WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2304 to Rev 2307
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2304 → Rev 2307

837,193 → 837,193
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["AOE Threat"] = "AOE Threat"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["Attempt to approximate threat for visible hostile units versus the player (other than the player's current target)"] = "Attempt to approximate threat for visible hostile units versus the player (other than the player's current target)"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["Group Threat"] = "Group Threat"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["Attempt to approximate threat for visible friendly units versus the player's current target"] = "Attempt to approximate threat for visible friendly units versus the player's current target"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["AOE/Group Threat Update Interval"] = "AOE/Group Threat Update Interval"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["The amount of time, in seconds, between proactive/group-wide threat updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "The amount of time, in seconds, between proactive/group-wide threat updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["AOE Threat"] = "AOE仇恨"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["Attempt to approximate threat for visible hostile units versus the player (other than the player's current target)"] = "嘗試概略估算敵對單位與玩家的仇恨(除了玩家的目前目標)"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["Group Threat"] = "隊伍仇恨"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["Attempt to approximate threat for visible friendly units versus the player's current target"] = "嘗試概略計算友好單位與玩家目前目標的仇恨"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["AOE/Group Threat Update Interval"] = "AOE/隊伍仇恨更新間隔"
--[[ zhTW ]] dL["The amount of time, in seconds, between proactive/group-wide threat updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "單位時間,幾秒內,主動/隊伍範圍仇恨更新間隔(0.0 是盡可能快)"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Bar"] = "威脅值條"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Bar options"] = "威脅值條選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Bar"] = "仇恨條"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Bar options"] = "仇恨條設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Enable"] = "啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show threat bars on group member nameplates"] = "在隊伍成員"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show threat bars on group member nameplates"] = "在隊伍成員名牌上顯示仇恨條"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Active While Solo"] = "單人下也顯示"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show threat bars on nameplates while solo (for classes with pets and guardians)"] = "在單人作戰時也顯示威脅值條(例如有寵物的職業)"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show threat bars on nameplates while solo (for classes with pets and guardians)"] = "在單人時在名牌上顯示仇恨條(例如有寵物和守護者的職業)"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Texture"] = "紋理"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat bar texture"] = "威脅值條紋理"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Texture"] = "材質"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat bar texture"] = "設定仇恨條材質"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Alpha"] = "透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat bar alpha"] = "威脅值條透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat bar alpha"] = "設定仇恨條透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Height"] = "高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the height of the threat bar"] = "威脅值條高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the height of the threat bar"] = "設定仇恨條的高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust the threat bar's position"] = "威脅值條位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Left Offset"] = "左位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the left of the threat bar"] = "威脅值條左位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Right Offset"] = "右位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the right of the threat bar"] = "威脅值條右位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the vertical offset of the threat bar"] = "威脅值條垂直位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust the threat bar's position"] = "調整仇恨條的位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Left Offset"] = "左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the left of the threat bar"] = "設定仇恨條的左偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Right Offset"] = "右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the offset of the right of the threat bar"] = "設定仇恨條的右偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Vertical Offset"] = "垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the vertical offset of the threat bar"] = "設定仇恨條的垂直偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Colors"] = "顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Customize colors"] = "自定顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Backdrop Color"] = "背景顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the backdrop color of the threat bar"] = "設置威脅值條背景顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the backdrop color of the threat bar"] = "設定仇恨條的背景顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Common Threat Color"] = "普通威脅顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat color for the threat bar when indicating common threat"] = "設置普通威脅的威脅值條顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat color for the threat bar when indicating common threat"] = "設定普通威脅的仇恨條顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Maximum Threat Color"] = "最大威脅顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat color for the threat bar when indicating maximum threat"] = "設置最大威脅的威脅值條顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat color for the threat bar when indicating maximum threat"] = "設定最大威脅的仇恨條顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Reset to Defaults"] = "重設回預設值"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Resets all colors to their defaults"] = "重設全部顏色回預設值"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Reset to Defaults"] = "重置到預設"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Resets all colors to their defaults"] = "重置全部顏色到預設"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border"] = "Border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border options"] = "Border options"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Target Only"] = "Target Only"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border"] = "邊框"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border options"] = "邊框設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Target Only"] = "只在目標"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Enables the border on the current target only"] = "Enables the border on the current target only"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "Border Edge Size"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "Sets the thickness of the border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "Border Inset"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "Sets the padding around the border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Edge Size"] = "邊框邊緣大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the thickness of the border"] = "設定邊框的厚度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Inset"] = "邊框崁入"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the padding aroundthe border"] = "設定邊框的間距範圍"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Color"] = "邊框顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the border color of the threat bar"] = "Sets the border color of the threat bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the border color of the threat bar"] = "設定仇恨條的邊框顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Border