WoWInterface SVN InFlight

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 86 to Rev 87
    Reverse comparison

Rev 86 → Rev 87

tags/8.0.006/InFlight_Load/InFlight_Load.lua New file
0,0 → 1,248
local InFlight = CreateFrame("Frame", "InFlight") -- no parent is intentional
local self = InFlight
InFlight:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...) this[event](this, ...) end)
local gl = GetLocale()
local UpdateTaxiIcons
local function LoadInFlight()
if not InFlight.ShowOptions then
return (InFlight.ShowOptions and true) or nil
function InFlight:ADDON_LOADED(a1)
if a1 == "InFlight_Load" then
if self.SetupInFlight then
elseif a1 == "InFlight" then
function InFlight:TAXIMAP_OPENED(...)
if LoadInFlight() then
local uiMapSystem = ...;
local isTaxiMap = uiMapSystem == Enum.UIMapSystem.Taxi
if GetAddOnEnableState(UnitName("player"), "InFlight") == 2 then -- maybe this stuff gets garbage collected if InFlight isn't loadable
local t
local nighthaven = "Nighthaven" --Nighthaven, Moonglade
local druidgossip = "I'd like to fly to (.+)." --Druid gossip option
local expedition = "Expedition Point" --Expedition Point
local hellfire = "Hellfire Peninsula" --Another for Shatter Point (aka Honor Point)
local shatter = "Shatter Point"
local honorpoint = "Honor Point"
local hellgossip = "Send me to (.+)!" --Hellfire special flightpath gossip option (Alliance)
local skyguard = "Skyguard Outpost"
local blackwind = "Blackwind Landing"
local sssa = "Shattered Sun Staging Area" -- Shattered Sun Offensive bombing run
local srharbor = "Sun's Reach Harbor"
local sssagossip = "Speaking of action" -- shattered sun gossip air strike gossip
local sssagossip2 = "I need to intercept" -- dawnblade reinforcements gossip
local thesinloren = "The Sin'loren" -- The Sin'loren dragonhawk
local sinlorengossip = "<Ride the dragonhawk" -- The Sin'loren gossip
local swcity = "Stormwind"
local swharborscenic = "flight around Stormwind Harbor" -- flight tour around Stormwind Harbor
local cavernsoftime = "Caverns of Time"
local cavernsentrance = "Please take me" -- dragon flight at Caverns of Time entrance
local oldhillsbrad = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills"
local oldhillsbradgossip = "I'm ready to go"
local durnholdekeep = "Durnholde Keep"
local amberledge = "Amber Ledge"
local transitusshield = "Transitus Shield (Scenic)" -- gossip flightpath, long way
local amberledgegossip = "I'd like passage"
local valgarde = "Valgarde" -- Valgarde to Explorer's League Outpost
local explorersleague = "Explorers' League Outpost"
local valgardegossip = "Take me to the Explorers"
local argenttournament = "Argent Tournament Grounds" -- "Get Kraken" daily quest
local argenttournamentgossip = "Mount the Hippogryph"
local fin = "Return"
local ashenvalesaber = "one of your nightsabers to (.+)."
local astranaar, maestrapost = "Astranaar", "Maestra's Post"
local terrorwinggossip = "head down to the Swamp of Sorrows"
local terrorwing, bogpaddle = "Terror Wing Path", "Bogpaddle"
if gl == "koKR" then
nighthaven = "나이트헤이븐"
druidgossip = "(.+)|1으로;로; 가고 싶습니다."
expedition = "원정대 거점"
hellfire = "지옥불 반도"
shatter = "징검다리 거점"
honorpoint = "명예 거점"
hellgossip = "(.+)|1으로;로; 보내 주십시오!"
skyguard = "하늘경비대 전초기지"
blackwind = "검은바람 비행기지"
elseif gl == "zhCN" then
nighthaven = "永夜港"
druidgossip = "我想飞往(.+)。"
expedition = "远征军岗哨"
hellfire = "地狱火半岛"
shatter = "破碎岗哨"
honorpoint = "荣耀岗哨"
hellgossip = "送我到(.+)去!"
skyguard = "天空卫队哨站"
blackwind = "黑风码头"
sssa = "破碎残阳基地"
srharbor = "阳湾港口"
sssagossip = "说到行动"
sssagossip2 = "我必须阻止"
thesinloren = "辛洛雷号"
sinlorengossip = "<骑上龙鹰"
elseif gl == "zhTW" then
nighthaven = "永夜港" --Nighthaven, Moonglade
druidgossip = "我想飛往(.+)。" --Druid gossip option
expedition = "遠征隊哨塔" --Expedition Point
hellfire = "地獄火半島" --Another for Shatter Point (aka Honor Point)
shatter = "破碎崗哨"
honorpoint = "榮譽崗哨"
hellgossip = "送我去(.+)!" --Hellfire special flightpath gossip option (Alliance)
skyguard = "禦天者崗哨"
blackwind = "黑風平臺"
elseif gl == "deDE" then
nighthaven = "Nachthafen"
druidgossip = "Wollt Ihr jetzt nach %s? %s fliegen?" --Druid gossip option
expedition = "Expeditionsr\195\188stlager"
hellfire = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel"
shatter = "Tr\195\188mmerposten"
honorpoint = "Ehrenpunkt"
hellgossip = "Bringt mich zum (.+)!"
skyguard = "Au\195\159enposten der Himmelswache"
blackwind = "Schattenwindlager"
elseif gl == "esES" then
nighthaven = "Asilo de la noche" --Nighthaven, Moonglade
druidgossip = "Me gustaría volar a (.+)." --Druid gossip option
expedition = "Punto de Expedición" --Expedition Point
hellfire = "Península del Fuego Infernal" --Another for Shatter Point (aka Honor Point)
shatter = "Punto de Añicos"
honorpoint = "Punto de Honor"
hellgossip = "Envíame a (.+)!" --Hellfire special flightpath gossip option (Alliance)
skyguard = "Puesto avanzado del Protector del Cielo"
blackwind = "Aterrizaje del VientoNegro"
sssa = "Zona de Espera del Sol Roto" -- Shattered Sun Offensive bombing run
srharbor = "Puerto del Alcance del Sol"
sssagossip = "Hablando de acción" -- shattered sun gossip air strike gossip
sssagossip2 = "Necesito interceptar" -- dawnblade reinforcements gossip
thesinloren = "El Sin'loren" -- The Sin'loren dragonhawk
sinlorengossip = "<Monte el HalcónDragón" -- The Sin'loren gossip
elseif gl == "ruRU" then
nighthaven = "Ночная Гавань" --Nighthaven, Moonglade
druidgossip = "I'd like to fly to (.+)." --Druid gossip option
expedition = "Лагерь экспедиции" --Expedition Point
hellfire = "Полуостров Адского Пламени" --Another for Shatter Point (aka Honor Point)
shatter = "Парящая застава"
honorpoint = "Honor Point" -- Оплот Чести
hellgossip = "Send me to (.+)!" --Hellfire special flightpath gossip option (Alliance)
skyguard = "Застава Стражи Небес"
blackwind = "Лагерь Черного Ветра"
sssa = "П.П. Расколотого Солнца" -- Shattered Sun Offensive bombing run
srharbor = "Гавань Солнечного Края"
sssagossip = "Speaking of action" -- shattered sun gossip air strike gossip
sssagossip2 = "I need to intercept" -- dawnblade reinforcements gossip
thesinloren = "Син'лорен" -- The Sin'loren dragonhawk
sinlorengossip = "<Ride the dragonhawk" -- The Sin'loren gossip
swcity = "Штормград"
swharborscenic = "flight around Stormwind Harbor" -- flight tour around Stormwind Harbor
cavernsoftime = "Пещеры Времени"
cavernsentrance = "Please take me" -- dragon flight at Caverns of Time entrance
oldhillsbrad = "Старые предгорья Хилсбрада"
oldhillsbradgossip = "I'm ready to go"
durnholdekeep = "Крепость Дарнхольд"
amberledge = "Янтарная гряда"
transitusshield = "Маскировочный щит" -- gossip flightpath, long way
amberledgegossip = "Мне хотелось бы"
valgarde = "Валгард" -- Valgarde to Explorer's League Outpost
explorersleague = "Лагерь Лиги Исследователей"
valgardegossip = "Take me to the Explorers"
argenttournament = "Ристалище Серебряного турнира" -- "Get Kraken" daily quest
argenttournamentgossip = "Забраться на гиппогрифа"
fin = "Return"
t = {
[nighthaven] = { match = druidgossip, },
[expedition] = { match = hellgossip, },
[hellfire] = { match = hellgossip, s = honorpoint },
[shatter] = { match = hellgossip, },
[skyguard] = { find = blackwind, d = blackwind, },
[blackwind] = { find = skyguard, d = skyguard, },
[sssa] = { find = sssagossip, find2 = sssagossip2, s = sssa, d = sssa, s2 = sssa, d2 = thesinloren, },
[thesinloren] = { find = sinlorengossip, d = sssa, },
[swcity] = { find = swharborscenic, },
[cavernsoftime] = { find = cavernsentrance, },
[oldhillsbrad] = { find = oldhillsbradgossip, d = durnholdekeep, },
[amberledge] = { find = amberledgegossip, d = transitusshield, },
[valgarde] = { find = valgardegossip, d = explorersleague, },
[argenttournament] = { find = argenttournamentgossip, d = fin, },
[astranaar] = { match = ashenvalesaber, },
[maestrapost] = { match = ashenvalesaber, },
[terrorwing] = { find = terrorwinggossip, d = bogpaddle, },
t[srharbor] = t[sssa]
function InFlight:SetupInFlight()
SlashCmdList.INFLIGHT = function()
if LoadInFlight() then
SLASH_INFLIGHT1 = "/inflight"
local panel = CreateFrame("Frame") = "InFlight"
panel:SetScript("OnShow", function(this)
if LoadInFlight() and InFlight.SetLayout then
InFlight.SetupInFlight = nil
-- support for flightpaths that are started by gossip options
local strmatch = strmatch
hooksecurefunc("GossipTitleButton_OnClick", function(this, button)
if this.type ~= "Gossip" then return end
local subzone = GetMinimapZoneText()
local tsz = t[subzone]
if not tsz then return end
local text = this:GetText()
if not text or text == "" then return end
local source, destination
if tsz.match then -- destination is in the text
destination = strmatch(text, tsz.match)
if not destination then return end
source = tsz.s or subzone
elseif tsz.find and strmatch(text, tsz.find) then -- destination already known 1
source = tsz.s or subzone
destination = tsz.d or subzone
elseif tsz.find2 and strmatch(text, tsz.find2) then -- destination already known 2
source = tsz.s2 or subzone
destination = tsz.d2 or subzone
if source and LoadInFlight() then
self:StartMiscFlight(source, destination)
tags/8.0.006/InFlight_Load/InFlight_Load.toc New file
0,0 → 1,14
## Interface: 80000
## Title: InFlight_Load
## Notes: Loader for InFlight
## Notes-zhTW: InFlight 的載入器
## Notes-zhCN: 显示各地飞行点
## Author: TotalPackage
## Version: 8.0.006
## X-Category: Interface Enhancements
## LoadManagers: AddonLoader
## X-LoadOn-Always: delayed
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/embeds.xml New file
0,0 → 1,5
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Script file="libs\LibSharedMedia-3.0\LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
<Script file="libs\LibSharedMedia-3.0\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"/>
<Script file="libs\LibSharedMedia-3.0\LibSharedMedia-3.0\LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/InFlight.lua New file
0,0 → 1,1119
local _G = getfenv(0)
local InFlight, self = InFlight, InFlight
local GetNumRoutes, GetTime, NumTaxiNodes, TaxiNodeGetType, TaxiNodeName, UnitOnTaxi = GetNumRoutes, GetTime, NumTaxiNodes, TaxiNodeGetType, TaxiNodeName, UnitOnTaxi
local floor, format, strsub, print = floor, format, strsub, print
local gtt = GameTooltip
local oldTakeTaxiNode
InFlight.debug = false
local smed = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
local debug = InFlight.debug
local Print, PrintD = InFlight.Print, InFlight.PrintD
local vars, db -- addon
local taxiSrc, taxiDst, endTime -- location data
local porttaken, takeoff, inworld, ontaxi -- flags
local ratio, endText -- cache variables
local sb, spark, timeText, locText, bord -- frame elements
local totalTime, startTime, elapsed, throt = 0, 0, 0, 0 -- throttle vars
local gl = GetLocale()
local L_destparse = ", (.+)" -- removes main zone name, leaving only subzone
local L_duration = "Duration: "
local L_tooltipoption2 = " <Shift left-click> to move."
local L_tooltipoption3 = " <Right-click> for options."
local L_confirmpopup = "Take flight to |cffffff00%s%s|r?"
local L_BarOptions = "Bar Options"
local L_FillUp = "Fill Up"
local L_ShowSpark = "Show spark"
local L_Texture = "Texture"
local L_Width = "Width"
local L_Height = "Height"
local L_Border = "Border"
local L_FillColor = "Fill Color"
local L_UnknownColor = "Unknown Color"
local L_BackgroundColor = "Background Color"
local L_BorderColor = "Border Color"
local L_TextOptions = "Text Options"
local L_CompactMode = "Compact Mode"
local L_ToText = "\"To\" Text"
local L_Font = "Font"
local L_FontColor = "Font Color"
local L_ShowChat = "Chat Messages"
local L_ConfirmFlight = "Confirm Flight"
if gl == "enUS" then
-- do nada and skip ifelse chain
elseif gl == "deDE" then -- provided by Brobar
--L_destparse = ", (.+)" -- removes main zone name, leaving only subzone
L_duration = "Flugdauer: "
L_tooltipoption2 = " <Shift Links-Klick> zum Bewegen."
L_tooltipoption3 = " <Rechts-Klick> f\195\188r Optionen."
L_confirmpopup = "Flug nehmen zu |cffffff00%s%s|r?"
L_BarOptions = "Statusoptionen"
L_FillUp = "F\195\188llen"
L_Texture = "Textur"
L_Width = "Breite"
L_Height = "H\195\182he"
L_Border = "Rand"
L_FillColor = "F\195\188llfarbe"
L_UnknownColor = "Unbekannte Farbe"
L_BackgroundColor = "Hintergrundfarbe"
L_BorderColor = "Randfarbe"
L_TextOptions = "Textoptionen"
L_CompactMode = "Kompaktmodus"
L_ToText = "\"Nach\" Text"
L_Font = "Schriftart"
L_FontColor = "Schriftfarbe"
L_ConfirmFlight = "Flug best\195\164tigen"
elseif gl == "koKR" then
L_destparse = " %- (.+)" -- removes main zone name, leaving only subzone
L_duration = "지속시간: "
L_tooltipoption2 = " <쉬프트+클릭> 하면 이동합니다."
L_tooltipoption3 = " <오른쪽-클릭> 하면 설정을 엽니다."
--L_confirmpopup = "Take flight to |cffffff00%s%s|r?"
L_BarOptions = "바 설정"
L_FillUp = "바 채우기"
L_Texture = "바 텍스처"
L_Width = "길이"
L_Height = "높이"
L_Border = "테두리"
L_FillColor = "바 색상"
L_UnknownColor = "모르는 경로 색상"
L_BackgroundColor = "배경 색상"
L_BorderColor = "테두리 색상"
L_TextOptions = "글자 설정"
L_CompactMode = "간단 모드"
-- L_ToText = "\"To\" Text"
L_Font = "글꼴"
L_FontColor = "글꼴 색상"
L_ConfirmFlight = "경로 확인"
elseif gl == "zhTW" then
L_destparse = ",(.+)" -- removes main zone name, leaving only subzone
L_duration = "時間: "
L_tooltipoption2 = " Shift-左擊: 移動"
L_tooltipoption3 = " 右擊: 打開設定選單"
L_confirmpopup = "你確定你要飛到|cffffff00%s%s|r?"
L_BarOptions = "外觀"
L_FillUp = "遞增"
L_Texture = "時間條紋理"
L_Width = "寬度"
L_Height = "高度"
L_Border = "邊框"
L_FillColor = "時間條顏色"
L_UnknownColor = "未知顏色"
L_BackgroundColor = "背景顏色"
L_BorderColor = "邊框顏色"
L_TextOptions = "字形"
L_CompactMode = "內嵌模式"
L_ToText = "「到」文字"
L_Font = "字形"
L_FontColor = "字形顏色"
L_ConfirmFlight = "確定飛行"
elseif gl == "esES" then
--L_destparse = ", (.+)" -- removes main zone name, leaving only subzone
L_duration = "Duración: "
L_tooltipoption2 = " <Shift+Click-Izquierdo> para mover."
L_tooltipoption3 = " <Click-Derecho> para Opciones."
L_confirmpopup = "¿Coger un vuelo hacia |cffffff00%s%s|r?"
L_BarOptions = "Opciones de la Barra"
L_FillUp = "Rellenar"
L_Texture = "Textura"
L_Width = "Ancho"
L_Height = "Alto"
L_Border = "Borde"
L_FillColor = "Color de la Barra"
L_UnknownColor = "Color de Desconocido"
L_BackgroundColor = "Color de Fondo"
L_BorderColor = "Color de Borde"
L_TextOptions = "Opciones del Texto"
L_CompactMode = "Modo Compacto"
L_ToText = "Texto \"Hacia\""
L_Font = "Fuente"
L_FontColor = "Color"
L_ConfirmFlight = "Confirmar Vuelo"
elseif gl == "ruRU" then -- Translated by StingerSoft (Эритнулл ака Шептун)
--L_destparse = ", (.+)" -- удаляет название основной зоны, оставляя только подзону
L_duration = "Продолжительность полета: "
L_tooltipoption2 = " <Shift левый-клик> для перемещения."
L_tooltipoption3 = " <Правый-клик> для опций."
L_confirmpopup = "Лететь в |cffffff00%s%s|r?"
L_BarOptions = "Опции полосы"
L_FillUp = "Заполнять"
L_Texture = "Текстура"
L_Width = "Ширина"
L_Height = "Высота"
L_Border = "Края"
L_FillColor = "Цвет заполнения"
L_UnknownColor = "Неизвестный цвет"
L_BackgroundColor = "Цвет фона"
L_BorderColor = "Цвет края"
L_TextOptions = "Опции текста"
L_CompactMode = "Компактный режим"
L_ToText = "\"в\" Текст"
L_Font = "Шрифт"
L_FontColor = "Цвет шрифта"
L_ConfirmFlight = "Подтверждать полет"
elseif gl == "frFR" then
L_destparse = ", (.+)" -- removes main zone name, leaving only subzone
L_duration = "Durée: "
L_tooltipoption2 = " <Shift clic gauche> pour se déplacer."
L_tooltipoption3 = " <clic droit> f\195\188r Options."
L_confirmpopup = "Prenez votre envol pour |cffffff00%s%s|r?"
L_BarOptions = "Status Options"
L_FillUp = "compléter"
L_Texture = "Texture"
L_Width = "Largeur"
L_Height = "Hauteur"
L_Border = "Bordure"
L_FillColor = "Couleur de remplissage"
L_UnknownColor = "couleur Inconnu"
L_BackgroundColor = "Couleur de fond"
L_BorderColor = "Couleur de la bordure"
L_TextOptions = "Options du texte"
L_CompactMode = "Compact Mode"
L_ToText = "\"Après\" Text"
L_Font = "Font"
L_FontColor = "Couleur de font"
L_ConfirmFlight = "Confirmer votre vol"
local function FormatTime(secs, f) -- simple time format
if not secs then
return "??"
if not f then
return format("%d:%02d", secs / 60, secs % 60)
f:SetFormattedText("%d:%02d / %s", secs / 60, secs % 60, endText)
local function ShortenName(name) -- shorten name to lighten saved vars and display
return gsub(name, L_destparse, "")
local function SetPoints(f, lp, lrt, lrp, lx, ly, rp, rrt, rrp, rx, ry)
f:SetPoint(lp, lrt, lrp, lx, ly)
if rp then
f:SetPoint(rp, rrt, rrp, rx, ry)
local function SetToUnknown() -- setup bar for flights with unknown time
sb:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1)
sb:SetStatusBarColor(db.unknowncolor.r, db.unknowncolor.g, db.unknowncolor.b, db.unknowncolor.a)
endText = "??"
local function GetEstimatedTime(slot) -- estimates flight times based on hops
local numNodes, numRoutes = NumTaxiNodes(), GetNumRoutes(slot)
local nodeName = ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(slot))
local taxiNodes = {[numRoutes + 1] = nodeName}
for hop = 1, numRoutes, 1 do
local nodeX, nodeY = floor(100 * TaxiGetSrcX(slot, hop)), floor(100 * TaxiGetSrcY(slot, hop))
for i = 1, numNodes, 1 do
local iX, iY = TaxiNodePosition(i)
iX, iY = floor(100 * iX), floor(100 * iY)
if nodeX == iX and nodeY == iY then
nodeName = ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(i))
taxiNodes[hop] = nodeName
local etimes = { 0 }
local prevNode = {}
local nextNode = {}
local srcNode, dstNode = 1, #taxiNodes - 1
PrintD("|cff208080New Route:|r", taxiNodes[srcNode], "|cff208020to|r", taxiNodes[dstNode + 1])
while srcNode and srcNode < #taxiNodes do
while dstNode and dstNode > srcNode do
PrintD("|cff208080Node:|r", taxiNodes[srcNode], "|cff208020to|r", taxiNodes[dstNode])
if vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]] then
if not etimes[dstNode] and vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]][taxiNodes[dstNode]] then
etimes[dstNode] = etimes[srcNode] + vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]][taxiNodes[dstNode]]
PrintD(taxiNodes[dstNode], "time:", FormatTime(etimes[srcNode]), "+", FormatTime(vars[taxiNodes[srcNode]][taxiNodes[dstNode]]), "=", FormatTime(etimes[dstNode]))
nextNode[srcNode] = dstNode - 1
prevNode[dstNode] = srcNode
srcNode = dstNode
dstNode = #taxiNodes
dstNode = dstNode - 1
srcNode = prevNode[srcNode]
dstNode = nextNode[srcNode]
if not etimes[#taxiNodes] then
srcNode = prevNode[srcNode]
dstNode = nextNode[srcNode]
return etimes[#taxiNodes]
local function postTaxiNodeOnButtonEnter(button) -- adds duration info to taxi node tooltips
local id = button:GetID()
if TaxiNodeGetType(id) ~= "REACHABLE" then
local ftime = (vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(id))]) or GetEstimatedTime(id) or 0
if ftime > 0 then
gtt:AddLine(L_duration..FormatTime(ftime), 1, 1, 1)
gtt:AddLine(L_duration.."-:--", 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
local function postFlightNodeOnButtonEnter(button) -- adds duration info to flight node tooltips
if button.taxiNodeData.state ~= Enum.FlightPathState.Reachable then
local ftime = (vars[taxiSrc] and vars[taxiSrc][ShortenName(]) or GetEstimatedTime(button.taxiNodeData.slotIndex) or 0
if ftime > 0 then
gtt:AddLine(L_duration..FormatTime(ftime), 1, 1, 1)
gtt:AddLine(L_duration.."-:--", 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
function InFlight.Print(...) -- prefix chat messages
print("|cff0040ffIn|cff00aaffFlight|r:", ...)
Print = InFlight.Print
function InFlight.PrintD(...) -- debug print
if debug then
print("|cff00ff40In|cff00aaffFlight|r:", ...)
PrintD = InFlight.PrintD
function InFlight:LoadBulk() -- called from InFlight_Load
InFlightDB = InFlightDB or {}
if InFlightDB.profiles then
InFlightDB = InFlightDB.profiles.Default
InFlightDB.profiles = nil
db = InFlightDB.perchar and InFlightCharDB or InFlightDB
InFlightVars = InFlightVars or { Alliance = {}, Horde = {}, } -- flight time data
vars = InFlightVars[UnitFactionGroup("player")]
if db.dbinit ~= 806 or debug then
db.dbinit = 806
local function SetDefaults(db, t) -- set saved variables
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if type(db[k]) == "table" then
SetDefaults(db[k], v)
elseif db[k] == nil then
db[k] = v
SetDefaults(db, {
fill = true,
spark = true,
border = "Blizzard Dialog",
height = 14,
width = 230,
font = "Friz Quadrata TT",
fontsize = 12,
texture = "Blizzard",
barcolor = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.8, a = 1.0, },
unknowncolor = { r = 0.2, g = 0.2, b = 0.4, a = 1.0, },
bordercolor = { r = 0.6, g = 0.6, b = 0.6, a = 0.8, },
backcolor = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.6, },
fontcolor = { r = 1.0, g = 1.0, b = 1.0, a = 1.0, },
totext = "-->",
chatlog = true,
} )
db.totext = strtrim(db.totext)
db.upload = nil
-- updates to default data
Print("Default data updated.")
local defaults = self:LoadDefaults()
for faction, t in pairs(defaults) do
local updated, added = 0, 0
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
InFlightVars[faction][src] = InFlightVars[faction][src] or { }
for dst, dtime in pairs(dt) do
if not InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] then
added = added + 1
-- Always update with default data to avoid data cycle regressions
if debug then
if not InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = dtime
local utime = InFlightVars[faction][src][dst]
if utime > dtime + 5 or utime < dtime - 5 then
updated = updated + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", src, db.totext, dst, "|cff208020updated:|r", FormatTime(dtime), "|cff208020to|r", FormatTime(utime))
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = dtime
if updated > 0 then
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020- updated|r", updated, "|cff208020flight times.|r")
if added > 0 then
Print(faction, "|cff208080- added|r", added, "|cff208080new flight times.|r")
-- check every 2 weeks if there are new flight times found
if not db.upload or db.upload < time() then
local locale = GetLocale()
if locale == "enUS" or locale == "enGB" then
local defaults = self:LoadDefaults()
self:Sanitise(InFlightVars, false)
for faction, t in pairs(InFlightVars) do
local found = 0
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
for dst, dtime in pairs(dt) do
if not defaults[faction][src] or not defaults[faction][src][dst] then
found = found + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", src, db.totext, dst, "|cff208020found:|r", FormatTime(dtime))
if found > 0 then
Print(faction, "|cff208020- found|r", found, "|cff208020flight times available to contribute.|r")
db.upload = time() + 1209600
if not debug then
self.LoadDefaults = nil
oldTakeTaxiNode = TakeTaxiNode
TakeTaxiNode = function(slot)
if TaxiNodeGetType(slot) ~= "REACHABLE" then
taxiDst = ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(slot))
local t = vars[taxiSrc]
if t and t[taxiDst] and t[taxiDst] > 0 then -- saved variables lookup
endTime = t[taxiDst]
endTime = GetEstimatedTime(slot)
if db.confirmflight then -- confirm flight
StaticPopupDialogs.INFLIGHTCONFIRM = StaticPopupDialogs.INFLIGHTCONFIRM or {
button1 = OKAY, button2 = CANCEL,
OnAccept = function(this, data) InFlight:StartTimer(data) end,
timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, hideOnEscape = 1,
StaticPopupDialogs.INFLIGHTCONFIRM.text = format(L_confirmpopup, taxiDst, endTime and format(" (%s)", FormatTime(endTime)) or "")
local dialog = StaticPopup_Show("INFLIGHTCONFIRM")
if dialog then = slot
else -- just take the flight
-- function hooks to detect if a user took a summon
hooksecurefunc("TaxiRequestEarlyLanding", function() porttaken = true end)
hooksecurefunc("AcceptBattlefieldPort", function(index, accept) porttaken = accept and true end)
hooksecurefunc("ConfirmSummon", function() porttaken = true end)
hooksecurefunc("CompleteLFGRoleCheck", function(bool) porttaken = bool end)
self.LoadBulk = nil
function InFlight:InitSource(isTaxiMap) -- cache source location and hook tooltips
if isTaxiMap then
for i = 1, NumTaxiNodes(), 1 do
local tb = _G["TaxiButton"..i]
if tb and not tb.inflighted then
tb:HookScript("OnEnter", postTaxiNodeOnButtonEnter)
tb.inflighted = true
if TaxiNodeGetType(i) == "CURRENT" then
taxiSrc = ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(i))
elseif FlightMapFrame and GetTaxiMapID() ~= 994 then
local tb = FlightMapFrame.pinPools.FlightMap_FlightPointPinTemplate
for flightnode in tb:EnumerateActive() do
if not flightnode.inflighted then
flightnode:HookScript("OnEnter", postFlightNodeOnButtonEnter)
flightnode.inflighted = true
if flightnode.taxiNodeData.state == Enum.FlightPathState.Current then
taxiSrc = ShortenName(
function InFlight:StartTimer(slot) -- lift off
if CanExitVehicle() == 1 then
-- Don't show timer or record times for Argus map
if slot and FlightMapFrame and GetTaxiMapID() == 994 then
return oldTakeTaxiNode(slot)
-- create the timer bar
if not sb then
-- start the timers and setup statusbar
if endTime then
sb:SetMinMaxValues(0, endTime)
sb:SetValue(db.fill and 0 or endTime)
endText = FormatTime(endTime)
FormatTime(0, timeText)
porttaken = nil
elapsed, totalTime, startTime = 0, 0, GetTime()
takeoff, inworld = true, true
throt = min(0.2, (endTime or 50) * 0.004) -- increases updates for short flights
if slot then
function InFlight:StartMiscFlight(src, dst) -- called from InFlight_Load for special flights
endTime = vars[src] and vars[src][dst]
taxiSrc, taxiDst = src, dst
do -- timer bar
local bdrop = { edgeSize = 16, insets = {}, }
local bdi = bdrop.insets
function InFlight:CreateBar()
sb = CreateFrame("StatusBar", "InFlightBar", UIParent)
sb:SetPoint(db.p or "BOTTOM", UIParent, db.rp or "TOP", db.x or 0, db.y or -170)
sb:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(this, a1)
if a1 == "RightButton" then
elseif a1 == "LeftButton" and IsControlKeyDown() then
ontaxi, porttaken = nil, true
sb:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(this)
if IsShiftKeyDown() then
sb:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(this)
local a,b,c,d,e = this:GetPoint()
db.p, db.rp, db.x, db.y = a, c, floor(d + 0.5), floor(e + 0.5)
sb:SetScript("OnEnter", function(this)
gtt:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
gtt:SetText("InFlight", 1, 1, 1)
gtt:AddLine(L_tooltipoption2, 0, 1, 0)
gtt:AddLine(L_tooltipoption3, 0, 1, 0)
gtt:AddLine("<Control left-click> to force close", 0, 1, 0)
sb:SetScript("OnLeave", function() gtt:Hide() end)
timeText = sb:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
locText = sb:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
spark = sb:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
bord = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, sb) -- border/background
SetPoints(bord, "TOPLEFT", sb, "TOPLEFT", -5, 5, "BOTTOMRIGHT", sb, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, -5)
local function onupdate(this, a1)
elapsed = elapsed + a1
if elapsed < throt then
totalTime = GetTime() - startTime
elapsed = 0
if takeoff then -- check if actually in flight after take off (doesn't happen immediately)
if UnitOnTaxi("player") then
takeoff, ontaxi = nil, true
elapsed, totalTime, startTime = throt - 0.01, 0, GetTime()
elseif totalTime > 5 then
if not UnitOnTaxi("player") then -- event bug fix
ontaxi = nil
if not ontaxi then -- flight ended
PrintD("|cff208080porttaken -|r", porttaken)
if not porttaken then
if type(vars) == "table" and type(taxiSrc) == "string" then
vars[taxiSrc] = vars[taxiSrc] or { }
local oldTime = vars[taxiSrc][taxiDst]
local newTime = floor(totalTime + 0.5)
if db.chatlog then
if not oldTime then
Print(taxiSrc, db.totext, taxiDst, "|cff208080added flight time:|r", FormatTime(newTime))
elseif newTime > oldTime + 5 or newTime < oldTime - 5 then
Print(taxiSrc, db.totext, taxiDst, "|cff208080updated flight time:|r", FormatTime(oldTime), "|cff208080to|r", FormatTime(newTime))
PrintD(taxiSrc, db.totext, taxiDst, "|cff208080updated flight time:|r", FormatTime(oldTime), "|cff208080to|r", FormatTime(newTime))
vars[taxiSrc][taxiDst] = newTime
endTime = nil
if endTime then -- update statusbar if destination time is known
if totalTime - 2 > endTime then -- in case the flight is longer than expected
endTime = nil
local value = db.fill and totalTime or (endTime - totalTime)
if value > endTime then
value = endTime
elseif value < 0 then
value = 0
spark:SetPoint("CENTER", sb, "LEFT", value * ratio, 0)
FormatTime(value, timeText)
else -- destination time is unknown, so show that it's timing
FormatTime(totalTime, timeText)
function self:PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD()
inworld = nil
inworld = true
if not inworld then
if self:IsShown() then
ontaxi = nil
onupdate(self, 3)
self:SetScript("OnUpdate", onupdate)
self.CreateBar = nil
function InFlight:UpdateLook()
if not sb then
local texture = smed:Fetch("statusbar", db.texture)
local inset = (db.border=="Textured" and 2) or 4
bdrop.bgFile = texture
bdrop.edgeFile = smed:Fetch("border", db.border)
bdi.left, bdi.right,, bdi.bottom = inset, inset, inset, inset
bord:SetBackdropColor(db.backcolor.r, db.backcolor.g, db.backcolor.b, db.backcolor.a)
bord:SetBackdropBorderColor(db.bordercolor.r, db.bordercolor.g, db.bordercolor.b, db.bordercolor.a)
if sb:GetStatusBarTexture() then
spark:SetHeight(db.height * 2.4)
if endTime then -- in case we're in flight
ratio = db.width / endTime
sb:SetStatusBarColor(db.barcolor.r, db.barcolor.g, db.barcolor.b, db.barcolor.a)
if db.spark then
locText:SetFont(smed:Fetch("font", db.font), db.fontsize, db.outline and "OUTLINE" or nil)
locText:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, db.fontcolor.a)
locText:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
locText:SetTextColor(db.fontcolor.r, db.fontcolor.g, db.fontcolor.b, db.fontcolor.a)
timeText:SetFont(smed:Fetch("font", db.font), db.fontsize, db.outlinetime and "OUTLINE" or nil)
timeText:SetShadowColor(0, 0, 0, db.fontcolor.a)
timeText:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
timeText:SetTextColor(db.fontcolor.r, db.fontcolor.g, db.fontcolor.b, db.fontcolor.a)
if db.inline then
SetPoints(timeText, "RIGHT", sb, "RIGHT", -4, 0)
SetPoints(locText, "LEFT", sb, "LEFT", 4, 0, "RIGHT", timeText, "LEFT", -2, 0)
locText:SetText(taxiDst or "??")
SetPoints(timeText, "CENTER", sb, "CENTER", 0, 0)
SetPoints(locText, "TOPLEFT", sb, "TOPLEFT", -24, db.fontsize*2.5, "BOTTOMRIGHT", sb, "TOPRIGHT", 24, (db.border=="None" and 1) or 3)
locText:SetFormattedText("%s %s %s", taxiSrc or "??", db.totext, taxiDst or "??")
function InFlight:SetLayout(this) -- setups the options in the default interface options
local t1 = this:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
t1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
t1:SetText("InFlight") = t1
local t2 = this:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK")
SetPoints(t2, "TOPLEFT", t1, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8, "RIGHT", this, "RIGHT", -32, 0)
local function GetInfo(field)
return GetAddOnMetadata("InFlight", field) or "N/A"
t2:SetFormattedText("Notes: %s\nAuthor: %s\nVersion: %s", GetInfo("Notes"), GetInfo("Author"), GetInfo("Version"))
local b = CreateFrame("Button", nil, this, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
b:SetScript("OnClick", InFlight.ShowOptions)
b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", t2, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -8)
this:SetScript("OnShow", nil)
self.SetLayout = nil
-- options table
smed:Register("border", "Textured", "\\Interface\\None") -- dummy border
local InFlightDD, offsetvalue, offsetcount, lastb
local info = { }
function InFlight.ShowOptions()
if not InFlightDD then
InFlightDD = CreateFrame("Frame", "InFlightDD", InFlight)
InFlightDD.displayMode = "MENU"
local function HideCheck(b)
if b and b.GetName and _G[b:GetName().."Check"] then
hooksecurefunc("ToggleDropDownMenu", function(...) lastb = select(8, ...) end)
local function Exec(b, k, value)
if k == "totext" then
StaticPopupDialogs["InFlightToText"] = StaticPopupDialogs["InFlightToText"] or {
text = "Enter your 'to' text.",
button1 = ACCEPT, button2 = CANCEL,
hasEditBox = 1, maxLetters = 12,
OnAccept = function(self)
db.totext = self.editBox:GetText()
OnShow = function(self)
OnHide = function(self)
EditBoxOnEnterPressed = function(self)
local parent = self:GetParent()
db.totext = parent.editBox:GetText()
EditBoxOnEscapePressed = function(self)
timeout = 0, exclusive = 1, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1,
elseif (k == "less" or k == "more") and lastb then
local off = (k == "less" and -8) or 8
if offsetvalue == value then
offsetcount = offsetcount + off
offsetvalue, offsetcount = value, off
local tb = _G[gsub(lastb:GetName(), "ExpandArrow", "")]
ToggleDropDownMenu(b:GetParent():GetID(), tb.value, nil, nil, nil, nil, tb.menuList, tb)
elseif k == "resetall" then
InFlightDB, InFlightCharDB = nil, nil
local function Set(b, k)
if not k then
db[k] = not db[k]
if k == "perchar" then
if db[k] then
InFlightCharDB = db
InFlightCharDB = nil
local function SetSelect(b, a1)
db[a1] = tonumber(b.value) or b.value
local level, num = strmatch(b:GetName(), "DropDownList(%d+)Button(%d+)")
level, num = tonumber(level) or 0, tonumber(num) or 0
local b = _G["DropDownList"..level.."Button"..i.."Check"]
if b then
b[i == num and "Show" or "Hide"](b)
local function SetColor(a1)
if not dbc then
if a1 then
local pv = ColorPickerFrame.previousValues
dbc.r, dbc.g, dbc.b, dbc.a = pv.r, pv.g, pv.b, 1 - pv.opacity
dbc.r, dbc.g, dbc.b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
dbc.a = 1 - OpacitySliderFrame:GetValue()
local function AddButton(lvl, text, keepshown)
info.text = text
info.keepShownOnClick = keepshown
UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, lvl)
local function AddToggle(lvl, text, value)
info.arg1 = value
info.func = Set
info.checked = db[value]
info.isNotRadio = true
AddButton(lvl, text, 1)
local function AddExecute(lvl, text, arg1, arg2)
info.arg1 = arg1
info.arg2 = arg2
info.func = Exec
info.notCheckable = 1
AddButton(lvl, text, 1)
local function AddColor(lvl, text, value)
local dbc = db[value]
if not dbc then
info.hasColorSwatch = true
info.hasOpacity = 1
info.r, info.g, info.b, info.opacity = dbc.r, dbc.g, dbc.b, 1 - dbc.a
info.swatchFunc, info.opacityFunc, info.cancelFunc = SetColor, SetColor, SetColor
info.value = value
info.notCheckable = 1
info.func = UIDropDownMenuButton_OpenColorPicker
AddButton(lvl, text, nil)
local function AddList(lvl, text, value)
info.value = value
info.hasArrow = true
info.func = HideCheck
info.notCheckable = 1
AddButton(lvl, text, 1)
local function AddSelect(lvl, text, arg1, value)
info.arg1 = arg1
info.func = SetSelect
info.value = value
if tonumber(value) and tonumber(db[arg1] or "blah") then
if floor(100 * tonumber(value)) == floor(100 * tonumber(db[arg1])) then
info.checked = true
info.checked = (db[arg1] == value)
AddButton(lvl, text, 1)
local function AddFakeSlider(lvl, value, minv, maxv, step, tbl)
local cvalue = 0
local dbv = db[value]
if type(dbv) == "string" and tbl then
for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
if dbv == v then
cvalue = i
cvalue = dbv or ((maxv - minv) / 2)
local adj = (offsetvalue == value and offsetcount) or 0
local starti = max(minv, cvalue - (7 - adj) * step)
local endi = min(maxv, cvalue + (8 + adj) * step)
if starti == minv then
endi = min(maxv, starti + 16 * step)
elseif endi == maxv then
starti = max(minv, endi - 16 * step)
if starti > minv then
AddExecute(lvl, "--", "less", value)
if tbl then
for i = starti, endi, step do
AddSelect(lvl, tbl[i], value, tbl[i])
local fstring = (step >= 1 and "%d") or (step >= 0.1 and "%.1f") or "%.2f"
for i = starti, endi, step do
AddSelect(lvl, format(fstring, i), value, i)
if endi < maxv then
AddExecute(lvl, "++", "more", value)
InFlightDD.initialize = function(self, lvl)
if lvl == 1 then
info.isTitle = true
info.notCheckable = 1
AddButton(lvl, "|cff0040ffIn|cff00aaffFlight|r")
AddList(lvl, L_BarOptions, "frame")
AddList(lvl, L_TextOptions, "text")
AddList(lvl, _G.OTHER, "other")
elseif lvl == 2 then
if sub == "frame" then
AddToggle(lvl, L_FillUp, "fill")
AddToggle(lvl, L_ShowSpark, "spark")
AddList(lvl, L_Texture, "texture")
AddList(lvl, L_Width, "width")
AddList(lvl, L_Height, "height")
AddList(lvl, L_Border, "border")
AddColor(lvl, L_FillColor, "barcolor")
AddColor(lvl, L_UnknownColor, "unknowncolor")
AddColor(lvl, L_BackgroundColor, "backcolor")
AddColor(lvl, L_BorderColor, "bordercolor")
elseif sub == "text" then
AddToggle(lvl, L_CompactMode, "inline")
AddExecute(lvl, L_ToText, "totext")
AddList(lvl, L_Font, "font")
AddList(lvl, _G.FONT_SIZE, "fontsize")
AddColor(lvl, L_FontColor, "fontcolor")
AddToggle(lvl, "Outline Info", "outline")
AddToggle(lvl, "Outline Time", "outlinetime")
AddToggle(lvl, L_ShowChat, "chatlog")
elseif sub == "other" then
AddToggle(lvl, L_ConfirmFlight, "confirmflight")
AddToggle(lvl, _G.CHARACTER.." ".._G.SAVE, "perchar")
AddExecute(lvl, _G.RESET_TO_DEFAULT, "resetall")
elseif lvl == 3 then
if sub == "texture" or sub == "border" or sub == "font" then
local t = smed:List(sub == "texture" and "statusbar" or sub)
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 1, #t, 1, t)
elseif sub == "width" then
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 40, 500, 5)
elseif sub == "height" then
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 4, 100, 1)
elseif sub == "fontsize" then
AddFakeSlider(lvl, sub, 4, 30, 1)
ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, InFlightDD, "cursor")
if debug then
function inflightupdate(timeUpdatesAllowed)
local updates = {}
for table, updates in pairs(updates) do
-- Set updateExistingTimes to true to update and add new times (for updates based
-- on the current default db)
-- Set updateExistingTimes to false to only add new unknown times (use for updates
-- not based on current default db to avoid re-adding old/incorrect times)
local updateExistingTimes = timeUpdatesAllowed or false
-- Phase 1
-- Remove update data that is the same as the default data so that it
-- doesn't revert times that have already been updated in InFlightVars.
-- This means that the default data should NOT be updated between releases
-- as this could cause the updated default times to be reverted by update
-- data that contains default times from the current release (unless
-- updateExistingTimes is set to false)
for faction, t in pairs(self:LoadDefaults()) do
if updates[faction] then
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
if updates[faction][src] then
for dst, dtime in pairs(dt) do
-- Remove times that match the default times
if updates[faction][src][dst] == dtime then
updates[faction][src][dst] = nil
if next(updates[faction][src]) == nil then
updates[faction][src] = nil
if next(updates[faction]) == nil then
updates[faction] = nil
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r No time updates found. All times equal to defaults.")
