WoWInterface SVN MountRandomMount

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 14 to Rev 15
    Reverse comparison

Rev 14 → Rev 15

46,18 → 46,25
set = function(info,val)
if MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'][v] == nil then
MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'][v] = v
MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'][v] = nil
local insert = true
for iSaved, vSaved in pairs(MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground']) do
if vSaved == v then
table.remove(MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'], iSaved)
insert = false
if insert then
table.insert(MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'], v)
get = function(info)
if MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'][v] == nil then
return false
return true
for iSaved, vSaved in pairs(MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground']) do
if vSaved == v then
return true
return false
allmounts[GetSpellInfo(v)] = optionTableMount[GetSpellInfo(v)]
7,21 → 7,17
L['MRMNoMounts'] = "Aucune monture n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
L['MRMNoLandMounts'] = "Aucune monture terrestre n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire."
L['MRMNoFlyingMountsLand'] = "Aucune monture volante n'a \195\169t\195\169 ajout\195\169 \195\160 votre liste de monture al\195\169atoire. Utilisation de la monture terrestre."
L['MRMBronzeDrake'] = "Drake de bronze"
L['MRMBronzeDrakeMount'] = "R\195\170nes de drake bronze"
L['MRMRandom'] = "random"
L['MRMLandOnly'] = "landonly"
L['MRMAdd'] = "add"
L['MRMRemove'] = "remove"
L['MRMList'] = "list"
L['MRMGui'] = "gui"
L['MRMReseed'] = "reseed"
L['MRMKelp'] = "For\195\170t de Varech'thar"
L['MRMShimExp'] = "\195\137tendues Chatoyantes"
L['MRMAbysDepth'] = "Profondeurs Abyssales"
L['MRMReseedPrint'] = "La liste des monture a \195\169t\195\169 r\195\169index\195\169e."
L['MRMCatInside'] = "catform"
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n Faire: /rdm -- Affiche cette aide\n /rdm add [nom de monture] (Vous pouvez shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Ajoute une autre monture dans la liste\n /rdm remove [nom de monture] (vous pouvez aussi shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Retire la monture de la liste\n /rdm list -- Liste les monture choisis\n /rdm gui -- Affiche l'interface de selection des montures\n /rdm reseed -- Si vous utilisez plus qu'un ordinateur et que vous apprenez une nouvelle monture, la liste ne marchera pas sur l'autre oridnateur, a utiliser pour r\195\169indexer correctement la liste des monture\n /rdm random -- Invoque une monture al\195\169atoire (utilise une monture volante dans les zones authoris\195\169s ou une monture terrestre sinon)\n /rdm landonly -- Invoque une monture terrestre al\195\169atoire\n /rdm catform -- Active/d\195\169sactive la forme de f\195\169lin en int\195\169rieur et en instances.\n Il y a des racourcis disponible dans l'interface d'affectation des racourcis de blizzard. Un des racourcis permet d'invoquer une monture al\195\169atoire (volante/terrestre), un autre permet d'invoquer une monture terrestre ou que vous soyez, et un autre pour les invoquations de classe.\n "
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n Faire: /rdm -- Affiche cette aide\n /rdm add [nom de monture] (Vous pouvez shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Ajoute une autre monture dans la liste\n /rdm remove [nom de monture] (vous pouvez aussi shift click depuis la liste des montures) -- Retire la monture de la liste\n /rdm list -- Liste les monture choisis\n /rdm gui -- Affiche l'interface de selection des montures\n /rdm random -- Invoque une monture al\195\169atoire (utilise une monture volante dans les zones authoris\195\169s ou une monture terrestre sinon)\n /rdm landonly -- Invoque une monture terrestre al\195\169atoire\n /rdm catform -- Active/d\195\169sactive la forme de f\195\169lin en int\195\169rieur et en instances.\n Il y a des racourcis disponible dans l'interface d'affectation des racourcis de blizzard. Un des racourcis permet d'invoquer une monture al\195\169atoire (volante/terrestre), un autre permet d'invoquer une monture terrestre ou que vous soyez, et un autre pour les invoquations de classe.\n "
L['MRMNoFlyingMounts'] = "Vous n'avez pas s\195\169lectionn\195\169 de monture volante."
