WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1885 to Rev 1990
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1885 → Rev 1990

83,6 → 83,18
insets = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 },
-- local backdropTable =
-- {
-- edgeSize = 16,
-- insets = { left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4 },
-- edgeFile = [[Interface\Addons\Aloft\Textures\krsnik]],
-- bgFile = [[Interface\Addons\SharedMedia\statusbar\Minimalist]],
-- }
-- frame:SetBackdrop(backdropTable)
-- frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(R, G, B, A)
local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
349,7 → 361,7
backdropTable.edgeSize = self.db.profile.borderEdgeSize
backdropTable.bgFile = texture
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftHealthBar:SetupFrame(): " .. tostring(inset) .. "/" .. tostring(texture) .. "/" .. tostring(edgeFile))
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftHealthBar:SetupFrame(): " .. tostring(inset) .. "/" .. tostring(backdropTable.bgFile) .. "/" .. tostring(backdropTable.edgeFile).. "/" .. tostring(backdropTable.tile).. "/" .. tostring(backdropTable.tileSize))
-- NOTE: this dead code is relevant to various #132 crash experiments
-- healthFrame:SetBackdrop( { insets = { left = inset, right = inset, top = inset, bottom = inset, }, edgeFile = edgeFile, edgeSize = 16, bgFile = texture, } )
570,8 → 582,8
self:SetHealthBarColor(aloftData, self.db.profile.colors.hostilePlayer)
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftHealthBar:ColourHostile(): " .. class hostile " .. tostring( .. "/" .. tostring(aloftData.class))
elseif Aloft:IsTotem(aloftData) and Aloft.GetTotemExceptionColor then
local color = Aloft:GetTotemExceptionColor(aloftData) or self.db.profile.colors.hostileNPC
elseif Aloft:IsTotem(aloftData) then
local color = (Aloft.GetTotemExceptionColor and Aloft:GetTotemExceptionColor(aloftData)) or self.db.profile.colors.hostileNPC
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftHealthBar:ColourHostile(): " .. tostring( .. "/" ..("|cff%02x%02x%02xcolor|r"):format(floor(255*color[1]), floor(255*color[2]), floor(255*color[3])))
self:SetHealthBarColor(aloftData, color)
elseif aloftData.isPet or aloftData.petOwnersName then
594,8 → 606,8
self:SetHealthBarColor(aloftData, self.db.profile.colors.hostilePlayer)
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftHealthBar:ColourNeutral(): " .. class hostile " .. tostring( .. "/" .. tostring(aloftData.class))
elseif Aloft:IsTotem(aloftData) and Aloft.GetTotemExceptionColor then
local color = Aloft:GetTotemExceptionColor(aloftData) or self.db.profile.colors.neutral
elseif Aloft:IsTotem(aloftData) then
local color = (Aloft.GetTotemExceptionColor and Aloft:GetTotemExceptionColor(aloftData)) or self.db.profile.colors.neutral
-- ChatFrame7:AddMessage("AloftHealthBar:ColourHostile(): " .. tostring( .. "/" ..("|cff%02x%02x%02xcolor|r"):format(floor(255*color[1]), floor(255*color[2]), floor(255*color[3])))
self:SetHealthBarColor(aloftData, color)