WoWInterface SVN TotemGuru

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 30 to Rev 31
    Reverse comparison

Rev 30 → Rev 31

39,11 → 39,11
x = 30
y = -80
--y = self:createChkBox("TotemGuruOff","Disable totemGuru\n(Note: You may need to reset instance\nsettings after changing this)",50,-80,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_Toggle)
y = self:createChkBox("Loadnone",L["Load TotemGuru at all times"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_CheckInstance)
y = self:createChkBox("Loadpvp",L["Load TotemGuru when in Battleground"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_CheckInstance)
y = self:createChkBox("Loadarena",L["Load TotemGuru when in Arena"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_CheckInstance)
y = self:createChkBox("Loadparty",L["Load TotemGuru when in 5 man instance"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_CheckInstance)
y = self:createChkBox("Loadraid",L["Load TotemGuru when in a Raid instance"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_CheckInstance)
y = self:createChkBox("LoadNone",L["Load TotemGuru at all times"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_Toggle)
y = self:createChkBox("LoadPVP",L["Load TotemGuru when in Battleground"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_Toggle)
y = self:createChkBox("LoadArena",L["Load TotemGuru when in Arena"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_Toggle)
y = self:createChkBox("LoadParty",L["Load TotemGuru when in 5 man instance"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_Toggle)
y = self:createChkBox("LoadRaid",L["Load TotemGuru when in a Raid instance"],x,y,self.mainPanel,TotemGuruMain_Toggle)
66,7 → 66,7
-- not sure if this was a bug but in BG's on the ptr we sometimes saw enemy players totems. This needs some testing
-- as if it is reliable this could be a bonus for PVP'rs
--y = self:createChkBox("NoEnemyPlayers","Hide Enemy Players (PVP)",x,y,self.OptionsPanel,TotemGuruMain_Redraw)
y = self:createChkBox("NoEnemyPlayers","Hide Enemy Players (Beta)",x,y,self.OptionsPanel,TotemGuruMain_Redraw)
y = self:CreateMonitorDropdown(x + 40,y-10)
1,46 → 1,47
--Vertaald met behulp van google. Als u kunt helpen de juiste dit bestand Contact Easysham op
-- Übersetzung durch (Translation by) Nephrit @ Curse
local _, L = ...;
if GetLocale() == "deDE" then
L["General Settings"] = "Algemene instellingen";
L["Load TotemGuru at all times"] = "Laad TotemGuru te allen tijde";
L["Load TotemGuru when in Battleground"] = "Belasting TotemGuru wanneer in Battleground";
L["Load TotemGuru when in Arena"] = "Belasting TotemGuru wanneer in Arena";
L["Load TotemGuru when in 5 man instance"] = "Belasting TotemGuru wanneer in 5 man bijvoorbeeld";
L["Load TotemGuru when in a Raid instance"] = "Belasting TotemGuru wanneer in een raid instance";
L["Options"] = "Opties";
L["Forces the use of the alt key to move the main window"] = "Krachten van het gebruik van de Alt-toets naar het hoofdvenster te verplaatsen";
L["Enable tooltips"] = "Staat tooltips";
L["Show Cooldowns"] = "Toon cooldowns";
L["Show Missing totem warnings"] = "Toon Ontbrekende totem waarschuwingen";
L["Show which totems are giving us a buff"] = "Laten zien welke totems geven ons een buff";
L["Allow the sending/receiving of totem Assignments"] = "Laat het verzenden/ontvangen van Totem Opdrachten";
L["Display Size"] = "Scherm Afmetingen";
L["Size Settings"] = "Instellingen voor";
L["Main window size"] = "Hoofdvenster formaat";
L["Display Alpha"] = "Display Alpha";
L["Alpha Settings"] = "Alpha-instellingen";
L["Main window Alpha"] = "Hoofdvenster Alpha";
L["Main Windows Buttons"] = "Belangrijkste Windows Buttons";
L["Warning icons Alpha"] = "Waarschuwingspictogrammen Alpha";
L["Player Name Alpha"] = "Naam Alpha-speler";
L["Totem's Normal/Buffed Alpha"] = "Normaal/Totem's afgeslepen Alpha";
L["Totem's Unbuffed Alpha"] = "Unbuffed Alpha Totem's";
L["Totem Priorites"] = "Totem Priorites";
L["Set the order in which totems will be warned"] = "Stel de volgorde waarin de totems zullen worden gewaarschuwd";
L["Totem Assignments"] = "Totem Opdrachten";
L["Assign"] = "Toewijzen";
