WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2223 to Rev 2341
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2223 → Rev 2341

726,115 → 726,115
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Crowd Control"] = "Crowd Control"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Crowd control options"] = "Crowd control options"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Crowd Control"] = "群體控制"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Crowd control options"] = "群體控制設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Enable"] = "啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Shows crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "Shows crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Shows crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "可以的話在名牌上顯示群體控制時間"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Speculative Attach"] = "推理依附"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Attempt to attach the crowd control timer bar when it is not absolutely certain if it is the correct nameplate"] = "Attempt to attach the crowd control timer bar when it is not absolutely certain if it is the correct nameplate"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Texture"] = "紋理"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the crowd control bar texture"] = "Sets the crowd control bar texture"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Attempt to attach the crowd control timer bar when it is not absolutely certain if it is the correct nameplate"] = "如果是群體名牌,企圖附加群體控制時間條當並不完全可靠"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Texture"] = "材質"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the crowd control bar texture"] = "設定群體控制條材質"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border"] = "Border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border options"] = "Border options"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Target Only"] = "Target Only"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "Enables the border on the current target only"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "Border Edge Size"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "Sets the thickness of the border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "Sets the padding around the border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border"] = "邊框"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border options"] = "邊框設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Target Only"] = "只在目標"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "啟用只在目前目標上的邊框"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "邊框邊緣大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "設定邊框的厚度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "邊框崁入"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "設定邊框的間距範圍"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Color"] = "邊框顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the border color of the crowd control bar"] = "Sets the border color of the crowd control bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the border color of the crowd control bar"] = "設定群體控制條的邊框顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Style"] = "邊框樣式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the style of the crowd control bar border"] = "Sets the style of the crowd control bar border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the style of the crowd control bar border"] = "設定群體控制條的樣式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Colors"] = "顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Color options"] = "顏色選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Bar Color"] = "變形條顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the crowd control bar color"] = "Sets the crowd control bar color"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Color options"] = "顏色設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Bar Color"] = "條顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the crowd control bar color"] = "設定群體控制條顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Backdrop Color"] = "背景顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the crowd control backdrop color"] = "Sets the crowd control backdrop color"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the crowd control backdrop color"] = "設定群體控制背景顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Height"] = "高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the height of the crowd control bar"] = "Sets the height of the crowd control bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the height of the crowd control bar"] = "設定群體控制條高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust the crowd control bar's position"] = "Adjust the crowd control bar's position"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Left Offset"] = "左位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the left of the crowd control bar"] = "Sets the offset of the left of the crowd control bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Right Offset"] = "右位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the right of the crowd control bar"] = "Sets the offset of the right of the crowd control bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the vertical offset of the crowd control bar"] = "Sets the vertical offset of the crowd control bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust the crowd control bar's position"] = "調整群體控制條的位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Left Offset"] = "左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the left of the crowd control bar"] = "設定群體控制條的左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Right Offset"] = "右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the right of the crowd control bar"] = "設定群體控制條的右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the vertical offset of the crowd control bar"] = "設定群體控制條的垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["TOPLEFT"] = "左上"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["TOPLEFT"] = "上左"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["TOP"] = "上"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["TOPRIGHT"] = "右上"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["TOPRIGHT"] = "上右"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["LEFT"] = "å·¦"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["CENTER"] = "中"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["RIGHT"] = "右"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "左下"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "下左"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["BOTTOM"] = "下"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "右下"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "下右"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Spell Icon"] = "法術圖示"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Crowd control spell icon placement options"] = "Crowd control spell icon placement options"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Crowd control spell icon placement options"] = "群體控制法術圖示佈局設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Enable"] = "啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Enable crowd control spell icon display on the nameplate"] = "Enable crowd control spell icon display on the nameplate"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Enable crowd control spell icon display on the nameplate"] = "啟用在名牌上的群體控制法術圖示顯示"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Adjust crowd control spell icon position"] = "Adjust crowd control spell icon position"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Anchor"] = "定位點"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Sets the anchor for the crowd control spell icon"] = "Sets the anchor for the crowd control spell icon"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Anchor To"] = "固定在"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Sets the relative point on the crowd control bar to anchor the spell icon"] = "Sets the relative point on the crowd control bar to anchor the spell icon"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Adjust crowd control spell icon position"] = "群體控制法術圖示位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Anchor"] = "錨點"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Sets the anchor for the crowd control spell icon"] = "設定群體控制法術圖示的錨點"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Anchor To"] = "錨點在"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Sets the relative point on the crowd control bar to anchor the spell icon"] = "設定在群體控制條上錨到法術圖示的相關點"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Size"] = "大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Size in pixels of the crowd control spell icon"] = "Size in pixels of the crowd control spell icon"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["X Offset"] = "X位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["X offset of the crowd control spell icon"] = "X offset of the crowd control spell icon"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Y Offset"] = "Y位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Y offset of the crowd control spell icon"] = "Y offset of the crowd control spell icon"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Size in pixels of the crowd control spell icon"] = "群體控制法術圖示的像素大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["X Offset"] = "X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["X offset of the crowd control spell icon"] = "群體控制法術圖示的X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Y Offset"] = "Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["Y offset of the crowd control spell icon"] = "群體控制法術圖示的Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["TOPLEFT"] = "左上"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["TOPLEFT"] = "上左"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["TOP"] = "上"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["TOPRIGHT"] = "右上"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["TOPRIGHT"] = "上右"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["LEFT"] = "å·¦"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["CENTER"] = "中"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["RIGHT"] = "右"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "左下"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "下左"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["BOTTOM"] = "下"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "右下"
