WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2223 to Rev 2341
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2223 → Rev 2341

293,62 → 293,62
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked Points Text"] = "連擊點提示文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked points (combo point/lacerate/sunder) text options"] = "累積點數(疊加/割裂/破甲計數)文本選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked Points Text"] = "累積點文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked points (combo point/lacerate/sunder) text options"] = "累積點(連擊點/割裂/破甲)文字設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Enable"] = "啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Show stacked points text"] = "顯示累積點數文本"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked Points Update Interval"] = "累積點數更新頻率"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Show stacked points text"] = "顯示累積點文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked Points Update Interval"] = "累積點更新頻率"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["The amount of time, in seconds, between updates (0.0 is as fast as possible"] = "更新速度(單位為秒,0.0為最快)"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Font"] = "字體"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the font for stacked points text"] = "設置累積點數的文本"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Font"] = "字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the font for stacked points text"] = "設定累積點的字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Typeface"] = "式樣"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked points text typeface options"] = "累積點數文本樣式選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Typeface"] = "字體"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Stacked points text typeface options"] = "累積點文字字體設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Font Size"] = "字型大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the font height of the stacked points text"] = "設置累積點數文本大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Font Shadow"] = "字體陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Show font shadow on stacked points text"] = "累積點數文本顯示陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the font height of the stacked points text"] = "設定累積點文字的字型高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Font Shadow"] = "字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Show font shadow on stacked points text"] = "在累積點數文字上顯示字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Outline"] = "輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the font outline for stacked points text"] = "累積點數文本使用描邊"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the font outline for stacked points text"] = "設定累積點文字的字型輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Adjust stacked points text position"] = "調整累積點數文本位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Adjust stacked points text position"] = "調整累積點文字位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Anchor"] = "錨點"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the anchor for the stacked points text"] = "設置累積點數文本錨點"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Anchor To"] = "固定在"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the relative point on the health bar to anchor the stacked points text"] = "設置將累積點數附著到生命條的哪個位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["X Offset"] = "X軸偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["X offset of the stacked points text"] = "累積點數水平偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Y Offset"] = "Y軸偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Y offset of the stacked points text"] = "累積點數垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the anchor for the stacked points text"] = "設定累積點文字的錨點"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Anchor To"] = "錨點到"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the relative point on the health bar to anchor the stacked points text"] = "設定在生命條上錨到累積點文字的相關點"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["X Offset"] = "X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["X offset of the stacked points text"] = "累積點文字的X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Y Offset"] = "Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Y offset of the stacked points text"] = "累積點文字的Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Color"] = "顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the stacked points text color"] = "累積點數文本顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Max Color"] = "最大值顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the stacked points text color (maximum debuff time left)"] = "累積點數文本的顏色(最大debuff時間剩餘)"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Min Color"] = "最小值顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the stacked points text color (minimum debuff time left)"] = "累積點數文本的顏色(最小debuff時間剩餘)"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the stacked points text color"] = "累積點文字顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Max Color"] = "最大顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the stacked points text color (maximum debuff time left)"] = "設定累積點文字的顏色(最大debuff時間剩餘)"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Min Color"] = "最小顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the stacked points text color (minimum debuff time left)"] = "設定累積點文字的顏色(最小debuff時間剩餘)"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["None"] = "無"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Normal"] = "正常"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Thick"] = "粗"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["TOPLEFT"] = "左上"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["TOPLEFT"] = "上左"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["TOP"] = "上"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["TOPRIGHT"] = "右上"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["TOPRIGHT"] = "上右"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["LEFT"] = "å·¦"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["CENTER"] = "中"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["RIGHT"] = "右"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "左下"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "下左"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["BOTTOM"] = "下"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "右下"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "下右"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["AloftStackedPointsText"] = "累積點數文本"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["Display stacked points (combo point/lacerate/sunder counts) on nameplates"] = "顯示累積點數(連擊點/割裂/破甲層數)"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["AloftStackedPointsText"] = "Aloft累積點文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["Display stacked points (combo point/lacerate/sunder counts) on nameplates"] = "在名牌上顯示累積點(連擊點/割裂/破甲)"