WoWInterface SVN AlphaMapFansUpdate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 9 to Rev 10
    Reverse comparison

Rev 9 → Rev 10 New file
0,0 → 1,1583
-- Raid : |cffa335ed
-- Instance : |cff0F59FF
-- Paler blue : |cff0F59FF
if ( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
["World"] = {
x = 0.233,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀高地|r",
toMap = "剃刀高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.215,
y = 0.693,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀沼泽|r",
toMap = "剃刀沼泽",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.228,
y = 0.607,
name = "|cff0F59FF哀嚎洞穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.873,
y = 0.138,
name = "|cff0F59FF魔导师平台|r",
toMap = "魔导师平台",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.866,
y = 0.161,
name = "|cffa335ed太阳之井高地|r",
toMap = "太阳之井高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.815,
y = 0.816,
name = "|cff0F59FF卡拉赞|r",
toMap = "卡拉赞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.736,
y = 0.468,
name = "|cff0F59FF影牙城堡|r",
toMap = "影牙城堡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.847,
y = 0.367,
name = "|cff0F59FF斯坦索姆|r",
toMap = "斯坦索姆",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.824,
y = 0.428,
name = "|cff0F59FF通灵学院|r",
toMap = "通灵学院",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.881,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cffa335ed祖阿曼|r",
toMap = "祖阿曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.797,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335ed祖而格拉布|r",
toMap = "祖而格拉布",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.241,
y = 0.812,
name = "|cff0F59FF祖尔法拉克|r",
toMap = "祖尔法拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.837,
y = 0.656,
name = "|cff0F59FF奥达曼|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.858,
y = 0.792,
name = "|cff0F59FF阿塔哈卡神庙|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.777,
y = 0.379,
name = "|cff0F59FF血色修道院|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.130,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉废墟|r",
toMap = "安其拉废墟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.15,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉神殿|r",
toMap = "安其拉神殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.801,
y = 0.706,
name = "|cff00ff00黑石山|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF黑石深渊|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed熔火之心|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FF黑石塔|r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.159,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cff0F59FF黑暗深渊|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.147,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff00ff00厄运之槌|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.746,
y = 0.622,
name = "|cff0F59FF诺莫瑞根|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.136,
y = 0.587,
name = "|cff0F59FF玛拉顿|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.556,
y = 0.221,
name = "|cffa335ed纳克萨玛斯|r",
toMap = "纳克萨玛斯",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.257,
y = 0.726,
name = "|cffa335ed奥妮克希亚的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cff0F59FF怒焰裂谷|r",
toMap = "怒焰裂谷",
tooltip = { "奥格瑞玛", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.74,
y = 0.824,
name = "|cff0F59FF死亡矿井|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.754,
y = 0.743,
name = "|cff0F59FF监狱|r",
toMap = "监狱",
tooltip = { "暴风城", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.637,
y = 0.303,
name = "|cff00ff00乌特加德城堡|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF乌特加德城堡|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed乌特加德之巅|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.553,
y = 0.046,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF闪电大厅|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF岩石大厅|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.385,
y = 0.222,
name = "|cff00ff00魔枢|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF魔枢|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF魔环|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed永恒之眼|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.225,
name = "|cff00ff00尼鲁布|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF尼鲁布|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF安卡雷:古代王国|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.231,
name = "|cffa335ed黑曜石圣殿|r",
toMap = "黑曜石圣殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.578,
y = 0.203,
name = "|cff0F59FF达克萨隆要塞|r",
toMap = "达克萨隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.628,
y = 0.129,
name = "|cff0F59FF古达克|r",
toMap = "古达克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.178,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { "冬拥湖", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.519,
y = 0.172,
name = "|cff0F59FF紫罗兰监狱|r",
toMap = "紫罗兰监狱",
tooltip = { "达拉然", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.478,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.284,
y = 0.833,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 时光之穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- World ^
["Northrend"] = {
x = 0.385,
y = 0.362,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.49,
y = 0.394,
name = "|cff0F59FF紫罗兰监狱|r",
toMap = "紫罗兰监狱",
tooltip = { "达拉然", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.375,
y = 0.437,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { "冬拥湖", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.765,
y = 0.335,
name = "|cff0F59FF古达克|r",
toMap = "古达克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.639,
y = 0.549,
name = "|cff0F59FF达克萨隆要塞|r",
toMap = "达克萨隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.505,
y = 0.555,
name = "|cffa335ed黑曜石圣殿|r",
toMap = "黑曜石圣殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.588,
name = "|cff00ff00尼鲁布|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF尼鲁布|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF安卡雷:古代王国|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.119,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff00ff00魔枢|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF魔枢|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF魔环|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed永恒之眼|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.806,
y = 0.763,
name = "|cff00ff00乌特加德城堡|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF乌特加德城堡|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed乌特加德之巅|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.593,
y = 0.15,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF闪电大厅|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF岩石大厅|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.594,
y = 0.572,
name = "|cffa335ed纳克萨玛斯|r",
toMap = "纳克萨玛斯",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- Northrend ^
["Expansion01"] = {
x = 0.669,
y = 0.244,
name = "|cff00ff00风暴要塞|r",
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF风暴要塞 - 能源舰|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF风暴要塞 - 生态船|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF风暴要塞 - 禁魔监狱|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335ed风暴之眼|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.457,
y = 0.186,
name = "|cffa335ed格鲁尔的巢穴|r",
toMap = "格鲁尔的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.462,
y = 0.791,
name = "|cff00ff00奥金顿|r",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF奥金顿 - 法力陵墓|r", "L:64-66 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF奥金顿 - 奥金尼地穴|r", "L:65-67 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF奥金顿 - 塞泰克大厅|r", "L:67-69 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed奥金顿 - 暗影迷宫|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.345,
y = 0.449,
name = "|cff00ff00盘牙水库|r",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF盘牙水库 - 奴隶围栏|r", "L:62-64 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF盘牙水库 - 幽暗沼泽|r", "L:63-65 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF盘牙水库 - 蒸汽地窟|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335ed盘牙水库 - 毒蛇神殿|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.756,
y = 0.815,
name = "|cffa335ed黑暗神殿|r",
toMap = "黑暗神殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.562,
y = 0.529,
name = "|cff00ff00地狱火堡垒|r",
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF地狱火堡垒 - 地狱火城墙|r", "L:60-62 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF地狱火堡垒 - 鲜血熔炉|r", "L:61-63 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF地狱火堡垒 - 破碎大厅|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335ed地狱火堡垒 - 玛瑟里顿的巢穴|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Kalimdor"] = {
x = 0.594,
y = 0.85,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 时光之穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.538,
y = 0.779,
name = "|cff0F59FF祖尔法拉克|r",
toMap = "祖尔法拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.413,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉废墟|r",
toMap = "安其拉废墟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.429,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉神殿|r",
toMap = "安其拉神殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.709,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀高地|r",
toMap = "剃刀高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.684,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀沼泽|r",
toMap = "剃刀沼泽",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.514,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff0F59FF哀嚎洞穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.584,
y = 0.443,
name = "|cff0F59FF怒焰裂谷|r",
toMap = "怒焰裂谷",
tooltip = { "奥格瑞玛", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.569,
y = 0.722,
name = "|cffa335ed奥妮克希亚的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.442,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cff0F59FF黑暗深渊|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.431,
y = 0.689,
name = "|cff00ff00厄运之槌|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.391,
y = 0.565,
name = "|cff0F59FF玛拉顿|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Azeroth"] = {
x = 0.568,
y = 0.029,
name = "|cff0F59FF魔导师平台|r",
toMap = "魔导师平台",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.56,
y = 0.055,
name = "|cffa335ed太阳之井高地|r",
toMap = "太阳之井高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.496,
y = 0.823,
name = "|cff0F59FF卡拉赞|r",
toMap = "卡拉赞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.407,
y = 0.42,
name = "|cff0F59FF影牙城堡|r",
toMap = "影牙城堡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.297,
name = "|cff0F59FF斯坦索姆|r",
toMap = "斯坦索姆",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.37,
name = "|cff0F59FF通灵学院|r",
toMap = "通灵学院",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.579,
y = 0.25,
name = "|cffa335ed祖阿曼|r",
toMap = "祖阿曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.857,
name = "|cffa335ed祖而格拉布|r",
toMap = "祖而格拉布",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.527,
y = 0.642,
name = "|cff0F59FF奥达曼|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.794,
name = "|cff0F59FF阿塔哈卡神庙|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.739,
name = "|cff0F59FF监狱|r",
toMap = "监狱",
tooltip = { "暴风城", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.41,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cff0F59FF死亡矿井|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.471,
y = 0.687,
name = "|cff00ff00黑石山|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF黑石深渊|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed熔火之心|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FF黑石塔|r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.421,
y = 0.602,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.46,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cff0F59FF血色修道院|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["LakeWintergrasp"] = {
x = 0.507,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Hellfire"] = {
x = 0.47,
y = 0.49,
name = "|cff0F59FF地狱火堡垒 - 地狱火城墙|r",
toMap = "地狱火堡垒 - 地狱火城墙",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60-62 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.44,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FF地狱火堡垒 - 鲜血熔炉|r",
toMap = "地狱火堡垒 - 鲜血熔炉",
tooltip = { " ", "L:61-63 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FF地狱火堡垒 - 破碎大厅|r",
toMap = "地狱火堡垒 - 破碎大厅",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.47,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cffa335ed地狱火堡垒 - 玛瑟里顿的巢穴|r",
toMap = "地狱火堡垒 - 玛瑟里顿的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Ogrimmar"] = {
x = 0.486,
y = 0.543,
name = "|cff0F59FF怒焰裂谷|r",
toMap = "怒焰裂谷",
tooltip = { " ", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Desolace"] = {
x = 0.266,
y = 0.61,
name = "|cff0F59FF玛拉顿|r",
toMap = "玛拉顿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.286,
y = 0.619,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 玛拉顿|r",
toMap = "玛拉顿"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["ZulDrak"] = {
x = 0.285,
y = 0.896,
name = "|c000F59FF达克萨隆要塞|r",
toMap = "达克萨隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.767,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FF古达克|r",
toMap = "古达克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Tanaris"] = {
x = 0.65,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FF时光之穴 - 旧希尔希布莱德|r",
toMap = "时光之穴 - 旧希尔希布莱德",
tooltip = { " ", "L:66-68 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FF时光之穴 - 黑色沼泽|r",
toMap = "时光之穴 - 黑色沼泽",
tooltip = { " ", "L:69-70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.65,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335ed时光之穴 - 海加尔峰|r",