L['MRMListTitle'] = "Les montures s\195\169lectionn\195\169es sont: "
L['MRMListFlyingTitle'] = "Monture volante a utilis\195\169 en Outreterre et au Norfendre (Exept\195\169 \195\160 Dalaran et au Joug):"
7,18 → 7,14
L['MRMNoMounts'] = "You haven't added any mounts to the list, please use /rdm add [mount name] to do this."
L['MRMNoLandMounts'] = "You have not added any land mounts to your random list."
L['MRMNoFlyingMountsLand'] = "You have not added any flying mounts to your random list. Using a Land mount."
L['MRMBronzeDrake'] = "Bronzedrache"
L['MRMBronzeDrakeMount'] = "Bronzefarbener Reitdrache"
L['MRMRandom'] = "random"
L['MRMLandOnly'] = "landonly"
L['MRMAdd'] = "add"
L['MRMRemove'] = "remove"
L['MRMList'] = "list"
L['MRMGui'] = "gui"
L['MRMReseed'] = "reseed"
L['MRMReseedPrint'] = "Reittiere neu eingelesen."
L['MRMCatInside'] = "Katzengestalt"
L['MRMCommands'] = "German translation, all commands can be found at: in english. run /rdm gui for the GUI\n /rdm reseed --to reseed mounts"
L['MRMCommands'] = "German translation, all commands can be found at: in english. run /rdm gui for the GUI"
L['MRMNoFlyingMounts'] = "Keine Flugtiere in der Liste vorhanden."
L['MRMListTitle'] = "Folgende Reittiere sind auf der Liste: "
L['MRMListFlyingTitle'] = "Flugtiere f\195\188r Scherbenwelt/Nordend: "
7,18 → 7,14
L['MRMNoMounts'] = "You haven't added any mounts to the list, please use /rdm add [mount name] to do this."
L['MRMNoLandMounts'] = "You have not added any land mounts to your random list."
L['MRMNoFlyingMountsLand'] = "You have not added any flying mounts to your random list. Using a Land mount."
L['MRMBronzeDrake'] = "bronze drake"
L['MRMBronzeDrakeMountMount'] = "bronze drake mount"
L['MRMRandom'] = "random"
L['MRMLandOnly'] = "landonly"
L['MRMAdd'] = "add"
L['MRMRemove'] = "remove"
L['MRMList'] = "list"
L['MRMGui'] = "gui"
L['MRMReseed'] = "reseed"
L['MRMReseedPrint'] = "Mounts have been reseeded."
L['MRMCatInside'] = "catform"
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n use: /rdm -- prints this help\n /rdm add [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) -- adds another mount to the random list\n /rdm remove [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) --removes a mount from the list\n /rdm list -- lists the mounts to select from\n /rdm gui -- brings up a GUI of your mounts\n /rdm reseed -- if you use more than one computer and you learn a new mount, your list will not work on the other computer, use this to reseed correct mount ID's\n /rdm random -- mounts a random mount from your list (using flying in flyable areas and land in nonflyable areas)\n /rdm landonly -- mounts a random land mount from your list\n /rdm catform -- will enable/disable using Cat Form inside and in instances.\n There are a few keybindings option in the Blizzard KeyBindings Menu. One will summon a random mount (fly/land, one will summon a land wherever you are, and one is for class summons.\n "
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n use: /rdm -- prints this help\n /rdm add [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) -- adds another mount to the random list\n /rdm remove [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) --removes a mount from the list\n /rdm list -- lists the mounts to select from\n /rdm gui -- brings up a GUI of your mounts\n /rdm random -- mounts a random mount from your list (using flying in flyable areas and land in nonflyable areas)\n /rdm landonly -- mounts a random land mount from your list\n /rdm catform -- will enable/disable using Cat Form inside and in instances.\n There are a few keybindings option in the Blizzard KeyBindings Menu. One will summon a random mount (fly/land, one will summon a land wherever you are, and one is for class summons.\n "
L['MRMNoFlyingMounts'] = "You have not added any flying mounts to your random list."