-- Phase 2
self:Sanitise(updates, updateExistingTimes)
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/Defaults.lua New file
0,0 → 1,15798
function InFlight:LoadDefaults()
local debug = InFlight.debug
local Print, PrintD = self.Print, self.PrintD
local localization
local locale = GetLocale()
if locale == "frFR" then -- provided by lepaperwan / Babe2212
localization = {
-- Kalimdor (Kalimdor)
-- Teldrassil
["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus", -- A
["Dolanaar"] = "Dolanaar", -- A
["Rut'theran Village"] = "Rut'theran", -- A
-- Île de Brume-Azur
["The Exodar"] = "L'Exodar", -- A
["Azure Watch"] = "Guet d'azur", -- A
-- Île de Brume-Sang
["Blood Watch"] = "Guet du sang", -- A
-- Sombrivage
["Lor'danel"] = "Lor'danel", -- A
["Grove of the Ancients"] = "Bosquet des Anciens", -- A
-- Reflet de Lune
["Moonglade"] = "Reflet-de-Lune", -- A
["Nighthaven"] = "Havrenuit", -- A
-- Berceau-de-l’Hiver
["Everlook"] = "Long-guet", -- A
-- Mont Hyjal
["Nordrassil"] = "Nordrassil", -- A
["Shrine of Aviana"] = "Sanctuaire d'Aviana", -- A
["Grove of Aessina"] = "Bosquet d'Aessina", -- A
["Gates of Sothann"] = "Portes de Sothann", -- A
-- Gangrebois
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Clairière de Griffebranche", -- A
["Whisperwind Grove"] = "Bosquet de Murmevent", -- A
["Wildheart Point"] = "Halte de Cœur-Sauvage", -- A
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "Sanctuaire d'émeraude", -- A
-- Orneval
["Blackfathom Camp"] = "Camp de Brassenoire", -- A
["Astranaar"] = "Astranaar", -- A
["Forest Song"] = "Chant des forêts", -- A
["Stardust Spire"] = "Flèche de Chimétoile", -- A
-- Les Serres-Rocheuses
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = "Surplomb de Thal'darah", -- A
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = "Vallon du Long-Guetteur", -- A
["Mirkfallon Post"] = "Poste de Mirkfallon", -- A
["Windshear Hold"] = "Bastion des Cisailles", -- A
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = "Camp de base de l'expédition de Guet-du-Nord", -- A
-- Tarides du Nord
["Ratchet"] = "Cabestan", -- A
-- Tarides du Sud
["Honor's Stand"] = "Le Séjour de l'honneur", -- A
["Northwatch Hold"] = "Fort de Guet-du-Nord", -- A
["Fort Triumph"] = "Fort-Triomphe", -- A
-- Marécage d’Âprefange
["Theramore"] = "Theramore", -- A
["Mudsprocket"] = "Bourbe-à-brac", -- A
-- Mille pointes
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = "Péniche de course de Féplouf et Pozzik", -- A
-- Désolace
["Nijel's Point"] = "Combe de Nijel", -- A
["Ethel Rethor"] = "Ethel Rethor", -- A
["Thunk's Abode"] = "Demeure de Thunk", -- A
["Karnum's Glade"] = "Clairière de Karnum", -- A
["Thargad's Camp"] = "Camp de Thargad", -- A
-- Féralas
["Dreamer's Rest"] = "Repos du Rêveur", -- A
["Feathermoon"] = "Pennelune", -- A
["Tower of Estulan"] = "Tour d'Estulan", -- A
["Shadebough"] = "Ramures ombragées", -- A
-- Silithus
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Fort Cénarien", -- A
-- Cratère d’Un’Goro
["Mossy Pile"] = "Tertre moussu", -- A
["Marshal's Stand"] = "Camp retranché des Marshal", -- A
-- Tanaris
["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan", -- A
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = "Avant-poste des contrebandiers", -- A
["Gunstan's Dig"] = "Site de fouilles de Gunstan", -- A
-- Uldum
["Ramkahen"] = "Ramkahen", -- A
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = "Oasis de Vir'sar", -- A
["Schnottz's Landing"] = "Accostage de Schnottz", -- A
-- Divers
["The Bulwark"] = "La Barricade", -- H
["Bloodvenom Post"] = "Poste de la Vénéneuse", -- H
["Brackenwall Village"] = "Mur-de-Fougères", -- H
["Camp Mojache"] = "Camp Mojache", -- H
["Camp Taurajo"] = "Camp Taurajo", -- H
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Fort cénarien", -- H
["Crossroads"] = "La Croisée", -- H
["Freewind Post"] = "Poste de Librevent", -- H
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Refuge des Marshal", -- H
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar", -- H
["Shadowprey Village"] = "Proie-de-l'Ombre", -- H
["Splintertree Post"] = "Poste de Bois-brisé", -- H
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "Retraite de Roche-Soleil", -- H
["Thunder Bluff"] = "Les Pitons du Tonnerre", -- H
["Valormok"] = "Valormok", -- H
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de Zoram'gar", -- H
-- Royaumes de l'Est (Eastern Kingdoms)
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "Achérus : le fort d'Ébène",
["Booty Bay"] = "Baie-du-Butin",
["Stormwind"] = "Hurlevent",
["Stormwind City"] = "Hurlevent",
["Thorium Point"] = "Halte du Thorium",
["Goldshire"] = "Comté-de-l'Or",
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = "Site de fouilles de la Ligue des explorateurs",
["Kharanos"] = "Kharanos",
["Raven Hill"] = "Colline-aux-Corbeaux",
["Dun Modr"] = "Dun Modr",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "Colline des Sentinelles",
["Ironforge"] = "Forgefer",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Port de Menethil",
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = "Ferme de potirons des Froncebouille",
["Moonbrook"] = "Ruisselune",
["Rebel Camp"] = "Camp rebelle",
["Fort Livingston"] = "Fort-Livingston",
["Camp Everstill"] = "Camp Placide",
["Shattered Beachhead"] = "Tête de pont détruite",
["The Harborage"] = "Le Havre boueux",
["Darkshire"] = "Sombre-Comté",
["Bogpaddle"] = "Brasse-Tourbe",
["Lakeshire"] = "Comté-du-Lac",
["Shalewind Canyon"] = "Canyon Vent-de-schiste",
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = "Camp de bûcherons du Val d'Est",
["Marshtide Watch"] = "Guet de l'Estran",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Veille de Morgan",
["Thorium Point"] = "Halte du Thorium",
["Dustwind Dig"] = "Site de fouilles de la Bourrasque",
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = "Carrière de Gol'Bolar",
["Sandy Beach"] = "Plage Sablonneuse",
["Fuselight"] = "Lumèche",
["Flamestar Post"] = "Poste de Flammétoile",
["Chiselgrip"] = "Cisepoigne",
["Dragon's Mouth"] = "La Gueule du dragon",
["High Bank"] = "Hauterive",
["Thelsamar"] = "Thelsamar",
["Iron Summit"] = "Sommet de Fer",
["Farstrider Lodge"] = "Le pavillon des Pérégrins",
["Thundermar"] = "Tonnemar",
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = "Patrouille de Barbe-en-Feu",
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = "Retraite de Whelgar",
["Victor's Point"] = "Halte de la Victoire",
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = "Mission de Cisepierre",
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = "Bosquet du Gardien vert",
["Kirthaven"] = "Havran'iliz",
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = "La redoute Vermillon",
["Hearthglen"] = "Âtreval",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "Camp du Noroît",
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de Plumorage",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "Refuge de l'Ornière",
["Aerie Peak"] = "Nid-de-l'Aigle",
["The Menders' Stead"] = "Bivouac des Soigneurs",
["Light's Shield Tower"] = "Tour du bouclier de Lumière",
["Eastwall Tower"] = "Tour du Mur d'Est",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Chapelle de l'Espoir de Lumière",
["Crown Guard Tower"] = "Tour de garde de la couronne",
["Northpass Tower"] = "Tour du Col du Nord",
["Thondroril River"] = "La Thondroril",
["Plaguewood Tower"] = "Tour de Pestebois",
["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Chapelle de l'Espoir de Lumière",
["Flame Crest"] = "Corniche des flammes",
["Grom'gol"] = "Grom'gol",
["Hammerfall"] = "Trépas-d'Orgrim",
["Kargath"] = "Kargath",
["Revantusk Village"] = "Village des Vengebroches",
["Silvermoon City"] = "Lune-d'argent",
["Stonard"] = "Pierrêche",
["Tarren Mill"] = "Moulin-de-Tarren",
["The Sepulcher"] = "Le Sépulcre",
["Tranquillien"] = "Tranquillien",
["Undercity"] = "Fossoyeuse",
-- Outreterre (Outland)
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = "Autel de Sha'tar", -- Vallée d'Ombrelune
["Area 52"] = "Zone 52", -- Raz-de-Néant
["Cosmowrench"] = "Cosmovrille", -- Raz-de-Néant
["Evergrove"] = "Bosquet éternel", -- Les Tranchantes
["Falcon Watch"] = "Guet de l'épervier", -- Péninsule des Flammes infernales
["Garadar"] = "Garadar", -- Nagrand
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Péninsule des Flammes infernales", -- Péninsule des Flammes infernales
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "Mok'Nathal", -- Les Tranchantes
["The Stormspire"] = "La Foudreflèche", -- Raz-de-Néant
["Thrallmar"] = "Thrallmar", -- Péninsule des Flammes infernales
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "Bastion des Sire-tonnnerre", -- Les Tranchantes
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "Sanctum des étoiles", -- Vallée d'Ombrelune
["Shadowmoon Village"] = "Village d'Ombrelune", -- Vallée d'Ombrelune
["Shattrath"] = "Shattrath", -- Shattrath
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "Crête Brise-échine", -- Péninsule des Flammes infernales
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "Fort des Brise-pierres", -- Forêt de Terokkar
["Swamprat Post"] = "Poste du Rat des marais", -- Marécage de Zangar
["Zabra'jin"] = "Zabra'jin", -- Marécage de Zangar
-- Norfendre (Northrend)
["Agmar's Hammer"] = "Marteau d'Agmar", -- Désolation des dragons
["Amber Ledge"] = "Escarpement d'Ambre", -- Toundra Boréenne
["Apothecary Camp"] = "Camp des Apothicaires", -- Fjord Hurlant
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = "Avant-poste Bor'grorok", -- Toundra Boréenne
--["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = "", --
["Camp Oneqwah"] = "Camp Oneqwah", -- Les Grisonnes
--["Camp Tunka'lo"] = "", --
["Camp Winterhoof"] = "Camp Sabot-d'hiver", -- Fjord Hurlant
["Conquest Hold"] = "Bastion de la Conquête", -- Les Grisonnes
--["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = "", --
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran", -- Dalaran
--["Death's Rise"] = "", --
["Dun Nifflelem"] = "Dun Nifflelem", -- Les pics Foudroyés
["Ebon Watch"] = "Guet d'Ébene", -- Zul'Drak
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = "Point d'impact de Grom'arsh", -- Les pics Foudroyés
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak", -- Zul'Drak
["K3"] = "K3", -- Les pics Foudroyés
["Kamagua"] = "Kamagua", -- Fjord Hurlant
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = "Avant-garde Kor'kron", -- Désolation des dragons
["Light's Breach"] = "La Brèche de Lumière", -- Zul'Drak
["Moa'ki"] = "Moa'ki", -- Désolation des dragons
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = "Camp de base de Nesingwary", -- Bassin de Sholazar
["New Agamand"] = "Nouvelle-Agamand", -- Fjord Hurlant
["River's Heart"] = "Le Coeur du fleuve", -- Bassin de Sholazar
["Sunreaver's Command"] = "Quartier général de Saccage-soleil", -- Forêt du Chant de cristal
["Taunka'le Village"] = "Taunka'le", -- Toundra Boréenne
["The Argent Stand"] = "Le séjour d'Argent", -- Zul'Drak
["The Argent Vanguard"] = "L'avant-guarde d'Argent", -- La Couronne de glace
["The Shadow Vault"] = "Le caveau des Ombres", -- La Couronne de glace
["Transitus Shield"] = "Bouclier Transitus", -- Toundra Boréenne
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar", -- Les pics Foudroyés
["Unu'pe"] = "Unu'pe", -- Toundra Boréenne
["Vengeance Landing"] = "Accostage de la Vengeance", -- Fjord Hurlant
["Venomspite"] = "Vexevenin", -- Désolation des dragons
["Warsong Hold"] = "Bastion Chanteguerre", -- Toundra Boréenne
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = "Temple du Repos du ver", -- Désolation des dragons
["Zim'Torga"] = "Zim'Torga", -- Zul'Drak
-- Pandarie (Pandaria)
-- Forêt de Jade
["Paw'Don Village"] = "Pao’don", -- A
["Pearlfin Village"] = "Nageperle", -- A
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = "Jardins du Temple de jade", -- A
["Serpent's Overlook"] = "Surplomb du Serpent", -- A/H
["Dawn's Blossom"] = "Fleur-de-l’Aurore", -- A/H
["The Arboretum"] = "L’Arboretum", -- A/H
["Tian Monastery"] = "Monastère de Tian", -- A/H
["Emperor's Omen"] = "Présage de l’empereur", -- A/H
["Sri-La Village"] = "Sri-La", -- A/H
["Honeydew Village"] = "Rosée-de-Miel", -- H
-- Île du Temps figé
["Tushui Landing"] = "Accostage Tushui", -- A
["Huojin Landing"] = "Accostage Huojin", -- H
-- Étendues sauvages de Krasarang
["Lion's Landing"] = "Territoire du Lion", -- A
["Zhu's Watch"] = "Guet de Zhu", -- A/H
["The Incursion"] = "L’Incursion", -- A
["Marista"] = "Marista", -- A/H
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = "Berceau de Chi Ji", -- A/H
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = "Camp de base des Sentinelles", -- A
["Thunder Cleft"] = "Faille du Tonnerre", -- H
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = "Refuge des Chasselaube", -- H
-- L’escalier Dérobé
["Tavern in the Mists"] = "Taverne dans les Brumes", -- A/H
-- Vallée des Quatre vents
["Pang's Stead"] = "Ferme de Pang", -- A/H
["Grassy Cline"] = "Versant Verdoyant", -- A/H
["Halfhill"] = "Micolline", -- A/H
["Stoneplow"] = "Chasse-Pierre", -- A/H
-- Val de l’Éternel printemps
["Serpent's Spine"] = "Échine du Serpent", -- A/H
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = "Sanctuaire des Sept-Étoiles", -- A
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = "Sanctuaire des Deux-Lunes", -- H
-- Terres de l’Angoisse
["The Lion's Redoubt"] = "La redoute du Lion", -- A
["Soggy's Gamble"] = "Pari de Trempette", -- A/H
["The Briny Muck"] = "La Bourbe saumâtre", -- A/H
["Klaxxi'vess"] = "Klaxxi’vess", -- A/H
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = "Le Chai du couchant", -- A/H
-- Steppes de Tanglong
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = "Ligne de front de Gao-Ran", -- A/H
["Longying Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de Longying", -- A/H
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = "Garnison des Pandashan", -- A/H
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = "Poste de garde de Rensai", -- A/H
-- Sommet de Kun-Lai
["Binan Village"] = "Binan", -- A/H
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = "Retraite des Pandashan", -- A/H
["Westwind Rest"] = "Repos du Vent de l’Ouest", -- A/H
["Kota Basecamp"] = "Camp de base de Kota", -- A/H
["Winter's Blossom"] = "Fleur-de-l’Hiver", -- A/H
["One Keg"] = "Monofu", -- A/H
["Temple of the white Tiger"] = "Temple du Tigre blanc", -- A/H
["Zouchin Village"] = "Zouchin", -- A/H
-- Île des Géants
["Beeble's Wreck"] = "Épave de Beeble", -- A
-- Draenor (Draenor)
-- A'shran
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = "Bouclier-des-Tempêtes (Alliance)", -- A
["Warspear"] = "Fer-de-Lance", -- H
-- Vallée d'Ombrelune
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = "Chutelune (Alliance)", -- A
["Exile's Rise"] = "Cime de l’Exilé", -- A/H
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = "Élodor (Alliance)", -- A
["Embaari Village"] = "Embaari", -- A
["Path of Light"] = "Voie de la Lumière", -- A
["The Draakorium"] = "Le Draakorium", -- A
["Tranquil Court"] = "Cour Paisible", -- A
["Twilight Glade"] = "Clairière Crépusculaire", -- A
["Darktide Roost"] = "Perchoir de Sombreflux", -- A/H
["Socrethar's Rise"] = "Cime de Socrethar", -- A/H
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = "Taudis d’Akeeta", -- A/H
-- Flèches d'Arack
["Talon Watch"] = "Guet de la Serre", -- A/H
["Crow's Crook"] = "Courbe du Corbeau", -- A/H
["Apexis Excavation"] = "Excavation Apogide", -- A/H
["Veil Terokk"] = "Voile Terokk", -- A/H
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = "Boulonnerie de Sifflepince", -- A/H
["Southport"] = "Port-Austral", -- A
["Axefall"] = "Tombe-Hache", -- H
-- Talador
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = "Séjour de l’Anachorète", -- A
["Terokkar Refuge"] = "Refuge de Terokkar", -- A/H
["Exarch's Refuge"] = "Refuge de l’Exarque", -- A/H
["Retribution Point"] = "Halte de la Vindicte", -- A/H
["Zangarra"] = "Zangarra", -- A/H
["Shattrath City"] = "Shattrath", -- A/H
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = "Fort Wrynn (Alliance)", -- A
["Redemption Rise"] = "Cime de la Rédemption", -- A
["Durotan's Grasp"] = "Emprise de Durotan", -- H
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = "Fierté de Vol’jin", -- H
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = "Surplomb Loup-de-Givre", -- H
-- Nagrand
["Throne of the Elements"] = "Trône des éléments", -- A/H
["Joz's Rylaks"] = "Les rylaks de Joz", -- A/H
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = "Redoute de Rilzit", -- A/H
["Yrel's Watch"] = "Guet d’Yrel", -- A
["The Ring of Trials"] = "Arène des Épreuves", -- A/H
["Telaari Station"] = "Poste Telaari", -- A
["Nivek's Overlook"] = "Surplomb de Nivek", -- A/H
["Wor'var"] = "Wor’var", -- H
["Riverside Post"] = "Poste de la Rive", -- H
-- Gorgrond
["Bastion Rise"] = "Bastion insoumis", -- A/H
["Deeproot"] = "Basseracines", -- A
["Wildwood Wash"] = "Reflux du Bois sauvage", -- A
["Highpass"] = "Haute-Route", -- A
["Breaker's Crown"] = "Couronne du Briseur", -- A/H
["Everbloom Wilds"] = "Séjour de la Flore éternelle", -- A/H
["Everbloom Overlook"] = "Surplomb de la Flore éternelle", -- A/H
["Skysea Ridge"] = "Crête de Mer-Céleste", -- A/H
["Iron Docks"] = "Quais de Fer", -- A/H
["Evermorn Springs"] = "Sources de l’Aube-Éternelle", -- H
["Beastwatch"] = "Guet des Bêtes", -- H
-- Crête de givrefeu
["Iron Siegeworks"] = "Atelier de siège de Fer", -- A
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = "Mine de la Masse-Sanglante", -- A/H
["Frostwall Garrison"] = "Fief de Mur-de-Givre", -- H
["Stonefang Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de Croc-de-Pierre", -- H
["Wor'gol"] = "Wor’gol", -- H
["Bladespire Citadel"] = "Citadelle de Flèchelame", -- H
["Throm'Var"] = "Throm’Var", -- H
["Darkspear's Edge"] = "Lisière de Sombrelance", -- H
["Wolf's Stand"] = "Séjour du Loup", -- H
["Thunder Pass"] = "Passage du Tonnerre", -- H
-- Jungle de Tanaan
["Lion's Watch"] = "Guet du Lion", -- A
["Vault of the Earth"] = "Caveau de la Terre", -- A/H
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = "Refuge Sha’naari", -- A/H
["Malo's Lookout"] = "Poste de guet de Malo", -- A/H
["The Iron Front"] = "Front de Fer", -- A/H
["Aktar's Post"] = "Poste d’Aktar", -- A/H
["Vol'mar"] = "Vol’mar", -- H
-- Broken Isles (Legion)
["Azurewing Repose"] = "Repos Aile-d'Azur",
["Challiane's Terrace"] = "Terrasse de Challiane",
["Illidari Stand"] = "Séjour des Illidari",
["Shackle's Den"] = "Tanière de Menottes",
["Lorlathil"] = "Lorlathil",
["Bradensbrook"] = "Ruissecôte",
["Thunder Totem"] = "Totem-du-Tonnnerre",
["Valdisdall"] = "Valdisdall",
["Greywatch"] = "Griseveille",
["Lorna's Watch"] = "Guet de Lorna",
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = "Camp de triage du Brûleciel",
["Skyhorn"] = "Corne-Céleste",
["The Witchwood"] = "Sorcebois",
["Felbane Camp"] = "Camp Gangreplaie",
["Shipwreck Cove"] = "Crique de l’Épave",
["Obsidian Overlook"] = "Surplomb d'Obsidienne",
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = "Enclave des Cornes-de-Fer",
["Trueshot Lodge"] = "Pavillon du Traqueur",
["Prepfoot"] = "Base des Pieds-Parés",
["Starsong Refuge"] = "Refuge Chantétoile",
["Garden of the Moon"] = "Jardin de la Lune",
["Nesingwary"] = "Nesingwary",
["Sylvan Falls"] = "Chutes Sylvestes",
["Stonehoof Watch"] = "Get de Sabot-de-Pierre",
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = "Redoute des Gardiennes",
["Shield's Rest"] = "Repos du bouclier",
["Vengeance Point"] = "Halte de la Vengeance",
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = "Contreforts de Griffe-Tempête",
["Meredil"] = "Meredil",
["Felblaze Ingress"] = "Gueule du Brasier infernal",
["Watchers' Aerie"] = "Nid des Guetteurs",
["Illidari Perch"] = "Perchoir illidari",
["Hafr Fjall"] = "Hafr Fjall",
["Eye of Azshara"] = "Oeil d'Azshara",
["Crimson Thicket"] = "Fourré Cramoisi",
["Irongrove Retreat"] = "Retraite de Ferbois",
["Gloaming Reef"] = "Récif du Déclin",
["Deliverance Point"] = "Halte de la Délivrance",
["Aalgen Point"] = "Halte d'Aalgen",
-- Argus (Legion)
["Vindicaar"] = "Vindicaar",
["Krokul Hovel"] = "Taudis krokul",
elseif locale == "esES" then
localization = {
-- Spanish localization by Scarbrow
-- Horde only
["Agmar's Hammer"] = "Martillo de Agmar",
["Apothecary Camp"] = "Campamento de los Boticarios",
["Bambala"] = "Bambala",
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = "Muelle Pantoque",
["Bloodgulch"] = "Garganta de Sangre",
["Bloodhoof Village"] = "Poblado Pezuña de Sangre",
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = "Paso de Mirasangre",
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = "Avanzada Bor'gorok",
["Brackenwall Village"] = "Poblado Murohelecho",
["Brill"] = "Rémol",
["Camp Ataya"] = "Campamento Ataya",
["Camp Mojache"] = "Campamento Mojache",
["Camp Oneqwah"] = "Campamento Oneqwah",
["Camp Winterhoof"] = "Campamento Pezuña Invernal",
["Cliffwalker Post"] = "Puesto Caminarrisco",
["Conquest Hold"] = "Bastión de la Conquista",
["Crossroads"] = "El Cruce",
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = "Expedición Alzalba",
["Desolation Hold"] = "Bastión de la Desolación",
["Dragonmaw Port"] = "Puerto Faucedraco",
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = "Bastión Machacamiedo",
["Fairbreeze Village"] = "Aldea Brisa Pura",
["Falcon Watch"] = "Avanzada del Halcón",
["Falconwing Square"] = "Plaza Alalcón",
["Flame Crest"] = "Peñasco Llamarada",
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = "Mando Avanzado Renegado",
["Forsaken High Command"] = "Alto Mando Renegado",
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = "Puesto de Retaguardia Renegado",
["Furien's Post"] = "Puesto de Furion",
["Galen's Fall"] = "Caída de Galen",
["Garadar"] = "Garadar",
["Grom'gol"] = "Grom'gol",
["Hammerfall"] = "Sentencia",
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = "Escondrijo Malallave",
["Hellscream's Watch"] = "Avanzada Grito Infernal",
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = "Estación de Investigación de Hiri'watha",
["Hunter's Hill"] = "Cerro del Cazador",
["Irontree Clearing"] = "Claro de Troncoferro",
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = "Vanguardia Kor'kron",
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = "Fortaleza Krom'gar",
["Malaka'jin"] = "Malaka'jin",
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "Aldea Mok'Nathal",
["New Agamand"] = "Nuevo Agamand",
["New Kargath"] = "Nuevo Kargath",
["Northern Rocketway"] = "Cohetepista del Norte",
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = "Avanzada de Ollaboquilla",
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Razor Hill"] = "Cerrotajo",
["Revantusk Village"] = "Poblado Sañadiente",
["Ruins of Southshore"] = "Ruinas de Costasur",
["Sen'jin Village"] = "Pobrado Sen'jin",
["Shadowmoon Village"] = "Aldea Sombraluna",
["Shadowprey Village"] = "Aldea Cazasombras",
["Silvermoon City"] = "Ciudad de Lunargenta",
["Silverwind Refuge"] = "Refugio Brisa de Plata",
["Southern Rocketway"] = "Cohetepista del Sur",
["Southpoint Gate"] = "Puerta Austral",
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "Cresta Rompeloma",
["Splintertree Post"] = "Puesto del Hachazo",
["Stonard"] = "Rocal",
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "Bastión Rompepedras",
["Stonemaul Hold"] = "Bastión Quebrantarrocas",
["Strahnbrad"] = "Strahnbrad",
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "Refugio Roca del Sol",
["Sunreaver's Command"] = "Dominio de los Atracasol",
["Sunveil Excursion"] = "Excursión Velosolar",
["Swamprat Post"] = "Avanzada Rata del Pantano",
["Tarren Mill"] = "Molino Tarren",
["Taunka'le Village"] = "Poblado Taunka'le",
["The Bulwark"] = "El Baluarte",
["The Forsaken Front"] = "El Frente Renegado",
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = "La Empalizada de Mor'shan",
["The Sepulcher"] = "El Sepulcro",
["The Sludgewerks"] = "Los Fangados",
["Thrallmar"] = "Thrallmar",
["Thunder Bluff"] = "Cima del Trueno",
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "Bastión Señor del Trueno",
["Tranquillien"] = "Tranquillien",
["Undercity"] = "Entrañas",
["Valormok"] = "Valormok",
["Vendetta Point"] = "Punta Vendetta",
["Vengeance Landing"] = "Campo Venganza",
["Venomspite"] = "Rencor Venenoso",
["Warsong Hold"] = "Bastión Grito de Guerra",
["Westreach Summit"] = "Cima Tramo Oeste",
["Zabra'jin"] = "Zabra'jin",
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Avanzada de Zoram'gar",
["The Gullet"] = "La Garganta",
["The Krazzworks"] = "La Krazzería",
["Crushblow"] = "Machacolpe",
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = "Campamento Tunka'lo",
["Eastpoint Tower"] = "Torre Oriental",
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = "Lugar del Accidente de Grom'arsh",
["Legion's Rest"] = "Reposo de la Legión",
["Tenebrous Cavern"] = "Caverna Tenebrosa",
-- Alliance Only
["Aerie Peak"] = "Pico Nidal",
["Allerian Stronghold"] = "Bastión Allerian",
["Amberpine Lodge"] = "Refugio Pino Ámbar",
["Astranaar"] = "Astranaar",
["Azure Watch"] = "Avanzada Azur",
["Blackfathom Camp"] = "Campamento Brazanegra",
["Blood Watch"] = "Avanzada de Sangre",
["Camp Everstill"] = "Campamento Sempiterno",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "Campamento del Orvallo",
["Darkshire"] = "Villa Oscura",
["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus",
["Dolanaar"] = "Dolanaar",
["Dragon's Mouth"] = "Boca del Dragón",
["Dreamer's Rest"] = "Reposo de la Soñadora",
["Dun Modr"] = "Dun Modr",
["Dustwind Dig"] = "Excavación Viento Seco",
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = "Aserradero de la Vega del Este",
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = "Excavación de la Liga de Expedicionarios",
["Farstrider Lodge"] = "Cabaña del Errante",
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = "Cañada del Vigiaconfines",
["Feathermoon"] = "Plumaluna",
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = "Patrulla de Barbafuego",
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = "Pista de Aterrizaje de Palanqueta",
["Fordragon Hold"] = "Bastión de Fordragón",
["Forest Song"] = "Canción del Bosque",
["Fort Livingston"] = "Fuerte Livingston",
["Fort Triumph"] = "Fuerte Triunfo",
["Fort Wildervar"] = "Fuerte Vildervar",
["Frosthold"] = "Fuerte Escarcha",
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = "Plantación de Calabazas de Cejade",
["Gates of Sothann"] = "Puertas de Sothann",
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = "Cantera de Gol'Bolar",
["Goldshire"] = "Villadorada",
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = "Arboleda del Guardaverde",
["Grove of the Ancients"] = "Páramo de los Ancianos",
["Gunstan's Dig"] = "Excavación de Dig",
["Honor Hold"] = "Bastión del Honor",
["Honor Point"] = "El Alto del Honor",
["Honor's Stand"] = "El Alto del Honor",
["Ironforge"] = "Forjaz",
["Kharanos"] = "Kharanos",
["Kirthaven"] = "Kirthaven",
["Lakeshire"] = "Villa del Lago",
["Lor'danel"] = "Lor'danel",
["Marshtide Watch"] = "Avanzada Marea Pantanosa",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Puerto de Menethil",
["Mirkfallon Post"] = "Puesto Mirkfallon",
["Moonbrook"] = "Arroyo de la Luna",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Vigilia de Morgan",
["Nethergarde Keep"] = "Castillo de Nethergarde",
["Nijel's Point"] = "Punta de Nijel",
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = "Campamento Base de la Expedición del Fuerte del Norte",
["Northwatch Hold"] = "Fuerte del Norte",
["Orebor Harborage"] = "Puerto Orebor",
["Raven Hill"] = "Cerro del Cuervo",
["Rebel Camp"] = "Asentamiento Rebelde",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "Refugio de la Zaga",
["Rut'theran Village"] = "Aldea Rut'theran",
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = "Santuario de Malorne",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "Colina del Centinela",
["Shadebough"] = "Rama Sombría",
["Shalewind Canyon"] = "Cañón del Viento Calizo",
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = "Peritaje de Tallalosas",
["Stardust Spire"] = "Aguja del Polvo Estelar",
["Stars' Rest"] = "Reposo Estelar",
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = "Avanzada Tempespluma",
["Stormwind"] = "Ventormenta",
["Stormwind City"] = "Ciudad de Ventormenta",
["Surwich"] = "Mechasur",
["Sylvanaar"] = "Sylvanaar",
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Claro Ramaespolón",
["Telaar"] = "Telaar",
["Telredor"] = "Telredor",
["Temple of Telhamat"] = "Templo de Telhamat",
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = "Mirador Thal'darah",
["Thargad's Camp"] = "Campo de Thargad",
["The Exodar"] = "El Exodar",
["The Harborage"] = "El Puerto",
["Thelsamar"] = "Thelsamar",
["Theramore"] = "Theramore",
["Thundermar"] = "Bramal",
["Toshley's Station"] = "Estación de Toshley",
["Tower of Estulan"] = "Torre de Estulan",
["Valgarde"] = "Puerto de Valgarde",
["Valgarde Port"] = "Puerto de Valgarde",
["Valiance Keep"] = "Fortaleza Denuedo",
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = "Campo de Aterrizaje de Denuedo",
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = "Reducto Bermellón",
["Victor's Point"] = "Paso del Invicto",
["Westfall Brigade"] = "Brigada de los Páramos de Poniente",
["Westguard Keep"] = "Fortaleza de la Guardia Oeste",
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = "Retiro de Whelgar",
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "Bastión Martillo Salvaje",
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = "Mirador Brisa Veloz",
["Windshear Fortress"] = "Bastión Cortaviento",
["Windshear Hold"] = "Bastión Cortaviento",
["Wintergarde Keep"] = "Fortaleza de Hibergarde",
["Talrendis Point"] = "Punta Talrendis",
["Darkbreak Cove"] = "Cala Brechaoscura",
["Expedition Point"] = "Punta de Expedición",
["Highbank"] = "Bancalto",
["Shatter Point"] = "Puesto Devastación",
["Tranquil Wash"] = "Estela Tranquila",
["Voldrin's Hold"] = "Bastión de Voldrin",
-- Common flighpoints
["The Dark Portal"] = "El Portal Oscuro",
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "Acherus: El Bastión de Ébano",
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = "Altar de Sha'tar",
["Wildheart Point"] = "Alto de Corazón Salvaje",
["Marshal's Stand"] = "Alto de Marshal",
["Nighthaven"] = "Amparo de la Noche",
["Andorhal"] = "Andorhal",
["Shrine of Aessina"] = "Arboleda de Aessina",
["Whisperwind Grove"] = "Arboleda Susurravientos",
["Area 52"] = "Área 52",
["Death's Rise"] = "Ascenso de la Muerte",
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = "Avanzada del Contrabandista",
["Booty Bay"] = "Bahía del Botín",
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = "Barcódromo de Fizzle y Pozzik",
["Light's Breach"] = "Brecha de la Luz",
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = "Campamento Base de Nesingwary",
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Campos del Torneo Argenta",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Capilla de la Esperanza de la Luz",
["Bogpaddle"] = "Chapaleos",
["Iron Summit"] = "Cima de Hierro",
["Chiselgrip"] = "Cincelada",
["Karnum's Glade"] = "Claro de Karnum",
["Moonglade"] = "Claro de la Luna",
["River's Heart"] = "Corazón del Río",
["Cosmowrench"] = "Cosmotirón",
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran",
["Dun Niffelem"] = "Dun Niffelem",
["The Argent Stand"] = "El Confín Argenta",
["Fuselight"] = "El Diodo",
["Amber Ledge"] = "El Saliente Ámbar",
["Schnottz's Landing"] = "Embarcadero de Schnottz",
["Transitus Shield"] = "Escudo de Tránsito",
["Ethel Rethor"] = "Ethel Rethor",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Fuerte Cenarion",
["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak",
["K3"] = "K3",
["Kamagua"] = "Komawa",
["The Shadow Vault"] = "La Cámara de las Sombras",
["The Menders' Stead"] = "La Finca de los Ensalmadores",
["The Stormspire"] = "La Flecha de la Tormenta",
["The Argent Vanguard"] = "La Vanguardia Argenta",
["Moa'ki"] = "Moa'ki",
["Thunk's Abode"] = "Morada de Thunk",
["Nordrassil"] = "Nordrassil",
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = "Oasis de Vir'sar",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Península del Fuego Infernal",
["Mossy Pile"] = "Pilote Musgoso",
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = "Pináculo del los Cruzados",
["Mudsprocket"] = "Piñon de Barro",
["Ebon Watch"] = "Puesto de Vigilancia de Ébano",
["Thorium Point"] = "Puesto del Torio",
["Flamestar Post"] = "Puesto Llamaestrella",
["Ramkahen"] = "Ramkahen",
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = "Refugio de Pedruscón",
["Thondoril River"] = "Río Thondoril",
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "Sagrario de las Estrellas",
["Shrine of Aviana"] = "Santuario de Aviana",
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "Santuario Esmeralda",
["Shattrath"] = "Shattrath",
["Evergrove"] = "Soto Eterno",
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = "Templo del Reposo del Dragón",
["Crown Guard Tower"] = "Torre de la Corona",
["Eastwall Tower"] = "Torre de la Muralla del Este",
["Plaguewood Tower"] = "Torre del Bosque de la Peste",
["Light's Shield Tower"] = "Torre del Escudo de la Luz",
["Northpass Tower"] = "Torre del Paso Norte",
["Ratchet"] = "Trinquete",
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar",
["Unu'pe"] = "Unu'pe",
["Hearthglen"] = "Vega del Amparo",
["Everlook"] = "Vista Eterna",
["Zim'Torga"] = "Zim'Torga",
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Zona de Escala de Sol Devastado",
["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman",
["Smuggler's Scar"] = "Cicatriz del Contrabandista",
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = "Cuenca de Marea Argenta",
elseif locale == "zhTW" then
localization = {
-- Alliance
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "馬紹爾營地",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "聖光之願禮拜堂",
["Blood Watch"] = "血紅守望",
["Ratchet"] = "棘齒城",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地獄火半島",
["Talrendis Point"] = "塔倫迪斯營地",
["Cosmowrench"] = "扭曲太空",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "冰風崗",
["Nijel's Point"] = "尼耶爾前哨站",
["Ironforge"] = "鐵爐堡",
["Moonglade"] = "月光林地",
["Gadgetzan"] = "加基森",
["Thelsamar"] = "塞爾薩瑪",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "摩根的崗哨",
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = "薩塔祭壇",
["Astranaar"] = "阿斯特蘭納",
["Southshore"] = "南海鎮",
["Allerian Stronghold"] = "艾蘭里堡壘",
["Area 52"] = "52區",
["Theramore"] = "塞拉摩",
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "蠻錘要塞",
["Thalanaar"] = "薩蘭納爾",
["Plaguewood"] = "病木林",
["Feathermoon"] = "羽月要塞",
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "星光聖所",
["Evergrove"] = "永恆樹林",
["Expedition Point"] = "遠征隊哨塔",
["Booty Bay"] = "藏寶海灣",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "避難谷地",
["Temple of Telhamat"] = "特爾哈曼神廟",
["Thorium Point"] = "瑟銀哨塔",
["Auberdine"] = "奧伯丁",
["Aerie Peak"] = "鷹巢山",
["Sylvanaar"] = "希爾瓦納",
["Lakeshire"] = "湖畔鎮",
["Telaar"] = "泰拉",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "米奈希爾港",
["Toshley's Station"] = "托斯利基地",
["Nighthaven"] = "永夜港",
["The Stormspire"] = "風暴之尖",
["Rut'theran Village"] = "魯瑟蘭村",
["Darkshire"] = "夜色鎮",
["Shatter Point"] = "破碎崗哨",
["Shattrath"] = "撒塔斯",
["The Exodar"] = "艾克索達",
["Nethergarde Keep"] = "守望堡",
["Honor Point"] = "榮譽崗哨",
["Everlook"] = "永望鎮",
["Stonetalon Peak"] = "石爪峰",
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "翡翠聖地",
["Stormwind"] = "暴風城",
["Telredor"] = "泰倫多爾",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "哨兵嶺",
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "刺枝林地",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "塞納里奧城堡",
["Honor Hold"] = "榮譽堡",
["Orebor Harborage"] = "奧雷伯爾港",
-- Horde
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "馬紹爾營地",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "塞納里奧城堡",
["Crossroads"] = "十字路口",
["Kargath"] = "卡加斯",
["Bloodvenom Post"] = "血毒崗哨",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "聖光之願禮拜堂",
["Shadowprey Village"] = "葬影村",
["Thorium Point"] = "瑟銀哨塔",
["Ratchet"] = "棘齒城",
["Brackenwall Village"] = "蕨牆村",
["Revantusk Village"] = "惡齒村",
["Hammerfall"] = "落錘鎮",
["Everlook"] = "永望鎮",
["Flame Crest"] = "烈焰峰",
["Orgrimmar"] = "奧格瑪",
["Freewind Post"] = "亂風崗",
["Undercity"] = "幽暗城",
["Gadgetzan"] = "加基森",
["Booty Bay"] = "藏寶海灣",
["Camp Taurajo"] = "陶拉祖營地",
["Stonard"] = "斯通納德",
["Tarren Mill"] = "塔倫米爾",
["Grom'gol"] = "格羅姆高",
["Valormok"] = "瓦羅莫克",
["The Sepulcher"] = "瑟伯切爾",
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "烈日石居",
["Moonglade"] = "月光林地",
["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖",
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "左拉姆加前哨站",
["Splintertree Post"] = "碎木崗哨",
["Camp Mojache"] = "莫沙徹營地",
["Zabra'jin"] = "薩布拉金",
["Thrallmar"] = "索爾瑪",
["Tranquillien"] = "安寧地",
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "斷脊山脈",
["Silvermoon City"] = "銀月城",
["Swamprat Post"] = "斯溫派特崗哨",
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "碎石堡",
["Shattrath"] = "撒塔斯",
["Falcon Watch"] = "獵鷹哨站",
["Evergrove"] = "永恆樹林",
["Area 52"] = "52區",
["The Stormspire"] = "風暴之尖",
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "雷霆王村",
["Garadar"] = "卡拉達爾",
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "摩克納薩爾村",
["Cosmowrench"] = "扭曲太空",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地獄火半島",
elseif locale == "deDE" then
localization = {
["Venomspite"] = "Gallgrimm",
["Camp Oneqwah"] = "Camp Oneqwah",
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = "Vorposten der Kor'kron",
["Camp Winterhoof"] = "Lager der Winterhufe",
["Taunka'le Village"] = "Dorf der Taunka'le",
["Sunreaver's Command"] = "Sonnenh\195\164schers Schar",
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Marshalls Zuflucht",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Kapelle des hoffnungsvollen Lichts",
["Blood Watch"] = "Blutwacht",
["Ratchet"] = "Ratschet",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel, das Dunkle Portal",
["Talrendis Point"] = "Talrendisspitze",
["Cosmowrench"] = "Kosmozang",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "Zugwindlager",
["Nijel's Point"] = "Die Nijelspitze",
["Ironforge"] = "Eisenschmiede",
["Moonglade"] = "Mondlichtung",
["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
["Thelsamar"] = "Thelsamar",
["Conquest Hold"] = "Burg Siegeswall",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Morgans Wache",
["Agmar's Hammer"] = "Agmars Hammer",
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = "Altar der Sha'tar",
["Apothecary Camp"] = "Apothekerlager",
["New Agamand"] = "Neu-Agamand",
["Astranaar"] = "Astranaar",
["Vengeance Landing"] = "Hafen der Vergeltung",
["Southshore"] = "S\195\188derstade",
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = "Absturzstelle Grom'arsh",
["Allerian Stronghold"] = "Allerias Feste",
["Area 52"] = "Area 52",
["Theramore"] = "Insel Theramore",
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "Wildhammerfeste",
["Thalanaar"] = "Thalanaar",
["Plaguewood"] = "Der Pestwald",
["Feathermoon"] = "Mondfederfeste",
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "Heiligtum der Sterne",
["Evergrove"] = "Der ewige Hain",
["Expedition Point"] = "Expeditionsr\195\188stlager",
["Booty Bay"] = "Beutebucht",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "Die Zuflucht",
["Temple of Telhamat"] = "Tempel von Telhamat",
["Thorium Point"] = "Thoriumspitze",
["Auberdine"] = "Auberdine",
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = "Au\195\159enposten Bor'gorok",
["Aerie Peak"] = "Der Nistgipfel",
["Sylvanaar"] = "Sylvanaar",
["Lakeshire"] = "Seenhain",
["Telaar"] = "Telaar",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Hafen von Menethil",
["Toshley's Station"] = "Toshleys Station",
["Nighthaven"] = "Nachthafen",
["Rut'theran Village"] = "Rut'theran",
["Darkshire"] = "Dunkelhain",
["Shatter Point"] = "Tr\195\188mmerposten",
["Shattrath"] = "Shattrath",
["The Exodar"] = "Die Exodar",
["Nethergarde Keep"] = "Burg Nethergarde",
["Honor Point"] = "Ehrenpunkt",
["Everlook"] = "Ewige Warte",
["Stonetalon Peak"] = "Der Steinkrallengipfel",
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "Das Smaragdrefugium",
["Stormwind"] = "Sturmwind",
["Telredor"] = "Telredor",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "Sp\195\164herkuppe",
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Nachtlaublichtung",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Burg Cenarius",
["Honor Hold"] = "Ehrenfeste",
["Orebor Harborage"] = "Oreborzuflucht",
["Amber Ledge"] = "Bernsteinfl\195\182z",
["Unu'pe"] = "Unu'pe",
["Valiance Keep"] = "Valianzfeste",
["Transitus Shield"] = "Transitusschild",
["Stars' Rest"] = "Sternenruh",
["Star's Rest"] = "Sternenruh",
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Vorgebirge des Alten H\195\188gellands",
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = "Wyrmruhtempel",
["Valgarde Port"] = "Hafen von Valgarde",
["Wintergarde Keep"] = "Feste Wintergarde",
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = "Landebahn Kurbelzisch",
["Moa'ki"] = "Hafen von Moa'ki",
["Warsong Hold"] = "Kriegshymnenfeste",
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = "Bergfels' Zuflucht",
["Blackwind Landing"] = "Schattenwindlager",
["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Au\195\159enposten der Himmelswache",
["Dalaran"] = "Dalaran",
["Ulduar"] = "Ulduar",
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = "Kreuzfahrerturm",
["River's Heart"] = "Flussnabel",
["Frosthold"] = "Eisfestung",
["Westguard Keep"] = "Westwache",
["Kamagua"] = "Kamagua",
["Amberpine Lodge"] = "Ammertannh\195\188tte",
["Fort Wildervar"] = "Fort Wildervar",
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = "Valianzlager",
["Fordragon Hold"] = "Feste Fordragon",
["Death's Rise"] = "Todesanh\195\182he",
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = "Windl\195\164ufers Warte",
["Light's Breach"] = "Lichtbresche",
["The Argent Vanguard"] = "Argentumvorhut",
["Gundrak"] = "Gundrak",
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = "Nesingwarys Basislager",
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Argentumturniergel\195\164nde",
["Westfall Brigade"] = "Lager der Westfallbrigade",
["The Shadow Vault"] = "Schattengew\195\182lbe",
["K3"] = "K3",
["Unu'pe"] = "Unu'pe",
["The Argent Stand"] = "Hof der Argentumwache",
["Zim'Torga"] = "Zim'Torga",
["Ebon Watch"] = "Schwarzen Wacht",
["Dun Nifflelem"] = "Dun Nifflelem",
["The Bulwark"] = "Das Bollwerk",
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Marshalls Zuflucht",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Burg Cenarius",
["Crossroads"] = "Das Wegekreuz",
["Kargath"] = "Kargath",
["Bloodvenom Post"] = "Blutgiftposten",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Kapelle des hoffnungsvollen Lichts",
["Shadowprey Village"] = "Schattenflucht",
["Thorium Point"] = "Thoriumspitze",
["Ratchet"] = "Ratschet",
["Brackenwall Village"] = "Brackenwall",
["Revantusk Village"] = "Dorf der Bruchhauer",
["Hammerfall"] = "Hammerfall",
["Everlook"] = "Ewige Warte",
["Flame Crest"] = "Flammenkamm",
["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
["Freewind Post"] = "Freiwindposten",
["Undercity"] = "Unterstadt",
["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
["Booty Bay"] = "Beutebucht",
["Camp Taurajo"] = "Camp Taurajo",
["Stonard"] = "Steinard",
["Tarren Mill"] = "Tarrens M\195\188hle",
["Grom'gol"] = "Grom'gol",
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "Acherus: Die Schwarze Festung",
["Forest Song"] = "Waldeslied",
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = "Camp Tunka'lo",
["Valormok"] = "Valormok",
["The Sepulcher"] = "Das Grabmal",
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Sammelpunkt der Zerschmetterten Sonne",
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "Sonnenfels",
["Moonglade"] = "Mondlichtung",
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "Sanktum der Sterne",
["Thunder Bluff"] = "Donnerfels",
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Au\195\159enposten von Zoram'gar",
["Splintertree Post"] = "Splitterholzposten",
["Camp Mojache"] = "Camp Mojache",
["Zabra'jin"] = "Zabra'jin",
["Thrallmar"] = "Thrallmar",
["Tranquillien"] = "Tristessa",
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "R\195\188ckenbrecherpass",
["Silvermoon City"] = "Silbermond",
["Swamprat Post"] = "Sumpfrattenposten",
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "Steinbrecherfeste",
["Shattrath"] = "Shattrath",
["Falcon Watch"] = "Falkenwacht",
["Evergrove"] = "Der ewige Hain",
["Area 52"] = "Area 52",
["The Stormspire"] = "Die Sturms\195\164ule",
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "Donnerfeste",
["Garadar"] = "Garadar",
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "Dorf der Mok'Nathal",
["Cosmowrench"] = "Kosmozang",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "H\195\182llenfeuerhalbinsel",
-- Translated by StingerSoft (Эритнулл ака Шептун)
elseif locale == "ruRU" then
localization = {
-- Alliance
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Укрытие Маршалла",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Часовня Последней Надежды",
["Blood Watch"] = "Кровавая застава",
["Ratchet"] = "Кабестан",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Полуостров Адского Пламени",
["Talrendis Point"] = "Застава Талрендис",
["Cosmowrench"] = "Космоворот",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "Лагерь Промозглого Ветра",
["Nijel's Point"] = "Высота Найджела",
["Ironforge"] = "Стальгорн",
["Moonglade"] = "Лунная поляна",
["Gadgetzan"] = "Прибамбасск",
["Thelsamar"] = "Телcамар",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Дозор Моргана",
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = "Алтарь Ша'тара",
["Astranaar"] = "Астранаар",
["Southshore"] = "Южнобережье",
["Allerian Stronghold"] = "Бастион Аллерии",
["Area 52"] = "Зона 52",
["Theramore"] = "Остров Терамор",
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "Цитадель Громового Молота",
["Thalanaar"] = "Таланаар",
["Plaguewood"] = "Проклятый лес",
["Feathermoon"] = "Крепость Оперенной Луны",
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "Святилище Звезд",
["Evergrove"] = "Вечная роща",
["Expedition Point"] = "Лагерь экспедиции",
["Booty Bay"] = "Пиратская бухта",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "Опорный пункт",
["Temple of Telhamat"] = "Храм Телхамата",
["Thorium Point"] = "Лагерь Братства Тория",
["Auberdine"] = "Аубердин",
["Aerie Peak"] = "Заоблачный Пик",
["Sylvanaar"] = "Сильванаар",
["Lakeshire"] = "Приозерье",
["Telaar"] = "Телаар",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Гавань Менетил",
["Toshley's Station"] = "Станция Тошли",
["Nighthaven"] = "Ночная Гавань",
["The Stormspire"] = "Штормовая Вершина",
["Rut'theran Village"] = "Деревня Рут'теран",
["Darkshire"] = "Темнолесьеn",
["Shatter Point"] = "Парящая застава",
["Shattrath"] = "Шаттрат",
["The Exodar"] = "Экзодар",
["Nethergarde Keep"] = "Крепость Стражей Пустоты",
["Honor Point"] = "Парящая застава",
["Everlook"] = "Круговзор",
["Stonetalon Peak"] = "Пик Каменного Когтя",
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "Изумрудное святилище",
["Stormwind"] = "Штормград",
["Telredor"] = "Телредор",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "Сторожевой холм",
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Поляна Когтистых Ветвей",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Крепость Ценариона",
["Honor Hold"] = "Оплот Чести",
["Orebor Harborage"] = "Прибежище Оребор",
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Укрытие Маршалла",
["Crossroads"] = "Перекресток",
["Gadgetzan"] = "Прибамбасск",
["Mudsprocket"] = "Шестермуть",
["Ratchet"] = "Кабестан",
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = "Изумрудное святилище",
["Bloodvenom Post"] = "Застава Отравленной Крови",
["Valormok"] = "Храбростан",
["Everlook"] = "Круговзор",
["Thunder Bluff"] = "Громовой Утес",
["Cenarion Hold"] = "Крепость Кенария",
["Brackenwall Village"] = "Деревня Гиблотопь",
["Orgrimmar"] = "Оргриммар",
["Camp Mojache"] = "Лагерь Мохаче",
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "Приют у Солнечного Камня",
["Shadowprey Village"] = "Деревня Ночных Охотников",
["Moonglade"] = "Лунная поляна",
["Camp Taurajo"] = "Лагерь Таурахо",
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Форт Зорам'гар",
["Freewind Post"] = "Застава Вольного Ветра",
["Splintertree Post"] = "Застава Расщепленного Дерева",
["Ebon Watch"] = "Черная застава",
["Venomspite"] = "Ядозлобь",
["Camp Oneqwah"] = "Лагерь Уанква",
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = "Отряд Кор'крона",
["Camp Winterhoof"] = "Лагерь Заиндевевшего Копыта",
["Light's Breach"] = "Разлом Света",
["Amber Ledge"] = "Янтарная гряда",
["The Argent Vanguard"] = "Оплот Серебряного Авангарда",
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = "Приют Глыбоскала",
["The Argent Stand"] = "Серебряная застава",
["Taunka'le Village"] = "Деревня Таунка'ле",
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = "Храм Драконьего Покоя",
["Dalaran"] = "Даларан",
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = "Ристалище Серебряного турнира",
["Sunreaver's Command"] = "Лагерь Похитителя Солнца",
["Dun Nifflelem"] = "Дун Ниффелем",
["K3"] = "К-3",
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "Полуостров Адского Пламени",
["Garadar"] = "Гарадар",
["Shattrath"] = "Шаттрат",
["Thrallmar"] = "Траллмар",
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "Оплот Громоборцев",
["Swamprat Post"] = "Застава Болотной Крысы",
["Falcon Watch"] = "Соколиный Дозор",
["Zabra'jin"] = "Забра'джин",
["Agmar's Hammer"] = "Молот Агмара",
["Apothecary Camp"] = "Аптекарский поселок",
["Kamagua"] = "Камагуа",
["Warsong Hold"] = "Крепость Песни Войны",
["Conquest Hold"] = "Крепость Завоевателей",
["Moa'ki"] = "Моа'ки",
["New Agamand"] = "Новый Агамонд",
["Revantusk Village"] = "Деревня Сломанного Клыка",
["Kargath"] = "Каргат",
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Часовня Последней Надежды",
["Stonard"] = "Каменор",
["Tarren Mill"] = "Мельница Таррен",
["Grom'gol"] = "Лагерь Гром'гол",
["Hammerfall"] = "Павший Молот",
["Booty Bay"] = "Пиратская бухта",
["The Sepulcher"] = "Гробница",
["Undercity"] = " Подгород",
["Thorium Point"] = "Лагерь Братства Тория",
["Silvermoon City"] = "Луносвет",
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = "Подготовительный плацдарм Расколотого Солнца",
["Zul'Aman"] = "Зул'Аман",
["Tranquillien"] = "Транквиллион",
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = "Акерус: Черный оплот",
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = "Вершина Рыцарей",
["Ulduar"] = "Ульдуар",
["Unu'pe"] = "Уну'пе",
["Warsong Camp"] = "Лагерь Песни Войны",
["Vengeance Landing"] = "Лагерь Возмездия",
["River's Heart"] = "Слияние рек",
["The Shadow Vault"] = "Мрачный Свод",
["Transitus Shield"] = "Маскировочный щит",
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Форт Зорам'гар",
["The Bulwark"] = "Бастион",
["Thondoril River"] = "Река Тондрорил",
["Flame Crest"] = "Пламенеющий Стяг",
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = "Застава Бор'горока",
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = " Алтарь Ша'тар",
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "Форт Камнеломов",
["Shadowmoon Village"] = "Деревня Призрачной Луны",
["Cosmowrench"] = "Космоворот",
["Skyguard Outpost"] = "Застава Стражи Небес",
["Blackwind Landing"] = "Лагерь Черного Ветра",
["Death's Rise"] = "Уступ Смерти",
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = "Место крушения Гром'арша",
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = "Лагерь Эрнестуэя",
["The Shadow Vault"] = "Мрачный Свод",
["Gundrak"] = "Гундрак",
["Zim'Torga"] = "Зим'Торга",
["Auberdine"] = "Аубердин",
["Feathermoon"] = "Крепость Оперенной Луны",
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = "Лагерь Тунка’ло",
["The Stormspire"] = "Штормовая Вершина",
["Evergrove"] = "Вечная роща",
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "Форт Камнеломов",
["Area 52"] = "Зона 52",
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "Деревня Мок'Натал",
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = "Святилище Звезд",
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "Гребень Хребтолома",
["Nighthaven"] = "Ночная Гавань",
["Caverns of Time"] = "Пещеры Времени",
["Plaguewood"] = "Проклятый лес",
["Eastwall Tower"] = "Восточная башня",
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Старые предгорья Хилсбрада",
["Durnholde Keep"] = "Крепость Дарнхольд",
["The Sin'loren"] = "Син'лорен",
["Transitus Shield (Scenic)"] = "Маскировочный щит",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "Лагерь Промозглого Ветра",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "Опорный пункт",
["Southshore"] = "Южнобережье",
["Alliance"] = "Альянс",
["Theramore"] = "Остров Терамор",
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Поляна Когтистых Ветвей",
["Rut'theran Village"] = "Деревня Рут'теран",
["Thalanaar"] = "Таланаар",
["Blood Watch"] = "Кровавая застава",
["The Exodar"] = "Экзодар",
["Forest Song"] = "Лесная Песнь",
["Talrendis Point"] = "Застава Талрендис",
["Stonetalon Peak"] = "Пик Каменного Когтя",
["Astranaar"] = "Астранаар",
["Nijel's Point"] = "Высота Найджела",
["Stars' Rest"] = "Покой Звезд",
["Fort Wildervar"] = "Крепость Вилдервар",
["Valiance Keep"] = "Крепость Отваги",
["Westguard Keep"] = "Крепость Западной Стражи",
["Wintergarde Keep"] = "Крепость Стражей Зимы",
["Shatter Point"] = "Парящая застава",
["Sylvanaar"] = "Сильванаар",
["Telredor"] = "Телредор",
["Star's Rest"] = "Покой Звезд",
["Valgarde Port"] = "Валгардский порт",
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = "Взлетная полоса Выкрутеня",
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = "Дозор Ветрокрылой",
["Westfall Brigade"] = "Лагерь дружины Западного Края",
["Amberpine Lodge"] = "Приют Янтарной Сосны",
["Fordragon Hold"] = "Крепость Фордрагона",
["Ironforge"] = "Стальгорн",
["Nethergarde Keep"] = "Крепость Стражей Пустоты",
["Temple of Telhamat"] = "Храм Телхамата",
["Honor Hold"] = "Оплот Чести",
["Darkshire"] = "Темнолесье",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Дозор Моргана",
["Aerie Peak"] = "Заоблачный пик",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "Сторожевой холм",
["Stormwind"] = "Штормград",
["Thelsamar"] = "Телcамар",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Гавань Менетилов",
["Lakeshire"] = "Приозерье",
["Frosthold"] = "Ледяная крепость",
["Rebel Camp"] = "Лагерь Повстанцев",
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = "Лагерь отваги",
["Telaar"] = "Телаар",
["Orebor Harborage"] = "Прибежище Оребор",
["Honor Point"] = "", --??