toMap = "时光之穴 - 海加尔峰",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335ed时光之穴 - 净化斯坦索姆|r",
toMap = "时光之穴 - 净化斯坦索姆",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.671,
y = 0.494,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 时光之穴|r",
toMap = "时光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR ,
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.363,
y = 0.094,
name = "|c000F59FF祖尔法拉克|r",
toMap = "祖尔法拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Stormwind"] = {
x = 0.513,
y = 0.676,
name = "|c000F59FF监狱|r",
toMap = "监狱",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["BoreanTundra"] = {
x = 0.27,
y = 0.236,
name = "|cffa335ed永恒之眼|r",
toMap = "永恒之眼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FF魔环|r",
toMap = "魔环",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.318,
name = "|c000F59FF魔枢|r",
toMap = "魔枢",
tooltip = { " ", "L:71-73 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Barrens"] = {
x = 0.639,
y = 0.935,
name = "|cffa335ed奥妮克希亚的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.903,
name = "|c000F59FF剃刀高地|r",
toMap = "剃刀高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.409,
y = 0.868,
name = "|c000F59FF剃刀沼泽|r",
toMap = "剃刀沼泽",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.349,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 哀嚎洞穴|r",
toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.314,
name = "|c000F59FF哀嚎洞穴|r",
toMap = "哀嚎洞穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["SwampOfSorrows"] = {
x = 0.702,
y = 0.524,
name = "|c000F59FF阿塔哈卡神庙|r",
toMap = "阿塔哈卡神庙",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.702,
y = 0.559,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 阿塔哈卡神庙|r",
toMap = "阿塔哈卡神庙"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Stranglethorn"] = {
x = 0.533,
y = 0.172,
name = "|c000F59FF祖而格拉布|r",
toMap = "祖而格拉布",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["EasternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.275,
y = 0.067,
name = "|c000F59FF斯坦索姆|r",
toMap = "斯坦索姆",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Elwynn"] = {
x = 0.235,
y = 0.351,
name = "|c000F59FF监狱|r",
toMap = "监狱",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DeadwindPass"] = {
x = 0.46,
y = 0.721,
name = "|c000F59FF卡拉赞|r",
toMap = "卡拉赞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.766,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 卡拉赞|r",
toMap = "卡拉赞"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["BurningSteppes"] = {
x = 0.295,
y = 0.325,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑石山|r",
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.327,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石深渊|r",
toMap = "黑石深渊",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cffa335ed熔火之心|r",
toMap = "熔火之心",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.325,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石塔|r",
toMap = "黑石塔",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.285,
name = "|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r",
toMap = "黑翼之巢",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Silverpine"] = {
x = 0.432,
y = 0.659,
name = "|c000F59FF影牙城堡|r",
toMap = "影牙城堡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Dustwallow"] = {
x = 0.541,
y = 0.769,
name = "|cffa335ed奥妮克希亚的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Badlands"] = {
x = 0.39,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FF奥达曼|r",
toMap = "奥达曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.414,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奥达曼|r",
toMap = "奥达曼"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["SearingGorge"] = {
x = 0.355,
y = 0.835,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."黑石山|r",
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石深渊|r",
toMap = "黑石深渊",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.87,
name = "|cffa335ed熔火之心|r",
toMap = "熔火之心",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石塔|r",
toMap = "黑石塔",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.8,
name = "|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r",
toMap = "黑翼之巢",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["BladesEdgeMountains"] = {
x = 0.688,
y = 0.233,
name = "|cffa335ed格鲁尔的巢穴|r",
toMap = "格鲁尔的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Tirisfal"] = {
x = 0.846,
y = 0.3,
name = "|c000F59FF血色修道院|r",
toMap = "血色修道院",
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.846,
y = 0.338,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."血色修道院|r",
toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Silithus"] = {
x = 0.28,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉废墟|r",
toMap = "安其拉废墟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.31,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉神殿|r",
toMap = "安其拉神殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["GrizzlyHills"] = {
x = 0.18,
y = 0.259,
name = "|c000F59FF达克萨隆要塞|r",
toMap = "达克萨隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["IcecrownGlacier"] = {
x = 0.55,
y = 0.902,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Netherstorm"] = {
x = 0.739,
y = 0.638,
name = "|cffa335ed风暴之眼|r",
toMap = "风暴之眼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.744,
y = 0.577,
name = "|c000F59FF风暴要塞 - 禁魔监狱|r",
toMap = "风暴要塞 - 禁魔监狱",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.717,
y = 0.551,
name = "|c000F59FF风暴要塞 - 生态船|r",
toMap = "风暴要塞 - 生态船",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.706,
y = 0.698,
name = "|c000F59FF风暴要塞 - 能源舰|r",
toMap = "风暴要塞 - 能源舰",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Ashenvale"] = {
x = 0.148,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FF黑暗深渊|r",
toMap = "黑暗深渊",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.128,
y = 0.145,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."黑暗深渊|r",
toMap = "黑暗深渊"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Ghostlands"] = {
x = 0.782,
y = 0.626,
name = "|cffa335ed祖阿曼|r",
toMap = "祖阿曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["TheStormPeaks"] = {
x = 0.388,
y = 0.25,
name = "|c000F59FF岩石大厅|r",
toMap = "岩石大厅",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.189,
name = "|c000F59FF闪电大厅|r",
toMap = "闪电大厅",
tooltip = { " ", "L:77-79 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.418,
y = 0.188,
name = "|cffa335edUlduar|r",
toMap = "Ulduar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["HowlingFjord"] = {
x = 0.605,
y = 0.494,
name = "|c000F59FF乌特加德城堡|r",
toMap = "乌特加德城堡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70-72 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.577,
y = 0.432,
name = "|cffa335ed乌特加德之巅|r",
toMap = "乌特加德之巅",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dragonblight"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.499,
name = "|c000F59FF尼鲁布|r",
toMap = "尼鲁布",
tooltip = { " ", "L:72-74 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.26,
y = 0.475,
name = "|c000F59FF安卡雷:古代王国|r",
toMap = "安卡雷:古代王国",
tooltip = { " ", "L:73-75 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.605,
y = 0.558,
name = "|cffa335ed黑曜石圣殿|r",
toMap = "黑曜石圣殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.877,
y = 0.458,
name = "|cffa335ed纳克萨玛斯|r",
toMap = "纳克萨玛斯",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dalaran"] = {
x = 0.698,
y = 0.712,
name = "|c000F59FF紫罗兰监狱|r",
toMap = "紫罗兰监狱",
floor = 1,
tooltip = { " ", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Sunwell"] = {
x = 0.609,
y = 0.308,
name = "|c000F59FF魔导师平台|r",
toMap = "魔导师平台",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.499,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cffa335ed太阳之井高地|r",
toMap = "太阳之井高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Zangarmarsh"] = {
x = 0.504,
y = 0.41,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 盘牙水库|r",
toMap = "盘牙水库"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.447,
name = "|cffa335ed盘牙水库 - 毒蛇神殿|r",
toMap = "盘牙水库 - 毒蛇神殿",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.535,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FF盘牙水库 - 蒸汽地窟|r",
toMap = "盘牙水库 - 蒸汽地窟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FF盘牙水库 - 幽暗沼泽|r",
toMap = "盘牙水库 - 幽暗沼泽",
tooltip = { " ", "L:63-65 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.373,
name = "|c000F59FF盘牙水库 - 奴隶围栏|r",
toMap = "盘牙水库 - 奴隶围栏",
tooltip = { " ", "L:62-64 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["TerokkarForest"] = {
x = 0.4,
y = 0.649,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奥金顿|r",
toMap = "奥金顿"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.708,
name = "|cffa335ed奥金顿 - 暗影迷宫|r",
toMap = "奥金顿 - 暗影迷宫",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.446,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FF奥金顿 - 塞泰克大厅|r",
toMap = "奥金顿 - 塞泰克大厅",
tooltip = { " ", "L:67-69 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.352,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FF奥金顿 - 奥金尼地穴|r",
toMap = "奥金顿 - 奥金尼地穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:65-67 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.585,
name = "|c000F59FF奥金顿 - 法力陵墓|r",
toMap = "奥金顿 - 法力陵墓",
tooltip = { " ", "L:64-66 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["CrystalsongForest"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.377,
name = "|c000F59FF紫罗兰监狱|r",
toMap = "紫罗兰监狱",
tooltip = { "达拉然", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["ShadowmoonValley"] = {
x = 0.765,
y = 0.417,
name = "|cffa335ed黑暗神殿|r",
toMap = "黑暗神殿",
tooltip = { "Raid", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Westfall"] = {
x = 0.43,
y = 0.78,
name = "|c000F59FF死亡矿井|r",
toMap = "死亡矿井",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.745,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 死亡矿井|r",
toMap = "死亡矿井"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Feralas"] = {
x = 0.612,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FF厄运之槌 (东)|r",
toMap = "厄运之槌 (东)",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.57,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FF厄运之槌 (西)|r",
toMap = "厄运之槌 (西)",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.406,
name = "|c000F59FF厄运之槌 (北)|r",
toMap = "厄运之槌 (北)",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cffa335ed厄运之槌|r",
toMap = "厄运之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { "厄运之槌", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["WesternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.7,
y = 0.734,
name = "|c000F59FF通灵学院|r",
toMap = "通灵学院",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DunMorogh"] = {
x = 0.22,
y = 0.369,
name = "|c000F59FF诺莫瑞根|r",
toMap = "诺莫瑞根",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.246,
y = 0.389,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 诺莫瑞根|r",
toMap = "诺莫瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
AlphaMap_POI_Instances.lua New file
0,0 → 1,185
-- The toggling of these POIs on/off is controlled by a variable
-- stored within the main AlphaMap SavedVariables .iLocs
-- A loop through AlphaMapConfigurations saves it as a global AlphaMap variable
-- Templates for these plugins is in the main AlphaMap AddOn
local AlphaMap_POI_Instances_Frame = CreateFrame("Frame");
-- Display of the actual POIs on the AlphaMap world maps
local function DisplayInstanceLocs(c, z, m, frame)
local note, noteT;
local width = frame:GetWidth();
local height = frame:GetHeight();
local amUnitScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale();
local x, y;
local i = 0;
local lFloor = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel();
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.iLocs ) and ( AM_INSTANCE_LOCS ) and ( AM_INSTANCE_LOCS[m] ) ) then
for _, poi in ipairs(AM_INSTANCE_LOCS[m]) do
if ( ( not poi.floor ) or ( poi.floor == lFloor ) ) then
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
if ( not note ) then
note = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POI_Note_"..i, frame, "AM_GenPOI_Template");
note:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self)
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
local i = 1;
while( self.tooltip[i] ) do
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(self.tooltip[i], self.tooltip[i+1]);
i = i + 2;
note:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
note:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, mouseButton)
if ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) then
local map = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(self.toMap);
if ( map ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( map );
elseif ( self.toWorldMap ) then
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(self.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
noteT = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i.."Texture");
noteT:SetTexture( poi.icon );
x = ( poi.x * width ) / amUnitScale;
y = ( poi.y * height ) / amUnitScale; =;
note.tooltip = poi.tooltip;
note.toMap = poi.toMap;
note.toWorldMap = poi.toWorldMap;
note:SetPoint("CENTER", frame, "TOPLEFT", x, -y);
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
while (note) do
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
local POIIOld_AlphaMap_ResetAll;
function POIINew_AlphaMap_ResetAll()
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = true;
for configuration, configurations in pairs(AlphaMapConfigurations) do
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].iLocs = AlphaMapConfig.iLocs;
-- Variables_Loaded is the only event registered.
