WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1848 to Rev 1857
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1848 → Rev 1857

31,6 → 31,8
height = 4,
targetOnly = true,
border = "None",
borderEdgeSize = 16,
borderInset = 4,
borderColor = { 1, 1, 1, 1 },
backdropColor = { 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 },
flashEnable = true,
199,7 → 201,7
function AloftThreatBar:GetBorder(aloftData)
if not self.db.profile.targetOnly or (aloftData and (aloftData.isTarget or aloftData:IsTarget())) then
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftHealthBar:GetBorder(): border " .. tostring(self.db.profile.border))
return ((self.db.profile.border ~= "None") and 4) or 0, SML:Fetch("border", self.db.profile.border)
return ((self.db.profile.border ~= "None") and self.db.profile.borderInset) or 0, SML:Fetch("border", self.db.profile.border)
-- return 0, SML:Fetch("border", "None")
return 0, SML:Fetch("border", "None")
248,6 → 250,7 = inset
backdropTable.insets.bottom = inset
backdropTable.edgeFile = edgeFile
backdropTable.edgeSize = self.db.profile.borderEdgeSize
backdropTable.bgFile = texture
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftThreatBar:SetupThreatBar(): set backdrop " .. tostring(backdropTable.edgeFile))
101,6 → 101,10
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Border options"] = "Border options"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Target Only"] = "Target Only"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "Enables the border on the current target only"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "Border Edge Size"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "Sets the thickness of the border"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "Sets the padding around the border"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Border Color"] = "Border Color"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Sets the border color of the threat bar"] = "Sets the border color of the threat bar"
--[[ enUS ]] bL["Border Style"] = "Border Style"
310,6 → 314,10
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Border options"] = "Border options"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Target Only"] = "Target Only"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "Enables the border on the current target only"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "Border Edge Size"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "Sets the thickness of the border"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "Sets the padding around the border"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Border Color"] = "테두리 색상"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Sets the border color of the threat bar"] = "Sets the border color of the threat bar"
--[[ koKR ]] bL["Border Style"] = "테두리 스타일"
512,6 → 520,10
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Border options"] = "Настройки краев"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Target Only"] = "Только цель"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "Включить края только для текущей цели"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "Border Edge Size"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "Sets the thickness of the border"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "Sets the padding around the border"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Border Color"] = "Цвет рамки"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Sets the border color of the threat bar"] = "Задает цвет рамки таблички угрозы"
--[[ ruRU ]] bL["Border Style"] = "Стиль рамки"
713,6 → 725,10
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Border options"] = "Border options"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Target Only"] = "Target Only"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "Enables the border on the current target only"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "Border Edge Size"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "Sets the thickness of the border"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "Sets the padding around the border"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Border Color"] = "边框颜色"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Sets the border color of the threat bar"] = "Sets the border color of the threat bar"
--[[ zhCN ]] bL["Border Style"] = "边框样式"
916,6 → 932,10
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border options"] = "Border options"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Target Only"] = "Target Only"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "Enables the border on the current target only"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "Border Edge Size"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "Sets the thickness of the border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "Sets the padding around the border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Color"] = "邊框顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the border color of the threat bar"] = "Sets the border color of the threat bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Style"] = "邊框樣式"
150,7 → 150,7
desc = L["Enables the border on the current target only"],
order = 1,
get = function(i) return AloftThreatBar.db.profile.targetOnly end,
set = function(i, v) AloftThreatBar.db.profile.targetOnly = v AloftThreatBar:UpdateAll() end,
set = function(i, v) AloftThreatBar.db.profile.targetOnly = v Aloft:DetermineDataSources() AloftThreatBar:UpdateAll() end,
disabled = function(i) return AloftThreatBar.db.profile.border == "None" end,
style =
169,11 → 169,34
set = function(i, v)
AloftThreatBar.db.profile.border =[v]
values = SML:List("border")
edgeSize =
type = 'range',
width = "full",
name = L["Border Edge Size"],
desc = L["Sets the thickness of the border"],
min = 1,
max = 32,
step = 1,
get = function(i) return AloftThreatBar.db.profile.borderEdgeSize end,
set = function(i, v) AloftThreatBar.db.profile.borderEdgeSize = v AloftThreatBar:UpdateAll() end
inset =
type = 'range',
width = "full",
name = L["Border Inset"],
desc = L["Sets the padding aroundthe border"],
min = 0,
max = 32,
step = 1,
get = function(i) return AloftThreatBar.db.profile.borderInset end,
set = function(i, v) AloftThreatBar.db.profile.borderInset = v AloftThreatBar:UpdateAll() end
color =
type = 'color',