["the Abyssal Shelf"] = "Косогор Бездны",
["Toshley's Station"] = "Станция Тошли",
["Allerian Stronghold"] = "Бастион Аллерии",
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "Цитадель Громового Молота",
["Crown Guard Tower"] = "Башня королевской стражи",
["Northpass Tower"] = "Башня Северного перевала",
["Valgarde"] = "Валгард",
["Explorers' League Outpost"] = "Лагерь Лиги Исследователей",
["Expedition Point"] = "Лагерь экспедиции",
["Plaguewood Tower"] = "Башня Проклятого леса",
-- localization helpers, please keep the table as is since it's easier to copy and paste new data
local factionData = {
-- Kalimdor
-- Alliance
["Astranaar"] = "Alliance",
["Azure Watch"] = "Alliance",
["Blackfathom Camp"] = "Alliance",
["Blood Watch"] = "Alliance",
["Darnassus"] = "Alliance",
["Dolanaar"] = "Alliance",
["Dreamer's Rest"] = "Alliance",
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = "Alliance",
["Feathermoon"] = "Alliance",
["Forest Song"] = "Alliance",
["Fort Triumph"] = "Alliance",
["Grove of the Ancients"] = "Alliance",
["Gunstan's Dig"] = "Alliance",
["Honor's Stand"] = "Alliance",
["Lor'danel"] = "Alliance",
["Mirkfallon Post"] = "Alliance",
["Nijel's Point"] = "Alliance",
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = "Alliance",
["Northwatch Hold"] = "Alliance",
["Rut'theran Village"] = "Alliance",
["Shadebough"] = "Alliance",
["Stardust Spire"] = "Alliance",
["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Alliance",
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = "Alliance",
["Thargad's Camp"] = "Alliance",
["The Exodar"] = "Alliance",
["Theramore"] = "Alliance",
["Tower of Estulan"] = "Alliance",
["Windshear Hold"] = "Alliance",
-- Horde
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = "Horde",
["Bloodhoof Village"] = "Horde",
["Brackenwall Village"] = "Horde",
["Camp Ataya"] = "Horde",
["Camp Mojache"] = "Horde",
["Cliffwalker Post"] = "Horde",
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = "Horde",
["Desolation Hold"] = "Horde",
["Furien's Post"] = "Horde",
["Hellscream's Watch"] = "Horde",
["Hunter's Hill"] = "Horde",
["Irontree Clearing"] = "Horde",
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = "Horde",
["Malaka'jin"] = "Horde",
["Northern Rocketway"] = "Horde",
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = "Horde",
["Orgrimmar"] = "Horde",
["Razor Hill"] = "Horde",
["Sen'jin Village"] = "Horde",
["Shadowprey Village"] = "Horde",
["Silverwind Refuge"] = "Horde",
["Southern Rocketway"] = "Horde",
["Splintertree Post"] = "Horde",
["Stonemaul Hold"] = "Horde",
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "Horde",
["The Crossroads"] = "Horde",
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = "Horde",
["The Sludgewerks"] = "Horde",
["Thunder Bluff"] = "Horde",
["Valormok"] = "Horde",
["Vendetta Point"] = "Horde",
["Westreach Summit"] = "Horde",
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Horde",
-- Eastern Kingdoms
-- Alliance
["Aerie Peak"] = "Alliance",
["Camp Everstill"] = "Alliance",
["Chillwind Camp"] = "Alliance",
["Darkbreak Cove"] = "Alliance",
["Darkshire"] = "Alliance",
["Dragon's Mouth"] = "Alliance",
["Dun Modr"] = "Alliance",
["Dustwind Dig"] = "Alliance",
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = "Alliance",
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = "Alliance",
["Farstrider Lodge"] = "Alliance",
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = "Alliance",
["Fort Livingston"] = "Alliance",
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = "Alliance",
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = "Alliance",
["Goldshire"] = "Alliance",
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = "Alliance",
["Highbank"] = "Alliance",
["Ironforge"] = "Alliance",
["Kharanos"] = "Alliance",
["Kirthaven"] = "Alliance",
["Lakeshire"] = "Alliance",
["Marshtide Watch"] = "Alliance",
["Menethil Harbor"] = "Alliance",
["Moonbrook"] = "Alliance",
["Morgan's Vigil"] = "Alliance",
["Nethergarde Keep"] = "Alliance",
["Raven Hill"] = "Alliance",
["Rebel Camp"] = "Alliance",
["Refuge Pointe"] = "Alliance",
["Sentinel Hill"] = "Alliance",
["Shalewind Canyon"] = "Alliance",
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = "Alliance",
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = "Alliance",
["Stormwind"] = "Alliance",
["Surwich"] = "Alliance",
["The Harborage"] = "Alliance",
["Thelsamar"] = "Alliance",
["Thundermar"] = "Alliance",
["Tranquil Wash"] = "Alliance",
["Victor's Point"] = "Alliance",
["Voldrin's Hold"] = "Alliance",
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = "Alliance",
["Bambala"] = "Horde",
["Bloodgulch"] = "Horde",
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = "Horde",
["Brill"] = "Horde",
["Crushblow"] = "Horde",
["Dragonmaw Port"] = "Horde",
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = "Horde",
["Eastpoint Tower"] = "Horde",
["Fairbreeze Village"] = "Horde",
["Falconwing Square"] = "Horde",
["Flame Crest"] = "Horde",
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = "Horde",
["Forsaken High Command"] = "Horde",
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = "Horde",
["Galen's Fall"] = "Horde",
["Grom'gol"] = "Horde",
["Hammerfall"] = "Horde",
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = "Horde",
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = "Horde",
["Legion's Rest"] = "Horde",
["New Kargath"] = "Horde",
["Revantusk Village"] = "Horde",
["Ruins of Southshore"] = "Horde",
["Silvermoon City"] = "Horde",
["Southpoint Gate"] = "Horde",
["Stonard"] = "Horde",
["Strahnbrad"] = "Horde",
["Stygian Bounty"] = "Horde",
["Sunveil Excursion"] = "Horde",
["Tarren Mill"] = "Horde",
["Tenebrous Cavern"] = "Horde",
["The Bulwark"] = "Horde",
["The Forsaken Front"] = "Horde",
["The Gullet"] = "Horde",
["The Krazzworks"] = "Horde",
["The Sepulcher"] = "Horde",
["Tranquillien"] = "Horde",
["Undercity"] = "Horde",
-- Outland
-- Alliance
["Allerian Stronghold"] = "Alliance",
["Expedition Point"] = "Alliance",
["Honor Hold"] = "Alliance",
["Honor Point"] = "Alliance",
["Orebor Harborage"] = "Alliance",
["Shatter Point"] = "Alliance",
["Sylvanaar"] = "Alliance",
["Telaar"] = "Alliance",
["Telredor"] = "Alliance",
["Temple of Telhamat"] = "Alliance",
["Toshley's Station"] = "Alliance",
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = "Alliance",
-- Horde
["Falcon Watch"] = "Horde",
["Garadar"] = "Horde",
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = "Horde",
["Shadowmoon Village"] = "Horde",
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = "Horde",
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = "Horde",
["Swamprat Post"] = "Horde",
["Thrallmar"] = "Horde",
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = "Horde",
["Zabra'jin"] = "Horde",
-- Northrend
-- Alliance
["Amberpine Lodge"] = "Alliance",
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = "Alliance",
["Fordragon Hold"] = "Alliance",
["Fort Wildervar"] = "Alliance",
["Frosthold"] = "Alliance",
["Stars' Rest"] = "Alliance",
["Valgarde Port"] = "Alliance",
["Valiance Keep"] = "Alliance",
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = "Alliance",
["Westfall Brigade"] = "Alliance",
["Westguard Keep"] = "Alliance",
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = "Alliance",
["Wintergarde Keep"] = "Alliance",
-- Horde
["Agmar's Hammer"] = "Horde",
["Apothecary Camp"] = "Horde",
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = "Horde",
["Camp Oneqwah"] = "Horde",
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = "Horde",
["Camp Winterhoof"] = "Horde",
["Conquest Hold"] = "Horde",
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = "Horde",
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = "Horde",
["New Agamand"] = "Horde",
["Sunreaver's Command"] = "Horde",
["Taunka'le Village"] = "Horde",
["Vengeance Landing"] = "Horde",
["Venomspite"] = "Horde",
["Warsong Camp"] = "Horde",
["Warsong Hold"] = "Horde",
-- Pandaria
-- Alliance
["Beeble's Wreck"] = "Alliance",
["Lion's Landing"] = "Alliance",
["Paw'Don Village"] = "Alliance",
["Pearlfin Village"] = "Alliance",
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = "Alliance",
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = "Alliance",
["The Incursion"] = "Alliance",
["The Lion's Redoubt"] = "Alliance",
["Tushui Landing"] = "Alliance",
["Westwind Rest"] = "Alliance",
-- Horde
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = "Horde",
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = "Horde",
["Domination Point"] = "Horde",
["Eastwind Rest"] = "Horde",
["Grookin Hill"] = "Horde",
["Honeydew Village"] = "Horde",
["Huojin Landing"] = "Horde",
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = "Horde",
["Thunder Cleft"] = "Horde",
-- Draenor
-- Alliance
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = "Alliance",
["Deeproot"] = "Alliance",
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = "Alliance",
["Embaari Village"] = "Alliance",
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = "Alliance",
["Highpass"] = "Alliance",
["Iron Siegeworks"] = "Alliance",
["Lion's Watch"] = "Alliance",
["Lunarfall (Alliance"] = "Alliance",
["Path of the Light"] = "Alliance",
["Redemption Rise"] = "Alliance",
["Southport"] = "Alliance",
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = "Alliance",
["Telaari Station"] = "Alliance",
["The Draakorium"] = "Alliance",
["Tranquil Court"] = "Alliance",
["Twilight Glade"] = "Alliance",
["Wildwood Wash"] = "Alliance",
["Yrel's Watch"] = "Alliance",
-- Horde
["Axefall"] = "Horde",
["Beastwatch"] = "Horde",
["Bladespire Citadel"] = "Horde",
["Darkspear's Edge"] = "Horde",
["Durotan's Grasp"] = "Horde",
["Evermorn Springs"] = "Horde",
["Frostwall Garrison"] = "Horde",
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = "Horde",
["Riverside Post"] = "Horde",
["Stonefang Outpost"] = "Horde",
["Throm'var"] = "Horde",
["Thunder Pass"] = "Horde",
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = "Horde",
["Vol'mar"] = "Horde",
["Warspear"] = "Horde",
["Wolf's Stand"] = "Horde",
["Wor'gol"] = "Horde",
["Wor'var"] = "Horde",
-- The Broken Isles
-- Alliance
["Greywatch"] = "Alliance",
["Lorna's Watch"] = "Alliance",
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = "Alliance",
-- Horde
["Cullen's Post"] = "Horde",
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = "Horde",
["Forsaken Foothold"] = "Horde",
local renamedData = {
["Bladespire Fortress"] = "Bladespire Citadel",
["Crossroads"] = "The Crossroads",
["Elodor"] = "Elodor (Alliance)",
["Fort Wrynn"] = "Fort Wrynn (Alliance)",
["Gates of Southann"] = "Gates of Sothann",
["High Bank"] = "Highbank",
["Krazzworks"] = "The Krazzworks",
["Lunarfall"] = "Lunarfall (Alliance)",
["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Marshal's Stand",
["Path of Light"] = "Path of the Light",
["S.S. Staging Area"] = "Shattered Sun Staging Area",
["Shrine of Aessina"] = "Grove of Aessina",
["Skysea Point"] = "Skysea Ridge",
["Star's Rest"] = "Stars' Rest",
["Stormshield"] = "Stormshield (Alliance)",
["Stormwind City"] = "Stormwind",
["Windshear Fortress"] = "Windshear Hold",
["InFlight"] = "", -- Remove a flightpoint completely
["Auberdine"] = "",
["City Center"] = "",
["Conservatory of the Arcane"] = "",
["Destiny Point"] = "",
["Hope's Landing"] = "",
["Krokul Hovel"] = "",
["Light's Purchase"] = "",
["Prophet's Reflection"] = "",
["Shadowguard Incursion"] = "",
["Shattered Fields"] = "",
["Southshore"] = "",
["Stonetalon Peak"] = "",
["Talrendis Point"] = "",
["Thalanaar"] = "",
["The Veiled Den"] = "",
["Triumvirate's End"] = "",
["Vindicaar"] = "",
local data = {
["Horde"] = {
["Nordrassil"] = {
["Gates of Sothann"] = 111,
["Wildheart Point"] = 283,
["Moonglade"] = 132,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 269,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 78,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 76,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 757,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 466,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 320,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 603,
["Everlook"] = 122,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 47,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 226,
["Orgrimmar"] = 219,
["Thunk's Abode"] = {
["The Crossroads"] = 148,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 145,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 137,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 111,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 283,
["Furien's Post"] = 72,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 451,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 196,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 169,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 63,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 45,
["Everlook"] = 507,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 55,
["Orgrimmar"] = 258,
["Hafr Fjall"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 47,
["Lorlathil"] = 139,
["Meredil"] = 76,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 22,
["Bradensbrook"] = 158,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 138,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 88,
["The Witchwood"] = 141,
["Dalaran"] = 97,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 55,
["Nesingwary"] = 126,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 133,
["Valdisdall"] = 39,
["Illidari Stand"] = 133,
["Cullen's Post"] = 46,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 143,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 129,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 89,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = {
["Freehold"] = 121,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 68,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 73,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 106,
["Wolf's Den"] = 66,
["Seekers Vista"] = 113,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 89,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 70,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 52,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 56,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 117,
["Anyport"] = 83,
["Waning Glacier"] = 42,
["Castaway Point"] = 121,
["Tian Monastery"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 294,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 42,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 179,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 22,
["Grookin Hill"] = 66,
["Halfhill"] = 157,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 77,
["Honeydew Village"] = 54,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 175,
["The Arboretum"] = 86,
["Sri-La Village"] = 42,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = {
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 33,
["Seekers Vista"] = 57,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 76,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 35,
["Wolf's Den"] = 21,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 44,
["Malo's Lookout"] = {
["The Iron Front"] = 55,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 30,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 140,
["Aktar's Post"] = 26,
["Beastwatch"] = 74,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 30,
["Vol'mar"] = 32,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 65,
["Bastion Rise"] = 48,
["Axefall"] = 149,
["Warspear"] = 87,
["The Krazzworks"] = {
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 48,
["Bloodgulch"] = 55,
["The Gullet"] = 103,
["Amber Ledge"] = {
["Transitus Shield"] = 25,
["Transitus Shield (Scenic)"] = 62,
["Venomspite"] = 166,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 55,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 227,
["Dalaran"] = 186,
["Unu'pe"] = 90,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 177,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 310,
["Warsong Hold"] = 28,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 23,
["Kamagua"] = 266,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 48,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 141,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 108,
["Moa'ki"] = 147,
["River's Heart"] = 61,
["Westreach Summit"] = {
["Gadgetzan"] = 154,
["Mudsprocket"] = 83,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 247,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 97,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 119,
["Desolation Hold"] = 100,
["Orgrimmar"] = 283,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 215,
["The Crossroads"] = 186,
["Malaka'jin"] = 268,
["Camp Mojache"] = 50,
["Grom'gol"] = {
["Kargath"] = 246,
["Bloodgulch"] = 517,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 736,
["Fuselight"] = 298,
["Thorium Point"] = 230,
["Hammerfall"] = 494,
["Flamestar Post"] = 240,
["Booty Bay"] = 63,
["Flame Crest"] = 198,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = 199,
["Undercity"] = 744,
["Crushblow"] = 509,
["Stonard"] = 173,
["Tarren Mill"] = 563,
["Chiselgrip"] = 207,
["New Kargath"] = 242,
["Bambala"] = 57,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 287,
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 39,
["Warspear"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 147,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 250,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 89,
["Riverside Post"] = 241,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 159,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 131,
["Durotan's Grasp"] = 170,
["Bastion Rise"] = 123,
["Axefall"] = 198,
["Talon Watch"] = 179,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 84,
["Throm'Var"] = 234,
["Wor'var"] = 196,
["Beastwatch"] = 125,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 143,
["Shattrath City"] = 173,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 162,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 158,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 217,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 191,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 242,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 182,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 191,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 140,
["Wor'gol"] = 225,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 225,
["Crow's Crook"] = 182,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 220,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 202,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 173,
["Veil Terokk"] = 265,
["Thunder Pass"] = 155,
["Exile's Rise"] = 123,
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 203,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 231,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 219,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 136,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 203,
["The Iron Front"] = 121,
["Vol'mar"] = 65,
["Retribution Point"] = 206,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 160,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 106,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 110,
["Darktide Roost"] = 161,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 127,
["Aktar's Post"] = 103,
["Zangarra"] = 134,
["Illidari Stand"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 29,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 190,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 102,
["Valdisdall"] = 143,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 38,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 139,
["Lorlathil"] = 63,
["Bradensbrook"] = 90,
["Meredil"] = 64,
["Skyhorn"] = 157,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 127,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 169,
["Dalaran"] = 81,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 43,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 65,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 88,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 143,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 24,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 48,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 84,
["Thunder Totem"] = 136,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 76,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 103,
["Nesingwary"] = 134,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 115,
["Illidari Perch"] = 23,
["The Witchwood"] = 150,
["Cullen's Post"] = 121,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 34,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 161,
["Aalgen Point"] = 115,
["Crimson Thicket"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 111,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 83,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 124,
["Lorlathil"] = 116,
["Meredil"] = 53,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 42,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 56,
["Dalaran"] = 77,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 77,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 65,
["Thunder Totem"] = 104,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 106,
["Prepfoot"] = 123,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 110,
["Bradensbrook"] = 136,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 68,
["Illidari Stand"] = 111,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 84,
["Illidari Perch"] = 125,
["Cullen's Post"] = 53,
["Skyhorn"] = 109,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 129,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 78,
["Valdisdall"] = 75,
["Zouchin Village"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 139,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 142,
["Longying Outpost"] = 172,
["One Keg"] = 62,
["Honeydew Village"] = 167,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 297,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 54,
["Halfhill"] = 198,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 51,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 117,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 74,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 134,
["Riverside Post"] = 80,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 89,
["Aktar's Post"] = 112,
["Durotan's Grasp"] = 80,
["Bastion Rise"] = 88,
["Axefall"] = 150,
["Talon Watch"] = 162,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 129,
["Throm'Var"] = 72,
["Wor'var"] = 59,
["Warspear"] = 178,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 66,
["Shattrath City"] = 77,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 109,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 137,
["Thunder Pass"] = 52,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 180,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 77,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 126,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 97,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 94,
["Wor'gol"] = 49,
["Vol'mar"] = 148,
["Retribution Point"] = 106,
["Veil Terokk"] = 146,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 128,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 42,
["Exile's Rise"] = 164,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 58,
["Beastwatch"] = 76,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 58,
["The Iron Front"] = 86,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 48,
["Darktide Roost"] = 194,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 41,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 87,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 99,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 98,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 175,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 111,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 63,
["Crow's Crook"] = 146,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 47,
["Zangarra"] = 92,
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 33,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 96,
["The Iron Front"] = 75,
["Beastwatch"] = 108,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 109,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 54,
["Retribution Point"] = 30,
["Darktide Roost"] = 112,
["Warspear"] = 181,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 141,
["Shattrath City"] = 33,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 75,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 32,
["Veil Terokk"] = 58,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 84,
["Gundrak"] = {
["The Shadow Vault"] = 375,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 186,
["K3"] = 201,
["The Argent Stand"] = 108,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 187,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 257,
["Dalaran"] = 227,
["Zim'Torga"] = 56,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 241,
["Binan Village"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 171,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 171,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 83,
["Pang's Stead"] = 174,
["One Keg"] = 61,
["Huojin Landing"] = 256,
["Grassy Cline"] = 71,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 86,
["Eastwind Rest"] = 35,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 39,
["Sri-La Village"] = 139,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 140,
["Halfhill"] = 88,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 95,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 247,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 66,
["Longying Outpost"] = 134,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = {
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 45,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 137,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 77,
["Ratchet"] = 204,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 152,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 192,
["Malaka'jin"] = 68,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 48,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 122,
["Vendetta Point"] = 198,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 70,
["Splintertree Post"] = 140,
["Orgrimmar"] = 238,
["Isle of the Watchers"] = {
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 208,
["Everlook"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 204,
["Moonglade"] = 130,
["Nordrassil"] = 126,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 148,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 521,
["Vendetta Point"] = 430,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 122,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 459,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 145,
["Ratchet"] = 342,
["Valormok"] = 135,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 524,
["Orgrimmar"] = 243,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 165,
["Gadgetzan"] = 576,
["The Crossroads"] = 299,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 229,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 296,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 405,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 658,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 341,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 349,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 153,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 448,
["Camp Ataya"] = 627,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 385,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 684,
["Splintertree Post"] = 228,
["Camp Mojache"] = 550,
["The Stormspire"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 134,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 345,
["Shattrath"] = 222,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 395,
["Garadar"] = 358,
["Area 52"] = 54,
["Falcon Watch"] = 257,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 400,
["Cosmowrench"] = 69,
["Swamprat Post"] = 191,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 147,
["Thrallmar"] = 326,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 410,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 118,
["Zabra'jin"] = 294,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 577,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = {
["Legion's Rest"] = 129,
["Tenebrous Cavern"] = 192,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 83,
["Stygian Bounty"] = 150,
["Sandy Beach"] = 43,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = {
["Transitus Shield"] = 224,
["Light's Breach"] = 193,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 186,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 143,
["Gundrak"] = 311,
["Venomspite"] = 87,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 149,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 267,
["Conquest Hold"] = 145,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 235,
["Dalaran"] = 86,
["Zim'Torga"] = 258,
["Warsong Camp"] = 117,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 233,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 281,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 303,
["Warsong Hold"] = 197,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 187,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 64,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 229,
["Ebon Watch"] = 154,
["The Argent Stand"] = 217,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 113,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 51,
["River's Heart"] = 156,
["Amber Ledge"] = 188,
["Unu'pe"] = 143,
["Moa'ki"] = 63,
["New Agamand"] = 273,
["Throne of the Elements"] = {
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 101,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 47,
["Wor'var"] = 31,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 21,
["Riverside Post"] = 42,
["Beastwatch"] = 117,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 49,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 65,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 85,
["Warspear"] = 219,
["Exile's Rise"] = 154,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 125,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = {
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 53,
["Ebon Watch"] = 106,
["Unu'pe"] = 193,
["Venomspite"] = 90,
["River's Heart"] = 257,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 67,
["Warsong Hold"] = 247,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 234,
["Dalaran"] = 56,
["Moa'ki"] = 113,
["Warsong Camp"] = 167,
["Hellscream's Fist"] = {
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 237,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 184,
["Transitus Shield"] = 194,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 199,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 99,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 80,
["Gundrak"] = 176,
["Venomspite"] = 33,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 83,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 165,
["Conquest Hold"] = 73,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 140,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 157,
["Unu'pe"] = 123,
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = 44,
["Warsong Camp"] = 123,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 46,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 179,
["Warsong Hold"] = 177,
["Ebon Watch"] = 71,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 44,
["Kamagua"] = 134,
["Dalaran"] = 51,
["K3"] = 97,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 120,
["Amber Ledge"] = 170,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 141,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 165,
["River's Heart"] = 174,
["Moa'ki"] = 35,
["New Agamand"] = 158,
["Evermorn Springs"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 160,
["Talon Watch"] = 138,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 83,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 46,
["Beastwatch"] = 27,
["Bastion Rise"] = 21,
["Vol'mar"] = 87,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 46,
["Warspear"] = 125,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 108,
["Zeb'ahari"] = {
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 93,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 57,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 81,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 154,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 40,
["Xibala"] = 114,
["Atal'Gral"] = 47,
["Warport Rastari"] = 110,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 40,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = {
["Gadgetzan"] = 600,
["Nordrassil"] = 230,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 377,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 157,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 218,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 90,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 243,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 40,
["Valormok"] = 236,
["Everlook"] = 146,
["Wildheart Point"] = 60,
["Splintertree Post"] = 171,
["Orgrimmar"] = 264,
["New Agamand"] = {
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 315,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 80,
["Warsong Hold"] = 529,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 103,
["Kamagua"] = 76,
["Amber Ledge"] = 498,
["Venomspite"] = 191,
["River's Heart"] = 534,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 246,
["Conquest Hold"] = 151,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 136,
["Dalaran"] = 352,
["Zim'Torga"] = 228,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 79,
["Strahnbrad"] = {
["Undercity"] = 138,
["Zul'Aman"] = 312,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 219,
["Tarren Mill"] = 32,
["The Bulwark"] = 48,
["Tranquillien"] = 334,
["Silvermoon City"] = 399,
["The Sepulcher"] = 138,
["Brill"] = 97,
["Hearthglen"] = 139,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = {
["Thunder Pass"] = 62,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 116,
["Warspear"] = 152,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 92,
["Wor'var"] = 74,
["Beastwatch"] = 69,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 34,
["Durotan's Grasp"] = 31,
["Zangarra"] = 28,
["Shattrath City"] = 41,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 32,
["Crow's Crook"] = 78,
["Retribution Point"] = 74,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 57,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = {
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 32,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 56,
["Wor'var"] = 45,
["Beastwatch"] = 125,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 90,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 52,
["Warspear"] = 228,
["Shattrath City"] = 83,
["Riverside Post"] = 32,
["Zangarra"] = 113,
["Freewind Post"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 431,
["Mudsprocket"] = 69,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 323,
["Ratchet"] = 184,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 96,
["Everlook"] = 491,
["Orgrimmar"] = 278,
["Gadgetzan"] = 93,
["The Crossroads"] = 192,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 137,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 419,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 194,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 332,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 220,
["Moonglade"] = 592,
["Valormok"] = 359,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 256,
["Splintertree Post"] = 349,
["Camp Mojache"] = 123,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 75,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 69,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 47,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 89,
["Lorlathil"] = 60,
["Meredil"] = 29,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 95,
["Bradensbrook"] = 79,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 60,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 57,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 92,
["Cullen's Post"] = 89,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 57,
["The Witchwood"] = 104,
["Prepfoot"] = 135,
["Thunder Totem"] = 87,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 100,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 126,
["Deliverance Point"] = 123,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 66,
["Illidari Perch"] = 87,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 99,
["Skyhorn"] = 108,
["Illidari Stand"] = 57,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 58,
["Valdisdall"] = 112,
["Tusk Isle"] = {
["Zul'jan"] = 110,
["Xibala"] = 47,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 61,
["Isle of Fangs"] = 21,
["The Sliver"] = 76,
["Warport Rastari"] = 47,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 38,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 69,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 49,
["Domination Point"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 41,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 144,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 136,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 91,
["Halfhill"] = 99,
["Marista"] = 78,
["Huojin Landing"] = 342,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 254,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 91,
["Gadgetzan"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 261,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 520,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 421,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 399,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 100,
["Vendetta Point"] = 241,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 194,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 374,
["Camp Mojache"] = 195,
["Ramkahen"] = 169,
["Freewind Post"] = 87,
["Splintertree Post"] = 428,
["Moonglade"] = 681,
["Orgrimmar"] = 333,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 304,
["Ratchet"] = 240,
["The Crossroads"] = 300,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 50,
["Everlook"] = 563,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 223,
["Westreach Summit"] = 168,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 508,
["Mudsprocket"] = 121,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 472,
["Desolation Hold"] = 208,
["Mossy Pile"] = 102,
["Valormok"] = 448,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 233,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 56,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 97,
["Wolf's Den"] = {
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 30,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 66,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 72,
["Warfang Hold"] = 81,
["Castaway Point"] = 114,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 70,
["Seekers Vista"] = 80,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 56,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 113,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 57,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 83,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 101,
["Anyport"] = 133,
["Waning Glacier"] = 57,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 97,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 121,
["The Witchwood"] = 83,
["Thunder Totem"] = 48,
["Lorlathil"] = 92,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 65,
["Meredil"] = 44,
["Valdisdall"] = 105,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 46,
["Skyhorn"] = 66,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 92,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 43,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 54,
["Shattrath City"] = {
["Riverside Post"] = 89,
["The Iron Front"] = 64,
["Throm'Var"] = 167,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 85,
["Wor'var"] = 45,
["Axefall"] = 81,
["Beastwatch"] = 89,
["Durotan's Grasp"] = 22,
["Zangarra"] = 49,
["Exile's Rise"] = 98,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 52,
["Warspear"] = 170,
["Retribution Point"] = 44,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 72,
["Serpent's Spine"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 228,
["The Arboretum"] = 287,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 59,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 54,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 53,
["Halfhill"] = 131,
["Longying Outpost"] = 132,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 162,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 297,
["Huojin Landing"] = 346,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 87,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 157,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 73,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 206,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = {
["Gates of Sothann"] = 94,
["Moonglade"] = 194,
["Nordrassil"] = 94,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 446,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 67,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 30,
["Everlook"] = 184,
["Mudsprocket"] = 471,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 420,
["Orgrimmar"] = 40,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 166,
["Gadgetzan"] = 93,
["Mudsprocket"] = 214,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 458,
["Camp Mojache"] = 302,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 326,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 193,
["Ramkahen"] = 73,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 143,
["Desolation Hold"] = 301,
["Mossy Pile"] = 194,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 401,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 220,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 62,
["Orgrimmar"] = 434,
["Nastrondir"] = {
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 88,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = {
["Freehold"] = 154,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 35,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 105,
["Wolf's Den"] = 50,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 32,
["Seekers Vista"] = 42,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 148,
["Waning Glacier"] = 82,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 44,
["Anyport"] = 166,
["Warfang Hold"] = 29,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 138,
["The Sin'loren"] = {
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 12,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 26,
["Garadar"] = 227,
["Shattrath"] = 202,
["Swamprat Post"] = 116,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 322,
["Area 52"] = 97,
["The Stormspire"] = 158,
["Cosmowrench"] = 163,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 55,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 335,
["Zabra'jin"] = 149,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 271,
["Tol Dagor"] = {
["Freehold"] = 85,
["Castaway Point"] = 65,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 222,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 166,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 170,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 65,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 179,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 35,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 109,
["The Witchwood"] = 72,
["Thunder Totem"] = 43,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 38,
["Felbane Camp"] = 89,
["Meredil"] = 57,
["Illidari Perch"] = 135,
["Cullen's Post"] = 49,
["Skyhorn"] = 51,
["Dalaran"] = 111,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 32,
["Valdisdall"] = 71,
["Sunveil Excursion"] = {
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 213,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 374,
["Stonard"] = 102,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 743,
["Hammerfall"] = 580,
["Flamestar Post"] = 295,
["Booty Bay"] = 172,
["Thorium Point"] = 338,
["Flame Crest"] = 252,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = 48,
["The Iron Front"] = {
["Malo's Lookout"] = 52,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 55,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 98,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 33,
["Aktar's Post"] = 35,
["Beastwatch"] = 51,
["Zangarra"] = 33,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 28,
["Vol'mar"] = 72,
["Warspear"] = 126,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 34,
["Bastion Rise"] = 26,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 139,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 168,
["Transitus Shield"] = 92,
["Warsong Hold"] = 72,
["Unu'pe"] = 107,
["Amber Ledge"] = 57,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 273,
["Ebon Watch"] = 320,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 49,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 77,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 216,
["Conquest Hold"] = 311,
["River's Heart"] = 56,
["Dalaran"] = 251,
["Moa'ki"] = 225,
["K3"] = 296,
["Thunder Totem"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 130,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 102,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 36,
["Meredil"] = 79,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 113,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 65,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 178,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 113,
["Prepfoot"] = 62,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 48,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 28,
["Cullen's Post"] = 69,
["Illidari Stand"] = 126,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 89,
["Lorlathil"] = 98,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 91,
["Bradensbrook"] = 67,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 46,
["Vengeance Point"] = 139,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 112,
["The Witchwood"] = 35,
["Felbane Camp"] = 56,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 73,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 81,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 72,
["Nesingwary"] = 20,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 31,
["Illidari Perch"] = 141,
["Valdisdall"] = 90,
["Skyhorn"] = 31,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 148,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 50,
["Dalaran"] = 135,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 42,
["Moonglade"] = 203,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 288,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 137,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 316,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 284,
["Ramkahen"] = 642,
["Everlook"] = 226,
["Orgrimmar"] = 173,
["The Crossroads"] = 237,
["Furien's Post"] = 283,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 98,
["Gadgetzan"] = 514,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 70,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 267,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 181,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 114,
["Ratchet"] = 279,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 80,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 295,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 619,
["Splintertree Post"] = 83,
["Camp Mojache"] = 488,
["Plaguewood"] = {
["Eastwall Tower"] = 65,
["Skettis"] = {
["Ogri'La"] = 243,
["Camp Ataya"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 480,
["Mudsprocket"] = 270,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 68,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 151,
["Vendetta Point"] = 286,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 178,
["Ramkahen"] = 328,
["Orgrimmar"] = 438,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 75,
["Camp Mojache"] = 146,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 286,
["Desolation Hold"] = 250,
["Mossy Pile"] = 259,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 223,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 183,
["Malaka'jin"] = 241,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 392,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = {
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 223,
["Zouchin Village"] = 212,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 14,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 17,
["Honeydew Village"] = 220,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 309,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 65,
["Eastwind Rest"] = 134,
["The Arboretum"] = 302,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 201,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 118,
["Longying Outpost"] = 76,
["Halfhill"] = 216,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 120,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 160,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 86,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 229,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 166,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 262,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = {
["Gloom Hollow"] = 118,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 47,
["Zul'jan"] = 93,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 71,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 46,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 144,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 26,
["Warport Rastari"] = 176,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 161,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 37,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 38,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 229,
["Gadgetzan"] = 60,
["Mudsprocket"] = 181,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 64,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 159,
["Ratchet"] = 300,
["Vendetta Point"] = 301,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 244,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 110,
["Mossy Pile"] = 161,
["Ramkahen"] = 136,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 217,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 295,
["Orgrimmar"] = 400,
["Camp Mojache"] = 269,
["Shackle's Den"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 106,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 36,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 145,
["Lorlathil"] = 82,
["Meredil"] = 68,
["Dalaran"] = 60,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 30,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 73,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 41,
["The Witchwood"] = 157,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 103,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 117,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 120,
["Illidari Perch"] = 44,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 62,
["Illidari Stand"] = 29,
["Valdisdall"] = 148,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 24,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = {
["Mossy Pile"] = 229,
["Ramkahen"] = 89,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 473,
["Camp Ataya"] = 323,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 538,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 154,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 259,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 87,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = {
["Orgrimmar"] = 248,
["Ratchet"] = 293,
["The Crossroads"] = 241,
["Moonglade"] = 161,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 604,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 433,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 315,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 136,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 69,
["Freewind Post"] = 458,
["Everlook"] = 190,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 413,
["Valormok"] = 242,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 347,
["Splintertree Post"] = 152,
["Camp Mojache"] = 493,
["Ebon Watch"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 261,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 198,
["Light's Breach"] = 45,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 174,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 88,
["Venomspite"] = 99,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 141,
["Conquest Hold"] = 158,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 180,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 27,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 149,
["Amber Ledge"] = 346,
["K3"] = 40,
["The Argent Stand"] = 64,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 271,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 92,
["Dalaran"] = 68,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 115,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 109,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 153,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 35,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 113,
["Lorlathil"] = 51,
["Meredil"] = 36,
["Bradensbrook"] = 77,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 90,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 41,
["Dalaran"] = 53,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 44,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 29,
["The Witchwood"] = 128,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 53,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 84,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 71,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 140,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 76,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 114,
["Illidari Perch"] = 55,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 89,
["Skyhorn"] = 131,
["Illidari Stand"] = 41,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 132,
["Valdisdall"] = 115,
["Ratchet"] = {
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 218,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 333,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 342,
["Vendetta Point"] = 137,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 101,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 221,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 254,
["Everlook"] = 325,
["Orgrimmar"] = 101,
["Camp Mojache"] = 242,
["Mudsprocket"] = 162,
["The Crossroads"] = 68,
["Gadgetzan"] = 242,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 282,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 226,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 141,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 195,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 268,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 131,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 117,
["Freewind Post"] = 204,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 175,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 452,
["Splintertree Post"] = 190,
["Razor Hill"] = 159,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 227,
["Ulduar"] = 51,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 325,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 141,
["Venomspite"] = 229,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 141,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 97,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 35,
["Unu'pe"] = 373,
["Warsong Camp"] = 264,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 277,
["K3"] = 87,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 343,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 81,
["River's Heart"] = 310,
["Dalaran"] = 111,
["Moa'ki"] = 259,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 96,
["Temple of Akunda"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 157,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 134,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 63,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 85,
["Zul'jan"] = 87,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 89,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 98,
["The Great Seal"] = 95,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 29,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 46,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 129,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 56,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 73,
["Bastion Rise"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 221,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 51,
["The Iron Front"] = 27,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 97,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 44,
["Aktar's Post"] = 30,
["Warspear"] = 116,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 146,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 1685,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 117,
["Vol'mar"] = 76,
["Beastwatch"] = 29,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 48,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 338,
["Garadar"] = 207,
["Shattrath"] = 126,
["Swamprat Post"] = 205,
["Area 52"] = 331,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 267,
["The Stormspire"] = 384,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 73,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 311,
["Thrallmar"] = 196,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 84,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 276,
["Zabra'jin"] = 262,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 65,
["Eastwind Rest"] = {
["Domination Point"] = 173,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 61,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 119,
["Longying Outpost"] = 126,
["Binan Village"] = 31,
["One Keg"] = 48,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 50,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 156,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 114,
["Halfhill"] = 117,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 138,
["Talon Watch"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 37,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 54,
["Riverside Post"] = 165,
["Vol'mar"] = 134,
["Warspear"] = 166,
["Veil Terokk"] = 29,
["Shattrath City"] = 87,
["Darktide Roost"] = 67,
["Beastwatch"] = 143,
["Axefall"] = 42,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 26,
["Warsong Hold"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 207,
["Transitus Shield"] = 72,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 360,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 317,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 392,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 117,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 323,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 376,
["Dalaran"] = 145,
["Zim'Torga"] = 432,
["Warsong Camp"] = 158,
["Venomspite"] = 262,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 421,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 477,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 420,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 68,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 239,
["Kamagua"] = 394,
["River's Heart"] = 125,
["The Argent Stand"] = 391,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 87,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 225,
["Amber Ledge"] = 36,
["K3"] = 317,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 176,
["Moa'ki"] = 211,
["Unu'pe"] = 93,
["Garden of the Moon"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 106,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 80,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 92,
["Lorlathil"] = 24,
["Meredil"] = 69,
["Dalaran"] = 130,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 103,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 50,
["Bradensbrook"] = 26,
["Thunder Totem"] = 91,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 77,
["Valdisdall"] = 38,
["Illidari Stand"] = 93,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 37,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 48,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 75,
["Nesingwary"] = 91,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 68,
["Illidari Perch"] = 91,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 61,
["Felbane Camp"] = 101,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 117,
["The Witchwood"] = 107,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 51,
["Kamagua"] = {
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 172,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 143,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 115,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 258,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 56,
["K3"] = 261,
["Unu'pe"] = 326,
["The Argent Stand"] = 225,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 251,
["Venomspite"] = 174,
["Conquest Hold"] = 103,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 400,
["Dalaran"] = 231,
["Moa'ki"] = 195,
["New Agamand"] = 63,
["Beastwatch"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 66,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 143,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 95,
["Riverside Post"] = 153,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 69,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 128,
["Durotan's Grasp"] = 79,
["Zangarra"] = 66,
["Axefall"] = 147,
["Talon Watch"] = 159,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 74,
["Throm'Var"] = 127,
["Wor'var"] = 255,
["Warspear"] = 119,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 53,
["Shattrath City"] = 86,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 92,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 132,
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 82,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 91,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 175,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 79,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 71,
["Aktar's Post"] = 54,
["Wor'gol"] = 111,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 47,
["Darktide Roost"] = 179,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 28,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 43,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 51,
["Exile's Rise"] = 130,
["Thunder Pass"] = 36,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 141,
["Veil Terokk"] = 151,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 154,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 116,
["The Iron Front"] = 49,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 102,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 127,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 107,
["Retribution Point"] = 123,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 173,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 72,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 113,
["Crow's Crook"] = 140,
["Vol'mar"] = 99,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 39,
["Bastion Rise"] = 36,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = {
["The Iron Front"] = 32,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 76,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 41,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 139,
["Warspear"] = 144,
["Beastwatch"] = 53,
["Zangarra"] = 43,
["Crow's Crook"] = 34,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 63,
["Vol'mar"] = 91,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 37,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 60,
["Mossy Pile"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 232,
["Gadgetzan"] = 99,
["Mudsprocket"] = 219,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 321,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 190,
["Orgrimmar"] = 438,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 281,
["Camp Ataya"] = 254,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 149,
["Ramkahen"] = 228,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 28,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 83,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 154,
["Camp Mojache"] = 213,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 111,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 88,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 88,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 34,
["Xibala"] = 178,
["Atal'Gral"] = 148,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 117,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 58,
["The Great Seal"] = 119,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 54,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 66,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 47,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 115,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 41,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 133,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 153,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 97,
["Warport Rastari"] = 168,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 39,
["Zul'jan"] = 63,
["The Sliver"] = 113,
["Evergrove"] = {
["Garadar"] = 262,
["Area 52"] = 78,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 358,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 29,
["Cosmowrench"] = 143,
["The Stormspire"] = 125,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 306,
["Shattrath"] = 238,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 353,
["Swamprat Post"] = 152,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 371,
["Falcon Watch"] = 215,
["Thrallmar"] = 287,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 452,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 91,
["Zabra'jin"] = 184,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 435,
["Light's Breach"] = {
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 254,
["Ebon Watch"] = 40,
["K3"] = 80,
["Transitus Shield"] = 421,
["The Argent Stand"] = 44,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 310,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 173,
["Conquest Hold"] = 74,
["Venomspite"] = 122,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 170,
["Dalaran"] = 106,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 105,
["The Great Seal"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 117,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 92,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 38,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 144,
["Xibala"] = 63,
["Atal'Gral"] = 52,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 39,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 98,
["Atal'dazar"] = 41,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 116,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 161,
["Tusk Isle"] = 64,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 39,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 76,
["Zul'jan"] = 63,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 143,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 44,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 68,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 24,
["Isle of Fangs"] = 77,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 93,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 38,
["Warport Rastari"] = 52,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 137,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 114,
["The Sliver"] = 16,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 94,
["Transitus Shield"] = 413,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 199,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 90,
["Conquest Hold"] = 323,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 40,
["Zim'Torga"] = 247,
["Warsong Camp"] = 224,
["Warsong Hold"] = 447,
["Amber Ledge"] = 377,
["Moa'ki"] = 285,
["Death's Rise"] = 165,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 379,
["Light's Breach"] = 250,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 105,
["Gundrak"] = 300,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 198,
["Dalaran"] = 140,
["River's Heart"] = 280,
["Unu'pe"] = 334,
["Ebon Watch"] = 202,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 87,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 182,
["Return"] = 152,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 341,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 197,
["K3"] = 177,
["Venomspite"] = 221,
["The Argent Stand"] = 266,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 49,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 247,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 330,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 281,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 249,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 53,
["New Agamand"] = 472,
["Blackwind Landing"] = {
["Skyguard Outpost"] = 238,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = {
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 48,
["Light's Breach"] = 93,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 105,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 220,
["Gundrak"] = 146,
["Venomspite"] = 183,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 178,
["Conquest Hold"] = 95,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 312,
["Dalaran"] = 199,
["Unu'pe"] = 395,
["Warsong Camp"] = 346,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 292,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 105,
["Zim'Torga"] = 92,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 451,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 240,
["Kamagua"] = 159,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 347,
["The Argent Stand"] = 100,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 403,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 223,
["Ebon Watch"] = 132,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 248,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 225,
["Moa'ki"] = 264,
["Amber Ledge"] = 478,
["Thorim's Peak"] = {
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 137,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 85,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 60,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 49,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 120,
["Zul'jan"] = 39,
["Xibala"] = 112,
["The Sliver"] = 46,
["Atal'Gral"] = 62,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 70,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 67,
["The Great Seal"] = 56,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 78,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 29,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 43,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 91,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 47,
["Forsaken High Command"] = {
["Undercity"] = 74,
["Brill"] = 50,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = 27,
["The Sepulcher"] = 38,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 64,
["Andorhal"] = 128,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 152,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 60,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 103,
["Shield's Rest"] = 58,
["Meredil"] = 94,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 55,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 43,
["Dalaran"] = 124,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 59,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 107,
["Vengeance Point"] = 114,
["The Witchwood"] = 103,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 86,
["Thunder Totem"] = 73,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 50,
["Felbane Camp"] = 119,
["Deliverance Point"] = 142,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 94,
["Valdisdall"] = 24,
["Lorlathil"] = 158,
["Cullen's Post"] = 32,
["Illidari Stand"] = 152,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 30,
["Bradensbrook"] = 165,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = {
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 35,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 107,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 36,
["Wolf's Den"] = 52,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 117,
["Seekers Vista"] = 33,
["Warfang Hold"] = 56,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 110,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 120,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 136,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 75,
["Anyport"] = 138,
["Waning Glacier"] = 54,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 68,
["Taunka'le Village"] = {
["Transitus Shield"] = 111,
["Light's Breach"] = 283,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 231,
["Venomspite"] = 177,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 121,
["Dalaran"] = 208,
["Unu'pe"] = 30,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 91,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 391,
["Warsong Hold"] = 85,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 73,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 152,
["K3"] = 254,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 231,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 139,
["Zim'Torga"] = 346,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 255,
["River's Heart"] = 128,
["Moa'ki"] = 148,
["Amber Ledge"] = 75,
["Thunder Bluff"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 334,
["Mudsprocket"] = 192,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 120,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 428,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 19,
["Ramkahen"] = 459,
["Freewind Post"] = 204,
["Orgrimmar"] = 207,
["The Crossroads"] = 103,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 66,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 235,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 302,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 233,
["Splintertree Post"] = 212,
["Razor Hill"] = 267,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 251,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 111,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 159,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 316,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 391,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 347,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 206,
["Malaka'jin"] = 54,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 122,
["Gadgetzan"] = 290,
["Everlook"] = 380,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 388,
["Westreach Summit"] = 210,
["Southern Rocketway"] = 304,
["Furien's Post"] = 138,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 172,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 264,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 278,
["Ratchet"] = 152,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 41,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 87,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 165,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 234,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 356,
["Desolation Hold"] = 126,
["Camp Ataya"] = 228,
["Valormok"] = 251,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 343,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 388,
["Camp Mojache"] = 252,
["Zabra'jin"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 139,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 220,
["Shattrath"] = 151,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 287,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 168,
["Swamprat Post"] = 112,
["The Stormspire"] = 257,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 149,
["Cosmowrench"] = 277,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 365,
["Thrallmar"] = 165,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 113,
["Area 52"] = 209,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 284,
["Falcon Watch"] = 147,
["Garadar"] = 81,
["The Dreamgrove"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 144,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 120,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 48,
["Shield's Rest"] = 1331,
["Meredil"] = 107,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 117,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 90,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 43,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 78,
["Prepfoot"] = 150,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 75,
["Felbane Camp"] = 86,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 106,
["Cullen's Post"] = 186,
["Illidari Stand"] = 133,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 147,
["Lorlathil"] = 64,
["Dalaran"] = 170,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 43,
["Vengeance Point"] = 44,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 117,
["The Witchwood"] = 112,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 116,
["Thunder Totem"] = 129,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 50,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 190,
["Nesingwary"] = 129,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 149,
["Illidari Perch"] = 106,
["Bradensbrook"] = 39,
["Skyhorn"] = 152,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 156,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 167,
["Valdisdall"] = 208,
["Stonefist Watch"] = {
["Freehold"] = 66,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 84,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 55,
["Wolf's Den"] = 73,
["Seekers Vista"] = 134,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 110,
["Castaway Point"] = 89,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 60,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 19,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 124,
["Anyport"] = 92,
["Waning Glacier"] = 88,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 86,
["Eastwall Tower"] = {
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 25,
["Northpass Tower"] = 32,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 289,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 17,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 252,
["Hammerfall"] = 238,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 46,
["The Sepulcher"] = 288,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 66,
["Moonglade"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 156,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 574,
["Nordrassil"] = 135,
["Ratchet"] = 404,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 181,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 73,
["Southern Rocketway"] = 320,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 371,
["Everlook"] = 113,
["Freewind Post"] = 619,
["Orgrimmar"] = 377,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 182,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 216,
["The Crossroads"] = 353,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 254,
["Valormok"] = 276,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 301,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 522,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 252,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 186,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 338,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 157,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 415,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 460,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 734,
["Splintertree Post"] = 268,
["Camp Mojache"] = 604,
["Apothecary Camp"] = {
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 60,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 254,
["Venomspite"] = 117,
["Conquest Hold"] = 47,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 347,
["Dalaran"] = 233,
["River's Heart"] = 430,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 117,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 133,
["Warsong Hold"] = 418,
["Amber Ledge"] = 424,
["Kamagua"] = 54,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 348,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 296,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 193,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 239,
["Moa'ki"] = 200,
["New Agamand"] = 93,
["Dragonmaw Port"] = {
["Zul'Aman"] = 534,
["The Krazzworks"] = 54,
["Stonard"] = 426,
["Thorium Point"] = 280,
["The Gullet"] = 93,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 122,
["New Kargath"] = 218,
["Revantusk Village"] = 325,
["Hammerfall"] = 238,
["Flamestar Post"] = 331,
["Bloodgulch"] = 44,
["Crushblow"] = 65,
["Flame Crest"] = 289,
["Iron Summit"] = 303,
["Iron Summit"] = {
["Undercity"] = 560,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 518,
["Grom'gol"] = 285,
["Fuselight"] = 146,
["Thorium Point"] = 24,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 392,
["Chiselgrip"] = 82,
["New Kargath"] = 90,
["Revantusk Village"] = 428,
["Hammerfall"] = 341,
["Flamestar Post"] = 47,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 558,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 135,
["Flame Crest"] = 85,
["Bogpaddle"] = 185,
["Tarren Mill"] = {
["Kargath"] = 376,
["Strahnbrad"] = 28,
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = 110,
["Thorium Point"] = 427,
["Revantusk Village"] = 160,
["Hammerfall"] = 116,
["Booty Bay"] = 673,
["The Sepulcher"] = 100,
["Flame Crest"] = 444,
["Thondroril River"] = 108,
["Undercity"] = 137,
["Zul'Aman"] = 307,
["Brill"] = 118,
["Stonard"] = 600,
["Forsaken High Command"] = 160,
["Andorhal"] = 104,
["New Kargath"] = 365,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 104,
["The Bulwark"] = 71,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 299,
["Grom'gol"] = 690,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 24,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 31,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 71,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = {
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 78,
["Hammerfall"] = 109,
["Bloodgulch"] = 41,
["Iron Summit"] = 179,
["New Kargath"] = {
["Undercity"] = 470,
["Fuselight"] = 46,
["Stonard"] = 227,
["Chiselgrip"] = 81,
["Iron Summit"] = 86,
["Thorium Point"] = 62,
["Hammerfall"] = 253,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 45,
["Booty Bay"] = 300,
["Grom'gol"] = 243,
["Flame Crest"] = 72,
["Bogpaddle"] = 171,
["Sylvan Falls"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 80,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 83,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 34,
["Meredil"] = 63,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 106,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 106,
["Bradensbrook"] = 81,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 66,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 46,
["Valdisdall"] = 106,
["Prepfoot"] = 27,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 92,
["The Witchwood"] = 43,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 63,
["Thunder Totem"] = 27,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 45,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 37,
["Nesingwary"] = 27,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 46,
["Skyhorn"] = 49,
["Felbane Camp"] = 44,
["Cullen's Post"] = 84,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 87,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 65,
["Dalaran"] = 125,
["Kota Basecamp"] = {
["Eastwind Rest"] = 73,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 28,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 188,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 116,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 24,
["Halfhill"] = 222,
["Binan Village"] = 86,
["One Keg"] = 42,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 123,
["Splintertree Post"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 130,
["Moonglade"] = 287,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 477,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 160,
["Ratchet"] = 203,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 170,
["Malaka'jin"] = 199,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 207,
["Ramkahen"] = 569,
["Everlook"] = 220,
["Razor Hill"] = 156,
["Freewind Post"] = 345,
["Orgrimmar"] = 96,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 164,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 267,
["The Crossroads"] = 160,
["Gadgetzan"] = 438,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 85,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 106,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 234,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 51,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 61,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 166,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 163,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 85,
["Valormok"] = 92,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 286,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 185,
["Camp Mojache"] = 413,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = {
["Halfhill"] = 171,
["Grookin Hill"] = 61,
["The Arboretum"] = 89,
["Huojin Landing"] = 188,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 194,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 136,
["Honeydew Village"] = 121,
["Tian Monastery"] = 116,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = {
["Retribution Point"] = 118,
["Talon Watch"] = 34,
["Axefall"] = 53,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 179,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 159,
["Darktide Roost"] = 95,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 111,
["Wor'var"] = 158,
["Beastwatch"] = 174,
["Warspear"] = 198,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 98,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 159,
["Crow's Crook"] = 51,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 115,
["Veil Terokk"] = 47,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 71,
["Fairbreeze Village"] = {
["Silvermoon City"] = 29,
["Tranquillien"] = 46,
["Zul'Aman"] = 91,
["Falconwing Square"] = 50,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = {
["The Shadow Vault"] = 148,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 248,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 296,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 177,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 28,
["K3"] = 77,
["Gundrak"] = 255,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 103,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 77,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 142,
["Conquest Hold"] = 217,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 124,
["Dalaran"] = 32,
["Moa'ki"] = 180,
["Warsong Camp"] = 185,
["Vendetta Point"] = {
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 304,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 56,
["The Crossroads"] = 76,
["Mudsprocket"] = 110,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 292,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 168,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 307,
["Everlook"] = 444,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 62,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 183,
["Desolation Hold"] = 44,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 237,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 117,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 196,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 323,
["Orgrimmar"] = 195,
["The Sepulcher"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 191,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 300,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 380,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = 51,
["Northpass Tower"] = 307,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 26,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 281,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 62,
["Hammerfall"] = 213,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 98,
["Flame Crest"] = 539,
["Thondroril River"] = 202,
["Undercity"] = 112,
["Zul'Aman"] = 392,
["Brill"] = 98,
["Forsaken High Command"] = 53,
["Tarren Mill"] = 95,
["The Bulwark"] = 164,
["Andorhal"] = 177,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 199,
["Silvermoon City"] = 482,
["Revantusk Village"] = 255,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 246,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 298,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 115,
["Falconwing Square"] = 515,
["Veil Terokk"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 38,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 78,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 162,
["Riverside Post"] = 142,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 72,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 147,
["Zangarra"] = 113,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 37,
["Axefall"] = 21,
["Talon Watch"] = 35,
["Thunder Pass"] = 159,
["Exile's Rise"] = 85,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 80,
["Wor'var"] = 119,
["Darktide Roost"] = 93,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 122,
["Beastwatch"] = 155,
["Warspear"] = 194,
["Shattrath City"] = 91,
["Crow's Crook"] = 46,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 121,
["Retribution Point"] = 79,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 53,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = {
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 110,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 149,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 125,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 48,
["Zul'jan"] = 149,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 85,
["Xibala"] = 217,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 179,
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 174,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 76,
