WoWInterface SVN UrbanAchiever

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 161 to Rev 162
    Reverse comparison

Rev 161 → Rev 162

21,6 → 21,17
["C"] = 1,
local hiddenAchievements = {
"Hidden Tracking",
"(Hidden Character Achievement)"
self.categories = {
["achievements"] = {},
["statistics"] = {},
252,13 → 263,38
UrbanAchiever.hiddenAchievemen = {}
function self:PrintHidden()
for k,v in pairs(UrbanAchiever.hiddenAchievemen) do
print('["'..k..'"] = 3, --'.. v)
function self:checkHidden(id)
return true
--[[local _, name, _, _, _, _, _, description = GetAchievementInfo(id)
for k,v in pairs(hiddenAchievements) do
local hidden = string.find(name, v)
if hidden ~= nil then
table.insert(UrbanAchiever.hiddenAchievemen, id, name)
return false
hidden = string.find(description, v)
if hidden ~= nil then
table.insert(UrbanAchiever.hiddenAchievemen, id, name)
return false
return true]]
function self:PopulateAchieveList()
for id = 1, MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS do
local category = GetAchievementCategory(id)
if category and category ~= nil then
local lastID = id
local _, _, _, completed = GetAchievementInfo(id)
if not (UrbanAchiever.factionAchs[tostring(id)] and UrbanAchiever.factionAchs[tostring(id)] ~= playerFaction) then
if not (UrbanAchiever.factionAchs[tostring(id)] and UrbanAchiever.factionAchs[tostring(id)] ~= playerFaction) and self:checkHidden(id) then
if(type(self.achieveList[category]) == "table") then
table.insert(self.achieveList[category], id, completed)
1680,19 → 1716,22
--Get Every achievement
searchString = self:GetSearchString(i)
if searchString then
if searchString and hidden == nil then
self.masterList[i] = {
["searchString"] = searchString:lower(),
if not GetNextAchievement(i) then
--If this isnt in the middle of a chain, add it to the category listing
category = GetAchievementCategory(i)
if not self.seriesList[category] then
self.seriesList[category] = {}
if self:checkHidden(i) then
category = GetAchievementCategory(i)
if not self.seriesList[category] then
self.seriesList[category] = {}
tinsert(self.seriesList[category], i)
tinsert(self.seriesList[category], i)
2,727 → 2,1131
--Alliance = 1
--Horde = 2
UrbanAchiever.factionAchs = {
["5318"] = 1, --20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
["3676"] = 1, --A Silver Confidant
["8030"] = 1, --A Test of Valor
["4156"] = 1, --A Tribute to Immortality
["5853"] = 1, --A-Caroling We Will Go
["10174"] = 1, --Admiral
["12997"] = 1, --The Pride of Kul Tiras
["963"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
["7601"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Pandaria
["966"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms
["13062"] = 1, --Let's Bee Friends
["5836"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Northrend
["12891"] = 1, --A Nation United
["12510"] = 1, --Ready for War
["12496"] = 1, --Stormsong and Dance
["5837"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of the Cataclysm
["13467"] = 1, --Tides of Vengeance
["13704"] = 1, --Nautical Battlefield Training
["969"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Outland
["12473"] = 1, --A Sound Plan
["8925"] = 1, --Between Arak and a Hard Place
["1040"] = 1, --Rotten Hallow
["13762"] = 1, --Aqua Team Murder Force
["12593"] = 1, --Loremaster of Kul Tiras
["12497"] = 1, --Drust Do It.
["9564"] = 1, --Securing Draenor
["9540"] = 1, --The Stable Master
["13082"] = 1, --Everything Old Is New Again
["13925"] = 1, --The Fourth War
["13285"] = 1, --Upright Citizens
["8920"] = 1, --Don't Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out
["13553"] = 1, --The Mechagonian Threat
["12933"] = 1, --A Horde of Hoofbeats
["9598"] = 1, --Mountacular
["10350"] = 1, --Tanaan Diplomat
["8927"] = 1, --Nagrandeur
["13251"] = 1, --In Teldrassil's Shadow
["5453"] = 1, --Ghosts in the Dark
["12951"] = 1, --Proudmoore Admiralty
["12932"] = 1, --No Stable Big Enough
["33"] = 1, --Nothing Boring About Borean
["614"] = 1, --For the Alliance!
["13928"] = 1, --Alterac Valley of Olde
["9833"] = 1, --Loremaster of Draenor
["1192"] = 1, --Nagrand Slam
["10356"] = 1, --Lord of the Reins
["8304"] = 1, --Mount Parade
["10015"] = 1, --Full Discography
["8923"] = 1, --Putting the Gore in Gorgrond
["8845"] = 1, --As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Moon
["7928"] = 1, --Operation: Shieldwall Campaign
["2817"] = 1, --Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance
["9912"] = 1, --Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes
["4899"] = 1, --Loch Modan Quests
["2536"] = 1, --Mountain o' Mounts
["9539"] = 1, --Advanced Husbandry
["948"] = 1, --Ambassador of the Alliance
["5129"] = 1, --Ambassadors
["8845"] = 1, --As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Moon
["12758"] = 1, --Baiting the Enemy
["13710"] = 1, --Sunken Ambitions
["9491"] = 1, --The Garrison Campaign
["12087"] = 1, --The Reining Champion
["12567"] = 1, --The Horde Slayer
["9825"] = 1, --Master Relic Hunter
["4873"] = 1, --Fading into Twilight
["1189"] = 1, --To Hellfire and Back
["35"] = 1, --Might of Dragonblight
["13060"] = 1, --Kul Runnings
["612"] = 1, --Downing the Dark Lady
["10743"] = 1, --The Prestige
["34"] = 1, --I've Toured the Fjord
["3356"] = 1, --Winterspring Frostsaber
["12430"] = 1, --Duskwood Quests
["13283"] = 1, --Frontline Warrior
["1191"] = 1, --Terror of Terokkar
["9828"] = 1, --Ten Hit Tunes
["433"] = 1, --Grand Marshal
["13426"] = 1, --Come On and Slam
["13059"] = 1, --Drag Race
["12896"] = 1, --Azeroth at War: The Barrens
["4926"] = 1, --Bloodmyst Isle Quests
["5481"] = 1, --Wildhammer Tour of Duty
["4928"] = 1, --Darkshore Quests
["6828"] = 1, --Pandaren Ambassador
["942"] = 1, --The Diplomat
["4936"] = 1, --Stonetalon Mountains Quests
["9474"] = 1, --Wrynn's Vanguard
["12605"] = 1, --Conqueror of Azeroth
["4925"] = 1, --Ashenvale Quests
["9912"] = 1, --Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes
["5375"] = 1, --Baradin's Wardens
["8314"] = 1, --Battle on the High Seas
["230"] = 1, --Battlemaster
["7860"] = 1, --We're Going to Need More Saddles
["7467"] = 1, --Theramore's Fall
["4937"] = 1, --Southern Barrens Quests
["13759"] = 1, --Battle-Scarred: Bladesman Inowari
["10067"] = 1, --In Pursuit of Gul'dan
["12762"] = 1, --Kul Tiran Curator
["438"] = 1, --Knight-Captain
["12429"] = 1, --Wetlands Quests
["12954"] = 1, --Champion of the 7th Legion
["10072"] = 1, --Rumble in the Jungle
["4929"] = 1, --Dustwallow Marsh Quests
["4932"] = 1, --Feralas Quests
["4869"] = 1, --Sinking into Vashj'ir
["4902"] = 1, --Redridge Mountains Quests
["11169"] = 1, --Crest of Devastation
["13053"] = 1, --Deadliest Cache
["472"] = 1, --Knight-Lieutenant
["5328"] = 1, --Veteran of the Alliance
["12946"] = 1, --Kul Tiras Diplomat
["5152"] = 1, --Stay Classy
["6603"] = 1, --Taming Eastern Kingdoms
["13049"] = 1, --The Long Con
["12898"] = 1, --Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron
["10068"] = 1, --Draenor's Last Stand
["2764"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Stormwind
["13387"] = 1, --Frontline Veteran
["13384"] = 1, --Kul Tirans Don't Look at Explosions
["11558"] = 1, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild
["5842"] = 1, --Let's Do Lunch: Darnassus
["9516"] = 1, --Nemesis: Slayer of Sin'dorei
["610"] = 1, --Orgrimmar Offensive
["9530"] = 1, --Writing in the Snow
["13758"] = 1, --Battle-Scarred: Hunter Akana
["5847"] = 1, --Fish or Cut Bait: Ironforge
["613"] = 1, --Killed in Quel'Thalas
["6300"] = 1, --Upjade Complete
["908"] = 1, --Call to Arms!
