WoWInterface SVN Critline

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 20 to Rev 21
    Reverse comparison

Rev 20 → Rev 21

1,3 → 1,10
- Hunter traps will now properly display tooltip records.
- "Include old record" moved from splash module to core. Applies to both chat frame and splash messages.
- Second attempt at including old record in chat frame output.
- Made critical record message in the chat frame slightly more distinguishable from a non crit.
- Do not show pet auto attack records in the regular auto attack tooltip.
- Records printed to the chat frame can now be shortened, and can once again include the previous record.
- Added Aerial Command Unit back to mob filter. Not eligible for aura tracking.
84,6 → 84,8
[8024] = 10444, -- Flametongue Weapon
[8033] = 8034, -- Frostbrand Weapon
[8232] = 25504, -- Windfury Weapon
[13795] = 13797, -- Immolation Trap
[13813] = 13812, -- Explosive Trap
[16857] = 60089, -- Faerie Fire (Feral)
[16914] = 42231, -- Hurricane
[17364] = 32175, -- Stormstrike
106,6 → 108,8
[64843] = 64844, -- Divine Hymn
[73920] = 73921, -- Healing Rain
[82327] = 86452, -- Holy Radiance
[82939] = 13812, -- Explosive Trap (trap launcher)
[82945] = 13797, -- Immolation Trap (trap launcher)
[88685] = 88686, -- Holy Word: Sanctuary
336,6 → 340,11
gap = 48,
text = L["Include old record"],
tooltipText = L["Includes previous record along with \"New record\" messages."],
setting = "oldRecord",
text = L["Shorten records"],
tooltipText = L["Use shorter format for records numbers."],
setting = "shortFormat",
449,6 → 458,7
playSound = true,
sound = "Level up",
screenshot = false,
oldRecord = false,
shortFormat = false,
spellTooltips = false,
detailedTooltip = false,
876,7 → 886,7
if self.db.profile.chatOutput then
self:Message(format(L["New %s%s record - %s"], critical and L["critical "] or "", self:GetFullSpellName(spellID, periodic, true), amount))
self:Message(format(L["New %s%s record - %s"], critical and "|cffff0000"..L["critical "].."|r" or "", self:GetFullSpellName(spellID, periodic, true), amount))
if self.db.profile.playSound then
1203,9 → 1213,18
local funcset = {}
for k in pairs(treeNames)do
funcset[k] = function(spellID, num)
local data = Critline:GetSpellInfo(k, spellID, num)
return not (Critline.filters and data and data.filtered) and data
funcset[k] = function(spellID)
local spell = Critline.percharDB.profile.spells[k][spellID]
if not spell then
local direct = spell[1]
local tick = spell[2]
if Critline.filters then
direct = direct and not direct.filtered and direct
tick = tick and not tick.filtered and tick
return direct, tick
1231,16 → 1250,14
local indirectSpell = indirectSpells[spellID]
local indirectHeal = indirectHeals[spellID]
local dmg1 = funcset.dmg(indirectSpell or spellID, 1)
local dmg2 = funcset.dmg(indirectSpell or spellID, 2)
local dmg1, dmg2 = funcset.dmg(indirectSpell or spellID)
local dmg = dmg1 or dmg2
local heal1 = funcset.heal(indirectHeal or indirectSpell or spellID, 1)
local heal2 = funcset.heal(indirectHeal or indirectSpell or spellID, 2)
local heal1, heal2 = funcset.heal(indirectHeal or indirectSpell or spellID)
local heal = heal1 or heal2
local pet1 = or spellID, 1)
local pet2 = or spellID, 2)
-- ignore pet auto attack records here, since that's handled by another function
local pet1, pet2 = spellID ~= AUTOATK_ID and or spellID)
local pet = pet1 or pet2
if dmg or heal or pet then
1277,7 → 1294,7
if GetPetActionInfo(action) == "PET_ACTION_ATTACK" then
addLine(" ",, 1))
addLine(" ", (
\ No newline at end of file
51,11 → 51,6
text = L["Show old record"],
tooltipText = L["Display previous record along with \"New record\" messages."],
setting = "oldRecord",
text = L["Use combat text splash"],
tooltipText = L["Enable to use scrolling combat text for \"New record\" messages instead of the default splash frame."],
setting = "sct",
219,7 → 214,6
local defaults = {
profile = {
enabled = true,
oldRecord = false,
sct = false,
scale = 1,
duration = 2,
295,7 → 289,7
spell = format(L["New %s record!"], addon:GetFullSpellName(spellID, periodic, true))
amount = addon:ShortenNumber(amount)
if self.profile.oldRecord and prevRecord.amount > 0 then
if addon.db.profile.oldRecord and prevRecord.amount > 0 then
amount = format("%s (%s)", amount, addon:ShortenNumber(prevRecord.amount))
36,7 → 36,6
L["Detailed tooltip"] = true
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is an NPC."] = true
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is a player."] = true
L["Display previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = true
L["Don't filter magic"] = true
L["Duration"] = true
L["Drag to move"] = true
61,7 → 60,9
L["Ignore aura filter"] = true
L["Ignore mob filter"] = true
L["Ignore vulnerability"] = true
L["Include old record"] = true
L["Include (unfiltered) records in spell tooltips."] = true
L["Includes previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = true
L["Invalid channel. Please enter a valid channel name or ID."] = true