Style"] = "邊框樣式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the style of the threat bar border"] = "Sets the style of the threat bar border"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the style of the threat bar border"] = "設定仇恨條邊框的樣式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Gain"] = "獲得仇恨"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat gain threshold indicator for the player's target nameplate"] = "玩家目標姓名板上顯示的最大威脅閥值指示器"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show maximum threat threshold on the player's target nameplate"] = "在玩家目標姓名板上顯示最大威脅閥值"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the vertical offset of the maximum threat threshold, relative to the rest of the threat bar"] = "設置最大威脅值指示相對威脅值條其他部分的偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Gain Color"] = "獲得仇恨顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the color of the maximum threat threshold on the player's target nameplate"] = "設置目標姓名板上的最大仇恨閥值指示器顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat gain threshold indicator for the player's target nameplate"] = "玩家目標名牌上顯示的威脅獲得門檻指示"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show maximum threat threshold on the player's target nameplate"] = "在玩家目標名牌上顯示最大威脅門檻"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the vertical offset of the maximum threat threshold, relative to the rest of the threat bar"] = "設定最大仇恨門檻的垂直偏移,相對仇恨條的停止"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Gain Color"] = "仇恨獲得顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the color of the maximum threat threshold on the player's target nameplate"] = "設定在玩家目標名牌上最大仇恨門檻的顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Flash"] = "威脅閃動"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Health bar will be highlighted when unit has maximum threat"] = "在該單位獲得最大威脅時突出其生命條"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show threat flash"] = "顯示威脅閃動"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Invert"] = "Invert"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Invert threat flash (enable on targets below the threshold)"] = "Invert threat flash (enable on targets below the threshold)"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threshold"] = "Threshold"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["The percentage of maximum threat at which flash appears"] = "The percentage of maximum threat at which flash appears"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threat Flash"] = "仇恨閃爍"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Health bar will be highlighted when unit has maximum threat"] = "當單位獲得最大威脅時突出其生命條"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Show threat flash"] = "顯示仇恨閃爍"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Invert"] = "反轉"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Invert threat flash (enable on targets below the threshold)"] = "反轉仇恨閃爍(啟用在目標門檻之下上)"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Threshold"] = "門檻"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["The percentage of maximum threat at which flash appears"] = "在閃爍允許最大仇恨百分比"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Size"] = "大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust threat flash size"] = "Adjust threat flash size"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust threat flash size"] = "調整仇恨閃爍大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Width"] = "寬度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the width of the threat flash"] = "Sets the width of the threat flash"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the width of the threat flash"] = "設定仇恨閃爍的寬度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Height"] = "高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the height of the threat flash"] = "Sets the height of the threat flash"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the height of the threat flash"] = "設定仇恨閃爍的高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust the threat flash position"] = "Adjust the threat flash position"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["X Offset"] = "X位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["X offset of the threat flash"] = "X offset of the threat flash"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Y Offset"] = "Y位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Y offset of the threat flash"] = "Y offset of the threat flash"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Adjust the threat flash position"] = "調整仇恨閃爍位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["X Offset"] = "X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["X offset of the threat flash"] = "仇恨閃爍的X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Y Offset"] = "Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Y offset of the threat flash"] = "仇恨閃爍的Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Style"] = "Style"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat flash style"] = "Sets the threat flash style"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Style"] = "樣式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat flash style"] = "設定仇恨閃爍樣式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Color"] = "顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat flash color"] = "設置威脅值高亮顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Blend Mode"] = "漸變模式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat flash blend mode"] = "使威脅值閃動使用漸變顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Resets the threat flash color to its default"] = "重置威脅值閃動顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Resets the maximum threat threshold color to its default"] = "將最大威脅指示顏色重置"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Reset Color to Default"] = "重置顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat flash color"] = "設定仇恨閃爍顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Blend Mode"] = "混合模式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Sets the threat flash blend mode"] = "設定仇恨閃爍混合模式"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Resets the threat flash color to its default"] = "重置仇恨閃爍顏色到預設"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Resets the maximum threat threshold color to its default"] = "重置最大威脅門檻顏色到預設"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Reset Color to Default"] = "重置顏色到預設"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Incremetal"] = "Incremetal"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Update incrementally; workaround for malformed borders, only relevant when borders are enabled"] = "Update incrementally; workaround for malformed borders, only relevant when borders are enabled"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Incremetal"] = "增量"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Update incrementally; workaround for malformed borders, only relevant when borders are enabled"] = "立即更新;變形邊框的應變措施,只跟當邊框啟用有關"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Advanced"] = "進階"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Options for expert users"] = "進階選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["Options for expert users"] = "熟練的使用者設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["<Any tag string>"] = "<任何標籤文字>"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["BLEND"] = "混合"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["BLEND"] = "混合"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["ADD"] = "增加"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["HARD"] = "HARD"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["SOFT"] = "SOFT"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["PRTLSOFT"] = "PRTLSOFT"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["EXTRASOFT"] = "EXTRASOFT"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["OVAL"] = "OVAL"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["OVALGLOW"] = "OVALGLOW"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["HARD"] = "生硬"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["SOFT"] = "柔和"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["PRTLSOFT"] = "PRTL柔和"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["THRQTRSOFT"] = "THRQTR柔和"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["EXTRASOFT"] = "EXTRA柔和"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["OVAL"] = "橢圓形"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["OVALGLOW"] = "橢圓形發光"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["SQUAREGLOW"] = "正方形發光"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["PRTLSQUAREGLOW"] = "PRTL正方形發光"