["11167"] = 1, --Crest of Carnage
["8921"] = 1, --Welcome to Draenor
["4903"] = 1, --Westfall Quests
["13760"] = 1, --Battle-Scarred: Farseer Ori
["13753"] = 1, --Veteran: Hunter Akana
["434"] = 1, --Field Marshal
["8052"] = 1, --Khan
["9517"] = 1, --Nemesis: Death Stalker
["1038"] = 1, --The Flame Warden
["9101"] = 1, --Even More Plots
["907"] = 1, --The Justicar
["10174"] = 1, --Admiral
["948"] = 1, --Ambassador of the Alliance
["2782"] = 1, --Champion of the Alliance
["5343"] = 1, --Grand Marshal
["12736"] = 1, --Kul Tiran Master of All
["436"] = 1, --Lieutenant Commander
["5337"] = 1, --Knight-Captain
["5812"] = 1, --United Nations
["9738"] = 1, --Warlord of Draenor
["4156"] = 1, --A Tribute to Immortality
["12582"] = 1, --Come Sail Away
["8306"] = 1, --Hordebreaker
["13026"] = 1, --7th Legion Spycatcher
["2781"] = 1, --Champion of Stormwind
["9928"] = 1, --Don't Call Me Junior
["5848"] = 1, --Fish or Cut Bait: Darnassus
["3857"] = 1, --Master of Isle of Conquest
["9478"] = 1, --Savage Friends
["2760"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Darnassus
["2763"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Ironforge
["2761"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of the Exodar
["12456"] = 1, --Loch Modan & Wetlands Quests
["6537"] = 1, --Slum It in the Summit
["8012"] = 1, --Waste Not, Want Not
["5476"] = 1, --Fish or Cut Bait: Stormwind
["10172"] = 1, --Petty Officer
["5330"] = 1, --Private
["471"] = 1, --Sergeant
["10256"] = 1, --Charting a Course
["11165"] = 1, --Crest of Heroism
["764"] = 1, --The Burning Crusader
["12899"] = 1, --Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire
["13558"] = 1, --Waveblade Ankoan
["7947"] = 1, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1 or 2)
["2770"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of the Alliance
["10749"] = 1, --Fighting with Style: War-torn
["5336"] = 1, --Knight-Lieutenant
["7534"] = 1, --Chapter II: Wrathion's War
["435"] = 1, --Commander
["4786"] = 1, --Operation: Gnomeregan
["4436"] = 1, --BB King
["8925"] = 1, --Between Arak and a Hard Place
["37"] = 1, --Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle
["899"] = 1, --Oh My, Kurenai
["6874"] = 1, --Scenaturday
["9476"] = 1, --Sha'tari Defense
["2016"] = 1, --Grizzled Veteran
["5841"] = 1, --Let's Do Lunch: Ironforge
["1686"] = 1, --Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's
["5357"] = 1, --Field Marshal
["709"] = 1, --Hero of the Stormpike Guard
["5341"] = 1, --Marshal
["6535"] = 1, --Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger
["1012"] = 1, --The Winds of the North
["5853"] = 1, --A-Caroling We Will Go
["611"] = 1, --Bleeding Bloodhoof
["5171"] = 1, --Blood Elf Slayer
["4926"] = 1, --Bloodmyst Isle Quests
["13191"] = 1, --Brawler for Azeroth
["8339"] = 1, --Collect Your Deck (Season 2)
["9470"] = 1, --Council of Exarchs
["12200"] = 1, --Demonic Combatant
["4912"] = 1, --Guild Level 25
["5031"] = 1, --Horde Slayer
["5268"] = 1, --In Service of the Alliance
["11565"] = 1, --King of the Guild (Season 3)
["12884"] = 1, --Leader of Troops
["9522"] = 1, --Nemesis: Troll Hunter
["9225"] = 1, --Take Them Out
["11563"] = 1, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 3)
["9104"] = 1, --Bounty Hunter
["7941"] = 1, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 1)
["9170"] = 1, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 2)
["1686"] = 1, --Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's
["908"] = 1, --Call to Arms!
["2777"] = 1, --Champion of Darnassus
["5331"] = 1, --Corporal
["9228"] = 1, --Down Goes Van Rook
["6942"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance
["13643"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Notorious
["5718"] = 1, --Just Another Day in Tol Barad
["5335"] = 1, --Knight
["437"] = 1, --Knight-Champion
["473"] = 1, --Marshal
["12953"] = 1, --Storm's Wake
["2779"] = 1, --Champion of Gnomeregan
["10021"] = 1, --Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate
["13343"] = 1, --Extinguishing Zandalar
["8485"] = 1, --Grievous Combatant
["12952"] = 1, --Order of Embers
["13744"] = 1, --Seasoned: Bladesman Inowari
["13755"] = 1, --Veteran: Farseer Ori
["12455"] = 1, --Westfall & Duskwood Quests
["7937"] = 1, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 1)
["2780"] = 1, --Champion of Ironforge
["2781"] = 1, --Champion of Stormwind
["2782"] = 1, --Champion of the Alliance
["9176"] = 1, --Deck Your Collection (Season 2)
["2762"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan
["1022"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms
["5474"] = 1, --Let's Do Lunch: Stormwind
["3576"] = 1, --Now We're Cookin'
["713"] = 1, --Silverwing Sentinel
["1184"] = 1, --Strange Brew
["7523"] = 1, --Theramore's Fall
["13754"] = 1, --Veteran: Bladesman Inowari
["5329"] = 1, --Warbound Veteran of the Alliance
["9078"] = 1, --Choppin' Even More Logs
["5340"] = 1, --Commander
["8340"] = 1, --Deck Your Collection (Season 1)
["13287"] = 1, --Empire's Fall
["1028"] = 1, --Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms
["5359"] = 1, --Knight-Champion
["13288"] = 1, --Might of the Alliance
["9521"] = 1, --Nemesis: The Butcher
["3580"] = 1, --Pilgrim's Peril
["13308"] = 1, --Recruitment Officer
["5334"] = 1, --Sergeant Major
["13177"] = 1, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Grimwatt's Crash - Unlocked (KMS)
["2778"] = 1, --Champion of the Exodar
["7534"] = 1, --Chapter II: Wrathion's War
["10021"] = 1, --Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate
["10256"] = 1, --Charting a Course
["9078"] = 1, --Choppin' Even More Logs
["5195"] = 1, --City Attacker
["8679"] = 1, --Conqueror of Orgrimmar
["13739"] = 1, --Heroic: Tour of War
["1466"] = 1, --Most Alliance factions at Exalted
["3596"] = 1, --Pilgrim's Progress
["2419"] = 1, --Spring Fling
["604"] = 1, --Wrath of the Alliance
["11560"] = 1, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 3)
["13341"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Kul Tiras
["5339"] = 1, --Lieutenant Commander
["9100"] = 1, --More Plots
["9234"] = 1, --Primal Conquest
["13440"] = 1, --Pushing the Payload
["8030"] = 1, --A Test of Valor
["12229"] = 1, --Collector's Edition: Seabraid Stallion
["1279"] = 1, --Flirt With Disaster
["9210"] = 1, --Garrison Buddies
["5333"] = 1, --Master Sergeant
["6644"] = 1, --Pandaren Embassy
["707"] = 1, --Stormpike Battle Charger
["13139"] = 1, --8.0 Lordaeron Skip Unlock - Alliance
["388"] = 1, --City Defender
["5131"] = 1, --Classic Battles
["5156"] = 1, --Classy Draenei
["5155"] = 1, --Classy Dwarves
["5154"] = 1, --Classy Gnomes
["13255"] = 1, --Defeat 2 Commanders (Alliance) (Hidden)
["9630"] = 1, --Defender of Draenor
["10167"] = 1, --Exploring the High Seas
["13402"] = 1, --Frontline Slayer
["5320"] = 1, --King of the Mountain
["2421"] = 1, --Noble Garden
["1782"] = 1, --Our Daily Bread
["3556"] = 1, --Pilgrim's Paunch
["1255"] = 1, --Scrooge
["12881"] = 1, --War is Hell
["5318"] = 1, --20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
["3676"] = 1, --A Silver Confidant
["5151"] = 1, --Classy Humans
["5153"] = 1, --Classy Night Elves
["6624"] = 1, --Classy Pandaren
["12137"] = 1, --Dominant Combatant
["1024"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Outland
["8045"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Pandaria
["11280"] = 1, --Flame Warden of the Broken Isles
["701"] = 1, --Freedom of the Alliance
["5322"] = 1, --In Service of the Alliance
["12760"] = 1, --Kul Tiran Archaeologist
["9519"] = 1, --Nemesis: Orcslayer
["13305"] = 1, --Night Moves
["8011"] = 1, --Number Five Is Alive
["440"] = 1, --Sergeant Major
["220"] = 1, --Stormpike Perfection
["7940"] = 1, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1)
["12734"] = 1, --Working in Kul Tiras
["5129"] = 1, --Ambassadors
["470"] = 1, --Corporal
["1035"] = 1, --Desecration of the Horde
["1030"] = 1, --Extinguishing Outland
["5172"] = 1, --Goblin Slayer
["5327"] = 1, --In Service of the Alliance
["12753"] = 1, --Kul Tiran Fisherman
["202"] = 1, --Quick Cap
["206"] = 1, --Supreme Defender
["6030"] = 1, --Taking the Show on the Road
["13133"] = 1, --Team Deathmatch
["1034"] = 1, --The Fires of Azeroth
["12886"] = 1, --Tour of War
["13530"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (2)
["13531"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (3)
["13297"] = 1, --War for the Shore
["13186"] = 1, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates
["13439"] = 1, --Boxing Match
["5229"] = 1, --Drag a Maw
["225"] = 1, --Everything Counts
["1029"] = 1, --Extinguishing Kalimdor
["6007"] = 1, --Extinguishing Northrend
["12741"] = 1, --Giving a Scrap
["5441"] = 1, --Guild Battlemasters
["8335"] = 1, --Having a Brawl (Season 1)
["4298"] = 1, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion
["13737"] = 1, --Heroic: War is Hell
["5219"] = 1, --I'm in the White Lodge
["246"] = 1, --Know Thy Enemy
["441"] = 1, --Master Sergeant
["9631"] = 1, --Mythic Draenor Raider
["1697"] = 1, --Nation of Adoration
["9528"] = 1, --On the Shadow's Trail
["442"] = 1, --Private
["9256"] = 1, --Rescue Operation
["13745"] = 1, --Seasoned: Farseer Ori
["5332"] = 1, --Sergeant
["12744"] = 1, --The Kul Tiran Menu
["4296"] = 1, --Trial of the Champion
["7941"] = 1, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 1)
["9170"] = 1, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 2)
["5157"] = 1, --Classy Worgen
["5226"] = 1, --Cloud Nine
["8339"] = 1, --Collect Your Deck (Season 2)
["5340"] = 1, --Commander
["435"] = 1, --Commander
["8679"] = 1, --Conqueror of Orgrimmar
["5331"] = 1, --Corporal
["470"] = 1, --Corporal
["9470"] = 1, --Council of Exarchs
["11167"] = 1, --Crest of Carnage
["11169"] = 1, --Crest of Devastation
["11165"] = 1, --Crest of Heroism
["11008"] = 1, --Cruel Combatant
["4928"] = 1, --Darkshore Quests
["58"] = 1, --Deaths from Drek'Thar
["8340"] = 1, --Deck Your Collection (Season 1)
["9176"] = 1, --Deck Your Collection (Season 2)
["9630"] = 1, --Defender of Draenor
["11022"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 1
["11034"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 2
["11045"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 3
["11054"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 4
["12175"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 6
["6011"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Cataclysm
["1023"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Kalimdor
["10173"] = 1, --Fleet Commander
["5014"] = 1, --Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero
["11043"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Cruel
["8654"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Grievous
["8208"] = 1, --Kirin Tor Offensive
["439"] = 1, --Knight
["711"] = 1, --Knight of Arathor
["12742"] = 1, --Kul Tiran Cook
["5489"] = 1, --Master of Tol Barad
["9518"] = 1, --Nemesis: Killer of Kezan
["7527"] = 1, --No Tank You
["203"] = 1, --Not In My House
["13637"] = 1, --Notorious Combatant