["The Great Seal"] = 158,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 56,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 190,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 39,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 68,
["The Sliver"] = 155,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 266,
["Garadar"] = 98,
["Area 52"] = 261,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 195,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 242,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 68,
["Falcon Watch"] = 132,
["Shattrath"] = 56,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 191,
["Swamprat Post"] = 135,
["The Stormspire"] = 313,
["Cosmowrench"] = 330,
["Thrallmar"] = 125,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 149,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 207,
["Zabra'jin"] = 193,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 132,
["Legion's Rest"] = {
["Tenebrous Cavern"] = 71,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 50,
["Stygian Bounty"] = 28,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = {
["Camp Mojache"] = 303,
["The Crossroads"] = 153,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 176,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 171,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 366,
["Westreach Summit"] = 260,
["Vendetta Point"] = 133,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 195,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 328,
["Desolation Hold"] = 176,
["Mudsprocket"] = 193,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 50,
["Orgrimmar"] = 261,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 220,
["Razor Hill"] = 317,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 50,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 100,
["Zouchin Village"] = 291,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 71,
["Grassy Cline"] = 129,
["The Briny Muck"] = 43,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 104,
["Domination Point"] = 79,
["The Arboretum"] = 282,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 289,
["Longying Outpost"] = 145,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 142,
["Halfhill"] = 79,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 114,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 41,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 97,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 39,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 31,
["Chiselgrip"] = {
["Sunveil Excursion"] = 283,
["Fuselight"] = 147,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 135,
["Grom'gol"] = 215,
["New Kargath"] = 91,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 392,
["Hammerfall"] = 340,
["Flamestar Post"] = 34,
["Booty Bay"] = 294,
["Flame Crest"] = 17,
["Thorium Point"] = 77,
["Halfhill"] = {
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 128,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 94,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 142,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 180,
["Pang's Stead"] = 47,
["One Keg"] = 116,
["Huojin Landing"] = 245,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 33,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 44,
["Eastwind Rest"] = 118,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 205,
["The Arboretum"] = 129,
["Longying Outpost"] = 175,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 178,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 79,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 161,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 237,
["Stoneplow"] = 60,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 72,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 320,
["Binan Village"] = 85,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 138,
["Honeydew Village"] = 241,
["Grassy Cline"] = 32,
["The Briny Muck"] = 155,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 38,
["Sri-La Village"] = 161,
["Domination Point"] = 82,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 213,
["Grookin Hill"] = 83,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 135,
["Marista"] = 119,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 114,
["Tian Monastery"] = 140,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 177,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 150,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 179,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 184,
["Illidari Perch"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 45,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 120,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 56,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 181,
["Lorlathil"] = 72,
["Meredil"] = 82,
["Dalaran"] = 97,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 89,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 42,
["Valdisdall"] = 162,
["Thunder Totem"] = 181,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 158,
["Nesingwary"] = 181,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 24,
["Bradensbrook"] = 72,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 38,
["Cullen's Post"] = 140,
["Illidari Stand"] = 24,
["The Witchwood"] = 194,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 46,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 92,
["Undercity"] = 251,
["Hearthglen"] = 62,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 96,
["Northpass Tower"] = 50,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 297,
["The Bulwark"] = 166,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 259,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 61,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 52,
["The Sepulcher"] = 296,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 65,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 176,
["Bloodgulch"] = {
["Revantusk Village"] = 325,
["Crushblow"] = 59,
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 56,
["The Krazzworks"] = 50,
["The Gullet"] = 49,
["Iron Summit"] = 344,
["The Forsaken Front"] = {
["Eastwall Tower"] = 301,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 303,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = 86,
["Northpass Tower"] = 309,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 282,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 38,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 90,
["The Sepulcher"] = 35,
["Thondroril River"] = 204,
["Undercity"] = 156,
["Brill"] = 133,
["Tarren Mill"] = 98,
["The Bulwark"] = 168,
["New Kargath"] = 440,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 300,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 248,
["Andorhal"] = 208,
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = {
["Durnholde Keep"] = 88,
["Venomspite"] = {
["Transitus Shield"] = 342,
["Light's Breach"] = 106,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 98,
["Conquest Hold"] = 59,
["Dalaran"] = 148,
["Unu'pe"] = 75,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 133,
["Warsong Hold"] = 301,
["River's Heart"] = 313,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 120,
["K3"] = 123,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 110,
["Zim'Torga"] = 187,
["Kamagua"] = 152,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 51,
["Ebon Watch"] = 83,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 160,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 143,
["Moa'ki"] = 82,
["New Agamand"] = 186,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = {
["Freehold"] = 156,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 206,
["Wolf's Den"] = 108,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 74,
["Warfang Hold"] = 165,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 121,
["Castaway Point"] = 182,
["Anyport"] = 33,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 87,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 31,
["Tol Dagor"] = 191,
["Waning Glacier"] = 66,
["Seekers Vista"] = 142,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = {
["Windfall Cavern"] = 30,
["Castaway Point"] = 204,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 86,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 69,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 46,
["Anyport"] = 219,
["Warfang Hold"] = 43,
["Seekers Vista"] = 63,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = {
["Stonefist Watch"] = 128,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 48,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 41,
["Seekers Vista"] = 76,
["Tol Dagor"] = 181,
["Windfall Cavern"] = 62,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 49,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 119,
["Wolf's Den"] = 64,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 66,
["Anyport"] = 202,
["Castaway Point"] = 167,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 174,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 158,
["Waning Glacier"] = 116,
["Warfang Hold"] = 65,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 152,
["Warfang Hold"] = {
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 54,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 49,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 31,
["Wolf's Den"] = 68,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 48,
["Seekers Vista"] = 23,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 152,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 64,
["Waning Glacier"] = 96,
["Windfall Cavern"] = 23,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 155,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = {
["Legion's Rest"] = 49,
["Tenebrous Cavern"] = 110,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = 57,
["Stygian Bounty"] = 69,
["Sandy Beach"] = 36,
["Windfall Cavern"] = {
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 64,
["Seekers Vista"] = 40,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 31,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 46,
["Wolf's Den"] = 84,
["Warfang Hold"] = 20,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 168,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = {
["Sunveil Excursion"] = 44,
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 252,
["Stonard"] = 43,
["Grom'gol"] = 129,
["Silvermoon City"] = 882,
["Bambala"] = 268,
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 502,
["Booty Bay"] = 227,
["Thorium Point"] = 252,
["Flame Crest"] = 219,
["Bogpaddle"] = 87,
["Aalgen Point"] = {
["Vengeance Point"] = 40,
["Valdisdall"] = 119,
["Thunder Totem"] = 185,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 136,
["Deliverance Point"] = 42,
["Lorlathil"] = 167,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 125,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 103,
["Skyhorn"] = 194,
["Illidari Stand"] = 137,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 151,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 146,
["Undercity"] = {
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 758,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 254,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 255,
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = 154,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 125,
["Revantusk Village"] = 218,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 165,
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 509,
["Flame Crest"] = 555,
["Iron Summit"] = 562,
["Zul'Aman"] = 352,
["Crushblow"] = 613,
["Stonard"] = 684,
["Tarren Mill"] = 141,
["The Bulwark"] = 88,
["New Kargath"] = 476,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 212,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 202,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 318,
["Northpass Tower"] = 262,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 162,
["Galen's Fall"] = 247,
["Booty Bay"] = 776,
["The Sepulcher"] = 100,
["Bogpaddle"] = 647,
["Thondroril River"] = 157,
["Andorhal"] = 122,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 169,
["Hammerfall"] = 83,
["Brill"] = 61,
["Forsaken High Command"] = 66,
["Silvermoon City"] = 445,
["Kargath"] = 488,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 521,
["Thondoril River"] = 152,
["Tranquillien"] = 371,
["Thorium Point"] = 543,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 240,
["Strahnbrad"] = 133,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = 89,
["Grom'gol"] = 726,
["Zul'Aman"] = {
["Southpoint Gate"] = 365,
["Tranquillien"] = 52,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 101,
["Silvermoon City"] = 118,
["Strahnbrad"] = 317,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 252,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 62,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 46,
["Lorlathil"] = 33,
["Meredil"] = 57,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 120,
["Bradensbrook"] = 38,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 52,
["Dalaran"] = 93,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 87,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 34,
["The Witchwood"] = 157,
["Illidari Stand"] = 51,
["Thunder Totem"] = 141,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 37,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 86,
["Deliverance Point"] = 123,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 118,
["Illidari Perch"] = 45,
["Felbane Camp"] = 152,
["Cullen's Post"] = 114,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 74,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 179,
["Valdisdall"] = 137,
["Tenebrous Cavern"] = {
["Legion's Rest"] = 77,
["Sandy Beach"] = 153,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 119,
["Stygian Bounty"] = 58,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = 188,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = {
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 378,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 139,
["Shattrath"] = 193,
["Thrallmar"] = 263,
["Cosmowrench"] = 463,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 67,
["Zabra'jin"] = 329,
["Garadar"] = 274,
["Atal'dazar"] = {
["Garden of the Loa"] = 28,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 134,
["Zul'jan"] = 54,
["Xibala"] = 91,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 40,
["The Great Seal"] = 32,
["Warport Rastari"] = 81,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 66,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 105,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 151,
["Felbane Camp"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 44,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 43,
["Lorlathil"] = 117,
["Meredil"] = 102,
["Dalaran"] = 165,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 86,
["Valdisdall"] = 139,
["Bradensbrook"] = 120,
["Thunder Totem"] = 66,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 80,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 120,
["Nesingwary"] = 48,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 49,
["The Witchwood"] = 40,
["Skyhorn"] = 80,
["Cullen's Post"] = 117,
["Illidari Stand"] = 146,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 98,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 133,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = {
["Malo's Lookout"] = 31,
["The Iron Front"] = 31,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 30,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 119,
["Aktar's Post"] = 23,
["Beastwatch"] = 68,
["Bastion Rise"] = 44,
["Darktide Roost"] = 125,
["Zangarra"] = 34,
["Warspear"] = 107,
["Vol'mar"] = 52,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = {
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 215,
["Wildheart Point"] = 140,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 43,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 106,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 130,
["Furien's Post"] = 103,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 50,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 316,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 122,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 43,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 109,
["Malaka'jin"] = 63,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 20,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 62,
["Orgrimmar"] = 179,
["Valormok"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 232,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 395,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 86,
["Ratchet"] = 187,
["Vendetta Point"] = 255,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 295,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 359,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 137,
["Everlook"] = 130,
["Orgrimmar"] = 75,
["Freewind Post"] = 348,
["Gadgetzan"] = 441,
["The Crossroads"] = 164,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 542,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 235,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 342,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 120,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 156,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 216,
["Moonglade"] = 277,
["Mossy Pile"] = 511,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 250,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 546,
["Splintertree Post"] = 79,
["Camp Mojache"] = 423,
["Brill"] = {
["Bloodgulch"] = 458,
["Strahnbrad"] = 90,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = 68,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 104,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 195,
["Revantusk Village"] = 251,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 141,
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 484,
["Iron Summit"] = 567,
["Undercity"] = 59,
["Zul'Aman"] = 310,
["Crushblow"] = 545,
["Tarren Mill"] = 118,
["Andorhal"] = 79,
["New Kargath"] = 482,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 168,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 161,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 93,
["Fuselight"] = 531,
["Northpass Tower"] = 222,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 142,
["Flamestar Post"] = 596,
["The Sepulcher"] = 79,
["Thondroril River"] = 116,
["Forsaken High Command"] = 45,
["The Krazzworks"] = 533,
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = 134,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 216,
["Hearthglen"] = 136,
["Tranquillien"] = 332,
["Fairbreeze Village"] = 381,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 197,
["Hammerfall"] = 188,
["Galen's Fall"] = 168,
["The Bulwark"] = 45,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 330,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 190,
["Shattrath"] = 185,
["Swamprat Post"] = 198,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 133,
["Garadar"] = 263,
["Zabra'jin"] = 280,
["Thrallmar"] = 62,
["Area 52"] = 327,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 255,
["The Stormspire"] = 373,
["Falcon Watch"] = 129,
["Nighthaven"] = {
["Thunder Bluff"] = 400,
["Prepfoot"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 47,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 66,
["Meredil"] = 130,
["Bradensbrook"] = 151,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 90,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 117,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 100,
["Felbane Camp"] = 73,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 164,
["The Witchwood"] = 54,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 133,
["Thunder Totem"] = 61,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 173,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 100,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 62,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 80,
["Illidari Perch"] = 193,
["Cullen's Post"] = 73,
["Skyhorn"] = 43,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 60,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 49,
["Valdisdall"] = 80,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = {
["Eastwind Rest"] = 131,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 189,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 184,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 264,
["Longying Outpost"] = 222,
["One Keg"] = 111,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 50,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 93,
["Halfhill"] = 247,
["Zouchin Village"] = 51,
["Darkspear's Edge"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 249,
["Throm'Var"] = 49,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 27,
["Wor'gol"] = 64,
["Beastwatch"] = 79,
["Warspear"] = 195,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 37,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 26,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 27,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = {
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 28,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 52,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 47,
["Wor'gol"] = 74,
["Beastwatch"] = 86,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 65,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 104,
["Warspear"] = 183,
["Thunder Pass"] = 61,
["Gates of Sothann"] = {
["Grove of Aessina"] = 68,
["Orgrimmar"] = 74,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 65,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 44,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = {
["Gates of Sothann"] = 64,
["Moonglade"] = 166,
["Nordrassil"] = 65,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 415,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 37,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 249,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 253,
["Camp Ataya"] = 739,
["Everlook"] = 155,
["Valormok"] = 118,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 258,
["Orgrimmar"] = 173,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = {
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 163,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 165,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 186,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 108,
["Pang's Stead"] = 91,
["One Keg"] = 143,
["Huojin Landing"] = 69,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 113,
["Tian Monastery"] = 139,
["Eastwind Rest"] = 67,
["Domination Point"] = 138,
["The Arboretum"] = 173,
["Longying Outpost"] = 103,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 126,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 63,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 133,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 192,
["Stoneplow"] = 124,
["Zouchin Village"] = 151,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 150,
["Binan Village"] = 67,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 181,
["Honeydew Village"] = 133,
["Grassy Cline"] = 75,
["The Briny Muck"] = 149,
["Marista"] = 177,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 186,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 89,
["Sri-La Village"] = 206,
["Hellscream's Fist"] = 104,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 107,
["Grookin Hill"] = 127,
["Halfhill"] = 73,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 135,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 106,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 140,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 168,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 124,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 150,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 107,
["Isle of Fangs"] = {
["Tusk Isle"] = 23,
["Xibala"] = 37,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 47,
["Warport Rastari"] = 48,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = {
["Tusk Isle"] = 42,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 146,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 95,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 203,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 82,
["Xibala"] = 83,
["Atal'Gral"] = 52,
["The Great Seal"] = 78,
["Warport Rastari"] = 61,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 49,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 83,
["The Sliver"] = 88,
["Swamprat Post"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 132,
["Garadar"] = 168,
["Shattrath"] = 86,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 201,
["Falcon Watch"] = 61,
["Area 52"] = 203,
["Zabra'jin"] = 111,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 206,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 220,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 71,
["Thrallmar"] = 136,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 106,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 301,
["Cosmowrench"] = 193,
["The Stormspire"] = 174,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 155,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = {
["Brackenwall Village"] = 108,
["Vendetta Point"] = 192,
["Gadgetzan"] = 39,
["Mudsprocket"] = 72,
["Westreach Summit"] = 132,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 362,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 246,
["Orgrimmar"] = 379,
["Seekers Vista"] = {
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 56,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 69,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 47,
["Wolf's Den"] = 72,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 149,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 127,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 34,
["Windfall Cavern"] = 42,
["Waning Glacier"] = 83,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 147,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 80,
["Anyport"] = 166,
["Warfang Hold"] = 28,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 104,
["The Bulwark"] = {
["Kargath"] = 449,
["Strahnbrad"] = 45,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = 115,
["Northpass Tower"] = 177,
["Hammerfall"] = 191,
["Galen's Fall"] = 126,
["The Sepulcher"] = 127,
["Thondroril River"] = 72,
["Undercity"] = 90,
["Brill"] = 48,
["Forsaken High Command"] = 93,
["Tarren Mill"] = 73,
["Andorhal"] = 34,
["Thondoril River"] = 68,
["Tranquillien"] = 287,
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = 182,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 164,
["Flamestar Post"] = {
["New Kargath"] = 125,
["Iron Summit"] = 45,
["Chiselgrip"] = 35,
["Fuselight"] = 182,
["Booty Bay"] = 329,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 170,
["Flame Crest"] = 52,
["Bogpaddle"] = 150,
["Grassy Cline"] = {
["Halfhill"] = 26,
["Binan Village"] = 67,
["The Arboretum"] = 139,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 16,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 69,
["Honeydew Village"] = 214,
["Huojin Landing"] = 227,
["Pang's Stead"] = 29,
["Dalaran"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 55,
["Ebon Watch"] = 66,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 52,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 130,
["Meredil"] = 63,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 92,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 39,
["Unu'pe"] = 265,
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = 73,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 64,
["Warsong Hold"] = 270,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 120,
["Illidari Camp"] = 44,
["Kamagua"] = 310,
["Felbane Camp"] = 161,
["Illidari Stand"] = 79,
["Death's Rise"] = 206,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 77,
["Light's Breach"] = 126,
["Gundrak"] = 238,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 246,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 123,
["Bradensbrook"] = 125,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 125,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 294,
["The Witchwood"] = 163,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 73,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 122,
["Deliverance Point"] = 56,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 235,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 120,
["New Agamand"] = 348,
["Ulduar"] = 180,
["Transitus Shield"] = 272,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 256,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 155,
["Shield's Rest"] = 173,
["Conquest Hold"] = 199,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 167,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 68,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 78,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 98,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 126,
["Prepfoot"] = 167,
["Cullen's Post"] = 96,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 111,
["Moa'ki"] = 159,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 123,
["Aalgen Point"] = 63,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 201,
["River's Heart"] = 117,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 279,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 75,
["Zim'Torga"] = 185,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 32,
["Lorlathil"] = 99,
["Nesingwary"] = 147,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 57,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 155,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 118,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 106,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 151,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 113,
["Venomspite"] = 162,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 137,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 162,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 91,
["Valdisdall"] = 122,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 266,
["Thunder Totem"] = 147,
["K3"] = 55,
["Warsong Camp"] = 161,
["The Argent Stand"] = 145,
["Amber Ledge"] = 311,
["Illidari Perch"] = 95,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 145,
["Skyhorn"] = 158,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 72,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 122,
["Vengeance Point"] = 43,
["The Briny Muck"] = {
["Halfhill"] = 147,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 145,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 33,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 49,
["Pang's Stead"] = 240,
["Apexis Excavation"] = {
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 147,
["Wor'var"] = 101,
["Warspear"] = 203,
["Zangarra"] = 97,
["Crow's Crook"] = 25,
["Darktide Roost"] = 104,
["Axefall"] = 27,
["Veil Terokk"] = 27,
["Beastwatch"] = 148,
["Castaway Point"] = {
["Freehold"] = 33,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 78,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 54,
["Wolf's Den"] = 112,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 154,
["Seekers Vista"] = 178,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 178,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 91,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 160,
["Tol Dagor"] = 59,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 169,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 46,
["Waning Glacier"] = {
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 64,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 82,
["Wolf's Den"] = 54,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 58,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 65,
["Seekers Vista"] = 86,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 67,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 105,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 22,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 78,
["Castaway Point"] = 131,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 114,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = {
["Freehold"] = 51,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 61,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 118,
["Castaway Point"] = 52,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 70,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 75,
["Tol Dagor"] = 65,
["Waning Glacier"] = 103,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 88,
["Wolf's Den"] = 72,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 114,
["Anyport"] = 142,
["Warfang Hold"] = 139,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 138,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 129,
["Seekers Vista"] = 137,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 119,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 36,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = {
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 96,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 81,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 63,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 135,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 89,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 32,
["The Great Seal"] = 113,
["Tusk Isle"] = 173,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 28,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 147,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 56,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 54,
["Scaletrader Post"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 104,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 79,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 61,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 142,
["Xibala"] = 92,
["Atal'Gral"] = 46,
["The Great Seal"] = 47,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 172,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 86,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 28,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 139,
["Atal'dazar"] = 71,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 30,
["Zul'jan"] = 60,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 61,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 38,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 99,
["Warport Rastari"] = 82,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 147,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 111,
["The Sliver"] = 38,
["Crow's Crook"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 43,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 201,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 82,
["Talon Watch"] = 26,
["Axefall"] = 34,
["Beastwatch"] = 137,
["Bastion Rise"] = 118,
["Darktide Roost"] = 89,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 42,
["Warspear"] = 188,
["Veil Terokk"] = 20,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 46,
["Camp Taurajo"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 328,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 228,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 274,
["Ratchet"] = 130,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 60,
["Everlook"] = 387,
["Orgrimmar"] = 195,
["Gadgetzan"] = 219,
["The Crossroads"] = 79,
["Freewind Post"] = 125,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 309,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 319,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 114,
["Moonglade"] = 453,
["Mudsprocket"] = 121,
["Valormok"] = 243,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 384,
["Splintertree Post"] = 242,
["Camp Mojache"] = 248,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = {
["Eastwall Tower"] = 20,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 39,
["Northpass Tower"] = 49,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 274,
["Andorhal"] = 132,
["Brill"] = 191,
["Galen's Fall"] = 219,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 29,
["The Sepulcher"] = 273,
["Hearthglen"] = 121,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 61,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = {
["New Kargath"] = 39,
["Undercity"] = 507,
["Hammerfall"] = 289,
["Flamestar Post"] = 153,
["Fuselight"] = 25,
["Sunveil Excursion"] = 327,
["Flame Crest"] = 110,
["Booty Bay"] = 338,
["Xibala"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 174,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 149,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 81,
["Atal'Gral"] = 112,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 59,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 143,
["The Great Seal"] = 63,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 161,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 206,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 138,
["Zul'jan"] = 108,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 189,
["Tusk Isle"] = 43,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 83,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 96,
["Isle of Fangs"] = 36,
["Atal'dazar"] = 73,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 74,
["Warport Rastari"] = 25,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 44,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 102,
["The Sliver"] = 74,
["Ogri'La"] = {
["Skettis"] = 242,
["Fuselight"] = {
["Undercity"] = 520,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 358,
["Thorium Point"] = 112,
["New Kargath"] = 50,
["Revantusk Village"] = 388,
["Hammerfall"] = 301,
["Bogpaddle"] = 221,
["Booty Bay"] = 350,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 352,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 19,
["Iron Summit"] = 136,
["Orgrimmar"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 596,
["Wildheart Point"] = 213,
["Moonglade"] = 358,
["Nordrassil"] = 375,
["Furien's Post"] = 171,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 309,
["Southern Rocketway"] = 93,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 165,
["Ramkahen"] = 503,
["Freewind Post"] = 292,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 338,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 267,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 116,
["Gadgetzan"] = 335,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 392,
["Valormok"] = 81,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 160,
["Westreach Summit"] = 299,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 228,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 145,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 257,
["Camp Ataya"] = 449,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 345,
["Mossy Pile"] = 437,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 330,
["Splintertree Post"] = 90,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 432,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 55,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 269,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 374,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 257,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 373,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 113,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 434,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 218,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 226,
["Malaka'jin"] = 226,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 219,
["Mudsprocket"] = 266,
["Everlook"] = 240,
["Vendetta Point"] = 179,
["The Crossroads"] = 112,
["Ratchet"] = 107,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 138,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 249,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 91,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 283,
["Razor Hill"] = 55,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 269,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 180,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 99,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 167,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 211,
["Desolation Hold"] = 222,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 503,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 225,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 439,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 391,
["Camp Mojache"] = 218,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = {
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 155,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 62,
["Lorlathil"] = 149,
["Meredil"] = 134,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 128,
["Dalaran"] = 197,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 117,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 118,
["The Witchwood"] = 50,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 114,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 200,
["Valdisdall"] = 110,
["Prepfoot"] = 45,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 115,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 173,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 92,
["Nesingwary"] = 70,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 90,
["Skyhorn"] = 63,
["Felbane Camp"] = 42,
["Cullen's Post"] = 106,
["Illidari Stand"] = 178,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 82,
["Thunder Totem"] = 83,
["Breaker's Crown"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 83,
["Throm'Var"] = 122,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 82,
["Warspear"] = 138,
["Veil Terokk"] = 159,
["Beastwatch"] = 31,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 74,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 34,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 28,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 59,
["Axefall"] = 167,
["Bastion Rise"] = 54,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = {
["Warspear"] = 156,
["Beastwatch"] = 127,
["Veil Terokk"] = 43,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 126,
["Darktide Roost"] = 68,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 143,
["Exile's Rise"] = 52,
["Talon Watch"] = 38,
["Dun Niffelem"] = {
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 128,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 246,
["Ulduar"] = 84,
["Dalaran"] = 180,
["Zim'Torga"] = 88,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 33,
["K3"] = 87,
["New Agamand"] = 298,
["Kargath"] = {
["Undercity"] = 498,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 490,
["Stonard"] = 224,
["Tarren Mill"] = 376,
["Grom'gol"] = 238,
["Revantusk Village"] = 350,
["Hammerfall"] = 258,
["Booty Bay"] = 298,
["The Sepulcher"] = 482,
["Flame Crest"] = 68,
["Thorium Point"] = 56,
["Karnum's Glade"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 331,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 91,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 82,
["Ratchet"] = 227,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 29,
["Ramkahen"] = 477,
["Orgrimmar"] = 284,
["The Crossroads"] = 176,
["Westreach Summit"] = 321,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 228,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 219,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 289,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 40,
["Desolation Hold"] = 188,
["Camp Ataya"] = 153,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 73,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 208,
["Furien's Post"] = 38,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 324,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 204,
["Iron Docks"] = 183,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 127,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 71,
["Wor'var"] = 73,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 27,
["Beastwatch"] = 142,
["Zangarra"] = 134,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 47,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 49,
["Warspear"] = 244,
["Riverside Post"] = 25,
["Talon Watch"] = 159,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = {
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 109,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 34,
["Beastwatch"] = 89,
["Warspear"] = 161,
["Zangarra"] = 36,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 121,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 66,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 31,
["Darktide Roost"] = 115,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 46,
["Riverside Post"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 187,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 23,
["Beastwatch"] = 149,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 106,
["Wor'var"] = 60,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 29,
["Exile's Rise"] = 190,
["Warspear"] = 251,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 43,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 33,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 59,
["Crow's Crook"] = 161,
["Axefall"] = 142,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 77,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 129,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 101,
["Meredil"] = 80,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 136,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 63,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 112,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 79,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 61,
["Felbane Camp"] = 33,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 29,
["Cullen's Post"] = 91,
["Illidari Stand"] = 125,
["Nastrondir"] = 86,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 100,
["Lorlathil"] = 95,
["Eastern Suramar"] = 163,
["Isle of the Watchers"] = 205,
["Bradensbrook"] = 98,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 70,
["Western Suramar"] = 216,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 111,
["Thorim's Peak"] = 141,
["The Witchwood"] = 20,
["Thunder Totem"] = 35,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 57,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 95,
["Nesingwary"] = 24,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 53,
["Illidari Perch"] = 140,
["Valdisdall"] = 115,
["Skyhorn"] = 39,
["Dalaran"] = 143,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 76,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 49,
["Mudsprocket"] = {
["Marshal's Stand"] = 199,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 63,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 48,
["Ramkahen"] = 266,
["Freewind Post"] = 71,
["Razor Hill"] = 303,
["Orgrimmar"] = 199,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 155,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 196,
["Gadgetzan"] = 98,
["Ratchet"] = 150,
["Mossy Pile"] = 199,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 366,
["Westreach Summit"] = 101,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 372,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 413,
["Everlook"] = 468,
["Desolation Hold"] = 88,
["Camp Ataya"] = 278,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 224,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 279,
["Splintertree Post"] = 335,
["Camp Mojache"] = 150,
["Bambala"] = {
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 72,
["Stonard"] = 221,
["Tarren Mill"] = 652,
["Grom'gol"] = 47,
["New Kargath"] = 289,
["Bogpaddle"] = 265,
["Booty Bay"] = 118,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 477,
["Chiselgrip"] = 254,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = 247,
["Southern Rocketway"] = {
["Orgrimmar"] = 87,
["Everlook"] = 188,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 73,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 39,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 306,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 249,
["Valormok"] = 122,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 178,
["Northern Rocketway"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 319,
["Mudsprocket"] = 417,
["Nordrassil"] = 323,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 49,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 303,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 318,
["Southern Rocketway"] = 80,
["Everlook"] = 198,
["Orgrimmar"] = 146,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 202,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 357,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 511,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 267,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 352,
["Splintertree Post"] = 197,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 343,
["Valormok"] = 132,
["Gloaming Reef"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 98,
["The Witchwood"] = 149,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 49,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 79,
["Lorlathil"] = 49,
["Nesingwary"] = 134,
["Meredil"] = 112,
["Illidari Perch"] = 77,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 154,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 111,
["Bradensbrook"] = 27,
["Illidari Stand"] = 87,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 48,
["Anyport"] = {
["Stonefist Watch"] = 98,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 138,
["Seekers Vista"] = 175,
["Waning Glacier"] = 100,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 154,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 37,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 87,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 86,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 45,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 194,
["Warfang Hold"] = 198,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 169,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = {
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 181,
["Ulduar"] = 74,
["K3"] = 114,
["The Argent Stand"] = 151,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 46,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 45,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 152,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 121,
["Dalaran"] = 185,
["Zim'Torga"] = 99,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 100,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 30,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 62,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 85,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 59,
["Meredil"] = 91,
["Illidari Perch"] = 51,
["Bradensbrook"] = 127,
["Illidari Stand"] = 44,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 145,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 18,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = {
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 36,
["Beastwatch"] = 92,
["Wor'gol"] = 40,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 95,
["Warspear"] = 202,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 32,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 59,
["Thunder Pass"] = 70,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 68,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 45,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 62,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 73,
["Zul'jan"] = 37,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 53,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 84,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 68,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 102,
["The Great Seal"] = 93,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 98,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 90,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 127,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 51,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 110,
["Skyguard Outpost"] = {
["Blackwind Landing"] = 243,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 189,
["Ulduar"] = 44,
["Light's Breach"] = 173,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 149,
["Gundrak"] = 251,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 41,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 307,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 60,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 132,
["River's Heart"] = 307,
["Warsong Camp"] = 248,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 264,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 367,
["K3"] = 127,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 148,
["Venomspite"] = 269,
["Dalaran"] = 151,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 113,
["Moa'ki"] = 299,
["New Agamand"] = 407,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 61,
["The Arboretum"] = 261,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 15,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 152,
["Halfhill"] = 65,
["Marista"] = 43,
["Huojin Landing"] = 324,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 259,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 206,
["The Briny Muck"] = 158,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 160,
["Zul'jan"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 83,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 57,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 36,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 86,
["Xibala"] = 123,
["Atal'Gral"] = 92,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 62,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 94,
["The Great Seal"] = 64,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 111,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 118,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 41,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 59,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 92,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 73,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 41,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 73,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 145,
["Warport Rastari"] = 113,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 92,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 11,
["The Sliver"] = 52,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = {
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 56,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 96,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 44,
["Zul'jan"] = 90,
["The Sliver"] = 140,
["Atal'Gral"] = 174,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 140,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 95,
["The Great Seal"] = 146,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 92,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 180,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 77,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 44,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 88,
["Stonard"] = {
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 209,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 721,
["Fuselight"] = 284,
["Thorium Point"] = 208,
["Revantusk Village"] = 565,
["Hammerfall"] = 493,
["Flamestar Post"] = 219,
["Booty Bay"] = 226,
["Flame Crest"] = 176,
["Bogpaddle"] = 45,
["Undercity"] = 728,
["Zul'Aman"] = 815,
["Shattered Landing"] = 57,
["Tarren Mill"] = 608,
["The Bulwark"] = 639,
["New Kargath"] = 181,
["Kargath"] = 231,
["Bambala"] = 226,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = 27,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 598,
["Grom'gol"] = 169,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 574,
["Chiselgrip"] = 159,
["Sen'jin Village"] = {
["The Crossroads"] = 208,
["Mudsprocket"] = 367,
["Ratchet"] = 207,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 151,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 317,
["Valormok"] = 95,
["Orgrimmar"] = 95,
["Wildheart Point"] = 311,
["Razor Hill"] = 30,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = {
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 43,
["Splintertree Post"] = 66,
["The Crossroads"] = 132,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 121,
["Nordrassil"] = 331,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 289,
["Ratchet"] = 266,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 69,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 126,
["Malaka'jin"] = 144,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 76,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 226,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 189,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 229,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 229,
["Orgrimmar"] = 160,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = {
["The Crossroads"] = 234,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 322,
["Orgrimmar"] = 98,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 311,
["Ratchet"] = 211,
["Everlook"] = 149,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 153,
["Southern Rocketway"] = 32,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 324,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 304,
["Valormok"] = 84,
["Northern Rocketway"] = 52,
["Splintertree Post"] = 149,
["Razor Hill"] = 153,
["K3"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 127,
["Ebon Watch"] = 43,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 218,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 94,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 76,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 101,
["Conquest Hold"] = 162,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 173,
["Dalaran"] = 71,
["River's Heart"] = 272,
["Warsong Camp"] = 222,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 224,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 100,
["Warsong Hold"] = 325,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 242,
["Amber Ledge"] = 370,
["Venomspite"] = 142,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 90,
["The Argent Stand"] = 90,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 295,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 135,
["Unu'pe"] = 318,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 37,
["Zim'Torga"] = 148,
["Moa'ki"] = 186,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 100,
["Northpass Tower"] = {
["Undercity"] = 250,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 30,
["Brill"] = 213,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 58,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 296,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 44,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 128,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 258,
["Silvermoon City"] = 247,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 52,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 49,
["The Sepulcher"] = 295,
["Hearthglen"] = 111,
["Iron Summit"] = 509,
["Cullen's Post"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 130,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 120,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 102,
["Lorlathil"] = 136,
["Meredil"] = 70,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 52,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 29,
["Dalaran"] = 103,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 56,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 85,
["Bradensbrook"] = 152,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 72,
["The Witchwood"] = 100,
["Illidari Stand"] = 130,
["Thunder Totem"] = 71,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 36,
["Felbane Camp"] = 118,
["Deliverance Point"] = 119,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 92,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 48,
["Valdisdall"] = 30,
["Skyhorn"] = 73,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 146,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 35,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 35,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 88,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 228,
["Shattrath"] = 160,
["Swamprat Post"] = 74,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 279,
["Garadar"] = 243,
["Zabra'jin"] = 185,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 63,
["Area 52"] = 57,
["Cosmowrench"] = 122,
["The Stormspire"] = 104,
["Falcon Watch"] = 136,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 396,
["Moonglade"] = 556,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 144,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 134,
["Furien's Post"] = 36,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 42,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 282,
["Malaka'jin"] = 67,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 43,
["Ratchet"] = 206,
["Freewind Post"] = 334,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 174,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 107,
["Orgrimmar"] = 266,
["Mudsprocket"] = 305,
["The Crossroads"] = 150,
["Gadgetzan"] = 426,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 199,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 223,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 110,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 289,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 121,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 217,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 49,
["Desolation Hold"] = 240,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 111,
["Valormok"] = 313,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 395,
["Splintertree Post"] = 182,
["Camp Mojache"] = 340,
["Falconwing Square"] = {
["Silvermoon City"] = 18,
["Fairbreeze Village"] = 48,
["Tranquillien"] = 67,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 267,
["Stoneplow"] = {
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 44,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 152,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 190,
["Pang's Stead"] = 97,
["Binan Village"] = 134,
["Grassy Cline"] = 82,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 110,
["Domination Point"] = 41,
["The Arboretum"] = 222,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 120,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 216,
["Halfhill"] = 51,
["Marista"] = 95,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 80,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 255,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 63,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 229,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 126,
["Zim'Torga"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 154,
["Ebon Watch"] = 105,
["Light's Breach"] = 77,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 193,
["Gundrak"] = 54,
["Conquest Hold"] = 150,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 198,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 83,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 212,
["K3"] = 145,
["The Argent Stand"] = 53,
["Kamagua"] = 241,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 87,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 85,
["Amber Ledge"] = 450,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 132,
["Dalaran"] = 172,
["New Agamand"] = 210,
["Brackenwall Village"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 408,
["Moonglade"] = 568,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 322,
["Ratchet"] = 89,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 249,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 344,
["Ramkahen"] = 328,
["Freewind Post"] = 105,
["Everlook"] = 467,
["Malaka'jin"] = 228,
["Orgrimmar"] = 215,
["Mudsprocket"] = 62,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 183,
["The Crossroads"] = 162,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 123,
["Westreach Summit"] = 111,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 113,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 49,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 358,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 352,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 277,
["Desolation Hold"] = 44,
["Camp Ataya"] = 272,
["Valormok"] = 335,
["Gadgetzan"] = 204,
["Splintertree Post"] = 325,
["Camp Mojache"] = 143,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = {
["Apothecary Camp"] = 56,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 278,
["Venomspite"] = 174,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 236,
["Conquest Hold"] = 93,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 369,
["Dalaran"] = 256,
["Zim'Torga"] = 149,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 58,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 74,
["K3"] = 229,
["The Argent Stand"] = 157,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 283,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 216,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 305,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 295,
["Kamagua"] = 110,
["Moa'ki"] = 60,
["New Agamand"] = 80,
["Western Suramar"] = {
["Eastern Suramar"] = 61,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 226,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 149,
["Isle of the Watchers"] = 67,
["Area 52"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 80,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 292,
["Shattrath"] = 224,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 342,
["Garadar"] = 306,
["Swamprat Post"] = 137,
["Falcon Watch"] = 204,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 343,
["Cosmowrench"] = 67,
["The Stormspire"] = 48,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 108,
["Thrallmar"] = 273,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 357,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 64,
["Zabra'jin"] = 248,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 421,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = {
["Warspear"] = 143,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 194,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 43,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 137,
["Beastwatch"] = 76,
["Lorlathil"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 86,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 63,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 111,
["Shield's Rest"] = 224,
["Meredil"] = 69,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 135,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 109,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 51,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 44,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 23,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 57,
["Felbane Camp"] = 122,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 89,
["Cullen's Post"] = 129,
["Illidari Stand"] = 74,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 110,
["Bradensbrook"] = 30,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 111,
["Dalaran"] = 111,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 165,
["The Witchwood"] = 127,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 59,
["Valdisdall"] = 152,
["Deliverance Point"] = 139,
["Thunder Totem"] = 111,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 52,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 172,
["Nesingwary"] = 112,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 131,
["Illidari Perch"] = 72,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 84,
["Skyhorn"] = 133,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 100,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 64,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 71,
["Wor'gol"] = {
["Warspear"] = 223,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 31,
["Beastwatch"] = 120,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 50,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 37,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 76,
["Southpoint Gate"] = {
["Eastwall Tower"] = 264,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 266,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = 124,
["Northpass Tower"] = 273,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 40,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 248,
["Hammerfall"] = 158,
["Silvermoon City"] = 448,
["The Sepulcher"] = 74,
["Thondroril River"] = 168,
["Undercity"] = 195,
["Zul'Aman"] = 360,
["Brill"] = 171,
["Tarren Mill"] = 62,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 164,
["Tranquillien"] = 381,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 263,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 37,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 212,
["Strahnbrad"] = 89,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = {
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 219,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 181,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 128,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 193,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 187,
["Zim'Torga"] = 89,
["Warsong Camp"] = 309,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 176,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 129,
["Kamagua"] = 330,
["Venomspite"] = 230,
["The Argent Stand"] = 142,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 32,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 222,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 133,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 244,
["K3"] = 88,
["River's Heart"] = 438,
["Dalaran"] = 54,
["Honeydew Village"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 199,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 77,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 239,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 126,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 64,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 180,
["Pang's Stead"] = 103,
["Binan Village"] = 61,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 111,
["Huojin Landing"] = 219,
["Grassy Cline"] = 127,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 138,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 167,
["Eastwind Rest"] = 94,
["The Arboretum"] = 104,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 180,
["Sri-La Village"] = 83,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 143,
["Grookin Hill"] = 63,
["Halfhill"] = 147,
["Longying Outpost"] = 195,
["Marista"] = 317,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 188,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 87,
["One Keg"] = 120,
["Tian Monastery"] = 43,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 144,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 44,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 87,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 103,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 34,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 29,
["Warspear"] = 115,
["Vol'mar"] = 88,
["Shattrath City"] = 119,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 137,
["Exile's Rise"] = 190,
["Retribution Point"] = 150,
["Beastwatch"] = 48,
["Huojin Landing"] = {
["The Arboretum"] = 169,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 245,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 308,
["Pang's Stead"] = 217,
["Halfhill"] = 268,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 281,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 177,
["Honeydew Village"] = 230,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 471,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 253,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 143,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 436,
["Exile's Rise"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 59,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 164,
["Wor'var"] = 128,
["Beastwatch"] = 140,
["Zangarra"] = 96,
["Crow's Crook"] = 76,
["Warspear"] = 117,
["Veil Terokk"] = 84,
["Darktide Roost"] = 63,
["Sandy Beach"] = {
["Brill"] = 347,
["Fuselight"] = 819,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 42,
["Stygian Bounty"] = 46,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = 41,
["Zangarra"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 124,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 156,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 53,
["Riverside Post"] = 136,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 25,
["Aktar's Post"] = 39,
["Bastion Rise"] = 43,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 97,
["Veil Terokk"] = 94,
["Axefall"] = 101,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 62,
["Exile's Rise"] = 95,
["Vol'mar"] = 76,
["The Iron Front"] = 33,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 123,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 32,
["Wor'var"] = 86,
["Warspear"] = 168,
["Crow's Crook"] = 82,
["Beastwatch"] = 68,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 51,
["Shattrath City"] = 57,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 40,
["Darktide Roost"] = 134,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 111,
["Retribution Point"] = 89,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = {
["Undercity"] = 598,
["Zul'Aman"] = 233,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 345,
["Stonard"] = 1016,
["The Sin'loren"] = 59,
["Tarren Mill"] = 532,
["Northpass Tower"] = 455,
["Kargath"] = 822,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 432,
["Tranquillien"] = 231,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 401,
["Silvermoon City"] = 167,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 254,
["Flame Crest"] = 862,
["Falconwing Square"] = 193,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = {
["Freehold"] = 133,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 75,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 193,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 101,
["Seekers Vista"] = 140,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 62,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 49,
["Tol Dagor"] = 169,
["Waning Glacier"] = 71,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 111,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 108,
["Wolf's Den"] = 101,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 119,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 152,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 30,
["Anyport"] = 44,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 140,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = {
["Thunder Pass"] = 92,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 59,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 95,
["Throm'Var"] = 39,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 29,
["Wor'gol"] = 27,
["Warspear"] = 216,
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 53,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 78,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 44,
["Beastwatch"] = 115,
["Azurewing Repose"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 36,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 27,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 127,
["Lorlathil"] = 50,
["Meredil"] = 51,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 114,
["Dalaran"] = 75,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 105,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 54,
["Valdisdall"] = 131,
["Prepfoot"] = 171,
["Illidari Stand"] = 24,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 35,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 72,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 105,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 62,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 156,
["Nesingwary"] = 123,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 56,
["Illidari Perch"] = 38,
["Skyhorn"] = 144,
["Cullen's Post"] = 109,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 48,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 58,
["Bradensbrook"] = 77,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 91,
["Ulduar"] = 523,
["Transitus Shield"] = 228,
["Light's Breach"] = 530,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 265,
["Gundrak"] = 699,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 261,
["Dalaran"] = 243,
["River's Heart"] = 51,
["Warsong Camp"] = 191,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 228,
["Warsong Hold"] = 199,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 62,
["Amber Ledge"] = 176,
["K3"] = 432,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 138,
["Moa'ki"] = 427,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = {
["Eastwind Rest"] = 45,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 69,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 105,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 109,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 38,
["Longying Outpost"] = 65,
["Binan Village"] = 134,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 31,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 70,
["Halfhill"] = 162,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 108,
["Crushblow"] = {
["Bloodgulch"] = 47,
["The Krazzworks"] = 95,
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 80,
["Iron Summit"] = 349,
["Bogpaddle"] = 435,
["The Argent Stand"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 345,
["Ebon Watch"] = 53,
["Light's Breach"] = 24,
["Venomspite"] = 145,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 127,
["Conquest Hold"] = 98,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 233,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 79,
["Unu'pe"] = 327,
["Warsong Camp"] = 267,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 99,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 205,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 396,
["K3"] = 94,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 323,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 268,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 136,
["River's Heart"] = 318,
["Dalaran"] = 120,
["Zim'Torga"] = 41,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 147,
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = {
["New Kargath"] = 280,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 583,
["Bambala"] = 73,
["Booty Bay"] = 48,
["Sunveil Excursion"] = 215,
["Grom'gol"] = 38,
["Vault of the Earth"] = {
["Malo's Lookout"] = 28,
["The Iron Front"] = 54,
["Aktar's Post"] = 47,
["Beastwatch"] = 92,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 73,
["Darktide Roost"] = 105,
["Warspear"] = 88,
["Vol'mar"] = 33,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 27,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = {
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 762,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 29,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 265,
["Ramkahen"] = 121,
["Camp Ataya"] = 362,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 593,
["Mossy Pile"] = 224,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 686,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 108,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 311,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 222,
["Vol'mar"] = {
["Thunder Pass"] = 104,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 126,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 31,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 156,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 131,
["Aktar's Post"] = 44,
["Zangarra"] = 75,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 148,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 122,
["Exile's Rise"] = 74,
["Talon Watch"] = 132,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 26,
["The Iron Front"] = 63,
["Retribution Point"] = 161,
["Crow's Crook"] = 140,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 76,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 104,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 188,
["Warspear"] = 60,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 98,
["Shattrath City"] = 124,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 113,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 47,
["Beastwatch"] = 91,
["Bastion Rise"] = 65,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 23,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 212,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 53,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 163,
["Lorlathil"] = 91,
["Meredil"] = 85,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 148,
["Dalaran"] = 77,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 18,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 90,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 61,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 52,
["Valdisdall"] = 165,
["Thunder Totem"] = 159,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 75,
["The Witchwood"] = 175,
["Deliverance Point"] = 105,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 138,
["Illidari Perch"] = 41,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 163,
["Cullen's Post"] = 142,
["Illidari Stand"] = 34,
["Aalgen Point"] = 111,
["Bradensbrook"] = 118,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 62,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 82,
["Shield's Rest"] = 86,
["Meredil"] = 109,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 80,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 58,
["Bradensbrook"] = 152,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 56,
["Valdisdall"] = 53,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 116,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 175,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 34,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 37,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 159,
["Skyhorn"] = 47,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 184,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 94,
["Cullen's Post"] = 35,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = {
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 219,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 106,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 41,
["Halfhill"] = 178,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 131,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 52,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 34,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 80,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 161,
["Transitus Shield"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 318,
["Light's Breach"] = 265,
["Gundrak"] = 343,
["Venomspite"] = 195,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 83,
["Conquest Hold"] = 233,
["Dalaran"] = 215,
["River's Heart"] = 89,
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = 179,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 137,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 338,
["Warsong Hold"] = 57,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 52,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 179,
["Kamagua"] = 295,
["The Argent Stand"] = 281,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 77,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 153,
["Amber Ledge"] = 30,
["Unu'pe"] = 96,
["New Agamand"] = 318,
["Gloom Hollow"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 28,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 84,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 111,
["Xibala"] = 159,
["Atal'Gral"] = 98,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 142,
["The Great Seal"] = 104,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 137,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 148,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 46,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 79,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 91,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 96,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 60,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 122,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 127,
["Zul'jan"] = 62,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 56,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 89,
["The Sliver"] = 93,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = {
["Tian Monastery"] = 40,
["The Arboretum"] = 28,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 103,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 209,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 39,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 205,
["Pang's Stead"] = 75,
["Halfhill"] = 127,
["Honeydew Village"] = 88,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 236,
["Huojin Landing"] = 144,
["Grookin Hill"] = 71,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 111,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 35,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 37,
["Zhu's Watch"] = {
["The Arboretum"] = 144,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 152,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 117,
["Pang's Stead"] = 43,
["Halfhill"] = 46,
["Binan Village"] = 88,
["Huojin Landing"] = 231,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 276,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 62,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 42,
["Forsaken Rear Guard"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 185,
["Undercity"] = 95,
["Brill"] = 69,
["Forsaken High Command"] = 24,
["Tarren Mill"] = 126,
["Revantusk Village"] = 286,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 144,
["The Sepulcher"] = 30,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 54,
["Meredil"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 72,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 43,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 98,
["Shield's Rest"] = 138,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 26,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 66,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 78,
["Illidari Camp"] = 74,
["Felbane Camp"] = 108,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 73,
["Cullen's Post"] = 65,
["Illidari Stand"] = 70,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 43,
["Lorlathil"] = 76,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 84,
["Dalaran"] = 69,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 65,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 70,
["The Witchwood"] = 111,
["Vengeance Point"] = 74,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 57,
["Valdisdall"] = 87,
["Nesingwary"] = 93,
["Thunder Totem"] = 94,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 88,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 116,
["Deliverance Point"] = 104,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 90,
["Illidari Perch"] = 85,
["Bradensbrook"] = 95,
["Skyhorn"] = 110,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 90,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 107,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 149,
["Cosmowrench"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 146,
["Garadar"] = 372,
["Shattrath"] = 287,
["Area 52"] = 64,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 410,
["Swamprat Post"] = 204,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 420,
["The Stormspire"] = 61,
["Zabra'jin"] = 312,
["Pang's Stead"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 104,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 80,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 70,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 28,
["Sri-La Village"] = 143,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 94,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 94,
["Hellscream's Fist"] = 219,
["Halfhill"] = 53,
["Honeydew Village"] = 96,
["Marista"] = 171,
["Huojin Landing"] = 198,
["Grassy Cline"] = 25,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 36,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 90,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 117,
["Irontree Clearing"] = {
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 128,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 451,
["Wildheart Point"] = 100,
["Moonglade"] = 75,
["Everlook"] = 121,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 244,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 41,
["Orgrimmar"] = 304,
["Durotan's Grasp"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 115,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 142,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 90,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 56,
["Beastwatch"] = 86,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 41,
["Shattrath City"] = 14,
["Vol'mar"] = 121,
["Warspear"] = 175,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 47,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 66,
["Hammerfall"] = {
["Kargath"] = 259,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 197,
["Fuselight"] = 305,
["Thorium Point"] = 315,
["Revantusk Village"] = 88,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 98,
["Galen's Fall"] = 67,
["Booty Bay"] = 548,
["The Sepulcher"] = 220,
["Flame Crest"] = 326,
["Iron Summit"] = 335,
["Undercity"] = 257,
["Brill"] = 167,
["Stonard"] = 483,
["Tarren Mill"] = 113,
["Grom'gol"] = 497,
["New Kargath"] = 248,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 53,
["Tranquillien"] = 311,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 121,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 140,
["Chiselgrip"] = 329,
["Andorhal"] = 126,
["The Sliver"] = {
["Gloom Hollow"] = 83,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 38,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 132,
["Atal'Gral"] = 59,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 31,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 100,
["Atal'dazar"] = 40,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 117,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 81,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 35,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 30,
["The Great Seal"] = 18,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 48,
["Zul'jan"] = 51,
["Warport Rastari"] = 63,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 62,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 34,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 86,
["Silvermoon City"] = {
["Fairbreeze Village"] = 31,
["Hearthglen"] = 334,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 179,
["Fuselight"] = 505,
["Northpass Tower"] = 244,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 445,
