WoWInterface SVN Atlas

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 49 to Rev 53
    Reverse comparison

Rev 49 → Rev 53

1749,7 → 1749,7
--The Ruby Sanctum
["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] = "Красный дракон полета палаты";
["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"] = "Халион Сумеречный Разрушитель";
["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"] = "Халион Сумеречный Разрушитель";
["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Савиана Огненная Пропасть";
["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Балтар Рожденный в Битве";
["General Zarithrian"] = "Генерал Заритриан";
1751,7 → 1751,7
--The Ruby Sanctum
["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] = "Red Dragonflight Chamber";
["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"] = "Halion el Destructor Crepuscular y sus generales";
["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"] = "Halion el Destructor Crepuscular y sus generales";
["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Saviana Furia Ardiente";
["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Baltharus el Batallante";
["General Zarithrian"] = "General Zarithrian";
1748,7 → 1748,7
--The Ruby Sanctum
["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] = "Chambre du vol draconique Rouge";
["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"] = "Halion le Destructeur du Crépuscule";
["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"] = "Halion le Destructeur du Crépuscule";
["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Savianna Ragefeu";
["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Baltharus l'Enfant de la guerre";
["General Zarithrian"] = "Général Zarithrian";
26,7 → 26,7
-- Nihlo (ICQ: 260-869-930)
-- Telchar (ICQ: 391-632-535)
-- Letztes Update: 09.02.2010
-- Letztes Update: 28.05.2010
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
334,7 → 334,7
["Nex, Nexus"] = "Nex"; -- Der Nexus
["Ocu"] = "Ocu"; -- Das Oculus
["OS"] = "Obsi"; -- Das Obsidiansanktum
["RS"] = "RS"; -- Das Rubinsanktum";
["RS"] = "RS"; -- Das Rubinsanktum"
["PoS"] = "Grube"; ["FH2"] = "FH2"; -- Die Grube von Saron
["Strat, CoT-Strat"] = "Strat, HdZ4"; -- Das Ausmerzen Von Stratholme
["TEoE"] = "Maly"; -- Das Auge der Ewigkeit
1756,7 → 1756,7
--The Ruby Sanctum
["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] = "Kammer des roten Drachenschwarms";
["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"] = "Halion";
["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"] = "Halion <Der Zwielichtzerstörer>";
["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Saviana Flammenschlund";
["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Baltharus der Kriegsgeborene";
["General Zarithrian"] = "General Zarithrian";
1740,7 → 1740,7
--The Ruby Sanctum
["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] = "红龙庭";
["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"] = "音色的黄昏驱逐舰";
["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"] = "音色的黄昏驱逐舰";
["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Saviana Ragefire";
["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Baltharus the Warborn";
["General Zarithrian"] = "General Zarithrian";
1749,7 → 1749,7
--The Ruby Sanctum
["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] = "Red Dragonflight Chamber";
["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"] = "Halion the Twilight Destroyer";
["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"] = "Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>";
["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Saviana Ragefire";
["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Baltharus the Warborn";
["General Zarithrian"] = "General Zarithrian";
1749,7 → 1749,7
--The Ruby Sanctum
["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] = "紅龍庭";
["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"] = "音色的黃昏驅逐艦";
["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"] = "音色的黃昏驅逐艦";
["Saviana Ragefire"] = "Saviana Ragefire";
["Baltharus the Warborn"] = "Baltharus the Warborn";
["General Zarithrian"] = "一般Zarithrian";
2321,8 → 2321,8
{ GREY..INDENT..AtlasLocale["Archmage Koreln <Kirin Tor>"].." ("..AtlasLocale["Alliance"]..")", NPC, 37582 };
{ GREY..INDENT..AtlasLocale["Lady Sylvanas Windrunner <Banshee Queen>"].." ("..AtlasLocale["Horde"]..")", NPC, 37223 };
{ GREY..INDENT..AtlasLocale["Dark Ranger Loralen"].." ("..AtlasLocale["Horde"]..")", NPC, 37779 };
{ GREY.."2) "..AtlasLocale["Falric"], NPC, 38112 };
{ GREY.."3) "..AtlasLocale["Marwyn"], NPC, 38113 };
{ GREY.."2) "..AtlasLocale["Falric"].." ("..AtlasLocale["Wave 5"]..")", NPC, 38112 };
{ GREY.."3) "..AtlasLocale["Marwyn"].." ("..AtlasLocale["Wave 10"]..")", NPC, 38113 };
{ GREY.."4) "..AtlasLocale["Wrath of the Lich King"].." ("..AtlasLocale["Event"]..")", NPC, 37226 };
{ GREY..INDENT..AtlasLocale["The Captain's Chest"], OBJECT, 201710 };
2395,7 → 2395,7
Continent = AtlasLocale["Northrend"];
{ ORNG..AtlasLocale["AKA"]..": "..AtlasLocale["Red Dragonflight Chamber"] };
{ BLUE.."A) "..AtlasLocale["Entrance"] };
{ GREY.."1) "..AtlasLocale["Halion the Twilight Destroyer"], NPC, 39863 };
{ GREY.."1) "..AtlasLocale["Halion <The Twilight Destroyer>"], NPC, 39863 };
{ GREY.."2) "..AtlasLocale["Saviana Ragefire"], NPC, 39747 };
{ GREY.."3) "..AtlasLocale["General Zarithrian"], NPC, 39746 };
{ GREY.."4) "..AtlasLocale["Baltharus the Warborn"], NPC, 39751 };
1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 30300
## Interface: 30300
## Title: Atlas
## Title-zhTW: |r|cFF0099FF[地圖]|rAtlas 地圖集
## Notes: Instance Map Browser
9,7 → 9,7
## Notes-esES: Navegador de Mapas de Mazmorras
## Notes-ruRU: Обозреватель подземелий
## Version: 1.16.1
## X-Date: May, 2010
## X-Date: June, 2010
## Author: Dan Gilbert
## Updater: Lothaer
## X-Email:
7,6 → 7,10
= Change Log =
- new map: Ruby Sanctum
- fixed and added some ICC entries
- new map: Icecrown Citadel, in three parts (Deadca7)
- new map: The Frozen Halls: The Forge of Souls (Deadca7)