--[[ zhTW ]] bL["THRQTRSQUAREGLOW"] = "THRQTR正方形發光"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat Text"] = "威脅值文本"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat text options"] = "威脅值文本選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat Text"] = "仇恨文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat text options"] = "仇恨文字設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Enable"] = "啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show threat text on nameplates"] = "在姓名板上顯示威脅值文本"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Active While Solo"] = "單人作戰時啟用"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show threat text on nameplates while solo (for classes with pets and guardians)"] = "在單人作戰時也顯示威脅值條(例如有寵物的職業)"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show threat text on nameplates"] = "在名牌上顯示仇恨文字"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Active While Solo"] = "單人時顯示"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show threat text on nameplates while solo (for classes with pets and guardians)"] = "在單人時在名牌上顯示仇恨文字(例如有寵物和守護者的職業)"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Typeface"] = "式樣"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat text typeface options"] = "威脅值文本式樣選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Typeface"] = "字體"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat text typeface options"] = "仇恨文字字體設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Font"] = "字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font for threat text"] = "設置威脅值文本字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font for threat text"] = "設定仇恨文字的字型"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Font Size"] = "字型大小"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font height of the threat text"] = "設置威脅值文本字型高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the font height of the threat text"] = "設定仇恨文字的字型高度"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Font Shadow"] = "字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show font shadow on threat text"] = "設置威脅值文本字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Show font shadow on threat text"] = "設定仇恨文字的字型陰影"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Outline"] = "輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the outline for threat text"] = "設置威脅值文本輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the outline for threat text"] = "設定仇恨文字的輪廓"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Mode"] = "模式"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Choose what to show for threat text"] = "選擇威脅值文本顯示的內容"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Choose what to show for threat text"] = "選擇仇恨文字顯示什麼"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Position"] = "位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Adjust threat text position"] = "調整威脅值文本位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Anchor"] = "定位點"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the anchor for the threat text"] = "設置威脅值文本的定位點"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Adjust threat text position"] = "調整仇恨文字位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Anchor"] = "錨點"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the anchor for the threat text"] = "設定仇恨文字的錨點"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Anchor To"] = "依附到"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the relative point on the threat bar to anchor the threat text"] = "設置威脅值文本要依附到威脅值條的哪個位置"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["X Offset"] = "X位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["X offset of the threat text"] = "威脅值文本的橫向偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Y Offset"] = "Y位移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Y offset of the threat text"] = "威脅值文本的縱向偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the relative point on the threat bar to anchor the threat text"] = "設定在仇恨條上錨到仇恨文字的相關點"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["X Offset"] = "X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["X offset of the threat text"] = "仇恨文字的X偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Y Offset"] = "Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Y offset of the threat text"] = "仇恨文字的Y偏移"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Alpha"] = "透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the alpha of the threat text"] = "威脅值文本透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the alpha of the threat text"] = "設定仇恨文字的透明度"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Color"] = "顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the threat text color"] = "設置威脅值文本顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Sets the threat text color"] = "設定仇恨文字顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["None"] = "無"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Normal"] = "正常"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Thick"] = "粗"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Percent"] = "百分比"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat"] = "威脅值"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat & Percent"] = "威脅值和百分比"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Deficit"] = "虧減模式"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Full"] = "全部"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat"] = "仇恨"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat & Percent"] = "仇恨和百分比"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Deficit"] = "虧減"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Full"] = "完整"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Advanced"] = "進階"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Options for expert users"] = "進階選項"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Options for expert users"] = "熟練的使用者設定"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Format"] = "格式"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat tag"] = "威脅值標簽"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["Threat tag"] = "仇恨標簽"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["<Any tag string>"] = "<任何標籤文字>"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["TOPLEFT"] = "左上"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["TOPLEFT"] = "上左"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["TOP"] = "上"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["TOPRIGHT"] = "右上"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["TOPRIGHT"] = "上右"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["LEFT"] = "å·¦"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["CENTER"] = "中"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["RIGHT"] = "右"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "左下"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["BOTTOMLEFT"] = "下左"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["BOTTOM"] = "下"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "右下"
--[[ zhTW ]] tL["BOTTOMRIGHT"] = "下右"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["AloftThreat"] = "威脅值"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"] = "在名牌上顯示威脅值資料、計量條和文本"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["AloftThreat"] = "Aloft仇恨"
--[[ zhTW ]] mL["Display threat data, bars, and text on nameplates"] = "在名牌上顯示仇恨資料、條和文字"