WoWInterface SVN EasyDaily

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 150 to Rev 151
    Reverse comparison

Rev 150 → Rev 151

trunk/EasyDaily/Changelog-EasyDaily-v2.0-beta.txt File deleted
1,6 → 1,6
Info: $Id: options.lua 17 2009-05-02 03:59:49Z draake $
Info: $Id: options.lua 20 2009-05-04 00:39:58Z draake $
local _G = _G
28,8 → 28,8
-- available, complete, repeatable, normal
function EasyDaily:SetQuestOptionsTable(available, complete, repeatable)
for i, h in pairs(self.handlers) do
local name, index, questType, questTag, objective, side, enable, header = EasyDaily:GetQuestHandlerInfo(h)
if name then
if h:GetVal("htype") == "quest" then
local name, questType, questTag, header, enable = h:GetVal("name"), h:GetVal("type"), h:GetVal("tag"), h:GetVal("header"), h:GetVal("enable")
local t
if ( questType == "daily" ) then
if self:QuestCompleteToday(name) then
55,12 → 55,12
elseif self.LibTourist:IsBattleground(header) then
cat1 = L["Battleground"]
cat2 = header
elseif self.LibTourist:IsInstance(zone) then
elseif self.LibTourist:IsInstance(header) then
if questTag == "heroic" then
cat1 = L["Heroic Dungeon"]
cat2 = header
cat1 = L["Normal Dungeon"]
cat2 = header
71,8 → 71,8
width = "double",
name = name,
desc = L["Toggle this quest's state."],
get = function(info) return enable end,
set = function(info, value) h:SetVal("enable", not enable); self:RefreshGossipOrQuestFrame(); end,
get = function(info) return h:GetVal("enable") end,
set = function(info, value) h:SetVal("enable", value); self:RefreshGossipOrQuestFrame(); end,
local cat1key = sformat("c1-%s", cat1)
166,9 → 166,17
name = L["Minimap Icon"],
desc = L["Show an icon on the Minimap."],
get = function() return not self.db.profile.minimapIcon.hide end,
set = function(info, value) self.db.profile.minimapIcon.hide = not value; LDBIcon[value and "Show" or "Hide"](self, "self") end,
set = function(info, value) self.db.profile.minimapIcon.hide = not value; LDBIcon[value and "Show" or "Hide"](self, "EasyDaily") end,
disabled = function() return not LDBIcon end,
resetall = {
order = 3,
type = "execute",
hidden = function() return ( not self.db.profile.debug ) end,
name = "Reset All",
desc = "Resets everything to default.",
func = function() self.db:ResetDB("Default"); self:ResetDatabase(); self.db.profile.debug = true; end,
general = {
order = 10,
type = "group",
264,8 → 272,8
tag_normal = {
order = 1,
type = "toggle",
name = L["Normal"],
desc = sformat(L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."], L["Normal"]),
desc = sformat(L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."], DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY1),
get = getFunc,
set = setFunc,
288,8 → 296,8
tag_dungeon = {
order = 4,
type = "toggle",
desc = sformat(L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."], LFG_TYPE_DUNGEON),
desc = sformat(L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."], LFG_TYPE_NORMAL_DUNGEON),
get = getFunc,
set = setFunc,
498,7 → 506,7
if not tooltip or not tooltip.AddLine then return end
tooltip:AddLine( self:ColorizePattern(L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"], "%[(.-)%]", 1, 1, 0) )
--~ tooltip:AddLine( self:ColorizePattern(L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"], "%[(.-)%]", 1, 1, 0) )
tooltip:AddLine( self:ColorizePattern(L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"], "%[(.-)%]", 1, 1, 0) )
tooltip:AddLine(" ")
1,6 → 1,6
Info: $Id: turnin.lua 17 2009-05-02 03:59:49Z draake $
Info: $Id: turnin.lua 20 2009-05-04 00:39:58Z draake $
local _G = _G
71,7 → 71,7
if self:GetPVar("stickyturnin") and self.tracker.gossip[title] ~= nil then
return self.tracker.gossip[title]
local found, _, questType, questTag, _, _, enabled = self:GetQuestInfo(title)
local found, _, questType, questTag, _, _, enabled = self:GetQuestBaseInfo(title)
if ( not found ) then
return self:TypeIDActive("normal")
91,13 → 91,13
function EasyDaily:CanAdvanceAvailableQuest(title)
if self:QuestEligibleForAdvancement(title) then
local _, _, questType = self:GetQuestInfo(title)
local _, _, questType = self:GetQuestBaseInfo(title)
return ( questType ~= "repeat" ) or self:CanCompleteRepeatQuest(title)
function EasyDaily:CanCompleteQuest(title)
local _, _, questType = self:GetQuestInfo(title)
local _, _, questType = self:GetQuestBaseInfo(title)
if questType == "repeat" then
return self:CanCompleteRepeatQuest(title)
106,7 → 106,8
function EasyDaily:CanCompleteRepeatQuest(title)
local _, _, questType, _, objective = self:GetQuestInfo(title)
local _, _, questType = self:GetQuestBaseInfo(title)
--~ local objective = self:GetQuestObjective(title)
if ( questType == "repeat" ) and objective then
local minimum
for i, v in ipairs(objective) do
145,35 → 146,35
local r = {}
for n = 1, MAX_NUM_QUESTS, 1 do
local b = _G["GossipTitleButton" .. n]
local b = _G["QuestTitleButton" .. n]
if b:IsShown() then
local i = b:GetID()
local title, isTrivial, isActive
if b.type == "Available" then
if b.isActive == 0 then
title, isTrivial = GetAvailableTitle(i), IsAvailableQuestTrivial(i)
if ( not refresh ) and ( not r.title ) then
self:Debug("Checking Available Quest:", title)
if self:CanAdvanceAvailableQuest(title) then
self:Debug("Eligible Available Quest:", title)
r.title = title = index
r.available = i
elseif b.type == "Active" then
elseif b.isActive == 1 then
title, isTrivial, isActive = GetActiveTitle(i), IsActiveQuestTrivial(i), true
if ( not refresh ) and ( not r.title ) then
self:Debug("Checking Active Quest:", title)
if self:CanAdvanceActiveQuest(title) then
self:Debug("Eligible Active Quest:", title)
r.title = title
r.available = index = i
b.title = title
b.trivial = isTrivial
-- Extra Gossip text
if self:GetPVar("gossipstate") and self:QuestIsEnabled(title) then