local function AlphaMap_POI_Instances_OnEvent()
-- Hook the AlphaMap Options Reset Function
POIIOld_AlphaMap_ResetAll = AlphaMap_ResetAll;
AlphaMap_ResetAll = POIINew_AlphaMap_ResetAll;
-- Set up Saved AlphaMap configuration options
if ( AlphaMapConfig.iLocs == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = true;
for configuration, configurations in pairs(AlphaMapConfigurations) do
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].iLocs = AlphaMapConfig.iLocs;
-- Insert Instance Display function code in to the main AlphaMap POI Plugin array
-- AlphaMap will loop through these functions to display the required POIs
table.insert(AML.CustomPOIs, DisplayInstanceLocs);
-- Set up the Control Check Button allowing people to toggle
-- display of Instance Locations off and on from the AlphaMap
local i = #(AML.CustomPOIControls) + 1;
local controlButton = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POIC"..i, UIParent, "AM_GenPOIControl_Template"); = i;
local controlButtonT = getglobal("AM_POIC"..i.."Texture");
local controlButtonC = getglobal("AM_POIC"..i.."Check");
controlButtonC:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
self:SetFrameLevel( self:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.iLocs ) then
controlButtonC:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
if ( self:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = false;
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = true;
for configuration, configurations in pairs(AlphaMapConfigurations) do
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].iLocs = AlphaMapConfig.iLocs;
controlButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
local v = getglobal(self:GetName() .. "Check");
if ( v ) then
self = v;
v = v:GetScript("OnClick");
if ( v ) then v(self); end
-- Insert the Created control button in to the main AlphaMap array
-- for display when the Control & Alt keys are pressed together
table.insert(AML.CustomPOIControls, controlButton);
-- Register Variables Loaded Event
AlphaMap_POI_Instances_Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", AlphaMap_POI_Instances_OnEvent);
localisation.en.lua New file
0,0 → 1,1579
-- Raid : |cffa335ed
-- Instance : |cff0F59FF
-- Paler blue : |cff0F59FF
["World"] = {
x = 0.233,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff0F59FFRazorfen Downs|r",
toMap = "Razorfen Downs",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.215,
y = 0.693,
name = "|cff0F59FFRazorfen Kraul|r",
toMap = "Razorfen Kraul",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.228,
y = 0.607,
name = "|cff0F59FFWailing Caverns|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.873,
y = 0.138,
name = "|cff0F59FFMagister's Terrace|r",
toMap = "Magister's Terrace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.866,
y = 0.161,
name = "|cffa335edSunwell Plateau|r",
toMap = "Sunwell Plateau",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.815,
y = 0.816,
name = "|cff0F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.736,
y = 0.468,
name = "|cff0F59FFShadowfang Keep|r",
toMap = "Shadowfang Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.847,
y = 0.367,
name = "|cff0F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.824,
y = 0.428,
name = "|cff0F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { "Scholomance", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.881,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.797,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.241,
y = 0.812,
name = "|cff0F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.837,
y = 0.656,
name = "|cff0F59FFUldaman|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.858,
y = 0.792,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Temple of Atal'Hakkar|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.777,
y = 0.379,
name = "|cff0F59FFScarlet Monastery|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.130,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335edRuins of Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.15,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335edTemple of Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.801,
y = 0.706,
name = "|cff00ff00Blackrock Mountain|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFBlackrock Depths|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335edMolten Core|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FFBlackrock Spire |r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335edBlackwing Lair|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.159,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cff0F59FFBlackfathom Deeps|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.147,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff00ff00Dire Maul|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.746,
y = 0.622,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomeregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.136,
y = 0.587,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.556,
y = 0.221,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.257,
y = 0.726,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxia's Lair|r",
toMap = "Onyxia's Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cff0F59FFRagefire Chasm|r",
toMap = "Ragefire Chasm",
tooltip = { "Orgrimmar", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.74,
y = 0.824,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Deadmines|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.754,
y = 0.743,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Stockade|r",
toMap = "The Stockade",
tooltip = { "Stormwind City", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.637,
y = 0.303,
name = "|cff00ff00Utgarde Keep|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFUtgarde Keep|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUtgarde Pinnacle|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.553,
y = 0.046,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFHalls of Lightning|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFHalls of Stone|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.385,
y = 0.222,
name = "|cff00ff00The Nexus|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFThe Nexus|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Oculus|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edThe Eye of Eternity|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.225,
name = "|cff00ff00Azjol-Nerub|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAhn'Kahet|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.231,
name = "|cffa335edThe Obsidian Sanctum|r",
toMap = "The Obsidian Sanctum",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.578,
y = 0.203,
name = "|cff0F59FFDrak'Tharon Keep|r",
toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.628,
y = 0.129,
name = "|cff0F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.178,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.519,
y = 0.172,
name = "|cff0F59FFViolet Hold|r",
toMap = "Violet Hold",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.478,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.284,
y = 0.833,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Caverns of Time|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- World ^
["Northrend"] = {
x = 0.385,
y = 0.362,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.49,
y = 0.394,
name = "|cff0F59FFViolet Hold|r",
toMap = "Violet Hold",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.375,
y = 0.437,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.765,
y = 0.335,
name = "|cff0F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.639,
y = 0.549,
name = "|cff0F59FFDrak'Tharon Keep|r",
toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.505,
y = 0.555,
name = "|cffa335edThe Obsidian Sanctum|r",
toMap = "The Obsidian Sanctum",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.588,
name = "|cff00ff00Azjol-Nerub|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAhn'Kahet|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.119,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff00ff00The Nexus|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFThe Nexus|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Oculus|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edThe Eye of Eternity|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.806,
y = 0.763,
name = "|cff00ff00Utgarde Keep|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFUtgarde Keep|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUtgarde Pinnacle|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.593,
y = 0.15,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFHalls of Lightning|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFHalls of Stone|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.594,
y = 0.572,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- Northrend ^
["Expansion01"] = {
x = 0.669,
y = 0.244,
name = "|cff00ff00Tempest Keep|r",
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFThe Mechanar|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Botanica|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Arcatraz|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edThe Eye|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.457,
y = 0.186,
name = "|cffa335edGruul's Lair|r",
toMap = "Gruul's Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.462,
y = 0.791,
name = "|cff00ff00Auchindoun|r",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFMana-Tombs|r", "L:64-66 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAuchenai Crypts|r", "L:65-67 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFSethekk Halls|r", "L:67-69 #(5)",
"|cffa335edShadow Labyrinth|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.345,
y = 0.449,
name = "|cff00ff00Coilfang Reservoir|r",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFThe Slave Pens|r", "L:62-64 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Underbog|r", "L:63-65 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Steamvault|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edSerpentshrine Cavern|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.756,
y = 0.815,
name = "|cffa335edBlack Temple|r",
toMap = "Black Temple",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.562,
y = 0.529,
name = "|cff00ff00Hellfire Citadel|r",
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFHellfire Ramparts|r", "L:60-62 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Blood Furnace|r", "L:61-63 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFThe Shattered Halls|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edMagtheridon's Lair|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Kalimdor"] = {
x = 0.594,
y = 0.85,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Caverns of Time|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.538,
y = 0.779,
name = "|cff0F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.413,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edRuins of Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.429,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edTemple of Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.709,
name = "|cff0F59FFRazorfen Downs|r",
toMap = "Razorfen Downs",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.684,
name = "|cff0F59FFRazorfen Kraul|r",
toMap = "Razorfen Kraul",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.514,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff0F59FFWailing Caverns|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.584,
y = 0.443,
name = "|cff0F59FFRagefire Chasm|r",
toMap = "Ragefire Chasm",
tooltip = { "Orgrimmar", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.569,
y = 0.722,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxia's Lair|r",
toMap = "Onyxia's Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.442,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cff0F59FFBlackfathom Deeps|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.431,
y = 0.689,
name = "|cff00ff00Dire Maul|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.391,
y = 0.565,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Azeroth"] = {
x = 0.568,
y = 0.029,
name = "|cff0F59FFMagister's Terrace|r",
toMap = "Magister's Terrace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.56,
y = 0.055,
name = "|cffa335edSunwell Plateau|r",
toMap = "Sunwell Plateau",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.496,
y = 0.823,
name = "|cff0F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.407,
y = 0.42,
name = "|cff0F59FFShadowfang Keep|r",
toMap = "Shadowfang Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.297,
name = "|cff0F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.37,
name = "|cff0F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { "Scholomance", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.579,
y = 0.25,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.857,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.527,
y = 0.642,
name = "|cff0F59FFUldaman|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.794,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Temple of Atal'Hakkar|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.739,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Stockade|r",
toMap = "The Stockade",
tooltip = { "Stormwind City", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.41,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Deadmines|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.471,
y = 0.687,
name = "|cff00ff00Blackrock Mountain|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFBlackrock Depths|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335edMolten Core|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FFBlackrock Spire |r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335edBlackwing Lair|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.421,
y = 0.602,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.46,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cff0F59FFScarlet Monastery|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["LakeWintergrasp"] = {
x = 0.507,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Hellfire"] = {
x = 0.47,
y = 0.49,
name = "|cff0F59FFHellfire Ramparts|r",
toMap = "Hellfire Ramparts",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60-62 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.44,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Blood Furnace|r",
toMap = "The Blood Furnace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:61-63 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FFThe Shattered Halls|r",
toMap = "The Shattered Halls",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.47,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cffa335edMagtheridon's Lair|r",
toMap = "Magtheridon's Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Ogrimmar"] = {
x = 0.486,
y = 0.543,
name = "|cff0F59FFRagefire Chasm|r",
toMap = "Ragefire Chasm",
tooltip = { " ", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Desolace"] = {
x = 0.266,
y = 0.61,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toMap = "Maraudon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.286,
y = 0.619,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Maraudon|r",
toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["ZulDrak"] = {
x = 0.285,
y = 0.896,
name = "|c000F59FFDrak'Tharon Keep|r",
toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.767,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Tanaris"] = {
x = 0.65,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FFOld Hillsbrad Foothills|r",
toMap = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills",
tooltip = { " ", "L:66-68 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FFBlack Morass|r",
toMap = "Black Morass",
tooltip = { " ", "L:69-70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.65,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335edBattle for Mount Hyjal|r",
toMap = "Battle for Mount Hyjal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335edThe Culling of Stratholme|r",
toMap = "The Culling of Stratholme",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.671,
y = 0.494,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Caverns of Time|r",
toMap = "Caverns of Time"..AM_EXTERIOR ,
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.363,
y = 0.094,
name = "|c000F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Stormwind"] = {
x = 0.513,
y = 0.676,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Stockade|r",
toMap = "The Stockade",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["BoreanTundra"] = {
x = 0.27,
y = 0.236,
name = "|cffa335edThe Eye of Eternity|r",
toMap = "The Eye of Eternity",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Oculus|r",
toMap = "The Oculus",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.318,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Nexus|r",
toMap = "The Nexus",
tooltip = { " ", "L:71-73 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Barrens"] = {
x = 0.639,
y = 0.935,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxia's Lair|r",
toMap = "Onyxia's Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.903,
name = "|c000F59FFRazorfen Downs|r",
toMap = "Razorfen Downs",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.409,
y = 0.868,
name = "|c000F59FFRazorfen Kraul|r",
toMap = "Razorfen Kraul",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.349,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Wailing Caverns|r",
toMap = "Wailing Caverns"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.314,
name = "|c000F59FFWailing Caverns|r",
toMap = "Wailing Caverns",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["SwampOfSorrows"] = {
x = 0.702,
y = 0.524,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Temple of Atal'Hakkar|r",
toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.702,
y = 0.559,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - The Temple of Atal'Hakkar|r",
toMap = "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Stranglethorn"] = {
x = 0.533,
y = 0.172,
name = "|c000F59FFZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["EasternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.275,
y = 0.067,
name = "|c000F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Elwynn"] = {
x = 0.235,
y = 0.351,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Stockade|r",
toMap = "The Stockade",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DeadwindPass"] = {
x = 0.46,
y = 0.721,
name = "|c000F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.766,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Karazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["BurningSteppes"] = {
x = 0.295,
y = 0.325,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Blackrock Mountain|r",
toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.327,
name = "|c000F59FFBlackrock Depths|r",
toMap = "Blackrock Depths",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cffa335edMolten Core|r",
toMap = "Molten Core",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.325,
name = "|c000F59FFBlackrock Spire|r",
toMap = "Blackrock Spire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.285,
name = "|cffa335edBlackwing Lair|r",
toMap = "Blackwing Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Silverpine"] = {
x = 0.432,
y = 0.659,
name = "|c000F59FFShadowfang Keep|r",
toMap = "Shadowfang Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Dustwallow"] = {
x = 0.541,
y = 0.769,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxia's Lair|r",
toMap = "Onyxia's Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Badlands"] = {
x = 0.39,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FFUldaman|r",
toMap = "Uldaman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.414,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Uldaman|r",
toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["SearingGorge"] = {
x = 0.355,
y = 0.835,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Blackrock Mountain|r",
toMap = "Blackrock Mountain"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FFBlackrock Depths|r",
toMap = "Blackrock Depths",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.87,
name = "|cffa335edMolten Core|r",
toMap = "Molten Core",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FFBlackrock Spire|r",
toMap = "Blackrock Spire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.8,
name = "|cffa335edBlackwing Lair|r",
toMap = "Blackwing Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["BladesEdgeMountains"] = {
x = 0.688,
y = 0.233,
name = "|cffa335edGruul's Lair|r",
toMap = "Gruul's Lair",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Tirisfal"] = {
x = 0.846,
y = 0.3,
name = "|c000F59FFScarlet Monastery|r",
toMap = "Scarlet Monastery",
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.846,
y = 0.338,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Scarlet Monastery|r",
toMap = "Scarlet Monastery"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Silithus"] = {
x = 0.28,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335edRuins of Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.31,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335edTemple of Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["GrizzlyHills"] = {
x = 0.18,
y = 0.259,
name = "|c000F59FFDrak'Tharon Keep|r",
toMap = "Drak'Tharon Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["IcecrownGlacier"] = {
x = 0.55,
y = 0.902,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Netherstorm"] = {
x = 0.739,
y = 0.638,
name = "|cffa335edThe Eye|r",
toMap = "The Eye",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.744,
y = 0.577,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Arcatraz|r",
toMap = "The Arcatraz",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.717,
y = 0.551,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Botanica|r",
toMap = "The Botanica",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.706,
y = 0.698,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Mechanar|r",
toMap = "The Mechanar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Ashenvale"] = {
x = 0.148,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FFBlackfathom Deeps|r",
toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.128,
y = 0.145,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Blackfathom Deeps|r",
toMap = "Blackfathom Deeps"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Ghostlands"] = {
x = 0.782,
y = 0.626,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["TheStormPeaks"] = {
x = 0.388,
y = 0.25,
name = "|c000F59FFHalls of Stone|r",
toMap = "Halls of Stone",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.189,
name = "|c000F59FFHalls of Lightning|r",
toMap = "Halls of Lightning",
tooltip = { " ", "L:77-79 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.418,
y = 0.188,
name = "|cffa335edUlduar|r",
toMap = "Ulduar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["HowlingFjord"] = {
x = 0.605,
y = 0.494,
name = "|c000F59FFUtgarde Keep|r",
toMap = "Utgarde Keep",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70-72 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.577,
y = 0.432,
name = "|cffa335edUtgarde Pinnacle|r",
toMap = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dragonblight"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.499,
name = "|c000F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r",
toMap = "Azjol-Nerub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:72-74 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.26,
y = 0.475,
name = "|c000F59FFAhn'Kahet|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Kahet",
tooltip = { " ", "L:73-75 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.605,
y = 0.558,
name = "|cffa335edThe Obsidian Sanctum|r",
toMap = "The Obsidian Sanctum",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.877,
y = 0.458,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dalaran"] = {
x = 0.698,
y = 0.712,
name = "|c000F59FFViolet Hold|r",
toMap = "Violet Hold",
floor = 1,
tooltip = { " ", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Sunwell"] = {
x = 0.609,
y = 0.308,
name = "|c000F59FFMagister's Terrace|r",
toMap = "Magister's Terrace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.499,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cffa335edSunwell Plateau|r",
toMap = "Sunwell Plateau",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Zangarmarsh"] = {
x = 0.504,
y = 0.41,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Coilfang Reservoir|r",
toMap = "Coilfang Reservoir"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.447,
name = "|cffa335edSerpentshrine Cavern|r",
toMap = "Serpentshrine Cavern",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.535,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Steamvault|r",
toMap = "The Steamvault",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Underbog|r",
toMap = "The Underbog",
tooltip = { " ", "L:63-65 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.373,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Slave Pens|r",
toMap = "The Slave Pens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:62-64 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["TerokkarForest"] = {
x = 0.4,
y = 0.649,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Auchindoun|r",
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.708,
name = "|cffa335edShadow Labyrinth|r",
toMap = "Shadow Labyrinth",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.446,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FFSethekk Halls|r",
toMap = "Sethekk Halls",
tooltip = { " ", "L:67-69 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.352,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FFAuchenai Crypts|r",
toMap = "Auchenai Crypts",
tooltip = { " ", "L:65-67 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.585,
name = "|c000F59FFMana-Tombs|r",
toMap = "Mana-Tombs",
tooltip = { " ", "L:64-66 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["CrystalsongForest"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.377,
name = "|c000F59FFViolet Hold|r",
toMap = "Violet Hold",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["ShadowmoonValley"] = {
x = 0.765,
y = 0.417,
name = "|cffa335edBlack Temple|r",
toMap = "Black Temple",
tooltip = { "Raid", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Westfall"] = {
x = 0.43,
y = 0.78,
name = "|c000F59FFThe Deadmines|r",
toMap = "The Deadmines",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.745,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - The Deadmines|r",
toMap = "The Deadmines"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Feralas"] = {
x = 0.612,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FFDire Maul East|r",
toMap = "Dire Maul East",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.57,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FFDire Maul West|r",
toMap = "Dire Maul West",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.406,
name = "|c000F59FFDire Maul North|r",
toMap = "Dire Maul North",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cffa335edDire Maul|r",
toMap = "Dire Maul"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { "Dire Maul", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["WesternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.7,
y = 0.734,
name = "|c000F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DunMorogh"] = {
x = 0.22,
y = 0.369,
name = "|c000F59FFGnomeregan|r",
toMap = "Gnomeregan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.246,
y = 0.389,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Gnomeregan|r",
toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
AlphaMap_POI_Instances.toc New file
0,0 → 1,10
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaMap_POI_Instances
## Notes: Displays the Locations of Instances on World Maps
## RequiredDeps: AlphaMap
AlphaMap_POI_Instances.lua New file
0,0 → 1,1583
-- Raid : |cffa335ed
-- Instance : |cff0F59FF
-- Paler blue : |cff0F59FF
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
["World"] = {
x = 0.233,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff0F59FFSouilles de Tranchebauge|r",
toMap = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.215,
y = 0.693,
name = "|cff0F59FFKraal de Tranchebauge|r",
toMap = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.228,
y = 0.607,
name = "|cff0F59FFCavernes des lamentations|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.873,
y = 0.138,
name = "|cff0F59FFTerrasse des Magist\195\168res|r",
toMap = "Terrasse des Magist\195\168res",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.866,
y = 0.161,
name = "|cffa335edPlateau du Puits de soleil|r",
toMap = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.815,
y = 0.816,
name = "|cff0F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.736,
y = 0.468,
name = "|cff0F59FFDonjon d'Ombrecroc|r",
toMap = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.847,
y = 0.367,
name = "|cff0F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.824,
y = 0.428,
name = "|cff0F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { "Scholomance", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.881,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.797,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.241,
y = 0.812,
name = "|cff0F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.837,
y = 0.656,
name = "|cff0F59FFUldaman|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.858,
y = 0.792,
name = "|cff0F59FFLe temple d'Atal'Hakkar|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.777,
y = 0.379,
name = "|cff0F59FFMonastère Écarlate|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.130,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335edRuines d'Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.15,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335edLe temple d'Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.801,
y = 0.706,
name = "|cff00ff00Mont Rochenoire|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFProfondeurs de Rochenoire|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335edC\197\147ur du Magma|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FFPic Rochenoire|r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335edRepaire de l'Aile noire|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.159,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cff0F59FFProfondeurs de Brassenoire|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.147,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff00ff00Hache-Tripes|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.746,
y = 0.622,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomeregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.136,
y = 0.587,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.556,
y = 0.221,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.257,
y = 0.726,
name = "|cffa335edRepaire d'Onyxia|r",
toMap = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cff0F59FFGouffre de Ragefeu|r",
toMap = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
tooltip = { "Orgrimmar", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.74,
y = 0.824,
name = "|cff0F59FFLes Mortemines|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.754,
y = 0.743,
name = "|cff0F59FFPrison de Hurlevent|r",
toMap = "Prison de Hurlevent",
tooltip = { "Stormwind City", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.637,
y = 0.303,
name = "|cff00ff00Donjon d'Utgarde|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFDonjon d'Utgarde|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335edCime d'Utgarde|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.553,
y = 0.046,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFLes salles de Foudre|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLes salles de Pierre|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.385,
y = 0.222,
name = "|cff00ff00Le Nexus|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFLe Nexus|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFL'Oculus|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edL'Œil de l'éternité|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.225,
name = "|cff00ff00Azjol-Nerub|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAhn'Kahet|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.231,
name = "|cffa335edChambres des Aspects|r",
toMap = "Chambres des Aspects",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.578,
y = 0.203,
name = "|cff0F59FFDonjon de Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.628,
y = 0.129,
name = "|cff0F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.178,
name = "|cffa335edVault d'Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault d'Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.519,
y = 0.172,
name = "|cff0F59FFLe Fort pourpre|r",
toMap = "Le Fort pourpre",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.478,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.284,
y = 0.833,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Grottes du Temps|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- World ^
["Northrend"] = {
x = 0.385,
y = 0.362,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.49,
y = 0.394,
name = "|cff0F59FFLe Fort pourpre|r",
toMap = "Le Fort pourpre",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.375,
y = 0.437,
name = "|cffa335edVault d'Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault d'Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.765,
y = 0.335,
name = "|cff0F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.639,
y = 0.549,
name = "|cff0F59FFDonjon de Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.505,
y = 0.555,
name = "|cffa335edChambres des Aspects|r",
toMap = "Chambres des Aspects",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.588,
name = "|cff00ff00Azjol-Nerub|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAhn'Kahet|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.119,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff00ff00Le Nexus|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFLe Nexus|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFL'Oculus|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edL'Œil de l'éternité|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.806,
y = 0.763,
name = "|cff00ff00Donjon d'Utgarde|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFDonjon d'Utgarde|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335edCime d'Utgarde|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.593,
y = 0.15,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFLes salles de Foudre|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLes salles de Pierre|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.594,
y = 0.572,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- Northrend ^
["Expansion01"] = {
x = 0.669,
y = 0.244,
name = "|cff00ff00Donjon de la Tempête|r",
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFLe Méchanar|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLa Botanica|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFL'Arcatraz|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edL\39\197\146il|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.457,
y = 0.186,
name = "|cffa335edLe repaire de Gruul|r",
toMap = "Le repaire de Gruul",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.462,
y = 0.791,
name = "|cff00ff00Auchindoun|r",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFTombes-mana|r", "L:64-66 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFCryptes d'Auchenaï|r", "L:65-67 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLes salles de Sethekk|r", "L:67-69 #(5)",
"|cffa335edLabyrinthe des Ombres|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.345,
y = 0.449,
name = "|cff00ff00Réservoir de Glissecroc|r",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFLes enclos aux esclaves|r", "L:62-64 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLa Basse-tourbière|r", "L:63-65 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLe Caveau de la vapeur|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edSanctuaire du Serpent|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.756,
y = 0.815,
name = "|cffa335edTemple noir|r",
toMap = "Temple noir",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.562,
y = 0.529,
name = "|cff00ff00Citadelle des Flammes infernales|r",
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFRemparts des Flammes infernales|r", "L:60-62 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLa Fournaise du sang|r", "L:61-63 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFLes Salles brisées|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edLe repaire de Magtheridon|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Kalimdor"] = {
x = 0.594,
y = 0.85,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Grottes du Temps|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.538,
y = 0.779,
name = "|cff0F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.413,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edRuines d'Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.429,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edLe temple d'Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.709,
name = "|cff0F59FFSouilles de Tranchebauge|r",
toMap = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.684,
name = "|cff0F59FFKraal de Tranchebauge|r",
toMap = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.514,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff0F59FFCavernes des lamentations|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.584,
y = 0.443,
name = "|cff0F59FFGouffre de Ragefeu|r",
toMap = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
tooltip = { "Orgrimmar", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.569,
y = 0.722,
name = "|cffa335edRepaire d'Onyxia|r",
toMap = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.442,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cff0F59FFProfondeurs de Brassenoire|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.431,
y = 0.689,
name = "|cff00ff00Hache-Tripes|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.391,
y = 0.565,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Azeroth"] = {
x = 0.568,
y = 0.029,
name = "|cff0F59FFTerrasse des Magist\195\168res|r",
toMap = "Terrasse des Magist\195\168res",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.56,
y = 0.055,
name = "|cffa335edPlateau du Puits de soleil|r",
toMap = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.496,
y = 0.823,
name = "|cff0F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.407,
y = 0.42,
name = "|cff0F59FFDonjon d'Ombrecroc|r",
toMap = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.297,
name = "|cff0F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.37,
name = "|cff0F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { "Scholomance", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.579,
y = 0.25,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.857,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.527,
y = 0.642,
name = "|cff0F59FFUldaman|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.794,
name = "|cff0F59FFLe temple d'Atal'Hakkar|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.739,
name = "|cff0F59FFPrison de Hurlevent|r",
toMap = "Prison de Hurlevent",
tooltip = { "Stormwind City", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.41,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cff0F59FFLes Mortemines|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.471,
y = 0.687,
name = "|cff00ff00Mont Rochenoire|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFProfondeurs de Rochenoire|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335edC\197\147ur du Magma|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FFPic Rochenoire|r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335edRepaire de l'Aile noire|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.421,
y = 0.602,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.46,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cff0F59FFMonastère Écarlate|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["LakeWintergrasp"] = {
x = 0.507,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edVault d'Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault d'Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Hellfire"] = {
x = 0.47,
y = 0.49,
name = "|cff0F59FFRemparts des Flammes infernales|r",
toMap = "Remparts des Flammes infernales",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60-62 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.44,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FFLa Fournaise du sang|r",
toMap = "La Fournaise du sang",
tooltip = { " ", "L:61-63 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FFLes Salles brisées|r",
toMap = "Les Salles brisées",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.47,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cffa335edLe repaire de Magtheridon|r",
toMap = "Le repaire de Magtheridon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Ogrimmar"] = {
x = 0.486,
y = 0.543,
name = "|cff0F59FFGouffre de Ragefeu|r",
toMap = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
tooltip = { " ", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Desolace"] = {
x = 0.266,
y = 0.61,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toMap = "Maraudon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.286,
y = 0.619,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Maraudon|r",
toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["ZulDrak"] = {
x = 0.285,
y = 0.896,
name = "|c000F59FFDonjon de Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.767,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Tanaris"] = {
x = 0.65,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FFContreforts de Hautebrande d'antan|r",
toMap = "Contreforts de Hautebrande d'antan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:66-68 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FFNoir Marécage|r",
toMap = "Noir Marécage",
tooltip = { " ", "L:69-70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.65,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335edLa Bataille du mont Hyjal|r",
toMap = "La Bataille du mont Hyjal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335edThe Culling of Stratholme|r",
toMap = "Oldstratholme",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.671,
y = 0.494,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Grottes du Temps|r",
toMap = "Grottes du Temps"..AM_EXTERIOR ,
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.363,
y = 0.094,
name = "|c000F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Stormwind"] = {
x = 0.513,
y = 0.676,
name = "|c000F59FFPrison de Hurlevent|r",
toMap = "Prison de Hurlevent",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["BoreanTundra"] = {
x = 0.27,
y = 0.236,
name = "|cffa335edL'Œil de l'éternité|r",
toMap = "L'Œil de l'éternité",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FFL'Oculus|r",
toMap = "L'Oculus",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.318,
name = "|c000F59FFLe Nexus|r",
toMap = "Le Nexus",
tooltip = { " ", "L:71-73 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Barrens"] = {
x = 0.639,
y = 0.935,
name = "|cffa335edRepaire d'Onyxia|r",
toMap = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.903,
name = "|c000F59FFSouilles de Tranchebauge|r",
toMap = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.409,
y = 0.868,
name = "|c000F59FFKraal de Tranchebauge|r",
toMap = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.349,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Cavernes des lamentations|r",
toMap = "Cavernes des lamentations"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.314,
name = "|c000F59FFCavernes des lamentations|r",
toMap = "Cavernes des lamentations",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["SwampOfSorrows"] = {
x = 0.702,
y = 0.524,
name = "|c000F59FFLe temple d'Atal'Hakkar|r",
toMap = "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.702,
y = 0.559,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar|r",
toMap = "Le temple d'Atal'Hakkar"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Stranglethorn"] = {
x = 0.533,
y = 0.172,
name = "|c000F59FFZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["EasternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.275,
y = 0.067,
name = "|c000F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Elwynn"] = {
x = 0.235,
y = 0.351,
name = "|c000F59FFPrison de Hurlevent|r",
toMap = "Prison de Hurlevent",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DeadwindPass"] = {
x = 0.46,
y = 0.721,
name = "|c000F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.766,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Karazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["BurningSteppes"] = {
x = 0.295,
y = 0.325,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Mont Rochenoire|r",
toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.327,
name = "|c000F59FFProfondeurs de Rochenoire|r",
toMap = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cffa335edC\197\147ur du Magma|r",
toMap = "C\197\147ur du Magma",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.325,
name = "|c000F59FFPic Rochenoire|r",
toMap = "Pic Rochenoire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.285,
name = "|cffa335edRepaire de l'Aile noire|r",
toMap = "Repaire de l'Aile noire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Silverpine"] = {
x = 0.432,
y = 0.659,
name = "|c000F59FFDonjon d'Ombrecroc|r",
toMap = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Dustwallow"] = {
x = 0.541,
y = 0.769,
name = "|cffa335edRepaire d'Onyxia|r",
toMap = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Badlands"] = {
x = 0.39,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FFUldaman|r",
toMap = "Uldaman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.414,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Uldaman|r",
toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["SearingGorge"] = {
x = 0.355,
y = 0.835,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Mont Rochenoire|r",
toMap = "Mont Rochenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FFProfondeurs de Rochenoire|r",
toMap = "Profondeurs de Rochenoire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.87,
name = "|cffa335edC\197\147ur du Magma|r",
toMap = "C\197\147ur du Magma",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FFPic Rochenoire|r",
toMap = "Pic Rochenoire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.8,
name = "|cffa335edRepaire de l'Aile noire|r",
toMap = "Repaire de l'Aile noire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["BladesEdgeMountains"] = {
x = 0.688,
y = 0.233,
name = "|cffa335edLe repaire de Gruul|r",
toMap = "Le repaire de Gruul",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Tirisfal"] = {
x = 0.846,
y = 0.3,
name = "|c000F59FFMonastère Écarlate|r",
toMap = "Monastère Écarlate",
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.846,
y = 0.338,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Monastère Écarlate|r",
toMap = "Monastère Écarlate"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Silithus"] = {
x = 0.28,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335edRuines d'Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.31,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335edLe temple d'Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["GrizzlyHills"] = {
x = 0.18,
y = 0.259,
name = "|c000F59FFDonjon de Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Donjon de Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["IcecrownGlacier"] = {
x = 0.55,
y = 0.902,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Netherstorm"] = {
x = 0.739,
y = 0.638,
name = "|cffa335edL\39\197\146il|r",
toMap = "L\39\197\146il",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.744,
y = 0.577,
name = "|c000F59FFL'Arcatraz|r",
toMap = "L'Arcatraz",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.717,
y = 0.551,
name = "|c000F59FFLa Botanica|r",
toMap = "La Botanica",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.706,
y = 0.698,
name = "|c000F59FFLe Méchanar|r",
toMap = "Le Méchanar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Ashenvale"] = {
x = 0.148,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FFProfondeurs de Brassenoire|r",
toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.128,
y = 0.145,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Profondeurs de Brassenoire|r",
toMap = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Ghostlands"] = {
x = 0.782,
y = 0.626,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["TheStormPeaks"] = {
x = 0.388,
y = 0.25,
name = "|c000F59FFLes salles de Pierre|r",
toMap = "Les salles de Pierre",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.189,
name = "|c000F59FFLes salles de Foudre|r",
toMap = "Les salles de Foudre",
tooltip = { " ", "L:77-79 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.418,
y = 0.188,
name = "|cffa335edUlduar|r",
toMap = "Ulduar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["HowlingFjord"] = {
x = 0.605,
y = 0.494,
name = "|c000F59FFDonjon d'Utgarde|r",
toMap = "Donjon d'Utgarde",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70-72 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.577,
y = 0.432,
name = "|cffa335edCime d'Utgarde|r",
toMap = "Cime d'Utgarde",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dragonblight"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.499,
name = "|c000F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r",
toMap = "Azjol-Nerub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:72-74 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.26,
y = 0.475,
name = "|c000F59FFAhn'Kahet|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Kahet",
tooltip = { " ", "L:73-75 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.605,
y = 0.558,
name = "|cffa335edChambres des Aspects|r",
toMap = "Chambres des Aspects",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.877,
y = 0.458,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dalaran"] = {
x = 0.698,
y = 0.712,
name = "|c000F59FFLe Fort pourpre|r",
toMap = "Le Fort pourpre",
floor = 1,
tooltip = { " ", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Sunwell"] = {
x = 0.609,
y = 0.308,
name = "|c000F59FFTerrasse des Magist\195\168res|r",
toMap = "Terrasse des Magist\195\168res",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.499,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cffa335edPlateau du Puits de soleil|r",
toMap = "Plateau du Puits de soleil",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Zangarmarsh"] = {
x = 0.504,
y = 0.41,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Réservoir de Glissecroc|r",
toMap = "Réservoir de Glissecroc"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.447,
name = "|cffa335edSanctuaire du Serpent|r",
toMap = "Sanctuaire du Serpent",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.535,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FFLe Caveau de la vapeur|r",
toMap = "Le Caveau de la vapeur",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FFLa Basse-tourbière|r",
toMap = "La Basse-tourbière",
tooltip = { " ", "L:63-65 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.373,
name = "|c000F59FFLes enclos aux esclaves|r",
toMap = "Les enclos aux esclaves",
tooltip = { " ", "L:62-64 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["TerokkarForest"] = {
x = 0.4,
y = 0.649,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Auchindoun|r",
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.708,
name = "|cffa335edLabyrinthe des Ombres|r",
toMap = "Labyrinthe des Ombres",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.446,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FFLes salles de Sethekk|r",
toMap = "Les salles de Sethekk",
tooltip = { " ", "L:67-69 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.352,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FFCryptes d'Auchenaï|r",
toMap = "Cryptes d'Auchenaï",
tooltip = { " ", "L:65-67 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.585,
name = "|c000F59FFTombes-mana|r",
toMap = "Tombes-mana",
tooltip = { " ", "L:64-66 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["CrystalsongForest"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.377,
name = "|c000F59FFLe Fort pourpre|r",
toMap = "Le Fort pourpre",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["ShadowmoonValley"] = {
x = 0.765,
y = 0.417,
name = "|cffa335edTemple noir|r",
toMap = "Temple noir",
tooltip = { "Raid", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Westfall"] = {
x = 0.43,
y = 0.78,
name = "|c000F59FFLes Mortemines|r",
toMap = "Les Mortemines",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.745,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Les Mortemines|r",
toMap = "Les Mortemines"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Feralas"] = {
x = 0.612,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FFHache-Tripes Est|r",
toMap = "Hache-Tripes Est",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.57,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FFHache-Tripes Ouest|r",
toMap = "Hache-Tripes Ouest",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.406,
name = "|c000F59FFHache-Tripes Nord|r",
toMap = "Hache-Tripes Nord",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cffa335edHache-Tripes|r",
toMap = "Hache-Tripes"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { "Hache-Tripes", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["WesternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.7,
y = 0.734,
name = "|c000F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DunMorogh"] = {
x = 0.22,
y = 0.369,
name = "|c000F59FFGnomeregan|r",
toMap = "Gnomeregan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.246,
y = 0.389,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Gnomeregan|r",
toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
end New file
0,0 → 1,1590
-- Raid : |cffa335ed
-- Instance : |cff0F59FF
-- Paler blue : |cff0F59FF
-- toMap values SHOULD be localised to the same value as that in the Instances file,
-- i.e. don't localise if that map's details in the other plugin has not been localised; Even mispell if necessary...
-- toWorldMap values should --NOT-- --NOT-- --NOT-- be localised
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
["World"] = {
x = 0.233,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff0F59FFHügel der Klingenhauer|r",
toMap = "Hügel der Klingenhauer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.215,
y = 0.693,
name = "|cff0F59FFKral der Klingenhauer|r",
toMap = "Kral der Klingenhauer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.228,
y = 0.607,
name = "|cff0F59FFDie Höhlen des Wehklagens|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.873,
y = 0.138,
name = "|cff0F59FFTerrasse der Magister|r",
toMap = "Terrasse der Magister",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.866,
y = 0.161,
name = "|cffa335edSonnenbrunnenplateau|r",
toMap = "Sonnenbrunnenplateau",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.815,
y = 0.816,
name = "|cff0F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.736,
y = 0.468,
name = "|cff0F59FFBurg Schattenfang|r",
toMap = "Burg Schattenfang",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.847,
y = 0.367,
name = "|cff0F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.824,
y = 0.428,
name = "|cff0F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { "Scholomance", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.881,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.797,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.241,
y = 0.812,
name = "|cff0F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.837,
y = 0.656,
name = "|cff0F59FFUldaman|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.858,
y = 0.792,
name = "|cff0F59FFVersunkener Tempel|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.777,
y = 0.379,
name = "|cff0F59FFDas scharlachrote Kloster|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.130,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335edRuinen von Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.15,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335edTempel von Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.801,
y = 0.706,
name = "|cff00ff00Der Schwarzfels|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFSchwarzfelstiefen|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335edGeschmolzener Kern|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FFSchwarzfelsspitze|r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335edPechschwingenhort|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.159,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cff0F59FFBlackfathom-Tiefen|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.147,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff00ff00D\195\188sterbruch|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.746,
y = 0.622,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomeregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.136,
y = 0.587,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.556,
y = 0.221,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.257,
y = 0.726,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxias Hort|r",
toMap = "Onyxias Hort",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cff0F59FFDer Flammenschlund|r",
toMap = "Der Flammenschlund",
tooltip = { "Orgrimmar", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.74,
y = 0.824,
name = "|cff0F59FFDie Todesminen|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.754,
y = 0.743,
name = "|cff0F59FFDas Verlies|r",
toMap = "Das Verlies",
tooltip = { "Stormwind City", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.637,
y = 0.303,
name = "|cff00ff00Burg Utgarde|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFBurg Utgarde|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335edTurm Utgarde|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.553,
y = 0.046,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFHallen der Blitze|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFHallen des Steins|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.385,
y = 0.222,
name = "|cff00ff00Der Nexus|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFDer Nexus|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDas Oculus|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edDas Auge der Ewigkeit|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.225,
name = "|cff00ff00Azjol-Nerub|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAhn'Kahet|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.231,
name = "|cffa335edKammer der Aspekte|r",
toMap = "Kammer der Aspekte",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.578,
y = 0.203,
name = "|cff0F59FFFeste Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Feste Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.628,
y = 0.129,
name = "|cff0F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.178,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.519,
y = 0.172,
name = "|cff0F59FFDie Violette Festung|r",
toMap = "Die Violette Festung",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.478,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.284,
y = 0.833,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Höhlen der Zeit|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- World ^
["Northrend"] = {
x = 0.385,
y = 0.362,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.49,
y = 0.394,
name = "|cff0F59FFDie Violette Festung|r",
toMap = "Die Violette Festung",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.375,
y = 0.437,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.765,
y = 0.335,
name = "|cff0F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.639,
y = 0.549,
name = "|cff0F59FFFeste Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Feste Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.505,
y = 0.555,
name = "|cffa335edKammer der Aspekte|r",
toMap = "Kammer der Aspekte",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.588,
name = "|cff00ff00Azjol-Nerub|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAhn'Kahet|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.119,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff00ff00Der Nexus|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFDer Nexus|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDas Oculus|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edDas Auge der Ewigkeit|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.806,
y = 0.763,
name = "|cff00ff00Burg Utgarde|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFBurg Utgarde|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335edTurm Utgarde|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.593,
y = 0.15,
name = "|cff00ff00Ulduar|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFHallen der Blitze|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFHallen des Steins|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edUlduar|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.594,
y = 0.572,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- Northrend ^
["Expansion01"] = {
x = 0.669,
y = 0.244,
name = "|cff00ff00Festung der Stürme|r",
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFDie Mechanar|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDie Botanika|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDie Arkatraz|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edFestung der St\195\188rme|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.457,
y = 0.186,
name = "|cffa335edGruuls Unterschlupf|r",
toMap = "Gruuls Unterschlupf",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.462,
y = 0.791,
name = "|cff00ff00Auchindoun|r",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFManagruft|r", "L:64-66 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFAuchenaikrypta|r", "L:65-67 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFSethekkhallen|r", "L:67-69 #(5)",
"|cffa335edSchattenlabyrinth|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.345,
y = 0.449,
name = "|cff00ff00Der Echsenkessel|r",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFDie Sklavenunterk\195\188nfte|r", "L:62-64 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDer Tiefensumpf|r", "L:63-65 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDie Dampfkammer|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edH\195\182hle des Schlangenschreins|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.756,
y = 0.815,
name = "|cffa335edSchwarzer Tempel|r",
toMap = "Schwarzer Tempel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.562,
y = 0.529,
name = "|cff00ff00Höllenfeuerzitadelle|r",
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFH\195\182llenfeuerbollwerk|r", "L:60-62 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDer Blutkessel|r", "L:61-63 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FFDie zerschmetterten Hallen|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335edMagtheridons Kammer|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Kalimdor"] = {
x = 0.594,
y = 0.85,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Höhlen der Zeit|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.538,
y = 0.779,
name = "|cff0F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.413,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edRuinen von Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.429,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335edTempel von Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.709,
name = "|cff0F59FFHügel der Klingenhauer|r",
toMap = "Hügel der Klingenhauer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.684,
name = "|cff0F59FFKral der Klingenhauer|r",
toMap = "Kral der Klingenhauer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.514,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff0F59FFDie Höhlen des Wehklagens|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.584,
y = 0.443,
name = "|cff0F59FFDer Flammenschlund|r",
toMap = "Der Flammenschlund",
tooltip = { "Orgrimmar", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.569,
y = 0.722,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxias Hort|r",
toMap = "Onyxias Hort",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.442,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cff0F59FFBlackfathom-Tiefen|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.431,
y = 0.689,
name = "|cff00ff00D\195\188sterbruch|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.391,
y = 0.565,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Azeroth"] = {
x = 0.568,
y = 0.029,
name = "|cff0F59FFTerrasse der Magister|r",
toMap = "Terrasse der Magister",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.56,
y = 0.055,
name = "|cffa335edSonnenbrunnenplateau|r",
toMap = "Sonnenbrunnenplateau",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.496,
y = 0.823,
name = "|cff0F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.407,
y = 0.42,
name = "|cff0F59FFBurg Schattenfang|r",
toMap = "Burg Schattenfang",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.297,
name = "|cff0F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.37,
name = "|cff0F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { "Scholomance", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.579,
y = 0.25,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.857,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.527,
y = 0.642,
name = "|cff0F59FFUldaman|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.794,
name = "|cff0F59FFVersunkener Tempel|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.739,
name = "|cff0F59FFDas Verlies|r",
toMap = "Das Verlies",
tooltip = { "Stormwind City", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.41,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cff0F59FFDie Todesminen|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.471,
y = 0.687,
name = "|cff00ff00Der Schwarzfels|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FFSchwarzfelstiefen|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335edGeschmolzener Kern|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FFSchwarzfelsspitze|r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335edPechschwingenhort|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.421,
y = 0.602,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.46,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cff0F59FFDas scharlachrote Kloster|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["LakeWintergrasp"] = {
x = 0.507,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Hellfire"] = {
x = 0.47,
y = 0.49,
name = "|cff0F59FFH\195\182llenfeuerbollwerk|r",
toMap = "H\195\182llenfeuerbollwerk",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60-62 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.44,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FFDer Blutkessel|r",
toMap = "Der Blutkessel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:61-63 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FFDie zerschmetterten Hallen|r",
toMap = "Die zerschmetterten Hallen",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.47,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cffa335edMagtheridons Kammer|r",
toMap = "Magtheridons Kammer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Ogrimmar"] = {
x = 0.486,
y = 0.543,
name = "|cff0F59FFDer Flammenschlund|r",
toMap = "Der Flammenschlund",
tooltip = { " ", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Desolace"] = {
x = 0.266,
y = 0.61,
name = "|cff0F59FFMaraudon|r",
toMap = "Maraudon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.286,
y = 0.619,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Maraudon|r",
toMap = "Maraudon"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["ZulDrak"] = {
x = 0.285,
y = 0.896,
name = "|c000F59FFFeste Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Feste Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.767,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FFGun'Drak|r",
toMap = "GunDrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Tanaris"] = {
x = 0.65,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FFVorgebirge des Alten H\195\188gellands|r",
toMap = "Vorgebirge des Alten H\195\188gellands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:66-68 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FFSchwarzen Morast|r",
toMap = "Schwarzen Morast",
tooltip = { " ", "L:69-70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.65,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335edDie Schlacht am Berg Hyjal|r",
toMap = "Die Schlacht am Berg Hyjal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335edThe Culling of Stratholme|r",
toMap = "The Culling of Stratholme",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.671,
y = 0.494,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Höhlen der Zeit|r",
toMap = "Höhlen der Zeit"..AM_EXTERIOR ,
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.363,
y = 0.094,
name = "|c000F59FFZul'Farrak|r",
toMap = "Zul'Farrak",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Stormwind"] = {
x = 0.513,
y = 0.676,
name = "|c000F59FFDas Verlies|r",
toMap = "Das Verlies",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["BoreanTundra"] = {
x = 0.27,
y = 0.236,
name = "|cffa335edDas Auge der Ewigkeit|r",
toMap = "Das Auge der Ewigkeit",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FFDas Oculus|r",
toMap = "Das Oculus",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.318,
name = "|c000F59FFDer Nexus|r",
toMap = "Der Nexus",
tooltip = { " ", "L:71-73 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Barrens"] = {
x = 0.639,
y = 0.935,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxias Hort|r",
toMap = "Onyxias Hort",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.903,
name = "|c000F59FFHügel der Klingenhauer|r",
toMap = "Hügel der Klingenhauer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.409,
y = 0.868,
name = "|c000F59FFKral der Klingenhauer|r",
toMap = "Kral der Klingenhauer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.349,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Die Höhlen des Wehklagens|r",
toMap = "Die Höhlen des Wehklagens"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.314,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Höhlen des Wehklagens|r",
toMap = "Die Höhlen des Wehklagens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["SwampOfSorrows"] = {
x = 0.702,
y = 0.524,
name = "|c000F59FFVersunkener Tempel|r",
toMap = "Versunkener Tempel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.702,
y = 0.559,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Versunkener Tempel|r",
toMap = "Versunkener Tempel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Stranglethorn"] = {
x = 0.533,
y = 0.172,
name = "|c000F59FFZul'Gurub|r",
toMap = "Zul'Gurub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["EasternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.275,
y = 0.067,
name = "|c000F59FFStratholme|r",
toMap = "Stratholme",
tooltip = { "Stratholme", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Elwynn"] = {
x = 0.235,
y = 0.351,
name = "|c000F59FFDas Verlies|r",
toMap = "Das Verlies",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DeadwindPass"] = {
x = 0.46,
y = 0.721,
name = "|c000F59FFKarazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.766,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Karazhan|r",
toMap = "Karazhan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["BurningSteppes"] = {
x = 0.295,
y = 0.325,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Schwarzfels|r",
toMap = "Der Schwarzfels"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.327,
name = "|c000F59FFSchwarzfelstiefen|r",
toMap = "Schwarzfelstiefen",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cffa335edGeschmolzener Kern|r",
toMap = "Geschmolzener Kern",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.325,
