WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2129 to Rev 2175
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2129 → Rev 2175

20,7 → 20,10
type = 'group',
name = L["Spell Icon"],
desc = L["Spell icon placement options"],
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:IsEnabled() or not AloftSpellIcon:IsEnabled() or not AloftSpellIcon.db or not AloftSpellIcon.db.profile or not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
disabled = function(i)
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("Aloft.Options.args.castBar.args.spellIcon.disabled(): " .. tostring(AloftSpellIcon:IsEnabled()) .. "/" .. tostring(AloftSpellIcon:IsEnabled()) .. "/" .. tostring(AloftSpellIcon.db and AloftSpellIcon.db.profile) .. "/" .. tostring(Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar")))
return not Aloft:IsEnabled() or not AloftSpellIcon:IsEnabled() or not AloftSpellIcon.db or not AloftSpellIcon.db.profile or not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar")
order = -1,
args =
30,6 → 33,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Enable"],
desc = L["Enable spell icon display on the nameplate"],
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return AloftSpellIcon.db.profile.enable end,
set = function(i, v) AloftSpellIcon.db.profile.enable = v AloftSpellIcon:UpdateAll() end,
order = 1
95,7 → 99,7
min = 4,
max = 32,
step = 1,
disabled = function(i) return Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") or not AloftSpellIcon.db.profile.enable end,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftSpellIcon.db.profile.enable or not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return AloftSpellIcon.db.profile.size end,
set = function(i, v) AloftSpellIcon.db.profile.size = v AloftSpellIcon:UpdateAll() end
36,6 → 36,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Enable"],
desc = L["Show cast bar time text"],
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.enable end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.enable = v AloftCastBarTimeText:Update() end,
order = 1
106,7 → 107,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Alignment"],
desc = L["Sets the alignment of the cast bar time text"],
disabled = function(i) return Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") or not AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.enable end,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.enable or not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.alignment end,
set = function(i, value) AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.alignment = value AloftCastBarTimeText:Update() end,
values = {["LEFT"]= L["LEFT"], ["CENTER"]= L["CENTER"], ["RIGHT"]= L["RIGHT"] },
163,7 → 164,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Color"],
desc = L["Sets the cast bar time text color"],
disabled = function(i) return Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") or not AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.enable end,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.enable or not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.color) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastBarTimeText.db.profile.color = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastBarTimeText:Update() end,
hasAlpha = true
36,6 → 36,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Enable"],
desc = L["Show spell name on cast bar"],
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.enable end,
set = function(i, v) AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.enable = v AloftSpellNameText:Update() end,
order = 1
106,7 → 107,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Alignment"],
desc = L["Sets the alignment of the spell name"],
disabled = function(i) return Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") or not AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.enable end,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.enable or not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.alignment end,
set = function(i, value) AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.alignment = value AloftSpellNameText:Update() end,
values = {["LEFT"]= L["LEFT"], ["CENTER"]= L["CENTER"], ["RIGHT"]= L["RIGHT"] },
163,7 → 164,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Color"],
desc = L["Sets the spell name color"],
disabled = function(i) return Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") or not AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.enable end,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.enable or not Aloft:GetNameplateCVar("ShowVKeyCastbar") end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.color) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftSpellNameText.db.profile.color = { r, g, b, a } AloftSpellNameText:Update() end,
hasAlpha = true