L["TotemBar"] = "TotemBar";
L["less"] = "minder";
L["more"] = "meer";
L["Raid"] = "Inval";
L["Party"] = "Partij";
L["All"] = "Alle";
L["Click to warn for missing Totems\nRows are number of players/Priority. \nThis will only show warnings for the number of players \ncurrently active in the main window"] = "Klik om te waarschuwen voor ontbrekende Totems\nRijen zijn het aantal spelers/Priority\nDit zal alleen waarschuwingen voor het aantal spelers\nmomenteel actief in het hoofdvenster";
L["General Settings"] = "Allgemeine Einstellungen";
L["Load TotemGuru at all times"] = "TotemGuru immer anzeigen";
L["Load TotemGuru when in Battleground"] = "Zeige TotemGuru auf dem Schlachtfeld";
L["Load TotemGuru when in Arena"] = "Zeige TotemGuru in der Arena";
L["Load TotemGuru when in 5 man instance"] = "Zeige TotemGuru in 5-Mann Instanzen";
L["Load TotemGuru when in a Raid instance"] = "Zeige TotemGuru im Raid";
L["Options"] = "Optionen";
L["Forces the use of the alt key to move the main window"] = "Hauptfenster nur mit der ALT-Taste verschieben";
L["Enable tooltips"] = "Tooltips anzeigen";
L["Show Cooldowns"] = "Cooldowns anzeigen";
L["Show Missing totem warnings"] = "Warnung \195\188ber fehlende Totems anzeigen";
L["Show which totems are giving us a buff"] = "Totems mit Buff hervorheben (einstellen unter Transparenz)";
L["Allow the sending/receiving of totem Assignments"] = "Das Senden/Empfangen von Totemzuweisungen erlauben";
L["Display Size"] = "Anzeigegr\195\182\195\159e";
L["Size Settings"] = "Gr\195\182\195\159eneinstellungen";
L["Main window size"] = "Gr\195\182\195\159e des Hauptfensters";
L["Display Alpha"] = "Transparenz";
L["Alpha Settings"] = "Transparenzeinstellungen";
L["Main window Alpha"] = "Transparenz Hauptfenster";
L["Main Windows Buttons"] = "Transparenz Schaltfl\195\164chen";
L["Warning icons Alpha"] = "Transparenz Warnsymbole";
L["Player Name Alpha"] = "Transparenz Spielername";
L["Totem's Normal/Buffed Alpha"] = "Transparenz der Totems MIT Buff";
L["Totem's Unbuffed Alpha"] = "Transparenz der Totems OHNE Buff";
L["Totem Priorites"] = "Totem Priorit\195\164ten";
L["Set the order in which totems will be warned"] = "Reihenfolge, in der vor fehlenden Totems gewarnt wird.";
L["Totem Assignments"] = "Totem Zuweisungen";
L["Assign"] = "Zuweisen";
L["TotemBar"] = "Totemleiste";
L["less"] = "gering";
L["more"] = "hoch";
L["Raid"] = "Raid";
L["Party"] = "Party";
L["All"] = "Alle";
L["Click to warn for missing Totems\nRows are number of players/Priority. \nThis will only show warnings for the number of players \ncurrently active in the main window"] = "Klicken, um vor fehlenden Totems zu warnen.\nReihen entsprechen der Anzahl Spielern/Priorit\195\164t. \nEs werden nur Warnungen von Spielern angezeigt, \ndie momentan im Hauptfenster sichtbar sind.";
\ No newline at end of file
19,6 → 19,7
------------- data structures --------------------
TGDebug = false;
local TotemGuruConfigDefaults = {
["Version"] = 0,
["MessageProtocolVersion"] = 1,
100,10 → 101,13
TotemGuruConstants["TOTEM_NUMBER_SPACE_SIZE"] = 12
TotemGuruConstants["TOTEM_WINDOW_FONT_SIZE"] = 8
TotemGuruConstants["TOTEMIC_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER"] = 0.2
---------- main window functions ------------------
local _, L = ...;
lGT = LibStub("LibGroupTalents-1.0")
-- TotemGuruMain_OnLoad
133,7 → 137,7
local spellID = select(9,...);
local spellName, rank, icon, cost, isFunnel, powerType, castTime, minRange, maxRange = GetSpellInfo(spellID);
if(TotemGuruTotemsInfo[icon]) then
if TGDebug then print(...) end
myFraction,_ = UnitFactionGroup(PlayerName:GetText())
playerFraction ,_ = UnitFactionGroup(sourceName)
if not ( myFraction == playerFraction) then
160,6 → 164,7
elseif (select(2,...) == "UNIT_DIED") then
if TGDebug then print("UNIT_DIED") end
for k,v in pairs(TotemGuruData.Players) do
for totem = 1, 4, 1 do
local player_totem = TotemGuruData.Players[k]["school"..totem]
177,7 → 182,7
elseif(event == "PLAYER_UNGHOST") then
elseif(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
elseif(event == "PLAYER_TOTEM_UPDATE") then
haveTotem, totemName, startTime, duration = GetTotemInfo(select(1,...))