name = "|c000F59FFSchwarzfelsspitze|r",
toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.285,
name = "|cffa335edPechschwingenhort|r",
toMap = "Pechschwingenhort",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Silverpine"] = {
x = 0.432,
y = 0.659,
name = "|c000F59FFBurg Schattenfang|r",
toMap = "Burg Schattenfang",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Dustwallow"] = {
x = 0.541,
y = 0.769,
name = "|cffa335edOnyxias Hort|r",
toMap = "Onyxias Hort",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Badlands"] = {
x = 0.39,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FFUldaman|r",
toMap = "Uldaman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.414,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Uldaman|r",
toMap = "Uldaman"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["SearingGorge"] = {
x = 0.355,
y = 0.835,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Der Schwarzfels|r",
toMap = "Der Schwarzfels"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FFSchwarzfelstiefen|r",
toMap = "Schwarzfelstiefen",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.87,
name = "|cffa335edGeschmolzener Kern|r",
toMap = "Geschmolzener Kern",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FFSchwarzfelsspitze|r",
toMap = "Schwarzfelsspitze",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.8,
name = "|cffa335edPechschwingenhort|r",
toMap = "Pechschwingenhort",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["BladesEdgeMountains"] = {
x = 0.688,
y = 0.233,
name = "|cffa335edGruuls Unterschlupf|r",
toMap = "Gruuls Unterschlupf",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Tirisfal"] = {
x = 0.846,
y = 0.3,
name = "|c000F59FFDas scharlachrote Kloster|r",
toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster",
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.846,
y = 0.338,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Das scharlachrote Kloster|r",
toMap = "Das scharlachrote Kloster"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Silithus"] = {
x = 0.28,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335edRuinen von Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.31,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335edTempel von Ahn'Qiraj|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Qiraj",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["GrizzlyHills"] = {
x = 0.18,
y = 0.259,
name = "|c000F59FFFeste Drak'Tharon|r",
toMap = "Feste Drak'Tharon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["IcecrownGlacier"] = {
x = 0.55,
y = 0.902,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Netherstorm"] = {
x = 0.739,
y = 0.638,
name = "|cffa335edFestung der St\195\188rme|r",
toMap = "Festung der St\195\188rme",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.744,
y = 0.577,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Arkatraz|r",
toMap = "Arkatraz",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.717,
y = 0.551,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Botanika|r",
toMap = "Botanika",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.706,
y = 0.698,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Mechanar|r",
toMap = "Mechanar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Ashenvale"] = {
x = 0.148,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FFBlackfathom-Tiefen|r",
toMap = "Blackfathom-Tiefen",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.128,
y = 0.145,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."Blackfathom-Tiefen|r",
toMap = "Blackfathom-Tiefen"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Ghostlands"] = {
x = 0.782,
y = 0.626,
name = "|cffa335edZul'Aman|r",
toMap = "Zul'Aman",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["TheStormPeaks"] = {
x = 0.388,
y = 0.25,
name = "|c000F59FFHallen des Steins|r",
toMap = "Hallen des Steins",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.189,
name = "|c000F59FFHallen der Blitze|r",
toMap = "Hallen der Blitze",
tooltip = { " ", "L:77-79 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.418,
y = 0.188,
name = "|cffa335edUlduar|r",
toMap = "Ulduar",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["HowlingFjord"] = {
x = 0.605,
y = 0.494,
name = "|c000F59FFBurg Utgarde|r",
toMap = "Burg Utgarde",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70-72 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.577,
y = 0.432,
name = "|cffa335edTurm Utgarde|r",
toMap = "Turm Utgarde",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dragonblight"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.499,
name = "|c000F59FFAzjol-Nerub|r",
toMap = "Azjol-Nerub",
tooltip = { " ", "L:72-74 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.26,
y = 0.475,
name = "|c000F59FFAhn'Kahet|r",
toMap = "Ahn'Kahet",
tooltip = { " ", "L:73-75 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.605,
y = 0.558,
name = "|cffa335edKammer der Aspekte|r",
toMap = "Kammer der Aspekte",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.877,
y = 0.458,
name = "|cffa335edNaxxramas|r",
toMap = "Naxxramas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dalaran"] = {
x = 0.698,
y = 0.712,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Violette Festung|r",
toMap = "Die Violette Festung",
floor = 1,
tooltip = { " ", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Sunwell"] = {
x = 0.609,
y = 0.308,
name = "|c000F59FFTerrasse der Magister|r",
toMap = "Terrasse der Magister",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.499,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cffa335edSonnenbrunnenplateau|r",
toMap = "Sonnenbrunnenplateau",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Zangarmarsh"] = {
x = 0.504,
y = 0.41,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Der Echsenkessel|r",
toMap = "Der Echsenkessel"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.447,
name = "|cffa335edH\195\182hle des Schlangenschreins|r",
toMap = "H\195\182hle des Schlangenschreins",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.535,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Dampfkammer|r",
toMap = "Die Dampfkammer",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FFDer Tiefensumpf|r",
toMap = "Der Tiefensumpf",
tooltip = { " ", "L:63-65 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.373,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Sklavenunterk\195\188nfte|r",
toMap = "Die Sklavenunterk\195\188nfte",
tooltip = { " ", "L:62-64 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["TerokkarForest"] = {
x = 0.4,
y = 0.649,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Auchindoun|r",
toMap = "Auchindoun"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.708,
name = "|cffa335edSchattenlabyrinth|r",
toMap = "Schattenlabyrinth",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.446,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FFSethekkhallen|r",
toMap = "Sethekkhallen",
tooltip = { " ", "L:67-69 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.352,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FFAuchenaikrypta|r",
toMap = "Auchenaikrypta",
tooltip = { " ", "L:65-67 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.585,
name = "|c000F59FFManagruft|r",
toMap = "Managruft",
tooltip = { " ", "L:64-66 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["CrystalsongForest"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.377,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Violette Festung|r",
toMap = "Die Violette Festung",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["ShadowmoonValley"] = {
x = 0.765,
y = 0.417,
name = "|cffa335edSchwarzer Tempel|r",
toMap = "Schwarzer Tempel",
tooltip = { "Raid", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Westfall"] = {
x = 0.43,
y = 0.78,
name = "|c000F59FFDie Todesminen|r",
toMap = "Die Todesminen",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.745,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Die Todesminen|r",
toMap = "Die Todesminen"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Feralas"] = {
x = 0.612,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FFD\195\188sterbruch Ost|r",
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Ost",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.57,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FFD\195\188sterbruch West|r",
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch West",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.406,
name = "|c000F59FFD\195\188sterbruch Nord|r",
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch Nord",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cffa335edD\195\188sterbruch|r",
toMap = "D\195\188sterbruch "..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { "Dire Maul", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["WesternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.7,
y = 0.734,
name = "|c000F59FFScholomance|r",
toMap = "Scholomance",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DunMorogh"] = {
x = 0.22,
y = 0.369,
name = "|c000F59FFGnomeregan|r",
toMap = "Gnomeregan",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.246,
y = 0.389,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - Gnomeregan|r",
toMap = "Gnomeregan"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
Artwork/Raid.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Artwork/Exterior.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Artwork/Instance.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream New file
0,0 → 1,1583
-- Raid : |cffa335ed
-- Instance : |cff0F59FF
-- Paler blue : |cff0F59FF
if ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then
["World"] = {
x = 0.233,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀高地|r",
toMap = "剃刀高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.215,
y = 0.693,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀沼澤|r",
toMap = "剃刀沼澤",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.228,
y = 0.607,
name = "|cff0F59FF哀嚎洞穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.873,
y = 0.138,
name = "|cff0F59FF博學者殿堂|r",
toMap = "博學者殿堂",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.866,
y = 0.161,
name = "|cffa335ed太陽之井高地|r",
toMap = "太陽之井高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.815,
y = 0.816,
name = "|cff0F59FF卡拉贊|r",
toMap = "卡拉贊",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.736,
y = 0.468,
name = "|cff0F59FF影牙城堡|r",
toMap = "影牙城堡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.847,
y = 0.367,
name = "|cff0F59FF斯坦索姆|r",
toMap = "斯坦索姆",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.824,
y = 0.428,
name = "|cff0F59FF通靈學院|r",
toMap = "通靈學院",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.881,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cffa335ed祖阿曼|r",
toMap = "祖阿曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.797,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335ed祖爾格拉布|r",
toMap = "祖爾格拉布",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.241,
y = 0.812,
name = "|cff0F59FF祖爾法拉克|r",
toMap = "祖爾法拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.837,
y = 0.656,
name = "|cff0F59FF奧達曼|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.858,
y = 0.792,
name = "|cff0F59FF阿塔哈卡神廟|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.777,
y = 0.379,
name = "|cff0F59FF血色修道院|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.130,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉廢墟|r",
toMap = "安其拉廢墟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.15,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉神廟|r",
toMap = "安其拉",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.801,
y = 0.706,
name = "|cff00ff00黑石山|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF黑石深淵|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed熔火之心|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FF黑石塔 |r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.159,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cff0F59FF黑暗深淵|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.147,
y = 0.711,
name = "|cff00ff00厄運之槌|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.746,
y = 0.622,
name = "|cff0F59FF諾姆瑞根|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.136,
y = 0.587,
name = "|cff0F59FF瑪拉頓|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.556,
y = 0.221,
name = "|cffa335ed納克薩瑪斯|r",
toMap = "納克薩瑪斯",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.257,
y = 0.726,
name = "|cffa335ed奧妮克希亞的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cff0F59FF怒焰裂谷|r",
toMap = "怒焰裂谷",
tooltip = { "奧格瑪", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.74,
y = 0.824,
name = "|cff0F59FF死亡礦井|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.754,
y = 0.743,
name = "|cff0F59FF監獄|r",
toMap = "監獄",
tooltip = { "暴風城", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.637,
y = 0.303,
name = "|cff00ff00俄特加德要塞|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF俄特加德要塞|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed俄特加德之巔|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.553,
y = 0.046,
name = "|cff00ff00奧杜亞|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF雷光大廳|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF岩石大廳|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed奧杜亞|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.385,
y = 0.222,
name = "|cff00ff00奈薩斯|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF奈薩斯|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF奧核之眼|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edThe Eye of Eternity|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.225,
name = "|cff00ff00阿茲歐-奈幽|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF阿茲歐-奈幽|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF安卡罕特: 古王國|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.231,
name = "|cffa335ed黑曜聖所|r",
toMap = "黑曜聖所",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.578,
y = 0.203,
name = "|cff0F59FF德拉克薩隆要塞|r",
toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.628,
y = 0.129,
name = "|cff0F59FF剛德拉克|r",
toMap = "剛德拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.178,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.519,
y = 0.172,
name = "|cff0F59FF紫羅蘭堡|r",
toMap = "紫羅蘭堡",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.478,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.284,
y = 0.833,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 時光之穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- World ^
["Northrend"] = {
x = 0.385,
y = 0.362,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.49,
y = 0.394,
name = "|cff0F59FF紫羅蘭堡|r",
toMap = "紫羅蘭堡",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.375,
y = 0.437,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.765,
y = 0.335,
name = "|cff0F59FF剛德拉克|r",
toMap = "剛德拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.639,
y = 0.549,
name = "|cff0F59FF德拉克薩隆要塞|r",
toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.505,
y = 0.555,
name = "|cffa335ed黑曜聖所|r",
toMap = "黑曜聖所",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.588,
name = "|cff00ff00阿茲歐-奈幽|r",
toWorldMap = "Dragonblight",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF阿茲歐-奈幽|r", "L:72-74 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF安卡罕特: 古王國|r", "L:73-75 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.119,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff00ff00奈薩斯|r",
toWorldMap = "BoreanTundra",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF奈薩斯|r", "L:71-73 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF奧核之眼|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335edThe Eye of Eternity|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.806,
y = 0.763,
name = "|cff00ff00俄特加德要塞|r",
toWorldMap = "HowlingFjord",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF俄特加德要塞|r", "L:70-72 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed俄特加德之巔|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.593,
y = 0.15,
name = "|cff00ff00奧杜亞|r",
toWorldMap = "TheStormPeaks",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF雷光大廳|r", "L:77-79 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF岩石大廳|r", "L:80 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed奧杜亞|r", "L:80 #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.594,
y = 0.572,
name = "|cffa335ed納克薩瑪斯|r",
toMap = "納克薩瑪斯",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
-- Northrend ^
["Expansion01"] = {
x = 0.669,
y = 0.244,
name = "|cff00ff00風暴要塞|r",
toWorldMap = "Netherstorm",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF風暴要塞: 麥克那爾|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF風暴要塞: 波塔尼卡|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF風暴要塞: 亞克崔茲|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335ed風暴要塞|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.457,
y = 0.186,
name = "|cffa335ed戈魯爾之巢|r",
toMap = "戈魯爾之巢",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.462,
y = 0.791,
name = "|cff00ff00奧齊頓|r",
toWorldMap = "TerokkarForest",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF法力墓地|r", "L:64-66 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF奧齊頓: 奧奇奈地穴|r", "L:65-67 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF奧齊頓: 塞司克大廳|r", "L:67-69 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed奧齊頓: 暗影迷宮|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.345,
y = 0.449,
name = "|cff00ff00盤牙蓄湖|r",
toWorldMap = "Zangarmarsh",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF盤牙洞穴: 奴隸監獄|r", "L:62-64 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF盤牙洞穴: 毒牙沼澤|r", "L:63-65 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF盤牙洞穴: 蒸汽洞窟|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335ed盤牙洞穴: 毒蛇神殿洞穴|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.756,
y = 0.815,
name = "|cffa335ed黑暗神廟|r",
toMap = "黑暗神廟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.562,
y = 0.529,
name = "|cff00ff00地獄火堡壘|r",
toWorldMap = "Hellfire",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF地獄火堡壘: 地獄火壁壘|r", "L:60-62 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF地獄火堡壘: 血熔爐|r", "L:61-63 #(5)",
"|cff0F59FF地獄火堡壘: 破碎大廳|r", "L:70+ #(5)",