--[[ zhTW ]] iL["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "下右"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Spell Name"] = "法術名字"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Crowd control bar spell name text options"] = "Crowd control bar spell name text options"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Spell Name"] = "法術名稱"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Crowd control bar spell name text options"] = "群體控制條法術名稱文字設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Enable"] = "啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Show spell name on crowd control bar"] = "Show spell name on crowd control bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Show spell name on crowd control bar"] = "顯示在群體控制條上的法術名稱"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Typeface"] = "字體"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Spell name typeface options"] = "法術名字字體選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Spell name typeface options"] = "法術名稱字體設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Font"] = "字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the font for spell name"] = "法術名字字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the font for spell name"] = "設定法術名稱的字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Font Size"] = "字型大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the font height of the spell name"] = "法術名字字型大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the font height of the spell name"] = "設定法術名稱的字型大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Font Shadow"] = "字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Show font shadow on spell name"] = "法術名字字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Show font shadow on spell name"] = "設定法術名稱的字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Alignment"] = "對齊"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the alignment of the spell name"] = "法術名字對齊"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the alignment of the spell name"] = "設定法術名稱的對齊"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Outline"] = "輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the font outline for spell name"] = "法術名字字型輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the font outline for spell name"] = "設定法術名稱的字型輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Adjust spell name position"] = "法術名字位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Left Offset"] = "左位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the offset of the left of the text"] = "文字左位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Right Offset"] = "右位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the offset of the right of the text"] = "文字右位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the vertical offset of the text"] = "文字垂直位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Adjust spell name position"] = "調整法術名稱位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Left Offset"] = "左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the offset of the left of the text"] = "設定文字的左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Right Offset"] = "右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the offset of the right of the text"] = "設定文字的右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the vertical offset of the text"] = "設定文字的垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Color"] = "顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the spell name color"] = "法術名字顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Sets the spell name color"] = "設定法術名稱顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["None"] = "無"
--[[ zhTW ]] nL["Normal"] = "正常"
847,31 → 847,31
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Time Text"] = "時間文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Crowd control bar time text options"] = "Crowd control bar time text options"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Crowd control bar time text options"] = "群體控制條時間文字設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Enable"] = "啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show crowd control bar time text"] = "Show crowd control bar time text"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show crowd control bar time text"] = "顯示群體控制條時間文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Typeface"] = "字體"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Crowd control bar time text typeface options"] = "Crowd control bar time text typeface options"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Crowd control bar time text typeface options"] = "群體控制條文字字體設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Font"] = "字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font for crowd control bar time text"] = "Sets the font for crowd control bar time text"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font for crowd control bar time text"] = "設定群體控制條時間文字的字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Font Size"] = "字型大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font height of the crowd control bar time text"] = "Sets the font height of the crowd control bar time text"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font height of the crowd control bar time text"] = "設定群體控制條時間文字的字型高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Font Shadow"] = "字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show font shadow on crowd control bar time text"] = "Show font shadow on crowd control bar time text"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show font shadow on crowd control bar time text"] = "設定群體控制條時間文字的字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Alignment"] = "對齊"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the alignment of the crowd control bar time text"] = "Sets the alignment of the crowd control bar time text"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the alignment of the crowd control bar time text"] = "設定群體控制條時間文字的對齊"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Outline"] = "輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font outline for crowd control bar time text"] = "Sets the font outline for crowd control bar time text"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font outline for crowd control bar time text"] = "設定群體控制條時間文字的字型輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Adjust crowd control bar time text position"] = "Adjust crowd control bar time text position"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Left Offset"] = "左位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the offset of the left of the text"] = "文字左位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Right Offset"] = "右位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the offset of the right of the text"] = "文字右位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the vertical offset of the text"] = "文字垂直位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Adjust crowd control bar time text position"] = "調整群體控制條時間文字位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Left Offset"] = "左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the offset of the left of the text"] = "設定文字的左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Right Offset"] = "右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the offset of the right of the text"] = "設定文字的右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the vertical offset of the text"] = "設定文字的垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Color"] = "顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the crowd control bar time text color"] = "Sets the crowd control bar time text color"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the crowd control bar time text color"] = "設定群體控制條時間文字顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["None"] = "無"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Normal"] = "正常"
887,8 → 887,8
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["AloftCrowdControl"] = "控場效果"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "可能的情況在名牌上顯示控場效果計時器"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["AloftCrowdControl"] = "Aloft群體控制"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["Display crowd control timers on nameplates when possible"] = "可以的話在名牌上顯示群體控制時間"