["7946"] = 1, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 1)
["9171"] = 1, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 2)
["5167"] = 1, --Orc Slayer
["6532"] = 1, --Pandaren Slayer
["8642"] = 1, --Prideful Combatant
["7448"] = 1, --Scenario Roundup
["9169"] = 1, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 2)
["9714"] = 1, --Thy Kingdom Come
["5417"] = 1, --Tol Barad Veteran
["13452"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (1)
["13822"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (11)
["13826"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (15)
["13828"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (17)
["13532"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (4)
["13534"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (6)
["13535"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (7)
["5375"] = 1, --Baradin's Wardens
["13310"] = 1, --By Nature's Call
["9996"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Warlords Season 1
["10106"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Warlords Season 2
["10118"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
["1737"] = 1, --Destruction Derby
["6008"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Northrend
["11032"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 2
["9214"] = 1, --Hero of Stormshield
["12037"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Fierce
["5344"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Vicious
["11018"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Vindictive
["10114"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Warmongering
["7949"] = 1, --Rabble Rabble Rabble (Season 2)
["13743"] = 1, --Seasoned: Hunter Akana
["9995"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Warlords Season 1
["10120"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
["5170"] = 1, --Troll Slayer
["5823"] = 1, --Veteran of the Alliance II
["13533"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (5)
["9729"] = 1, --Victory in Hillsbrad
["13172"] = 1, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Mistvine Ledge - Unlocked (KMS)
["5131"] = 1, --Classic Battles
["5155"] = 1, --Classy Dwarves
["58"] = 1, --Deaths from Drek'Thar
["1757"] = 1, --Defense of the Ancients
["3856"] = 1, --Demolition Derby
["1035"] = 1, --Desecration of the Horde
["1737"] = 1, --Destruction Derby
["13137"] = 1, --Dread Combatant
["11276"] = 1, --Extinguishing Draenor
["11278"] = 1, --Extinguishing the Broken Isles
["11004"] = 1, --Fearless Combatant
["12032"] = 1, --Fierce Combatant
["11283"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Draenor
["13351"] = 1, --Grimfang and Firecaller kills (Heroic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13350"] = 1, --Grimfang and Firecaller kills (Normal Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13347"] = 1, --Grong the Revenant kills (Heroic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13346"] = 1, --Grong the Revenant kills (Normal Battle of Dazar'alor)
["10116"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
["5436"] = 1, --Guild Field Marshals
["5438"] = 1, --Guild Grand Marshals
["11056"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Ferocious
["13210"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Sinister
["8336"] = 1, --I've Got the Biggest Brawls of Them All (Season 1)
["13298"] = 1, --Mythic: Jadefire Masters
["13286"] = 1, --Siege of Dazar'alor
["5213"] = 1, --Soaring Spirits
["12889"] = 1, --Strike Fast
["13824"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (13)
["13825"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (14)
["13827"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (16)
["13829"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (18)
["13830"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (19)
["13536"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (8)
["13537"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (9)
["10095"] = 1, --Warmongering Combatant
["13174"] = 1, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Veiled Grotto - Unlocked (KMS)
["13175"] = 1, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Verdant Hollow - Unlocked (KMS)
["13320"] = 1, --Battle of Dazar'alor Guild Run
["5195"] = 1, --City Attacker
["5154"] = 1, --Classy Gnomes
["6624"] = 1, --Classy Pandaren
["11034"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 2
["12039"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 5
["12195"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 7
["5130"] = 1, --Diplomacy
["9928"] = 1, --Don't Call Me Junior
["8920"] = 1, --Don't Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out
["5231"] = 1, --Double Jeopardy
["9228"] = 1, --Down Goes Van Rook
["612"] = 1, --Downing the Dark Lady
["10068"] = 1, --Draenor's Last Stand
["5229"] = 1, --Drag a Maw
["5126"] = 1, --Dungeon Diplomat
["4929"] = 1, --Dustwallow Marsh Quests
["9101"] = 1, --Even More Plots
["225"] = 1, --Everything Counts
["2817"] = 1, --Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance
["2760"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Darnassus
["2762"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan
["2763"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Ironforge
["2764"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of Stormwind
["2770"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of the Alliance
["2761"] = 1, --Exalted Champion of the Exodar
["10167"] = 1, --Exploring the High Seas
["11276"] = 1, --Extinguishing Draenor
["1028"] = 1, --Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms
["1029"] = 1, --Extinguishing Kalimdor
["6007"] = 1, --Extinguishing Northrend
["1030"] = 1, --Extinguishing Outland
["8042"] = 1, --Extinguishing Pandaria
["11278"] = 1, --Extinguishing the Broken Isles
["6013"] = 1, --Extinguishing the Cataclysm
["4873"] = 1, --Fading into Twilight
["11004"] = 1, --Fearless Combatant
["4932"] = 1, --Feralas Quests
["11010"] = 1, --Ferocious Combatant
["5357"] = 1, --Field Marshal
["434"] = 1, --Field Marshal
["10749"] = 1, --Fighting with Style: War-torn
["5221"] = 1, --Fire, Walk With Me
["5848"] = 1, --Fish or Cut Bait: Darnassus
["5847"] = 1, --Fish or Cut Bait: Ironforge
["5476"] = 1, --Fish or Cut Bait: Stormwind
["6011"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Cataclysm
["11283"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Draenor
["1022"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms
["1023"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Kalimdor
["6008"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Northrend
["1024"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Outland
["8045"] = 1, --Flame Warden of Pandaria
["11280"] = 1, --Flame Warden of the Broken Isles
["10173"] = 1, --Fleet Commander
["1279"] = 1, --Flirt With Disaster
["37"] = 1, --Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle
["614"] = 1, --For the Alliance!
["701"] = 1, --Freedom of the Alliance
["10015"] = 1, --Full Discography
["9210"] = 1, --Garrison Buddies
["5453"] = 1, --Ghosts in the Dark
["5172"] = 1, --Goblin Slayer
["5343"] = 1, --Grand Marshal
["433"] = 1, --Grand Marshal
["8485"] = 1, --Grievous Combatant
["8382"] = 1, --Grievous Conquest
["2016"] = 1, --Grizzled Veteran
["13353"] = 1, --Grimfang and Firecaller kills (Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13349"] = 1, --Grimfang and Firecaller kills (Raid Finder Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13348"] = 1, --Grong the Revenant kills (Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13344"] = 1, --Grong the Revenant kills (Raid Finder Battle of Dazar'alor)
["11020"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 1
["11032"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 2
["11047"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 3
["11052"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 4
["12177"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 6
["9997"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Warlords Season 1
["10108"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Warlords Season 2
["10116"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
["5441"] = 1, --Guild Battlemasters
["5432"] = 1, --Guild Commanders
["5436"] = 1, --Guild Field Marshals
["5438"] = 1, --Guild Grand Marshals
["4912"] = 1, --Guild Level 25
["5434"] = 1, --Guild Marshals
["5014"] = 1, --Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero
["8335"] = 1, --Having a Brawl (Season 1)
["9214"] = 1, --Hero of Stormshield
["6942"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance
["6939"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Cataclysmic
["11043"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Cruel
["11030"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Fearless
["11056"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Ferocious
["8654"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Grievous
["8243"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Malevolent
["8658"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Prideful
["9230"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Primal
["12963"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Dread
["6316"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Ruthless
["8652"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Tyrannical
["5344"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Vicious
["11018"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Vindictive
["10114"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Warmongering
["10102"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Wild
["709"] = 1, --Hero of the Stormpike Guard
["8364"] = 1, --Heroic: Battle on the High Seas
["4298"] = 1, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion
["5111"] = 1, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run
["5031"] = 1, --Horde Slayer
["8306"] = 1, --Hordebreaker
["5219"] = 1, --I'm in the White Lodge
["8336"] = 1, --I've Got the Biggest Brawls of Them All (Season 1)
["34"] = 1, --I've Toured the Fjord
["10067"] = 1, --In Pursuit of Gul'dan
["5268"] = 1, --In Service of the Alliance
["5322"] = 1, --In Service of the Alliance
["5327"] = 1, --In Service of the Alliance
["5718"] = 1, --Just Another Day in Tol Barad
["8052"] = 1, --Khan
["613"] = 1, --Killed in Quel'Thalas
["11565"] = 1, --King of the Guild
["5320"] = 1, --King of the Mountain
["8208"] = 1, --Kirin Tor Offensive
["7526"] = 1, --Kite Fight
["5335"] = 1, --Knight
["439"] = 1, --Knight
["711"] = 1, --Knight of Arathor
["5337"] = 1, --Knight-Captain
["438"] = 1, --Knight-Captain
["5359"] = 1, --Knight-Champion
["437"] = 1, --Knight-Champion
["5336"] = 1, --Knight-Lieutenant
["472"] = 1, --Knight-Lieutenant
["246"] = 1, --Know Thy Enemy
["5842"] = 1, --Let's Do Lunch: Darnassus
["5841"] = 1, --Let's Do Lunch: Ironforge
["5474"] = 1, --Let's Do Lunch: Stormwind
["5339"] = 1, --Lieutenant Commander
["436"] = 1, --Lieutenant Commander
["8010"] = 1, --Lion's Landing
["4899"] = 1, --Loch Modan and Wetlands Quests
