WoWInterface SVN SoopUI

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    /branches/SoopUI 3.0 beta 1.0.1
    from Rev 4 to Rev 5
    Reverse comparison

Rev 4 → Rev 5

83,6 → 83,15
-- SoopUI Scaling
function SoopUI:Round(num, idp)
if(idp and idp > 0) then
local mult = 10 ^ idp
return floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
return floor(num + 0.5)
--local ScaleOptionsHidden
function SoopUI:UpdateUIScale()
local scale = max(0.64, min(1.15, 768/GetScreenHeight()))
91,13 → 100,16
SetCVar("uiScale", scale);
WorldMapFrame.hasTaint = true;
--if not ScaleOptionsHidden then
-- _G["Advanced_UseUIScale"]:Hide()
-- _G["Advanced_UIScaleSlider"]:Hide()
-- ScaleOptionsHidden = true
function SoopUI:UI_SCALE_CHANGED()
-- Misc fixes inc Blizzard Bug Fixes by Nibelheim
133,9 → 145,11
_G["TradeSkillReagent"..i]:SetScript("OnClick", TradeSkillReagent_OnClick)
function SoopUI:UI_SCALE_CHANGED()
-- Initialization for SoopUI
184,13 → 198,5
-- Rounding code by Doomkitty
function SoopUI:Round(num, idp)
if(idp and idp > 0) then
local mult = 10 ^ idp
return floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
return floor(num + 0.5)
AddonData/xCT.lua New file
0,0 → 1,1150
local SoopUI = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("SoopUI")
SoopUI.LoadAddOnData_xCT = function()
xCTSavedDB = {
["profileKeys"] = {
["profiles"] = {
["spells"] = {
["items"] = {
["Container"] = {
["Bag"] = false,
["Mining Bag"] = false,
["Cooking Bag"] = false,
["Gem Bag"] = false,
["Tackle Box"] = false,
["Engineering Bag"] = false,
["Herb Bag"] = false,
["Inscription Bag"] = false,
["Leatherworking Bag"] = false,
["Enchanting Bag"] = false,
["Quest"] = {
["Quest"] = false,
["Trade Goods"] = {
["Other"] = false,
["Elemental"] = false,
["Jewelcrafting"] = false,
["Parts"] = false,
["Enchanting"] = false,
["Devices"] = false,
["Cooking"] = false,
["Leather"] = false,
["Materials"] = false,
["Item Enchantment"] = false,
["Cloth"] = false,
["Explosives"] = false,
["Metal & Stone"] = false,
["Herb"] = false,
["Miscellaneous"] = {
["Other"] = false,
["Reagent"] = false,
["Companion Pets"] = false,
["Mount"] = false,
["Holiday"] = false,
["Junk"] = false,
["Recipe"] = {
["Tailoring"] = false,
["Blacksmithing"] = false,
["Alchemy"] = false,
["First Aid"] = false,
["Book"] = false,
["Cooking"] = false,
["Inscription"] = false,
["Jewelcrafting"] = false,
["Engineering"] = false,
["Leatherworking"] = false,
["Fishing"] = false,
["Enchanting"] = false,
["Consumable"] = {
["Other"] = false,
["Elixir"] = false,
["Food & Drink"] = false,
["Item Enhancement"] = false,
["Scroll"] = false,
["Flask"] = false,
["Bandage"] = false,
["Potion"] = false,
["version"] = 1,
["Battle Pets"] = {
["Dragonkin"] = false,
["Humanoid"] = false,
["Elemental"] = false,
["Critter"] = false,
["Magic"] = false,
["Flying"] = false,
["Aquatic"] = false,
["Undead"] = false,
["Beast"] = false,
["Mechanical"] = false,
["Armor"] = {
["Leather"] = false,
["Cosmetic"] = false,
["Shields"] = false,
["Mail"] = false,
["Plate"] = false,
["Cloth"] = false,
["Miscellaneous"] = false,
["Gem"] = {
["Simple"] = false,
["Blue"] = false,
["Meta"] = false,
["Prismatic"] = false,
["Purple"] = false,
["Green"] = false,
["Cogwheel"] = false,
["Yellow"] = false,
["Orange"] = false,
["Red"] = false,
["Glyph"] = {
["Warrior"] = false,
["Paladin"] = false,
["Shaman"] = false,
["Monk"] = false,
["Rogue"] = false,
["Mage"] = false,
["Warlock"] = false,
["Priest"] = false,
["Hunter"] = false,
["Druid"] = false,
["Death Knight"] = false,
["Weapon"] = {
["One-Handed Axes"] = false,
["One-Handed Swords"] = false,
["Staves"] = false,
["Crossbows"] = false,
["Polearms"] = false,
["One-Handed Maces"] = false,
["Bows"] = false,
["Two-Handed Swords"] = false,
["Miscellaneous"] = false,
["Fishing Poles"] = false,
["Two-Handed Maces"] = false,
["Guns"] = false,
["Fist Weapons"] = false,
["Thrown"] = false,
["Wands"] = false,
["Daggers"] = false,
["Two-Handed Axes"] = false,
["merge"] = {
[119980] = {
["interval"] = 4,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146137] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Melee)",
[91776] = {
["interval"] = 4,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146177] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Healing (Priest, Paladin)",
[146067] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Fire, Frost Damage (Mages)",
[146075] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Damage (Windwalker Monks)",
[49184] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146162] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Hunters)",
[146178] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Healing (Druid, Monk)",
[148234] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Healing (Priests, Paladins)",
[146171] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Damage (Elemental Shamans)",
[146061] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Melee)",
[146069] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Hunters)",
[81280] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[148235] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Healing (Monks, Druids)",
[146070] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Mages)",
