WoWInterface SVN UltimateWarcraftBattlecryGenerator

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 40 to Rev 41
    Reverse comparison

Rev 40 → Rev 41

1,26 → 1,73
-- The Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator
-- Version 0.11
-- ===========================================
-- Version : 0.41
-- Author : Nuchaleft (NytewolfAU2k7 on Curse)
-- Email :
-- Create Date : 10/07/2008 01:11:43 PM WAST (GMT+8:00)
-- Update : 26/04/2009 12:38:11 PM WAST (GMT+8:00)
-- ===========================================
-- By Nuchaleft (NytewolfAU2k7 on Curse)
-- 15/04/2009 02:50AM WAST (GMT+8:00)
local SNum4 = 0;
local s_bcgsay1 = "";
-- Declare our Generator Variables
local n_idx_a = 0; --Alliance Cry Index
local n_idx_h = 0; --Horde Cry Index
local s_bcgsay1 = ""; --ally say var
local s_bcgsay2 = ""; --pond scum say var
local s_final = "";
local s_channel = ""; --Channel Name
-- Possible Suffixes list 1
UWBG_Prefs = {defchannel = "Say",
allfaction = false,}
function frmBCG_OnEvent()
-- Do nothing.
function GenerateFactionBattlecry(ransom_msg,channel)
local pc_faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if (pc_faction == "Alliance") then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UWBCG Test: I am Alliance.");
if UnitName("target") == nil then --Do we have no target?
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the " .. ransom_msg .. " shall be punished!","I smite thee, In the name of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","DIE! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here!", "We Fight!", "DIE! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!","For Stormwind!","For Ironforge!","For Darnassus!","For Gnomeregan!"), channel);
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE, %t! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you, %t!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","I smite thee, %t, In the name of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","DIE, %t! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here, %t!", "DIE! %t! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!","For the Warchief!","For Stormwind!","For Ironforge!","For Darnassus!","For Gnomeregan!"), channel);
elseif (pc_faction == "Horde") then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UWBCG Test: I am Horde.");
if UnitName("target") == nil then --Do we have no target?
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","Your blood shall be mine!","DIE! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here!", "DIE! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will bring me great honor!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For the Warchief!","For Ogrimmar!","For Undercity!","For Silvermoon City!","For Quel'Thalas!"), channel);
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE, %t! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you, %t!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","%t! Your blood shall be mine!","DIE, %t! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here, %t!", "DIE! %t! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will bring me great honor!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For the Warchief!","For Ogrimmar!","For Undercity!","For Silvermoon City!","For Quel'Thalas!"), channel);
function GenerateFactionBattlecryANT(ransom_msg)
return GetRandomArgument("DIE! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the " .. ransom_msg .. " shall be punished!","I smite thee, In the name of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","DIE! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here!", "We Fight!", "DIE! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!","For Stormwind!","For Ironforge!","For Darnassus!","For Gnomeregan!");
function GenerateFactionBattlecryAT(ransom_msg)
return GetRandomArgument("DIE, %t! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you, %t!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","I smite thee, %t, In the name of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","DIE, %t! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here, %t!", "DIE! %t! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!","For the Warchief!","For Stormwind!","For Ironforge!","For Darnassus!","For Gnomeregan!");
function GenerateFactionBattlecryHNT(ransom_msg)
return GetRandomArgument("DIE! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","Your blood shall be mine!","DIE! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here!", "DIE! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will bring me great honor!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For the Warchief!","For Ogrimmar!","For Undercity!","For Silvermoon City!","For Quel'Thalas!");
function GenerateFactionBattlecryHT(ransom_msg)
return GetRandomArgument("DIE, %t! Feel the wrath of the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","Light BURN you, %t!", "For the " .. ransom_msg .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","%t! Your blood shall be mine!","DIE, %t! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here, %t!", "DIE! %t! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will bring me great honor!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For the Warchief!","For Ogrimmar!","For Undercity!","For Silvermoon City!","For Quel'Thalas!");
-- Possible Suffixes (Alliance)
PossSuff1 = {
"Fel Horde!?!",