["Hammerfall"] = 627,
["Booty Bay"] = 971,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 136,
["Zul'Aman"] = 111,
["Brill"] = 402,
["Tarren Mill"] = 487,
["Grom'gol"] = 1090,
["Tranquillien"] = 65,
["Revantusk Village"] = 318,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 241,
["Undercity"] = 437,
["Strahnbrad"] = 397,
["Falconwing Square"] = 23,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 187,
["Ebon Watch"] = 48,
["Light's Breach"] = 174,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 33,
["Venomspite"] = 214,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 208,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 97,
["Dalaran"] = 71,
["Unu'pe"] = 267,
["Warsong Camp"] = 159,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 278,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 384,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 318,
["Amber Ledge"] = 313,
["Zim'Torga"] = 234,
["The Argent Stand"] = 194,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 238,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 174,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 177,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 108,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 123,
["Moa'ki"] = 212,
["River's Heart"] = 235,
["Unu'pe"] = {
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 112,
["Warsong Hold"] = 88,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 94,
["Amber Ledge"] = 97,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 253,
["Venomspite"] = 179,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 18,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 141,
["Transitus Shield"] = 133,
["Moa'ki"] = 118,
["Dalaran"] = 229,
["Zim'Torga"] = 365,
["Kamagua"] = 302,
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = {
["Apothecary Camp"] = 188,
["Dalaran"] = 56,
["Conquest Hold"] = 149,
["Eye of Azshara"] = {
["Illidari Stand"] = 90,
["Dalaran"] = 69,
["Bradensbrook"] = 166,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 65,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 94,
["Illidari Camp"] = 86,
["Lorlathil"] = 140,
["Nesingwary"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 130,
["Felbane Camp"] = 42,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 29,
["The Witchwood"] = 24,
["Bradensbrook"] = 100,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 64,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 27,
["Lorlathil"] = 98,
["Skyhorn"] = 39,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 41,
["Dalaran"] = 144,
["Meredil"] = 81,
["Cullen's Post"] = 78,
["Illidari Stand"] = 126,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 60,
["Thunder Totem"] = 22,
["The Crossroads"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 254,
["Mudsprocket"] = 194,
["Ratchet"] = 52,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 173,
["Freewind Post"] = 185,
["Orgrimmar"] = 96,
["Gadgetzan"] = 286,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 49,
["Westreach Summit"] = 188,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 184,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 131,
["Splintertree Post"] = 163,
["Razor Hill"] = 175,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 151,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 266,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 228,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 385,
["Vendetta Point"] = 69,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 163,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 271,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 184,
["Everlook"] = 294,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 211,
["Malaka'jin"] = 115,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 157,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 73,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 63,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 68,
["Moonglade"] = 404,
["Desolation Hold"] = 111,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 107,
["Valormok"] = 201,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 387,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 287,
["Camp Mojache"] = 199,
["Port of Zandalar"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 156,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 131,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 61,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 169,
["Xibala"] = 44,
["Atal'Gral"] = 88,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 39,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 123,
["The Great Seal"] = 44,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 141,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 187,
["Tusk Isle"] = 32,
["Zul'jan"] = 89,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 170,
["The Sliver"] = 56,
["Atal'dazar"] = 53,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 117,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 82,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 67,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 44,
["Warport Rastari"] = 34,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 160,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 140,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 47,
["Throm'Var"] = {
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 46,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 39,
["Iron Docks"] = 111,
["Bladespire Citadel"] = 32,
["Beastwatch"] = 114,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 63,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 162,
["Warspear"] = 214,
["Starsong Refuge"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 112,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 122,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 84,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 73,
["Lorlathil"] = 54,
["Meredil"] = 66,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 97,
["Valdisdall"] = 152,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 152,
["Dalaran"] = 129,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 85,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 48,
["Felbane Camp"] = 82,
["Skyhorn"] = 94,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 107,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 91,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 38,
["Thunder Totem"] = 72,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 79,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 133,
["Nesingwary"] = 73,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 50,
["Bradensbrook"] = 57,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 92,
["Cullen's Post"] = 129,
["Illidari Stand"] = 123,
["Prepfoot"] = 121,
["The Witchwood"] = 86,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 131,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 113,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 254,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 220,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 344,
["Southern Rocketway"] = 287,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 123,
["Everlook"] = 330,
["Orgrimmar"] = 196,
["The Crossroads"] = 179,
["Vendetta Point"] = 246,
["Splintertree Post"] = 107,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 120,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 60,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 47,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 85,
["Desolation Hold"] = 288,
["Camp Ataya"] = 324,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 226,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 223,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 186,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 90,
["Death's Rise"] = {
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 454,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 94,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 214,
["K3"] = 283,
["Gundrak"] = 465,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 254,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 195,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 118,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 214,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 170,
["Dalaran"] = 208,
["River's Heart"] = 117,
["The Argent Stand"] = 369,
["Longying Outpost"] = {
["Eastwind Rest"] = 106,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 43,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 152,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 106,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 48,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 41,
["Halfhill"] = 179,
["Binan Village"] = 115,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 67,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 152,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 149,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 40,
["Shattered Landing"] = {
["New Kargath"] = 286,
["Booty Bay"] = 243,
["Bambala"] = 135,
["Flamestar Post"] = 251,
["Fuselight"] = 344,
["Stonard"] = 58,
["Flame Crest"] = 209,
["Chiselgrip"] = 217,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 206,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 58,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 94,
["Wor'var"] = 64,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 47,
["Beastwatch"] = 158,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 53,
["Vol'mar"] = 198,
["Warspear"] = 252,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 44,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 168,
["Ethel Rethor"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 363,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 124,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 80,
["Furien's Post"] = 17,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 51,
["Orgrimmar"] = 311,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 162,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 232,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 252,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 241,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 172,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 39,
["Camp Ataya"] = 150,
["Valormok"] = 365,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 226,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 394,
["Malaka'jin"] = 150,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = {
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 599,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 142,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 180,
["Fuselight"] = 373,
["Northpass Tower"] = 186,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 159,
["Revantusk Village"] = 84,
["Hammerfall"] = 70,
["Galen's Fall"] = 134,
["Thondroril River"] = 81,
["Undercity"] = 220,
["Brill"] = 157,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 362,
["Tarren Mill"] = 17,
["Andorhal"] = 74,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 125,
["Stonard"] = 542,
["The Bulwark"] = 111,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 133,
["Kargath"] = 494,
["Bloodgulch"] = 500,
["Strahnbrad"] = 214,
["Fuselight"] = 322,
["Thorium Point"] = 467,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 300,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 34,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 64,
["Revantusk Village"] = 141,
["Hammerfall"] = 234,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 23,
["Booty Bay"] = 789,
["The Sepulcher"] = 367,
["Flame Crest"] = 560,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = 606,
["Thondroril River"] = 94,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 460,
["Zul'Aman"] = 113,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 87,
["Hearthglen"] = 149,
["Stonard"] = 717,
["Tarren Mill"] = 301,
["Grom'gol"] = 731,
["Silvermoon City"] = 185,
["Thondoril River"] = 99,
["Tranquillien"] = 119,
["Andorhal"] = 158,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 64,
["The Bulwark"] = 174,
["Undercity"] = 254,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 262,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = {
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 187,
["Ebon Watch"] = 38,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 235,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 309,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 213,
["K3"] = 34,
["Gundrak"] = 195,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 77,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 84,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 129,
["Conquest Hold"] = 99,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 169,
["Dalaran"] = 56,
["Zim'Torga"] = 73,
["Light's Breach"] = 82,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = {
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 58,
["Lorlathil"] = 122,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 89,
["Bradensbrook"] = 124,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 37,
["Prepfoot"] = 55,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 70,
["Illidari Stand"] = 151,
["The Witchwood"] = 57,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 105,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 88,
["Skyhorn"] = 30,
["Felbane Camp"] = 75,
["Valdisdall"] = 67,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 53,
["Thunder Totem"] = 28,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 48,
["Cullen's Post"] = 45,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 164,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 24,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 139,
["Forlorn Ruins"] = {
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 74,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 31,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 139,
["Zul'jan"] = 89,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 119,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 106,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 179,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 154,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 117,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 176,
["Andorhal"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 16,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 147,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 149,
["Northpass Tower"] = 156,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 216,
["Hammerfall"] = 163,
["Galen's Fall"] = 162,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 138,
["The Sepulcher"] = 101,
["Flame Crest"] = 477,
["Thondroril River"] = 50,
["Undercity"] = 126,
["Brill"] = 84,
["The Bulwark"] = 37,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 90,
["Tranquillien"] = 266,
["Thorium Point"] = 467,
["The Witchwood"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 42,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 127,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 25,
["Lorlathil"] = 113,
["Bradensbrook"] = 116,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 138,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 90,
["Felbane Camp"] = 32,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 172,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 136,
["Valdisdall"] = 121,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 106,
["Thunder Totem"] = 43,
["Skyhorn"] = 46,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 102,
["Nesingwary"] = 34,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 62,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 53,
["Prepfoot"] = 41,
["Cullen's Post"] = 99,
["Illidari Stand"] = 151,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 83,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 89,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = {
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 50,
["Undercity"] = 297,
["Zul'Aman"] = 150,
["Brill"] = 261,
["Fuselight"] = 366,
["Stonard"] = 763,
["Tarren Mill"] = 238,
["The Bulwark"] = 223,
["Thondoril River"] = 148,
["Revantusk Village"] = 189,
["Tranquillien"] = 166,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 393,
["Silvermoon City"] = 234,
["The Sepulcher"] = 349,
["Flame Crest"] = 606,
["Iron Summit"] = 501,
["River's Heart"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 93,
["Transitus Shield"] = 154,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 346,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 244,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 43,
["Conquest Hold"] = 493,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 263,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 460,
["Unu'pe"] = 253,
["Warsong Camp"] = 86,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 187,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 486,
["Warsong Hold"] = 201,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 62,
["K3"] = 246,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 140,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 234,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 626,
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = 263,
["Dalaran"] = 201,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 280,
["Venomspite"] = 406,
["Thorium Point"] = {
["Undercity"] = 558,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 561,
["Iron Summit"] = 24,
["Stonard"] = 199,
["Tarren Mill"] = 435,
["Grom'gol"] = 234,
["New Kargath"] = 66,
["Revantusk Village"] = 421,
["Hammerfall"] = 317,
["Brill"] = 526,
["Booty Bay"] = 366,
["Kargath"] = 59,
["Flame Crest"] = 61,
["Bogpaddle"] = 161,
["Ramkahen"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 94,
["Mudsprocket"] = 279,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 252,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 419,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 208,
["Orgrimmar"] = 499,
["Gadgetzan"] = 159,
["Camp Mojache"] = 279,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 254,
["Splintertree Post"] = 567,
["Ratchet"] = 400,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 680,
["Desolation Hold"] = 367,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 473,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 84,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 149,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 128,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 68,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = {
["Valdisdall"] = 28,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 59,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 116,
["The Witchwood"] = 125,
["Dalaran"] = 120,
["Cullen's Post"] = 29,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 169,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 45,
["Nesingwary"] = 109,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 72,
["Meredil"] = 94,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 30,
["Skyhorn"] = 97,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 169,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 58,
["Lorlathil"] = 157,
["Swiftwind Post"] = {
["Freehold"] = 79,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 26,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 60,
["Wolf's Den"] = 86,
["Seekers Vista"] = 152,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 85,
["Warfang Hold"] = 143,
["Stonetusk Watch"] = 131,
["Castaway Point"] = 103,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 133,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 55,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 67,
["Anyport"] = 87,
["Waning Glacier"] = 78,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 91,
["Malaka'jin"] = {
["The Crossroads"] = 86,
["Mudsprocket"] = 269,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 164,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 112,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 167,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 310,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 191,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 111,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 113,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 113,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 38,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 73,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 69,
["Orgrimmar"] = 205,
["The Sludgewerks"] = {
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 31,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 43,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 37,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 418,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 113,
["Orgrimmar"] = 280,
["Galen's Fall"] = {
["Undercity"] = 198,
["Northpass Tower"] = 264,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 136,
["The Bulwark"] = 122,
["New Kargath"] = 322,
["Revantusk Village"] = 161,
["Hammerfall"] = 74,
["Tarren Mill"] = 41,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 56,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 255,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 98,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 33,
["Axefall"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 57,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 79,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 148,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 133,
["Bastion Rise"] = 155,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 27,
["Exile's Rise"] = 95,
["Talon Watch"] = 50,
["Wor'var"] = 108,
["Veil Terokk"] = 24,
["Beastwatch"] = 146,
["Warspear"] = 240,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 71,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 111,
["Darktide Roost"] = 92,
["Crow's Crook"] = 34,
["Shattrath City"] = 79,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 54,
["Wildheart Point"] = {
["Mudsprocket"] = 480,
["Moonglade"] = 165,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 216,
["Nordrassil"] = 294,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 273,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 104,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 169,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 34,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 106,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 330,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 325,
["Valormok"] = 181,
["Everlook"] = 211,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 67,
["Orgrimmar"] = 210,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 321,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 188,
["Shattrath"] = 182,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 125,
["Garadar"] = 253,
["Swamprat Post"] = 190,
["The Stormspire"] = 364,
["Cosmowrench"] = 381,
["Falcon Watch"] = 122,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 295,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 252,
["Thrallmar"] = 59,
["Area 52"] = 316,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 261,
["Zabra'jin"] = 271,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 316,
["Marshal's Stand"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 270,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 643,
["Mudsprocket"] = 268,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 359,
["Ratchet"] = 334,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 294,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 143,
["Ramkahen"] = 261,
["Everlook"] = 675,
["Orgrimmar"] = 433,
["Camp Mojache"] = 253,
["Gadgetzan"] = 93,
["The Crossroads"] = 391,
["Mossy Pile"] = 37,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 388,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 226,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 416,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 617,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 185,
["Desolation Hold"] = 300,
["Camp Ataya"] = 290,
["Valormok"] = 547,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 125,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 149,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 191,
["Thondroril River"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 39,
["Undercity"] = 160,
["Hearthglen"] = 82,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 100,
["Tarren Mill"] = 100,
["Northpass Tower"] = 106,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 207,
["The Bulwark"] = 77,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 128,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 169,
["Silvermoon City"] = 285,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 85,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 45,
["The Sepulcher"] = 206,
["Andorhal"] = 65,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 98,
["Vengeance Point"] = {
["Deliverance Point"] = 41,
["Meredil"] = 72,
["Shackle's Den"] = 84,
["Valdisdall"] = 99,
["Dalaran"] = 50,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 101,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 121,
["Illidari Stand"] = 108,
["Shattrath"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 211,
["Garadar"] = 81,
["Area 52"] = 205,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 201,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 185,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 133,
["Falcon Watch"] = 77,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 69,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 215,
["Swamprat Post"] = 79,
["The Stormspire"] = 253,
["Cosmowrench"] = 217,
["Thrallmar"] = 131,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 214,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 150,
["Zabra'jin"] = 136,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 197,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 135,
["Undercity"] = 167,
["Brill"] = 146,
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = 112,
["Tarren Mill"] = 28,
["Chiselgrip"] = 449,
["New Kargath"] = 369,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 44,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 20,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 178,
["Hearthglen"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 80,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 38,
["Brill"] = 155,
["Forsaken High Command"] = 199,
["Andorhal"] = 71,
["Northpass Tower"] = 117,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 61,
["Undercity"] = 196,
["The Bulwark"] = 107,
["Grom'gol"] = 718,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = {
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 254,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 139,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 61,
["Halfhill"] = 159,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 99,
["Honeydew Village"] = 272,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 202,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 82,
["The Briny Muck"] = 44,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 331,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = {
["Camp Mojache"] = 70,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 253,
["Gadgetzan"] = 265,
["Mudsprocket"] = 193,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 132,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 220,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 215,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 432,
["Camp Ataya"] = 65,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 242,
["Desolation Hold"] = 173,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 168,
["Mossy Pile"] = 183,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 106,
["Ratchet"] = 296,
["Orgrimmar"] = 499,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = {
["The Crossroads"] = 64,
["Ratchet"] = 115,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 69,
["Razor Hill"] = 157,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 143,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 93,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 171,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 58,
["Splintertree Post"] = 46,
["Orgrimmar"] = 102,
["Deliverance Point"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 89,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 99,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 185,
["Lorlathil"] = 135,
["Meredil"] = 98,
["Aalgen Point"] = 30,
["Bradensbrook"] = 162,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 147,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 113,
["Shield's Rest"] = 171,
["Vengeance Point"] = 30,
["Illidari Stand"] = 113,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 127,
["Cullen's Post"] = 129,
["Thunder Totem"] = 182,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 138,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 132,
["Nesingwary"] = 182,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 172,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 98,
["Valdisdall"] = 122,
["Skyhorn"] = 196,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 107,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 158,
["Dalaran"] = 55,
["Revantusk Village"] = {
["Kargath"] = 351,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 151,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 135,
["Thorium Point"] = 402,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 225,
["Hammerfall"] = 93,
["Galen's Fall"] = 160,
["Booty Bay"] = 648,
["The Sepulcher"] = 258,
["Flame Crest"] = 419,
["Undercity"] = 269,
["Brill"] = 232,
["Stonard"] = 576,
["Tarren Mill"] = 159,
["Grom'gol"] = 589,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 61,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = 180,
["Tranquillien"] = {
["Fairbreeze Village"] = 52,
["Zul'Aman"] = 51,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 117,
["Fuselight"] = 441,
["Andorhal"] = 279,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 380,
["Revantusk Village"] = 257,
["Strahnbrad"] = 334,
["Undercity"] = 372,
["Silvermoon City"] = 73,
["The Sepulcher"] = 420,
["Flame Crest"] = 672,
["Falconwing Square"] = 95,
["Thrallmar"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 267,
["Garadar"] = 199,
["Shattrath"] = 122,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 66,
["Area 52"] = 262,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 70,
["Swamprat Post"] = 135,
["The Stormspire"] = 314,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 242,
["Zabra'jin"] = 174,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 129,
["Falcon Watch"] = 66,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 257,
["Darktide Roost"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 91,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 28,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 114,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 119,
["Zangarra"] = 124,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 125,
["Axefall"] = 102,
["Talon Watch"] = 65,
["Exile's Rise"] = 61,
["Warspear"] = 160,
["Beastwatch"] = 175,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 134,
["Vol'mar"] = 137,
["Crow's Crook"] = 92,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 110,
["Veil Terokk"] = 88,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 70,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = {
["Eastwind Rest"] = 52,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 141,
["Zouchin Village"] = 40,
["Halfhill"] = 69,
["Binan Village"] = 74,
["One Keg"] = 31,
["Huojin Landing"] = 107,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 204,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 111,
["Longying Outpost"] = 16,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 90,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = {
["The Crossroads"] = 52,
["Razor Hill"] = 115,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 113,
["Ratchet"] = 93,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 278,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 194,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 57,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 199,
["Desolation Hold"] = 175,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 171,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 151,
["Irontree Clearing"] = 370,
["Orgrimmar"] = 60,
["Camp Mojache"] = {
["Mudsprocket"] = 124,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 512,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 403,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 201,
["Malaka'jin"] = 311,
["Ratchet"] = 227,
["Everlook"] = 572,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 140,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 160,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 378,
["Ramkahen"] = 272,
["Freewind Post"] = 107,
["Valormok"] = 428,
["Mossy Pile"] = 205,
["Orgrimmar"] = 324,
["Moonglade"] = 639,
["Gadgetzan"] = 193,
["The Crossroads"] = 248,
["Furien's Post"] = 256,
["Westreach Summit"] = 43,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 66,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 244,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 495,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 506,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 411,
["Desolation Hold"] = 104,
["Camp Ataya"] = 130,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 259,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 130,
["Splintertree Post"] = 427,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 232,
["Caverns of Time"] = {
["Caverns of Time"] = 54,
["One Keg"] = {
["Eastwind Rest"] = 58,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 99,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 132,
["Zouchin Village"] = 58,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 81,
["Longying Outpost"] = 141,
["Binan Village"] = 67,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 51,
["Halfhill"] = 220,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 174,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 30,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 148,
["Bozzle's Wreck"] = 108,
["Ulduar"] = {
["Dun Niffelem"] = 103,
["Gundrak"] = 207,
["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] = 44,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 104,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 109,
["Dalaran"] = 153,
["River's Heart"] = 355,
["Warsong Camp"] = 296,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 267,
["K3"] = 131,
["The Argent Stand"] = 206,
["Zim'Torga"] = 153,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 265,
["Camp Tunka'lo"] = 88,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 236,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 161,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 48,
["New Agamand"] = 363,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 60,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 162,
["Halfhill"] = 98,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 104,
["Pang's Stead"] = 126,
["Longying Outpost"] = 273,
["Marista"] = 50,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 269,
["Grassy Cline"] = 128,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 19,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 306,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 188,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 66,
["Forsaken Forward Command"] = {
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 112,
["Undercity"] = 189,
["Emperor's Omen"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 215,
["The Arboretum"] = 65,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 160,
["Halfhill"] = 164,
["Honeydew Village"] = 74,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 261,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 38,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 323,
["Tian Monastery"] = 22,
["Furien's Post"] = {
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 107,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 67,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 38,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 269,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 55,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 149,
["Camp Ataya"] = 137,
["Camp Mojache"] = 249,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 225,
["Splintertree Post"] = 408,
["Orgrimmar"] = 311,
["Shield's Rest"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 125,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 183,
["Valdisdall"] = 61,
["Thunder Totem"] = 114,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 62,
["Deliverance Point"] = 178,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 105,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 91,
["Cullen's Post"] = 76,
["Dalaran"] = 169,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 82,
["Bradensbrook"] = 204,
["Thunder Cleft"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 98,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 80,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 103,
["Pang's Stead"] = 61,
["Binan Village"] = 116,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 150,
["Honeydew Village"] = 253,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 48,
["The Briny Muck"] = 226,
["The Arboretum"] = 177,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 142,
["Halfhill"] = 32,
["Marista"] = 71,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 271,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 144,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 122,
["Huojin Landing"] = 258,
["Retribution Point"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 93,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 128,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 78,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 29,
["Warspear"] = 205,
["Zangarra"] = 80,
["Shattrath City"] = 58,
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 151,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 136,
["Veil Terokk"] = 62,
["Beastwatch"] = 132,
["Eastpoint Tower"] = {
["Undercity"] = 161,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 225,
["Northpass Tower"] = 232,
["Tarren Mill"] = 21,
["Hiri'watha Research Station"] = 124,
["Hammerfall"] = 103,
["Galen's Fall"] = 31,
["Ruins of Southshore"] = 25,
["Revantusk Village"] = 182,
["Conquest Hold"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 379,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 85,
["Light's Breach"] = 80,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 57,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 207,
["Venomspite"] = 88,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 299,
["Dalaran"] = 186,
["Zim'Torga"] = 164,
["Warsong Camp"] = 323,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 101,
["Vengeance Landing"] = 158,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 390,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 204,
["K3"] = 160,
["The Argent Stand"] = 123,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 318,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 138,
["Kor'kron Vanguard"] = 204,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 212,
["Moa'ki"] = 170,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 207,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = {
["Domination Point"] = 216,
["The Arboretum"] = 38,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 169,
["Pang's Stead"] = 149,
["Halfhill"] = 171,
["Tian Monastery"] = 120,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 373,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 156,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 272,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 82,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = {
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 81,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 24,
["Zul'jan"] = 52,
["Xibala"] = 67,
["Atal'Gral"] = 71,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 43,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 58,
["Atal'dazar"] = 17,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 39,
["Warport Rastari"] = 58,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 123,
["The Great Seal"] = 24,
["The Sliver"] = 29,
["Flame Crest"] = {
["Kargath"] = 81,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 571,
["Fuselight"] = 138,
["Thorium Point"] = 61,
["Revantusk Village"] = 440,
["Hammerfall"] = 348,
["Galen's Fall"] = 398,
["Booty Bay"] = 284,
["Bogpaddle"] = 108,
["Undercity"] = 551,
["Stonard"] = 192,
["Tarren Mill"] = 459,
["Grom'gol"] = 207,
["New Kargath"] = 82,
["Thondoril River"] = 559,
["Chiselgrip"] = 17,
["Flamestar Post"] = 51,
["Warsong Camp"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 112,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 283,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 168,
["Venomspite"] = 185,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 286,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 240,
["Dalaran"] = 141,
["River's Heart"] = 75,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 164,
["Warsong Hold"] = 168,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 162,
["K3"] = 186,
["Unu'pe"] = 109,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 189,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 80,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 101,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 112,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 344,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 160,
["Moa'ki"] = 160,
["Amber Ledge"] = 156,
["The Gullet"] = {
["Dragonmaw Port"] = 91,
["Revantusk Village"] = 279,
["Bloodgulch"] = 36,
["Crushblow"] = 58,
["Winter's Blossom"] = {
["Eastwind Rest"] = 84,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 136,
["Longying Outpost"] = 42,
["Binan Village"] = 112,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 27,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 101,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 96,
["Halfhill"] = 254,
["One Keg"] = 68,
["Zouchin Village"] = 155,
["The Arboretum"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 204,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 27,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 129,
["Sri-La Village"] = 63,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 317,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 91,
["Pang's Stead"] = 101,
["Halfhill"] = 152,
["Binan Village"] = 207,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 38,
["Honeydew Village"] = 114,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 354,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 136,
["Huojin Landing"] = 169,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 192,
["Stygian Bounty"] = {
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 74,
["Undercity"] = 408,
["Legion's Rest"] = 32,
["Sandy Beach"] = 51,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = {
["Garadar"] = 153,
["Shattrath"] = 186,
["Area 52"] = 391,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 328,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 134,
["Zabra'jin"] = 323,
["Thrallmar"] = 257,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 336,
["Cosmowrench"] = 457,
["The Stormspire"] = 439,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 61,
["Hunter's Hill"] = {
["Orgrimmar"] = 162,
["The Crossroads"] = 43,
["Wildheart Point"] = 269,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 186,
["Everlook"] = 411,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 117,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 198,
["Vendetta Point"] = 48,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 108,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 286,
["Desolation Hold"] = 74,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 194,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 66,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 106,
["Ratchet"] = 94,
["Razor Hill"] = 217,
["Wor'var"] = {
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 71,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 59,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 33,
["Durotan's Grasp"] = 69,
["Zangarra"] = 85,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 11,
["Exile's Rise"] = 146,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 29,
["Veil Terokk"] = 109,
["Riverside Post"] = 51,
["Warspear"] = 199,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 143,
["Shattrath City"] = 60,
["Beastwatch"] = 105,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 67,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 50,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 86,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 139,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 112,
["Axefall"] = 115,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 82,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 95,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 87,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 144,
["Pang's Stead"] = 22,
["Binan Village"] = 39,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 110,
["Huojin Landing"] = 219,
["Grassy Cline"] = 20,
["The Briny Muck"] = 324,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 83,
["Eastwind Rest"] = 89,
["Domination Point"] = 151,
["The Arboretum"] = 103,
["Sri-La Village"] = 135,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 120,
["Grookin Hill"] = 56,
["Halfhill"] = 40,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 206,
["Longying Outpost"] = 217,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 228,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 103,
["One Keg"] = 122,
["Honeydew Village"] = 95,
["Plunder Harbor"] = {
["Freehold"] = 67,
["Hillcrest Pasture"] = 109,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 191,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 139,
["Wolf's Den"] = 93,
["Stonefist Watch"] = 82,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 159,
["Castaway Point"] = 48,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 96,
["Seekers Vista"] = 158,
["Krazzlefrazz Outpost"] = 140,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 91,
["Ironmaul Overlook"] = 150,
["Tol Dagor"] = 38,
["Waning Glacier"] = 123,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 36,
["Thunder Pass"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 61,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 58,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 35,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 70,
["Warspear"] = 144,
["Darktide Roost"] = 175,
["Vol'mar"] = 119,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 49,
["Wolf's Stand"] = 22,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 56,
["Beastwatch"] = 35,
["Marista"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 138,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 64,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 165,
["Pang's Stead"] = 151,
["Halfhill"] = 74,
["Sri-La Village"] = 235,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 51,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 99,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 266,
["Thunder Cleft"] = 77,
["The Ring of Trials"] = {
["Throne of the Elements"] = 27,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 67,
["Wor'var"] = 19,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 63,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 98,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 42,
["Shattrath City"] = 60,
["Warspear"] = 205,
["Vol'mar"] = 151,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 50,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 82,
["Beastwatch"] = 110,
["Exile's Rise"] = 137,
["Riverside Post"] = 49,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 39,
["Undercity"] = 199,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 53,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 73,
["Northpass Tower"] = 61,
["The Forsaken Front"] = 245,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 34,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 207,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 77,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 52,
["The Sepulcher"] = 244,
["Brill"] = 162,
["The Bulwark"] = 115,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 311,
["Dawnchaser Retreat"] = 150,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 109,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 51,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 40,
["Longying Outpost"] = 19,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 72,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 170,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 167,
["Halfhill"] = 181,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 33,
["Moa'ki"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 293,
["Transitus Shield"] = 264,
["Light's Breach"] = 168,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 160,
["Venomspite"] = 62,
["Conquest Hold"] = 121,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 236,
["Dalaran"] = 123,
["Unu'pe"] = 132,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 64,
["Warsong Hold"] = 14,
["Bor'gorok Outpost"] = 225,
["Amber Ledge"] = 228,
["Kamagua"] = 184,
["K3"] = 167,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 153,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 49,
["River's Heart"] = 282,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 222,
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 205,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 278,
["New Agamand"] = 247,
["Razor Hill"] = {
["Mudsprocket"] = 347,
["Bilgewater Harbor"] = 173,
["Ratchet"] = 172,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 276,
["Malaka'jin"] = 286,
["Everlook"] = 310,
["Orgrimmar"] = 59,
["The Crossroads"] = 171,
["Gadgetzan"] = 400,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 271,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 327,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 219,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 29,
["Nozzlepot's Outpost"] = 115,
["Southern Rocketway"] = 152,
["Desolation Hold"] = 282,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 284,
["Valormok"] = 114,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 291,
["Splintertree Post"] = 152,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 159,
["Iron Docks"] = {
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 172,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 125,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 135,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 52,
["Beastwatch"] = 72,
["Warspear"] = 155,
["The Iron Front"] = 109,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 28,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 91,
["Exile's Rise"] = 209,
["Throm'Var"] = 113,
["Garadar"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 203,
["Area 52"] = 274,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 270,
["Thunderlord Stronghold"] = 177,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 210,
["Falcon Watch"] = 126,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 64,
["Shattrath"] = 77,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 266,
["Swamprat Post"] = 156,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 290,
["Cosmowrench"] = 339,
["Thrallmar"] = 199,
["The Stormspire"] = 322,
["Mok'Nathal Village"] = 227,
["Zabra'jin"] = 67,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 274,
["Bradensbrook"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 115,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 91,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 113,
["Meredil"] = 91,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 156,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 172,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 43,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 29,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 59,
["Felbane Camp"] = 121,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 90,
["Cullen's Post"] = 170,
["Illidari Stand"] = 103,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 132,
["Lorlathil"] = 32,
["Dalaran"] = 139,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 125,
["Valdisdall"] = 192,
["Vengeance Point"] = 155,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 88,
["The Witchwood"] = 130,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 167,
["Thunder Totem"] = 114,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 28,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 174,
["Nesingwary"] = 113,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 133,
["Illidari Perch"] = 71,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 97,
["Skyhorn"] = 135,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 128,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 152,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 51,
["The Menders' Stead"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 37,
["Undercity"] = 152,
["Hearthglen"] = 44,
["Brill"] = 110,
["Fuselight"] = 451,
["The Bulwark"] = 63,
["Galen's Fall"] = 188,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 81,
["Andorhal"] = 26,
["Shadowprey Village"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 596,
["Moonglade"] = 757,
["Furien's Post"] = 77,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 418,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 323,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 111,
["The Sludgewerks"] = 213,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 83,
["Freewind Post"] = 303,
["Ratchet"] = 332,
["Valormok"] = 431,
["Orgrimmar"] = 368,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 91,
["Malaka'jin"] = 172,
["The Crossroads"] = 281,
["Gadgetzan"] = 395,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 261,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 211,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 147,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = 320,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 221,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 221,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 199,
["Camp Ataya"] = 71,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 173,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 326,
["Splintertree Post"] = 514,
["Camp Mojache"] = 196,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = {
["Longying Outpost"] = 49,
["Halfhill"] = 302,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 102,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 44,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 149,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 22,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 133,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 157,
["Skyhorn"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 150,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 98,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 122,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 42,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 70,
["Meredil"] = 98,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 56,
["Illidari Stand"] = 145,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 94,
["Dalaran"] = 155,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 173,
["The Witchwood"] = 45,
["Valdisdall"] = 84,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 63,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 132,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 133,
["Prepfoot"] = 36,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 83,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 34,
["Felbane Camp"] = 66,
["Nesingwary"] = 33,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 48,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 68,
["Thunder Totem"] = 29,
["Cullen's Post"] = 71,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 168,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 45,
["Bradensbrook"] = 120,
["Atal'Gral"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 123,
["Gloom Hollow"] = 101,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 90,
["Xibala"] = 100,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 78,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 152,
["The Great Seal"] = 66,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 169,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 201,
["Tusk Isle"] = 96,
["Zul'jan"] = 88,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 167,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 66,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 55,
["Zeb'ahari"] = 50,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 36,
["Warport Rastari"] = 90,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 69,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 36,
["The Sliver"] = 56,
["Eastern Suramar"] = {
["Western Suramar"] = 57,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 176,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 209,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 71,
["Talon Watch"] = 41,
["Iron Docks"] = 218,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 209,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 181,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 106,
["Warspear"] = 156,
["Beastwatch"] = 162,
["Veil Terokk"] = 93,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 150,
["Darktide Roost"] = 31,
["Exile's Rise"] = 56,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 43,
["Vengeance Landing"] = {
["Camp Winterhoof"] = 71,
["Apothecary Camp"] = 130,
["Venomspite"] = 247,
["Conquest Hold"] = 165,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 412,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 263,
["Zim'Torga"] = 197,
["Agmar's Hammer"] = 368,
["Warsong Hold"] = 548,
["Amber Ledge"] = 553,
["Kamagua"] = 40,
["The Argent Stand"] = 204,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 479,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 299,
["Dalaran"] = 294,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 104,
["Moa'ki"] = 330,
["New Agamand"] = 80,
["Illidari Camp"] = {
["Meredil"] = 72,
["Dalaran"] = 50,
["Booty Bay"] = {
["Hardwrench Hideaway"] = 41,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 755,
["Thorium Point"] = 305,
["Southpoint Gate"] = 721,
["Hammerfall"] = 567,
["Flamestar Post"] = 315,
["Flame Crest"] = 272,
["Bogpaddle"] = 282,
["Sunveil Excursion"] = 170,
["Undercity"] = 812,
["Stonard"] = 238,
["Tarren Mill"] = 668,
["Grom'gol"] = 75,
["New Kargath"] = 308,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = 229,
["Bambala"] = 114,
["Revantusk Village"] = 666,
["Kargath"] = 314,
["Chiselgrip"] = 281,
["Bloodwatcher Point"] = 353,
["Andorhal"] = 684,
["Warport Rastari"] = {
["Gloom Hollow"] = 134,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 64,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 86,
["Xibala"] = 27,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 190,
["Atal'Gral"] = 96,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 43,
["Isle of Fangs"] = 47,
["The Great Seal"] = 48,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 59,
["The Sliver"] = 58,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 28,
["Atal'dazar"] = 57,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 67,
["Falcon Watch"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 201,
["Stonebreaker Hold"] = 139,
["Shattrath"] = 71,
["Spinebreaker Ridge"] = 138,
["Swamprat Post"] = 69,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 143,
["Area 52"] = 199,
["The Stormspire"] = 242,
["Garadar"] = 132,
["Thrallmar"] = 73,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 286,
["Shadowmoon Village"] = 204,
["Zabra'jin"] = 150,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 269,
["Bogpaddle"] = {
["Sunveil Excursion"] = 123,
["Stonard"] = 41,
["Chiselgrip"] = 118,
["New Kargath"] = 182,
["Dreadmaul Hold"] = 68,
["Bambala"] = 267,
["Hammerfall"] = 433,
["Booty Bay"] = 217,
["Grom'gol"] = 210,
["Flame Crest"] = 109,
["Iron Summit"] = 193,
["Garden of the Loa"] = {
["Gloom Hollow"] = 79,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = 115,
["Xibala"] = 99,
["Atal'Gral"] = 87,
["Temple of the Prophet"] = 35,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 74,
["The Great Seal"] = 40,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 92,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 137,
["Tusk Isle"] = 100,
["Zul'jan"] = 34,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 114,
["The Sliver"] = 38,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 44,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 110,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 63,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 64,
["Atal'dazar"] = 36,
["Warport Rastari"] = 89,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 74,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 85,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = 58,
["The Shadow Vault"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 77,
["Ulduar"] = 166,
["Ebon Watch"] = 232,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 135,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 269,
["Conquest Hold"] = 350,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 77,
["Sunreaver's Command"] = 211,
["River's Heart"] = 194,
["Warsong Camp"] = 138,
["Camp Oneqwah"] = 381,
["Kor'koron Vanguard"] = 226,
["K3"] = 210,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 121,
["The Argent Stand"] = 295,
["Taunka'le Village"] = 217,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 276,
["Kamagua"] = 461,
["Transitus Shield"] = 500,
["Dalaran"] = 165,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 195,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 121,
["Vorrik's Sanctum"] = {
["Forlorn Ruins"] = 138,
["Zul'jan"] = 90,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 41,
["Atal'Gral"] = 175,
["Zo'bal Ruins"] = 74,
["Temple of Akunda"] = 85,
["The Great Seal"] = 145,
["Scorched Sands Outpost"] = 67,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 180,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 49,
["Vulpera Hideaway"] = 33,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 50,
["Valdisdall"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 150,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 122,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 121,
["Shield's Rest"] = 56,
["Meredil"] = 92,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 41,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 104,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 144,
["Prepfoot"] = 77,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 146,
["Felbane Camp"] = 136,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 111,
["Cullen's Post"] = 29,
["Illidari Stand"] = 149,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 57,
["Lorlathil"] = 155,
["Dreadwake's Landing"] = 28,
["Dalaran"] = 122,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 75,
["Vengeance Point"] = 101,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 136,
["The Witchwood"] = 119,
["Thunder Totem"] = 90,
["Nesingwary"] = 104,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 26,
["Deliverance Point"] = 128,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 68,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 108,
["Bradensbrook"] = 176,
["Skyhorn"] = 82,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 167,
["Forsaken Foothold"] = 47,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 118,
["Sri-La Village"] = {
["The Arboretum"] = 63,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 218,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 21,
["Pang's Stead"] = 131,
["Halfhill"] = 182,
["Binan Village"] = 152,
["Marista"] = 264,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 385,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 167,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 79,
["Tian Monastery"] = 40,
["Warbeast Kraal"] = {
["Gloom Hollow"] = 96,
["Garden of the Loa"] = 65,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 26,
["Xibala"] = 71,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 191,
["Atal'Gral"] = 39,
["Atal'dazar"] = 58,
["Goldtusk Inn"] = 165,
["The Great Seal"] = 37,
["The Sliver"] = 36,
["Zul'jan"] = 80,
["Port of Zandalar"] = 37,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 46,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 80,
["Freehold"] = {
["Stonefist Watch"] = 64,
["Timberfell Outpost"] = 49,
["Diretusk Hollow"] = 154,
["Wolf's Den"] = 107,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 152,
["Swiftwind Post"] = 77,
["Mudfisher Cove"] = 110,
["Castaway Point"] = 25,
["Waning Glacier"] = 138,
["Plunder Harbor"] = 68,
["Grookin Hill"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 226,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 63,
["Shrine of Two Moons"] = 134,
["Halfhill"] = 92,
["Binan Village"] = 131,
["Marista"] = 216,
["Honeydew Village"] = 61,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 60,
["Tian Monastery"] = 72,
["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 188,
["Sun Rock Retreat"] = 122,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 565,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 232,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 394,
["Krom'gar Fortress"] = 83,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 138,
["Freewind Post"] = 419,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 242,
["Moonglade"] = 263,
["Orgrimmar"] = 259,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 246,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 236,
["Gadgetzan"] = 514,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 309,
["Sen'jin Village"] = 357,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 123,
["Hellscream's Watch"] = 81,
["The Mor'Shan Ramparts"] = 216,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 128,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 74,
["Ratchet"] = 287,
["Camp Ataya"] = 270,
["Valormok"] = 258,
["The Crossroads"] = 235,
["Splintertree Post"] = 170,
["Camp Mojache"] = 485,
["Thondoril River"] = {
["Revantusk Village"] = 233,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 95,
["The Sepulcher"] = 203,
["Stonard"] = 700,
["Tarren Mill"] = 100,
["The Bulwark"] = 76,
["Desolation Hold"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 373,
["Mudsprocket"] = 61,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 283,
["Vendetta Point"] = 48,
["Brackenwall Village"] = 47,
["Ramkahen"] = 342,
["Orgrimmar"] = 240,
["Gadgetzan"] = 174,
["Hunter's Hill"] = 98,
["Westreach Summit"] = 101,
["Furien's Post"] = 301,
["Silverwind Refuge"] = 252,
["Bloodhoof Village"] = 213,
["The Crossroads"] = 121,
["Mossy Pile"] = 275,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 163,
["Camp Ataya"] = 227,
["Splintertree Post"] = 230,
["Camp Mojache"] = 98,
["Grove of Aessina"] = {
["Ethel Rethor"] = 652,
["Cliffwalker Post"] = 166,
["Wildheart Point"] = 333,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 44,
["Nordrassil"] = 82,
["Everlook"] = 171,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 30,
["Orgrimmar"] = 171,
["Skysea Ridge"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 29,
["Beastwatch"] = 48,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 92,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 149,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 140,
["Zangarra"] = 104,
["Warspear"] = 134,
["Frostwolf Overlook"] = 90,
["Evermorn Springs"] = 69,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 143,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 37,
["Exile's Rise"] = 200,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 34,
["Cenarion Hold"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 148,
["Moonglade"] = 768,
["Shadowprey Village"] = 330,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 120,
["Ramkahen"] = 116,
["Everlook"] = 704,
["Orgrimmar"] = 454,
["Gadgetzan"] = 241,
["Dawnrise Expedition"] = 211,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 321,
["Stonemaul Hold"] = 106,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 374,
["Camp Ataya"] = 170,
["Mossy Pile"] = 77,
["Mudsprocket"] = 254,
["Ratchet"] = 356,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 63,
["Thunder Bluff"] = 386,
["Westreach Summit"] = 172,
["Furien's Post"] = 315,
["Camp Mojache"] = 130,
["Wolf's Stand"] = {
["Thunder Pass"] = 26,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 190,
["Stonefang Outpost"] = 51,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 77,
["Throm'Var"] = 74,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 44,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 112,
["Exile's Rise"] = 167,
["Wor'gol"] = 70,
["Warspear"] = 163,
["Vol'jin's Pride"] = 99,
["Darkspear's Edge"] = 38,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 67,
["Retribution Point"] = 125,
["Veil Terokk"] = 165,
["Beastwatch"] = 54,
["Aktar's Post"] = {
["Malo's Lookout"] = 31,
["The Iron Front"] = 34,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 52,
["Frostwall Garrison"] = 117,
["Warspear"] = 111,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 26,
["Vol'mar"] = 56,
["Bastion Rise"] = 26,
["Exile's Rise"] = 87,
["Beastwatch"] = 51,
["Alliance"] = {
["Kharanos"] = {
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 75,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 208,
["Goldshire"] = 218,
["Aerie Peak"] = 242,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 118,
["Booty Bay"] = 390,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 233,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 261,
["Highbank"] = 279,
["Thelsamar"] = 98,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 47,
["Stormwind"] = 195,
["Ironforge"] = 45,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 256,
["Andorhal"] = 283,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 290,
["Thundermar"] = 297,
["Darkshire"] = 274,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 56,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 90,
["Goldshire"] = 154,
["Thorium Point"] = 91,
["Fort Livingston"] = 218,
["Aerie Peak"] = 386,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 258,
["Lakeshire"] = 62,
["Rebel Camp"] = 166,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 293,
["Booty Bay"] = 336,
["Flamestar Post"] = 77,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 438,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 157,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 233,
["Bogpaddle"] = 77,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 543,
["Thelsamar"] = 172,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 181,
["Ironforge"] = 171,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 258,
["Chiselgrip"] = 43,
["Darkshire"] = 122,
["Stormwind"] = 151,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 309,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 195,
["Iron Summit"] = 120,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 387,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 98,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 477,
["Nordrassil"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 661,
["Wildheart Point"] = 284,
["Moonglade"] = 116,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 78,
["Blood Watch"] = 414,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 914,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 76,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 671,
["Astranaar"] = 311,
["Stardust Spire"] = 350,
["Ramkahen"] = 953,
["Everlook"] = 127,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 447,
["Mossy Pile"] = 879,
["Nijel's Point"] = 508,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 291,
["Lor'danel"] = 199,
["Gadgetzan"] = 820,
["The Exodar"] = 356,
["Dolanaar"] = 432,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 111,
["Forest Song"] = 171,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 356,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 278,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 260,
["Windshear Hold"] = 413,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 47,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 179,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 832,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 226,
["Ratchet"] = 503,
["Lion's Watch"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 65,
["Iron Docks"] = 122,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 221,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 22,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 122,
["Aktar's Post"] = 40,
["Redemption Rise"] = 91,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 64,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 84,
["Veil Terokk"] = 63,
["Retribution Point"] = 147,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 25,
["The Iron Front"] = 64,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 146,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 95,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 65,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 169,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 64,
["Zangarra"] = 65,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 44,
["Shattrath City"] = 117,
["Crow's Crook"] = 116,
["Embaari Village"] = 79,
["Deeproot"] = 93,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 92,
["Thunk's Abode"] = {
["Azure Watch"] = 516,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 104,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 62,
["Ramkahen"] = 659,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 55,
["Nijel's Point"] = 33,
["Hafr Fjall"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 125,
["Aalgen Point"] = 82,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 47,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 42,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 147,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 131,
["Lorlathil"] = 139,
["Illidari Stand"] = 133,
["Meredil"] = 73,
["Bradensbrook"] = 159,
["The Witchwood"] = 129,
["Felbane Camp"] = 146,
["Dalaran"] = 97,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 77,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 88,
["Greywatch"] = 41,
["Vengeance Point"] = 68,
["Deliverance Point"] = 95,
["Valdisdall"] = 39,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 90,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 133,
["Thunder Totem"] = 100,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 55,
["Nesingwary"] = 113,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 121,
["Illidari Perch"] = 147,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 129,
["Skyhorn"] = 101,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 143,
["Shield's Rest"] = 87,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 53,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = {
["Hangman's Point"] = 25,
["Fallhaven"] = 45,
["Bridgeport"] = 63,
["Old Drust Road"] = 33,
["Falconhurst"] = 78,
["Tol Dagor"] = 126,
["Mariner's Row"] = 73,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 113,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 79,
["Vigil Hill"] = 21,
["Hatherford"] = 72,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 83,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 60,
["Anyport"] = 89,
["Arom's Stand"] = 60,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 44,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 99,
["Tian Monastery"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 220,
["The Incursion"] = 189,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 22,
["Pang's Stead"] = 116,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 95,
["The Briny Muck"] = 318,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 111,
["The Arboretum"] = 69,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 144,
["Sri-La Village"] = 42,
["Halfhill"] = 168,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 119,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 209,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 270,
["Lion's Landing"] = 155,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 42,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 313,
["Malo's Lookout"] = {
["Southport"] = 151,
["The Iron Front"] = 52,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 30,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 30,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 94,
["Aktar's Post"] = 23,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 87,
["Exile's Rise"] = 73,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 73,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 82,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 145,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 188,
["Veil Terokk"] = 132,
["Lion's Watch"] = 30,
["Amber Ledge"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 137,
["Transitus Shield"] = 25,
["Light's Breach"] = 247,
["Valiance Keep"] = 44,
["Stars' Rest"] = 112,
["Transitus Shield (Scenic)"] = 62,
["River's Heart"] = 65,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 23,
["Dalaran"] = 194,
["Unu'pe"] = 66,
["Westguard Keep"] = 272,
["Andorhal"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 25,
["Hearthglen"] = 68,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 400,
["Northpass Tower"] = 165,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 138,
["Booty Bay"] = 631,
["Dun Modr"] = 213,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 20,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 368,
["Thondroril River"] = 60,
["Zul'Aman"] = 259,
["Darkshire"] = 516,
["Chiselgrip"] = 417,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 369,
["Stormwind"] = 438,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 160,
["Rebel Camp"] = 524,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 105,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 154,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 155,
["Aerie Peak"] = 79,
["Illidari Stand"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 29,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 114,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 38,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 140,
["Meredil"] = 64,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 127,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 43,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 67,
["Greywatch"] = 159,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 47,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 84,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 24,
["Felbane Camp"] = 150,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 113,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 128,
["Aalgen Point"] = 115,
["Lorlathil"] = 61,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 102,
["Dalaran"] = 81,
["Bradensbrook"] = 89,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 118,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 102,
["Valdisdall"] = 146,
["Vengeance Point"] = 96,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 25,
["The Witchwood"] = 150,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 189,
["Thunder Totem"] = 136,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 76,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 169,
["Nesingwary"] = 136,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 141,
["Illidari Perch"] = 23,
["Deliverance Point"] = 109,
["Skyhorn"] = 157,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 32,
["Prepfoot"] = 185,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 86,
["Feathermoon"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 30,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 264,
["Mudsprocket"] = 221,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 204,
["Ratchet"] = 407,
["Ramkahen"] = 260,
["Everlook"] = 654,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 555,
["Lor'danel"] = 494,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 147,
["Theramore"] = 293,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 178,
["Fort Triumph"] = 425,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 550,
["Shadebough"] = 92,
["Astranaar"] = 333,
["Mossy Pile"] = 186,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 55,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 117,
["Gadgetzan"] = 325,
["Nijel's Point"] = 226,
["Darnassus"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 693,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 479,
["Wildheart Point"] = 318,
["Moonglade"] = 261,
["Nordrassil"] = 399,
["Ratchet"] = 537,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 510,
["Nijel's Point"] = 517,
["Lor'danel"] = 168,
["Dolanaar"] = 62,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 449,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 326,
["Azure Watch"] = 213,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 261,
["Mossy Pile"] = 848,
["Astranaar"] = 344,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 448,
["Honor's Stand"] = 489,
["Theramore"] = 638,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 446,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 713,
["Stardust Spire"] = 386,
["Everlook"] = 367,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 109,
["Feathermoon"] = 664,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 481,
["The Exodar"] = 207,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 848,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 263,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 529,
["Forest Song"] = 448,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 341,
["Shadebough"] = 753,
["Windshear Hold"] = 449,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 416,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 422,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 784,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 310,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 611,
["Crimson Thicket"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 173,
["Shield's Rest"] = 126,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 45,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 83,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 122,
["Lorlathil"] = 117,
["The Witchwood"] = 135,
["Meredil"] = 53,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 129,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 43,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 68,
["Dalaran"] = 77,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 77,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 66,
["Greywatch"] = 75,
["Vengeance Point"] = 67,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 97,
["Valdisdall"] = 77,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 117,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 110,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 129,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 78,
["Deliverance Point"] = 94,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 83,
["Illidari Perch"] = 125,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 98,
["Skyhorn"] = 107,
["Illidari Stand"] = 111,
["Thunder Totem"] = 106,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 60,
["Fallhaven"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 67,
["Hangman's Point"] = 34,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 94,
["Old Drust Road"] = 35,
["Arom's Stand"] = 39,
["Anglepoint Wharf"] = 50,
["Anyport"] = 66,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 55,
["Seekers Vista"] = 130,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 58,
["Tidecross"] = 140,
["Fort Daelin"] = 122,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 131,
["Hatherford"] = 81,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 42,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 81,
["Vigil Hill"] = 53,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 53,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 30,
["Falconhurst"] = 68,
["Zouchin Village"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 139,
["The Incursion"] = 242,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 220,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 220,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 50,
["Longying Outpost"] = 213,
["Binan Village"] = 116,
["One Keg"] = 61,
["Westwind Rest"] = 93,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 235,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 44,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 156,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 112,
["Northpass Tower"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 128,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 30,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 242,
["Thundermar"] = 426,
["Aerie Peak"] = 209,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 368,
["Ironforge"] = 400,
["Dun Modr"] = 301,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 148,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 421,
["Thondroril River"] = 90,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 392,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 333,
["Andorhal"] = 156,
["Thorium Point"] = 440,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 636,
["Hearthglen"] = 111,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 336,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 50,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 88,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 59,
["Iron Summit"] = 464,
["Marshal's Stand"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 266,
["Mudsprocket"] = 211,
["Theramore"] = 243,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 139,
["Ramkahen"] = 261,
["Everlook"] = 849,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 778,
["Lor'danel"] = 732,
["Gadgetzan"] = 90,
["Ratchet"] = 338,
["Fort Triumph"] = 275,
["Feathermoon"] = 236,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 121,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 776,
["Mossy Pile"] = 37,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 291,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 179,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 143,
["Astranaar"] = 524,
["Gundrak"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 210,
["Transitus Shield"] = 520,
["Light's Breach"] = 132,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 141,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 318,
["Dalaran"] = 227,
["River's Heart"] = 425,
["Valgarde Port"] = 271,
["Frosthold"] = 243,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 394,
["The Argent Stand"] = 108,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 111,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 251,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 190,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 253,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 341,
["Zim'Torga"] = 56,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 270,
["Redemption Rise"] = {
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 34,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 155,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 54,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 53,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 114,
["Retribution Point"] = 71,
["Zangarra"] = 48,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 93,
["Shattrath City"] = 36,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 127,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 43,
["Deeproot"] = 76,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 94,
["Binan Village"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 138,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 114,
["One Keg"] = 61,
["Westwind Rest"] = 51,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 86,
["Tian Monastery"] = 161,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 49,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 178,
["The Incursion"] = 128,
["Halfhill"] = 87,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 105,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 89,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 66,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 185,
["The Lion's Redoubt"] = 178,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 97,
["Longying Outpost"] = 128,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = {
["Frosthold"] = 304,
["Transitus Shield"] = 159,
["Valiance Keep"] = 221,
["Death's Rise"] = 137,
["River's Heart"] = 51,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 78,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 444,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 601,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 261,
["Dalaran"] = 242,
["Unu'pe"] = 212,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 397,
["Isle of the Watchers"] = {
["Nastrondir"] = 210,
["Faronaar"] = 59,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 208,
["Western Suramar"] = 67,
["The Ring of Trials"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 123,
["Southport"] = 123,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 61,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 37,
["Zangarra"] = 98,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 91,
["Retribution Point"] = 59,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 94,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 117,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 33,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 193,
["Shattrath City"] = 58,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 119,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 50,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 155,
["Telaari Station"] = 36,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 81,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 28,
["The Stormspire"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 132,
["Shattrath"] = 315,
["Sylvanaar"] = 154,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 302,
["Area 52"] = 55,
["Telredor"] = 220,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 448,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 390,
