WoWInterface SVN AlphaMapFansUpdate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 5 to Rev 8
    Reverse comparison

Rev 5 → Rev 8
603,8 → 603,8
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "斯坦索姆",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
levels = "80",
players = "10/25",
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text ="憎惡區" , colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {2, 15} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
1628,7 → 1628,7
displayshort = "SC",
continent = 3,
toMap = "盤牙洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\SerpentShrine", -- SerpentshrineCavern
location = "盤牙洞穴, 贊格沼澤",
levels = "70",
326,7 → 326,7
displayname = "厄运之槌 (东)",
displayshort = "DM",
continent = 1,
toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "厄运之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "厄运之槌 (59, 44)",
335,9 → 335,9
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "入口 : 被毁坏的庭院", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "厄运之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "入口 : 艾德雷斯区", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "厄运之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "入口 : 拉瑞斯小亭", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl4 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_EXITS, colour = AM_RED, coords = { {8, 40} }, symbol = { AM_EXIT_SYMBOL },
2289,9 → 2289,9
tooltiptxt = "", leaveGap = 1, lootid = "SMTTrash" },
{ name = "Plateau du Puits de soleil", -- Sunwell Plateau
{ name = "太阳之井高地", -- Sunwell Plateau
displayname = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
displayname = "太阳之井高地",
displayshort = "SunP",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Sunwell",
7,6 → 7,14
-- Including "continent" will split the maps in to separate options on the DropDown menu, 1 for each continent...
-- If one map of this type mentions continent, then they ALL must mention continent
-- Everything below should be localised apart from the 'filename', 'lootid' entries which should NOT be changed --
-- The first 'name' field is used to equate with in game Zone name information to help determine when the player is in a specific --
-- Instance, and must therefore be spelt IDENTICALLY to the names of the Instances as displayed by the WoW Client in other native --
-- frames. --
{ name = "Blackfathom Deeps", -- Blackfathom Deeps
1060,7 → 1060,7
continent = 4,
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\Naxxramas",
location = "Stratholme",
location = "Dragonblight",
levels = "60+",
players = "40",
prereq = "",
1935,7 → 1935,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {23.24, 21.29} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Réservoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Mennu le Traître", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 31.84} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRSlaveMennu" },
dtl3 = { text = "Weeder la Main-verte", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {48.83, 71.29} }, symbol = { "2" },
1966,7 → 1966,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {120, 346} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Réservoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hungarfen", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "CFRUnderHungarfen" },
dtl3 = { text = "Palme de sporielle", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {71.09, 83.79} }, symbol = { " " },
1998,7 → 1998,7
prereq = "Objet : Cl\195\169 du r\195\169servoir (H\195\169roïque)",
general = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc\nR\195\169put : Exp\195\169dition c\195\169narienne",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {1.56, 35.74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh", toMap = "Réservoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR, leaveGap = 1 },
dtl2 = { text = "Hydromancienne Thespia", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { "1" },
tooltiptxt = "Elite Lvl 72", lootid = "CFRSteamThespia" },
dtl3 = { text = "Panneau d'acc\195\168s de la salle principale", colour = AM_RED, coords = { {54.3, 17.19} }, symbol = { " " },
306,7 → 306,7
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch - Overview",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DireMaul",
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
330,7 → 330,7
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (Ost)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMEast", --DMEast
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
339,7 → 339,7
prereq = "",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = "Eingang : Die gebrochenen Gemeinlande", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {6, 58} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "Eingang : Elderethgasse", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {12, 92} }, symbol = { "X2" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl3 = { text = "Eingang : Pavillion", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {98, 64} }, symbol = { "X3" },
379,7 → 379,7
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (Nord)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMNorth", -- DMNorth
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
388,7 → 388,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {74, 74} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch (West)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {9, 98} }, symbol = { "W" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch West" },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_CHESTS, colour = AM_GOLD, coords = { {49.2, 59.4} }, symbol = { AM_CHEST_SYMBOL },
420,7 → 420,7
displayname = "D\195\188sterbruch (West)",
displayshort = "DB",
continent = 1,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\DMWest", -- DMWest
location = "Feralas (59, 44)",
429,7 → 429,7
prereq = "Requires Crescent Key from Pusillin Chase in DM East",
general = "",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {97, 78} }, symbol = { "X1" },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch"..AM_EXTERIOR },
tooltiptxt = "", toWorldMap = "Feralas", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR },
dtl2 = { text = "D\195\188sterbruch (Nord)", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {66, 9} }, symbol = { "N" },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord", leaveGap = 1 },
dtl3 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_STAIRS, colour = AM_BLUE, coords = { {49.2, 25}, {52, 60} }, symbol = { AM_STAIRS_SYMBOL },
992,12 → 992,12
tooltiptxt = "Lvl26 Elite Mensch", special = AM_RARE, lootid = "SWStBruegalIronknuckle", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Der versunkene Tempel", -- Sunken Temple
{ name = "Versunkener Tempel", -- Sunken Temple
displayname = "Der versunkene Tempel",
displayname = "Versunkener Tempel",
displayshort = "ST",
continent = 2,
toMap = "Der versunkene Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toMap = "Versunkener Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
filename = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_Instances\\Maps\\TheSunkenTemple",
location = "S\195\188mpfe des Elends (70, 53)",
1006,7 → 1006,7
prereq = "",
general = "Tempel Atal'Hakkar",
dtl1 = { text = AM_INSTANCE_ENTRANCES, colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {62, 7} }, symbol = { AM_ENTRANCE_SYMBOL },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Der versunkene Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
tooltiptxt = "", toMap = "Versunkener Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR, },
dtl2 = { text = "Treppen zum Unten", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {54, 11.3}, {13.9, 47} }, symbol = { "SL" },
tooltiptxt = "" },
dtl3 = { text = "Treppen", colour = AM_GREEN, coords = { {69, 11.3} }, symbol = { "SM" },
1364,9 → 1364,9
tooltiptxt = "Lvl62 Elite Undead", lootid = "STRATBaronRivendare", leaveGap = 1 }
{ name = "Burg Shadowfang", -- Burg Shadowfang
{ name = "Burg Schattenfang", -- Burg Shadowfang
displayname = "SBurg Shadowfang",
displayname = "Burg Schattenfang",
displayshort = "BSF",
continent = 2,
toWorldMap = "Silverpine",
1936,9 → 1936,9
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "TKBotTrash" }
{ name = "Arcatraz", -- The Arcatraz
{ name = "Arkatraz", -- The Arcatraz
displayname = "FdS: Arcatraz",
displayname = "FdS: Arkatraz",
displayshort = "Arca",
continent = 3,
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
2468,7 → 2468,7
tooltiptxt = "", lootid = "Sartharion", },
{ name = "Feste Drak'Tharon Keep", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
{ name = "Feste Drak'Tharon", -- Drak'Tharon Keep
displayname = "Feste Drak'Tharon Unten",
displayshort = "",