if self:GetPVar("gossipstate") and self:GetQuestState(title) then
b:SetFormattedText("%s (%s)", b:GetText(), autoText)
-- Icon Settings
185,10 → 186,10
if then
self:Debug("Selecting Active Quest:", r.title)
elseif r.available then
self:Debug("Selecting Available Quest:", r.title)
243,7 → 244,7
b.title = title
b.trivial = isTrivial
-- Extra Gossip text
if self:GetPVar("gossipstate") and self:QuestIsEnabled(title) then
if self:GetPVar("gossipstate") and self:GetQuestState(title) then
b:SetFormattedText("%s (%s)", b:GetText(), autoText)
-- Icon Settings
291,7 → 292,6
if self:QuestEligibleForAdvancement(title) then
print(isRepeat, self.tracker.gossip.parent)
if IsQuestCompletable() then
elseif isRepeat and self.tracker.gossip.parent then
338,7 → 338,7
function EasyDaily:GetQuestReward(option)
local title = GetTitleText()
if ( GetNumQuestChoices() > 0 ) and self:GetPVar("multiple") and self:QuestIsEnabled(title) then
if ( option > 0 ) and self:GetPVar("multiple") and self:GetQuestState(title) then
self:Debug("Storing reward option", title, option)
self.db.profile.reward[title] = option
347,7 → 347,7
function EasyDaily:SetGossipIcon(icon, title, isActive)
local found, _, questType, questTag, _, _, questEnabled = self:GetQuestInfo(title)
local _, _, questType, questTag, _, _, questEnabled = self:GetQuestBaseInfo(title)
local iconColor
if ( isActive or questType == "repeat" ) and ( not self:CanCompleteQuest(title) ) then
415,10 → 415,10
function EasyDaily:QuestCheckButtonOnShow(b)
local found, _, _, _, _, _, enabled = self:GetQuestInfo( GetTitleText() )
if found then
local enable = self:GetQuestState( GetTitleText() )
if type(enable) ~= "nil" then
b.text:SetTextColor(1, 0.8, 0, 1)
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "koKR"); if not L then return end
-- L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Alt"] = ""
-- L["Auto"] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = ""
-- L["Available"] = ""
-- L["Battleground"] = ""
-- L["Complete"] = ""
-- L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = ""
-- L["Ctrl"] = ""
-- L["Daily"] = ""
-- L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Debug"] = ""
-- L["Disable"] = ""
-- L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = ""
-- L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = ""
-- L["Enabled"] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = ""
-- L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = ""
-- L["Force"] = ""
-- L["General"] = ""
-- L["Gossip Window"] = ""
-- L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = ""
-- L["Minimap Icon"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = ""
-- L["Multiple Rewards"] = ""
-- L["None"] = ""
-- L["Normal"] = ""
-- L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = ""
-- L["Quest Pop-ups"] = ""
-- L["Quest Rewards"] = ""
-- L["Quests"] = ""
-- L["Quest Tags"] = ""
-- L["Quick Info"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = ""
-- L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = ""
-- L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Selection Modifiers"] = ""
-- L["Shift"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = ""
-- L["Single Reward"] = ""
-- L["Special"] = ""
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Suspend"] = ""
-- L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = ""
-- L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = ""
-- L["Toggle this quest's state."] = ""
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = ""
31,12 → 31,10
L["Force"] = true
L["General"] = true
L["Gossip Window"] = true
L["Heroic Dungeon"] = true
L["Minimap Icon"] = true
L["Multiple Rewards"] = true
L["None"] = true
L["Normal"] = true
L["Normal Dungeon"] = true
L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = true
L["Quest Pop-ups"] = true
L["Quest Rewards"] = true
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "esMX"); if not L then return end
-- L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Alt"] = ""
-- L["Auto"] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = ""
-- L["Available"] = ""
-- L["Battleground"] = ""
-- L["Complete"] = ""
-- L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = ""
-- L["Ctrl"] = ""
-- L["Daily"] = ""
-- L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Debug"] = ""
-- L["Disable"] = ""
-- L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = ""
-- L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = ""
-- L["Enabled"] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = ""
-- L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = ""
-- L["Force"] = ""
-- L["General"] = ""
-- L["Gossip Window"] = ""
-- L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = ""
-- L["Minimap Icon"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = ""
-- L["Multiple Rewards"] = ""
-- L["None"] = ""
-- L["Normal"] = ""
-- L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = ""
-- L["Quest Pop-ups"] = ""
-- L["Quest Rewards"] = ""
-- L["Quests"] = ""
-- L["Quest Tags"] = ""
-- L["Quick Info"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = ""
-- L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = ""
-- L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Selection Modifiers"] = ""
-- L["Shift"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = ""
-- L["Single Reward"] = ""
-- L["Special"] = ""
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Suspend"] = ""
-- L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = ""
-- L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = ""
-- L["Toggle this quest's state."] = ""
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = ""
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "zhTW"); if not L then return end