["10356"] = 1, --Lord of the Reins
["9833"] = 1, --Loremaster of Draenor
["1151"] = 1, --Loyal Defender
["5341"] = 1, --Marshal
["473"] = 1, --Marshal
["3857"] = 1, --Master of Isle of Conquest
["5489"] = 1, --Master of Tol Barad
["9825"] = 1, --Master Relic Hunter
["5333"] = 1, --Master Sergeant
["441"] = 1, --Master Sergeant
["35"] = 1, --Might of Dragonblight
["6535"] = 1, --Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger
["13488"] = 1, --In Teldrassil's Shadow (Hidden Character Achievement)
["3851"] = 1, --Mine
["9100"] = 1, --More Plots
["1466"] = 1, --Most Alliance factions at Exalted
["8304"] = 1, --Mount Parade
["9598"] = 1, --Mountacular
["2536"] = 1, --Mountain o' Mounts
["9631"] = 1, --Mythic Draenor Raider
["1192"] = 1, --Nagrand Slam
["8927"] = 1, --Nagrandeur
["1697"] = 1, --Nation of Adoration
["9517"] = 1, --Nemesis: Death Stalker
["9520"] = 1, --Nemesis: Huojin's Fall
["9518"] = 1, --Nemesis: Killer of Kezan
["9519"] = 1, --Nemesis: Orcslayer
["9516"] = 1, --Nemesis: Slayer of Sin'dorei
["9521"] = 1, --Nemesis: The Butcher
["9522"] = 1, --Nemesis: Troll Hunter
["7527"] = 1, --No Tank You
["2421"] = 1, --Noble Garden
["1762"] = 1, --Not Even a Scratch
["203"] = 1, --Not In My House
["33"] = 1, --Nothing Boring About Borean
["3576"] = 1, --Now We're Cookin'
["7946"] = 1, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 1)
["9171"] = 1, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 2)
["8011"] = 1, --Number Five Is Alive
["899"] = 1, --Oh My, Kurenai
["9528"] = 1, --On the Shadow's Trail
["9408"] = 1, --Operation Counterattack
["4786"] = 1, --Operation: Gnomeregan
["8205"] = 1, --Operation: Shieldwall
["7928"] = 1, --Operation: Shieldwall Campaign
["5167"] = 1, --Orc Slayer
["610"] = 1, --Orgrimmar Offensive
["1782"] = 1, --Our Daily Bread
["6828"] = 1, --Pandaren Ambassador
["6644"] = 1, --Pandaren Embassy
["6532"] = 1, --Pandaren Slayer
["10172"] = 1, --Petty Officer
["3556"] = 1, --Pilgrim's Paunch
["3580"] = 1, --Pilgrim's Peril
["3596"] = 1, --Pilgrim's Progress
["8642"] = 1, --Prideful Combatant
["8451"] = 1, --Prideful Conquest
["9238"] = 1, --Primal Combatant
["9234"] = 1, --Primal Conquest
["5330"] = 1, --Private
["442"] = 1, --Private
["8923"] = 1, --Putting the Gore in Gorgrond
["202"] = 1, --Quick Cap
["7949"] = 1, --Rabble Rabble Rabble (Season 2)
["4902"] = 1, --Redridge Mountains Quests
["9256"] = 1, --Rescue Operation
["3846"] = 1, --Resource Glut
["1040"] = 1, --Rotten Hallow
["10072"] = 1, --Rumble in the Jungle
["9478"] = 1, --Savage Friends
["7448"] = 1, --Scenario Roundup
["6874"] = 1, --Scenaturday
["1255"] = 1, --Scrooge
["9564"] = 1, --Securing Draenor
["5332"] = 1, --Sergeant
["471"] = 1, --Sergeant
["5334"] = 1, --Sergeant Major
["440"] = 1, --Sergeant Major
["9476"] = 1, --Sha'tari Defense
["9602"] = 1, --Shoot For the Moon
["713"] = 1, --Silverwing Sentinel
["4869"] = 1, --Sinking into Vashj'ir
["6537"] = 1, --Slum It in the Summit
["5213"] = 1, --Soaring Spirits
["13228"] = 1, --Sinister Combatant
["11024"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 1
["11036"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 2
["11049"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 3
["11050"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 4
["9995"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Warlords Season 1
["10104"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Warlords Season 2
["10120"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
["4937"] = 1, --Southern Barrens Quests
["2419"] = 1, --Spring Fling
["5152"] = 1, --Stay Classy
["4936"] = 1, --Stonetalon Mountains Quests
["707"] = 1, --Stormpike Battle Charger
["220"] = 1, --Stormpike Perfection
["1184"] = 1, --Strange Brew
["206"] = 1, --Supreme Defender
["9225"] = 1, --Take Them Out
["6030"] = 1, --Taking the Show on the Road
["6603"] = 1, --Taming Eastern Kingdoms
["10350"] = 1, --Tanaan Diplomat
["5168"] = 1, --Tauren Slayer
["9828"] = 1, --Ten Hit Tunes
["1191"] = 1, --Terror of Terokkar
["764"] = 1, --The Burning Crusader
["942"] = 1, --The Diplomat
["1034"] = 1, --The Fires of Azeroth
["11558"] = 1, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild
["7947"] = 1, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1 or 2)
["1038"] = 1, --The Flame Warden
["9491"] = 1, --The Garrison Campaign
["907"] = 1, --The Justicar
["10743"] = 1, --The Prestige
["11563"] = 1, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild
["7940"] = 1, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1)
["9169"] = 1, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 2)
["9540"] = 1, --The Stable Master
["1012"] = 1, --The Winds of the North
["7523"] = 1, --Theramore's Fall
["7467"] = 1, --Theramore's Fall
["9714"] = 1, --Thy Kingdom Come
["1189"] = 1, --To Hellfire and Back
["5417"] = 1, --Tol Barad Veteran
["10988"] = 1, --Top Honors
["4296"] = 1, --Trial of the Champion
["966"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms
["963"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
["5836"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Northrend
["969"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Outland
["7601"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of Pandaria
["5837"] = 1, --Tricks and Treats of the Cataclysm
["5170"] = 1, --Troll Slayer
["12040"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 5
["12179"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 6
["12189"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 7
["13189"] = 1, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild
["8218"] = 1, --Tyrannical Conquest
["5169"] = 1, --Undead Slayer
["5812"] = 1, --United Nations
["6300"] = 1, --Upjade Complete
["5328"] = 1, --Veteran of the Alliance
["5823"] = 1, --Veteran of the Alliance II
["9729"] = 1, --Victory in Hillsbrad
["13302"] = 1, --Under Cover of Darkness
["13538"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (10)
["13831"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (20)
["10998"] = 1, --Vindictive Combatant
["5329"] = 1, --Warbound Veteran of the Alliance
["9738"] = 1, --Warlord of Draenor
["10095"] = 1, --Warmongering Combatant
["4885"] = 1, --Wildhammer Clan
["13147"] = 1, --8.0 Darkshore Skip Unlock - Alliance
["13173"] = 1, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Mugamba Overlook - Unlocked (KMS)
["13741"] = 1, -- Nazjatar - Flight Master Whistle Upgrade - Alliance (DNT)
["5171"] = 1, --Blood Elf Slayer
["5156"] = 1, --Classy Draenei
["5153"] = 1, --Classy Night Elves
["11022"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 1
["5126"] = 1, --Dungeon Diplomat
["8042"] = 1, --Extinguishing Pandaria
["8382"] = 1, --Grievous Conquest
["11047"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 3
["12038"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 5
["12191"] = 1, --Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 7
["12173"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Dominant
["11030"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Fearless
["8243"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Malevolent
["8658"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Prideful
["9230"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Primal
["8364"] = 1, --Heroic: Battle on the High Seas
["7526"] = 1, --Kite Fight
["8010"] = 1, --Lion's Landing
["1151"] = 1, --Loyal Defender
["1762"] = 1, --Not Even a Scratch
["9408"] = 1, --Operation Counterattack
["8451"] = 1, --Prideful Conquest
["12731"] = 1, --Professional Kul Tiran Master
["10104"] = 1, --Soldier of the Alliance: Warlords Season 2
["5168"] = 1, --Tauren Slayer
["13823"] = 1, --Vicious Saddle (12)
["10091"] = 1, --Warmongering Conquest
["8012"] = 1, --Waste Not, Want Not
["7860"] = 1, --We're Going to Need More Saddles
["8921"] = 1, --Welcome to Draenor
["4903"] = 1, --Westfall and Duskwood Quests
["10093"] = 1, --Wild Combatant
["10089"] = 1, --Wild Conquest
["4885"] = 1, --Wildhammer Clan
["5481"] = 1, --Wildhammer Tour of Duty
["3356"] = 1, --Winterspring Frostsaber
["604"] = 1, --Wrath of the Alliance
["9530"] = 1, --Writing in the Snow
["9474"] = 1, --Wrynn's Vanguard
["11560"] = 1, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates
["7937"] = 1, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 1)
["9168"] = 1, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 2)
["5319"] = 2, --20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
["8031"] = 2, --A Test of Valor
["4079"] = 2, --A Tribute to Immortality
["5854"] = 2, --A-Caroling We Will Go
["10276"] = 2, --Admiral
["9705"] = 2, --Advanced Husbandry
["5179"] = 2, --Alliance Slayer
["762"] = 2, --Ambassador of the Horde
["7844"] = 2, --Ambassadors
["13178"] = 1, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Vulture's Nest - Unlocked (KMS)
["8314"] = 1, --Battle on the High Seas
["10118"] = 1, --Defender of the Alliance: Warlords Season 3
["6939"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Cataclysmic
["12197"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Demonic
["10102"] = 1, --Hero of the Alliance: Wild
["5111"] = 1, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run
["9520"] = 1, --Nemesis: Huojin's Fall
["12888"] = 1, --Strike Hard
["965"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
["967"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms
["11861"] = 2, --The Throne of Zuldazar
["12481"] = 2, --The Final Seal
["5835"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Northrend
["1041"] = 2, --Rotten Hallow
["13466"] = 2, --Tides of Vengeance
["7602"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Pandaria
["968"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Outland
["12478"] = 2, --Secrets in the Sands
["5838"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of the Cataclysm
["12480"] = 2, --A Bargain of Blood
["12479"] = 2, --Zandalar Forever!
["12509"] = 2, --Ready for War
["11868"] = 2, --The Dark Heart of Nazmir
["13645"] = 2, --Nautical Battlefield Training
["12719"] = 2, --Spirits Be With You
["13030"] = 2, --How to Ptrain Your Pterrordax
["13542"] = 2, --How to Train Your Direhorn
["13761"] = 2, --Aqua Team Murder Force
["13020"] = 2, --Bow to Your Masters
["13924"] = 2, --The Fourth War
["13700"] = 2, --The Mechagonian Threat
["10349"] = 2, --Tanaan Diplomat
["13437"] = 2, --Scavenge like a Vulpera
["12950"] = 2, --Zandalari Empire
["13263"] = 2, --The Shadow Hunter
["9562"] = 2, --Securing Draenor
["10355"] = 2, --Lord of the Reins
["8919"] = 2, --Don't Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out
["12934"] = 2, --A Horde of Hoofbeats
["1273"] = 2, --Nagrand Slam
["13022"] = 2, --Revenge is Best Served Speedily
["8928"] = 2, --Nagrandeur
["7929"] = 2, --Dominance Offensive Campaign
["13709"] = 2, --Unfathomable
["13930"] = 2, --Alterac Valley of Olde
["8926"] = 2, --Between Arak and a Hard Place
["2537"] = 2, --Mountain o' Mounts
["12614"] = 2, --Loa Expectations
["12931"] = 2, --No Stable Big Enough
["9706"] = 2, --The Stable Master
["619"] = 2, --For the Horde!
