WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1888 to Rev 1943
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1888 → Rev 1943

4,6 → 4,7
local AloftLevelText = Aloft:NewModule("LevelText", Aloft, "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0")
-- local AloftHealthBar = Aloft:GetModule("HealthBar")
31,6 → 32,24
function AloftLevelText:DumpCoords(arg)
-- local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, xOfs, yOfs = arg.object:GetPoint(self.db.profile.point)
local left = arg.object:GetLeft()
local right = arg.object:GetRight()
local top = arg.object:GetTop()
local bottom = arg.object:GetBottom()
ChatFrame7:AddMessage(arg.caller .. ": " .. tostring( .. "/" .. tostring(top) .. "/" .. tostring(left) .. "/" .. tostring(bottom) .. "/" .. tostring(right))
-- TODO: propagate this to name text, level text, boss icon, and/or other "default" nameplate components as needed
function AloftLevelText:GetInset(aloftData)
return ((AloftHealthBar.db.profile.border ~= "None") and 4) or 0
function AloftLevelText:UpdateAll()
for aloftData in Aloft:IterateNameplates() do
local levelTextRegion = aloftData.levelTextRegion
39,7 → 58,14
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftLevelText:UpdateAll(): PrepareText " .. tostring( .. "/" .. tostring(levelTextRegion) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.font) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.fontSize) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.outline) --[[.. "/" .. tostring(SML:Fetch("font", self.db.profile.font))]])
self:PrepareText(levelTextRegion, self.db.profile)
-- local inset = self:GetInset(aloftData)
-- local hinset, vinset = self:AdjustFrame(inset, self.db.profile.relativeToPoint)
-- self:PlaceFrame(levelTextRegion, layoutFrame, self.db.profile, hinset, vinset)
self:PlaceFrame(levelTextRegion, layoutFrame, self.db.profile, 0, 0)
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DoPlaceFrame(arg) end, 0.0, { levelTextRegion = levelTextRegion, layoutFrame = layoutFrame } )
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DumpCoords(arg) end, 0.3, { name =, object = levelTextRegion, caller = "AloftLevelText:UpdateAll()" } )
if self.db.profile.overrideText then
if self.db.profile.format and self.db.profile.format ~= "" and (not self.textMethodData or not self.textMethod) then
157,6 → 183,7
function AloftLevelText:SetupFrame(message, aloftData)
local levelTextRegion = aloftData.levelTextRegion
-- local nameplateFrame = aloftData.nameplateFrame
local layoutFrame = Aloft:AcquireLayoutFrame(aloftData)
-- if == "[invalid]" or not self.db or not self.db.profile or not self.db.profile.font or not self.db.profile.fontSize or not self.db.profile.outline then
167,7 → 194,13
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftLevelText:SetupFrame(): PrepareText " .. tostring( .. "/" .. tostring(levelTextRegion) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.font) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.fontSize) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.outline) --[[.. "/" .. tostring(SML:Fetch("font", self.db.profile.font))]])
self:PrepareText(levelTextRegion, self.db.profile)
-- local inset = self:GetInset(aloftData)
-- local hinset, vinset = self:AdjustFrame(inset, self.db.profile.relativeToPoint)
self:PlaceFrame(levelTextRegion, layoutFrame, self.db.profile, 0, 0)
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DoPlaceFrame(arg) end, 0.0, { levelTextRegion = levelTextRegion, layoutFrame = layoutFrame } )
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DumpCoords(arg) end, 0.3, { name =, object = levelTextRegion, caller = "AloftLevelText:SetupFrame()" } )
self:Hook(levelTextRegion, "GetText", "GetLevelTextRegionText", true)
self:Hook(levelTextRegion, "SetText", "SetLevelTextRegionText", true)
217,7 → 250,15
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftLevelText:PlaceAndUpdateLevelTextOnNameplateShow(): PrepareText " .. tostring( .. "/" .. tostring(levelTextRegion) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.font) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.fontSize) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.outline) --[[.. "/" .. tostring(SML:Fetch("font", self.db.profile.font))]])
self:PrepareText(levelTextRegion, self.db.profile)
-- local inset = self:GetInset(aloftData)
-- local hinset, vinset = self:AdjustFrame(inset, self.db.profile.relativeToPoint)
-- self:PlaceFrame(levelTextRegion, layoutFrame, self.db.profile, hinset, vinset)
self:PlaceFrame(levelTextRegion, aloftData.layoutFrame, self.db.profile, 0, 0)
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DoPlaceFrame(arg) end, 0.0, { levelTextRegion = levelTextRegion, layoutFrame = aloftData.layoutFrame } )
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DumpCoords(arg) end, 0.3, { name =, object = levelTextRegion, caller = "AloftLevelText:PlaceAndUpdateLevelTextOnNameplateShow()" } )
self:UpdateText(message, aloftData)
229,13 → 270,26
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftLevelText:PlaceLevelTextOnNameplateShow(): PrepareText " .. tostring( .. "/" .. tostring(levelTextRegion) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.font) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.fontSize) .. "/" .. tostring(self.db.profile.outline) --[[.. "/" .. tostring(SML:Fetch("font", self.db.profile.font))]])
self:PrepareText(levelTextRegion, self.db.profile)
-- local inset = self:GetInset(aloftData)
-- local hinset, vinset = self:AdjustFrame(inset, self.db.profile.relativeToPoint)
-- self:PlaceFrame(levelTextRegion, layoutFrame, self.db.profile, hinset, vinset)
self:PlaceFrame(levelTextRegion, aloftData.layoutFrame, self.db.profile, 0, 0)
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DoPlaceFrame(arg) end, 0.0, { levelTextRegion = levelTextRegion, layoutFrame = aloftData.layoutFrame } )
-- self:ScheduleTimer(function(arg) AloftLevelText:DumpCoords(arg) end, 0.3, { name =, object = levelTextRegion, caller = "AloftLevelText:PlaceLevelTextOnNameplateShow()" } )
function AloftLevelText:HideLevelTextOnNameplateShow(message, aloftData)
function AloftLevelText:DoPlaceFrame(arg)
self:PlaceFrame(arg.levelTextRegion, arg.layoutFrame, self.db.profile, 0, 0)
function AloftLevelText:UpdateLevelFromTarget()