-- L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Alt"] = ""
-- L["Auto"] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = ""
-- L["Available"] = ""
-- L["Battleground"] = ""
-- L["Complete"] = ""
-- L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = ""
-- L["Ctrl"] = ""
-- L["Daily"] = ""
-- L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Debug"] = ""
-- L["Disable"] = ""
-- L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = ""
-- L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = ""
-- L["Enabled"] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = ""
-- L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = ""
-- L["Force"] = ""
-- L["General"] = ""
-- L["Gossip Window"] = ""
-- L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = ""
-- L["Minimap Icon"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = ""
-- L["Multiple Rewards"] = ""
-- L["None"] = ""
-- L["Normal"] = ""
-- L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = ""
-- L["Quest Pop-ups"] = ""
-- L["Quest Rewards"] = ""
-- L["Quests"] = ""
-- L["Quest Tags"] = ""
-- L["Quick Info"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = ""
-- L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = ""
-- L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Selection Modifiers"] = ""
-- L["Shift"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = ""
-- L["Single Reward"] = ""
-- L["Special"] = ""
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Suspend"] = ""
-- L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = ""
-- L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = ""
-- L["Toggle this quest's state."] = ""
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = ""
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "ruRU"); if not L then return end
-- L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = ""
L["Debug"] = "Диагностика"
L["Alt"] = "Alt"
L["Auto"] = "Авто"
L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = "Автовыбор наград за задания с несколькими наградами."
L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = "Автовыбор награды за задания с одной наградой."
L["Auto Turn-in"] = "Автосдача"
L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = "Текст автосдачи"
L["Available"] = "Доступно"
L["Battleground"] = "Поле боя"
L["Complete"] = "Выполнено"
L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = "Выполнено [%s] из [%s] ежедневных заданий"
L["Ctrl"] = "Ctrl"
L["Daily"] = "Ежедневно"
L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = "Обнаружено ежедневное задание"
L["Debug"] = "Отладка"
L["Disable"] = "Отключить"
L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = "Отключить всплывание золота"
L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = "Отключить всплывание PvP"
L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = "Отключает всплывающий запрос подтверждения при попытке взятия ежедневного задания, отмечающего вас, как PvP-активного."
L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = "Отключает всплывающий запрос подтверждения, появляющийся при выполнении ежедневного задания, для которого требуется золото."
L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = "Отображает статус автосдачи заданий в качестве текста."
L["Enabled"] = "Включено"
L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = "Включить/отключить режим диагностики."
L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = "Включить/Отключить аддон"
L["Minimap Icon"] = "Иконка у миникарты"
L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = "Отображать у миникарты иконку, открывающую меню опций."
L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = "Включить/отключить режим отладки."
L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = "Включить/Отключить аддон."
L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = "Включить автосдачу заданий, помеченных, как %s"
L["Force"] = "Принудительно"
L["General"] = "Общее"
L["Gossip Window"] = "Окно разговора"
L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = "[Левый клик] для открытия/закрытия окна заданий"
L["Minimap Icon"] = "Иконка у мини-карты"
L["Multiple Rewards"] = "Многочисленные награды"
L["None"] = "Отсутствует"
L["Normal"] = "Нормальный"
L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = "Заметка: Модификатор 'Отсустствует' ссылается на отсутствие назначенного модификатора. Установка модификатора на 'Отключить' отключает эту опцию."
L["Quest Pop-ups"] = "Всплывание задания"
L["Quest Rewards"] = "Награды за задания"
L["Quests"] = "Задания"
L["Quest Tags"] = "Метки задания"
L["Quick Info"] = "Быстрая инфа"
L["Repeatable"] = "Повторяющееся"
L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = "Обнаружено повторяющееся задание"
L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = "Заменить иконки беседы"
L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = "Заменить стандартные иконки окна беседы на раскрашенные."
L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = "[Правый клик] для открытия/закрытия меню настроек"
L["Selection Modifiers"] = "Модификаторы выбора"
L["Shift"] = "Shift"
L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = "Отображать иконку у мини-карты."
L["Single Reward"] = "Одиночные награды"
L["Special"] = "Особые"
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
L["Suspend"] = "Приостановить"
L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = "[Новый день] начнётся через %s"
L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = "Вкл/Откл 'Автосдачу' данного задания."
L["Toggle this quest's state."] = "Переключение статуса данного задания."
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = "Использовать этот модификатор для автосдачи %s заданий."