["Telaar"] = 343,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 467,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 230,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 549,
["Cosmowrench"] = 69,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = {
["Voldrin's Hold"] = 170,
["Tranquil Wash"] = 124,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 83,
["Darkbreak Cove"] = 143,
["Sandy Beach"] = 33,
["Throne of the Elements"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 208,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 49,
["Highpass"] = 173,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 86,
["Retribution Point"] = 73,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 22,
["Crow's Crook"] = 134,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 30,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 137,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 55,
["Telaari Station"] = 39,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 31,
["Deeproot"] = 119,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 95,
["Paw'Don Village"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 134,
["The Incursion"] = 125,
["Zouchin Village"] = 213,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 135,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 223,
["Pang's Stead"] = 79,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 80,
["Binan Village"] = 110,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 65,
["Westwind Rest"] = 160,
["Grassy Cline"] = 195,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 49,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 261,
["Tushui Landing"] = 237,
["One Keg"] = 169,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 224,
["The Arboretum"] = 103,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 106,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 97,
["Lion's Landing"] = 39,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 243,
["Longying Outpost"] = 237,
["Halfhill"] = 88,
["Tian Monastery"] = 145,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 131,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 190,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 237,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 38,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 149,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 241,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = {
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 170,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 52,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 127,
["Pang's Stead"] = 80,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 200,
["One Keg"] = 108,
["Westwind Rest"] = 64,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 106,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 161,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 128,
["The Arboretum"] = 162,
["Longying Outpost"] = 141,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 101,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 144,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 132,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 172,
["Stoneplow"] = 139,
["Zouchin Village"] = 172,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 176,
["Lorlathil"] = 99,
["Meredil"] = 64,
["Binan Village"] = 90,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 168,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 68,
["Grassy Cline"] = 63,
["Dalaran"] = 69,
["The Briny Muck"] = 155,
["Tushui Landing"] = 276,
["The Lion's Redoubt"] = 83,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 139,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 113,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 77,
["Lion's Landing"] = 158,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 127,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 92,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 117,
["Halfhill"] = 67,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 125,
["The Incursion"] = 108,
["Tian Monastery"] = 183,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 198,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 125,
["Marista"] = 215,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 112,
["Valgarde"] = {
["Explorers' League Outpost"] = 174,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 281,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 40,
["Honor's Stand"] = 152,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 63,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 121,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 138,
["Stardust Spire"] = 87,
["Everlook"] = 409,
["Nijel's Point"] = 108,
["Lor'danel"] = 254,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 143,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 102,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 126,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 207,
["Windshear Hold"] = 84,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 156,
["Astranaar"] = 171,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 403,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 168,
["Darnassus"] = 424,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = {
["Rut'theran Village"] = 229,
["Wildheart Point"] = 60,
["Gadgetzan"] = 583,
["Dolanaar"] = 402,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 59,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 216,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 89,
["Forest Song"] = 196,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 109,
["Stardust Spire"] = 214,
["Astranaar"] = 172,
["Everlook"] = 163,
["Nordrassil"] = 263,
["Darnassus"] = 341,
["Nijel's Point"] = 307,
["Tower of Estulan"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 493,
["Mudsprocket"] = 191,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 190,
["Ratchet"] = 356,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 238,
["Ramkahen"] = 292,
["Nijel's Point"] = 226,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 247,
["Gadgetzan"] = 274,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 210,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 291,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 211,
["Mossy Pile"] = 219,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 452,
["Forest Song"] = 500,
["Shadebough"] = 61,
["Azure Watch"] = 693,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 218,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 88,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 150,
["Feathermoon"] = 33,
["Theramore"] = 243,
["Deadwood Cove"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 176,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 161,
["Vulture's Nest"] = 68,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 110,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 94,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 70,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 96,
["Xibala"] = 150,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 121,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 73,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 109,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 71,
["Fort Victory"] = 111,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 91,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 58,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 106,
["Zul'Aman"] = 138,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 39,
["Fuselight"] = 354,
["Northpass Tower"] = 49,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 313,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 20,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 317,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 61,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 127,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 30,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 372,
["The Draakorium"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 33,
["Southport"] = 97,
["Tranquil Court"] = 25,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 55,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 103,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 181,
["Embaari Village"] = 30,
["Twilight Glade"] = 34,
["Darktide Roost"] = 37,
["Talon Watch"] = 65,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 60,
["Path of the Light"] = 16,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 75,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 81,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 53,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 90,
["Meredil"] = 28,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 95,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 130,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 58,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 60,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 56,
["Felbane Camp"] = 101,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 65,
["Illidari Stand"] = 71,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 106,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 69,
["Lorlathil"] = 60,
["Dalaran"] = 92,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 76,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 50,
["Vengeance Point"] = 94,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 57,
["The Witchwood"] = 104,
["Greywatch"] = 127,
["Thunder Totem"] = 86,
["Nesingwary"] = 86,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 126,
["Deliverance Point"] = 122,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 99,
["Illidari Perch"] = 87,
["Bradensbrook"] = 78,
["Skyhorn"] = 108,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 92,
["Prepfoot"] = 135,
["Valdisdall"] = 113,
["Gadgetzan"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 273,
["Mudsprocket"] = 120,
["Theramore"] = 152,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 49,
["Ramkahen"] = 173,
["Everlook"] = 755,
["Ratchet"] = 247,
["Feathermoon"] = 297,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 675,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 197,
["Lor'danel"] = 647,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 418,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 227,
["Mossy Pile"] = 105,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 458,
["Forest Song"] = 568,
["Fort Triumph"] = 186,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 522,
["Shadebough"] = 213,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 95,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 248,
["Astranaar"] = 434,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 88,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 53,
["Nijel's Point"] = 411,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 55,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 77,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 79,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 71,
["Lorlathil"] = 92,
["Meredil"] = 45,
["Bradensbrook"] = 110,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 43,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 42,
["The Witchwood"] = 83,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 58,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 92,
["Nesingwary"] = 67,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 46,
["Valdisdall"] = 102,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 65,
["Skyhorn"] = 66,
["Illidari Stand"] = 103,
["Thunder Totem"] = 48,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 73,
["Shattrath City"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 109,
["Southport"] = 100,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 108,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 40,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 84,
["Redemption Rise"] = 36,
["Bastion Rise"] = 66,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 61,
["Retribution Point"] = 43,
["Zangarra"] = 57,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 78,
["Tranquil Court"] = 146,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 98,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 62,
["Telaari Station"] = 71,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 148,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 77,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 45,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 48,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 49,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 85,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 60,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 69,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 61,
["Marista"] = 43,
["Lion's Landing"] = 80,
["Halfhill"] = 80,
["The Incursion"] = 79,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 36,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 149,
["Roughneck Camp"] = {
["Freehold"] = 114,
["Outrigger Post"] = 23,
["Tidecross"] = 112,
["Fallhaven"] = 54,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 69,
["The Amber Waves"] = 93,
["Norwington Estate"] = 25,
["Fort Daelin"] = 78,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 56,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 62,
["Mariner's Row"] = 70,
["Deadwash"] = 81,
["Castaway Point"] = 134,
["Hangman's Point"] = 45,
["Vigil Hill"] = 62,
["Hatherford"] = 57,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 75,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 60,
["Bridgeport"] = 79,
["Brennadam"] = 99,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 31,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 64,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = {
["Gates of Sothann"] = 94,
["Wildheart Point"] = 304,
["Nordrassil"] = 94,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 67,
["Forest Song"] = 155,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 31,
["Everlook"] = 190,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 289,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 326,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = {
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 141,
["Shattrath"] = 215,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 42,
["Honor Hold"] = 237,
["Telaar"] = 290,
["Nastrondir"] = {
["Thorim's Peak"] = 57,
["Eastern Highmountain"] = 41,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 88,
["Western Suramar"] = 132,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = {
["Dustwind Dig"] = 36,
["Fuselight"] = 54,
["Thorium Point"] = 145,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 140,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 412,
["Stormwind"] = 207,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 55,
["Thelsamar"] = 87,
["Ironforge"] = 197,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 250,
["Goldshire"] = 201,
["Iron Summit"] = 169,
["The Sin'loren"] = {
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 12,
["Expedition Point"] = {
["Shatter Point"] = 56,
["Toshley's Station"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 53,
["Shattrath"] = 170,
["Sylvanaar"] = 60,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 154,
["Area 52"] = 84,
["Telredor"] = 73,
["Telaar"] = 265,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 321,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 125,
["Cosmowrench"] = 150,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = {
["Kharanos"] = 263,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 443,
["Goldshire"] = 81,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 137,
["Lakeshire"] = 160,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 27,
["Moonbrook"] = 51,
["Thelsamar"] = 322,
["Stormwind"] = 59,
["Raven Hill"] = 57,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 57,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 109,
["Dalaran"] = 111,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 40,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 86,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 73,
["Shield's Rest"] = 112,
["Illidari Stand"] = 120,
["Meredil"] = 57,
["Valdisdall"] = 68,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 76,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 108,
["Bradensbrook"] = 127,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 38,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 32,
["Greywatch"] = 86,
["Vengeance Point"] = 108,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 105,
["The Witchwood"] = 71,
["Prepfoot"] = 72,
["Thunder Totem"] = 42,
["Nesingwary"] = 56,
["Felbane Camp"] = 88,
["Deliverance Point"] = 135,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 64,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 59,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 80,
["Skyhorn"] = 51,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 132,
["Lorlathil"] = 109,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 39,
["The Iron Front"] = {
["Malo's Lookout"] = 51,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 56,
["Aktar's Post"] = 25,
["Lion's Watch"] = 67,
["Zangarra"] = 28,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 161,
["Bastion Rise"] = 18,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 33,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 76,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 19,
["Honor Point"] = {
["Shatter Point"] = 30,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = {
["Nijel's Point"] = 217,
["Feathermoon"] = 593,
["Wildheart Point"] = 43,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 313,
["Nordrassil"] = 314,
["Everlook"] = 218,
["Theramore"] = 367,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 96,
["Forest Song"] = 104,
["Gadgetzan"] = 499,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 77,
["Astranaar"] = 80,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 135,
["Ratchet"] = 263,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 98,
["Darnassus"] = 340,
["Plaguewood"] = {
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 53,
["Northpass Tower"] = 50,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 65,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = {
["Gates of Sothann"] = 64,
["Gadgetzan"] = 854,
["Moonglade"] = 151,
["Nordrassil"] = 65,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 37,
["Forest Song"] = 124,
["Everlook"] = 161,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 208,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 31,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 295,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = {
["The Incursion"] = 263,
["Zouchin Village"] = 211,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 14,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 259,
["Tushui Landing"] = 414,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 89,
["The Arboretum"] = 202,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 196,
["Binan Village"] = 157,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 90,
["Halfhill"] = 217,
["Longying Outpost"] = 61,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 119,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 178,
["Lion's Landing"] = 297,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 222,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 176,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 208,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 109,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = {
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 178,
["Gadgetzan"] = 87,
["Mudsprocket"] = 207,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 181,
["Ratchet"] = 337,
["Feathermoon"] = 347,
["Ramkahen"] = 85,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 167,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 530,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 738,
["Mossy Pile"] = 191,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 50,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 468,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 332,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 228,
["Mudsprocket"] = 179,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 155,
["Ramkahen"] = 135,
["Gadgetzan"] = 60,
["The Exodar"] = 837,
["Ratchet"] = 310,
["Fort Triumph"] = 245,
["Forest Song"] = 628,
["Theramore"] = 211,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 50,
["Mossy Pile"] = 163,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 286,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 266,
["Astranaar"] = 499,
["Darnassus"] = 843,
["Shackle's Den"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 106,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 118,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 35,
["Lorlathil"] = 82,
["Shield's Rest"] = 198,
["Greywatch"] = 162,
["Meredil"] = 68,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 24,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 62,
["Felbane Camp"] = 155,
["Bradensbrook"] = 109,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 122,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 73,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 66,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 121,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 40,
["Valdisdall"] = 149,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 103,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 116,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 90,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 172,
["Nesingwary"] = 141,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 146,
["Illidari Perch"] = 44,
["Deliverance Point"] = 87,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 29,
["Illidari Stand"] = 29,
["Dalaran"] = 60,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 152,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 297,
["Gadgetzan"] = 253,
["Mudsprocket"] = 373,
["Ratchet"] = 582,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 769,
["Ramkahen"] = 88,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 885,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 72,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 87,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 149,
["Southport"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 47,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 213,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 115,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 152,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 77,
["Zangarra"] = 141,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 219,
["Veil Terokk"] = 41,
["Talon Watch"] = 50,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 166,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 109,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 42,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 98,
["Telaari Station"] = 126,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 184,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 120,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 80,
["Shattrath City"] = 99,
["Crow's Crook"] = 60,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 112,
["Deeproot"] = 175,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 62,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = {
["Hearthglen"] = 149,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 134,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 22,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 69,
["Fuselight"] = 323,
["Northpass Tower"] = 54,
["Thorium Point"] = 467,
["Aerie Peak"] = 162,
["Ironforge"] = 368,
["Lakeshire"] = 483,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 64,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 318,
["Booty Bay"] = 835,
["Dun Modr"] = 251,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 148,
["Sandy Beach"] = 520,
["Thondroril River"] = 95,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 341,
["Zul'Aman"] = 108,
["Thelsamar"] = 424,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 669,
["Darkshire"] = 544,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 427,
["Andorhal"] = 160,
["Thondoril River"] = 102,
["Stormwind"] = 527,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 192,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 612,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 88,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 77,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 35,
["Kharanos"] = 381,
["Lorna's Watch"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 29,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 169,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 134,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 94,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 98,
["Shield's Rest"] = 87,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 139,
["Meredil"] = 63,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 117,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 47,
["Prepfoot"] = 93,
["Bradensbrook"] = 145,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 50,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 76,
["Greywatch"] = 55,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 83,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 107,
["Valdisdall"] = 37,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 128,
["Thunder Totem"] = 67,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 139,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 40,
["Deliverance Point"] = 112,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 45,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 89,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 124,
["The Witchwood"] = 97,
["Illidari Stand"] = 121,
["Dalaran"] = 93,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 20,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 35,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 73,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 85,
["Shield's Rest"] = 167,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 113,
["Lorlathil"] = 51,
["Dalaran"] = 53,
["Meredil"] = 36,
["Illidari Stand"] = 41,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 99,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 90,
["Bradensbrook"] = 77,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 58,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 41,
["Greywatch"] = 131,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 43,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 29,
["The Witchwood"] = 126,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 77,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 84,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 115,
["Felbane Camp"] = 124,
["Deliverance Point"] = 82,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 88,
["Illidari Perch"] = 54,
["Thunder Totem"] = 110,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 140,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 53,
["Valdisdall"] = 117,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 164,
["Ratchet"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 365,
["Mudsprocket"] = 169,
["Honor's Stand"] = 90,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 78,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 228,
["Ramkahen"] = 418,
["Everlook"] = 308,
["Theramore"] = 105,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 430,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 376,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 431,
["Gadgetzan"] = 245,
["Astranaar"] = 197,
["Nijel's Point"] = 439,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 347,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 266,
["Fort Triumph"] = 130,
["Forest Song"] = 156,
["Shadebough"] = 306,
["Windshear Hold"] = 208,
["Mossy Pile"] = 349,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 54,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 334,
["Feathermoon"] = 389,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 298,
["Marshtide Watch"] = {
["Camp Everstill"] = 83,
["Shattered Beachhead"] = 44,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 156,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 191,
["Fuselight"] = 210,
["Thorium Point"] = 196,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 593,
["Fort Livingston"] = 232,
["Lakeshire"] = 85,
["Flamestar Post"] = 177,
["Bogpaddle"] = 29,
["The Harborage"] = 40,
["Darkshire"] = 135,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 44,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 358,
["Chiselgrip"] = 143,
["Surwich"] = 135,
["Stormwind"] = 197,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 333,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 107,
["Rebel Camp"] = 181,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 405,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 257,
["Bastion Rise"] = {
["The Ring of Trials"] = 120,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 32,
["The Iron Front"] = 22,
["Highpass"] = 48,
["Deeproot"] = 30,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 37,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 139,
["Redemption Rise"] = 43,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 64,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 86,
["Shattrath City"] = 69,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 75,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 54,
["Veil Terokk"] = 136,
["Aktar's Post"] = 25,
["Pearlfin Village"] = {
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 75,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 113,
["Pang's Stead"] = 186,
["Halfhill"] = 131,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 47,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 36,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 91,
["Binan Village"] = 152,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 45,
["Gates of Sothann"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 142,
["Nordrassil"] = 87,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 69,
["Forest Song"] = 41,
["Fort Triumph"] = 297,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 44,
["Astranaar"] = 134,
["Gadgetzan"] = 409,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 64,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 223,
["Prepfoot"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 46,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 94,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 154,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 66,
["Shield's Rest"] = 90,
["Bradensbrook"] = 152,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 90,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 117,
["The Witchwood"] = 55,
["Valdisdall"] = 79,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 133,
["Thunder Totem"] = 61,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 61,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 59,
["Nesingwary"] = 67,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 80,
["Illidari Stand"] = 177,
["Felbane Camp"] = 72,
["Skyhorn"] = 43,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 199,
["Lorlathil"] = 149,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 86,
["Kamagua"] = {
["Westguard Keep"] = 37,
["Valiance Keep"] = 377,
["Unu'pe"] = 326,
["Stars' Rest"] = 249,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 236,
["Moa'ki"] = 195,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 121,
["Dalaran"] = 281,
["River's Heart"] = 437,
["Valgarde Port"] = 81,
["Firebreaker Expedition"] = {
["Southwind Station"] = 46,
["Eastpoint Station"] = 71,
["Fallhaven"] = 122,
["Anglepoint Wharf"] = 75,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 40,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = {
["Camp Everstill"] = 24,
["Lakeshire"] = 47,
["The Harborage"] = 93,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 102,
["Stormwind"] = 159,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 55,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 353,
["Bogpaddle"] = 34,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 138,
["Light's Breach"] = 66,
["Gundrak"] = 203,
["Stars' Rest"] = 190,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 391,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 284,
["Dalaran"] = 172,
["Zim'Torga"] = 156,
["Valgarde Port"] = 151,
["Frosthold"] = 103,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 320,
["Moa'ki"] = 175,
["Westguard Keep"] = 83,
["Valiance Keep"] = 317,
["Kamagua"] = 135,
["K3"] = 145,
["The Argent Stand"] = 110,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 84,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 130,
["River's Heart"] = 371,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 117,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 232,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 172,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 82,
["Yrel's Watch"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 99,
["Iron Docks"] = 174,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 24,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 32,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 225,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 16,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 105,
["Crow's Crook"] = 128,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 162,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 47,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 110,
["Telaari Station"] = 28,
["Shattrath City"] = 81,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 37,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 347,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 98,
["Thorium Point"] = 348,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 114,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 180,
["Ironforge"] = 313,
["Dun Modr"] = 156,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 135,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 311,
["Thondroril River"] = 119,
["Hearthglen"] = 201,
["Iron Summit"] = 372,
["Andorhal"] = 148,
["Aerie Peak"] = 67,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 402,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 103,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 191,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 167,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 87,
["Northpass Tower"] = 133,
["Booty Bay"] = 660,
["Evergrove"] = {
["Shattrath"] = 213,
["Sylvanaar"] = 54,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 197,
["Area 52"] = 73,
["Telredor"] = 132,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 448,
["Telaar"] = 240,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 118,
["Toshley's Station"] = 44,
["Cosmowrench"] = 143,
["Honor Hold"] = 285,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 411,
["Hangman's Point"] = {
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 29,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 28,
["Norwington Estate"] = 41,
["Fallhaven"] = 31,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 70,
["Castaway Point"] = 92,
["Hatherford"] = 58,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 68,
["Vigil Hill"] = 26,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 85,
["Falconhurst"] = 96,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 58,
["Arom's Stand"] = 66,
["Brennadam"] = 100,
["Deadwash"] = 122,
["Bridgeport"] = 68,
["Light's Breach"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 73,
["Ebon Watch"] = 40,
["Gundrak"] = 137,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 220,
["Dalaran"] = 107,
["Zim'Torga"] = 84,
["Valgarde Port"] = 235,
["Frosthold"] = 167,
["Westguard Keep"] = 167,
["Kamagua"] = 220,
["The Argent Stand"] = 44,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 115,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 130,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 84,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 200,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 232,
["K3"] = 80,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 83,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = {
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 45,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 115,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 111,
["Windshear Hold"] = 76,
["Darnassus"] = 478,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 265,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 53,
["Feathermoon"] = 219,
["Nijel's Point"] = 63,
["Menethil Harbor"] = {
["Kharanos"] = 119,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 391,
["Thundermar"] = 183,
["Goldshire"] = 281,
["Aerie Peak"] = 189,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 290,
["Lakeshire"] = 249,
["Rebel Camp"] = 324,
["Booty Bay"] = 429,
["Ironforge"] = 89,
["Dun Modr"] = 75,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 186,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 209,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 61,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 158,
["Darkshire"] = 308,
["Thelsamar"] = 163,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 390,
["Stormwind"] = 243,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 46,
["Andorhal"] = 252,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 144,
["Thondoril River"] = 236,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 113,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 307,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 334,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 197,
["Thorium Point"] = 127,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 283,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 165,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 177,
["Ulduar"] = 94,
["Transitus Shield"] = 424,
["Light's Breach"] = 249,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 208,
["Gundrak"] = 302,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 106,
["Stars' Rest"] = 264,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 50,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 73,
["Unu'pe"] = 357,
["Dalaran"] = 140,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 304,
["Valgarde Port"] = 399,
["Frosthold"] = 130,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 87,
["Kamagua"] = 422,
["Return"] = 151,
["Westguard Keep"] = 372,
["K3"] = 178,
["Valiance Keep"] = 381,
["Zim'Torga"] = 249,
["The Argent Stand"] = 266,
["River's Heart"] = 281,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 247,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 322,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 389,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 179,
["Moa'ki"] = 284,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 252,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = {
["Tidecross"] = 66,
["Fallhaven"] = 104,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 117,
["The Amber Waves"] = 50,
["Arom's Stand"] = 131,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 154,
["Fort Daelin"] = 30,
["Deadwash"] = 35,
["Norwington Estate"] = 74,
["Seekers Vista"] = 38,
["Brennadam"] = 54,
["Vigil Hill"] = 113,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 72,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 126,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 108,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 112,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 56,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 82,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 115,
["Blackwind Landing"] = {
["Skyguard Outpost"] = 238,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = {
["The Incursion"] = 90,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 151,
["Pang's Stead"] = 21,
["Binan Village"] = 39,
["Westwind Rest"] = 110,
["Grassy Cline"] = 20,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 58,
["The Briny Muck"] = 203,
["Tushui Landing"] = 218,
["The Arboretum"] = 128,
["Sri-La Village"] = 168,
["Halfhill"] = 51,
["Lion's Landing"] = 132,
["Longying Outpost"] = 167,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 81,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 128,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 222,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 103,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 210,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 190,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 85,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 30,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 115,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 140,
["Atal'Gral"] = 62,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 151,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 138,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 68,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 66,
["Xibala"] = 119,
["Fort Victory"] = 63,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 35,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 114,
["Nighthaven"] = {
["Rut'theran Village"] = 149,
["Valiance Keep"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 222,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 303,
["Ulduar"] = 424,
["Ebon Watch"] = 323,
["Light's Breach"] = 348,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 284,
["Transitus Shield"] = 99,
["Moa'ki"] = 181,
["Stars' Rest"] = 145,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 150,
["River's Heart"] = 137,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 376,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 75,
["Zim'Torga"] = 415,
["Valgarde Port"] = 445,
["Frosthold"] = 323,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 317,
["Dalaran"] = 261,
["Kamagua"] = 364,
["Westguard Keep"] = 386,
["Amber Ledge"] = 63,
["K3"] = 307,
["Unu'pe"] = 64,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 417,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 317,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 229,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 336,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 450,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 148,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 219,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 46,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 160,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 41,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 127,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 104,
["Shield's Rest"] = 58,
["Meredil"] = 97,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 54,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 108,
["Greywatch"] = 39,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 150,
["Prepfoot"] = 60,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 129,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 87,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 94,
["Illidari Stand"] = 154,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 37,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 62,
["Lorlathil"] = 158,
["Dalaran"] = 127,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 59,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 141,
["Valdisdall"] = 23,
["Felbane Camp"] = 119,
["Thunder Totem"] = 72,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 188,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 147,
["Nesingwary"] = 87,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 50,
["The Witchwood"] = 102,
["Bradensbrook"] = 166,
["Skyhorn"] = 74,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 178,
["Deliverance Point"] = 142,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 101,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 163,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 246,
["Highpass"] = 133,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 256,
["Lion's Watch"] = 62,
["Zangarra"] = 126,
["Talon Watch"] = 155,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 83,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 93,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 233,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 229,
["Deeproot"] = 146,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 128,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 186,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 209,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 169,
["Redemption Rise"] = 176,
["Embaari Village"] = 103,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 129,
["Southport"] = 180,
["Exile's Rise"] = 107,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 159,
["Crow's Crook"] = 160,
["Darktide Roost"] = 122,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 105,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 223,
["Shattrath City"] = 149,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 123,
["Veil Terokk"] = 153,
["Telaari Station"] = 215,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 200,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 102,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 167,
["Bastion Rise"] = 161,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 153,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 168,
["Retribution Point"] = 188,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 231,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 90,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 63,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 42,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 118,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 61,
["Lorlathil"] = 121,
["The Witchwood"] = 57,
["Meredil"] = 89,
["Valdisdall"] = 59,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 76,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 105,
["Dalaran"] = 128,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 37,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 90,
["Greywatch"] = 77,
["Vengeance Point"] = 119,
["Thunder Totem"] = 31,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 139,
["Prepfoot"] = 54,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 87,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 69,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 49,
["Deliverance Point"] = 146,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 52,
["Nesingwary"] = 45,
["Felbane Camp"] = 77,
["Skyhorn"] = 30,
["Illidari Stand"] = 150,
["Bradensbrook"] = 124,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 32,
["Northwatch Hold"] = {
["Mudsprocket"] = 141,
["Honor's Stand"] = 103,
["Theramore"] = 73,
["Fort Triumph"] = 77,
["Shadebough"] = 274,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 430,
["Ramkahen"] = 398,
["Astranaar"] = 254,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 313,
["Ratchet"] = 46,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 479,
["Rebel Camp"] = {
["Shattered Beachhead"] = 131,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 241,
["Goldshire"] = 88,
["Fort Livingston"] = 54,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 177,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 370,
["Booty Bay"] = 115,
["Dun Modr"] = 411,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 518,
["Darkshire"] = 48,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 138,
["Lakeshire"] = 103,
["Chiselgrip"] = 194,
["Thorium Point"] = 222,
["Stormwind"] = 98,
["Surwich"] = 230,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 384,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 66,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 94,
["Ironforge"] = 300,
["Raven Hill"] = 39,
["The Dreamgrove"] = {
["Nastrondir"] = 118,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 116,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 148,
["Lorlathil"] = 64,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 183,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 119,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 50,
["Shield's Rest"] = 229,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 157,
["Meredil"] = 107,
["The Witchwood"] = 112,
["Isle of the Watchers"] = 163,
["Thunder Totem"] = 130,
["Bradensbrook"] = 40,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 167,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 91,
["Deliverance Point"] = 201,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 106,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 116,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 77,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 43,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 75,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 51,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 114,
["Nesingwary"] = 129,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 149,
["Illidari Perch"] = 106,
["Felbane Camp"] = 86,
["Skyhorn"] = 152,
["Illidari Stand"] = 132,
["Shackle's Den"] = 144,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 173,
["Eastwall Tower"] = {
["Refuge Pointe"] = 215,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 118,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 30,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 45,
["Northpass Tower"] = 31,
["Ironforge"] = 394,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 17,
["Moonglade"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 609,
["Wildheart Point"] = 170,
["Honor's Stand"] = 405,
["Ratchet"] = 415,
["Theramore"] = 519,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 111,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 766,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 61,
["Stardust Spire"] = 301,
["Ramkahen"] = 845,
["Everlook"] = 119,
["Bradensbrook"] = 125,
["Mossy Pile"] = 766,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 145,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 188,
["Lor'danel"] = 84,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 474,
["Nordrassil"] = 140,
["Dolanaar"] = 317,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 187,
["Nijel's Point"] = 429,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 241,
["Forest Song"] = 294,
["Gadgetzan"] = 677,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 176,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 441,
["Astranaar"] = 260,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 765,
["Feathermoon"] = 615,
["Darnassus"] = 255,
["Thundermar"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 276,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 177,
["Thorium Point"] = 277,
["Aerie Peak"] = 248,
["Victor's Point"] = 53,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 182,
["Booty Bay"] = 590,
["Dun Modr"] = 133,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 242,
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = 58,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 241,
["Ironforge"] = 268,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 43,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 424,
["Stormwind"] = 434,
["Highbank"] = 110,
["Flamestar Post"] = 347,
["Hearthglen"] = 380,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 527,
["Kirthaven"] = 19,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 373,
["Kirthaven"] = {
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = 68,
["Highbank"] = 99,
["Victor's Point"] = 80,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 412,
["Thundermar"] = 29,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 69,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 222,
["Transitus Shield"] = 80,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 286,
["Stars' Rest"] = 133,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 77,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 286,
["River's Heart"] = 63,
["Frosthold"] = 318,
["Westguard Keep"] = 560,
["Amber Ledge"] = 44,
["Valiance Keep"] = 70,
["Zim'Torga"] = 332,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 315,
["Dalaran"] = 257,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 324,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 438,
["Unu'pe"] = 65,
["Moa'ki"] = 182,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 254,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = {
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 104,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 208,
["Thorium Point"] = 127,
["Aerie Peak"] = 278,
["Lakeshire"] = 209,
["Ironforge"] = 155,
["Dun Modr"] = 164,
["Iron Summit"] = 151,
["Thondroril River"] = 409,
["Thelsamar"] = 46,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 162,
["Chiselgrip"] = 189,
["Stormwind"] = 253,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 137,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 205,
["Kharanos"] = 157,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 66,
["Frosthold"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 227,
["Ulduar"] = 97,
["Transitus Shield"] = 406,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 34,
["Gundrak"] = 249,
["Stars' Rest"] = 227,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 149,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 125,
["Dalaran"] = 64,
["Zim'Torga"] = 197,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 60,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 177,
["River's Heart"] = 264,
["Unu'pe"] = 323,
["Westguard Keep"] = 273,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 300,
["K3"] = 49,
["Kamagua"] = 323,
["The Argent Stand"] = 155,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 65,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 226,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 220,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 311,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 149,
["Moa'ki"] = 218,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 153,
["Lor'danel"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 150,
["Moonglade"] = 93,
["Nordrassil"] = 231,
["Blood Watch"] = 218,
["Theramore"] = 501,
["Stardust Spire"] = 218,
["Ramkahen"] = 753,
["Everlook"] = 199,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 60,
["Ratchet"] = 418,
["Feathermoon"] = 495,
["The Exodar"] = 159,
["Dolanaar"] = 233,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 95,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 267,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 156,
["Forest Song"] = 279,
["Azure Watch"] = 167,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 92,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 248,
["Astranaar"] = 225,
["Nijel's Point"] = 348,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 280,
["Darnassus"] = 171,
["Eastpoint Station"] = {
["Southwind Station"] = 26,
["Anglepoint Wharf"] = 145,
["Old Drust Road"] = 79,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 67,
["Firebreaker Expedition"] = 72,
["Thelsamar"] = {
["Kharanos"] = 96,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 135,
["Thundermar"] = 199,
["Dun Modr"] = 119,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 407,
["Iron Summit"] = 106,
["Zul'Aman"] = 497,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 117,
["Moonbrook"] = 293,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 247,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 60,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 465,
["Northpass Tower"] = 379,
["Aerie Peak"] = 234,
["Lakeshire"] = 203,
["Victor's Point"] = 217,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 153,
["Booty Bay"] = 576,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 164,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 46,
["Darkshire"] = 263,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 341,
["Thorium Point"] = 82,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 46,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 53,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 269,
["Stormwind"] = 205,
["Flamestar Post"] = 157,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 92,
["Ironforge"] = 109,
["Rebel Camp"] = 357,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 333,
["Highbank"] = 181,
["Dolanaar"] = {
["Lor'danel"] = 229,
["Wildheart Point"] = 378,
["The Exodar"] = 266,
["Blood Watch"] = 325,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 911,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 385,
["Forest Song"] = 553,
["Azure Watch"] = 274,
["Darnassus"] = 61,
["Astranaar"] = 406,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 512,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 324,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 169,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 199,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 66,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 92,
["Thundermar"] = 28,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 96,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 44,
["Ironforge"] = 152,
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = 66,
["Kharanos"] = 153,
["Highbank"] = 101,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 280,
["Shatter Point"] = 149,
["Shattrath"] = 75,
["Sylvanaar"] = 249,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 163,
["Telredor"] = 158,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 156,
["Area 52"] = 311,
["The Stormspire"] = 358,
["Telaar"] = 149,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 79,
["Cosmowrench"] = 387,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 221,
["Honor Hold"] = 96,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 121,
["Sylvan Falls"] = {
["Aalgen Point"] = 145,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 81,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 35,
["Lorlathil"] = 79,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 76,
["Meredil"] = 63,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 84,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 107,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 128,
["Dalaran"] = 124,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 65,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 45,
["Prepfoot"] = 76,
["Vengeance Point"] = 126,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 92,
["Valdisdall"] = 98,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 62,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 45,
["Felbane Camp"] = 44,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 87,
["Nesingwary"] = 27,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 46,
["Thunder Totem"] = 27,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 37,
["Skyhorn"] = 49,
["Illidari Stand"] = 107,
["The Witchwood"] = 43,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 70,
["Kota Basecamp"] = {
["One Keg"] = 51,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 28,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 100,
["Westwind Rest"] = 37,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 123,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 187,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 30,
["Pang's Stead"] = 140,
["Astranaar"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 353,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 133,
["Honor's Stand"] = 145,
["Feathermoon"] = 322,
["Theramore"] = 388,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 308,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 244,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 268,
["Stardust Spire"] = 42,
["Ramkahen"] = 742,
["Everlook"] = 295,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 279,
["Windshear Hold"] = 106,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 233,
["Lor'danel"] = 205,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 212,
["Gadgetzan"] = 412,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 78,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 53,
["Nijel's Point"] = 134,
["Wildheart Point"] = 125,
["Fort Triumph"] = 244,
["Forest Song"] = 134,
["Ratchet"] = 193,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 88,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 184,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 175,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 218,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 179,
["Darnassus"] = 350,
["Fort Victory"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 140,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 33,
["Xibala"] = 158,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 127,
["Atal'Gral"] = 117,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 90,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = 110,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 156,
["Vulture's Nest"] = 98,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 66,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 82,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 56,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 84,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 123,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 105,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 70,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 164,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = {
["Longying Outpost"] = 176,
["Halfhill"] = 192,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 82,
["The Briny Muck"] = 55,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 62,
["Tian Monastery"] = 333,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 298,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 45,
["Sri-La Village"] = 103,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 131,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 299,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 44,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = {
["Southport"] = 43,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 198,
["Redemption Rise"] = 127,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 110,
["Twilight Glade"] = 68,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 168,
["Veil Terokk"] = 46,
["Talon Watch"] = 41,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 185,
["Retribution Point"] = 121,
["Bastion Rise"] = 154,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 172,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 202,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 97,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 153,
["Telaari Station"] = 156,
["Crow's Crook"] = 54,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 218,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 71,
["Shattered Beachhead"] = {
["The Harborage"] = 86,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 155,
["Chiselgrip"] = 190,
["Fort Livingston"] = 185,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 49,
["Rebel Camp"] = 135,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 532,
["Stormwind"] = 190,
["Darkshire"] = 103,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = {
["Iron Summit"] = 163,
["Kharanos"] = 154,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 104,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 110,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 194,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 59,
["Chiselgrip"] = 230,
["Thelsamar"] = 59,
["Stormwind"] = 265,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 110,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 33,
["Ironforge"] = 168,
["Dun Modr"] = 61,
["Aerie Peak"] = 181,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 104,
["Telredor"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 145,
["Shatter Point"] = 223,
["Shattrath"] = 97,
["Sylvanaar"] = 91,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 82,
["Area 52"] = 153,
["Cosmowrench"] = 219,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 230,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 172,
["The Stormspire"] = 200,
["Telaar"] = 125,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 250,
["Toshley's Station"] = 69,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 55,
["Honor Hold"] = 169,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 292,
["Grove of Aessina"] = {
["Gates of Sothann"] = 107,
["Nordrassil"] = 81,
["Everlook"] = 178,
["Stardust Spire"] = 346,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 43,
["Astranaar"] = 306,
["Honor's Stand"] = 450,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 74,
["Darnassus"] = 422,
["The Amber Waves"] = {
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 38,
["Deadwash"] = 22,
["Tidecross"] = 45,
["Fallhaven"] = 136,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 70,
["Brennadam"] = 21,
["Falconhurst"] = 192,
["Norwington Estate"] = 94,
["Vigil Hill"] = 118,
["Seekers Vista"] = 49,
["Arom's Stand"] = 162,
["Hatherford"] = 58,
["Fort Daelin"] = 41,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 87,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 38,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 39,
["Telaar"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 248,
["Shatter Point"] = 252,
["Shattrath"] = 88,
["Sylvanaar"] = 217,
["Area 52"] = 280,
["Telredor"] = 126,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 260,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 122,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 281,
["The Stormspire"] = 327,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 200,
["Toshley's Station"] = 195,
["Cosmowrench"] = 344,
["Honor Hold"] = 199,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 182,
["Veil Terokk"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 41,
["Talon Watch"] = 32,
["Southport"] = 23,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 172,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 121,
["Exile's Rise"] = 86,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 242,
["Aktar's Post"] = 152,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 94,
["Crow's Crook"] = 43,
["Zangarra"] = 116,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 135,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 37,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 221,
["Retribution Point"] = 80,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 55,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 225,
["Vulture's Nest"] = 66,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 171,
["Xibala"] = 200,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 43,
["Atal'Gral"] = 204,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 147,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 56,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 160,
["Fort Victory"] = 150,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 110,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 88,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = {
["Refuge Pointe"] = 699,
["Thorium Point"] = 298,
["Lakeshire"] = 150,
["Aerie Peak"] = 577,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 229,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 39,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 716,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 430,
["Raven Hill"] = 153,
["Bogpaddle"] = 66,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 741,
["Iron Summit"] = 256,
["Fort Livingston"] = 57,
["Goldshire"] = 158,
["Darkshire"] = 92,
["Thelsamar"] = 546,
["Stormwind"] = 190,
["Ironforge"] = 322,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 226,
["Chiselgrip"] = 179,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 201,
["Surwich"] = 92,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 97,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 177,
["Moonbrook"] = 202,
["Rebel Camp"] = 64,
["Booty Bay"] = 243,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 664,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 49,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 178,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 70,
["The Briny Muck"] = 43,
["Longying Outpost"] = 117,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 72,
["Pang's Stead"] = 146,
["Halfhill"] = 94,
["Binan Village"] = 177,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 83,
["Grassy Cline"] = 170,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 178,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 42,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 48,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 49,
["Chiselgrip"] = {
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 232,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 122,
["Goldshire"] = 184,
["Aerie Peak"] = 407,
["Fort Livingston"] = 249,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 130,
["Flamestar Post"] = 35,
["Ironforge"] = 193,
["Dun Modr"] = 292,
["Iron Summit"] = 78,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 189,
["Darkshire"] = 155,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 172,
["Thorium Point"] = 127,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 290,
["Andorhal"] = 430,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 264,
["Stormwind"] = 189,
["Lakeshire"] = 94,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 265,
["Thundermar"] = 459,
["Rebel Camp"] = 199,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 38,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 337,
["Halfhill"] = {
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 104,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 141,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 194,
["Pang's Stead"] = 51,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 236,
["One Keg"] = 144,
["Westwind Rest"] = 131,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 41,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 115,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 196,
["The Arboretum"] = 129,
["Longying Outpost"] = 208,
["Marista"] = 83,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 77,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 161,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 179,
["Stoneplow"] = 53,
["Zouchin Village"] = 188,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 309,
["Binan Village"] = 86,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 137,
["Grassy Cline"] = 33,
["The Briny Muck"] = 154,
["Tushui Landing"] = 244,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 132,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 63,
["Sri-La Village"] = 165,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 172,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 115,
["Tian Monastery"] = 154,
["The Incursion"] = 42,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 179,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 69,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 158,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 255,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 153,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 67,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 152,
["Shadebough"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 60,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 205,
["Moonglade"] = 671,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 311,
["Fort Triumph"] = 198,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 499,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 178,
["Ratchet"] = 298,
["Mudsprocket"] = 133,
["Gadgetzan"] = 215,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 201,
["Feathermoon"] = 85,
["Theramore"] = 206,
["Illidari Perch"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 44,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 235,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 132,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 56,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 180,
["Lorlathil"] = 73,
["Meredil"] = 82,
["Bradensbrook"] = 72,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 49,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 90,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 127,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 42,
["The Witchwood"] = 194,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 93,
["Thunder Totem"] = 182,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 71,
["Felbane Camp"] = 191,
["Deliverance Point"] = 124,
["Shield's Rest"] = 212,
["Illidari Stand"] = 24,
["Valdisdall"] = 163,
["Skyhorn"] = 203,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 38,
["Dalaran"] = 98,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 47,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 91,
["Hearthglen"] = 62,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 280,
["Northpass Tower"] = 56,
["Andorhal"] = 134,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 406,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 52,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 64,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 95,
["Iron Summit"] = 465,
["Camp Everstill"] = {
["Bogpaddle"] = 67,
["The Harborage"] = 70,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 162,
["Darkshire"] = 85,
["Chiselgrip"] = 115,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 88,
["Aerie Peak"] = 446,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 61,
["Stormwind"] = 134,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 33,
["Lakeshire"] = 23,
["Surwich"] = 220,
["Rebel Camp"] = 128,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 376,
["Iron Summit"] = 192,
["Hearthglen"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 80,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 45,
["Zul'Aman"] = 255,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 228,
["Northpass Tower"] = 117,
["Andorhal"] = 72,
["Chiselgrip"] = 486,
["Ironforge"] = 341,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 61,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 189,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 88,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 156,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 317,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 115,
["Area 52"] = 348,
["Telredor"] = 196,
["Telaar"] = 277,
["Toshley's Station"] = 265,
["Cosmowrench"] = 416,
["The Stormspire"] = 396,
["Shatter Point"] = 28,
["Shattrath"] = 190,
["Sylvanaar"] = 287,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 348,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 188,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 266,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 259,
["Honor Hold"] = 73,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 308,
["Stars' Rest"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 232,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 190,
["Transitus Shield"] = 209,
["Light's Breach"] = 207,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 293,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 170,
["Dalaran"] = 146,
["River's Heart"] = 191,
["Valgarde Port"] = 313,
["Frosthold"] = 210,
["Moa'ki"] = 71,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 276,
["Valiance Keep"] = 132,
["Westguard Keep"] = 244,
["Amber Ledge"] = 172,
["K3"] = 194,
["Unu'pe"] = 101,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 129,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 176,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 89,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 98,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 310,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 67,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 82,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 124,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 161,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 175,
["Highpass"] = 120,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 155,
["Lion's Watch"] = 73,
["Zangarra"] = 69,
["Twilight Glade"] = 45,
["The Draakorium"] = 67,
["Talon Watch"] = 67,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 74,
["Tranquil Court"] = 82,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 62,
["Shattrath City"] = 71,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 110,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 46,
["Deeproot"] = 118,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 38,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 97,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 166,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 154,
["Darktide Roost"] = 81,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 136,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 148,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 73,
["Aktar's Post"] = 98,
["Redemption Rise"] = 77,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 175,
["Embaari Village"] = 41,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 123,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 140,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 73,
["Veil Terokk"] = 70,
["Exile's Rise"] = 40,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 67,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 127,
["The Iron Front"] = 85,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 148,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 31,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 91,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 46,
["Retribution Point"] = 98,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 99,
["Telaari Station"] = 134,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 76,
["Southport"] = 99,
["Crow's Crook"] = 63,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 149,
["Bastion Rise"] = 79,
["Path of the Light"] = 63,
["Westwind Rest"] = {
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 162,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 103,
["Zouchin Village"] = 98,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 28,
["Halfhill"] = 130,
["Binan Village"] = 44,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 39,
["One Keg"] = 47,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 134,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 62,
["Lion's Landing"] = 183,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 65,
["Anglepoint Wharf"] = {
["Old Drust Road"] = 82,
["Eastpoint Station"] = 138,
["Fallhaven"] = 50,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 112,
["Southwind Station"] = 113,
["Firebreaker Expedition"] = 72,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = {
["Voldrin's Hold"] = 89,
["Tranquil Wash"] = 43,
["Darkbreak Cove"] = 97,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = 72,
["Sandy Beach"] = 47,
["Thunder Totem"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 131,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 66,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 102,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 36,
["Shield's Rest"] = 126,
["Meredil"] = 79,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 100,
["Cosmowrench"] = 218,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 153,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 65,
["Greywatch"] = 100,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 113,
["Prepfoot"] = 61,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 64,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 48,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 28,
["Illidari Stand"] = 29,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 56,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 74,
["Telredor"] = 84,
["Lorlathil"] = 97,
["Dalaran"] = 135,
["Bradensbrook"] = 100,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 46,
["Aalgen Point"] = 157,
["The Witchwood"] = 35,
["Vengeance Point"] = 142,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 112,
["Valdisdall"] = 83,
["Felbane Camp"] = 56,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 81,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 122,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 75,
["Deliverance Point"] = 170,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 31,
["Illidari Perch"] = 142,
["Nesingwary"] = 20,
["Skyhorn"] = 31,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 147,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 86,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 118,
["Vulture's Nest"] = {
["Scaletrader Post"] = 123,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 69,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 59,
["Atal'Gral"] = 155,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 92,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 69,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 32,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 37,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 92,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 67,
["Zul'Aman"] = {
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 252,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 339,
["Thorium Point"] = 547,
["Aerie Peak"] = 279,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 480,
["Ironforge"] = 475,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 176,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 255,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 108,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 62,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 106,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 45,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 141,
["Lorlathil"] = 33,
["Meredil"] = 56,
["Dalaran"] = 93,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 120,
["Nesingwary"] = 142,
["Bradensbrook"] = 38,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 85,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 52,
["Illidari Stand"] = 51,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 161,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 34,
["The Witchwood"] = 158,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 54,
["Thunder Totem"] = 142,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 37,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 162,
["Deliverance Point"] = 121,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 119,
["Illidari Perch"] = 44,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 87,
["Skyhorn"] = 163,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 74,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 113,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 121,
["Arom's Stand"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 90,
["Hangman's Point"] = 60,
["Fallhaven"] = 38,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 121,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 47,
["Falconhurst"] = 35,
["Norwington Estate"] = 76,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 127,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 57,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 110,
["Anyport"] = 35,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 79,
["Vigil Hill"] = 74,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 157,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 29,
["Hatherford"] = 108,
["Seekers Vista"] = 158,
["Brennadam"] = 152,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 56,
["The Amber Waves"] = 152,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 459,
["Shatter Point"] = 330,
["Shattrath"] = 254,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 181,
["Telaar"] = 329,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 81,
["Cosmowrench"] = 555,
["The Stormspire"] = 537,
["Honor Hold"] = 276,
["Freehold"] = {
["Hangman's Point"] = 76,
["Fallhaven"] = 96,
["Bridgeport"] = 48,
["Vigil Hill"] = 61,
["Castaway Point"] = 25,
["Arom's Stand"] = 128,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 28,
["Mariner's Row"] = 68,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 86,
["Falconhurst"] = 147,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 150,
["Felbane Camp"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 151,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 43,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 114,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 122,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 43,
["Lorlathil"] = 118,
["Meredil"] = 102,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 83,
["Bradensbrook"] = 119,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 133,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 168,
["The Witchwood"] = 40,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 83,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 79,
["Valdisdall"] = 131,
["Prepfoot"] = 78,
["Thunder Totem"] = 66,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 142,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 81,
["Nesingwary"] = 48,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 49,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 123,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 100,
["Skyhorn"] = 80,
["Illidari Stand"] = 146,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 122,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 103,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 51,
["Hangman's Point"] = 84,
["Fallhaven"] = 62,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 137,
["The Amber Waves"] = 152,
["Falconhurst"] = 63,
["Norwington Estate"] = 85,
["Anyport"] = 33,
["Deadwash"] = 140,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 140,
["Seekers Vista"] = 147,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 65,
["Vigil Hill"] = 101,
["Hatherford"] = 116,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 24,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 119,
["Arom's Stand"] = 50,
["Brennadam"] = 157,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 201,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 114,
["Surwich"] = {
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 365,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 298,
["The Harborage"] = 148,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 512,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 72,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 596,
["Stormwind"] = 250,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 111,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 189,
["Lakeshire"] = 194,
["Fort Livingston"] = 234,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 249,
["Booty Bay"] = 146,
["Rebel Camp"] = 211,
["Darkshire"] = 164,
["Bogpaddle"] = 138,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = {
["Darnassus"] = 263,
["Lor'danel"] = 92,
["Wildheart Point"] = 58,
["The Exodar"] = 189,
["Moonglade"] = 184,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 136,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 351,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 65,
["Forest Song"] = 187,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 81,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 162,
["Ramkahen"] = 690,
["Astranaar"] = 84,
["Deliverance Point"] = 56,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 122,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 152,
["Deadwash"] = {
["Tidecross"] = 45,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 83,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 73,
["Hatherford"] = 72,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 24,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 52,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 133,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 144,
["Norwington Estate"] = 91,
["Fort Daelin"] = 25,
["Brennadam"] = 35,
["The Amber Waves"] = 30,
["Seekers Vista"] = 33,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 85,
["Mudsprocket"] = 276,
["Theramore"] = 328,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 150,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 537,
["Ratchet"] = 382,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 322,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 67,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 315,
["Mossy Pile"] = 241,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 129,
["Nijel's Point"] = 169,
["Fort Triumph"] = 341,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 390,
["Shadebough"] = 144,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 391,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 233,
["Astranaar"] = 309,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 172,
["Feathermoon"] = 55,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 123,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 207,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 220,
["Vulture's Nest"] = 38,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 153,
["Xibala"] = 215,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 89,
["Atal'Gral"] = 185,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 160,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 59,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 71,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 141,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 96,
["Fort Victory"] = 123,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 122,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 46,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 39,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 213,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 180,
["Xibala"] = 78,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 140,
["Atal'Gral"] = 52,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 168,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 96,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 82,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 102,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = 67,
["Fort Victory"] = 155,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 116,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 205,
["Skyguard Outpost"] = {
["Blackwind Landing"] = 243,
["Castaway Encampment"] = {
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 75,
["Xibala"] = 109,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 201,
["Atal'Gral"] = 27,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 45,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 175,
["Fort Victory"] = 130,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 128,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 212,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = {
["Throne of the Elements"] = 78,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 147,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 114,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 105,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 211,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 86,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 179,
["Shattrath City"] = 114,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 62,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 68,
["Zangarra"] = 135,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 176,
["Aalgen Point"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 113,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 97,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 122,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 188,
["Lorlathil"] = 167,
["Meredil"] = 105,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 90,
["Dalaran"] = 67,
["Vengeance Point"] = 40,
["Valdisdall"] = 119,
["Thunder Totem"] = 181,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 135,
["Deliverance Point"] = 42,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 158,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 164,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 238,
["Illidari Stand"] = 137,
["Shield's Rest"] = 167,
["The Witchwood"] = 201,
["Dustwind Dig"] = {
["Camp Everstill"] = 167,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 36,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 90,
["Fuselight"] = 29,
["Thundermar"] = 251,
["Aerie Peak"] = 286,
["Lakeshire"] = 146,
["Booty Bay"] = 364,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 205,
["Raven Hill"] = 266,
["Dun Modr"] = 172,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 339,
["Iron Summit"] = 158,
["Ironforge"] = 162,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 298,
["Thorium Point"] = 134,
["Thelsamar"] = 53,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 224,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 111,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 169,
["Chiselgrip"] = 128,
["Northpass Tower"] = 431,
["Stormwind"] = 242,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 191,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 144,
["Darkshire"] = 207,
["Rebel Camp"] = 252,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 215,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 76,
["Fuselight"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 51,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 187,
["Iron Summit"] = 176,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 487,
["Kharanos"] = 167,
["Stormwind"] = 257,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 358,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 18,
["Ironforge"] = 181,
["Thelsamar"] = 71,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 356,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 49,
["Fort Daelin"] = {
["Tradewinds Market"] = 105,
["Vigil Hill"] = 131,
["The Amber Waves"] = 52,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 134,
["Deadwash"] = 28,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 26,
["Brennadam"] = 57,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 101,
["Seekers Vista"] = 22,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 240,
["Gadgetzan"] = 43,
["Mudsprocket"] = 72,
["Ratchet"] = 238,
["Fort Triumph"] = 137,
["Theramore"] = 125,
["Shadebough"] = 179,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 565,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 139,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 318,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 229,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 97,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 625,
["Aerie Peak"] = {
["Northpass Tower"] = 211,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 232,
["Ironforge"] = 257,
["Thorium Point"] = 354,
["Raven Hill"] = 546,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 190,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 492,
["Lakeshire"] = 439,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 174,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 205,
["Booty Bay"] = 613,
["Dun Modr"] = 139,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 57,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 293,
["Iron Summit"] = 354,
["Darkshire"] = 505,
["Zul'Aman"] = 272,
["Thelsamar"] = 246,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 591,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 75,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 137,
["Andorhal"] = 70,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 225,
["Stormwind"] = 454,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 383,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 557,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 91,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 79,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 164,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 295,
["Sylvanaar"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 51,
["Shattrath"] = 63,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 164,
["Area 52"] = 119,
["Telredor"] = 82,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 255,
["Telaar"] = 207,
["The Stormspire"] = 170,
["Toshley's Station"] = 57,
["Cosmowrench"] = 185,
["Honor Hold"] = 251,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 66,
["Seekers Vista"] = {
["Freehold"] = 195,
["Tidecross"] = 53,
["Fallhaven"] = 135,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 111,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 145,
["Arom's Stand"] = 161,
["Norwington Estate"] = 104,
["Fort Daelin"] = 19,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 38,
["Deadwash"] = 34,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 143,
["Castaway Point"] = 213,
["The Amber Waves"] = 58,
["Vigil Hill"] = 143,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 73,
["Hangman's Point"] = 126,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 185,
["Hatherford"] = 100,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 81,
["Brennadam"] = 64,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 112,
["Bridgeport"] = 158,
["Falconhurst"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 111,
["Fallhaven"] = 67,
["Vigil Hill"] = 92,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 64,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 49,
["Hatherford"] = 138,
["Anyport"] = 37,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 156,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 75,
["Arom's Stand"] = 36,
["Flamestar Post"] = {
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 74,
["Thorium Point"] = 69,
["Chiselgrip"] = 35,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 213,
["Darkshire"] = 190,
["Stormwind"] = 195,
["Ironforge"] = 159,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 403,
["Booty Bay"] = 347,
["Iron Summit"] = 45,
["Castaway Point"] = {
["Freehold"] = 33,
["Hangman's Point"] = 88,
["Bridgeport"] = 54,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 91,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 105,
["Tol Dagor"] = 58,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 90,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 146,
["Norwington Estate"] = 109,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 146,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 34,
["Vigil Hill"] = 76,
["Brennadam"] = 140,
["Deadwash"] = 157,
["Mariner's Row"] = 73,
["Bradensbrook"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 115,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 168,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 91,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 113,
["Shield's Rest"] = 228,
["Meredil"] = 91,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 156,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 74,
["Greywatch"] = 203,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 43,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 30,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 60,
["Felbane Camp"] = 121,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 90,
["Illidari Stand"] = 104,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 167,
["Lorlathil"] = 32,
["Dalaran"] = 138,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 125,
["Aalgen Point"] = 175,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 97,
["Vengeance Point"] = 156,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 87,
["The Witchwood"] = 130,
["Deliverance Point"] = 168,
["Thunder Totem"] = 114,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 28,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 176,
["Nesingwary"] = 113,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 133,
["Illidari Perch"] = 72,
["Valdisdall"] = 184,
["Skyhorn"] = 135,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 127,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 131,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 51,
["The Briny Muck"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 191,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 223,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 191,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 326,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 49,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 159,
["Serpent's Spine"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 102,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 52,
["Longying Outpost"] = 130,
["Binan Village"] = 159,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 70,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 240,
["Tushui Landing"] = 344,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 86,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 72,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 54,
["The Menders' Stead"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 36,
["Hearthglen"] = 44,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 424,
["Thundermar"] = 364,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 136,
["Andorhal"] = 28,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 115,
["Stormwind"] = 469,
["Northpass Tower"] = 141,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 306,
["Ironforge"] = 298,
["Zul'Aman"] = 238,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 43,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 180,
["Shatter Point"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 334,
["Shattrath"] = 175,
["Sylvanaar"] = 304,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 132,
["Honor Point"] = 40,
["Telredor"] = 213,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 32,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 174,
["Telaar"] = 263,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 333,
["the Abyssal Shelf"] = 154,
["The Stormspire"] = 412,
["Honor Hold"] = 57,
["Area 52"] = 365,
["The Harborage"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 151,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 403,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 79,
["Bogpaddle"] = 65,
["Stormwind"] = 160,
["Darkshire"] = 107,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 182,
["Lakeshire"] = 46,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 38,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 102,
["Iron Summit"] = 215,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = {
["Talon Watch"] = 83,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 43,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 126,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 46,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 44,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 120,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 20,
["Zangarra"] = 37,
["Shattrath City"] = 50,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 85,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 132,
["Exile's Rise"] = 57,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 60,
["Scaletrader Post"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 69,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 125,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 28,
["Xibala"] = 108,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 152,
["Atal'Gral"] = 47,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 156,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 106,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 79,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 77,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = 45,
["Fort Victory"] = 81,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 45,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 102,
["Rut'theran Village"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 585,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 354,
["Moonglade"] = 152,
["Nordrassil"] = 292,
["Blood Watch"] = 155,
["Ratchet"] = 428,
["Ramkahen"] = 814,
["Nijel's Point"] = 370,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 373,
["Gadgetzan"] = 655,
["Dolanaar"] = 172,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 340,
["Fort Triumph"] = 480,
["Azure Watch"] = 105,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 152,
["Mossy Pile"] = 741,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 487,
["Feathermoon"] = 557,
["Darnassus"] = 111,
["Honor's Stand"] = 380,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 378,
["Theramore"] = 527,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 338,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 605,
["Stardust Spire"] = 276,
["Everlook"] = 259,
["Sanctuary of Malorne"] = 342,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 217,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 120,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 314,
["Wildheart Point"] = 209,
["The Exodar"] = 80,
["Lor'danel"] = 61,
["Astranaar"] = 236,
["Forest Song"] = 271,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 785,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 234,
["Shadebough"] = 645,
["Windshear Hold"] = 341,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 311,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 155,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 708,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 201,
["Mudsprocket"] = 237,
["Old Drust Road"] = {
["Fallhaven"] = 35,
["Southwind Station"] = 54,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 35,
["Firebreaker Expedition"] = 98,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = {
["Kharanos"] = 43,
["Thelsamar"] = 57,
["Thorium Point"] = 137,
["Aerie Peak"] = 268,
["Stormwind"] = 262,
["Ironforge"] = 69,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 142,
["Booty Bay"] = 406,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 116,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 289,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 174,
["Gloaming Reef"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 98,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 187,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 188,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 80,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 134,
["Lorlathil"] = 51,
["Meredil"] = 112,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 53,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 177,
["Dalaran"] = 128,
["Bradensbrook"] = 27,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 146,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 94,
["Greywatch"] = 223,
["Illidari Stand"] = 86,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 69,
["Valdisdall"] = 205,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 50,
["Thunder Totem"] = 134,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 80,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 196,
["Nesingwary"] = 134,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 153,
["Illidari Perch"] = 77,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 110,
["Felbane Camp"] = 144,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 107,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 48,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 177,
["Grassy Cline"] = {
["Halfhill"] = 45,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 64,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 16,
["Pang's Stead"] = 29,
["Tian Monastery"] = 133,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 85,
["Tushui Landing"] = 226,
["Windshear Hold"] = {
["Lor'danel"] = 274,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 30,
["Honor's Stand"] = 107,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 58,
["Ratchet"] = 192,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 146,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 176,
["Stardust Spire"] = 56,
["Forest Song"] = 225,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 65,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 112,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 92,
["Nijel's Point"] = 63,
["K3"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 54,
["Ulduar"] = 140,
["Ebon Watch"] = 44,
["Light's Breach"] = 88,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 76,
["Stars' Rest"] = 201,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 100,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 168,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 107,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 177,
["Valgarde Port"] = 293,
["Frosthold"] = 43,
["Zim'Torga"] = 148,
["Westguard Keep"] = 224,
["Dalaran"] = 71,
["Valiance Keep"] = 316,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 308,
["The Argent Stand"] = 107,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 103,
["River's Heart"] = 272,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 172,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 263,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 181,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 101,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 105,
["Wildheart Point"] = {
["Gates of Sothann"] = 219,
["Moonglade"] = 190,
["Fort Triumph"] = 539,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 35,
["Forest Song"] = 141,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 51,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 300,
["Astranaar"] = 118,
["Everlook"] = 229,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 67,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 340,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = {
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 97,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 165,
["Thorium Point"] = 186,
["Booty Bay"] = 258,
["Rebel Camp"] = 145,
["Stormwind"] = 77,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 94,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 143,
["Ironforge"] = 193,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 120,
["Darkshire"] = 101,
["Goldshire"] = 51,
["The Witchwood"] = {
["Lorna's Watch"] = 97,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 127,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 26,
["Meredil"] = 98,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 131,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 90,
["Greywatch"] = 132,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 138,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 96,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 79,
["Felbane Camp"] = 31,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 47,
["Illidari Stand"] = 151,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 86,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 117,
["Lorlathil"] = 123,
["Bradensbrook"] = 125,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 78,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 83,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 128,
["Valdisdall"] = 114,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 42,
["Thunder Totem"] = 43,
["Nesingwary"] = 35,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 105,
["Deliverance Point"] = 192,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 62,
["Illidari Perch"] = 166,
["Dalaran"] = 162,
["Skyhorn"] = 46,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 164,
["Prepfoot"] = 41,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 101,
["Mossy Pile"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 230,
["Gadgetzan"] = 97,
["Theramore"] = 248,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 28,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 441,
["Ratchet"] = 276,
["Fort Triumph"] = 282,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 613,
["Shadebough"] = 289,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 82,
["Ramkahen"] = 225,
["Everlook"] = 852,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 185,
["Feathermoon"] = 200,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 755,
["Tradewinds Market"] = {
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 102,
["Bridgeport"] = 42,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 131,
["Arom's Stand"] = 117,
["Anglepoint Wharf"] = 118,
["Anyport"] = 146,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 82,
["Eastpoint Station"] = 67,
["Mariner's Row"] = 27,
["Firebreaker Expedition"] = 44,
["Vigil Hill"] = 67,
["Hatherford"] = 18,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 73,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 73,
["Freehold"] = 96,
["Outrigger Post"] = 91,
["Hangman's Point"] = 64,
["Fallhaven"] = 82,
["The Amber Waves"] = 59,
["Falconhurst"] = 147,
["Norwington Estate"] = 51,
["Fort Daelin"] = 95,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 93,
["Deadwash"] = 76,
["Southwind Station"] = 88,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 65,
["Seekers Vista"] = 103,
["Tol Dagor"] = 84,
["Castaway Point"] = 97,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 123,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 22,
["Brennadam"] = 59,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 69,
["Tidecross"] = 74,
["Old Drust Road"] = 139,
["Xibala"] = {
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 71,
["Castaway Encampment"] = 101,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 151,
["Vulture's Nest"] = 165,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 116,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 74,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 195,
["Atal'Gral"] = 109,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 122,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 98,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 187,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 163,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = 68,
["Fort Victory"] = 151,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 97,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 187,
["Talon Watch"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 38,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 50,
["Southport"] = 46,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 66,
["Twilight Glade"] = 39,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 57,
["Veil Terokk"] = 29,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 66,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 157,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 179,
["Telaari Station"] = 150,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 66,
["Crow's Crook"] = 32,
["Exile's Rise"] = 56,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 176,
["Retribution Point"] = 99,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 191,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 27,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 107,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 146,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 190,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 127,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 25,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 165,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 202,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 44,
["Iron Docks"] = 200,
["Highpass"] = 163,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 178,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 173,
["Shattrath City"] = 107,
["Telaari Station"] = 38,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 44,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 132,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 25,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 50,
["Bastion Rise"] = 161,
["Iron Summit"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 161,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 113,
["Fuselight"] = 186,
["Thorium Point"] = 25,
["Aerie Peak"] = 346,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 204,
["Flamestar Post"] = 47,
["Ironforge"] = 116,
["Dun Modr"] = 232,
["Bogpaddle"] = 183,
["Thelsamar"] = 113,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 286,
["Lakeshire"] = 168,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 229,
["Chiselgrip"] = 82,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 158,
["Stormwind"] = 151,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 186,
["Darkshire"] = 229,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 159,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 359,
["Kharanos"] = 114,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 276,
["Death's Rise"] = {
["Frosthold"] = 267,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 94,
["Transitus Shield"] = 259,
["Westguard Keep"] = 494,
["Dalaran"] = 237,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 227,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 439,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 173,
["Stars' Rest"] = 253,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 119,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 214,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 170,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 174,
["River's Heart"] = 117,
["Valiance Keep"] = 249,
["Karnum's Glade"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 187,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 49,
["Mudsprocket"] = 353,
["Honor's Stand"] = 61,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 136,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 369,
["Fort Triumph"] = 288,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 28,
["Mossy Pile"] = 342,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 40,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 102,
["Astranaar"] = 196,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 121,
["Nijel's Point"] = 56,
["Outrigger Post"] = {
["Freehold"] = 129,
["Hangman's Point"] = 59,
["Fallhaven"] = 68,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 84,
["Castaway Point"] = 149,
["Falconhurst"] = 113,
["Norwington Estate"] = 40,
["Anyport"] = 83,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 76,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 120,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 54,
["Vigil Hill"] = 77,
["Hatherford"] = 72,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 71,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 75,
["Arom's Stand"] = 97,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 22,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 46,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 72,
["Anyport"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 84,
["Hangman's Point"] = 94,
["Fallhaven"] = 71,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 151,
["Arom's Stand"] = 40,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 87,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 38,
["Falconhurst"] = 40,
["Norwington Estate"] = 107,
["Seekers Vista"] = 180,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 149,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 91,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 35,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 65,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 51,
["Southport"] = 55,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 160,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 56,
["Redemption Rise"] = 70,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 45,
["Twilight Glade"] = 56,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 71,
["The Draakorium"] = 83,
["Talon Watch"] = 36,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 70,
["Veil Terokk"] = 42,
["Exile's Rise"] = 50,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 127,
["Darktide Roost"] = 66,
["Crow's Crook"] = 45,
["Shattrath City"] = 66,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 44,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 78,
["Zangarra"] = 85,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 172,
["Moa'ki"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 150,
["Ebon Watch"] = 143,
["Stars' Rest"] = 55,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 256,
["Dalaran"] = 122,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 237,
["Valgarde Port"] = 264,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 273,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 181,
["River's Heart"] = 244,
["Westguard Keep"] = 205,
["Amber Ledge"] = 224,
["K3"] = 167,
["Kamagua"] = 184,
["Transitus Shield"] = 260,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 150,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 48,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 156,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 290,
["Valiance Keep"] = 181,
["Unu'pe"] = 132,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 85,
["Chillwind Camp"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 41,
["Kharanos"] = 264,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 148,
["Thorium Point"] = 297,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 137,
["Lakeshire"] = 439,
["Booty Bay"] = 723,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 194,
["Ironforge"] = 257,
["Aerie Peak"] = 65,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 214,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 145,
["Thondroril River"] = 59,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 234,
["Zul'Aman"] = 248,
["Thelsamar"] = 309,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 667,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 138,
["Stormwind"] = 418,
["Andorhal"] = 26,
["Darkshire"] = 500,
["Thondoril River"] = 54,
["Northpass Tower"] = 163,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 558,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 103,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 139,
["Hearthglen"] = 85,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 454,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = {
["Thondroril River"] = 39,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 77,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 54,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 74,
["Fuselight"] = 390,
["Northpass Tower"] = 61,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 35,
["Andorhal"] = 104,
["Stormwind"] = 521,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 52,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 358,
["Ironforge"] = 348,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 586,
["Chiselgrip"] = 494,
["Iron Summit"] = 412,
["Dun Modr"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 210,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 68,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 220,
["Thorium Point"] = 207,
["Aerie Peak"] = 121,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 85,
["Ironforge"] = 173,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 173,
["Thondroril River"] = 227,
["Darkshire"] = 379,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 33,
["Andorhal"] = 186,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 246,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 50,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 35,
["Northpass Tower"] = 266,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 134,
["Thundermar"] = 143,
["Sandy Beach"] = 318,
["River's Heart"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 140,
["Transitus Shield"] = 149,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 335,
["Stars' Rest"] = 202,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 43,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 69,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 402,
["Frosthold"] = 393,
["K3"] = 247,
["Amber Ledge"] = 169,
["Valiance Keep"] = 139,
["Dalaran"] = 201,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 734,
["Unu'pe"] = 133,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 264,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 394,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 471,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 225,
["Moa'ki"] = 376,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 481,
["Nijel's Point"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 219,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 95,
["Honor's Stand"] = 130,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 52,
["Theramore"] = 307,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 31,
["Stardust Spire"] = 105,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 357,
["Everlook"] = 461,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 321,
["Ratchet"] = 422,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 369,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 135,
["Lor'danel"] = 337,
["Gadgetzan"] = 461,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 230,
["Wildheart Point"] = 264,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 81,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 81,
["Astranaar"] = 140,
["Forest Song"] = 407,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 356,
["Windshear Hold"] = 74,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 48,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 101,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 381,
["Feathermoon"] = 199,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 50,
["Mudsprocket"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 203,
["Nordrassil"] = 656,
["Ratchet"] = 167,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 60,
["Ramkahen"] = 275,
["Nijel's Point"] = 292,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 349,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 199,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 494,
["Fort Triumph"] = 66,
["Forest Song"] = 453,
["Shadebough"] = 143,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 127,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 351,
["Theramore"] = 52,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 191,
["Feathermoon"] = 283,
["Gadgetzan"] = 103,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 29,
["Vengeance Point"] = 86,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 62,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 85,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 122,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 59,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 140,
["Lorlathil"] = 101,
["Deliverance Point"] = 98,
["Meredil"] = 91,
["Illidari Perch"] = 51,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 19,
["Dalaran"] = 73,
["Illidari Stand"] = 43,
["Bradensbrook"] = 127,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 96,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = {
["Longying Outpost"] = 46,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 128,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 71,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 83,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 51,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 39,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = 33,
["Twilight Glade"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 70,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 28,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 186,
["Redemption Rise"] = 107,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 49,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 202,
["The Draakorium"] = 27,
["Talon Watch"] = 39,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 40,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 59,
["Lion's Watch"] = 103,
["Retribution Point"] = 130,
["Embaari Village"] = 27,
["Shattrath City"] = 110,
["Veil Terokk"] = 103,
["Exile's Rise"] = 37,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 228,
["Path of the Light"] = 33,
["Mariner's Row"] = {
["Freehold"] = 75,
["Hangman's Point"] = 66,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 23,
["Seekers Vista"] = 116,
["Norwington Estate"] = 49,
["Tol Dagor"] = 66,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 74,
["Tidecross"] = 87,
["Vigil Hill"] = 60,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 78,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 47,
["Hatherford"] = 30,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 17,
["Bridgeport"] = 21,
["Brennadam"] = 72,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 73,
["Castaway Point"] = 76,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 285,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 286,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 148,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 201,
["Honor's Stand"] = 50,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 122,
["Ratchet"] = 134,
["Stardust Spire"] = 79,
["Forest Song"] = 252,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 113,
["Windshear Hold"] = 60,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 114,
["Astranaar"] = 118,
["Everlook"] = 71,
["Feathermoon"] = 255,
["Nijel's Point"] = 67,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = {
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 140,
["Vulture's Nest"] = 61,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 50,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 79,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 92,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 83,
["Xibala"] = 121,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 62,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 46,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 67,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 74,
["Fort Victory"] = 52,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 43,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 120,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 379,
["Shattrath"] = 174,
["Sylvanaar"] = 348,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 83,
["Area 52"] = 409,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 256,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 101,
["Honor Hold"] = 196,
["Telaar"] = 249,
["Cosmowrench"] = 475,
["Toshley's Station"] = 326,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 320,
["The Stormspire"] = 515,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 42,
["Vigil Hill"] = {
["Freehold"] = 55,
["Tidecross"] = 121,
["Fallhaven"] = 48,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 61,
["Castaway Point"] = 69,
["Arom's Stand"] = 78,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 40,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 114,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 22,
["Norwington Estate"] = 53,
["Seekers Vista"] = 144,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 67,
["Bridgeport"] = 45,
["Hatherford"] = 63,
["Hangman's Point"] = 28,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 102,
["Deadwash"] = 122,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 86,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 42,
["Anyport"] = 107,
["Brennadam"] = 105,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 45,
["Falconhurst"] = 97,
["Azure Watch"] = {
["Lor'danel"] = 170,
["The Exodar"] = 41,
["Dolanaar"] = 282,
["Blood Watch"] = 99,
["Nijel's Point"] = 478,
["Everlook"] = 369,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 266,
["Darnassus"] = 222,
["Astranaar"] = 346,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 109,
["Crow's Crook"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 43,
["Talon Watch"] = 26,
["Southport"] = 37,
["Redemption Rise"] = 81,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 41,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 74,
["The Draakorium"] = 84,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 55,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 129,
["Veil Terokk"] = 18,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 49,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 203,
["Shatter Point"] = 142,
["Shattrath"] = 143,
["Sylvanaar"] = 172,
["Area 52"] = 233,
["Telredor"] = 65,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 149,
["Telaar"] = 206,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 144,
["Honor Hold"] = 87,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 62,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 57,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 89,
["Highpass"] = 44,
["Aktar's Post"] = 63,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 115,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 37,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 163,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 48,
["Bastion Rise"] = 42,
["Shattrath City"] = 71,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 61,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 74,
["Deeproot"] = 36,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 135,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 166,
["Ulduar"] = 256,
["Ebon Watch"] = 168,
["Light's Breach"] = 222,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 114,
["Gundrak"] = 325,
["Stars' Rest"] = 81,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 171,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 206,
["Dalaran"] = 90,
["River's Heart"] = 136,
["Valgarde Port"] = 325,
["Frosthold"] = 153,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 161,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 237,
["Valiance Keep"] = 214,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 224,
["The Argent Stand"] = 231,
["Zim'Torga"] = 285,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 114,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 207,
["Transitus Shield"] = 277,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 110,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 49,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 135,
["Booty Bay"] = {
["Kargath"] = 395,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 272,
["Goldshire"] = 221,
["Aerie Peak"] = 597,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 49,
["Lakeshire"] = 212,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 471,
["Raven Hill"] = 154,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 615,
["Ironforge"] = 323,
["Thorium Point"] = 481,
["Rebel Camp"] = 118,
["The Harborage"] = 262,
["Thelsamar"] = 587,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 252,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 774,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 773,
["Darkshire"] = 168,
["Stormwind"] = 199,
["Surwich"] = 144,
["Zul'Aman"] = 810,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 148,
["Moonbrook"] = 175,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 652,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 560,
["Fort Livingston"] = 92,
["Victor's Point"] = {
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = 40,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 438,
["Highbank"] = 92,
["Kirthaven"] = 64,
["Ironforge"] = 312,
["Thundermar"] = 42,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 380,
["Aerie Peak"] = 288,
["Stoneplow"] = {
["The Incursion"] = 62,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 119,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 133,
["Pang's Stead"] = 81,
["Halfhill"] = 51,
["Binan Village"] = 134,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 119,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 63,
["Grassy Cline"] = 82,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 89,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 205,
["Marista"] = 97,
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = {
["Highbank"] = 54,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 232,
["Thundermar"] = 56,
["Stormwind"] = 430,
["Victor's Point"] = 41,
["Kirthaven"] = 73,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 469,
["Ironforge"] = 333,
["Zul'Aman"] = 387,
["Eastern Highmountain"] = {
["Nastrondir"] = 39,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 54,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 88,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = {
["Southport"] = 107,
["Highpass"] = 70,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 66,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 78,
["Redemption Rise"] = 21,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 78,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 89,
["Retribution Point"] = 80,
["The Iron Front"] = 27,
["Zangarra"] = 26,
["Bastion Rise"] = 37,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 52,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 60,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 171,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 53,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 96,
["Shattrath City"] = 40,
["Telaari Station"] = 113,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 97,
["Deeproot"] = 56,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 75,
["Honor's Stand"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 354,
["Lor'danel"] = 485,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 58,
["Ratchet"] = 85,
["Fort Triumph"] = 92,
["Nijel's Point"] = 125,
["Stardust Spire"] = 112,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 171,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 100,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 173,
["Astranaar"] = 151,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 545,
["Area 52"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 78,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 247,
["Telredor"] = 165,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 395,
["Telaar"] = 290,
["Toshley's Station"] = 93,
["Cosmowrench"] = 66,
["The Stormspire"] = 49,
["Shatter Point"] = 387,
["Shattrath"] = 262,
["Sylvanaar"] = 127,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 496,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 337,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 414,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 229,
["Honor Hold"] = 333,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 456,
["Theramore"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 260,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 506,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 266,
["Mudsprocket"] = 63,
["Nordrassil"] = 730,
["Ratchet"] = 114,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 337,
["Ramkahen"] = 325,
["Nijel's Point"] = 331,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 521,
["Gadgetzan"] = 147,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 240,
["Fort Triumph"] = 129,
["Mossy Pile"] = 257,
["Astranaar"] = 369,
["Feathermoon"] = 70,
["Darnassus"] = 660,
["Honor's Stand"] = 183,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 248,
["Grove of Aessina"] = 622,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 123,
["Stardust Spire"] = 294,
["Everlook"] = 412,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 547,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 339,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 354,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 387,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 241,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 352,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 401,
["Lor'danel"] = 499,
["Forest Song"] = 260,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 391,
["Shadebough"] = 201,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 361,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 587,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 81,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 339,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 205,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 355,
["Lorlathil"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 86,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 121,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 62,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 111,
["Shield's Rest"] = 225,
["Meredil"] = 70,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 134,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 51,
["Greywatch"] = 167,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 44,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 24,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 58,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 84,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 89,
["Illidari Stand"] = 75,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 155,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 110,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 144,
["Prepfoot"] = 160,
["Dalaran"] = 111,
["Bradensbrook"] = 30,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 111,
["Aalgen Point"] = 153,
["The Witchwood"] = 125,
["Vengeance Point"] = 133,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 59,
["Valdisdall"] = 153,
["Deliverance Point"] = 139,
["Thunder Totem"] = 112,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 52,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 58,
["Nesingwary"] = 111,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 131,
["Illidari Perch"] = 72,
["Felbane Camp"] = 121,
["Skyhorn"] = 133,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 97,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 165,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 71,
["Thorim's Peak"] = {
["Nastrondir"] = 54,
["Faronaar"] = 209,
["Southwind Station"] = {
["Old Drust Road"] = 54,
["Eastpoint Station"] = 27,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 87,
["Anglepoint Wharf"] = 121,
["Firebreaker Expedition"] = 48,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 280,
["The Incursion"] = 130,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 148,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 37,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 243,
["The Arboretum"] = 39,
["Halfhill"] = 145,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 57,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 187,
["Tushui Landing"] = 186,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 350,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 230,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 45,
["Tian Monastery"] = 93,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 129,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 88,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 101,
["Shield's Rest"] = 132,
["Meredil"] = 80,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 122,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 152,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 64,
["Greywatch"] = 124,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 112,
["Prepfoot"] = 56,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 61,
["Felbane Camp"] = 32,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 29,
["Illidari Stand"] = 125,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 78,
["Nastrondir"] = 85,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 56,
["Faronaar"] = 153,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 78,
["Lorlathil"] = 95,
["Eastern Suramar"] = 162,
["Eastern Highmountain"] = 54,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 59,
["Isle of the Watchers"] = 206,
["Bradensbrook"] = 98,
["Dalaran"] = 20,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 69,
["Western Suramar"] = 216,
["The Witchwood"] = 20,
["Vengeance Point"] = 144,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 111,
["Valdisdall"] = 105,
["Nesingwary"] = 24,
["Thunder Totem"] = 34,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 120,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 97,
["Deliverance Point"] = 174,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 53,
["Illidari Perch"] = 140,
["Thorim's Peak"] = 141,
["Skyhorn"] = 39,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 146,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 100,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 49,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 221,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 91,
["Iron Docks"] = 43,
["Highpass"] = 40,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 33,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 28,
["Redemption Rise"] = 99,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 151,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 162,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 64,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 138,
["Zangarra"] = 90,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 188,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 38,
["Shattrath City"] = 120,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 36,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 55,
["Deeproot"] = 48,
["Lion's Watch"] = 86,
["Sandy Beach"] = {
["Voldrin's Hold"] = 66,
["Tranquil Wash"] = 101,
["Darkbreak Cove"] = 155,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 294,
["Stormwind"] = 343,
["Iron Summit"] = 241,
["Booty Bay"] = 530,
["Ironforge"] = 190,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 60,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 353,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = 30,
["Exile's Rise"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 58,
["Southport"] = 98,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 58,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 81,
["Lion's Watch"] = 73,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 38,
["Twilight Glade"] = 34,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 139,
["Talon Watch"] = 64,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 81,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 53,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 27,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 95,
["Embaari Village"] = 21,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 134,
["Darktide Roost"] = 63,
["Crow's Crook"] = 74,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 60,
["Deeproot"] = 127,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 46,
["Western Suramar"] = {
["Eastern Suramar"] = 61,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 232,
["Nastrondir"] = 149,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = {
["Frosthold"] = 79,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 113,
["Ulduar"] = 44,
["Ebon Watch"] = 171,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 148,
["K3"] = 127,
["Moa'ki"] = 291,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 243,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 299,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 60,
["Dalaran"] = 142,
["River's Heart"] = 307,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 112,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = {
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 254,
["Zul'Aman"] = 232,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 267,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 992,
["The Sin'loren"] = 59,
["Stormwind"] = 851,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 915,
["Ironforge"] = 270,
["Darkshire"] = 913,
["Booty Bay"] = 1035,
["Thargad's Camp"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 140,
["Mudsprocket"] = 329,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 183,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 57,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 284,
["Fort Triumph"] = 334,
["Astranaar"] = 242,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 64,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 55,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 157,
["Feathermoon"] = 126,
["Nijel's Point"] = 102,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = {
["Talon Watch"] = 39,
["Southport"] = 70,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 206,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 89,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 116,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 45,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 68,
["Twilight Glade"] = 30,
["Darktide Roost"] = 31,
["Exile's Rise"] = 56,
["The Draakorium"] = 32,
["Path of the Light"] = 45,
["Fordragon Hold"] = {
["Frosthold"] = 128,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 153,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 87,
["Transitus Shield"] = 279,
["Westguard Keep"] = 207,
["Unu'pe"] = 170,
["Valiance Keep"] = 202,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 60,
["Ebon Watch"] = 119,
["Stars' Rest"] = 74,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 65,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 158,
["Kamagua"] = 264,
["Dalaran"] = 65,
["River's Heart"] = 262,
["Valgarde Port"] = 276,
["Forest Song"] = {
["Mudsprocket"] = 453,
["Nordrassil"] = 210,
["Theramore"] = 435,
["Stardust Spire"] = 182,
["Everlook"] = 306,
["Nijel's Point"] = 423,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 81,
["Lor'danel"] = 346,
["Gadgetzan"] = 553,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 169,
["Moonglade"] = 310,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 246,
["Astranaar"] = 141,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 194,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 111,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 238,
["Windshear Hold"] = 246,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 323,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 408,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 315,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 605,
["Ratchet"] = 163,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 56,
["The Incursion"] = 195,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 107,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 87,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 38,
["Longying Outpost"] = 53,
["Binan Village"] = 70,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 30,
["Westwind Rest"] = 26,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 109,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 88,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 174,
["Nesingwary"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 62,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 76,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 26,
["Lorlathil"] = 98,
["Meredil"] = 82,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 110,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 84,
["Dalaran"] = 144,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 57,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 64,
["Prepfoot"] = 67,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 54,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 112,
["The Witchwood"] = 24,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 81,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 64,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 28,
["Felbane Camp"] = 42,
["Deliverance Point"] = 175,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 41,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 113,
["Thunder Totem"] = 22,
["Skyhorn"] = 38,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 147,
["Valdisdall"] = 93,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 65,
["The Argent Stand"] = {
["Transitus Shield"] = 414,
["Light's Breach"] = 24,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 140,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 233,
["Dalaran"] = 120,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 71,
["Valgarde Port"] = 230,
["Frosthold"] = 136,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 287,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 334,
["Moa'ki"] = 196,
["Westguard Keep"] = 190,
["Zim'Torga"] = 42,
["Kamagua"] = 240,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 146,
["K3"] = 93,
["Ebon Watch"] = 53,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 144,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 107,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 156,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 230,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 164,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 106,
["Ironforge"] = {
["Eastwall Tower"] = 366,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 348,
["Thundermar"] = 267,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 379,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 375,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 257,
["Dun Modr"] = 191,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 260,
["Iron Summit"] = 103,
["Highbank"] = 282,
["Thelsamar"] = 81,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 163,
["Andorhal"] = 282,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 288,
["Fort Livingston"] = 346,
["Zul'Aman"] = 336,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 359,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 287,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 203,
["Northpass Tower"] = 352,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 259,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 297,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 161,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 147,
["Fuselight"] = 175,
["Thorium Point"] = 79,
["Goldshire"] = 181,
["Aerie Peak"] = 240,
["Kharanos"] = 45,
["Lakeshire"] = 221,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 166,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 116,
["Booty Bay"] = 314,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 56,
["Hearthglen"] = 340,
["Bogpaddle"] = 616,
["Thondroril River"] = 315,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 21,
["The Harborage"] = 267,
["Darkshire"] = 259,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 299,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 182,
["Sandy Beach"] = 187,
["Chiselgrip"] = 184,
["Flamestar Post"] = 149,
["Stormwind"] = 211,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 415,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 192,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 401,
["Rebel Camp"] = 228,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 147,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 228,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = {
["Freehold"] = 81,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 109,
["Fallhaven"] = 74,
["Bridgeport"] = 27,
["Arom's Stand"] = 109,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 54,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 110,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 65,
["Mariner's Row"] = 16,
["Norwington Estate"] = 39,
["Vigil Hill"] = 51,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 72,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 64,
["Hangman's Point"] = 57,
["Hatherford"] = 24,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 22,
["Brennadam"] = 66,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 63,
["Tidecross"] = 81,
["Sentinel Hill"] = {
["Kharanos"] = 287,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 194,
["Goldshire"] = 106,
["Aerie Peak"] = 484,
["Fort Livingston"] = 113,
["Lakeshire"] = 130,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 153,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 358,
["Booty Bay"] = 183,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 32,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 647,
["Iron Summit"] = 234,
["Thorium Point"] = 206,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 339,
["Thelsamar"] = 283,
["Darkshire"] = 90,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 182,
["Ironforge"] = 82,
["Raven Hill"] = 31,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 305,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 163,
["Stormwind"] = 87,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 187,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 595,
["Moonbrook"] = 23,
["Rebel Camp"] = 62,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 465,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 660,
["Telaari Station"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 154,
["Southport"] = 121,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 41,
["Highpass"] = 153,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 91,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 29,
["Redemption Rise"] = 95,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 142,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 29,
["Retribution Point"] = 73,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 42,
["Zangarra"] = 116,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 209,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 114,
["Shattrath City"] = 75,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 26,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 29,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 169,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 96,
["Embaari Village"] = 172,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 23,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 134,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 53,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 162,
["Meredil"] = 85,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 148,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 18,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 90,
["Greywatch"] = 180,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 75,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 113,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 134,
["Felbane Camp"] = 173,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 138,
["Illidari Stand"] = 35,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 212,
["Lorlathil"] = 92,
["Dalaran"] = 77,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 139,
["Vengeance Point"] = 91,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 53,
["The Witchwood"] = 174,
["Thunder Totem"] = 159,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 100,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 190,
["Deliverance Point"] = 107,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 163,
["Illidari Perch"] = 41,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 61,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 125,
["Bradensbrook"] = 118,
["Valdisdall"] = 166,
["Nesingwary"] = 158,
["Path of the Light"] = {
["Tranquil Court"] = 22,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 18,
["Lion's Watch"] = 80,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 55,
["Twilight Glade"] = 34,
["Embaari Village"] = 23,
["The Draakorium"] = 18,
["Retribution Point"] = 126,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 65,
["The Sunset Brewgarden"] = {
["Kota Basecamp"] = 99,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 117,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 34,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 131,
["The Briny Muck"] = 92,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 32,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 52,
["Highpass"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 97,
["Iron Docks"] = 55,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 167,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 22,
["Lion's Watch"] = 92,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 132,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 29,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 122,
["Bastion Rise"] = 50,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 67,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 25,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 129,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 40,
["Telaari Station"] = 146,
["Shattrath City"] = 99,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 42,
["Southport"] = 168,
["Deeproot"] = 32,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 134,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = {
["Honor's Stand"] = 134,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 52,
["Ratchet"] = 219,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 165,
["Forest Song"] = 253,
["Windshear Hold"] = 29,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 138,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 38,
["Astranaar"] = 122,
["Nijel's Point"] = 91,
["Tidecross"] = {
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 32,
["Fallhaven"] = 143,
["Bridgeport"] = 111,
["Seekers Vista"] = 54,
["Arom's Stand"] = 178,
["Fort Daelin"] = 66,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 65,
["Deadwash"] = 45,
["Mariner's Row"] = 97,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 87,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 31,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 173,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 114,
["Hatherford"] = 76,
["Vigil Hill"] = 136,
["Brennadam"] = 36,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 134,
["The Amber Waves"] = 48,
["Tranquil Wash"] = {
["Voldrin's Hold"] = 60,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = 113,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 35,
["Darkbreak Cove"] = 68,
["Sandy Beach"] = 98,
["Everlook"] = {
["Wildheart Point"] = 216,
["Moonglade"] = 111,
["Nordrassil"] = 129,
["Blood Watch"] = 412,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 491,
["Ramkahen"] = 893,
["Nijel's Point"] = 442,
["Lor'danel"] = 195,
["Gadgetzan"] = 537,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 416,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 108,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 226,
["Mossy Pile"] = 816,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 579,
["Feathermoon"] = 631,
["Darnassus"] = 366,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 641,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 726,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 255,
["Theramore"] = 405,
["Ethel Rethor"] = 392,
["The Exodar"] = 351,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 812,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 110,
["Astranaar"] = 296,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 216,
["Forest Song"] = 340,
["Fort Triumph"] = 554,
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 197,
["Ratchet"] = 502,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 387,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 798,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 157,
["Gates of Sothann"] = 211,
["Blood Watch"] = {
["Lor'danel"] = 228,
["The Exodar"] = 100,
["Dolanaar"] = 341,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 386,
["Azure Watch"] = 108,
["Nijel's Point"] = 578,
["Darnassus"] = 281,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 311,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 168,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = {
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 57,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 217,
["Exile's Rise"] = 29,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 150,
["Tranquil Court"] = 34,
["Darktide Roost"] = 62,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 95,
["Embaari Village"] = 26,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 75,
["Zangarra"] = 104,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 52,
["Twilight Glade"] = 38,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 153,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 65,
["Retribution Point"] = 119,
["Path of the Light"] = 24,
["Pang's Stead"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 127,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 56,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 29,
["Tushui Landing"] = 197,
["The Arboretum"] = 103,
["Halfhill"] = 56,
["Binan Village"] = 66,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 87,
["Grassy Cline"] = 26,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 249,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 36,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 132,
["Tian Monastery"] = 104,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = {
["Emperor's Omen"] = 40,
["Pang's Stead"] = 76,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 35,
["Grassy Cline"] = 100,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 111,
["The Briny Muck"] = 346,
["Tushui Landing"] = 142,
["The Arboretum"] = 28,
["Sri-La Village"] = 74,
["Halfhill"] = 126,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 78,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 178,
["Tian Monastery"] = 49,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 324,
["Longying Outpost"] = 270,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 70,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 38,
["Meredil"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 72,
["Hearthglen"] = 340,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 57,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 45,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 98,
["Shield's Rest"] = 142,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 72,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 71,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 96,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 25,
["Greywatch"] = 107,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 74,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 67,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 78,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 71,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 51,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 75,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 120,
["Illidari Stand"] = 72,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 76,
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 91,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 49,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 148,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 68,
["Lorlathil"] = 76,
["Prepfoot"] = 136,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 47,
["Embaari Village"] = 41,
["Booty Bay"] = 199,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 70,
["Dalaran"] = 69,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 64,
["Bradensbrook"] = 96,
["The Witchwood"] = 109,
["Vengeance Point"] = 73,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 58,
["The Iron Front"] = 86,
["Deliverance Point"] = 104,
["Thunder Totem"] = 94,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 89,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 115,
["Nesingwary"] = 94,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 90,
["Illidari Perch"] = 85,
["Valdisdall"] = 93,
["Skyhorn"] = 112,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 88,
["Aalgen Point"] = 94,
["Ulduar"] = 168,
["One Keg"] = {
["Halfhill"] = 197,
["Winter's Blossom"] = 99,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 52,
["Westwind Rest"] = 56,
["Zouchin Village"] = 73,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 24,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 106,
["Binan Village"] = 67,
["Zhu's Watch"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 93,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 89,
["Sri-La Village"] = 184,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 154,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 201,
["Pang's Stead"] = 34,
["Halfhill"] = 46,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 40,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 119,
["The Incursion"] = 83,
["Binan Village"] = 89,
["Lion's Landing"] = 76,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 200,
["Tian Monastery"] = 137,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 73,
["Vulture's Nest"] = 140,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 41,
["Xibala"] = 74,
["Atal'Gral"] = 52,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 81,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 68,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 59,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 62,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 68,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 168,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 104,
["Ulduar"] = 169,
["Ebon Watch"] = 130,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 33,
["Gundrak"] = 287,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 97,
["Dalaran"] = 71,
["Unu'pe"] = 285,
["Frosthold"] = 72,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 123,
["K3"] = 109,
["The Argent Stand"] = 194,
["River's Heart"] = 243,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 174,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 136,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 264,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 107,
["Moa'ki"] = 211,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 179,
["Unu'pe"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 227,
["Transitus Shield"] = 158,
["Stars' Rest"] = 97,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 79,
["Zim'Torga"] = 364,
["Valgarde Port"] = 382,
["Frosthold"] = 301,
["K3"] = 284,
["Amber Ledge"] = 122,
["Valiance Keep"] = 60,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 176,
["Dalaran"] = 240,
["Kamagua"] = 301,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 164,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 273,
["River's Heart"] = 142,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 160,
["Moa'ki"] = 118,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 202,
["Valgarde Port"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 282,
["Ulduar"] = 394,
["Transitus Shield"] = 534,
["Light's Breach"] = 210,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 336,
["Gundrak"] = 294,
["Stars' Rest"] = 329,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 537,
["Dalaran"] = 281,
["River's Heart"] = 482,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 310,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 168,
["Unu'pe"] = 425,
["Ebon Watch"] = 249,
["Kamagua"] = 96,
["Westguard Keep"] = 69,
["Amber Ledge"] = 497,
["K3"] = 289,
["Valiance Keep"] = 455,
["The Argent Stand"] = 249,
["Zim'Torga"] = 240,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 267,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 144,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 71,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 369,
["Moa'ki"] = 291,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 220,
["Eye of Azshara"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 66,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 126,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 100,
["Thunder Totem"] = 197,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 203,
["Lorlathil"] = 140,
["Deliverance Point"] = 94,
["Dalaran"] = 69,
["Illidari Camp"] = 86,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 133,
["Tidecross"] = 24,
["Fallhaven"] = 129,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 72,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 174,
["Arom's Stand"] = 163,
["Norwington Estate"] = 97,
["Anyport"] = 192,
["Deadwash"] = 50,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 128,
["Bridgeport"] = 97,
["Vigil Hill"] = 121,
["Falconhurst"] = 194,
["Hangman's Point"] = 110,
["Hatherford"] = 61,
["Seekers Vista"] = 70,
["Brennadam"] = 21,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 66,
["The Amber Waves"] = 33,
["The Lion's Redoubt"] = {
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 213,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = {
["Moonglade"] = 67,
["Honor's Stand"] = 348,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 809,
["Everlook"] = 109,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 175,
["Nijel's Point"] = 337,
["Lor'danel"] = 115,
["Gadgetzan"] = 702,
["Feathermoon"] = 525,
["Dolanaar"] = 218,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 129,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 282,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 185,
["Forest Song"] = 233,
["Ratchet"] = 418,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 120,
["Theramore"] = 542,
["Astranaar"] = 209,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 830,
["Whisperwind Grove"] = 52,
["Darnassus"] = 285,
["Tranquil Court"] = {
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 30,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 120,
["Lion's Watch"] = 103,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 100,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 75,
["The Draakorium"] = 27,
["Darktide Roost"] = 58,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 216,
["Retribution Point"] = 142,
["Path of the Light"] = 23,
["Starsong Refuge"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 112,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 127,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 84,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 72,
["Meredil"] = 66,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 125,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 136,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 48,
["Greywatch"] = 161,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 92,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 38,
["Felbane Camp"] = 82,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 49,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 116,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 126,
["Lorlathil"] = 55,
["Dalaran"] = 129,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 84,
["Prepfoot"] = 122,
["Vengeance Point"] = 131,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 107,
["The Witchwood"] = 88,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 56,
["Thunder Totem"] = 72,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 79,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 136,
["Deliverance Point"] = 160,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 92,
["Illidari Perch"] = 120,
["Nesingwary"] = 73,
["Skyhorn"] = 94,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 130,
["Bradensbrook"] = 57,
["Valdisdall"] = 143,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = {
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 63,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 79,
["Kharanos"] = 146,
["Northpass Tower"] = 390,
["Andorhal"] = 214,
["Chiselgrip"] = 293,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 162,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 300,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 53,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 30,
["Ironforge"] = 141,
["Dun Modr"] = 29,
["Aerie Peak"] = 149,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 166,
["Fort Triumph"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 268,
["Mudsprocket"] = 66,
["Honor's Stand"] = 103,
["Ratchet"] = 121,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 125,
["Nijel's Point"] = 227,
["Gadgetzan"] = 169,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 161,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 307,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 332,
["Forest Song"] = 384,
["Shadebough"] = 208,
["Windshear Hold"] = 221,
["Northwatch Hold"] = 76,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 347,
["Astranaar"] = 254,
["Feathermoon"] = 292,
["Theramore"] = 118,
["Longying Outpost"] = {
["Winter's Blossom"] = 34,
["Zouchin Village"] = 158,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 49,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 40,
["Halfhill"] = 281,
["Binan Village"] = 66,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 129,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 102,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 205,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 41,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 187,
["Sri-La Village"] = 281,
["Ebon Watch"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 34,
["Light's Breach"] = 45,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 141,
["Gundrak"] = 158,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 180,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 94,
["Zim'Torga"] = 104,
["Valgarde Port"] = 251,
["Westguard Keep"] = 182,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 89,
["K3"] = 41,
["Moa'ki"] = 144,
["The Argent Stand"] = 63,
["Kamagua"] = 239,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 91,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 135,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 220,
["Dalaran"] = 67,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 112,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 62,
["Ethel Rethor"] = {
["Thargad's Camp"] = 51,
["Honor's Stand"] = 196,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 39,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 261,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 52,
["Mossy Pile"] = 346,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 159,
["Astranaar"] = 209,
["Feathermoon"] = 160,
["Nijel's Point"] = 66,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = {
["Southport"] = 120,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 159,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 58,
["Telaari Station"] = 30,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 44,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 54,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 44,
["Fort Wildervar"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 235,
["Transitus Shield"] = 474,
["Light's Breach"] = 162,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 380,
["Dalaran"] = 214,
["Zim'Torga"] = 169,
["Valgarde Port"] = 74,
["Frosthold"] = 284,
["Westguard Keep"] = 80,
["Valiance Keep"] = 412,
["The Argent Stand"] = 179,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 97,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 97,
["River's Heart"] = 463,
["K3"] = 241,
["Kamagua"] = 130,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 178,
["Skyhorn"] = {
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 70,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 69,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 122,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 42,
["Shield's Rest"] = 100,
["Meredil"] = 98,
["Lorlathil"] = 118,
["The Witchwood"] = 45,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 57,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 85,
["Greywatch"] = 104,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 68,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 131,
["Valdisdall"] = 86,
["Prepfoot"] = 37,
["Thunder Totem"] = 29,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 35,
["Felbane Camp"] = 66,
["Nesingwary"] = 33,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 48,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 89,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 101,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 78,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 167,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 83,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 58,
["Deeproot"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 174,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 86,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 50,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 114,
["Highpass"] = 33,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 35,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 75,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 31,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 95,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 52,
["Bastion Rise"] = 24,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 46,
["Telaari Station"] = 149,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 101,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 60,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 118,
["Ramkahen"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 293,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 94,
["Mudsprocket"] = 285,
["Nordrassil"] = 941,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 242,
["Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge"] = 215,
["Nijel's Point"] = 456,
["Thunk's Abode"] = 468,
["Gadgetzan"] = 165,
["Theramore"] = 317,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 80,
["Honor's Stand"] = 453,
["Mossy Pile"] = 215,
["Fort Triumph"] = 350,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 810,
["Shadebough"] = 353,
["Ratchet"] = 579,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 84,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 318,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 145,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 130,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 638,
["Aktar's Post"] = {
["Malo's Lookout"] = 24,
["The Iron Front"] = 35,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 51,
["Lion's Watch"] = 53,
["Bastion Rise"] = 25,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 54,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 27,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 81,
["Zangarra"] = 42,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = {
