WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1848 to Rev 1873
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1848 → Rev 1873

55,6 → 55,23
elseif (locale == "frFR") then
-- shaman totems
--[[ frFR ]] table.insert(L, "^Totem ")
--[[ frFR ]] table.insert(L, "^Totem .+ [IVX]+")
-- hunter snake trap spawn
--[[ frFR ]] table.insert(L, "^Vipère$")
--[[ frFR ]] table.insert(L, "^Serpent venimeux$")
-- death knight bloodworms
--[[ frFR ]] table.insert(L, "^Ver de sang$") -- so far, this seems to be the only NPC of this name on record
elseif (locale == "koKR") then