Percorso Carattere:", tooltip="Il percorso al file del carattere.\n\nNOTA: se il file e' nella cartella raccomandara MikScrollingBattleText\\Fonts, solo il nome del file necessita di essere inserito invece che l'intero percorso.\n\nEsempio: myFont.ttf "}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="Nome Suono:", tooltip="Il nome usato per identificare il suono"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Percorso Suono:", tooltip="Il percorso al file del suono.\n\nNOTA: se il file e' nella cartella raccomandara MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds, solo il nome del file necessita di essere inserito invece che l'intero percorso.\n\nEsempio: mySound.mp3"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Percorso Suono:", tooltip="Il percorso al file del suono.\n\nNOTA: se il file e' nella cartella raccomandara MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds, solo il nome del file necessita di essere inserito invece che l'intero percorso.\n\nEsempio: mySound.ogg"}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="Nome Nuovo Profilo:", tooltip="Nome del nuovo profilo in cui copiare l'attuale."}
obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="La coda da aggiunger dopo che l'effetto parziale e' avvenuto."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="Nome nuova area di scorrimento:", tooltip="Il nuovo nome per l'area di scorrimento."}
37,7 → 37,7
L.MSG_INVALID_SCROLL_AREA_NAME = "허용되지 않는 스크롤 영역 이름입니다."
L.MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT = "이 동작을 수행 하시겠습니까?"
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "효과음은 .mp3 혹은 .ogg 파일이어야 합니다."
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "효과음은 .ogg 파일이어야 합니다."
L.MSG_NEW_TRIGGER = "새로운 트리거"
L.MSG_MAIN_EVENTS = "메인 이벤트"
213,7 → 213,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="글꼴 이름:", tooltip="이름은 글꼴을 식별하는데 사용합니다.\n\n사용예: 나의 최강 글꼴"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="글꼴 경로:", tooltip="글꼴 파일이 있는 경로.\n\n노트: 만약 파일이 권장하는 MikScrollingBattleText\\Fonts 폴더 위치에 있으면, 여기엔 오로지 전체 경로 대신 파일 이름을 입력해야 됩니다.\n\n사용예: myFont.ttf "}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="소리 이름:", tooltip="이름은 소리를 식별하는데 사용합니다.\n\n사용예: 나의 소리"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="소리 경로:", tooltip="소리 파일이 있는 경로.\n\n노트: 만약 파일이 권장하는 MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds 폴더 위치에 있으면, 여기엔 오로지 전체 경로 대신 파일 이름을 입력해야 됩니다.\n\n사용예: mySound.mp3 "}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="소리 경로:", tooltip="소리 파일이 있는 경로.\n\n노트: 만약 파일이 권장하는 MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds 폴더 위치에 있으면, 여기엔 오로지 전체 경로 대신 파일 이름을 입력해야 됩니다.\n\n사용예: mySound.ogg "}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="새 프로필 이름 입력:", tooltip="선택된 프로필로부터 복사될 새로운 프로필의 이름."}
obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="부분 효과 발생 시 추가될 메세지."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="새 스크롤 영역 이름 입력:", tooltip="새로운 스크롤 영역의 이름."}
38,7 → 38,7
L.MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT = "你確定要執行這個動作嗎?"
214,7 → 214,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="字體名:", tooltip="用來確定字體的名字.\n\n例如: 我的字體"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="字體路徑:", tooltip="字體檔的路徑.\n\n注意: 如果檔在 MikScrollingBattleText\\Fonts 中的話, 只需要輸入檔案名就可以.\n\n例如: myFont.ttf "}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="音效名:", tooltip="用來確定音效的名字.\n\n例如: 我的音效"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="音效路徑:", tooltip="音效檔的路徑.\n\n注意: 如果檔在 MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds 中的話, 只需要輸入檔案名就可以.\n\n例如: mySound.mp3 "}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="音效路徑:", tooltip="音效檔的路徑.\n\n注意: 如果檔在 MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds 中的話, 只需要輸入檔案名就可以.\n\n例如: mySound.ogg "}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="新增記錄檔:", tooltip="輸入新增記錄檔的名稱"}
obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="特效觸發時的提示."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="新增滾動區域:", tooltip="新增滾動區域的名稱"}
60,7 → 60,7
L.MSG_INVALID_SCROLL_AREA_NAME = "Invalid scroll area name."
L.MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE_TEXT = "Are you sure you wish to perform this action?"
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Sound must be a .mp3 or .ogg file."
L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE = "Sound must be an .ogg file."
L.MSG_NEW_TRIGGER = "New Trigger"
L.MSG_TRIGGER_CLASSES = "Trigger Classes"
L.MSG_MAIN_EVENTS = "Main Events"
236,7 → 236,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="Font name:", tooltip="The name used to identify the font.\n\nExample: My Super Font"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="Font path:", tooltip="The path to the font's file.\n\nNOTE: If the file is located in the recommended MikScrollingBattleText\\Fonts directory, only the filename needs to be entered here instead of th full path.\n\nExample: myFont.ttf "}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="Sound name:", tooltip="The name used to identify the sound.\n\nExample: My Sound"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Sound path:", tooltip="The path to the sounds's file.\n\nNOTE: If the file is located in the recommended MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds directory, only the filename needs to be entered here instead of th full path.\n\nExample: mySound.mp3 "}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="Sound path:", tooltip="The path to the sounds's file.\n\nNOTE: If the file is located in the recommended MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds directory, only the filename needs to be entered here instead of th full path.\n\nExample: mySound.ogg "}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="New profile name:", tooltip="Name of the new profile to copy the currently selected one to."}
obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="The trailer that will be appended when the partial effect occurs."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="New scroll area name:", tooltip="New name for the scroll area."}
39,7 → 39,7
215,7 → 215,7
obj["customFontName"] = { label="字体名:", tooltip="用来确定字体的名字.\n\n例如: 我的字体"}
obj["customFontPath"] = { label="字体路径:", tooltip="字体文件的路径.\n\n注意: 如果文件在 MikScrollingBattleText\\Fonts 中的话, 只需要输入文件名就可以.\n\n例如: myFont.ttf "}
obj["customSoundName"] = { label="音效名:", tooltip="用来确定音效的名字.\n\nExample: 我的音效"}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="音效路径:", tooltip="音效文件的路径.\n\n注意: 如果文件在 MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds 中的话, 只需要输入文件名就可以.\n\n例如: mySound.mp3 "}
obj["customSoundPath"] = { label="音效路径:", tooltip="音效文件的路径.\n\n注意: 如果文件在 MikScrollingBattleText\\Sounds 中的话, 只需要输入文件名就可以.\n\n例如: mySound.ogg "}
obj["copyProfile"] = { label="新建配置:", tooltip="输入新建配置的名称"}
obj["partialEffect"] = { tooltip="特效触发时的提示."}
obj["scrollAreaName"] = { label="新建滚动区域:", tooltip="新建滚动区域的名称"}
2083,7 → 2083,7
-- Validates if the passed skill name does not already exist and is valid.
-- ****************************************************************************
local function ValidateSoundFileName(fileName)
if (not string.find(fileName, ".mp3") and not string.find(fileName, ".ogg")) then
if (not string.find(fileName, ".ogg")) then
368,7 → 368,7
local function MediaTab_ValidateCustomSoundPath(soundPath)
if (not soundPath or soundPath == "") then return L.MSG_INVALID_SOUND_FILE end
local soundPathLower = string.lower(soundPath)
if (not string.find(soundPathLower, ".mp3") and not string.find(soundPathLower, ".ogg")) then
if (not string.find(soundPathLower, ".ogg")) then