L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = "Использовать этот модификатор для принудительной автосдачи любого задания. Игнорирует все настройки."
L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = "Использовать этот модификатор для приостановки процесса автосдачи."
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "esES"); if not L then return end
-- L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Alt"] = ""
-- L["Auto"] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = ""
-- L["Available"] = ""
-- L["Battleground"] = ""
-- L["Complete"] = ""
-- L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = ""
-- L["Ctrl"] = ""
-- L["Daily"] = ""
-- L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Debug"] = ""
-- L["Disable"] = ""
-- L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = ""
-- L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = ""
-- L["Enabled"] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = ""
-- L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = ""
-- L["Force"] = ""
-- L["General"] = ""
-- L["Gossip Window"] = ""
-- L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = ""
-- L["Minimap Icon"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = ""
-- L["Multiple Rewards"] = ""
-- L["None"] = ""
-- L["Normal"] = ""
-- L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = ""
-- L["Quest Pop-ups"] = ""
-- L["Quest Rewards"] = ""
-- L["Quests"] = ""
-- L["Quest Tags"] = ""
-- L["Quick Info"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = ""
-- L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = ""
-- L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Selection Modifiers"] = ""
-- L["Shift"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = ""
-- L["Single Reward"] = ""
-- L["Special"] = ""
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Suspend"] = ""
-- L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = ""
-- L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = ""
-- L["Toggle this quest's state."] = ""
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = ""
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "frFR"); if not L then return end
L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = "{Clic} pour ouvrir le menu des options"
-- L["Alt"] = ""
-- L["Auto"] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = ""
-- L["Available"] = ""
-- L["Battleground"] = ""
-- L["Complete"] = ""
-- L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = ""
-- L["Ctrl"] = ""
-- L["Daily"] = ""
-- L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = ""
L["Debug"] = "Débogage"
-- L["Disable"] = ""
-- L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = ""
-- L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = ""
L["Enabled"] = "Activé"
L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = "Activer / désactiver le mode de débogage."
L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = "Activer / désactiver cet add-on."
-- L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = ""
-- L["Force"] = ""
-- L["General"] = ""
-- L["Gossip Window"] = ""
-- L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = ""
L["Minimap Icon"] = "Icône de la minicarte"
L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = "Affiche une icône sur la minicarte pour accéder au menu des options."
-- L["Multiple Rewards"] = ""
-- L["None"] = ""
-- L["Normal"] = ""
-- L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = ""
-- L["Quest Pop-ups"] = ""
-- L["Quest Rewards"] = ""
-- L["Quests"] = ""
-- L["Quest Tags"] = ""
-- L["Quick Info"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = ""
-- L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = ""
-- L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Selection Modifiers"] = ""
-- L["Shift"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = ""
-- L["Single Reward"] = ""
-- L["Special"] = ""
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Suspend"] = ""
-- L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = ""
-- L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = ""
-- L["Toggle this quest's state."] = ""
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = ""
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "deDE"); if not L then return end
-- L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Alt"] = ""
-- L["Auto"] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = ""
-- L["Available"] = ""
-- L["Battleground"] = ""
-- L["Complete"] = ""
-- L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = ""
-- L["Ctrl"] = ""
-- L["Daily"] = ""
-- L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Debug"] = ""
-- L["Disable"] = ""
-- L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = ""
-- L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = ""
-- L["Enabled"] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = ""
-- L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = ""
-- L["Force"] = ""
-- L["General"] = ""
-- L["Gossip Window"] = ""
-- L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = ""
-- L["Minimap Icon"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = ""
-- L["Multiple Rewards"] = ""
-- L["None"] = ""
-- L["Normal"] = ""
-- L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = ""
-- L["Quest Pop-ups"] = ""
-- L["Quest Rewards"] = ""
-- L["Quests"] = ""
-- L["Quest Tags"] = ""
-- L["Quick Info"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = ""
-- L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = ""
-- L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Selection Modifiers"] = ""
-- L["Shift"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = ""
-- L["Single Reward"] = ""
-- L["Special"] = ""
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Suspend"] = ""
-- L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = ""
-- L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = ""