L['MRMListTitle'] = "The mounts in your random list are: "
L['MRMListFlyingTitle'] = "Flying mounts used in Outland/Northrend (except Dalaran/WG): "
7,8 → 7,6
L['MRMNoMounts'] = "You haven't added any mounts to the list, please use /rdm add [mount name] to do this."
L['MRMNoLandMounts'] = "You have not added any land mounts to your random list."
L['MRMNoFlyingMountsLand'] = "You have not added any flying mounts to your random list. Using a Land mount."
L['MRMBronzeDrake'] = "青銅龍"
L['MRMBronzeDrakeMountMount'] = "青銅龍座騎"
L['MRMRandom'] = "random"
L['MRMLandOnly'] = "landonly"
L['MRMAdd'] = "add"
18,7 → 16,7
L['MRMReseed'] = "reseed"
L['MRMReseedPrint'] = "Mounts have been reseeded."
L['MRMCatInside'] = "catform"
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n use: /rdm -- prints this help\n /rdm "..L['MRMAdd'].." [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) -- adds another mount to the random list\n /rdm "..L['MRMRemove'].." [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) --removes a mount from the list\n /rdm "..L['MRMList'].." -- lists the mounts to select from\n /rdm "..L['MRMGui'].." -- brings up a GUI of your mounts\n /rdm "..L['MRMReseed'].." -- if you use more than one computer and you learn a new mount, your list will not work on the other computer, use this to reseed correct mount ID's\n /rdm "..L['MRMRandom'].." -- mounts a random mount from your list (using flying in flyable areas and land in nonflyable areas)\n /rdm "..L['MRMLandOnly'].." -- mounts a random land mount from your list\n /rdm "..L['MRMCatInside'].." -- will enable/disable using Cat Form inside and in instances.\n There are a few keybindings option in the Blizzard KeyBindings Menu. One will summon a random mount (fly/land, one will summon a land wherever you are, and one is for class summons.\n "
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n use: /rdm -- prints this help\n /rdm add [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) -- adds another mount to the random list\n /rdm remove [mount name] (can also shift click from your mount list) --removes a mount from the list\n /rdm list -- lists the mounts to select from\n /rdm gui -- brings up a GUI of your mounts\n /rdm random -- mounts a random mount from your list (using flying in flyable areas and land in nonflyable areas)\n /rdm landonly -- mounts a random land mount from your list\n /rdm catform -- will enable/disable using Cat Form inside and in instances.\n There are a few keybindings option in the Blizzard KeyBindings Menu. One will summon a random mount (fly/land, one will summon a land wherever you are, and one is for class summons.\n "
L['MRMNoFlyingMounts'] = "You have not added any flying mounts to your random list."
L['MRMListTitle'] = "The mounts in your random list are: "
L['MRMListFlyingTitle'] = "Flying mounts used in Outland/Northrend (except Dalaran/WG): "
7,18 → 7,14
L['MRMNoMounts'] = "Вы не добавили ни одного транспорта в список, пожалуйста наберите /rdm add [имя транспорта] чтоб добавить."
L['MRMNoLandMounts'] = "Вы не добавили ни одного наземного транспорта в список."
L['MRMNoFlyingMountsLand'] = "Вы не добавили ни одного наземного транспорта в список. Использую наземный."
L['MRMBronzeDrake'] = "Бронзовый дракон"
L['MRMBronzeDrakeMount'] = "Верховой бронзовый дракон"
L['MRMRandom'] = "random"
L['MRMLandOnly'] = "landonly"
L['MRMAdd'] = "add"
L['MRMRemove'] = "remove"
L['MRMList'] = "list"
L['MRMGui'] = "gui"
L['MRMReseed'] = "reseed"
L['MRMReseedPrint'] = "Транспорт пересчитан."
