WoWInterface SVN Atlas

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 52 to Rev 53
    Reverse comparison

Rev 52 → Rev 53

1,4 → 1,4
## Interface: 30300
## Interface: 30300
## Title: Atlas |r|cFF0099FF[Dungeon Locs]|r
## Title-deDE: Atlas |r|cFF0099FF[Instanz-Standorte]|r
## Title-ruRU: Atlas |r|cFF0099FF[Расп. подземелий]|r
12,8 → 12,8
## Notes-koKR: 던전 지역
## Notes-zhCN: 副本分布图
## Notes-zhTW: Atlas 地下城位置地圖模組,顯示各個地下城 (副本) 所在位置
## Version: 1.16.0
## X-Date: February, 2010
## Version: 1.16.1
## X-Date: June, 2010
## Author: Dan Gilbert
## X-Email:
## X-Website: