WoWInterface SVN InFlight

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 163 to Rev 164
    Reverse comparison

Rev 163 → Rev 164

52,17 → 52,17
FL["Cenarion Hold"] = "Fort Cénarien"
FL["Chillwind Camp"] = "Camp du Noroît"
FL["Crossroads"] = "La Croisée"
FL["Darkshire"] = "Sombre-Comté"
FL["Darkshire"] = true
FL["Everlook"] = "Long-Guet"
FL["Feathermoon"] = "Pennelune"
FL["Feathermoon"] = true
FL["Flame Crest"] = "Corniche des Flammes"
FL["Freewind Post"] = "Poste de Librevent"
FL["Gadgetzan"] = true
FL["Grom'gol"] = true
FL["Hammerfall"] = "Trépas-d'Orgrim"
FL["Ironforge"] = "Forgefer"
FL["Ironforge"] = true
FL["Kargath"] = true
FL["Lakeshire"] = "Comté-du-Lac"
FL["Lakeshire"] = true
FL["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "Chapelle de l'Espoir de Lumière"
FL["Marshal's Refuge"] = "Refuge des Marshal"
FL["Menethil Harbor"] = "Port de Menethil"
71,17 → 71,17
FL["Nethergarde Keep"] = "Rempart-du-Néant"
FL["Nijel's Point"] = "Combe de Nijel"
FL["Orgrimmar"] = true
FL["Ratchet"] = "Cabestan"
FL["Ratchet"] = true
FL["Refuge Pointe"] = "Refuge de l'Ornière"
FL["Revantusk Village"] = "Village des Vengebroches"
FL["Rut'theran Village"] = "Rut'theran"
FL["Sentinel Hill"] = "Colline des Sentinelles"
FL["Sentinel Hill"] = "Colline des sentinelles"
FL["Shadowprey Village"] = "Proie-de-l'Ombre"
FL["Southshore"] = "Austrivage"
FL["Southshore"] = true
FL["Splintertree Post"] = "Poste de Bois-Brisé"
FL["Stonard"] = "Pierrêche"
FL["Stonard"] = true
FL["Stonetalon Peak"] = "Pic des Serres-Rocheuses"
FL["Stormwind"] = "Hurlevent"
FL["Stormwind"] = true
FL["Sun Rock Retreat"] = "Retraite de Roche-Soleil"
FL["Talonbranch Glade"] = "Clairière de Griffebranche"
FL["Talrendis Point"] = "Halte de Talrendis"
91,7 → 91,7
FL["Thelsamar"] = true
FL["Theramore"] = true
FL["Thorium Point"] = "Halte du Thorium"
FL["Thunder Bluff"] = "Les Pitons-du-Tonnerre"
FL["Undercity"] = "Fossoyeuse"
FL["Thunder Bluff"] = true
FL["Undercity"] = true
FL["Valormok"] = true
FL["Zoram'gar Outpost"] = "Avant-poste de Zoram'gar"
52,7 → 52,7
FL["Cenarion Hold"] = "세나리온 요새"
FL["Chillwind Camp"] = "서리바람 야영지"
FL["Crossroads"] = "십자로"
FL["Darkshire"] = "어둠골"
FL["Darkshire"] = "다크샤이어"
FL["Everlook"] = "눈망루 마을"
FL["Feathermoon"] = "페더문 요새"
FL["Flame Crest"] = "화염 마루"
62,11 → 62,11
FL["Hammerfall"] = "망치 주둔지"
FL["Ironforge"] = "아이언포지"
FL["Kargath"] = "카르가스"
FL["Lakeshire"] = "호숫골"
FL["Lakeshire"] = "레이크샤이어"
FL["Light's Hope Chapel"] = "희망의 빛 예배당"
FL["Marshal's Refuge"] = "마샬의 야영지"
FL["Menethil Harbor"] = "메네실 항구"
FL["Moonglade"] = "달숲"
FL["Moonglade"] = "달의 숲"
FL["Morgan's Vigil"] = "모건의 망루"
FL["Nethergarde Keep"] = "네더가드 요새"
FL["Nijel's Point"] = "나이젤의 야영지"
77,7 → 77,7
FL["Rut'theran Village"] = "루테란 마을"
FL["Sentinel Hill"] = "감시의 언덕"
FL["Shadowprey Village"] = "그늘수렵 마을"
FL["Southshore"] = "남녘해안"
FL["Southshore"] = "사우스쇼어"
FL["Splintertree Post"] = "토막나무 주둔지"
FL["Stonard"] = "스토나드"
FL["Stonetalon Peak"] = "돌발톱 봉우리"
360,6 → 360,7
tb.inflighted = true
-- PrintD(L[ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(i))], ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(i)))
if TaxiNodeGetType(i) == "CURRENT" then
taxiSrcName = ShortenName(TaxiNodeName(i))
taxiSrc = L[taxiSrcName]