L['MRMCatInside'] = "Облик кошки"
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n наберите: /rdm -- показать эту подсказку\n /rdm "..L['MRMAdd'].." [имя транспорта] (также можно Shift+клик на транспорте в списке) -- добавляет транспорт в список транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm "..L['MRMRemove'].." [имя транспорта] (также можно Shift+клик на транспорте в списке) -- удаляет транспорт из списка транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm "..L['MRMList'].." -- показывает список транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm "..L['MRMGui'].." -- показывает GUI управления списком вашего транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm "..L['MRMReseed'].." -- если вы за другим компьютером и выучили новый транспорт ваш список не будет работать на другом компьютере. Используйте эту команду для коррекции ID транспорта\n /rdm "..L['MRMRandom'].." -- вызывает случайный транспорт из вашего списка (используется летающий транспорт там где он доступен\n /rdm "..L['MRMCatInside'].." -- разрешает/запрещает использование Облика кошки в подземельях.\n Можно назначить несколько быстрых клавиш в меню Назначения клавиш. Одна из них будет вызывать случайный транспорт (летающий/наземный), другая вызовет наземный транспорт, третья вызовет транспорт вашего класса.\n "
L['MRMCatInside'] = "catform"
L['MRMCommands'] = "MountRandomMount v"..GetAddOnMetadata("MountRandomMount", "Version").."\n наберите: /rdm -- показать эту подсказку\n /rdm add [имя транспорта] (также можно Shift+клик на транспорте в списке) -- добавляет транспорт в список транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm remove [имя транспорта] (также можно Shift+клик на транспорте в списке) -- удаляет транспорт из списка транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm list -- показывает список транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm gui -- показывает GUI управления списком вашего транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке\n /rdm random -- вызывает случайный транспорт из вашего списка (используется летающий транспорт там где он доступен\n /rdm catform -- разрешает/запрещает использование Облика кошки в подземельях.\n Можно назначить несколько быстрых клавиш в меню Назначения клавиш. Одна из них будет вызывать случайный транспорт (летающий/наземный), другая вызовет наземный транспорт, третья вызовет транспорт вашего класса.\n "
L['MRMNoFlyingMounts'] = "Вы не добавили ни одного летающего транспорта в список."
L['MRMListTitle'] = "Ваш список транспорта, вызываемого в случайном порядке: "
L['MRMListFlyingTitle'] = "Летающий транспорт используемый в Запределье/Нордсколе (кроме Даларана/ОЛО): "
15,27 → 15,7
local MRMDebug = false
local MRM_Zones = {}
function MountRandomMount:Reseed()
local mountcount = GetNumCompanions("MOUNT")
local id
for j = 1, mountcount do
local _, creatureName = GetCompanionInfo("MOUNT", j)
local amount = string.lower(creatureName)
for i = 1, #MountRandomMount_SavedTable['flying'] do
if (amount == MountRandomMount_SavedTable['flying'][i][1]) then
MountRandomMount_SavedTable['flying'][i][2] = j
for i = 1, #MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'] do
if (amount == MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'][i][1]) then
MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'][i][2] = j
function MountRandomMount:MountRandom()
if (MountRandomMount_SavedTable == nil)
or ((MountRandomMount_SavedTable['flying'] == nil) and (MountRandomMount_SavedTable['ground'] == nil))
396,7 → 376,27
if (foundmount == true) then
local mounttoadd = mntspid
if listtype == 'CL' then
local sources, mounts
for sources, mounts in pairs(MountRandomMount_MountDataList["flying"]) do
table.foreach(mounts, function(k,v)
if mntspid == v then
listtype = 'flying'
for sources, mounts in pairs(MountRandomMount_MountDataList["ground"]) do
table.foreach(mounts, function(k,v)
if mntspid == v then
if listtype == 'flying' then
listtype = 'both'
listtype = 'ground'
if (listtype == 'flying') then
if (MountRandomMount_SavedTable.randommountlist == nil) or (MountRandomMount_SavedTable['flying'] == nil) or (#MountRandomMount_SavedTable['flying'] == 0) then
594,9 → 594,6
if (ibeg ~= nil) and (iend ~= nil) then
rest = string.sub(rest2, ibeg+1, (iend -1))
if (rest == L['MRMBronzeDrake']) then
rest = L['MRMBronzeDrakeMount']
if (command == L['MRMRandom']) then
elseif (command == L['MRMLandOnly']) then
631,8 → 628,6
elseif (command == L['MRMReseed']) then
elseif (command == "debug") then
if MRMDebug then
MRMDebug = false