WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1644 to Rev 1645
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1644 → Rev 1645

15,36 → 15,6
--[[ enUS ]] L["Modules"] = "Modules"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Aloft optional modules (loaded dynamically when selected; de-select and reload UI to unload)"] = "Aloft optional modules (loaded dynamically when selected; de-select and reload UI to unload)"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftAlpha"] = "AloftAlpha"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Control the relative transparency of nameplates"] = "Control the relative transparency of nameplates"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftAutoShow"] = "AloftAutoShow"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Automatically show/hide nameplates based on various events and conditions"] = "Automatically show/hide nameplates based on various events and conditions"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftCastBarSpellNameText"] = "AloftCastBarSpellNameText"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Display spell name on cast bar"] = "Display spell name on cast bar"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftCastBarTimeText"] = "AloftCastBarTimeText"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Display cast bar time text"] = "Display cast bar time text"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftCombatText"] = "AloftCombatText"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Display combat text on group member nameplates"] = "Display combat text on group member nameplates"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftCrowdControl"] = "AloftCrowdControl"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftHealthBarDeficit"] = "AloftHealthBarDeficit"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Modifiy Aloft nameplate health bars to deficit form"] = "Modifiy Aloft nameplate health bars to deficit form"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftRecentlyDamaged"] = "AloftRecentlyDamaged"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Display recently damaged icon on nameplates"] = "Display recently damaged icon on nameplates"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftThreat"] = "AloftThreat"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"] = "Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"
--[[ enUS ]] L["AloftVisibility"] = "AloftVisibility"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"] = "Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Regenerate Text Tags"] = "Regenerate Text Tags"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Clear and regenerate all text tags (may help to clear !!Tag Error!! problems without a full UI reload"] = "Clear and regenerate all text tags (may help to clear !!Tag Error!! problems without a full UI reload"
64,36 → 34,6
--[[ koKR ]] L["Modules"] = "Modules"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Aloft optional modules (loaded dynamically when selected; de-select and reload UI to unload)"] = "Aloft optional modules (loaded dynamically when selected; de-select and reload UI to unload)"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftAlpha"] = "AloftAlpha"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Control the relative transparency of nameplates"] = "Control the relative transparency of nameplates"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftAutoShow"] = "AloftAutoShow"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Automatically show/hide nameplates based on various events and conditions"] = "Automatically show/hide nameplates based on various events and conditions"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftCastBarSpellNameText"] = "AloftCastBarSpellNameText"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Display spell name on cast bar"] = "Display spell name on cast bar"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftCastBarTimeText"] = "AloftCastBarTimeText"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Display cast bar time text"] = "Display cast bar time text"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftCombatText"] = "AloftCombatText"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Display combat text on group member nameplates"] = "Display combat text on group member nameplates"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftCrowdControl"] = "AloftCrowdControl"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftHealthBarDeficit"] = "AloftHealthBarDeficit"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Modifiy Aloft nameplate health bars to deficit form"] = "Modifiy Aloft nameplate health bars to deficit form"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftRecentlyDamaged"] = "AloftRecentlyDamaged"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Display recently damaged icon on nameplates"] = "Display recently damaged icon on nameplates"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftThreat"] = "Aloft Threat"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"] = "Show threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"
--[[ koKR ]] L["AloftVisibility"] = "AloftVisibility"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"] = "Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Regenerate Text Tags"] = "Regenerate Text Tags"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Clear and regenerate all text tags (may help to clear !!Tag Error!! problems without a full UI reload"] = "Clear and regenerate all text tags (may help to clear !!Tag Error!! problems without a full UI reload"
109,36 → 49,6
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Modules"] = "Модули"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Aloft optional modules (loaded dynamically when selected; de-select and reload UI to unload)"] = "Дополнительные модули Aloft (если включены загружаются диновично; для отключения, отмените выбор и перезагрузите пользовательский интерфейс)"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftAlpha"] = "AloftAlpha"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Control the relative transparency of nameplates"] = "Настройки прозрачности табличек"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftAutoShow"] = "AloftAutoShow"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Automatically show/hide nameplates based on various events and conditions"] = "Автоматически показывает/скрывает таблички основываясь на различных критериях и событиях"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftCastBarSpellNameText"] = "AloftCastBarSpellNameText"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Display spell name on cast bar"] = "Отображение