["9599"] = 2, --Mountacular
["4927"] = 2, --Azshara Quests
["12568"] = 2, --The Alliance Slayer
["4976"] = 2, --Ashenvale Quests
["12604"] = 2, --Conqueror of Azeroth
["13014"] = 2, --Vorrik's Champion
["4979"] = 2, --Feralas Quests
["13041"] = 2, --Hungry, Hungry Ranishu
["8924"] = 2, --Putting the Gore in Gorgrond
["8302"] = 2, --Mount Parade
["13039"] = 2, --Paku'ai
["13009"] = 2, --Adept Sandfisher
["8671"] = 2, --You'll Get Caught Up In The... Frostfire!
["1358"] = 2, --Nothing Boring About Borean
["9836"] = 2, --Master Relic Hunter
["9132"] = 2, --Garrison Buddies
["12555"] = 2, --Welcome to Zandalar
["12949"] = 2, --The Voldunai
["13573"] = 2, --How to Ptrain Your Pterrordax
["4978"] = 2, --Dustwallow Marsh Quests
["12759"] = 2, --Baiting the Enemy
["4933"] = 2, --Northern Barrens Quests
["9923"] = 2, --Loremaster of Draenor
["13284"] = 2, --Frontline Warrior
["13750"] = 2, --Battle-Scarred: Neri Sharpfin
["13038"] = 2, --Raptari Rider
["9492"] = 2, --The Garrison Campaign
["6602"] = 2, --Taming Kalimdor
["443"] = 2, --High Warlord
["7862"] = 2, --We're Going to Need More Saddles
["8922"] = 2, --Welcome to Draenor
["9914"] = 2, --Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes
["4927"] = 2, --Azshara Quests
["8315"] = 2, --Battle on the High Seas
["9705"] = 2, --Advanced Husbandry
["4981"] = 2, --Southern Barrens Quests
["5158"] = 2, --Stay Classy
["12957"] = 2, --Champion of the Honorbound
["12867"] = 2, --Azeroth at War: The Barrens
["9531"] = 2, --Writing in the Snow
["13757"] = 2, --Battle-Scarred: Vim Brineheart
["9475"] = 2, --Laughing Skull Orcs
["3357"] = 2, --Venomhide Ravasaur
["1272"] = 2, --Terror of Terokkar
["2788"] = 2, --Champion of the Horde
["615"] = 2, --Storming Stormwind
["5227"] = 2, --Cloud Nine
["2816"] = 2, --Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde
["4908"] = 2, --Ghostlands Quests
["13388"] = 2, --Frontline Veteran
["13017"] = 2, --Champion of the Vulpera
["9477"] = 2, --Savage Friends
["1039"] = 2, --The Flame Keeper
["13749"] = 2, --Veteran: Neri Sharpfin
["13438"] = 2, --Boxing Match
["2769"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of the Undercity
["1359"] = 2, --Might of Dragonblight
["1271"] = 2, --To Hellfire and Back
["9508"] = 2, --Warlord of Draenor
["5325"] = 2, --Veteran of the Horde
["4980"] = 2, --Stonetalon Mountains Quests
["13291"] = 2, --Victory or Death
["5454"] = 2, --Joy Ride
["13294"] = 2, --Loremaster of Zandalar
["13756"] = 2, --Battle-Scarred: Poen Gillbrack
["10016"] = 2, --Full Discography
["10075"] = 2, --Draenor's Last Stand
["1356"] = 2, --I've Toured the Fjord
["6827"] = 2, --Pandaren Ambassador
["12764"] = 2, --Zandalari Curator
["13309"] = 2, --Deforester
["12869"] = 2, --Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron
["9255"] = 2, --Mythic Draenor Raider
["1175"] = 2, --Battlemaster
["4895"] = 2, --Hillsbrad Foothills Quests
["469"] = 2, --Legionnaire
["616"] = 2, --Overthrow the Council
["2767"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City
["603"] = 2, --Wrath of the Horde
["13441"] = 2, --Pushing the Payload
["4079"] = 2, --A Tribute to Immortality
["2765"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar
["9512"] = 2, --Nemesis: Manslayer
["943"] = 2, --The Diplomat
["714"] = 2, --The Conqueror
["7524"] = 2, --Theramore's Fall
["618"] = 2, --Putting Out the Light
["6538"] = 2, --Slum It in the Summit
["10745"] = 2, --The Prestige
["13559"] = 2, --The Unshackled
["10265"] = 2, --Rumble in the Jungle
["5501"] = 2, --Fading into Twilight
["4437"] = 2, --BB King
["8926"] = 2, --Between Arak and a Hard Place
["5351"] = 2, --Blood Guard
["9177"] = 2, --Deck Your Collection (Season 2)
["2768"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff
["2017"] = 2, --Grizzled Veteran
["7468"] = 2, --Theramore's Fall
["13752"] = 2, --Veteran: Vim Brineheart
["5850"] = 2, --Fish or Cut Bait: Undercity
["5356"] = 2, --High Warlord
["710"] = 2, --The Defiler
["5892"] = 2, --United Nations
["2783"] = 2, --Champion of Orgrimmar
["1357"] = 2, --Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle
["5492"] = 2, --Guild Level 25
["6536"] = 2, --Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger
["9513"] = 2, --Nemesis: Scourge of the Kaldorei
["451"] = 2, --Stone Guard
["13751"] = 2, --Veteran: Poen Gillbrack
["10074"] = 2, --In Pursuit of Gul'dan
["6534"] = 2, --Upjade Complete
["9473"] = 2, --Vol'jin's Spear
["11561"] = 2, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 3)
["3957"] = 2, --Master of Isle of Conquest
["2787"] = 2, --Champion of the Undercity
["10307"] = 2, --Exploring the High Seas
["9901"] = 2, --Don't Call Me Junior
["13435"] = 2, --Doomsoul Surprise
["9606"] = 2, --Frostfire Fridge
["5719"] = 2, --Just Another Day in Tol Barad
["762"] = 2, --Ambassador of the Horde
["2784"] = 2, --Champion of Sen'jin
["11170"] = 2, --Crest of Devastation
["2766"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Sen'jin
["706"] = 2, --Frostwolf Howler
["5355"] = 2, --General
["3581"] = 2, --Pilgrim's Peril
["9897"] = 2, --Ten Hit Tunes
["11559"] = 2, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild
["5179"] = 2, --Alliance Slayer
["449"] = 2, --Blood Guard
["9103"] = 2, --Bounty Hunter
["7942"] = 2, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 1)
["9174"] = 2, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 2)
["1685"] = 2, --Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's
["909"] = 2, --Call to Arms!
["5338"] = 2, --Centurion
["448"] = 2, --Centurion
["5353"] = 2, --Champion
["447"] = 2, --Champion
["2783"] = 2, --Champion of Orgrimmar
["2784"] = 2, --Champion of Sen'jin
["2785"] = 2, --Champion of Silvermoon City
["2788"] = 2, --Champion of the Horde
["2787"] = 2, --Champion of the Undercity
["2786"] = 2, --Champion of Thunder Bluff
["8008"] = 2, --Chapter II: Wrathion's War
["10148"] = 2, --Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate
["1026"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Kalimdor
["13738"] = 2, --Heroic: Tour of War
["7948"] = 2, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1 or 2)
["8020"] = 2, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 1)
["2785"] = 2, --Champion of Silvermoon City
["445"] = 2, --Warlord
["13021"] = 2, --A Most Efficient Apocalypse
["1685"] = 2, --Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's
["447"] = 2, --Champion
["8342"] = 2, --Collect Your Deck (Season 2)
["11168"] = 2, --Crest of Carnage
["8307"] = 2, --Darkspear Revolutionary
["2771"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of the Horde
["5849"] = 2, --Fish or Cut Bait: Thunder Bluff
["446"] = 2, --General
["3597"] = 2, --Pilgrim's Progress
["5345"] = 2, --Scout
["12948"] = 2, --Talanji's Expedition
["5326"] = 2, --Warbringer of the Horde
["5342"] = 2, --Warlord
["10258"] = 2, --Charting a Course
["13290"] = 2, --Death's Bargain
["1031"] = 2, --Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms
["5477"] = 2, --Fish or Cut Bait: Orgrimmar
["9471"] = 2, --Frostwolf Orcs
["454"] = 2, --Scout
["13747"] = 2, --Seasoned: Poen Gillbrack
["4894"] = 2, --Silverpine Forest Quests
["13227"] = 2, --Sinister Combatant
["1203"] = 2, --Strange Brew
["7939"] = 2, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1)
["13192"] = 2, --Brawler for Azeroth
["452"] = 2, --First Sergeant
["617"] = 2, --Immortal No More
["13025"] = 2, --Zandalari Spycatcher
["5353"] = 2, --Champion
["9080"] = 2, --Choppin' Even More Logs
["5194"] = 2, --City Attacker
["13403"] = 2, --Frontline Slayer
["5346"] = 2, --Grunt
["9509"] = 2, --Nemesis: Draenei Destroyer
["2420"] = 2, --Noble Garden
["8022"] = 2, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 1)
["8014"] = 2, --Number Five Is Alive
["13746"] = 2, --Seasoned: Neri Sharpfin
["5348"] = 2, --Senior Sergeant
["5351"] = 2, --Blood Guard
["9248"] = 2, --Defender of Draenor
["1032"] = 2, --Extinguishing Kalimdor
["5349"] = 2, --First Sergeant
["1025"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms
["1280"] = 2, --Flirt With Disaster
["5321"] = 2, --King of the Mountain
["8680"] = 2, --Liberator of Orgrimmar
["9515"] = 2, --Nemesis: Worgen Hunter
["7449"] = 2, --Scenario Roundup
["12879"] = 2, --Tour of War
["3778"] = 2, --Trial of the Champion
["5824"] = 2, --Veteran of the Horde II
["10997"] = 2, --Vindictive Combatant
["13188"] = 2, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates
["5854"] = 2, --A-Caroling We Will Go
["5482"] = 2, --Dragonmaw Tour of Duty
["11566"] = 2, --King of the Guild (Season 3)
["5352"] = 2, --Legionnaire
["5354"] = 2, --Lieutenant General
["926"] = 2, --Most Horde factions at Exalted
["1698"] = 2, --Nation of Adoration
["9510"] = 2, --Nemesis: Dwarfstalker
["9529"] = 2, --On the Shadow's Trail
["259"] = 2, --Scrooge
["2497"] = 2, --Spring Fling
["5350"] = 2, --Stone Guard
["13135"] = 2, --Team Deathmatch
["1036"] = 2, --The Fires of Azeroth
["13453"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (1)
["13140"] = 2, --8.0 Lordaeron Skip Unlock - Horde
["12870"] = 2, --Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire
["9103"] = 2, --Bounty Hunter
["10148"] = 2, --Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate
["1037"] = 2, --Desecration of the Alliance
["1027"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Outland
["12878"] = 2, --Leader of Troops
["9511"] = 2, --Nemesis: Gnomebane
["9514"] = 2, --Nemesis: Terror of the Tushui
["9257"] = 2, --Rescue Operation
["5347"] = 2, --Sergeant
["763"] = 2, --The Burning Crusader
["3677"] = 2, --The Sunreavers
["12761"] = 2, --Zandalari Archaeologist
["448"] = 2, --Centurion
["11005"] = 2, --Cruel Combatant
["13340"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Zandalar
["5376"] = 2, --Hellscream's Reach
["444"] = 2, --Lieutenant General
["2192"] = 2, --Not Even a Scratch
["3577"] = 2, --Now We're Cookin'
["8450"] = 2, --Prideful Conquest
["7942"] = 2, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 1)
["1006"] = 2, --City Defender
["5128"] = 2, --Classic Battles
["5163"] = 2, --Classy Blood Elves
["5161"] = 2, --Classy Tauren
["12230"] = 2, --Collector's Edition: Gilded Ravasaur
["5145"] = 2, --Dungeon Diplomat
["11173"] = 2, --Fighting with Style: War-torn
["8044"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Pandaria
["6941"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde
["5843"] = 2, --Let's Do Lunch: Thunder Bluff
["3557"] = 2, --Pilgrim's Paunch
["13748"] = 2, --Seasoned: Vim Brineheart
["12877"] = 2, --Strike Hard
["1011"] = 2, --The Winds of the North
["712"] = 2, --Warsong Outrider
["4790"] = 2, --Zalazane's Fall
["5319"] = 2, --20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
["909"] = 2, --Call to Arms!