186,8 → 191,8
elseif (event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT") then
TotemGuruConfig.MainFrame.x = TotemGuruMain:GetLeft();
TotemGuruConfig.MainFrame.y = TotemGuruMain:GetTop();
TotemGuruConfig.MainFrame.x = TotemGuruWindows.MainFrame:GetLeft();
TotemGuruConfig.MainFrame.y = TotemGuruWindows.MainFrame:GetTop();
elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON") then
if (select(1,...) == "TotemGuru") then
if (select(2,...) == "VersionRequest") then
208,39 → 213,38
-- TotemGuruMain_CheckInstance()
-- TotemGuruMain_IsVisible()
function TotemGuruMain_CheckInstance()
function TotemGuruMain_IsVisible()
local inInstance
local instanceType
inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance()
if TotemGuruConfig["Load" .. instanceType] then
TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = false
TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = true
local instanceType
inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance()
local showTG = false
if TotemGuruConfig.LoadNone then
showTG = true
-- if TotemGuruConfig.LoadAll and instanceType == "none" then
-- TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = false
-- elseif TotemGuruConfig.LoadPVP and inInstance and (instanceType == "pvp") then
-- TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = false
-- elseif TotemGuruConfig.LoadArena and inInstance and (instanceType == "arena") then
-- TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = false
-- elseif TotemGuruConfig.LoadParty and inInstance and (instanceType == "party") then
-- TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = false
-- elseif TotemGuruConfig.LoadRaid and inInstance and (instanceType == "raid") then
-- TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = false
-- else
-- TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide = true
-- end
if TotemGuruConfig.LoadPVP and inInstance and (instanceType == "pvp") then
showTG = true
if TotemGuruConfig.LoadArena and inInstance and (instanceType == "arena") then
showTG = true
if TotemGuruConfig.LoadParty and inInstance and (instanceType == "party") then
showTG = true
if TotemGuruConfig.LoadRaid and inInstance and (instanceType == "raid") then
showTG = true
return showTG
-- TotemGuruMain_Toggle()
function TotemGuruMain_Toggle()
if(TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide) then
--if (TotemGuruWindows.MainFrame:IsShown()) then
function TotemGuruMain_Toggle(showAddon)
showAddon = TotemGuruMain_IsVisible()
if (showAddon == false) then
for totemschool = 1,4,1 do
266,14 → 270,14
function TotemGuruMain_btnClose_OnClick()
local inInstance
local instanceType
inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance()
local instanceType
inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance()
if TotemGuruConfig["Load" .. instanceType] then
TotemGuruConfig["Load" .. instanceType] = false
TotemGuruConfig["Load" .. instanceType] = true
TotemGuruConfig.LoadNone = false
321,7 → 325,7
function TotemGuruMain_Redraw()
--if not TotemGuruConfig.TotemGuruOff then
if not TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide then
-- if not TotemGuruConfig.InstanceSettingHide then
local TP = TotemGuruData.Positions
local player
344,7 → 348,7
770,7 → 774,9
function TotemGuru_PlayerDroppedTotem(sourceName,spellName,spellID,icon,destGUID)
local school_id = TotemGuruTotemsInfo[icon].school
local school_ref = "school" .. school_id
if (not TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName]) then
if TGDebug then print("TotemGuru_PlayerDroppedTotem") end
if (not TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName]) then
if(TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName][school_ref]) then
783,7 → 789,14
if(TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName][school_ref].button.cooldown) then
CooldownFrame_SetTimer(TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName][school_ref].button.cooldown, GetTime(), TotemGuruTotemsInfo[icon].duration, 1)
local talent_points = lGT:UnitHasTalent(sourceName,"Totemic Focus")
local duration = TotemGuruTotemsInfo[icon].duration
if (talent_points) then
if TGDebug then print("multiplying totem duration") end
duration = duration * (1.0 + (TotemGuruConstants.TOTEMIC_FOCUS_MULTIPLIER*talent_points))
if TGDebug then print("setting totem duration to "..duration) end
CooldownFrame_SetTimer(TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName][school_ref].button.cooldown, GetTime(), duration, 1)
799,11 → 812,7
TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName].player_id = TotemGuruData.CurrentNoOfPlayers
TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName].fontstring = TotemGuruWindows.PlayerNameFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
local fontstring = TotemGuruData.Players[sourceName].fontstring
-- if(TotemGuruConfig.TotemGuruOff) then
-- fontstring:Hide()
-- else
-- fontstring:Show()
-- end
fontstring:SetFont(TotemGuruConstants.FONT_TYPE, TotemGuruConstants.PLAYER_FONT_SIZE)
24,6 → 24,8
## Version: 4.1.0
## SVN wowi:revision