[146157] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Damage",
[55095] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[148008] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Casters",
[149276] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Hunters",
[146071] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Damage (Elemental Shamans)",
[146158] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Balance Druids)",
[146166] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Mages)",
[55050] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[148009] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Healers",
[147891] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Melee",
[146159] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Shadow Damage (Priests, Warlocks)",
[53365] = {
["interval"] = 4,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146065] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Shadow Damage (Priests, Warlocks)",
[48721] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146063] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Damage",
[55078] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146160] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Fire, Frost Damage (Mages)",
[146064] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Balance Druids)",
[52212] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
["Tank"] = {
["frames"] = {
["general"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["power"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["healing"] = {
["fontSize"] = 14,
["Width"] = 145,
["fontJustify"] = "CENTER",
["X"] = 22,
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["Height"] = 153,
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["font"] = "Expressway",
["Y"] = -277,
["outgoing"] = {
["Y"] = -17,
["font"] = "Expressway",
["megaDamage"] = true,
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["Height"] = 217,
["X"] = 451,
["fontSize"] = 18,
["Width"] = 126,
["critical"] = {
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["font"] = "Expressway",
["megaDamage"] = true,
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["procs"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["loot"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["class"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["damage"] = {
["font"] = "Expressway",
["enabledFrame"] = false,
["fontOutline"] = "2OUTLINE",
["spells"] = {
["items"] = {
["Container"] = {
["Bag"] = false,
["Mining Bag"] = false,
["Cooking Bag"] = false,
["Gem Bag"] = false,
["Tackle Box"] = false,
["Engineering Bag"] = false,
["Herb Bag"] = false,
["Inscription Bag"] = false,
["Leatherworking Bag"] = false,
["Enchanting Bag"] = false,
["Quest"] = {
["Quest"] = false,
["Trade Goods"] = {
["Other"] = false,
["Elemental"] = false,
["Jewelcrafting"] = false,
["Parts"] = false,
["Enchanting"] = false,
["Devices"] = false,
["Cooking"] = false,
["Leather"] = false,
["Materials"] = false,
["Item Enchantment"] = false,
["Cloth"] = false,
["Explosives"] = false,
["Metal & Stone"] = false,
["Herb"] = false,
["Miscellaneous"] = {
["Other"] = false,
["Reagent"] = false,
["Companion Pets"] = false,
["Mount"] = false,
["Holiday"] = false,
["Junk"] = false,
["Recipe"] = {
["Tailoring"] = false,
["Blacksmithing"] = false,
["Alchemy"] = false,
["First Aid"] = false,
["Book"] = false,
["Cooking"] = false,
["Inscription"] = false,
["Jewelcrafting"] = false,
["Engineering"] = false,
["Leatherworking"] = false,
["Fishing"] = false,
["Enchanting"] = false,
["Consumable"] = {
["Other"] = false,
["Elixir"] = false,
["Food & Drink"] = false,
["Item Enhancement"] = false,
["Scroll"] = false,
["Flask"] = false,
["Bandage"] = false,
["Potion"] = false,
["version"] = 1,
["Battle Pets"] = {
["Dragonkin"] = false,
["Humanoid"] = false,
["Elemental"] = false,
["Critter"] = false,
["Magic"] = false,
["Flying"] = false,
["Aquatic"] = false,
["Undead"] = false,
["Beast"] = false,
["Mechanical"] = false,
["Armor"] = {
["Leather"] = false,
["Cosmetic"] = false,
["Shields"] = false,
["Mail"] = false,
["Plate"] = false,
["Cloth"] = false,
["Miscellaneous"] = false,
["Gem"] = {
["Simple"] = false,
["Blue"] = false,
["Meta"] = false,
["Prismatic"] = false,
["Purple"] = false,
["Green"] = false,
["Cogwheel"] = false,
["Yellow"] = false,
["Orange"] = false,
["Red"] = false,
["Glyph"] = {
["Warrior"] = false,
["Paladin"] = false,
["Shaman"] = false,
["Monk"] = false,
["Rogue"] = false,
["Mage"] = false,
["Warlock"] = false,
["Priest"] = false,
["Hunter"] = false,
["Druid"] = false,
["Death Knight"] = false,
["Weapon"] = {
["One-Handed Axes"] = false,
["One-Handed Swords"] = false,
["Staves"] = false,
["Crossbows"] = false,
["Polearms"] = false,
["One-Handed Maces"] = false,
["Bows"] = false,
["Two-Handed Swords"] = false,
["Miscellaneous"] = false,
["Fishing Poles"] = false,
["Two-Handed Maces"] = false,
["Guns"] = false,
["Fist Weapons"] = false,
["Thrown"] = false,
["Wands"] = false,
["Daggers"] = false,
["Two-Handed Axes"] = false,
["merge"] = {