-- L["Toggle this quest's state."] = ""
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = ""
6,11 → 6,61
]] local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("EasyDaily_Base", "zhCN"); if not L then return end
-- L["{Click} to open the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Alt"] = ""
-- L["Auto"] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with more than one reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto-Select rewards for quests with one or less reward."] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Auto Turn-in Text"] = ""
-- L["Available"] = ""
-- L["Battleground"] = ""
-- L["Complete"] = ""
-- L["Completed [%s] of [%s] dailies"] = ""
-- L["Ctrl"] = ""
-- L["Daily"] = ""
-- L["Daily Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Debug"] = ""
-- L["Disable"] = ""
-- L["Disable Gold Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disable PvP Pop-up"] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when accepting a daily quest that flags you for pvp."] = ""
-- L["Disables the confirmation pop-up that appears when completing a daily quest that requires gold."] = ""
-- L["Displays a quests auto turn-in status in text."] = ""
-- L["Enabled"] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable debug mode."] = ""
-- L["Enable/Disable the addon."] = ""
-- L["Enables Auto Turn-in for %s tagged quests."] = ""
-- L["Force"] = ""
-- L["General"] = ""
-- L["Gossip Window"] = ""
-- L["[Left-Click] to toggle the quest window"] = ""
-- L["Minimap Icon"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap that will open the options menu."] = ""
-- L["Multiple Rewards"] = ""
-- L["None"] = ""
-- L["Normal"] = ""
-- L["Note: The modifier 'None' refers to when no modifier is being held. Setting the modifier to 'Disable' disables the option."] = ""
-- L["Quest Pop-ups"] = ""
-- L["Quest Rewards"] = ""
-- L["Quests"] = ""
-- L["Quest Tags"] = ""
-- L["Quick Info"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable"] = ""
-- L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"] = ""
-- L["Replace Gossip Icons"] = ""
-- L["Replaces the default gossip icons with color coded versions."] = ""
-- L["[Right-Click] to toggle the options menu"] = ""
-- L["Selection Modifiers"] = ""
-- L["Shift"] = ""
-- L["Show an icon on the Minimap."] = ""
-- L["Single Reward"] = ""
-- L["Special"] = ""
-- L["Sticky Turn-in"] = ""
-- L["Suspend"] = ""
-- L["The [new day] begins in %s"] = ""
-- L["Toggles 'Auto Turn-in' for this quest."] = ""
-- L["Toggle this quest's state."] = ""
-- L["Turn-in sequences will run to completion once they've been started regardless of its modifier's status."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to Auto Turn-in %s quests."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to forcibly Auto Turn-in any quest. Overrides all settings."] = ""
-- L["Use this modifier to suspend the Auto Turn-in process."] = ""
1,6 → 1,6
Info: $Id: tracking.lua 17 2009-05-02 03:59:49Z draake $
Info: $Id: tracking.lua 20 2009-05-04 00:39:58Z draake $
local _G = _G
76,19 → 76,17
local handler, isNew = self:GetHandler("quest", questTitle, true)
local h, isNew = self:GetHandler("quest", questTitle, true)
if isNew then
self:Display(L["Repeatable Quest Discovered"], questTitle)
local zone = self:GetLocation()
handler:SetVal("type", "repeat")
handler:SetVal("tag", "normal")
handler:SetVal("header", zone)
h:SetVal("type", "repeat")
h:SetVal("tag", "normal")
h:SetVal("header", zone)
--~ for oID = 1, GetNumQuestItems(), 1 do
--~ local itemName, itemID = self:ParseItemLink( GetQuestItemLink("required", oID) )
120,7 → 118,7
[GROUP] = "group",
[LFG_TYPE_DUNGEON] = "dungeon",
[RAID] = "raid",
[PVP] = "pvp",
[ELITE] = "elite",
151,7 → 149,11
local index = self:ParseQuestLink( GetQuestLink(i) )
tempLog[index] = {}
tempLog[index].name = logName
tempLog[index].tag = ( questTag and TagTextToOpt[questTag] ) or "normal"
if questTag then
tempLog[index].tag = TagTextToOpt[questTag]
tempLog[index].tag = "normal"
tempLog[index].header = tempHeader
tempLog[index].daily = isDaily
tempLog[index].complete = isComplete
170,16 → 172,16
if v.daily then
local handler, isNew = self:GetHandler("quest", index, true)
local h, isNew = self:GetHandler("quest", index, true)
if isNew then
if isNew and self.vars.startup then
self:Display(L["Daily Quest Discovered"],
handler:SetVal("type", v.daily and "daily" or "normal")
handler:SetVal("tag", v.tag)
handler:SetVal("header", v.header)
h:SetVal("type", v.daily and "daily" or "normal")
h:SetVal("tag", v.tag)
h:SetVal("header", v.header)
--~ for j, k in pairs(v.obj) do
--~ handler:SetData("obj", j, "name", or k.text)
196,6 → 198,10
if not self.vars.startup then
self.vars.startup = true
218,12 → 224,12
function EasyDaily:RecordQuestComplete(name)
local handler = self:GetHandler("quest", name)
if handler and == "daily" then
local h = self:GetHandler("quest", name)
if h and h:GetVal("type") == "daily" then
local resetDate, timeLeft = self:GetDailyResetDate()
handler:SetVal("reset", resetDate)
handler:SetVal("time", self:GetTime())
handler:SetVal("done", handler:SetVal("done") + 1)
h:SetVal("reset", resetDate)
h:SetVal("time", self:GetTime())
h:SetVal("done", h:GetVal("done") + 1)
trunk/EasyDaily/Changelog-EasyDaily-v2.1-beta.txt New file
0,0 → 1,92
r21 | draake | 2009-05-04 00:41:48 +0000 (Mon, 04 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /tags/v2.1-beta (from /trunk:20)
Tagging as v2.1-beta
r20 | draake | 2009-05-04 00:39:58 +0000 (Mon, 04 May 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/EasyDaily.toc
M /trunk/core.lua
M /trunk/database.lua
M /trunk/locales/enUS.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/scripts/Strings.lua
M /trunk/tracking.lua
M /trunk/turnin.lua
Updated locale to use WoW global strings when possible.
Fixed quest greeting turn ins.