"|cffa335ed地獄火堡壘: 瑪瑟里頓的巢穴|r", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Kalimdor"] = {
x = 0.594,
y = 0.85,
name = "|cffa335ed"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 時光之穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Tanaris",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.538,
y = 0.779,
name = "|cff0F59FF祖爾法拉克|r",
toMap = "祖爾法拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.413,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉廢墟|r",
toMap = "安其拉廢墟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.429,
y = 0.852,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉神廟|r",
toMap = "安其拉",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.533,
y = 0.709,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀高地|r",
toMap = "剃刀高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.684,
name = "|cff0F59FF剃刀沼澤|r",
toMap = "剃刀沼澤",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.514,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cff0F59FF哀嚎洞穴|r",
toWorldMap = "Barrens",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.584,
y = 0.443,
name = "|cff0F59FF怒焰裂谷|r",
toMap = "怒焰裂谷",
tooltip = { "奧格瑪", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.569,
y = 0.722,
name = "|cffa335ed奧妮克希亞的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.442,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cff0F59FF黑暗深淵|r",
toWorldMap = "Ashenvale",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.431,
y = 0.689,
name = "|cff00ff00厄運之槌|r",
toWorldMap = "Feralas",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.391,
y = 0.565,
name = "|cff0F59FF瑪拉頓|r",
toWorldMap = "Desolace",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Azeroth"] = {
x = 0.568,
y = 0.029,
name = "|cff0F59FF博學者殿堂|r",
toMap = "博學者殿堂",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.56,
y = 0.055,
name = "|cffa335ed太陽之井高地|r",
toMap = "太陽之井高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.496,
y = 0.823,
name = "|cff0F59FF卡拉贊|r",
toMap = "卡拉贊",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.407,
y = 0.42,
name = "|cff0F59FF影牙城堡|r",
toMap = "影牙城堡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.297,
name = "|cff0F59FF斯坦索姆|r",
toMap = "斯坦索姆",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.37,
name = "|cff0F59FF通靈學院|r",
toMap = "通靈學院",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.579,
y = 0.25,
name = "|cffa335ed祖阿曼|r",
toMap = "祖阿曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.489,
y = 0.857,
name = "|cffa335ed祖爾格拉布|r",
toMap = "祖爾格拉布",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.527,
y = 0.642,
name = "|cff0F59FF奧達曼|r",
toWorldMap = "Badlands",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.546,
y = 0.794,
name = "|cff0F59FF阿塔哈卡神廟|r",
toWorldMap = "SwampOfSorrows",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.739,
name = "|cff0F59FF監獄|r",
toMap = "監獄",
tooltip = { "暴風城", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.41,
y = 0.828,
name = "|cff0F59FF死亡礦井|r",
toWorldMap = "Westfall",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.471,
y = 0.687,
name = "|cff00ff00黑石山|r",
toWorldMap = "BurningSteppes",
tooltip = { "|cff0F59FF黑石深淵|r", "L:48-60 #(5)",
"|cffa335ed熔火之心|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
"|cff0F59FF黑石塔 |r", "L:52-61 #(10)",
"|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.421,
y = 0.602,
name = "|cff0F59FFGnomregan|r",
toWorldMap = "DunMorogh",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.46,
y = 0.312,
name = "|cff0F59FF血色修道院|r",
toWorldMap = "Tirisfal",
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["LakeWintergrasp"] = {
x = 0.507,
y = 0.155,
name = "|cffa335edVault of Archavon|r",
toMap = "Vault of Archavon",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Hellfire"] = {
x = 0.47,
y = 0.49,
name = "|cff0F59FF地獄火堡壘: 地獄火壁壘|r",
toMap = "地獄火堡壘: 地獄火壁壘",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60-62 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.44,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FF地獄火堡壘: 血熔爐|r",
toMap = "地獄火堡壘: 血熔爐",
tooltip = { " ", "L:61-63 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.524,
name = "|cff0F59FF地獄火堡壘: 破碎大廳|r",
toMap = "地獄火堡壘: 破碎大廳",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.47,
y = 0.553,
name = "|cffa335ed地獄火堡壘: 瑪瑟里頓的巢穴|r",
toMap = "地獄火堡壘: 瑪瑟里頓的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Ogrimmar"] = {
x = 0.486,
y = 0.543,
name = "|cff0F59FF怒焰裂谷|r",
toMap = "怒焰裂谷",
tooltip = { " ", "L:13-22 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Desolace"] = {
x = 0.266,
y = 0.61,
name = "|cff0F59FF瑪拉頓|r",
toMap = "瑪拉頓",
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.286,
y = 0.619,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 瑪拉頓|r",
toMap = "瑪拉頓"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:40-58 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["ZulDrak"] = {
x = 0.285,
y = 0.896,
name = "|c000F59FF德拉克薩隆要塞|r",
toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.767,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FF剛德拉克|r",
toMap = "剛德拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:76-78 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Tanaris"] = {
x = 0.65,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FF時光之穴: 希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址|r",
toMap = "時光之穴: 希爾斯布萊德丘陵舊址",
tooltip = { " ", "L:66-68 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.466,
name = "|c000F59FF時光之穴: 黑色沼澤|r",
toMap = "時光之穴: 黑色沼澤",
tooltip = { " ", "L:69-70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.65,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335ed時光之穴: 海加爾山|r",
toMap = "時光之穴: 海加爾山",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.69,
y = 0.52,
name = "|cffa335ed斯坦索姆的抉擇|r",
toMap = "斯坦索姆的抉擇",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.671,
y = 0.494,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 時光之穴|r",
toMap = "時光之穴"..AM_EXTERIOR ,
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.363,
y = 0.094,
name = "|c000F59FF祖爾法拉克|r",
toMap = "祖爾法拉克",
tooltip = { " ", "L:43-54 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Stormwind"] = {
x = 0.513,
y = 0.676,
name = "|c000F59FF監獄|r",
toMap = "監獄",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["BoreanTundra"] = {
x = 0.27,
y = 0.236,
name = "|cffa335edThe Eye of Eternity|r",
toMap = "The Eye of Eternity",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.278,
name = "|c000F59FF奧核之眼|r",
toMap = "奧核之眼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.318,
name = "|c000F59FF奈薩斯|r",
toMap = "奈薩斯",
tooltip = { " ", "L:71-73 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Barrens"] = {
x = 0.639,
y = 0.935,
name = "|cffa335ed奧妮克希亞的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.5,
y = 0.903,
name = "|c000F59FF剃刀高地|r",
toMap = "剃刀高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:33-47 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.409,
y = 0.868,
name = "|c000F59FF剃刀沼澤|r",
toMap = "剃刀沼澤",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.349,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 哀嚎洞穴|r",
toMap = "哀嚎洞穴"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.314,
name = "|c000F59FF哀嚎洞穴|r",
toMap = "哀嚎洞穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["SwampOfSorrows"] = {
x = 0.702,
y = 0.524,
name = "|c000F59FF阿塔哈卡神廟|r",
toMap = "阿塔哈卡神廟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.702,
y = 0.559,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 阿塔哈卡神廟|r",
toMap = "阿塔哈卡神廟"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:44-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Stranglethorn"] = {
x = 0.533,
y = 0.172,
name = "|c000F59FF祖爾格拉布|r",
toMap = "祖爾格拉布",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["EasternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.275,
y = 0.067,
name = "|c000F59FF斯坦索姆|r",
toMap = "斯坦索姆",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Elwynn"] = {
x = 0.235,
y = 0.351,
name = "|c000F59FF監獄|r",
toMap = "監獄",
tooltip = { " ", "L:22-30 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DeadwindPass"] = {
x = 0.46,
y = 0.721,
name = "|c000F59FF卡拉贊|r",
toMap = "卡拉贊",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.511,
y = 0.766,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 卡拉贊|r",
toMap = "卡拉贊"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["BurningSteppes"] = {
x = 0.295,
y = 0.325,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑石山|r",
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.327,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石深淵|r",
toMap = "黑石深淵",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.27,
y = 0.364,
name = "|cffa335ed熔火之心|r",
toMap = "熔火之心",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.325,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石塔|r",
toMap = "黑石塔",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.32,
y = 0.285,
name = "|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r",
toMap = "黑翼之巢",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Silverpine"] = {
x = 0.432,
y = 0.659,
name = "|c000F59FF影牙城堡|r",
toMap = "影牙城堡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:18-32 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Dustwallow"] = {
x = 0.541,
y = 0.769,
name = "|cffa335ed奧妮克希亞的巢穴|r",
toMap = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Badlands"] = {
x = 0.39,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FF奧達曼|r",
toMap = "奧達曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.414,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奧達曼|r",
toMap = "奧達曼"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:35-52 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["SearingGorge"] = {
x = 0.355,
y = 0.835,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."黑石山|r",
toMap = "黑石山"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石深淵|r",
toMap = "黑石深淵",
tooltip = { " ", "L:48-60 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.33,
y = 0.87,
name = "|cffa335ed熔火之心|r",
toMap = "熔火之心",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.835,
name = "|c000F59FF黑石塔|r",
toMap = "黑石塔",
tooltip = { " ", "L:52-61 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.38,
y = 0.8,
name = "|cffa335ed黑翼之巢|r",
toMap = "黑翼之巢",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(10)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["BladesEdgeMountains"] = {
x = 0.688,
y = 0.233,
name = "|cffa335ed戈魯爾之巢|r",
toMap = "戈魯爾之巢",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Tirisfal"] = {
x = 0.846,
y = 0.3,
name = "|c000F59FF血色修道院|r",
toMap = "血色修道院",
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.846,
y = 0.338,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.."血色修道院|r",
toMap = "血色修道院"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:29-45 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Silithus"] = {
x = 0.28,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉廢墟|r",
toMap = "安其拉廢墟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.31,
y = 0.963,
name = "|cffa335ed安其拉神廟|r",
toMap = "安其拉",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(40)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["GrizzlyHills"] = {
x = 0.18,
y = 0.259,
name = "|c000F59FF德拉克薩隆要塞|r",
toMap = "德拉克薩隆要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:74-76 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["IcecrownGlacier"] = {
x = 0.55,
y = 0.902,
name = "|cffa335edIcecrown Citadel|r",
toMap = "Icecrown Citadel",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80+ #(10/25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Netherstorm"] = {
x = 0.739,
y = 0.638,
name = "|cffa335ed風暴要塞|r",
toMap = "風暴要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.744,
y = 0.577,
name = "|c000F59FF風暴要塞: 亞克崔茲|r",
toMap = "風暴要塞: 亞克崔茲",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.717,
y = 0.551,
name = "|c000F59FF風暴要塞: 波塔尼卡|r",
toMap = "風暴要塞: 波塔尼卡",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.706,
y = 0.698,
name = "|c000F59FF風暴要塞: 麥克那爾|r",
toMap = "風暴要塞: 麥克那爾",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Ashenvale"] = {
x = 0.148,
y = 0.126,
name = "|c000F59FF黑暗深淵|r",
toMap = "黑暗深淵",
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.128,
y = 0.145,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 黑暗深淵|r",
toMap = "黑暗深淵"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:20-35 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Ghostlands"] = {
x = 0.782,
y = 0.626,
name = "|cffa335ed祖阿曼|r",
toMap = "祖阿曼",
tooltip = { " ", "L:60+ #(20)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["TheStormPeaks"] = {
x = 0.388,
y = 0.25,
name = "|c000F59FF岩石大廳|r",
toMap = "岩石大廳",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.463,
y = 0.189,
name = "|c000F59FF雷光大廳|r",
toMap = "雷光大廳",
tooltip = { " ", "L:77-79 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.418,
y = 0.188,
name = "|cffa335ed奧杜亞|r",
toMap = "奧杜亞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["HowlingFjord"] = {
x = 0.605,
y = 0.494,
name = "|c000F59FF俄特加德要塞|r",
toMap = "俄特加德要塞",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70-72 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.577,
y = 0.432,
name = "|cffa335ed俄特加德之巔|r",
toMap = "俄特加德之巔",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dragonblight"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.499,
name = "|c000F59FF阿茲歐-奈幽|r",
toMap = "阿茲歐-奈幽",
tooltip = { " ", "L:72-74 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.26,
y = 0.475,
name = "|c000F59FF安卡罕特: 古王國|r",
toMap = "安卡罕特: 古王國",
tooltip = { " ", "L:73-75 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.605,
y = 0.558,
name = "|cffa335ed黑曜聖所|r",
toMap = "黑曜聖所",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.877,
y = 0.458,
name = "|cffa335ed納克薩瑪斯|r",
toMap = "納克薩瑪斯",
tooltip = { " ", "L:80 #(10/25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Dalaran"] = {
x = 0.698,
y = 0.712,
name = "|c000F59FF紫羅蘭堡|r",
toMap = "紫羅蘭堡",
floor = 1,
tooltip = { " ", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["Sunwell"] = {
x = 0.609,
y = 0.308,
name = "|c000F59FF博學者殿堂|r",
toMap = "博學者殿堂",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.499,
y = 0.511,
name = "|cffa335ed太陽之井高地|r",
toMap = "太陽之井高地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Zangarmarsh"] = {
x = 0.504,
y = 0.41,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 盤牙蓄湖|r",
toMap = "盤牙蓄湖"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.447,
name = "|cffa335ed盤牙洞穴: 毒蛇神殿洞穴|r",
toMap = "盤牙洞穴: 毒蛇神殿洞穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.535,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FF盤牙洞穴: 蒸汽洞窟|r",
toMap = "盤牙洞穴: 蒸汽洞窟",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.472,
y = 0.41,
name = "|c000F59FF盤牙洞穴: 毒牙沼澤|r",
toMap = "盤牙洞穴: 毒牙沼澤",
tooltip = { " ", "L:63-65 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.504,
y = 0.373,
name = "|c000F59FF盤牙洞穴: 奴隸監獄|r",
toMap = "盤牙洞穴: 奴隸監獄",
tooltip = { " ", "L:62-64 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["TerokkarForest"] = {
x = 0.4,
y = 0.649,
name = "|cff00ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 奧齊頓|r",
toMap = "奧齊頓"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.708,
name = "|cffa335ed奧齊頓: 暗影迷宮|r",
toMap = "奧齊頓: 暗影迷宮",
tooltip = { " ", "L:70+ #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
x = 0.446,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FF奧齊頓: 塞司克大廳|r",
toMap = "奧齊頓: 塞司克大廳",
tooltip = { " ", "L:67-69 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.352,
y = 0.649,
name = "|c000F59FF奧齊頓: 奧奇奈地穴|r",
toMap = "奧齊頓: 奧奇奈地穴",
tooltip = { " ", "L:65-67 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.4,
y = 0.585,
name = "|c000F59FF法力墓地|r",
toMap = "法力墓地",
tooltip = { " ", "L:64-66 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["CrystalsongForest"] = {
x = 0.278,
y = 0.377,
name = "|c000F59FF紫羅蘭堡|r",
toMap = "紫羅蘭堡",
tooltip = { "Dalaran", "L:75-77 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["ShadowmoonValley"] = {
x = 0.765,
y = 0.417,
name = "|cffa335ed黑暗神廟|r",
toMap = "黑暗神廟",
tooltip = { "Raid", "L:70+ #(25)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Raid",
["Westfall"] = {
x = 0.43,
y = 0.78,
name = "|c000F59FF死亡礦井|r",
toMap = "死亡礦井",
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.43,
y = 0.745,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 死亡礦井|r",
toMap = "死亡礦井"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { " ", "L:15-28 #(5)",
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["Feralas"] = {
x = 0.612,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FF厄運之槌 (東)|r",
toMap = "厄運之槌 (東)",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.57,
y = 0.423,
name = "|c000F59FF厄運之槌 (西)|r",
toMap = "厄運之槌 (西)",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.406,
name = "|c000F59FF厄運之槌 (北)|r",
toMap = "厄運之槌 (北)",
tooltip = { " ", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.592,
y = 0.452,
name = "|cffa335ed厄運之槌|r",
toMap = "厄運之槌"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { "厄運之槌", "L:54-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
["WesternPlaguelands"] = {
x = 0.7,
y = 0.734,
name = "|c000F59FF通靈學院|r",
toMap = "通靈學院",
tooltip = { " ", "L:56-61 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
["DunMorogh"] = {
x = 0.22,
y = 0.369,
name = "|c000F59FF諾姆瑞根|r",
toMap = "諾姆瑞根",
tooltip = { " ", "L:24-40 #(5)", },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Instance",
x = 0.246,
y = 0.389,
name = "|c0000ff00"..AM_EXTERIOR.." - 諾姆瑞根|r",
toMap = "諾姆瑞根"..AM_EXTERIOR,
tooltip = { },
icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\AlphaMap_POI_Instances\\Artwork\\Exterior",
README.txt New file
0,0 → 1,10
AlphaMap POIs - Instances v1.00.30000
This Plugin for AlphaMap displays the locations of Instances on world map continents and zones.
Clicking on the Instance symbol will either open up the relevant AlphaMap Instance map, or zoom in to world map zone for a clearer picture of where the Instances are exactly.
With the AlphaMap visible, hold down the Control & Alt keys to see the Instance Location control button which can be checked to quickly toggle display of Instance locations off / on.