[117895] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[114093] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[845] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[46968] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[127722] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[121253] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[114911] = {
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146137] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Melee)",
[115181] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[81280] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[77478] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[132120] = {
["interval"] = 6,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[421] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[148234] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Healing (Priests, Paladins)",
[124040] = {
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[119611] = {
["interval"] = 6,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[148187] = {
["interval"] = 2.5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146171] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Damage (Elemental Shamans)",
[148235] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Healing (Monks, Druids)",
[58879] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[124255] = {
["interval"] = 6,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146061] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Melee)",
[8349] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[115175] = {
["interval"] = 4.5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[115310] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[124081] = {
["interval"] = 6,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[52212] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3,
[146158] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Balance Druids)",
[49184] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[146063] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Damage",
[107270] = {
["interval"] = 2.5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[130654] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[51490] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[55050] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[146159] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Shadow Damage (Priests, Warlocks)",
[146064] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Balance Druids)",
[124098] = {
["interval"] = 6,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[25504] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[55078] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3,
[146160] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Fire, Frost Damage (Mages)",
[128591] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146065] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Shadow Damage (Priests, Warlocks)",
[96103] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3,
[147891] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Melee",
[6572] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[146177] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Healing (Priest, Paladin)",
[114074] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[115360] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[113344] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3,
[146178] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Healing (Druid, Monk)",
[146067] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Fire, Frost Damage (Mages)",
[116670] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[119980] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 4,
[52174] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[132463] = {
["interval"] = 6,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[148009] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Healers",
[50622] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3,
[48721] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[114083] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[32176] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[1064] = {
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[55095] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3,
[128531] = {
["interval"] = 4,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146069] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Hunters)",
[73921] = {
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["class"] = "SHAMAN",
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["enabled"] = true,
[149276] = {
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["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Hunters",
[10444] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[132467] = {
["interval"] = 6,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146162] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Physical Damage (Hunters)",
[146157] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Holy Damage",
[8050] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146070] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Mages)",
[148135] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[146075] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Damage (Windwalker Monks)",
[26364] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[53365] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