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 76,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 157,
["K3"] = 47,
["Ebon Watch"] = 46,
["Westguard Keep"] = 196,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 265,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 70,
["Valiance Keep"] = 312,
["The Argent Stand"] = 110,
["Stars' Rest"] = 185,
["Kamagua"] = 253,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 147,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 161,
["Dalaran"] = 48,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 181,
["Valgarde Port"] = 265,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 312,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 71,
["Transitus Shield"] = 320,
["Light's Breach"] = 89,
["Stars' Rest"] = 115,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 261,
["Dalaran"] = 118,
["Unu'pe"] = 211,
["Valgarde Port"] = 195,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 240,
["Westguard Keep"] = 126,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 96,
["Valiance Keep"] = 88,
["Ebon Watch"] = 64,
["The Argent Stand"] = 128,
["Kamagua"] = 177,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 54,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 77,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 191,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 155,
["Moa'ki"] = 99,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 158,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 127,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 52,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 108,
["Shield's Rest"] = 152,
["Meredil"] = 116,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 75,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 141,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 130,
["Zul'Aman"] = 151,
["Thelsamar"] = 450,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 170,
["Felbane Camp"] = 194,
["Illidari Stand"] = 151,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 119,
["Aalgen Point"] = 37,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 280,
["Goldshire"] = 618,
["Aerie Peak"] = 210,
["Lorlathil"] = 182,
["Lakeshire"] = 578,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 546,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 380,
["Booty Bay"] = 759,
["Bradensbrook"] = 200,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 146,
["Thorium Point"] = 462,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 212,
["Vengeance Point"] = 59,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 144,
["Darkshire"] = 637,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 605,
["Thunder Totem"] = 165,
["Valdisdall"] = 104,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 121,
["Deliverance Point"] = 61,
["Stormwind"] = 580,
["Illidari Perch"] = 167,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 637,
["Skyhorn"] = 167,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 145,
["Ironforge"] = 413,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 190,
["Veiled Grotto"] = {
["Scaletrader Post"] = 83,
["Xibala"] = 81,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 72,
["Atal'Gral"] = 110,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 101,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 72,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = 65,
["Fort Victory"] = 106,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 53,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 99,
["Goldshire"] = {
["Camp Everstill"] = 118,
["Shattered Beachhead"] = 163,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 201,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 339,
["Fuselight"] = 254,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 203,
["Lakeshire"] = 97,
["Booty Bay"] = 218,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 69,
["Iron Summit"] = 180,
["Ironforge"] = 235,
["The Harborage"] = 115,
["Darkshire"] = 68,
["Kharanos"] = 233,
["Andorhal"] = 473,
["Chiselgrip"] = 189,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 243,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 56,
["Stormwind"] = 25,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 152,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 92,
["Moonbrook"] = 116,
["Rebel Camp"] = 111,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 406,
["Thelsamar"] = 293,
["Fort Livingston"] = {
["Shattered Beachhead"] = 179,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 256,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 208,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 43,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 227,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 424,
["Booty Bay"] = 96,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 357,
["Iron Summit"] = 296,
["Thelsamar"] = 343,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 190,
["Darkshire"] = 99,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 505,
["Chiselgrip"] = 244,
["Surwich"] = 152,
["Stormwind"] = 147,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 120,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 434,
["Moonbrook"] = 143,
["Rebel Camp"] = 54,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 290,
["Raven Hill"] = 89,
["Voldrin's Hold"] = {
["Tranquil Wash"] = 45,
["Ironforge"] = 261,
["Darkbreak Cove"] = 81,
["Iron Summit"] = 311,
["Sandy Beach"] = 71,
["Stardust Spire"] = {
["Darnassus"] = 389,
["Blood Watch"] = 433,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 175,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 143,
["Honor's Stand"] = 102,
["Northwatch Expedition Base Camp"] = 65,
["Ratchet"] = 190,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = 91,
["Forest Song"] = 173,
["Everlook"] = 360,
["Windshear Hold"] = 63,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 125,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 95,
["Astranaar"] = 39,
["Nijel's Point"] = 94,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 277,
["Kennings Lodge"] = {
["Freehold"] = 31,
["Outrigger Post"] = 129,
["Fallhaven"] = 86,
["Mariner's Row"] = 48,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 67,
["Castaway Point"] = 32,
["Vigil Hill"] = 53,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 140,
["Arom's Stand"] = 119,
["Hatherford"] = 74,
["Bridgeport"] = 29,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 156,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 67,
["Seekers Vista"] = 161,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = {
["Veiled Grotto"] = 41,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 49,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 76,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 65,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 113,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 34,
["Fort Victory"] = 89,
["Norwington Estate"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 46,
["Hangman's Point"] = 36,
["Fallhaven"] = 54,
["Bridgeport"] = 57,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 86,
["Arom's Stand"] = 81,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 84,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 73,
["Deadwash"] = 98,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 47,
["Castaway Point"] = 112,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 27,
["Mariner's Row"] = 48,
["The Amber Waves"] = 78,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 38,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 83,
["Vigil Hill"] = 51,
["Seekers Vista"] = 104,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 75,
["Hatherford"] = 34,
["Tidecross"] = 93,
["Brennadam"] = 78,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 26,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 53,
["Highbank"] = {
["Zul'Aman"] = 553,
["Thelsamar"] = 171,
["Thundermar"] = 106,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 235,
["Andorhal"] = 417,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 148,
["Victor's Point"] = 91,
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = 50,
["Kirthaven"] = 93,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 365,
["Ironforge"] = 280,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 215,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = {
["Frosthold"] = 131,
["Transitus Shield"] = 492,
["K3"] = 88,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 222,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 180,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 230,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 26,
["River's Heart"] = 476,
["Dalaran"] = 158,
["Westfall Brigade"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 394,
["Light's Breach"] = 144,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 157,
["Gundrak"] = 126,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 313,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 392,
["Zim'Torga"] = 73,
["Valgarde Port"] = 158,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 350,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 226,
["Westguard Keep"] = 161,
["Dalaran"] = 200,
["Valiance Keep"] = 394,
["Kamagua"] = 211,
["The Argent Stand"] = 82,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 222,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 207,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 78,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 86,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 304,
["Moa'ki"] = 251,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 159,
["Tushui Landing"] = {
["Tian Monastery"] = 191,
["The Arboretum"] = 168,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 243,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 141,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = 345,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 345,
["Lion's Landing"] = 253,
["Halfhill"] = 268,
["Binan Village"] = 281,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 176,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 303,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 463,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 251,
["Serpent's Overlook"] = 179,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 210,
["Thondroril River"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 39,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 195,
["Northpass Tower"] = 105,
["Andorhal"] = 80,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 329,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 100,
["Ironforge"] = 311,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 45,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 109,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 58,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 80,
["Vengeance Point"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 83,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 76,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 103,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 159,
["Lorlathil"] = 138,
["Meredil"] = 72,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 68,
["Bradensbrook"] = 156,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 97,
["Greywatch"] = 100,
["Valdisdall"] = 98,
["Thunder Totem"] = 160,
["Dalaran"] = 50,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 114,
["Deliverance Point"] = 40,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 137,
["Illidari Perch"] = 123,
["Aalgen Point"] = 30,
["Skyhorn"] = 161,
["Illidari Stand"] = 107,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 101,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 113,
["Shattrath"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 205,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 165,
["Area 52"] = 235,
["Telredor"] = 84,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 51,
["Telaar"] = 88,
["Toshley's Station"] = 123,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 139,
["The Stormspire"] = 284,
["Shatter Point"] = 165,
["Sylvanaar"] = 175,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 234,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 75,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 153,
["Cosmowrench"] = 301,
["Honor Hold"] = 111,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 195,
["The Exodar"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 688,
["Lor'danel"] = 102,
["Gadgetzan"] = 688,
["Moonglade"] = 12,
["Blood Watch"] = 88,
["Darnassus"] = 211,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 273,
["Forest Song"] = 440,
["Azure Watch"] = 39,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 193,
["Astranaar"] = 335,
["Everlook"] = 359,
["Farwatcher's Glen"] = 477,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 800,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 99,
["Darktide Roost"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 120,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 28,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 239,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 59,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 116,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 114,
["Shattrath City"] = 130,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 79,
["Twilight Glade"] = 54,
["Deeproot"] = 170,
["Exile's Rise"] = 61,
["The Draakorium"] = 31,
["Embaari Village"] = 49,
["Thorium Point"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 137,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 134,
["Aerie Peak"] = 398,
["Lakeshire"] = 123,
["Iron Summit"] = 24,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 160,
["Booty Bay"] = 313,
["Dun Modr"] = 206,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 302,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 134,
["Flamestar Post"] = 71,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 463,
["Highbank"] = 268,
["Darkshire"] = 439,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 35,
["Thelsamar"] = 88,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 180,
["Chiselgrip"] = 106,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 251,
["Stormwind"] = 126,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 88,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 192,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 445,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 449,
["Ironforge"] = 89,
["Bogpaddle"] = 159,
["Stormwind"] = {
["Camp Everstill"] = 135,
["Kharanos"] = 214,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 149,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 557,
["Thundermar"] = 422,
["Hearthglen"] = 409,
["Light's Shield Tower"] = 565,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 182,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 196,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 271,
["Highbank"] = 404,
["Raven Hill"] = 103,
["Dun Modr"] = 343,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 429,
["Iron Summit"] = 160,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 73,
["Shattered Beachhead"] = 194,
["Zul'Aman"] = 622,
["Thelsamar"] = 224,
["Stormwind"] = 65,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 198,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 334,
["Andorhal"] = 454,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 88,
["Surwich"] = 267,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 165,
["Chiselgrip"] = 185,
["Crown Guard Tower"] = 530,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 471,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 588,
["Northpass Tower"] = 202,
["Voldrin's Hold"] = 414,
["The Menders' Stead"] = 470,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 283,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 232,
["Fuselight"] = 251,
["Goldshire"] = 31,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 291,
["Aerie Peak"] = 412,
["Ironforge"] = 216,
["Lakeshire"] = 113,
["Victor's Point"] = 495,
["Flamestar Post"] = 207,
["Booty Bay"] = 198,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 50,
["Bogpaddle"] = 199,
["Sandy Beach"] = 348,
["Thondroril River"] = 486,
["Shattered Sun Staging Area"] = 280,
["The Harborage"] = 159,
["Darkshire"] = 116,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 176,
["Thorium Point"] = 136,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 375,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 180,
["Moonbrook"] = 97,
["Thondoril River"] = 337,
["Firebeard's Patrol"] = 312,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 315,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 575,
["Rebel Camp"] = 92,
["Fort Livingston"] = 144,
["Eastwall Tower"] = 541,
["Old Hillsbrad Foothills"] = {
["Durnholde Keep"] = 88,
["Deliverance Point"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 89,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 125,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 88,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 185,
["Shield's Rest"] = 168,
["Meredil"] = 101,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 92,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 97,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 112,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 88,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 127,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 156,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 157,
["Felbane Camp"] = 196,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 161,
["Illidari Stand"] = 113,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 136,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 99,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 51,
["Lorlathil"] = 134,
["Bradensbrook"] = 161,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 148,
["Dalaran"] = 55,
["Vengeance Point"] = 30,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 111,
["Valdisdall"] = 122,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 133,
["Thunder Totem"] = 182,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 153,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 138,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 163,
["Shadebough"] = 213,
["Illidari Perch"] = 128,
["Greywatch"] = 123,
["Aalgen Point"] = 30,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 107,
["The Witchwood"] = 198,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 235,
["Moonbrook"] = {
["Camp Everstill"] = 181,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 486,
["Goldshire"] = 132,
["Fort Livingston"] = 139,
["Lakeshire"] = 168,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 388,
["Ironforge"] = 315,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 58,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 531,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 364,
["Darkshire"] = 117,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 188,
["Stormwind"] = 111,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 26,
["Rebel Camp"] = 90,
["Thelsamar"] = 373,
["Raven Hill"] = 57,
["Watchman's Rise"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 65,
["Hangman's Point"] = 68,
["Fallhaven"] = 45,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 124,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 20,
["Falconhurst"] = 47,
["Norwington Estate"] = 80,
["Anyport"] = 26,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 78,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 130,
["Seekers Vista"] = 160,
["Vigil Hill"] = 86,
["Brennadam"] = 155,
["The Amber Waves"] = 155,
["Hatherford"] = 112,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 123,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 83,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 61,
["Arom's Stand"] = 28,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = {
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 33,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 78,
["Northpass Tower"] = 293,
["Aerie Peak"] = 149,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 78,
["Raven Hill"] = 388,
["Dun Modr"] = 28,
["Thelsamar"] = 91,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 25,
["Andorhal"] = 213,
["Thundermar"] = 107,
["Stormwind"] = 238,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 68,
["Kharanos"] = 187,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 326,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 161,
["Thorium Point"] = 172,
["Ironforge"] = 166,
["Wildwood Wash"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 61,
["Aktar's Post"] = 51,
["Highpass"] = 34,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 107,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 27,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 39,
["Lion's Watch"] = 70,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 53,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 138,
["Shattrath City"] = 117,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 58,
["Bastion Rise"] = 64,
["Deeproot"] = 47,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 88,
["Temple of the White Tiger"] = {
["Sri-La Village"] = 245,
["The Incursion"] = 201,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 113,
["Zouchin Village"] = 40,
["One Keg"] = 39,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 189,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 195,
["Halfhill"] = 161,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = 89,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 124,
["Westwind Rest"] = 62,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 238,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 81,
["Binan Village"] = 74,
["Tushui Landing"] = 328,
["Dalaran"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 55,
["Ebon Watch"] = 81,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 88,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 52,
["Meredil"] = 63,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 92,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 39,
["Unu'pe"] = 269,
["Valgarde Port"] = 281,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 64,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 90,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 120,
["Illidari Camp"] = 43,
["Kamagua"] = 298,
["Felbane Camp"] = 161,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 198,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 300,
["Illidari Stand"] = 79,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 99,
["Death's Rise"] = 206,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 53,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 88,
["Light's Breach"] = 126,
["Gundrak"] = 238,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 246,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 122,
["Bradensbrook"] = 125,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 215,
["Thondroril River"] = 119,
["Vengeance Point"] = 43,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 75,
["The Witchwood"] = 163,
["Valiance Keep"] = 261,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 139,
["Deliverance Point"] = 56,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 127,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 120,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 166,
["Ulduar"] = 168,
["Transitus Shield"] = 352,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 155,
["Shield's Rest"] = 169,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 183,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 135,
["River's Heart"] = 211,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 78,
["Frosthold"] = 71,
["Westguard Keep"] = 249,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 100,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 126,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 114,
["Moa'ki"] = 159,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 195,
["Aalgen Point"] = 63,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 103,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 67,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 201,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 123,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 32,
["Lorlathil"] = 98,
["Greywatch"] = 124,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 150,
["Victor's Point"] = 91,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 154,
["Forest Song"] = 293,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 77,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 113,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 118,
["Stars' Rest"] = 173,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 160,
["Nesingwary"] = 147,
["Valdisdall"] = 122,
["Amber Ledge"] = 317,
["Thunder Totem"] = 147,
["K3"] = 54,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 128,
["The Argent Stand"] = 144,
["Shadebough"] = 145,
["Illidari Perch"] = 93,
["Prepfoot"] = 177,
["Skyhorn"] = 151,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 73,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 274,
["Zim'Torga"] = 185,
["Cosmowrench"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 145,
["Shatter Point"] = 451,
["Shattrath"] = 326,
["Sylvanaar"] = 192,
["Area 52"] = 64,
["Telredor"] = 229,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 401,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 559,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 291,
["The Stormspire"] = 61,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 64,
["Caverns of Time"] = {
["Caverns of Time"] = 59,
["Iron Docks"] = {
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 167,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 28,
["Zangarra"] = 134,
["Highpass"] = 56,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 66,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 46,
["Deeproot"] = 78,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 49,
["Ulduar"] = {
["Frosthold"] = 103,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 162,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 48,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 346,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 269,
["K3"] = 151,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 104,
["Gundrak"] = 207,
["Dalaran"] = 167,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 285,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 104,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 288,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 108,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 163,
["Zim'Torga"] = 154,
["Valgarde Port"] = 369,
["Transitus Shield"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 322,
["Ebon Watch"] = 260,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 238,
["Stars' Rest"] = 140,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 103,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 299,
["Dalaran"] = 223,
["Unu'pe"] = 95,
["Valgarde Port"] = 348,
["Frosthold"] = 264,
["Westguard Keep"] = 319,
["Amber Ledge"] = 30,
["Valiance Keep"] = 74,
["River's Heart"] = 94,
["Kamagua"] = 295,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 198,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 52,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 344,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 182,
["Moa'ki"] = 173,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 221,
["Vault of the Earth"] = {
["Malo's Lookout"] = 29,
["The Iron Front"] = 45,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 60,
["Aktar's Post"] = 45,
["Lion's Watch"] = 18,
["Redemption Rise"] = 71,
["Embaari Village"] = 63,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 130,
["Zangarra"] = 45,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 27,
["Exile's Rise"] = 49,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 48,
["Emperor's Omen"] = {
["Paw'Don Village"] = 114,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 38,
["Sri-La Village"] = 22,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 198,
["Tian Monastery"] = 22,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 325,
["Schnottz's Landing"] = 129,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 461,
["Mossy Pile"] = 207,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 314,
["Cenarion Hold"] = 103,
["Theramore"] = 596,
["Ramkahen"] = 121,
["Shield's Rest"] = {
["Crimson Thicket"] = 107,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 86,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 131,
["Lorlathil"] = 202,
["Meredil"] = 141,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 89,
["Dalaran"] = 178,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 113,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 162,
["Greywatch"] = 56,
["Valdisdall"] = 61,
["Prepfoot"] = 87,
["Thunder Totem"] = 114,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 227,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 62,
["Bradensbrook"] = 204,
["Skyhorn"] = 97,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 217,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 167,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 125,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = {
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 238,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 331,
["Goldshire"] = 200,
["Aerie Peak"] = 616,
["Fort Livingston"] = 44,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 268,
["Booty Bay"] = 53,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 398,
["Raven Hill"] = 130,
["Iron Summit"] = 337,
["Thelsamar"] = 383,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 230,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 628,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 401,
["Chiselgrip"] = 284,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 546,
["Surwich"] = 192,
["Lakeshire"] = 193,
["Stormwind"] = 188,
["Moonbrook"] = 224,
["Rebel Camp"] = 95,
["Darkshire"] = 140,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 248,
["Beeble's Wreck"] = {
["Zouchin Village"] = 53,
["Pang's Stead"] = 226,
["Halfhill"] = 255,
["Longying Outpost"] = 225,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 165,
["Westwind Rest"] = 146,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 280,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 203,
["One Keg"] = 115,
["Tushui Landing"] = 476,
["Zangarra"] = {
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 121,
["Southport"] = 113,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 165,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 53,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 38,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 61,
["Aktar's Post"] = 38,
["Redemption Rise"] = 48,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 157,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 52,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 109,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 125,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 142,
["Veil Terokk"] = 95,
["Exile's Rise"] = 80,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 98,
["The Iron Front"] = 34,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 40,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 138,
["Bastion Rise"] = 40,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 100,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 38,
["Telaari Station"] = 134,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 161,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 156,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = 32,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 152,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 156,
["Lion's Watch"] = 54,
["Deeproot"] = 99,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 87,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 94,
["Socrethar's Rise"] = 92,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 75,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 134,
["Lion's Watch"] = 126,
["Embaari Village"] = 90,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 39,
["Exile's Rise"] = 78,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 52,
["Zangarra"] = 68,
["Retribution Point"] = 30,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 83,
["Shattrath City"] = 36,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 39,
["Redemption Rise"] = 43,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 98,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 58,
["Raven Hill"] = {
["The Menders' Stead"] = 584,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 366,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 470,
["Goldshire"] = 126,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 130,
["Lakeshire"] = 118,
["Ironforge"] = 330,
["Iron Summit"] = 277,
["The Harborage"] = 164,
["Darkshire"] = 62,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 154,
["Andorhal"] = 118,
["Chiselgrip"] = 210,
["Surwich"] = 245,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 173,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 42,
["Stormwind"] = 127,
["Rebel Camp"] = 40,
["Fort Livingston"] = 90,
["Booty Bay"] = 153,
["Darkshire"] = {
["Kharanos"] = 290,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 115,
["Fort Livingston"] = 98,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 136,
["Raven Hill"] = 63,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 503,
["Iron Summit"] = 229,
["Thelsamar"] = 270,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 367,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 97,
["Surwich"] = 189,
["Moonbrook"] = 110,
["Shattered Beachhead"] = 103,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 199,
["Goldshire"] = 55,
["Aerie Peak"] = 494,
["Lakeshire"] = 60,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 337,
["Ironforge"] = 268,
["Bogpaddle"] = 147,
["The Harborage"] = 106,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 587,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 97,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 265,
["Chiselgrip"] = 152,
["Gol'Bolar Quarry"] = 1044,
["Explorers' League Digsite"] = 138,
["Stormwind"] = 88,
["Thorium Point"] = 188,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 87,
["Booty Bay"] = 172,
["Rebel Camp"] = 48,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 640,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 451,
["Zim'Torga"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 138,
["Ulduar"] = 154,
["Ebon Watch"] = 105,
["Light's Breach"] = 76,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 85,
["Gundrak"] = 53,
["Stars' Rest"] = 261,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 405,
["Dalaran"] = 172,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 56,
["Valgarde Port"] = 214,
["Westguard Keep"] = 217,
["Valiance Keep"] = 388,
["The Argent Stand"] = 53,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 197,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 135,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 142,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 281,
["K3"] = 146,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 158,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = {
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 32,
["Telaari Station"] = 36,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 147,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 192,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 10,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 131,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 154,
["Nivek's Overlook"] = 49,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 39,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 163,
["Exile's Rise"] = 180,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 20,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 251,
["Telaari Station"] = 198,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 163,
["Twilight Glade"] = 216,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 163,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 40,
["Deeproot"] = 75,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 68,
["Winter's Blossom"] = {
["The Incursion"] = 134,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 144,
["Zouchin Village"] = 124,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = 77,
["Shado-Pan Fallback"] = 56,
["Lion's Landing"] = 245,
["Binan Village"] = 132,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 253,
["Westwind Rest"] = 78,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 100,
["Kota Basecamp"] = 26,
["Longying Outpost"] = 34,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 127,
["The Arboretum"] = {
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 27,
["Zouchin Village"] = 268,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 65,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 279,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 31,
["Westwind Rest"] = 218,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 165,
["Tushui Landing"] = 167,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 103,
["Sri-La Village"] = 50,
["Halfhill"] = 152,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 84,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 187,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 94,
["Tian Monastery"] = 75,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 66,
["The Incursion"] = 192,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = {
["Ulduar"] = 170,
["Ebon Watch"] = 71,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 165,
["Stars' Rest"] = 45,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 128,
["River's Heart"] = 170,
["Valgarde Port"] = 160,
["Frosthold"] = 105,
["Westguard Keep"] = 114,
["Amber Ledge"] = 157,
["Kamagua"] = 148,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 161,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 81,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 171,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 79,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 39,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 34,
["Death's Rise"] = 189,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 77,
["Light's Breach"] = 90,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 80,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 179,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 140,
["Dalaran"] = 63,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 165,
["K3"] = 98,
["Deliverance Point"] = 57,
["Unu'pe"] = 109,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 83,
["Moa'ki"] = 36,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 164,
["Valiance Keep"] = 129,
["Transitus Shield"] = 181,
["Vengeance Point"] = 44,
["Westguard Keep"] = {
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 214,
["Transitus Shield"] = 465,
["Light's Breach"] = 143,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 311,
["Stars' Rest"] = 260,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 361,
["Dalaran"] = 249,
["Unu'pe"] = 357,
["Valgarde Port"] = 69,
["Frosthold"] = 265,
["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] = 385,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 241,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 183,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 269,
["Amber Ledge"] = 429,
["Valiance Keep"] = 387,
["Zim'Torga"] = 227,
["Kamagua"] = 51,
["K3"] = 221,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 200,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 77,
["Fort Wildervar"] = 85,
["River's Heart"] = 438,
["Moa'ki"] = 244,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 151,
["Honor Hold"] = {
["Evergrove"] = 278,
["Shatter Point"] = 57,
["Shattrath"] = 120,
["Sylvanaar"] = 248,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 76,
["Area 52"] = 309,
["Telredor"] = 156,
["Hellfire Peninsula"] = 64,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 118,
["Altar of Sha'tar"] = 277,
["Telaar"] = 207,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 196,
["Toshley's Station"] = 225,
["Cosmowrench"] = 374,
["Orebor Harborage"] = 219,
["Sanctum of the Stars"] = 238,
["Embaari Village"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 193,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 91,
["Highpass"] = 143,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 38,
["Twilight Glade"] = 21,
["Exile's Rise"] = 19,
["Path of the Light"] = 30,
["Bastion Rise"] = 102,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 52,
["Tranquil Court"] = 46,
["Elodor (Alliance)"] = 26,
["Zangarra"] = 85,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 153,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 94,
["Telaari Station"] = 152,
["Darktide Roost"] = 48,
["The Draakorium"] = 29,
["Crow's Crook"] = 82,
["Veil Terokk"] = 80,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 74,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 47,
["Blackfathom Camp"] = {
["Tower of Estulan"] = 411,
["Wildheart Point"] = 126,
["Karnum's Glade"] = 242,
["Nijel's Point"] = 196,
["Lor'danel"] = 159,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 220,
["Ratchet"] = 253,
["Forest Song"] = 194,
["Thal'darah Overlook"] = 136,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 557,
["Fort Triumph"] = 304,
["Emerald Sanctuary"] = 110,
["Windshear Hold"] = 163,
["Grove of the Ancients"] = 68,
["Shrine of Aviana"] = 338,
["Dreamer's Rest"] = 329,
["Astranaar"] = 60,
["Mirkfallon Post"] = 176,
["Darnassus"] = 330,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = {
["Vulture's Nest"] = 34,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 146,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 95,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 61,
["Atal'Gral"] = 178,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 116,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 83,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 57,
["Fort Victory"] = 85,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 146,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 90,
["Greywatch"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 159,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 53,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 140,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 132,
["Shield's Rest"] = 50,
["Meredil"] = 110,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 41,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 172,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 122,
["Prepfoot"] = 92,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 158,
["Felbane Camp"] = 148,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 123,
["Illidari Stand"] = 167,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 57,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 133,
["Lorlathil"] = 173,
["Dalaran"] = 131,
["Aalgen Point"] = 132,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 118,
["Valdisdall"] = 22,
["The Witchwood"] = 131,
["Bradensbrook"] = 194,
["Thunder Totem"] = 101,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 175,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 41,
["Nesingwary"] = 116,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 79,
["Illidari Perch"] = 181,
["Deliverance Point"] = 127,
["Skyhorn"] = 103,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 177,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 75,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 211,
["Marista"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 138,
["The Incursion"] = 63,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 51,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 85,
["Serpent's Spine"] = 198,
["Hatherford"] = {
["Outrigger Post"] = 79,
["Hangman's Point"] = 55,
["Fallhaven"] = 73,
["Bridgeport"] = 44,
["Castaway Point"] = 98,
["Arom's Stand"] = 109,
["Norwington Estate"] = 39,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 80,
["Deadwash"] = 64,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 120,
["Falconhurst"] = 139,
["Brennadam"] = 47,
["Mariner's Row"] = 30,
["Seekers Vista"] = 92,
["The Amber Waves"] = 48,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 53,
["Vigil Hill"] = 68,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 19,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 111,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 24,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 90,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 61,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 62,
["Tidecross"] = 63,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = {
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 60,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 32,
["Joz's Rylaks"] = 113,
["Redemption Rise"] = 35,
["Bastion Rise"] = 65,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 158,
["Retribution Point"] = 56,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 31,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 99,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 80,
["Zangarra"] = 36,
["Yrel's Watch"] = 109,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 72,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 163,
["Shattrath City"] = 33,
["Crow's Crook"] = 53,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 98,
["Exile's Rise"] = 62,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 46,
["Brennadam"] = {
["Shrine of the Storm"] = 63,
["Fallhaven"] = 112,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 57,
["The Amber Waves"] = 19,
["Arom's Stand"] = 148,
["Norwington Estate"] = 81,
["Fort Daelin"] = 55,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 52,
["Deadwash"] = 36,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 160,
["Hangman's Point"] = 94,
["Vigil Hill"] = 105,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 28,
["Tidecross"] = 35,
["Hatherford"] = 45,
["Seekers Vista"] = 63,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 101,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 103,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 112,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 45,
["The Incursion"] = 75,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 74,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 203,
["Halfhill"] = 68,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 145,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 135,
["Westwind Rest"] = 196,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 38,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 106,
["Lion's Landing"] = 126,
["Marista"] = 93,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 137,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 44,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 24,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 87,
["Shield's Rest"] = 88,
["Meredil"] = 79,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 57,
["Lorlathil"] = 143,
["Dalaran"] = 109,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 41,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 93,
["Greywatch"] = 61,
["The Witchwood"] = 85,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 123,
["Valdisdall"] = 43,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 130,
["Thunder Totem"] = 56,
["Illidari Stand"] = 136,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 74,
["Deliverance Point"] = 127,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 34,
["Illidari Perch"] = 150,
["Bradensbrook"] = 149,
["Skyhorn"] = 58,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 154,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 77,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 37,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 195,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 72,
["Ebon Watch"] = 132,
["Light's Breach"] = 142,
["Dun Niffelem"] = 177,
["Gundrak"] = 255,
["Stars' Rest"] = 194,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 267,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 124,
["Dalaran"] = 32,
["Westfall Brigade"] = 232,
["Valgarde Port"] = 295,
["Frosthold"] = 40,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 148,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 28,
["Westguard Keep"] = 268,
["Amber Ledge"] = 1160,
["K3"] = 88,
["Transitus Shield"] = 373,
["The Argent Stand"] = 161,
["River's Heart"] = 232,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 142,
["Unu'pe"] = 290,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 105,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 134,
["Fordragon Hold"] = 122,
["Wintergarde Keep"] = 147,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = {
["Lorna's Watch"] = 124,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 155,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 63,
["Shield's Rest"] = 123,
["Meredil"] = 134,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 142,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 205,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 118,
["Greywatch"] = 127,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 165,
["Prepfoot"] = 44,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 115,
["Felbane Camp"] = 42,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 75,
["Illidari Stand"] = 178,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 113,
["Lorlathil"] = 149,
["Bradensbrook"] = 152,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 117,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 164,
["Valdisdall"] = 112,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 132,
["Thunder Totem"] = 87,
["Nesingwary"] = 69,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 92,
["Deliverance Point"] = 227,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 89,
["Illidari Perch"] = 194,
["The Witchwood"] = 50,
["Skyhorn"] = 64,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 199,
["Dalaran"] = 197,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 114,
["Dun Niffelem"] = {
["Frosthold"] = 131,
["The Shadow Vault"] = 247,
["Ulduar"] = 85,
["Ebon Watch"] = 131,
["Westguard Keep"] = 307,
["K3"] = 88,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 190,
["Unu'pe"] = 384,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 264,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 222,
["Moa'ki"] = 275,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 165,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 133,
["Zim'Torga"] = 89,
["Dalaran"] = 159,
["Refuge Pointe"] = {
["Hearthglen"] = 203,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 304,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 397,
["Dun Modr"] = 59,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 122,
["Zul'Aman"] = 337,
["Thelsamar"] = 171,
["Andorhal"] = 141,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 398,
["Surwich"] = 528,
["Stormfeather Outpost"] = 84,
["Slabchisel's Survey"] = 127,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 301,
["Northpass Tower"] = 215,
["Aerie Peak"] = 71,
["Lakeshire"] = 360,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 126,
["Booty Bay"] = 562,
["Bogpaddle"] = 375,
["Thondroril River"] = 178,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 215,
["The Harborage"] = 410,
["Darkshire"] = 748,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 621,
["Goldshire"] = 407,
["Kharanos"] = 220,
["Thorium Point"] = 249,
["Greenwarden's Grove"] = 94,
["Stormwind"] = 373,
["Ironforge"] = 271,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 515,
["Plaguewood Tower"] = 250,
["Rebel Camp"] = 456,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 233,
["Vermillion Redoubt"] = 145,
["Breaker's Crown"] = {
["Iron Docks"] = 48,
["Highpass"] = 21,
["Stormshield (Alliance)"] = 147,
["Redemption Rise"] = 84,
["Deeproot"] = 32,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 138,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 33,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 31,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 28,
["Retribution Point"] = 137,
["Veil Terokk"] = 177,
["Rensai's Watchpost"] = {
["Halfhill"] = 288,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 166,
["Westwind Rest"] = 102,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 22,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 44,
["Longying Outpost"] = 48,
["The Incursion"] = {
["Stoneplow"] = 74,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 147,
["Gao-Ran Battlefront"] = 219,
["Binan Village"] = 127,
["Jade Temple Grounds"] = 163,
["Grassy Cline"] = 95,
["Zhu's Watch"] = 84,
["The Briny Muck"] = 189,
["Pearlfin Village"] = 158,
["The Arboretum"] = 172,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 90,
["Sri-La Village"] = 203,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 113,
["Klaxxi'vess"] = 149,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 76,
["Halfhill"] = 44,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 121,
["Marista"] = 63,
["Shado-Pan Garrison"] = 290,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 77,
["Tushui Landing"] = 286,
["Soggy's Gamble"] = 196,
["Lion's Landing"] = 51,
["Atal'Gral"] = {
["Castaway Encampment"] = 25,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 191,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 55,
["Xibala"] = 114,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 107,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 36,
["Redfield's Watch"] = 134,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 108,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 30,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 184,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = 54,
["Fort Victory"] = 109,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 74,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 63,
["Eastern Suramar"] = {
["Nastrondir"] = 93,
["Thorim's Peak"] = 42,
["Western Suramar"] = 57,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 175,
["Eastern Highmountain"] = 128,
["Orebor Harborage"] = {
["Shattrath"] = 120,
["Sylvanaar"] = 65,
["Temple of Telhamat"] = 134,
["Area 52"] = 184,
["Telredor"] = 53,
["Allerian Stronghold"] = 225,
["Telaar"] = 177,
["Wildhammer Stronghold"] = 302,
["Cosmowrench"] = 249,
["The Stormspire"] = 232,
["Honor Hold"] = 221,
["Lakeshire"] = {
["Camp Everstill"] = 20,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 56,
["Fort Livingston"] = 156,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 84,
["Raven Hill"] = 118,
["Dun Modr"] = 309,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 487,
["Iron Summit"] = 169,
["Thelsamar"] = 210,
["Whelgar's Retreat"] = 307,
["Andorhal"] = 497,
["Eastvale Logging Camp"] = 39,
["Surwich"] = 216,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 53,
["Moonbrook"] = 153,
["Dragon's Mouth"] = 105,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 353,
["Fuselight"] = 158,
["Goldshire"] = 90,
["Aerie Peak"] = 435,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 278,
["Ironforge"] = 209,
["Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm"] = 161,
["Bogpaddle"] = 87,
["The Harborage"] = 47,
["Darkshire"] = 61,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 125,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 112,
["Chiselgrip"] = 93,
["Acherus: The Ebon Hold"] = 582,
["Stormwind"] = 112,
["Thorium Point"] = 130,
["Sentinel Hill"] = 129,
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 527,
["Rebel Camp"] = 84,
["Booty Bay"] = 217,
["Farstrider Lodge"] = 206,
["Retribution Point"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 88,
["Talon Watch"] = 72,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 97,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 123,
["Throne of the Elements"] = 89,
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 151,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 30,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 168,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 70,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 152,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 108,
["Shattrath City"] = 57,
["Terokkar Refuge"] = 84,
["Apexis Excavation"] = 41,
["Deeproot"] = 135,
["Akeeta's Hovel"] = 82,
["Apexis Excavation"] = {
["Pinchwhistle Gearworks"] = 58,
["Southport"] = 40,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 159,
["Exarch's Refuge"] = 39,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 78,
["Retribution Point"] = 52,
["Zangarra"] = 103,
["Shattrath City"] = 63,
["Skysea Ridge"] = 174,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 187,
["Veil Terokk"] = 29,
["Crow's Crook"] = 24,
["Bridgeport"] = {
["Freehold"] = 54,
["Hangman's Point"] = 63,
["Fallhaven"] = 84,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 39,
["Castaway Point"] = 55,
["Arom's Stand"] = 119,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 27,
["Tol Dagor"] = 63,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 68,
["Mariner's Row"] = 20,
["Deadwash"] = 104,
["Norwington Estate"] = 57,
["Brennadam"] = 88,
["Vigil Hill"] = 52,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 141,
["Hatherford"] = 45,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 27,
["Tidecross"] = 103,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 83,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = 84,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 128,
["Lion's Landing"] = {
["The Incursion"] = 36,
["Tavern in the Mists"] = 124,
["Zouchin Village"] = 263,
["Longying Outpost"] = 284,
["Paw'Don Village"] = 51,
["Marista"] = 98,
["Shrine of Seven Stars"] = 146,
["Cradle of Chi-Ji"] = 111,
["Binan Village"] = 162,
["Sentinel Basecamp"] = 111,
["Tushui Landing"] = 284,
["Bogpaddle"] = {
["The Harborage"] = 63,
["Thelsamar"] = 258,
["Nethergarde Keep"] = 67,
["Fuselight"] = 183,
["Morgan's Vigil"] = 81,
["Darkshire"] = 141,
["Marshtide Watch"] = 25,
["Shalewind Canyon"] = 33,
["Lakeshire"] = 79,
["Booty Bay"] = 297,
["Stormwind"] = 191,
["Dustwind Dig"] = 164,
["Refuge Pointe"] = 379,
["Azurewing Repose"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 36,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 101,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 27,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 127,
["Lorlathil"] = 50,
["The Witchwood"] = 140,
["Meredil"] = 52,
["Dalaran"] = 76,
["Illidari Stand"] = 24,
["Valdisdall"] = 133,
["Bradensbrook"] = 77,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 106,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 54,
["Eye of Azshara"] = 94,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 105,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 130,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 36,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 72,
["Thunder Totem"] = 122,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 36,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 89,
["Deliverance Point"] = 103,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 102,
["Illidari Perch"] = 38,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 156,
["Skyhorn"] = 144,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 48,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 57,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 116,
["The Shadow Vault"] = {
["Death's Rise"] = 77,
["Windrunner's Overlook"] = 206,
["The Argent Vanguard"] = 136,
["Dun Nifflelem"] = 270,
["Argent Tournament Grounds"] = 77,
["Dalaran"] = 165,
["River's Heart"] = 194,
["Frosthold"] = 174,
["Westguard Keep"] = 401,
["K3"] = 211,
["Crusaders' Pinnacle"] = 121,
["The Argent Stand"] = 295,
["Nesingwary Base Camp"] = 196,
["Wyrmrest Temple"] = 276,
["Amberpine Lodge"] = 352,
["Zim'Torga"] = 319,
["Valiance Landing Camp"] = 263,
["Moa'ki"] = 313,
["Bouldercrag's Refuge"] = 122,
["Barbthorn Ridge"] = {
["Hangman's Point"] = 33,
["Fallhaven"] = 34,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 75,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 71,
["Arom's Stand"] = 62,
["Norwington Estate"] = 30,
["Anyport"] = 78,
["Fletcher's Hollow"] = 50,
["Castaway Point"] = 116,
["Seekers Vista"] = 111,
["Roughneck Camp"] = 34,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 111,
["Hatherford"] = 62,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 54,
["Proudmoore Keep"] = 66,
["Bridgeport"] = 83,
["Brennadam"] = 105,
["Falconhurst"] = 91,
["Kennings Lodge"] = 87,
["Valdisdall"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 154,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 39,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 125,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 119,
["Shield's Rest"] = 55,
["Meredil"] = 96,
["Hafr Fjall"] = 41,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 161,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 109,
["Greywatch"] = 25,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 149,
["Garden of the Moon"] = 161,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 144,
["Felbane Camp"] = 134,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 109,
["Illidari Stand"] = 154,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 44,
["Crimson Thicket"] = 61,
["Lorlathil"] = 159,
["Dalaran"] = 126,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 73,
["Bradensbrook"] = 181,
["Vengeance Point"] = 101,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 139,
["The Witchwood"] = 117,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 105,
["Thunder Totem"] = 88,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 203,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 26,
["Nesingwary"] = 102,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 65,
["Illidari Perch"] = 167,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 119,
["Skyhorn"] = 90,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 171,
["Deliverance Point"] = 128,
["Prepfoot"] = 77,
["Sri-La Village"] = {
["Halfhill"] = 231,
["The Arboretum"] = 62,
["Emperor's Omen"] = 21,
["Dawn's Blossom"] = 56,
["Tian Monastery"] = 50,
["Darkbreak Cove"] = {
["Voldrin's Hold"] = 79,
["Tranquil Wash"] = 51,
["Silver Tide Hollow"] = 94,
["Sandy Beach"] = 149,
["Smuggler's Scar"] = 164,
["Garden of the Moon"] = {
["Shackle's Den"] = 104,
["Lorna's Watch"] = 145,
["Felblaze Ingress"] = 80,
["Trueshot Lodge"] = 90,
["Meredil"] = 67,
["Watchers' Aerie"] = 126,
["Irongrove Retreat"] = 52,
["Challiane's Terrace"] = 61,
["Starsong Refuge"] = 37,
["Felbane Camp"] = 101,
["Sylvan Falls"] = 68,
["Illidari Stand"] = 93,
["Skyfire Triage Camp"] = 134,
["Shipwreck Cove"] = 141,
["Lorlathil"] = 25,
["Dalaran"] = 130,
["Ironhorn Enclave"] = 103,
["Obsidian Overlook"] = 76,
["Vengeance Point"] = 132,
["Azurewing Repose"] = 77,
["The Witchwood"] = 105,
["Nesingwary"] = 91,
["Thunder Totem"] = 92,
["Gloaming Reef"] = 48,
["Stormtorn Foothills"] = 155,
["Deliverance Point"] = 161,
["Stonehoof Watch"] = 111,
["Illidari Perch"] = 89,
["Bradensbrook"] = 26,
["Skyhorn"] = 112,
["Wardens' Redoubt"] = 117,
["Valdisdall"] = 162,
["The Dreamgrove"] = 51,
["Illidari Camp"] = {
["Dalaran"] = 50,
["Illidari Stand"] = 107,
["Meredil"] = 72,
["Shrine of the Storm"] = {
["Tidecross"] = 41,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 112,
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 54,
["The Amber Waves"] = 73,
["Watchman's Rise"] = 208,
["Seekers Vista"] = 85,
["Millstone Hamlet"] = 93,
["Brennadam"] = 61,
["Deadwash"] = 73,
["Whitegrove Chapel"] = 201,
["Thondoril River"] = {
["Light's Hope Chapel"] = 98,
["Ironforge"] = 313,
["Menethil Harbor"] = 242,
["Chillwind Camp"] = 59,
["Aerie Peak"] = 122,
["Sha'naari Refuge"] = {
["Lion's Watch"] = 40,
["Malo's Lookout"] = 69,
["The Iron Front"] = 73,
["Vault of the Earth"] = 29,
["Zangarra"] = 29,
["Aktar's Post"] = 59,
["Redfield's Watch"] = {
["Vulture's Nest"] = 68,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 89,
["Deadwood Cove"] = 117,
["Shatterstone Harbor"] = 96,
["Atal'Gral"] = 140,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 181,
["Scaletrader Post"] = 107,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 53,
["Xibala"] = 162,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 52,
["Fort Victory"] = 30,
["Verdant Hollow"] = 83,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 125,
["Skysea Ridge"] = {
["Bloodmaul Slag Mines"] = 61,
["Iron Docks"] = 29,
["Rilzit's Holdfast"] = 151,
["Highpass"] = 42,
["Everbloom Overlook"] = 62,
["Breaker's Crown"] = 32,
["Lunarfall (Alliance)"] = 157,
["Everbloom Wilds"] = 37,
["Retribution Point"] = 149,
["Anchorite's Sojourn"] = 142,
["Bastion Rise"] = 74,
["Fort Wrynn (Alliance)"] = 95,
["Wildwood Wash"] = 56,
["Iron Siegeworks"] = 46,
["Shattrath City"] = 110,
["Crow's Crook"] = 208,
["Telaari Station"] = 162,
["Deeproot"] = 55,
["The Ring of Trials"] = 154,
["Cenarion Hold"] = {
["Bloodvenom Post"] = 644,
["Moonglade"] = 706,
["Ratchet"] = 416,
["Ramkahen"] = 145,
["Freewind Post"] = 241,
["Rut'theran Village"] = 673,
["Nijel's Point"] = 402,
["Feathermoon"] = 107,
["Marshal's Stand"] = 113,
["Gadgetzan"] = 187,
["Talonbranch Glade"] = 841,
["Mossy Pile"] = 72,
["Mudsprocket"] = 400,
["Camp Taurajo"] = 379,
["Fort Triumph"] = 352,
["Thargad's Camp"] = 23,
["Shadebough"] = 381,
["Theramore"] = 319,
["Oasis of Vir'sar"] = 65,
["Astranaar"] = 630,
["Gunstan's Dig"] = 224,
["Bootlegger Outpost"] = 221,
["Everlook"] = 741,
["Verdant Hollow"] = {
["Scaletrader Post"] = 43,
["Tortaka Refuge"] = 119,
["Grimwatt's Crash"] = 52,
["Atal'Gral"] = 74,
["Seeker's Outpost"] = 110,
["Nesingwary's Gameland"] = 33,
["Mugamba Overlook"] = 34,
["Veiled Grotto"] = 49,
["Mistvine Ledge"] = 55,
["Fort Victory"] = 67,
["Xibala"] = 102,
["Sanctuary of the Devoted"] = 132,
["Tol Dagor"] = {
["Mildenhall Meadery"] = 128,
["Castaway Point"] = 59,
["Arom's Stand"] = 175,
["Bridgeport"] = 63,
["Mariner's Row"] = 59,
["Tradewinds Market"] = 67,
function InFlight:Sanitise(flightPaths, updateExistingTimes)
local badFaction = false
for faction, t in pairs(flightPaths) do
if faction == "Horde" or faction == "Alliance" then
local found = false
local updated, added, removed = 0, 0, 0
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
local renamedSrc
if renamedData[src] then
renamedSrc = src
src = renamedData[src]
if src == "" then
dt = {}
if factionData[src] and factionData[src] ~= faction then
renamedSrc = src
src = ""
dt = {}
if src ~= "" and not InFlightVars[faction][src] then
InFlightVars[faction][src] = {}
PrintD(faction, "|cff208080New source:|r", src)
for dst, utime in pairs(dt) do
local renamedDst
if renamedData[dst] then
renamedDst = dst
dst = renamedData[dst]
if factionData[dst] and factionData[dst] ~= faction then
renamedDst = renamedDst or dst
dst = ""
if type(utime) == "number" then
local vtime = InFlightVars[faction][src][dst]
if utime >= 10 and (not vtime or (not (renamedSrc or renamedDst) and (utime > vtime + 5 or utime < vtime - 5))) then
if vtime then
if updateExistingTimes then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = utime
if debug then
found = true
updated = updated + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020Update time:|r", src, "|cff208020to|r", dst, "|cff208020- old:|r", vtime, "|cff208020new:|r", utime)
elseif dst ~= "" then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = utime
if debug then
found = true
added = added + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff208080New time:|r", src, "|cff208020to|r", dst, "|cff208020- new:|r", utime)
elseif vtime and vtime < 10 then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = nil
if debug then
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove time:|r", src, "|cff208020to|r", dst, "|cff208020- old:|r", vtime)
elseif InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] then
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = nil
if debug then
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove dest:|r", src, "|cff208020to|r", dst)
if renamedDst then
dst = renamedDst
InFlightVars[faction][src][dst] = nil
if debug then
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove|r", factionData[dst] or "|cff808020renamed", "|cff808020dest:|r", src, "|cff208020to|r", dst)
if renamedSrc then
src = renamedSrc
if InFlightVars[faction][src] then
InFlightVars[faction][src] = nil
if debug then
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove|r", factionData[src] or "|cff808020renamed", "|cff808020source:|r", src)
if InFlightVars[faction][src] and next(InFlightVars[faction][src]) == nil then
InFlightVars[faction][src] = nil
if debug then
found = true
removed = removed + 1
PrintD(faction, "|cff808020Remove empty source:|r", src)
if debug then
if found then
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", updated, "|cff208020updated times.|r")
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", added, "|cff208080new times.|r")
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r", removed, "|cff808020removed times.|r")
PrintD(faction, "|cff208020-|r No time updates found.")
InFlightVars[faction] = nil
badFaction = true
if badFaction then
Print("Unknown factions removed.")
if localization then
local temp = {}
for faction, t in pairs(data) do
temp[faction] = {}
for src, dt in pairs(t) do
local sl = localization[src]
if sl then
temp[faction][sl] = {}
for dst, time in pairs(dt) do
local dl = localization[dst]
if dl then
temp[faction][sl][dl] = time
return temp
elseif locale ~= "enUS" and locale ~= "enGB" then
return { }
return data
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/InFlight.toc New file
0,0 → 1,17
## Interface: 80000
## Title: InFlight
## Notes: Statusbar timer for your flightpaths.
## Author: TotalPackage
## Version: 8.0.006
## SavedVariables: InFlightVars, InFlightDB
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: InFlightCharDB
## Dependencies: InFlight_Load
## OptionalDeps: LibSharedMedia-3.0
## LoadOnDemand: 1
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua New file
0,0 → 1,51
-- $Id: LibStub.lua 76 2007-09-03 01:50:17Z mikk $
-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. for more info
-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain
-- Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
-- Check to see is this version of the stub is obsolete
if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
-- LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
-- major (string) - the major version of the library
-- minor (string or number ) - the minor version of the library
-- returns nil if a newer or same version of the lib is already present
-- returns empty library object or old library object if upgrade is needed
function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
local oldminor = self.minors[major]
if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
return self.libs[major], oldminor
-- LibStub:GetLibrary(major, [silent])
-- major (string) - the major version of the library
-- silent (boolean) - if true, library is optional, silently return nil if its not found
-- throws an error if the library can not be found (except silent is set)
-- returns the library object if found
function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
-- LibStub:IterateLibraries()
-- Returns an iterator for the currently registered libraries
function LibStub:IterateLibraries()
return pairs(self.libs)
setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/lib.xml New file
0,0 → 1,5
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Include file="LibSharedMedia-3.0\lib.xml"/>
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/CHANGES.txt New file
0,0 → 1,8
r104 | funkydude | 2018-07-21 16:34:03 +0000 (Sat, 21 Jul 2018) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua
Update CallbackHandler embed.
Property changes : Added: svn:eol-style + native
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,212
--[[ $Id: CallbackHandler-1.0.lua 1186 2018-07-21 14:19:18Z nevcairiel $ ]]
local MAJOR, MINOR = "CallbackHandler-1.0", 7
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not CallbackHandler then return end -- No upgrade needed
local meta = {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end}
-- Lua APIs
local tconcat = table.concat
local assert, error, loadstring = assert, error, loadstring
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
local next, select, pairs, type, tostring = next, select, pairs, type, tostring
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: geterrorhandler
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function Dispatch(handlers, ...)
local index, method = next(handlers)
if not method then return end
xpcall(method, errorhandler, ...)
index, method = next(handlers, index)
until not method
-- CallbackHandler:New
-- target - target object to embed public APIs in
-- RegisterName - name of the callback registration API, default "RegisterCallback"
-- UnregisterName - name of the callback unregistration API, default "UnregisterCallback"
-- UnregisterAllName - name of the API to unregister all callbacks, default "UnregisterAllCallbacks". false == don't publish this API.
function CallbackHandler:New(target, RegisterName, UnregisterName, UnregisterAllName)
RegisterName = RegisterName or "RegisterCallback"
UnregisterName = UnregisterName or "UnregisterCallback"
if UnregisterAllName==nil then -- false is used to indicate "don't want this method"
UnregisterAllName = "UnregisterAllCallbacks"
-- we declare all objects and exported APIs inside this closure to quickly gain access
-- to e.g. function names, the "target" parameter, etc
-- Create the registry object
local events = setmetatable({}, meta)
local registry = { recurse=0, events=events }
-- registry:Fire() - fires the given event/message into the registry
function registry:Fire(eventname, ...)
if not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) then return end
local oldrecurse = registry.recurse
registry.recurse = oldrecurse + 1
Dispatch(events[eventname], eventname, ...)
registry.recurse = oldrecurse
if registry.insertQueue and oldrecurse==0 then
-- Something in one of our callbacks wanted to register more callbacks; they got queued
for eventname,callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
for self,func in pairs(callbacks) do
events[eventname][self] = func
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if first and registry.OnUsed then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
first = nil
registry.insertQueue = nil
-- Registration of a callback, handles:
-- self["method"], leads to self["method"](self, ...)
-- self with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- "addonId" (instead of self) with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- all with an optional arg, which, if present, gets passed as first argument (after self if present)
target[RegisterName] = function(self, eventname, method, ... --[[actually just a single arg]])
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(eventname, method[, arg]): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
method = method or eventname
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
if type(method) ~= "string" and type(method) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - string or function expected.", 2)
local regfunc
if type(method) == "string" then
-- self["method"] calling style
if type(self) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): self was not a table?", 2)
elseif self==target then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): do not use Library:"..RegisterName.."(), use your own 'self'", 2)
elseif type(self[method]) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - method '"..tostring(method).."' not found on self.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,arg,...) end
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,...) end
-- function ref with self=object or self="addonId" or self=thread
if type(self)~="table" and type(self)~="string" and type(self)~="thread" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(self or \"addonId\", eventname, method): 'self or addonId': table or string or thread expected.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) method(arg,...) end
regfunc = method
if events[eventname][self] or registry.recurse<1 then
-- if registry.recurse<1 then
-- we're overwriting an existing entry, or not currently recursing. just set it.
events[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if registry.OnUsed and first then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
-- we're currently processing a callback in this registry, so delay the registration of this new entry!
-- yes, we're a bit wasteful on garbage, but this is a fringe case, so we're picking low implementation overhead over garbage efficiency
registry.insertQueue = registry.insertQueue or setmetatable({},meta)
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- Unregister a callback
target[UnregisterName] = function(self, eventname)
if not self or self==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): bad 'self'", 2)
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
if rawget(events, eventname) and events[eventname][self] then
events[eventname][self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(events[eventname]) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
if registry.insertQueue and rawget(registry.insertQueue, eventname) and registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] then
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = nil
-- OPTIONAL: Unregister all callbacks for given selfs/addonIds
if UnregisterAllName then
target[UnregisterAllName] = function(...)
if select("#",...)<1 then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): missing 'self' or \"addonId\" to unregister events for.", 2)
if select("#",...)==1 and ...==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): supply a meaningful 'self' or \"addonId\"", 2)
for i=1,select("#",...) do
local self = select(i,...)
if registry.insertQueue then
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(events) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(callbacks) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
return registry
-- CallbackHandler purposefully does NOT do explicit embedding. Nor does it
-- try to upgrade old implicit embeds since the system is selfcontained and
-- relies on closures to work.
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0/lib.xml New file
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<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua" />
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua New file
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Name: LibSharedMedia-3.0
Revision: $Revision: 91 $
Author: Elkano (
Inspired By: SurfaceLib by Haste/Otravi (
Description: Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
Dependencies: LibStub, CallbackHandler-1.0
License: LGPL v2.1
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibSharedMedia-3.0", 6010002 -- 6.1.0 v2 / increase manually on changes
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
local _G = getfenv(0)
local pairs = _G.pairs
local type = _G.type
local band =
local table_insert = _G.table.insert
local table_sort = _G.table.sort
local locale = GetLocale()
local locale_is_western
local LOCALE_MASK = 0
lib.LOCALE_BIT_koKR = 1
lib.LOCALE_BIT_ruRU = 2
lib.LOCALE_BIT_zhCN = 4
lib.LOCALE_BIT_zhTW = 8
lib.LOCALE_BIT_western = 128
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
lib.callbacks = lib.callbacks or CallbackHandler:New(lib)
lib.DefaultMedia = lib.DefaultMedia or {}
lib.MediaList = lib.MediaList or {}
lib.MediaTable = lib.MediaTable or {}
lib.MediaType = lib.MediaType or {}
lib.OverrideMedia = lib.OverrideMedia or {}
local defaultMedia = lib.DefaultMedia
local mediaList = lib.MediaList
local mediaTable = lib.MediaTable
local overrideMedia = lib.OverrideMedia
-- create mediatype constants
lib.MediaType.BACKGROUND = "background" -- background textures
lib.MediaType.BORDER = "border" -- border textures
lib.MediaType.FONT = "font" -- fonts
lib.MediaType.STATUSBAR = "statusbar" -- statusbar textures
lib.MediaType.SOUND = "sound" -- sound files
-- populate lib with default Blizzard data
if not lib.MediaTable.background then lib.MediaTable.background = {} end
lib.MediaTable.background["None"] = [[]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Collections Background"] = [[Interface\Collections\CollectionsBackgroundTile]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background Dark"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background-Dark]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Dialog Background Gold"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Gold-Background]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background"] = [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonUIBackground]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background 2"] = [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonUIBackground2]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Garrison Background 3"] = [[Interface\Garrison\GarrisonMissionUIInfoBoxBackgroundTile]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Low Health"] = [[Interface\FullScreenTextures\LowHealth]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Marble"] = [[Interface\FrameGeneral\UI-Background-Marble]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Out of Control"] = [[Interface\FullScreenTextures\OutOfControl]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Parchment"] = [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-Parchment-Horizontal]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Parchment 2"] = [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-GuildAchievement-Parchment-Horizontal]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Rock"] = [[Interface\FrameGeneral\UI-Background-Rock]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Tabard Background"] = [[Interface\TabardFrame\TabardFrameBackground]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Blizzard Tooltip"] = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]]
lib.MediaTable.background["Solid"] = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]]
lib.DefaultMedia.background = "None"
if not lib.MediaTable.border then lib.MediaTable.border = {} end
lib.MediaTable.border["None"] = [[]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Achievement Wood"] = [[Interface\AchievementFrame\UI-Achievement-WoodBorder]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Chat Bubble"] = [[Interface\Tooltips\ChatBubble-Backdrop]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Dialog"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Dialog Gold"] = [[Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Gold-Border]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Party"] = [[Interface\CHARACTERFRAME\UI-Party-Border]]
lib.MediaTable.border["Blizzard Tooltip"] = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border]]
lib.DefaultMedia.border = "None"
if not lib.MediaTable.font then lib.MediaTable.font = {} end
local SML_MT_font = lib.MediaTable.font
All font files are currently in all clients, the following table depicts which font supports which charset as of 5.0.4
Fonts were checked using from DejaVu fonts ( and FontForge (
latin means check for: de, en, es, fr, it, pt
file name latin koKR ruRU zhCN zhTW
2002.ttf 2002 X X X - -
2002B.ttf 2002 Bold X X X - -
ARHei.ttf AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold X - X X X
ARIALN.TTF Arial Narrow X - X - -
ARKai_C.ttf AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat) X - X X X
ARKai_T.ttf AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium X - X X X
bHEI00M.ttf AR Heiti2 Medium B5 - - - - X
bHEI01B.ttf AR Heiti2 Bold B5 - - - - X
bKAI00M.ttf AR Kaiti Medium B5 - - - - X
bLEI00D.ttf AR Leisu Demi B5 - - - - X
FRIZQT__.TTF Friz Quadrata TT X - - - -
FRIZQT___CYR.TTF FrizQuadrataCTT x - X - -
K_Damage.TTF YDIWingsM - X X - -
K_Pagetext.TTF MoK X X X - -
MORPHEUS.TTF Morpheus X - - - -
MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF Morpheus X - X - -
NIM_____.ttf Nimrod MT X - X - -
SKURRI.TTF Skurri X - - - -
SKURRI_CYR.TTF Skurri X - X - -
WARNING: Although FRIZQT___CYR is available on western clients, it doesn't support special European characters e.g. é, ï, ö
Due to this, we cannot use it as a replacement for FRIZQT__.TTF
if locale == "koKR" then
SML_MT_font["굵은 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["기본 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["데미지 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\K_Damage.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["퀘스트 글꼴"] = [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "기본 글꼴" -- someone from koKR please adjust if needed
elseif locale == "zhCN" then
SML_MT_font["伤害数字"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_C.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["默认"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_T.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["聊天"] = [[Fonts\ARHei.ttf]]
lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "默认" -- someone from zhCN please adjust if needed
elseif locale == "zhTW" then
SML_MT_font["提示訊息"] = [[Fonts\bHEI00M.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["聊天"] = [[Fonts\bHEI01B.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["傷害數字"] = [[Fonts\bKAI00M.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["預設"] = [[Fonts\bLEI00D.ttf]]
lib.DefaultMedia["font"] = "預設" -- someone from zhTW please adjust if needed
elseif locale == "ruRU" then
SML_MT_font["2002"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["2002 Bold"] = [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold"] = [[Fonts\ARHei.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat)"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_C.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_T.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Arial Narrow"] = [[Fonts\ARIALN.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Friz Quadrata TT"] = [[Fonts\FRIZQT___CYR.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["MoK"] = [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Morpheus"] = [[Fonts\MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Nimrod MT"] = [[Fonts\NIM_____.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["Skurri"] = [[Fonts\SKURRI_CYR.TTF]]
lib.DefaultMedia.font = "Friz Quadrata TT"
locale_is_western = true
SML_MT_font["2002"] = [[Fonts\2002.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["2002 Bold"] = [[Fonts\2002B.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR CrystalzcuheiGBK Demibold"] = [[Fonts\ARHei.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium (Combat)"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_C.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["AR ZhongkaiGBK Medium"] = [[Fonts\ARKai_T.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Arial Narrow"] = [[Fonts\ARIALN.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Friz Quadrata TT"] = [[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["MoK"] = [[Fonts\K_Pagetext.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Morpheus"] = [[Fonts\MORPHEUS_CYR.TTF]]
SML_MT_font["Nimrod MT"] = [[Fonts\NIM_____.ttf]]
SML_MT_font["Skurri"] = [[Fonts\SKURRI_CYR.TTF]]
lib.DefaultMedia.font = "Friz Quadrata TT"
if not lib.MediaTable.statusbar then lib.MediaTable.statusbar = {} end
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard"] = [[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Character Skills Bar"] = [[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-Skills-Bar]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Raid Bar"] = [[Interface\RaidFrame\Raid-Bar-Hp-Fill]]
lib.DefaultMedia.statusbar = "Blizzard"
if not lib.MediaTable.sound then lib.MediaTable.sound = {} end
lib.MediaTable.sound["None"] = [[Interface\Quiet.ogg]] -- Relies on the fact that PlaySound[File] doesn't error on non-existing input.
lib.DefaultMedia.sound = "None"
local function rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
if not mtable then return end
if not mediaList[mediatype] then mediaList[mediatype] = {} end
local mlist = mediaList[mediatype]
-- list can only get larger, so simply overwrite it
local i = 0
for k in pairs(mtable) do
i = i + 1
mlist[i] = k
function lib:Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask)
if type(mediatype) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask) - mediatype must be string, got "..type(mediatype))
if type(key) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask) - key must be string, got "..type(key))
mediatype = mediatype:lower()
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.FONT and ((langmask and band(langmask, LOCALE_MASK) == 0) or not (langmask or locale_is_western)) then return false end
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.SOUND and type(data) == "string" then
local path = data:lower()
-- Only ogg and mp3 are valid sounds.
if not path:find(".ogg", nil, true) and not path:find(".mp3", nil, true) then
return false
if not mediaTable[mediatype] then mediaTable[mediatype] = {} end
local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
if mtable[key] then return false end
mtable[key] = data
self.callbacks:Fire("LibSharedMedia_Registered", mediatype, key)
return true
function lib:Fetch(mediatype, key, noDefault)
local mtt = mediaTable[mediatype]
local overridekey = overrideMedia[mediatype]
local result = mtt and ((overridekey and mtt[overridekey] or mtt[key]) or (not noDefault and defaultMedia[mediatype] and mtt[defaultMedia[mediatype]])) or nil
return result ~= "" and result or nil
function lib:IsValid(mediatype, key)
return mediaTable[mediatype] and (not key or mediaTable[mediatype][key]) and true or false
function lib:HashTable(mediatype)
return mediaTable[mediatype]
function lib:List(mediatype)
if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
return nil
if not mediaList[mediatype] then
return mediaList[mediatype]
function lib:GetGlobal(mediatype)
return overrideMedia[mediatype]
function lib:SetGlobal(mediatype, key)
if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
return false
overrideMedia[mediatype] = (key and mediaTable[mediatype][key]) and key or nil
self.callbacks:Fire("LibSharedMedia_SetGlobal", mediatype, overrideMedia[mediatype])
return true
function lib:GetDefault(mediatype)
return defaultMedia[mediatype]
function lib:SetDefault(mediatype, key)
if mediaTable[mediatype] and mediaTable[mediatype][key] and not defaultMedia[mediatype] then
defaultMedia[mediatype] = key
return true
return false
tags/8.0.006/InFlight/libs/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.toc New file
0,0 → 1,18
## Interface: 80000
## LoadOnDemand: 1
## Title: Lib: SharedMedia-3.0
## Notes: Shared handling of media data (fonts, sounds, textures, ...) between addons.
## Author: Elkano
## Version: 3.0-104
## X-Website:
## X-Category: Library
## X-Revision: 104
## X-Date: 2018-07-21T16:34:03Z