WoWInterface SVN Aloft

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Rev 2424 → Rev 2425

6,23 → 6,19
Aloft is an addon that allows you to customize and enchance how nameplates and nameplate casting bars appear in the game.
[color="#ff0000"][I][B][size=+1]Aloft is now an Ace3 addon. Please delete any Aloft-2.X.X version completely before installing any Aloft-3.X.X/Aloft-4.X.X version. Your saved variables should be compatible.[/size][/B][/I][/color]
(Thanks to all who helped test the Ace3 version.)
[color="#ff0000"][I][B][size=+1]The Aloft FAQ is [url=""][U]HERE[/U][/url], please review it.[/size] (And please feel free to request additional information/clarification.)[/B][/I][/color]
[B]NOTE:[/B] The current production release is Aloft-4.0.2 (Ace3), for WoW 4.X (Cataclysm Beta, and North American live realms as of 2010/10/12). Aloft-3.2.2 (Ace3) is still available for WoW 3.X. Aloft 2.8.3 (Ace2) or later is required for WoW 3.2. Some older versions may or may not still be available; send a PM to Acapela for older versions, and include your email address.
[B]NOTE:[/B] The current production release is Aloft-5.0.2 (Ace3), for WoW 5.X (Mists of Pandaria Beta, and WoW 5.0.4+, on North American live realms as of 2012/08/28). Aloft-4.4.9 (Ace3) is still available for WoW 4.X. Aloft 2.8.3 (Ace2) or later is required for WoW 3.2. Some older versions may or may not still be available; send a PM to Acapela for older versions, and include your email address.
[B]NOTE:[/B] The most recent version of [url=""]AloftCastWarning[/url] (AloftCastWarning-1.0.5-1871) is already compatible with WoW 4.X (and Aloft-4.X.X); currently, it appears that no changes to AloftCastWarning will be needed for WoW 4.X (other than a TOC update).
Quick answers to current "problems" (see recent Change Log entries for additional details):
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 5.0.1):[/U][/B][/I]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 5.0.2):[/U][/B][/I]
- simplfied a few aspects of cast warning processing, got rid of some problems along the way[/color]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 5.0.1 MoP alpha):[/U][/B][/I]
- enhanced to cover monk/brewmaster tanking
- added a check to avoid divide-by-zero problems in the stacked points (combo points/etc) module
- fixed some divide-by-zero problems in threat management (the MoP threat system seems to zero out perdiodically, during fights)[/color]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 5.0.0/MoP):[/U][/B][/I]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 5.0.0 MoP alpha):[/U][/B][/I]
- changed GetNumRaidMembers() to GetNumGroupMembers()
- changed GetNumPartyMembers() to GetNumSubgroupMembers()
- changed (MiniMapBattlefieldFrame.status == "active") effectively to (select(IsInInstance(), 2) == "pvp")
33,10 → 29,15
- no changes to Aloft related to GetGuildRosterInfo() (Aloft doesn't use all the arguments), or UnitIsGroupLeader() (Aloft previously updated away from deprecated functions)
- no apparent changes related to GetBattlefieldScore()/GetWhoInfo()/GetFriendInfo()[/color]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 4.4.9):[/U][/B][/I]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 4.4.9 unreleased):[/U][/B][/I]
- updated the cast warning module to detect animation update interval of 0 and use OnUpdate directly, instead of AceTimer-3.0 (seemns marginally faster/smoother)
- updated LibBabble-Faction-3.0 to latest/greatest (4.3-release32)
- updated Ace3 to latest/greatest (r1057)[/color]
- updated LibBabble-Faction-3.0 to latest/greatest (5.0-release1)
- updated Ace3 to latest/greatest (r1061)[/color]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 4.4.8):[/U][/B][/I]
- enhanced Cast Warning module to allow the user to select whether or not to show spell school colors
- enhanced Cast Warning module to allow the user to select the bar animation update rate
- updated LibBabbleFaction-3.0 to latest/greatest (4.3-release13)
- updated Ace3 to latest/greatest (r1049)[/color]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 4.4.7):[/U][/B][/I]
- attempted a fix for the nameplate frame "malformed border" problem (reported privately by wingsofscion)
- attempted the same "malformed border" fix for mana bar and threat bar (seems to be working a bit better than the old fix)
53,10 → 54,6
- attempted a fix to the "missing cast bar" problem; please help test
- updated LibBabble-Faction-3.0 to latest/greatest (4.3-release2)
- updated Ace3 to latest/greatest (r1045)[/color]
[color="#ff3f3f"][I][B][U]Recent Changes (Aloft 4.4.4):[/U][/B][/I]
- updated LibBabble-Faction-3.0 to latest/greatest (4.3-release1)
- updated Ace3 to latest/greatest (r1044)[/color]
[color="#1f9f9f"][B]!!Tag Error!! Problems? Aloft options have disappeared? Aloft Presets not available or not loading properly?[/B]