WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1915 to Rev 1990
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1915 → Rev 1990

49,8 → 49,8
local UNIT_DEBUFF_MAX = 40 -- current maximum number of debuffs
local sunderSpellName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(47467) -- highest rank of sunder, c. 2008/11/25 (WoW 3.0.3)
local lacerateSpellName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(48568) -- highest rank of lacerate, c. 2008/11/25 (WoW 3.0.3)
local sunderSpellName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(7386) -- highest rank of sunder, c. 2010/10/13 (WoW 4.0.1)
local lacerateSpellName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(33745) -- highest rank of lacerate, c. 2010/10/13 (WoW 4.0.1)
local comboPointsTextRegion = nil -- a singleton
local targetNameplate = nil