WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1848 to Rev 1858
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1848 → Rev 1858

2,13 → 2,15
-- Note: This library is not yet finalized.
-- @class file
-- @name AceTab-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceTab-3.0.lua 905 2009-12-15 16:48:32Z nevcairiel $
-- @release $Id: AceTab-3.0.lua 947 2010-06-29 16:44:48Z nevcairiel $
local ACETAB_MAJOR, ACETAB_MINOR = 'AceTab-3.0', 5
local ACETAB_MAJOR, ACETAB_MINOR = 'AceTab-3.0', 8
local AceTab, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACETAB_MAJOR, ACETAB_MINOR)
if not AceTab then return end -- No upgrade needed
local is335 = GetBuildInfo() >= "3.3.5"
AceTab.registry = AceTab.registry or {}
-- local upvalues
36,11 → 38,11
local function hookFrame(f)
if f.hookedByAceTab3 then return end
f.hookedByAceTab3 = true
if f == ChatFrameEditBox then
if f == (is335 and ChatEdit_GetActiveWindow() or ChatFrameEditBox) then
local origCTP = ChatEdit_CustomTabPressed
function ChatEdit_CustomTabPressed()
function ChatEdit_CustomTabPressed(...)
if AceTab:OnTabPressed(f) then
return origCTP()
return origCTP(...)
return true
50,9 → 52,9
if type(origOTP) ~= 'function' then
origOTP = function() end
f:SetScript('OnTabPressed', function()
f:SetScript('OnTabPressed', function(...)
if AceTab:OnTabPressed(f) then
return origOTP()
return origOTP(...)
117,7 → 119,14
-- Make listenframes into a one-element table if it was not passed a table of frames.
if not listenframes then -- default
listenframes = { ChatFrameEditBox }
if is335 then
listenframes = {}
for i = 1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do
listenframes[i] = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."EditBox"]
listenframes = { ChatFrameEditBox }
elseif type(listenframes) ~= 'table' or type(listenframes[0]) == 'userdata' and type(listenframes.IsObjectType) == 'function' then -- single frame or framename
listenframes = { listenframes }
311,7 → 320,7
if this:GetText() == '' then return true end
-- allow Blizzard to handle slash commands, themselves
if this == ChatFrameEditBox then
if this == (is335 and ChatEdit_GetActiveWindow() or ChatFrameEditBox) then
local command = this:GetText()
if strfind(command, "^/[%a%d_]+$") then
return true