["5165"] = 2, --Classy Goblins
["5160"] = 2, --Classy Orcs
["6625"] = 2, --Classy Pandaren
["5161"] = 2, --Classy Tauren
["5162"] = 2, --Classy Trolls
["5164"] = 2, --Classy Undead
["5227"] = 2, --Cloud Nine
["8342"] = 2, --Collect Your Deck (Season 2)
["11168"] = 2, --Crest of Carnage
["11170"] = 2, --Crest of Devastation
["11166"] = 2, --Crest of Heroism
["11005"] = 2, --Cruel Combatant
["8307"] = 2, --Darkspear Revolutionary
["593"] = 2, --Deaths from Vanndar Stormpike
["8343"] = 2, --Deck Your Collection (Season 1)
["9177"] = 2, --Deck Your Collection (Season 2)
["9248"] = 2, --Defender of Draenor
["4256"] = 2, --Demolition Derby
["12031"] = 2, --Fierce Combatant
["873"] = 2, --Frostwolf Perfection
["5176"] = 2, --Gnome Slayer
["11029"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Fearless
["13644"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Notorious
["13735"] = 2, --Heroic: War is Hell
["13295"] = 2, --Mythic: Jadefire Masters
["453"] = 2, --Sergeant
["8209"] = 2, --Sunreaver Onslaught
["11564"] = 2, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 3)
["8015"] = 2, --Waste Not, Want Not
["5228"] = 2, --Wild Hammering
["12737"] = 2, --Zandalari Master of All
["8031"] = 2, --A Test of Valor
["5164"] = 2, --Classy Undead
["11055"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 4
["13289"] = 2, --Defense of Dazar'alor
["2200"] = 2, --Defense of the Ancients
["13342"] = 2, --Extinguishing Kul Tiras
["6012"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Cataclysm
["6009"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Northrend
["8484"] = 2, --Grievous Combatant
["5435"] = 2, --Guild Generals
["708"] = 2, --Hero of the Frostwolf Clan
["11042"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Cruel
["12964"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Dread
["5358"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Vicious
["8055"] = 2, --Khan
["1783"] = 2, --Our Daily Bread
["6533"] = 2, --Pandaren Slayer
["7950"] = 2, --Rabble Rabble Rabble (Season 2)
["4982"] = 2, --Sinking into Vashj'ir
["13037"] = 2, --Torcanata
["13523"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (4)
["9566"] = 2, --Victory in Hillsbrad
["12735"] = 2, --Working in Zandalar
["12472"] = 2, -- Zandalar Intro Breadcrumb Launch
["9174"] = 2, --Brawlin' and Shot Callin' (Season 2)
["13254"] = 2, --Defeat 2 Commanders (Horde) (Hidden)
["11023"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 1
["1164"] = 2, --Everything Counts
["11277"] = 2, --Extinguishing Draenor
["6010"] = 2, --Extinguishing Northrend
["13056"] = 2, --Giving a Scrap
["8337"] = 2, --Having a Brawl (Season 1)
["12196"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Demonic
["11057"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Ferocious
["9231"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Primal
["9215"] = 2, --Hero of Warspear
["5475"] = 2, --Let's Do Lunch: Orgrimmar
["5844"] = 2, --Let's Do Lunch: Undercity
["224"] = 2, --Loyal Defender
["901"] = 2, --Mag'har of Draenor
["7530"] = 2, --No Tank You
["10255"] = 2, --Petty Officer
["9236"] = 2, --Primal Combatant
["9233"] = 2, --Primal Conquest
["6031"] = 2, --Taking the Show on the Road
["13190"] = 2, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild
["13813"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (12)
["13814"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (13)
["13816"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (15)
["13521"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (2)
["12743"] = 2, --Zandalari Cook
["12754"] = 2, --Zandalari Fisherman
["13148"] = 2, --8.0 Darkshore Skip Unlock - Horde
["13154"] = 2, --8.0 Lordaeron Push - Horde (UNUSED DELETE ME)
["10276"] = 2, --Admiral
["5194"] = 2, --City Attacker
["11033"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 2
["5222"] = 2, --Fire, Walk With Me
["11282"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of the Broken Isles
["13336"] = 2, --Grong kills (Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["5124"] = 2, --Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero
["8659"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Prideful
["10103"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Wild
["8366"] = 2, --Heroic: Battle on the High Seas
["13636"] = 2, --Notorious Combatant
["9175"] = 2, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 2)
["13307"] = 2, --Recruitment Officer
["12178"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 6
["8093"] = 2, --Tyrannical Conquest
["13529"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (10)
["13821"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (20)
["13185"] = 2, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Wolf's Den - Unlocked (KMS)
["13742"] = 2, -- Nazjatar - Flight Master Whistle Upgrade - Horde (DNT)
["5163"] = 2, --Classy Blood Elves
["5160"] = 2, --Classy Orcs
["5162"] = 2, --Classy Trolls
["13540"] = 2, --Deaths from Battle for Wintergrasp
["12043"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 5
["5552"] = 2, --Double Jeopardy
["13136"] = 2, --Dread Combatant
["1033"] = 2, --Extinguishing Outland
["6014"] = 2, --Extinguishing the Cataclysm
["11284"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Draenor
["700"] = 2, --Freedom of the Horde
["11046"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 3
["10117"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Warlords Season 3
["5437"] = 2, --Guild Warlords
["12041"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Fierce
["8657"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Grievous
["5173"] = 2, --Human Slayer
["8338"] = 2, --I've Got the Biggest Brawls of Them All (Season 1)
["5269"] = 2, --In Service of the Horde
["5490"] = 2, --Master of Tol Barad
["12733"] = 2, --Professional Zandalari Master
["450"] = 2, --Senior Sergeant
["5214"] = 2, --Soaring Spirits
["12044"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 5
["9715"] = 2, --Thy Kingdom Come
["13812"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (11)
["13817"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (16)
["13522"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (3)
["13524"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (5)
["13526"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (7)
["13527"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (8)
["13528"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (9)
["12873"] = 2, --War is Hell
["10088"] = 2, --Wild Conquest
["5178"] = 2, --Worgen Slayer
["13181"] = 2, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Hillcrest Pasture - Unlocked (KMS)
["13184"] = 2, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Stonefist Watch - Unlocked (KMS)
["13183"] = 2, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Windfall Cavern - Unlocked (KMS)
["7844"] = 2, --Ambassadors
["593"] = 2, --Deaths from Vanndar Stormpike
["11044"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 3
["11055"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 4
["10001"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Warlords Season 1
["12174"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 6
["12194"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 7
["10107"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Warlords Season 2
["10119"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Warlords Season 3
["2200"] = 2, --Defense of the Ancients
["4256"] = 2, --Demolition Derby
["1037"] = 2, --Desecration of the Alliance
["2476"] = 2, --Destruction Derby
["7843"] = 2, --Diplomacy
["8206"] = 2, --Dominance Offensive
["7929"] = 2, --Dominance Offensive Campaign
["8013"] = 2, --Domination Point
["9901"] = 2, --Don't Call Me Junior
["8919"] = 2, --Don't Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out
["5552"] = 2, --Double Jeopardy
["5177"] = 2, --Draenei Slayer
["10075"] = 2, --Draenor's Last Stand
["4886"] = 2, --Dragonmaw Clan
["5482"] = 2, --Dragonmaw Tour of Duty
["5145"] = 2, --Dungeon Diplomat
["4978"] = 2, --Dustwallow Marsh Quests
["5175"] = 2, --Dwarf Slayer
["9546"] = 2, --Even More Plots
["1164"] = 2, --Everything Counts
["2816"] = 2, --Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde
["2765"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar
["2766"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Sen'jin
["2767"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City
["2771"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of the Horde
["2769"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of the Undercity
["2768"] = 2, --Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff
["10307"] = 2, --Exploring the High Seas
["11277"] = 2, --Extinguishing Draenor
["1031"] = 2, --Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms
["1032"] = 2, --Extinguishing Kalimdor
["6010"] = 2, --Extinguishing Northrend
["1033"] = 2, --Extinguishing Outland
["8043"] = 2, --Extinguishing Pandaria
["11279"] = 2, --Extinguishing the Broken Isles
["6014"] = 2, --Extinguishing the Cataclysm
["5501"] = 2, --Fading into Twilight
["11003"] = 2, --Fearless Combatant
["4979"] = 2, --Feralas Quests
["11009"] = 2, --Ferocious Combatant
["11173"] = 2, --Fighting with Style: War-torn
["5222"] = 2, --Fire, Walk With Me
["5349"] = 2, --First Sergeant
["452"] = 2, --First Sergeant
["5477"] = 2, --Fish or Cut Bait: Orgrimmar
["5849"] = 2, --Fish or Cut Bait: Thunder Bluff
["5850"] = 2, --Fish or Cut Bait: Undercity
["6012"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Cataclysm
["11284"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Draenor
["1025"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms
["1026"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Kalimdor
["6009"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Northrend
["1027"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Outland
["8044"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of Pandaria
["11282"] = 2, --Flame Keeper of the Broken Isles
["10275"] = 2, --Fleet Commander
["1280"] = 2, --Flirt With Disaster
["1357"] = 2, --Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle
["619"] = 2, --For the Horde!