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[1680] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
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["interval"] = 3,
[146166] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Arcane Damage (Mages)",
[115767] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3,
[146071] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Nature Damage (Elemental Shamans)",
[117640] = {
["interval"] = 2.5,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[148008] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 3.5,
["class"] = "ITEM",
["desc"] = "Legedary Cloak for Casters",
[91776] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 4,
[120687] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[113656] = {
["interval"] = 4,
["class"] = "MONK",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[6343] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["prep"] = 0,
["interval"] = 0.5,
[114942] = {
["interval"] = 4,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[51945] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[52042] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[61295] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
[8187] = {
["interval"] = 3,
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["prep"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
["mergeDontMergeCriticals"] = false,
["mergeCriticalsWithOutgoing"] = true,
\ No newline at end of file
AddonData/Grid.lua New file
0,0 → 1,935
local SoopUI = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("SoopUI")
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["GridStatusParty"] = {
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["SoopUI"] = {
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["SoopzUI"] = {
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["SoopUI3"] = {
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["r"] = 0.78,
["SHAMAN"] = {
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["MAGE"] = {
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["r"] = 0.41,
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["MAGE"] = {
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["PRIEST"] = {
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["b"] = 1,
["WARLOCK"] = {
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["ROGUE"] = {
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["HUNTER"] = {
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["DRUID"] = {
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["g"] = 0.49,
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["MONK"] = {
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["b"] = 0.59,
["SHAMAN"] = {
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["g"] = 0.44,
["b"] = 0.87,
["Default"] = {
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["WARRIOR"] = {
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["PALADIN"] = {
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["b"] = 0.94,
["PRIEST"] = {
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["WARLOCK"] = {
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["SHAMAN"] = {
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["ROGUE"] = {
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["b"] = 0.41,
["DRUID"] = {
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["MONK"] = {
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["r"] = 0.77,
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["WARRIOR"] = {
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["b"] = 0.43,
["PALADIN"] = {
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["b"] = 0.73,
["MAGE"] = {
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["g"] = 0.8,
["b"] = 0.94,
["PRIEST"] = {
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["WARLOCK"] = {
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["b"] = 0.23,
["SHAMAN"] = {
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["DRUID"] = {
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["b"] = 0.04,
["MONK"] = {
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["ROGUE"] = {
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["SoopzUI"] = {
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["g"] = 0.61,
["r"] = 0.78,
["PALADIN"] = {
["b"] = 0.73,
["g"] = 0.55,
["r"] = 0.96,
["MAGE"] = {
["b"] = 0.94,
["g"] = 0.8,
["r"] = 0.41,
["PRIEST"] = {
["b"] = 1,
["g"] = 1,
["r"] = 1,
["WARLOCK"] = {
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["g"] = 0.51,
["r"] = 0.58,
["b"] = 0.23,
["g"] = 0.12,
["r"] = 0.77,
["ROGUE"] = {
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["g"] = 0.96,
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["DRUID"] = {
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["g"] = 0.49,
["r"] = 1,
["MONK"] = {
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["SHAMAN"] = {
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["r"] = 0.78,
["PALADIN"] = {
["b"] = 0.73,
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["r"] = 0.96,
["MAGE"] = {
["b"] = 0.94,
["g"] = 0.8,
["r"] = 0.41,
["PRIEST"] = {
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["r"] = 1,
