WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2389 to Rev 2395
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2389 → Rev 2395

170,6 → 170,15
get = function(i) return unpack(Aloft.db.profile.classColors["DEATHKNIGHT"]) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b) Aloft.db.profile.classColors["DEATHKNIGHT"] = { r, g, b } Aloft:DetermineDataSources() end
monk =
type = 'color',
width = "full",
name = BL["MONK"],
desc = BL["MONK"] .. " " .. L["class color"],
get = function(i) return unpack(Aloft.db.profile.classColors["MONK"]) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b) Aloft.db.profile.classColors["MONK"] = { r, g, b } Aloft:DetermineDataSources() end
reset =
type = 'execute',