WoWInterface SVN InFlight

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 117 to Rev 138
    Reverse comparison

Rev 117 → Rev 138

1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "zhCN")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "检测到错误的客户端版本:禁用插件"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "背景颜色"
L["BarColor"] = "酒吧颜色"
L["BarOptions"] = "状态栏选项"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "koKR")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "클라이언트 버전이 잘못 감지되었습니다 : 애드온 비활성화"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "배경 색상"
L["BarColor"] = "바 색상"
L["BarOptions"] = "바 설정"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "ptBR")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Versão incorreta do cliente detectada: desativando o complemento"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Cor de Fundo"
L["BarColor"] = "Cor da Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opções de Bar"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "itIT")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Rilevata versione client errata: disabilitazione del componente aggiuntivo"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Colore di Sfondo"
L["BarColor"] = "Colore della Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opzioni della Barra"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "enUS", true)
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Wrong client version detected: disabling addon"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Background Color"
L["BarColor"] = "Bar Color"
L["BarOptions"] = "Bar Options"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "esMX")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Se detectó una versión incorrecta del cliente: deshabilitar el complemento"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Color de Fondo"
L["BarColor"] = "Color de la Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opciones de barra"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "檢測到錯誤的客戶端版本:禁用插件"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "背景顏色"
L["BarColor"] = "時間條顏色"
L["BarOptions"] = "外觀"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "ruRU")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Обнаружена неверная версия клиента: отключение аддона"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Цвет фона"
L["BarColor"] = "Цвет заполнения"
L["BarOptions"] = "Опции полосы"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "esES")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Se detectó una versión incorrecta del cliente: deshabilitar el complemento"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Color de Fondo"
L["BarColor"] = "Color de la Barra"
L["BarOptions"] = "Opciones de la Barra"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "frFR")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Mauvaise version du client détectée: désactivation de l'addon"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Couleur de Fond"
L["BarColor"] = "Couleur de Remplissage"
L["BarOptions"] = "Status Options"
1,6 → 1,7
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("InFlight", "deDE")
if not L then return end
L["AddonDisabled"] = "Falsche Client-Version erkannt: Addon deaktivieren"
L["BackgroundColor"] = "Hintergrundfarbe"
L["BarColor"] = "Farbe der Leiste"
L["BarOptions"] = "Leisteneinstellungen"