More work on the new database system.
r18 | draake | 2009-05-02 04:10:33 +0000 (Sat, 02 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/core.lua
Version text fix
r17 | draake | 2009-05-02 03:59:49 +0000 (Sat, 02 May 2009) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/EasyDaily.toc
M /trunk/core.lua
A /trunk/database.lua
M /trunk/inventory.lua
M /trunk/locales/enUS.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/scripts/Babelfish.lua
M /trunk/scripts/Strings.lua
A /trunk/textures
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/DailyActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/DailyAvailable.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/DailyDisableActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/DailyDisableAvailable.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/DailyEnableActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/DailyEnableAvailable.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/GreyActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/GreyDisableActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/GreyEnableActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/NormalActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/NormalAvailable.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/NormalDisableActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/NormalDisableAvailable.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/NormalEnableActive.blp
A /trunk/textures/Gossip-Icons/NormalEnableAvailable.blp
M /trunk/tracking.lua
M /trunk/turnin.lua
D /trunk/util.lua
A /trunk/utility.lua (from /trunk/util.lua:16)
beta commit
r16 | draake | 2009-04-03 00:57:19 +0000 (Fri, 03 Apr 2009) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/EasyDaily.toc
M /trunk/core.lua
D /trunk/guid.lua
M /trunk/options.lua
M /trunk/tracking.lua
M /trunk/turnin.lua
M /trunk/util.lua
N: Implemented data registration system.
N: Records relevant NPC locations.
N: Records repeatable quest item requirements.
N: Records daily quest data (id, name, objectives, etc).
C: Revised the way the addon version is displayed.
r15 | draake | 2009-03-30 02:18:14 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk
M /trunk/core.lua
M /trunk/inventory.lua
M /trunk/turnin.lua
M /trunk/util.lua
N: Quest requirements for repeatable quests are now learned.
N: Added table utility functions.
C: Experimenting with repo variables.
1,6 → 1,6
Info: $Id: database.lua 17 2009-05-02 03:59:49Z draake $
Info: $Id: database.lua 20 2009-05-04 00:39:58Z draake $
local _G = _G
17,38 → 17,40
-- DB Querying
-- name, index, questType, questTag, objective, side, enable = EasyDaily:GetQuestHandlerInfo(name)
function EasyDaily:GetQuestHandlerInfo(handler)
if handler and handler._type == "quest" then
local g =
return, g.index, g.type, g.tag, g.obj, g.side, g.enable, g.header
-- name, index, questType, questTag, header, side, enable = EasyDaily:GetQuestHandlerInfo(name)
function EasyDaily:GetQuestBaseInfo(index)
if not index then return end
local h = self:GetHandler("quest", index)
if h then
return h:GetVal("name"), h:GetVal("index"), h:GetVal("type"), h:GetVal("tag"), h:GetVal("header"), h:GetVal("side"), h:GetVal("enable")
function EasyDaily:GetQuestResetInfo(index)
local handler = self:GetHandler("quest", index)
if handler then
local c = handler._data.char
return c.reset, c.time, c.done
if not index then return end
local h = self:GetHandler("quest", index)
if h then
return h:GetVal("reset"), h:GetVal("time"), h:GetVal("done")
function EasyDaily:GetQuestInfo(index)
return self:GetQuestHandlerInfo( self:GetHandler("quest", index) )
function EasyDaily:GetQuestState(index)
if not index then return end
local h = self:GetHandler("quest", index)
return h and h:GetVal("enable")
function EasyDaily:QuestIsEnabled(title)
local _, _, _, _, _, _, enable = self:GetQuestInfo(title)
return enable
function EasyDaily:GetQuestObjective()
function EasyDaily:ToggleQuestState(title)
local t = self:GetQuestTableByName(title)
if t then
self:Debug("ToggleQuestState", title)
t.disabled = not t.disabled
return t.disabled
function EasyDaily:ToggleQuestState(index)
if not index then return end
local h = self:GetHandler("quest", index)
if h then
local newState = not h:GetVal("enable")
h:SetVal("enable", newState)
return newState
56,36 → 58,56
-- Data Handlers
local handlerVals = {
name = { values = { db = "global", type = "string" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
enable = { values = { db = "global", type = "boolean"}, default = true, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
index = { values = { db = "global", type = "number" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
type = { values = { db = "global", type = "string" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
tag = { values = { db = "global", type = "string" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
header = { values = { db = "global", type = "string" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
time = { values = { db = "char", type = "number" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
reset = { values = { db = "char", type = "number" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
done = { values = { db = "char", type = "number" }, default = 0, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