названия заклинаний на полоске заклинаний"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftCastBarTimeText"] = "AloftCastBarTimeText"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Display cast bar time text"] = "Отображает время на полоске заклинаний"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftCombatText"] = "AloftCombatText"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Display combat text on group member nameplates"] = "Отображает текст боя на табличках участников группы"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftCrowdControl"] = "AloftCrowdControl"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "Если это возможно, отображает таймеры контроля"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftHealthBarDeficit"] = "AloftHealthBarDeficit"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Modifiy Aloft nameplate health bars to deficit form"] = "Изменяет полосу таблички здоровья на значение недостатка"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftRecentlyDamaged"] = "AloftRecentlyDamaged"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Display recently damaged icon on nameplates"] = "Отображает конку недавнего урона"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftThreat"] = "AloftThreat"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"] = "Отображает текст/полосы/данные по угрозе"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["AloftVisibility"] = "AloftVisibility"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"] = "Различные настройки отображения"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Regenerate Text Tags"] = "Восстанавление текстовых тегов"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Clear and regenerate all text tags (may help to clear !!Tag Error!! problems without a full UI reload"] = "Очистка и восстанавление всех текстовых тегов (помогает избавиться от проблем !!Ошибка тега!! без перезагрузки пользовательского интерфейса"
154,36 → 64,6
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Modules"] = "模块"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Aloft optional modules (loaded dynamically when selected; de-select and reload UI to unload)"] = "Aloft的额外模块(选中后动态加载;取消选择后重载UI卸载)"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftAlpha"] = "透明度"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Control the relative transparency of nameplates"] = "控制姓名板的透明度"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftAutoShow"] = "自动显示"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Automatically show/hide nameplates based on various events and conditions"] = "在特定事件和状态下自动显示/隐藏姓名板"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftCastBarSpellNameText"] = "施法条法术名"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Display spell name on cast bar"] = "在施法条上显示法术名"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftCastBarTimeText"] = "施法时间"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Display cast bar time text"] = "在施法条上显示时间"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftCombatText"] = "战斗文字"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Display combat text on group member nameplates"] = "在小队成员的姓名板上显示战斗文字"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftCrowdControl"] = "控场效果"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "可能的情况在姓名板上显示控场效果计时器"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftHealthBarDeficit"] = "生命条亏减"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Modifiy Aloft nameplate health bars to deficit form"] = "将Aloft的生命值条显示为亏减模式"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftRecentlyDamaged"] = "最近受伤害"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Display recently damaged icon on nameplates"] = "在姓名板上显示最近受伤害图标"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftThreat"] = "威胁值"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"] = "在姓名板上显示威胁值数据、计量条和文本"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["AloftVisibility"] = "可见度"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"] = "Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Regenerate Text Tags"] = "重新生成文本标签"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Clear and regenerate all text tags (may help to clear !!Tag Error!! problems without a full UI reload"] = "清除并重新生成所有的文本标签(有时可以在不进行重载的情况下解决标签错误问题)"
200,36 → 80,6
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Modules"] = "模組"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Aloft optional modules (loaded dynamically when selected; de-select and reload UI to unload)"] = "Aloft的額外模組(選中後動態載入;取消選擇後重載UI卸載)"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftAlpha"] = "透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Control the relative transparency of nameplates"] = "控制名牌的透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftAutoShow"] = "自動顯示"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Automatically show/hide nameplates based on various events and conditions"] = "自動在特定的事件和狀態下顯示/隱藏名牌"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftCastBarSpellNameText"] = "施法條法術名"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Display spell name on cast bar"] = "在施法條上顯示法術名"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftCastBarTimeText"] = "施法時間"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Display cast bar time text"] = "在施法條上顯示時間"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftCombatText"] = "戰鬥文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Display combat text on group member nameplates"] = "在小隊成員的名牌上顯示戰鬥文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftCrowdControl"] = "控場效果"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "可能的情況在名牌上顯示控場效果計時器"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftHealthBarDeficit"] = "生命條虧減"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Modifiy Aloft nameplate health bars to deficit form"] = "將Aloft的生命值條顯示為虧減模式"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftRecentlyDamaged"] = "最近受傷害"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Display recently damaged icon on nameplates"] = "在名牌上顯示最近受傷害圖示"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftThreat"] = "威脅值"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"] = "在名牌上顯示威脅值資料、計量條和文本"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["AloftVisibility"] = "可見度"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"] = "Control the visibility of various types of nameplates"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Regenerate Text Tags"] = "重新生成文本標籤"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Clear and regenerate all text tags (may help to clear !!Tag Error!! problems without a full UI reload"] = "清除並重新生成所有的文本標籤(有時可以在不進行重載的情況下解決標籤錯誤問題)"