"Ladies Undergarments",
"Lost Ones",
47,21 → 94,17
"Valiance Expedition",
"Silver Covenant",
"Explorers' League",
"Warsong Offensive",
"Hand of Vengeance",
"Silverwing Sentinels",
"League of Arathor!",
"Stormpike Guard!",
"Warsong Outriders!",
"Frostwolf Clan!",
"Steamwheedle Cartel!",
"Ashtongue Deathsworn!",
"Cenarion Expedition!",
"Cenarion Circle",
"Thorium Brotherhood",
"Wintersaber Trainers",
"Violet Eye",
92,64 → 135,173
"Gnomeregan Exiles",
"fallen Titan, Sargares",
"Old Ones",
-- Possible Suffixes list 2
-- Possible Suffixes (Horde)
PossSuff2 = {
"Fel Horde",
"Ladies Undergarments",
"Lost Ones",
"Lich King!",
"Old Gods!",
"Holy Light!",
"Argent Dawn",
"Argent Crusade",
"Frenzyheart Tribe",
"Wyrmrest Accord",
"Kirin Tor",
"Knights of the Ebon Blade",
"Silver Covenant",
"Warsong Offensive",
"Hand of Vengeance",
"Silverwing Sentinels",
"League of Arathor!",
"Stormpike Guard!",
"Warsong Outriders!",
"Frostwolf Clan!",
"Steamwheedle Cartel!",
"Ashtongue Deathsworn!",
"Cenarion Expedition!",
"Cenarion Circle",
"Thorium Brotherhood",
"Wintersaber Trainers",
"Violet Eye",
"Black Dragonflight",
"Green Dragonflight",
"Red Dragonflight",
"Bronze Dragonflight",
"Infinite Dragonflight",
"Scarlet Crusade",
"Zandalar Tribe",
"Shattered Sun Offensive!",
"Sha'tari Skyguard!",
"Gelkis Clan Centaur",
"Hydraxian Waterlords",
"Keepers of Time",
"Magram Clan Centaur",
"Warriors of the Night!",
"Dichotomy of good and evil!",
"fallen Titan, Sargares",
"Old Ones",
function Show_Msg(msg)
function btnGenSay_Click()
-- fetch an array/table
n_say1 = table.getn( PossSuff1 );
n_say2 = table.getn( PossSuff2 );
-- Randomize
SNum4 = math.random( n_say1 );
n_idx_a = math.random( n_say1 );
n_idx_h = math.random( n_say2 );
-- populate s_bcgsay1 with a random value.
s_bcgsay1 = PossSuff1[SNum4];
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE, %t! Feel the wrath of the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!","Light BURN you, %t!", "For the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","I smite thee, %t, In the name of the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!","DIE, %t! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here, %t!", "DIE! %t! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!"), "SAY");
s_bcgsay1 = PossSuff1[n_idx_a];
-- populate s_bcgsay2 with a random value.
s_bcgsay2 = PossSuff2[n_idx_h];
local pc_faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if (pc_faction == "Alliance") then
GenerateFactionBattlecry(s_bcgsay1, "SAY");
elseif (pc_faction == "Horde") then
GenerateFactionBattlecry(s_bcgsay2, "SAY");
function btnGenYell_Click()
-- fetch an array/table
n_say1 = table.getn( PossSuff1 );
-- Randomize
SNum4 = math.random( n_say1 );
-- populate s_bcgsay1 with a random value.
s_bcgsay1 = PossSuff1[SNum4];
SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument("DIE, %t! Feel the wrath of the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!","Light BURN you, %t!", "For the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!","All who betray the light shall be punished!","I smite thee, %t, In the name of the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!","DIE, %t! Your evil shall never triumph!","Your evil ends here, %t!", "DIE! %t! Your evil shall be purged!", "You DARE face me?","The Light shall never fade!", "You will face justice!","There can only be 1000!","There can only be over 9000!","For Cenarius!"), "YELL");
-- Options Button
function btnGenOpt_Click()
function MakeOneUp(WhatKind)
-- fetch an array/table
n_say1 = table.getn( PossSuff1 );
n_say2 = table.getn( PossSuff2 );
-- Randomize
SNum4 = math.random( n_say1 );
n_idx_a = math.random( n_say1 );
n_idx_h = math.random( n_say2 );
-- populate s_bcgsay1 with a random value.
s_bcgsay1 = PossSuff1[SNum4];
s_bcgsay1 = PossSuff1[n_idx_a];
-- populate s_bcgsay2 with a random value.
s_bcgsay2 = PossSuff2[n_idx_h];
if UnitName("target") ==nil then
if (WhatKind == "s") then
s_final = "For the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!"
if (WhatKind == "s") then
s_final = "I smite thee, %t, In the name of the " .. s_bcgsay1 .. "!"
if UnitName("target") == nil then
if (WhatKind == "s") then
local pc_faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if (pc_faction == "Alliance") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryANT(s_bcgsay1);
elseif (pc_faction == "Horde") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryHNT(s_bcgsay2);
elseif (WhatKind == "y") then
local pc_faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if (pc_faction == "Alliance") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryANT(s_bcgsay1);
elseif (pc_faction == "Horde") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryHNT(s_bcgsay2);
if (WhatKind == "s") then
local pc_faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if (pc_faction == "Alliance") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryAT(s_bcgsay1);
elseif (pc_faction == "Horde") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryHT(s_bcgsay2);
elseif (WhatKind == "y") then
local pc_faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
if (pc_faction == "Alliance") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryAT(s_bcgsay1);
elseif (pc_faction == "Horde") then
s_final = GenerateFactionBattlecryHT(s_bcgsay2);
157,15 → 309,30
local dummy1, dummy2, command, value = string.find(param1, "(%w+) (%w+)");
--if $parentComboBox1.