["700"] = 2, --Freedom of the Horde
["9606"] = 2, --Frostfire Fridge
["706"] = 2, --Frostwolf Howler
["9471"] = 2, --Frostwolf Orcs
["873"] = 2, --Frostwolf Perfection
["10016"] = 2, --Full Discography
["9132"] = 2, --Garrison Buddies
["5355"] = 2, --General
["446"] = 2, --General
["4908"] = 2, --Ghostlands Quests
["5176"] = 2, --Gnome Slayer
["8484"] = 2, --Grievous Combatant
["8381"] = 2, --Grievous Conquest
["2017"] = 2, --Grizzled Veteran
["5346"] = 2, --Grunt
["13357"] = 2, --Flamefist and the Illuminated kills (Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13354"] = 2, --Flamefist and the Illuminated kills (Raid Finder Battle of Dazar'alor)
["468"] = 2, --Grunt
["11021"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 1
["11031"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 2
["11046"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 3
["11053"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 4
["10000"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Warlords Season 1
["12042"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 5
["10109"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Warlords Season 2
["10117"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Warlords Season 3
["5440"] = 2, --Guild Battlemasters
["5433"] = 2, --Guild Champions
["5435"] = 2, --Guild Generals
["5439"] = 2, --Guild High Warlords
["5492"] = 2, --Guild Level 25
["5124"] = 2, --Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero
["5437"] = 2, --Guild Warlords
["8337"] = 2, --Having a Brawl (Season 1)
["5376"] = 2, --Hellscream's Reach
["708"] = 2, --Hero of the Frostwolf Clan
["6941"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde
["6940"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Cataclysmic
["11042"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Cruel
["11029"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Fearless
["11057"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Ferocious
["8657"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Grievous
["8244"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Malevolent
["8659"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Prideful
["9231"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Primal
["6317"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Ruthless
["12172"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Dominant
["13211"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Sinister
["8653"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Tyrannical
["5358"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Vicious
["11019"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Vindictive
["10115"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Warmongering
["10103"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Wild
["9215"] = 2, --Hero of Warspear
["8366"] = 2, --Heroic: Battle on the High Seas
["4297"] = 2, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion
["5110"] = 2, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run
["5356"] = 2, --High Warlord
["443"] = 2, --High Warlord
["4895"] = 2, --Hillsbrad Foothills Quests
["5173"] = 2, --Human Slayer
["5220"] = 2, --I'm in the Black Lodge
["8338"] = 2, --I've Got the Biggest Brawls of Them All (Season 1)
["1356"] = 2, --I've Toured the Fjord
["617"] = 2, --Immortal No More
["10074"] = 2, --In Pursuit of Gul'dan
["5269"] = 2, --In Service of the Horde
["5323"] = 2, --In Service of the Horde
["5324"] = 2, --In Service of the Horde
["5454"] = 2, --Joy Ride
["5719"] = 2, --Just Another Day in Tol Barad
["8055"] = 2, --Khan
["11566"] = 2, --King of the Guild
["5321"] = 2, --King of the Mountain
["7529"] = 2, --Kite Fight
["1005"] = 2, --Know Thy Enemy
["9475"] = 2, --Laughing Skull Orcs
["5352"] = 2, --Legionnaire
["469"] = 2, --Legionnaire
["5475"] = 2, --Let's Do Lunch: Orgrimmar
["5843"] = 2, --Let's Do Lunch: Thunder Bluff
["5844"] = 2, --Let's Do Lunch: Undercity
["8680"] = 2, --Liberator of Orgrimmar
["5354"] = 2, --Lieutenant General
["444"] = 2, --Lieutenant General
["10355"] = 2, --Lord of the Reins
["9923"] = 2, --Loremaster of Draenor
["224"] = 2, --Loyal Defender
["901"] = 2, --Mag'har of Draenor
["3957"] = 2, --Master of Isle of Conquest
["5490"] = 2, --Master of Tol Barad
["9836"] = 2, --Master Relic Hunter
["1359"] = 2, --Might of Dragonblight
["6536"] = 2, --Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger
["4177"] = 2, --Mine
["9545"] = 2, --More Plots
["926"] = 2, --Most Horde factions at Exalted
["8302"] = 2, --Mount Parade
["9599"] = 2, --Mountacular
["2537"] = 2, --Mountain o' Mounts
["9255"] = 2, --Mythic Draenor Raider
["1273"] = 2, --Nagrand Slam
["8928"] = 2, --Nagrandeur
["1698"] = 2, --Nation of Adoration
["9509"] = 2, --Nemesis: Draenei Destroyer
["9510"] = 2, --Nemesis: Dwarfstalker
["9511"] = 2, --Nemesis: Gnomebane
["9512"] = 2, --Nemesis: Manslayer
["9513"] = 2, --Nemesis: Scourge of the Kaldorei
["9514"] = 2, --Nemesis: Terror of the Tushui
["9515"] = 2, --Nemesis: Worgen Hunter
["5174"] = 2, --Night Elf Slayer
["7530"] = 2, --No Tank You
["2420"] = 2, --Noble Garden
["4933"] = 2, --Northern Barrens Quests
["2192"] = 2, --Not Even a Scratch
["13306"] = 2, --Night Moves
["1251"] = 2, --Not In My House
["1358"] = 2, --Nothing Boring About Borean
["3577"] = 2, --Now We're Cookin'
["8022"] = 2, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 1)
["9175"] = 2, --Now You're Just Showing Off (Season 2)
["8014"] = 2, --Number Five Is Alive
["9529"] = 2, --On the Shadow's Trail
["9217"] = 2, --Operation Counterattack
["1783"] = 2, --Our Daily Bread
["616"] = 2, --Overthrow the Council
["6827"] = 2, --Pandaren Ambassador
["6664"] = 2, --Pandaren Embassy
["6533"] = 2, --Pandaren Slayer
["10255"] = 2, --Petty Officer
["3557"] = 2, --Pilgrim's Paunch
["3581"] = 2, --Pilgrim's Peril
["3597"] = 2, --Pilgrim's Progress
["8641"] = 2, --Prideful Combatant
["8450"] = 2, --Prideful Conquest
["9236"] = 2, --Primal Combatant
["9233"] = 2, --Primal Conquest
["618"] = 2, --Putting Out the Light
["8924"] = 2, --Putting the Gore in Gorgrond
["1502"] = 2, --Quick Cap
["7950"] = 2, --Rabble Rabble Rabble (Season 2)
["9257"] = 2, --Rescue Operation
["4176"] = 2, --Resource Glut
["1041"] = 2, --Rotten Hallow
["10265"] = 2, --Rumble in the Jungle
["9477"] = 2, --Savage Friends
["7449"] = 2, --Scenario Roundup
["7509"] = 2, --Scenaturday
["5345"] = 2, --Scout
["454"] = 2, --Scout
["259"] = 2, --Scrooge
["9562"] = 2, --Securing Draenor
["5348"] = 2, --Senior Sergeant
["450"] = 2, --Senior Sergeant
["5347"] = 2, --Sergeant
["453"] = 2, --Sergeant
["4894"] = 2, --Silverpine Forest Quests
["4982"] = 2, --Sinking into Vashj'ir
["6538"] = 2, --Slum It in the Summit
["5214"] = 2, --Soaring Spirits
["11025"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 1
["11035"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 2
["11048"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 3
["11051"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 4
["12190"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 7
["9998"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Warlords Season 1
["10105"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Warlords Season 2
["10121"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Warlords Season 3
["4981"] = 2, --Southern Barrens Quests
["2497"] = 2, --Spring Fling
["5158"] = 2, --Stay Classy
["5350"] = 2, --Stone Guard
["451"] = 2, --Stone Guard
["4980"] = 2, --Stonetalon Mountains Quests
["615"] = 2, --Storming Stormwind
["1203"] = 2, --Strange Brew
["8209"] = 2, --Sunreaver Onslaught
["1252"] = 2, --Supreme Defender
["9224"] = 2, --Take Them Out
["6031"] = 2, --Taking the Show on the Road
["6602"] = 2, --Taming Kalimdor
["10349"] = 2, --Tanaan Diplomat
["9897"] = 2, --Ten Hit Tunes
["1272"] = 2, --Terror of Terokkar
["763"] = 2, --The Burning Crusader
["714"] = 2, --The Conqueror
["710"] = 2, --The Defiler
["943"] = 2, --The Diplomat
["1036"] = 2, --The Fires of Azeroth
["11559"] = 2, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild
["7948"] = 2, --The First Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1 or 2)
["1039"] = 2, --The Flame Keeper
["9492"] = 2, --The Garrison Campaign
["10745"] = 2, --The Prestige
["11564"] = 2, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild
["7939"] = 2, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 1)
["9173"] = 2, --The Second Rule of Brawler's Guild (Season 2)
["9706"] = 2, --The Stable Master
["3677"] = 2, --The Sunreavers
["1011"] = 2, --The Winds of the North
["7524"] = 2, --Theramore's Fall
["7468"] = 2, --Theramore's Fall
["9715"] = 2, --Thy Kingdom Come
["1271"] = 2, --To Hellfire and Back
["5418"] = 2, --Tol Barad Veteran
["10990"] = 2, --Top Honors
["3778"] = 2, --Trial of the Champion
["967"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms
["965"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
["5835"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Northrend
["968"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Outland
["7602"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of Pandaria
["5838"] = 2, --Tricks and Treats of the Cataclysm
["8093"] = 2, --Tyrannical Conquest
["5892"] = 2, --United Nations
["6534"] = 2, --Upjade Complete
["3357"] = 2, --Venomhide Ravasaur
["5325"] = 2, --Veteran of the Horde
["5824"] = 2, --Veteran of the Horde II
["9566"] = 2, --Victory in Hillsbrad
["10997"] = 2, --Vindictive Combatant
["9473"] = 2, --Vol'jin's Spear
["5326"] = 2, --Warbringer of the Horde
["5342"] = 2, --Warlord
["445"] = 2, --Warlord
["9508"] = 2, --Warlord of Draenor
["13815"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (14)
["13820"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (19)
["13182"] = 2, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Stonetusk Watch - Unlocked (KMS)
["13180"] = 2, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Swiftwind Post - Unlocked (KMS)
["13319"] = 2, --Battle of Dazar'alor Guild Run
["6625"] = 2, --Classy Pandaren
["10001"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Warlords Season 1
["10119"] = 2, --Defender of the Horde: Warlords Season 3
["12199"] = 2, --Demonic Combatant
["8206"] = 2, --Dominance Offensive
["8013"] = 2, --Domination Point
["4886"] = 2, --Dragonmaw Clan
["5175"] = 2, --Dwarf Slayer
["11279"] = 2, --Extinguishing the Broken Isles
["11003"] = 2, --Fearless Combatant
["13356"] = 2, --Flamefist and the Illuminated kills (Heroic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["10275"] = 2, --Fleet Commander
