WoWInterface SVN EasyDND

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 71 to Rev 72
    Reverse comparison

Rev 71 → Rev 72

64,6 → 64,7
anti_counter = 0,
showcounter = true,
ubertooltip = false,
showarnings = true,
t = false, -- Don't modify
u = false, -- Don't modify
v = false, -- Don't modify
484,6 → 485,14
order = 8,
showarnings = {
type = "toggle",
name = L["Lib warnings"],
desc = L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."],
get = function() return _.db.profile.showarnings end,
set = function() _.db.profile.showarnings = not _.db.profile.showarnings end,
order = 8.5,
separator_ = {
type = "header",
name = L["EasyDND options"],
52,7 → 52,10
local function ToggleMinimap()
if _.db.profile.showminimap then
if ICO then ICO:Show("EasyDND") else _:Print("|cff7e7e7e".."Minimap icon disabled, install LibDBIcon-1.0 or disable the show minimap option to hide this warning.".."|r") end
if _.db.profile.showarnings then
_:Print("|cff7e7e7e"..L["Minimap icon disabled, install"].." LibDBIcon-1.0 "..L["to activate this feature"].."|r")
if ICO then ICO:Show("EasyDND") end
if ICO then ICO:Hide("EasyDND") end
79,7 → 82,13
local function ToggleDewdrop(a)
if not DEW then _:Print("|cff7e7e7e".."Quick menu disabled, install DewdropLib to activate this feature.") return end
if not DEW then
if _.db.profile.showarnings then
_:Print("|cff7e7e7e"..L["Quick menu disabled, install"].." DewdropLib "..L["to activate this feature"])
DEW:Open(a, "children", function()
local a = DEW.options.args.messages.args
local b, save = DEW.options.args, nil
244,7 → 253,7
-- this function is used to clone the default table for Dewdrop-2.0 to apply changes on it without breaking the Ace3 table.
-- this function is used to clone the default table for DewdropLib to apply changes on it without breaking the Ace3 table.
-- Changes to the table are committed in the ToggleDewdrop function
local function deepcopy(object)
167,3 → 167,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
179,3 → 179,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = "Ctrl-Shift-RClique|r enlève une\nexception AntiParasites. Si plusieurs\ncliques, enlève de la dernière\nexception ajoutée à la première."
L["Tooltip extended"] = "Tooltip avancée"
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = "Si cochée, repositionne la tooltip."
L["Lib warnings"] = "Alertes lib"
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = "Si cochée, affiche une notification si une librarie optionelle n'est pas détectée."
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = "Icône minimap désactivé, veuillez installer"
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = "Menu rapide désactivé, veuillez installer"
L["to activate this feature"] = "pour activer cet outil optionnel"
181,3 → 181,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = true
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = true
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true
168,3 → 168,8
L["Ctrl-Shift-RClick|r del an AntiParasites\nexception. It removes from the last\nexception added to the first if\nrepeated clicks."] = true
L["Tooltip extended"] = "확장된 툴팁"
L["If checked, relocates the tooltip."] = "만약 체크하면, 툴팁의 위치를 재설정 합니다.(만약 툴팁으로 보여주는 것이 문제된 다면 체크하세요. 그렇지않다면, 체크하지 마시길 바랍니다.)"
L["Lib warnings"] = true
L["If checked, shows a warning notification when a missing library is detected."] = true
L["Minimap icon disabled, install"] = true
L["Quick menu disabled, install"] = true
L["to activate this feature"] = true