side = { values = { db = "global", type = "number" }, mixins = { "SetVal", "GetVal", "Refresh" } },
unit = { values = { db = "global" }, key = "_unit", mixins = { "SetUnit", "GetUnit", "DelUnit", "Refresh" } },
obj = { values = { db = "global" }, key = "_obj", mixins = { "SetObj", "SetObj", "Refresh" } },
coord = { values = { db = "global" }, key = "_coord", mixins = { "SetCoord", "GetCoord", "Refresh" } },
local handlerType = {
quest = {
values = {
enable = { db = "global", type = "boolean", locale = nil, default = true, protect = nil },
type = { db = "global", type = "string", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = nil },
tag = { db = "global", type = "string", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = nil },
header = { db = "global", type = "string", locale = true, default = nil, protect = nil },
side = { db = "global", type = "number", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = nil },
reward = { db = "char", type = "number", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = nil },
time = { db = "char", type = "number", locale = nil, default = 0, protect = nil },
reset = { db = "char", type = "number", locale = nil, default = 0, protect = nil },
done = { db = "char", type = "number", locale = nil, default = 0, protect = nil },
objects = {
unit = { db = "global", key = "_unit", mixins = { "SetUnit", "GetUnit", "DelUnit" } },
obj = { db = "global", key = "_obj", mixins = { "SetObj", "SetObj" } },
unit = {
values = {
type = { db = "global", type = "string", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = nil },
side = { db = "global", type = "number", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = nil },
objects = {
coord = { db = "global", key = "_coord", mixins = { "SetCoord", "GetCoord" } },
item = {
values = {},
objects = {
unit = { db = "global", key = "_unit", mixins = { "SetUnit", "GetUnit", "DelUnit" } },
local handlerSets = {
quest = { "name", "index", "enable", "type", "tag", "header", "time", "reset", "done", "unit", "obj" },
unit = { "name", "index", "type", "side", "coord" },
item = { "name", "index", "unit" },
local defaultValues = {
htype = { db = "global", type = "string", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = true },
name = { db = "global", type = "string", locale = true, default = nil, protect = true },
index = { db = "global", type = "number", locale = nil, default = nil, protect = true },
local defaultMixins = { "Delete", "Refresh", "SetVal", "GetVal" }
local setMixins = {
SetUnit = function(this, h)
assert(handler, "Invalid arguments for SetUnit")
assert(handler, "SetUnit")
local t, i = this._unit, nil
for k = 1, #t, 1 do
if t[k] == h._index then
if t[k] == h._hindex then
i = k; break
96,11 → 118,11
GetUnit = function(this)
return unpack(this._children.unit)
return this._unit
DelUnit = function(this, index)
assert(index, "Invalid arguments for DelUnit")
assert(index, "DelUnit")
local t, i = this._unit, nil
for k = 1, #t, 1 do
if t[k] == index then
122,7 → 144,7
SetCoord = function(this, zone, x, y, dl)
assert(zone and x and y, "Invalid arguments for SetCoord")
assert(zone and x and y, "SetCoord")
if type(this._coord[zone]) ~= "table" then this._coord[zone] = {}; end
local t, i = this._coord[zone], nil
for k = 1, #t, 1 do
145,31 → 167,62
return this._coord
SetVal = function(this, key, value)
if type(key) ~= nil and type(value) ~= nil and this._values[key] and this._values[key].type == type(value) then
this._data[ this._values[key].db ][ key ] = value
return value
EasyDaily:Debug(key, value)
error("Invalid key value for SetVal")
SetVal = function(t, key, value)
assert(type(key) ~= nil and t._data[key], "SetVal")
if not EasyDaily.db[ t._data[key].db ].data[ t._hindex ] then
EasyDaily.db[ t._data[key].db ].data[ t._hindex ] = {}
local db = EasyDaily.db[ t._data[key].db ].data[ t._hindex ]
if t._data[key].type == type(value) then
if t._data[key].locale then
local locale = GetLocale()
if not db[key] then
db[key] = {}
if ( not db[key][locale] ) or ( not t._data[key].protect ) then
if value == t._data[key].default then
db[key][locale] = nil
db[key][locale] = value
if ( not db[key] ) or ( not t._data[key].protect ) then
if value == t._data[key].default then
db[key] = nil
db[key] = value
GetVal = function(this, key)
if key and this._values[key] then
return this._data[ this._values[key].db ][ key ]
GetVal = function(t, key)
assert(type(key) ~= nil and t._data[key], "GetVal")
local db = EasyDaily.db[ t._data[key].db ].data[ t._hindex ]
if t._data[key].locale then
local locale = GetLocale()
if db and db[key] and type(db[key][locale]) ~= "nil" then
return db[key][locale]
return t._data[key].default
error("Invalid key value for GetVal")
if db and type(db[key]) ~= "nil" then
return db[key]
return t._data[key].default
function EasyDaily:ResetDatabase()
local locale = GetLocale()[locale] = {}[locale] = {} = {} = {} = {}
self.handlers = {}
180,17 → 233,10
function EasyDaily:DeleteHandler(h)
if type(h) == "table" and h._index then
if this._type == "unit" then
for i, v in pairs(self.handlers) do
if v.DelUnit then
end[h._index] = false[h._index] = nil
self.handlers[h._index] = nil
if type(h) == "table" and h._htype then[h._hindex] = nil[h._hindex] = nil
self.handlers[h._hindex] = nil
for i in pairs(h) do h[i] = nil end
198,7 → 244,7