["8381"] = 2, --Grievous Conquest
["13334"] = 2, --Grong kills (Heroic Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13333"] = 2, --Grong kills (Normal Battle of Dazar'alor)
["13332"] = 2, --Grong kills (Raid Finder Battle of Dazar'alor)
["11053"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 4
["12176"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 6
["12192"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 7
["10000"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Warlords Season 1
["5440"] = 2, --Guild Battlemasters
["5433"] = 2, --Guild Champions
["6940"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Cataclysmic
["8244"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Malevolent
["4297"] = 2, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion
["5110"] = 2, --Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run
["5323"] = 2, --In Service of the Horde
["7529"] = 2, --Kite Fight
["11025"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 1
["11035"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 2
["12876"] = 2, --Strike Fast
["1252"] = 2, --Supreme Defender
["12746"] = 2, --The Zandalari Menu
["13818"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (17)
["13819"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (18)
["13525"] = 2, --Vicious Saddle (6)
["13296"] = 2, --War for the Shore
["10094"] = 2, --Warmongering Combatant
["10090"] = 2, --Warmongering Conquest
["712"] = 2, --Warsong Outrider
["8015"] = 2, --Waste Not, Want Not
["7862"] = 2, --We're Going to Need More Saddles
["8922"] = 2, --Welcome to Draenor
["9172"] = 2, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 2)
["13179"] = 2, --8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Mudfisher Cove - Unlocked (KMS)
["8315"] = 2, --Battle on the High Seas
["5128"] = 2, --Classic Battles
["12136"] = 2, --Dominant Combatant
["13355"] = 2, --Flamefist and the Illuminated kills (Normal Battle of Dazar'alor)
["11021"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 1
["11031"] = 2, --Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 2
["6317"] = 2, --Hero of the Horde: Ruthless
["5324"] = 2, --In Service of the Horde
["4177"] = 2, --Mine
["9217"] = 2, --Operation Counterattack
["6664"] = 2, --Pandaren Embassy
["8641"] = 2, --Prideful Combatant
["11048"] = 2, --Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 3
["13301"] = 2, --Under Cover of Darkness
["10092"] = 2, --Wild Combatant
["10088"] = 2, --Wild Conquest
["5228"] = 2, --Wild Hammering
["5178"] = 2, --Worgen Slayer
["603"] = 2, --Wrath of the Horde
["9531"] = 2, --Writing in the Snow
["11561"] = 2, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates
["8020"] = 2, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 1)
["9172"] = 2, --You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates (Season 2)
["8671"] = 2, --You'll Get Caught Up In The... Frostfire!
["4790"] = 2, --Zalazane's Fall
["11876"] = 3, --
["13838"] = 3, --
["13552"] = 3, --
["13155"] = 3, --
["13153"] = 3, --
["13139"] = 3, --
["13147"] = 3, --
["11230"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Base - Color 4 - Death Knight, Frost
["11231"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Base - Color 4 - Death Knight, Unholy
["13149"] = 3, -- [DNT] Player Expansion Level is "Battle for Azeroth"
["12516"] = 3, -- Allied Races: Dark Iron Dwarf (Hidden Character Achievement)
["12517"] = 3, -- Allied Races: Mag'har Orc (Hidden Character Achievement)
["10614"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - 325 Artifact XP Earned
["12015"] = 3, -- BS Unlock <DND>
["10366"] = 3, -- <DND> Account Has Curious Wolvar Pup
["10367"] = 3, -- <DND> Account Has Oracle Hatchling
["13544"] = 3, -- Renforcement essentiel
["10372"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned Blige Pump
["10373"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned Felsmoke
["10374"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned Fog Lights
["10375"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned Ghostly Spyglass
["10376"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer
["10377"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned Ice Cutter
["10378"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned Trained Shark Tank
["10379"] = 3, -- <DND> Player has learned True Iron Rudder
["13174"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Veiled Grotto - Unlocked (KMS)
["13175"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Verdant Hollow - Unlocked (KMS)
["13177"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Grimwatt's Crash - Unlocked (KMS)
["13178"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Vulture's Nest - Unlocked (KMS)
["13179"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Mudfisher Cove - Unlocked (KMS)
["13180"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Swiftwind Post - Unlocked (KMS)
["11657"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 2 - Spec 1
["11658"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 2 - Spec 2
["11659"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 2 - Spec 3
["11660"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 2 - Spec 4
["11661"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 3 - Spec 1
["11154"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Hidden - Color 4
["11663"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 3 - Spec 3
["11664"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 3 - Spec 4
["11665"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 4 - Spec 1
["13063"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - 110 Class Trial Quest End
["11667"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 4 - Spec 3
["13065"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Foothold 2
["13066"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Islands
["13067"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Foothold 3
["13068"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - World Quests
["13069"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 02
["13070"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 03
["13071"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 04
["13072"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 05
["13073"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Warfronts
["11552"] = 3, -- Follower Ability Tracking <DND>
["11174"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - 2+ Acquision Line Completed
["12450"] = 3, -- Allied Races: Void Elf (Hidden Character Achievement)
["12451"] = 3, -- Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei (Hidden Character Achievement)
["12452"] = 3, -- Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren (Hidden Character Achievement)
["12453"] = 3, -- Allied Races: Nightborne (Hidden Character Achievement)
["11063"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - 1+ Acquision Line Completed
["11318"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Artifact Knowledge Shipments Picked Up
["12082"] = 3, -- Argus - Block 1 Unlock <DND>
["12085"] = 3, -- Argus - Block 2 Unlock <DND>
["12086"] = 3, -- Argus - Block 3 Unlock <DND>
["10055"] = 3, -- <DND> Follower Raid iLevel - Foundry
["10056"] = 3, -- <DND> Follower Raid iLevel - Highmaul
["13742"] = 3, -- <Hidden> Nazjatar - Flight Master Whistle Upgrade - Horde (DNT)
["13741"] = 3, -- <Hidden> Nazjatar - Flight Master Whistle Upgrade - Alliance (DNT)
["12472"] = 3, -- <Hidden> Zandalar Intro Breadcrumb Launch
["11668"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 4 - Spec 4
["13488"] = 3, -- In Teldrassil's Shadow (Hidden Character Achievement)
["10768"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Apocalypse Ghouls Summoned
["11547"] = 3, -- Karazhan Attunement <DND>
["13198"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign - Chapter 04 Complete (A)
["13197"] = 3, -- <Hidden> War Campaign - Chapter 04 Complete (H)
["13185"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Wolf's Den - Unlocked (KMS)
["13184"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Stonefist Watch - Unlocked (KMS)
["12608"] = 3, -- 8.0 WQ Unlock - Alliance <DND>
["12609"] = 3, -- 8.0 WQ Unlock - Horde <DND>
["13183"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Windfall Cavern - Unlocked (KMS)
["13182"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Stonetusk Watch - Unlocked (KMS)
["13181"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - H - Hillcrest Pasture - Unlocked (KMS)
["11851"] = 3, -- Unlocked Lunarwing Form (DNT)
["13173"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Mugamba Overlook - Unlocked (KMS)
["13172"] = 3, -- 8.0.1 Micro Hubs - A - Mistvine Ledge - Unlocked (KMS)
["11473"] = 3, -- 7.0 WQ Unlock <DND>
["13152"] = 3, -- <Hidden> Magni Heart of Azeroth Intro Auto-Launch (DNT)
["10278"] = 3, -- <DND> Item Level Army - Account Wide
["11666"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 4 - Spec 2
["13509"] = 3, -- La résolution de l’orateur
["11152"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Hidden - Color 2
["11419"] = 3, -- <Hidden> Insurrection - Capper
["13258"] = 3, -- <Hidden> Kings' Rest unlocked
["13259"] = 3, -- <Hidden> Siege of Boralus unlocked
["11662"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Challenge - Color 3 - Spec 2
["11229"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Base - Color 4 - Death Knight, Blood
["11153"] = 3, -- Hidden Tracking - Appearance Unlock - Hidden - Color 3 (update criteria when world quests available)
1,8 → 1,8
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$endString = ');WH.Gatherer.addData';
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$pos = strpos($wokingstring, '_ = g_achievements;');
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$wokingstring = substr($wokingstring, 0, $pos);
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$json = json_decode($wokingstring, true);
foreach($workingarray as $achievement){
$pos = strpos($achievement, '","icon":"');
$achievement = substr($achievement, 0, $pos);
$achievement = str_replace(array('_[', ']={"name_enus":"'), array('', '*-*'), $achievement);
$achievement = explode('*-*', $achievement);
$completearray[$achievement[0]] = $side . ',&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--' . str_replace('\\','',$achievement[1]);
foreach($json as $id => $achievement){
$completearray[$id] = $side . ',&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;--' . str_replace('\\','',$achievement['name_enus']);