if string.lower(param1) == "y" then param1 = "yell" end;
if string.lower(param1) == "s" then param1 = "say" end;
if string.lower(param1) == "p" then param1 = "party" end;
if string.lower(param1) == "g" then param1 = "guild" end;
if string.lower(param1) == "r" then param1 = "raid" end;
if string.lower(param1) == "bg" then param1 = "battleground" end;
if (string.lower(param1) == "say") or (string.lower(param1) == "yell") then
SendChatMessage(s_final, param1, this.language);
if (string.lower(param1) == "say") or (string.lower(param1) == "yell") then
SendChatMessage(s_final, param1, self.language);
elseif (string.lower(param1) == "show") then
if (self:IsVisible()==false) then
-- elseif (string.lower(param1) == "options") then
-- if (self:IsVisible()==false) then
-- self:Show();
-- end;
173,25 → 340,38
function btnUsage_Click()
Show_Msg("|cff6666ff Usage:\n");
Show_Msg("|cff999999 /bcg show Open Panel\n");
--Show_Msg("|cff999999 /bcg options Open Options Panel\n");
Show_Msg("|cff999999 /bcg y (Yell)\n");
Show_Msg("|cff999999 /bcg s (Say)\n");
Show_Msg("|cff6666ff Enjoy the power!\n");
function frmBCG_Close()
function frmBCG_Open()
function frmBCG_OnLoad()
Show_Msg("|cff999999 Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator is Loaded\n");
Show_Msg("|cff999999 Version 0.11 for WoW Patch 3.1\n");
Show_Msg("|cff999999 Version 0.41 for WoW Patch 3.1\n");
Show_Msg("|cff6666ff Type /bcg for options\n");
SLASH_BCGEN1 = "/bcg";
SlashCmdList["BCGEN"] = cmdBCG;
self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED"); -- Fired when saved variables are loaded
self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT"); -- Fired when about to log out
SLASH_BCGEN1 = "/bcg";
SLASH_BCGEN2 = "/bcg2";
SlashCmdList["BCGEN"] = cmdBCG;
\ No newline at end of file +function cboGen_OnTextChanged() + local s_num = "" + DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("UWBCG Test: Text Changed."); +end + \ No newline at end of file
1,12 → 1,21
## Interface: 30100
## Title: Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator
## Author: Nuchaleft (NytewolfAU2k7 on Curse)
## Version: 0.11
## Version: v00.00.41
## Notes: As the title suggests, this addon can generate over 100 hilarious and random battlecries to put fear into your enemies, and to inspire courage in your allies.
## Notes-enGB: As the title suggests, this addon can generate over 100 hilarious and random battlecries to put fear into your enemies, and to inspire courage in your allies.
## eMail:
## URL:
## URL:
## X-Category: Other
## X-License: GPL v2
## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: v00.00.41
## X-Curse-Project-Name: Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator
## X-Curse-Project-ID: uwbcg
## DefaultState: Enabled
## LoadOnDemand: 0
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: UWBG_Prefs
## SavedVariables: UWBG_Prefs
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: UWBG_CharPrefs
1,13 → 1,15
The Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator
The Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator
Version : 0.41
Author : Nuchaleft (NytewolfAU2k7 on Curse)
Email :
Create Date : 10/07/2008 01:11 PM WAST (GMT+8:00)
Update : 26/04/2009 12:55 PM WAST (GMT+8:00)
by Nuchaleft (NytewolfAU2k7 on Curse)
on 15/04/2009 02:50AM WAST (GMT+8:00)
Need to inspire courage in your allies and to instill the fear of God into your enemies? This is for you!
Need to inspire courage in your allies and to instill the fear of the Old Gods into your enemies? This is for you!
Have a target selected?
Simply click the "Generate!" button to have it done in /say where others within a close range can hear you.
19,7 → 21,8
Extract the contents of the ZIP File to your World of Warcraft Addon directory.
e.g.:"C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\"
Windows 2000/XP e.g.:"C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\"
Windows Vista/7 e.g.:"C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\"
29,6 → 32,7
The slash commands cover everything.
/bcg show - will display the panel again if you've closed it.
/bcg options - will display the options panel again if you've closed it.
/bcg y - /Yell. Target optional.
/bcg s - /say. Target optional.
43,41 → 47,9
May annoy people if used too often, use responsibly and please rate! :)
If you like this addon, please donate to show your appreciation! :)
For the most recent updates, please check the SVN.
From 0.09
+ Added more cries
+ Added Fubar and Ace3 compatability
+ Changed TOC to 30100
From 0.08
+ Added more cries
+ Fixed the button text issue
+ Changed TOC to 30000
From 0.07
+ Added macro commands
From 0.04
+ Fixed a few of the battlecry options.
+ Fixed a button that was positioned incorrectly.
+ Changed Version Number
+ Added a few more cries
- Removed unused code
From 0.02
+ Fixed a missing comma
+ Fixed a few of the battlecry options.
+ Changed Version Number
+ Added a few more cries
- Removed unused code
From 0.01
+ Added Y Button
+ Added Version Label
+ Changed Version Number
- Removed unused code
+ Added some more cries
See CHANGELOG.txt for the list of changes in this version and previous versions.
\ No newline at end of file