["WARLOCK"] = {
["b"] = 0.79,
["g"] = 0.51,
["r"] = 0.58,
["SHAMAN"] = {
["b"] = 0.87,
["g"] = 0.44,
["r"] = 0,
["HUNTER"] = {
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["g"] = 0.83,
["r"] = 0.67,
["DRUID"] = {
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["g"] = 0.49,
["r"] = 1,
["MONK"] = {
["b"] = 0.59,
["g"] = 1,
["r"] = 0,
["ROGUE"] = {
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["r"] = 1,
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["DRUID"] = {
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["g"] = 0.49,
["r"] = 1,
["MONK"] = {
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["r"] = 0,
["b"] = 0.23,
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["r"] = 0.77,
["PRIEST"] = {
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["WARRIOR"] = {
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["g"] = 0.61,
["r"] = 0.78,
["PALADIN"] = {
["b"] = 0.73,
["g"] = 0.55,
["r"] = 0.96,
["SHAMAN"] = {
["b"] = 0.87,
["g"] = 0.44,
["r"] = 0,
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["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature",
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["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Renew",
["buff_Rejuvenation"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_Rejuvenation",
["buff_PowerWord:Shield"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_PowerWordShield",
["buff_Lifebloom"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Herb_Felblossom",
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["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_SkinofEarth",
["SoopUI"] = {
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["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Renew",
["buff_Regrowth"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature",
["buff_PowerWord:Shield"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_PowerWordShield",
["buff_BeaconofLight"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Paladin_BeaconofLight",
["buff_Rejuvenation"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_Rejuvenation",
["buff_Lifebloom"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Herb_Felblossom",
["buff_EarthShield"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_SkinofEarth",
["SoopUI3"] = {
["buff_PowerWord:Shield"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_PowerWordShield",
["buff_Rejuvenation"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_Rejuvenation",
["buff_EarthShield"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_SkinofEarth",
["buff_Regrowth"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature",
["buff_Renew"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Renew",
["buff_Lifebloom"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Herb_Felblossom",
["buff_BeaconofLight"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Paladin_BeaconofLight",
["Burd"] = {
["buff_Rejuvenation"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_Rejuvenation",
["buff_PowerWord:Shield"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_PowerWordShield",
["buff_Renew"] = {
["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_Renew",
["profileKeys"] = {
["Critchicken - Sargeras"] = "SoopUI3",
["Hotlikedimes - Sargeras"] = "SoopUI3",
["Snigs - Sargeras"] = "SoopUI",
["Soopie - Sargeras"] = "SoopUI3",
["Soopie - Darkspear"] = "SoopUI",
["Syynful - Sargeras"] = "SoopUI3",
["Mightbeaids - Sargeras"] = "Default",
["profiles"] = {
["Soop"] = {
["SoopUI"] = {
["Default"] = {
["MyProfile"] = {
["SoopzUI"] = {
["Burd"] = {
["SoopUI3"] = {
\ No newline at end of file
Media/raidbg.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Media/Aluminium.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Media/portrait.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Media/squares.ttf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Media/Statusbar.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Media/vibroceb.ttf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Media/BigNoodleTitling.ttf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
Media/semplice.ttf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
1,10 → 1,3
-- Install.lua -- SoopUI Version 3.0.0 Beta 1
-- For help please check WoWinterface or
-- You can reach me on Twitter @TrueSteve or Soopie (Sargeras [US] Alliance)
local SoopUI = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("SoopUI")
local db, dbc, dbg, spec
15,7 → 8,7
installStage = 0,
-- Console Variables (CVars)
-- CVars
function SoopUI:SetupCVars()
69,10 → 62,8
FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame1, 1)
FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame2, 1)
FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame4, 1)
FCF_SetLocked(ChatFrame3, 1)
83,7 → 74,7
if i == 1 then
frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", 40, 30)
97,7 → 88,7
if i == 1 then
FCF_SetWindowName(frame, "G/S/W")
elseif i == 2 then
FCF_SetWindowName(frame, "COMBAT_LOG")
FCF_SetWindowName(frame, "")
elseif i == 3 then
FCF_SetWindowName(frame, "Gen / Trade")
elseif i == 4 then
284,29 → 275,17
-- Installation Text
if PageNum == 1 then
f.subtitle:SetText("This is SoopUI!!")