L["Invalid input. Please enter a spell ID."] = true
L["Invalid mob name."] = true
121,7 → 122,6
L["Show auras cast on me"] = true
L["Show minimap button."] = true
L["Show icons"] = true
L["Show old record"] = true
L["Show summary frame."] = true
L["Shows the new record on the middle of the screen."] = true
L["%s is already in aura filter."] = true
25,7 → 25,7
L["Detailed summary"] = "詳細的訊息"
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is an NPC."] = "禁用來忽略目標是一個NPC的記錄."
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is a player."] = "禁用來忽略目標是一個玩家的記錄."
L["Display previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "在\"新的記錄\"訊息一起顯示前一條記錄."
L["Includes previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "在\"新的記錄\"訊息一起顯示前一條記錄."
L["Don't filter magic"] = "不過濾魔法"
-- L["Duration"] = ""
L["Drag to move"] = "拖曳來移動"
89,7 → 89,7
L["Show damage in summary frame."] = "在概要框體中顯示傷害"
L["Show healing"] = "顯示治療"
L["Show healing in summary frame."] = "在概要框體中顯示治療"
L["Show old record"] = "顯示舊的記錄"
L["Include old record"] = "顯示舊的記錄"
L["Show pet damage"] = "顯示寵物傷害"
L["Show pet damage in summary frame."] = "在概要框體中顯示寵物傷害"
-- L["Show summary frame."] = ""
29,7 → 29,7
L["Detailed tooltip"] = "Подсказка с деталями"
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is an NPC."] = "Отключите, чтобы игнорировать записи, когда цель - НПЦ"
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is a player."] = "Отключите, чтобы игнорировать записи, когда цель - игрок"
L["Display previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "Показывать предыдущие рекорды вместе с сообщениями \"Новый рекорд\""
L["Includes previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "Показывать предыдущие рекорды вместе с сообщениями \"Новый рекорд\""
L["Don't filter magic"] = "Не фильтровать магию"
L["Drag to move"] = "Зажмите, чтобы двигать"
L["Duration"] = "Длительность"
104,7 → 104,7
L["Show"] = "Показать"
L["Show icons"] = "Показать иконки"
L["Show minimap button."] = "Показать кнопку миникарты"
L["Show old record"] = "Показывать старые рекорды"
L["Include old record"] = "Показывать старые рекорды"
L["Shows the new record on the middle of the screen."] = "Показывать новые рекорды в центре экрана"
L["Show summary frame."] = "Показать окно статистики"
L["%s is already in aura filter."] = "% уже в фильтре аур"
22,7 → 22,7
L["Detailed summary"] = "Sumario detallado"
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is an NPC."] = "Inhabilitar: Ignorar las marcas cuando el objectivo no es un jugador."
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is a player."] = "Inhabilitar: Ignorar las marcas cuando el objectivo es un jugador."
L["Display previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "Mostrar marca anterior junto con la nueva marca."
L["Includes previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "Mostrar marca anterior junto con la nueva marca."
L["Don't filter magic"] = "No filtrar magia"
L["Drag to move"] = "Arrastrar para mover"
L["Edit tooltip format"] = "Editar el formato del tooltip" -- Needs review
72,7 → 72,7
L["Show damage in summary frame."] = "Mostrar daño en el sumario."
L["Show healing"] = "Mostar curaciones"
L["Show healing in summary frame."] = "Mostrar curaciones en el sumario."
L["Show old record"] = "Mostra marcas antigüas"
L["Include old record"] = "Mostra marcas antigüas"
L["Show pet damage"] = "Mostrar daño de mascota"
L["Show pet damage in summary frame."] = "Mostrar daño de mascota en el sumario."
L["Shows the new record on the middle of the screen."] = "Mostar la nueva marca en el medio de la pantalla."
31,7 → 31,7
L["Detailed tooltip"] = "Detailierter Tooltip" -- Needs review
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is an NPC."] = "Deaktivieren um Rekorde zu ignorieren bei denen das Ziel ein NPC ist."
L["Disable to ignore records where the target is a player."] = "Deaktivieren um Rekorde zu ignorieren bei denen das Ziel ein Spieler ist."
L["Display previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "Zeige vorhergehenden Rekord zusammen mit Mitteilungen über \"Neuer Rekord\" an."
L["Includes previous record along with \"New record\" messages."] = "Zeige vorhergehenden Rekord zusammen mit Mitteilungen über \"Neuer Rekord\" an."
L["Don't filter magic"] = "Magie nicht filtern"
L["Drag to move"] = "Ziehen zum bewegen"
L["Duration"] = "Dauer" -- Needs review
106,7 → 106,7
L["Show"] = "Zeige" -- Needs review
L["Show icons"] = "Zeige Icons" -- Needs review
L["Show minimap button."] = "Zeige Minimap Button." -- Needs review
L["Show old record"] = "Alten Rekord anzeigen"
L["Include old record"] = "Alten Rekord anzeigen"
L["Shows the new record on the middle of the screen."] = "Zeigt den neuen Rekord in der Mitte des Bildschirms."
L["Show summary frame."] = "Zeige Zusammenfassungs-Fenster." -- Needs review
L["%s is already in aura filter."] = "%s ist schon im Aurafilter." -- Needs review