function EasyDaily:GetHandler(kind, index, create)
assert(kind and ( type(index) == "number" or type(index) == "string" ), "GetHandler")
for i, v in pairs(self.handlers) do
if kind == and ( ( type(index) == "number" and index == ) or ( type(index) == "string" and index == ) ) then
if kind == v:GetVal("htype") and ( ( type(index) == "number" and index == v:GetVal("index") ) or ( type(index) == "string" and index == v:GetVal("name") ) ) then
return v
216,133 → 262,75
return getHandler
local locale = GetLocale()
-- Create data namespace
local n = 1
while[n] do
n = n + 1
end[n] = {}
local x, n =[locale], nil
if x > 0 then
for i = 1, x + 1, 1 do
if not[locale][i] then
n = i; break
n = 1
-- Create and set handler
self.handlers[n] = self:BuildHandler(kind, n)
self.handlers[n]:SetVal("htype", kind)
if type(index) == "number" then
self.handlers[n]:SetVal("index", index)
elseif type(index) == "string" then
self.handlers[n]:SetVal("name", index)
return self.handlers[n]
function EasyDaily:BuildHandler(kind, n)
assert(n and handlerType[kind], "BuildHandler")
local handler = {}
if not[locale] then[locale] = {}
handler._hindex = n
for _, v in pairs(defaultMixins) do
if not handler[v] then
handler[v] = setMixins[v]
if not[locale] then[locale] = {}
end[locale][n] = {}[locale][n] = {}
handler._data = {}
self.handlers[n] = handler
for i, v in pairs(defaultValues) do
handler._data[i] = v
if handlerSets[kind] then
handler._index = n
handler._type = kind
handler._data = {
global =[locale][n],
char =[locale][n],
} = kind
if type(index) == "number" then = index
elseif type(index) == "string" then
print(1) = index
for _, v in pairs(handlerSets[kind]) do
for _, k in pairs(handlerVals[v].mixins) do
for i, v in pairs(handlerType[kind].values) do
handler._data[i] = v
for i, v in pairs(handlerType[kind].objects) do
for _, k in pairs(v.mixins) do
if not handler[k] then
handler[k] = setMixins[k]
if handlerVals[v].key then
local db = handlerVals[v].values.db
if not handler._data[db][v] then
handler._data[db][v] = {}
handler[ handlerVals[v].key ] = handler._data[db][v]
if not handler._values then
handler._values = {}
handler._values[v] = handlerVals[v].values
if handlerVals[v].default then
handler._data[ handlerVals[v].values.db ][v] = handlerVals[v].default
return handler
if not EasyDaily.db[ v.db ].data[n][i] then
EasyDaily.db[ v.db ].data[n][i] = {}
handler[ v.key ] = EasyDaily.db[ v.db ].data[n][i]
return handler
function EasyDaily:InitHandlers()
self.handlers = {}
local locale = GetLocale()
for i, v in pairs([locale]) do
for n, v in pairs( do
if v then
self.handlers[i] = {}
local handler = self.handlers[i]
local kind = v.handler
if handlerSets[kind] then
handler._index = n
handler._type = kind
handler._data = {
global = v,
char =[locale][i],
for _, v in pairs(handlerSets[kind]) do
for _, k in pairs(handlerVals[v].mixins) do
handler[k] = setMixins[k]
if handlerVals[v].key then
local db = handlerVals[v].values.db
if not handler._data[db][v] then
handler._data[db][v] = {}
handler[ handlerVals[v].key ] = handler._data[db][v]
if not handler._values then
handler._values = {}
handler._values[v] = handlerVals[v].values
self.handlers[n] = self:BuildHandler( v.htype, n )
3,9 → 3,9
## Notes: Daily Quest Routine Optimizer!
## Authors: Draake
## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibGratuity-3.0, LibAbacus-3.0, LibTourist-3.0, Babble-Faction-3.0, LibBabble-Zone-3.0
## SavedVariables: EasyDailyDB
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v2.0-beta
## X-Curse-Project-Name: EasyDaily 2.0
## SavedVariables: EasyDaily_DB
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v2.1-beta
## X-Curse-Project-Name: EasyDaily
## X-Curse-Project-ID: easydaily
## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/easydaily/mainline
1,6 → 1,6
Info: $Id: core.lua 18 2009-05-02 04:10:33Z draake $
Info: $Id: core.lua 20 2009-05-04 00:39:58Z draake $
local _G = _G
17,7 → 17,7
-- Defaults
-- Increasing this forces a database purse
-- Increasing this forces a database purge
local RESETDB = 0
local defaults = {
52,11 → 52,10
mod_override = "alt",
mod_suspend = "disable",
purge = 0,
mversion = 0,
minimapIcon = {},
data = {},
reward = {},
80,16 → 79,18
return self:GetLoopTable(self.db.char, ...)
function EasyDaily:OnInitialize()
self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("EasyDailyDB", defaults, "Default")
self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("EasyDaily_DB", defaults, "Default")
self.version = {}
-- Version
self.version.revision = tonumber("18")
self.version.revision = tonumber("20")
if self.version.revision then
local vtext = "v2.0-beta"
local vtext = "v2.1-beta"
if string.find(vtext, "^r%d+$") then
self.version.text = string.format("r%s-alpha", self.version.revision)
100,25 → 101,21
self.version.text = "SVN"
if self.version.major and ( self.db.profile.mversion < self.version.major ) then
if self.version.major then
if self.db.profile.mversion and ( self.db.profile.mversion < self.version.major ) then
self.db.profile.mversion = self.version.major
if ( self.db.profile.purge < RESETDB ) then
if and ( < RESETDB ) then
self:Print("Database reset to default.")
self.db.profile.purge = RESETDB
self.db.profile.purge = RESETDB
local locale = GetLocale()
if not[locale] then[locale] = {}
if not[locale] then[locale] = {}
self.tracker = {