----------------- Logo
f.logoText = f:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY") ---- <--- might break it
f.logoText:SetPoint("CENTER", f, "CENTER")
f.logoText:SetSize(400, 100)
f.logoText:SetTexture(MEDIA_PATH .. "Interface\\AddOns\\SoopUI\\media\\logo_sui")
----------------- Logo
f.desc1:SetText("SoopUI 3 Beta 1")
f.desc2:SetText("Healing NOT supported this beta version")
f.desc1:SetText("This is filler text")
f.desc2:SetText("This is still filler text.")
elseif PageNum == 2 then
f.subtitle:SetText("Spec Setup")
f.desc1:SetText("Certain functions will be automatically enabled or disabled")
f.desc3:SetText("This UI is optimized for Tanking (or DPS). ")
f.desc3:SetText("This UI is optimized for Tanking (DPS somewhat)")
InstallOption1Button:SetScript("OnClick", SetupTank)
315,8 → 294,8
InstallOption2Button:SetScript("OnClick", SetupHealing)
elseif PageNum == 3 then
f.subtitle:SetText("Console Variables (CVars)")
f.desc1:SetText("Optimized default WoW console settings")
f.subtitle:SetText("Character Variables (CVars)")
f.desc1:SetText("Optimized default WoW settings")
f.desc2:SetText("Changes options like, disabling profanity filter and camera by default")
f.desc3:SetText("Press Setup CVars to load SoopUI CVars and continue.")
359,15 → 338,11
-- Installation Button Positions
function SoopUI:NewInstallProcess()
if not SoopUIInstallFrame then
local f = CreateFrame("Button", "SoopUIInstallFrame", UIParent)
f:SetSize(550, 400)
f:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [[Interface\Addons\SoopUI\media\Minimalist]], ---- <--- might break it
f:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]],
edgeFile = "",
tile = false, tileSize = 0, edgeSize = 1,
insets = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }
380,7 → 355,7
f.title:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -5)
f.title:SetFont([[Interface\Addons\SoopUI\media\expressway.ttf]], 13)
f.title:SetText("SoopUI Installation v"..SoopUI.version)
f.subtitle = f:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
f.subtitle:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -40)
f.subtitle:SetFont(, 15)
465,10 → 440,6
-- Button handlers
function SoopUI:HandleButton(f, strip)
if f.Left then f.Left:SetAlpha(0) end
if f.Middle then f.Middle:SetAlpha(0) end
498,10 → 469,6
-- Popup Dialogues
StaticPopupDialogs["SOOPUI_RELOADUI"] = {
text = "You must reload your UI before using it. Should we do that now?",
button1 = "Yes",
533,10 → 500,6
preferredIndex = 3, -- avoid some UI taint, see
-- Resolution Check
function SoopUI:CheckResolution()
local resolution = GetCVar("gxResolution")
local resHeight = tonumber(string.match(resolution, "%d+x(%d+)"))
1,9 → 1,11
local SoopUI = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("SoopUI")
SoopUI:RegisterChatCommand("rl", function() ReloadUI() end)
SoopUI:RegisterChatCommand("install", function() SoopUI:NewInstallProcess() end)
SoopUI:RegisterChatCommand("getcharlayout", function() print("Current layout: "..dbc.layout.current) end)
SoopUI:RegisterChatCommand("switch", function() SoopUI:SwitchLayout() end)
SoopUI:RegisterChatCommand("overrideAddonLoad", function(arg1) SoopUI:LoadSpecificAddOnData(arg1) end)
SoopUI:RegisterChatCommand("suihelp", function()
print("SoopUI Help")