WoWInterface SVN AtlasWorld

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    from Rev 28 to Rev 30
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Rev 28 → Rev 30

v4.2.0.29/AtlasWorld.toc New file
0,0 → 1,12
## Interface: 40200
## Title: AtlasWorld v4.2.0.29
## Notes: An Atlas Plugin that displays markers for Cities, Towns, Instances, and World PvP Locations.
## Version: v.
## X-Date: 8/18/2011
## Author: Shadowkith
## X-Email:
## X-Website:
## RequiredDeps: Atlas
v4.2.0.29/Images/AtlasWorldOutlands.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
v4.2.0.29/Images/AtlasWorldEasternKingdoms.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
v4.2.0.29/Images/AtlasWorldKalimdor.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
v4.2.0.29/Images/AtlasWorldNorthrend.tga Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type + application/octet-stream
v4.2.0.29/AtlasWorld.lua New file
0,0 → 1,279
AtlasWorld - Adds World maps to Altas
local BLUE = "|cff6666ff";
local GREY = "|cff999999";
local GREN = "|cff66cc33";
local YELL = "|cffcccc00";
local _RED = "|cffcc6666";
local ORNG = "|cffcc9933";
local PURP = "|cff9900ff";
local WHITE = "|cffffffff";
local CYAN = "|cff008888";
local INVIS = "|c00000000";
local INDENT = " ";
local myCategory = "World Overview";
local myData = {
AtlasWorldKalimdor = {
ZoneName = { "Kalimdor" };
Location = { "N/A" };
LevelRange = "1-70";
PlayerLimit = "N/A";
{ BLUE.."Major Cities" };
{ _RED.."1) Darnassus, Teldrassil" };
{ _RED.."2) The Exodar, Azuremyst Isle" };
{ _RED.."3) Thunder Bluff, Mulgore" };
{ _RED.."4) Orgrimmar, Durotar" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Instances" };
{ GREN.."1) Blackfathom Deeps, Ashenvale" };
{ GREN.."2) Ragefire Casim, Orgimmar" };
{ GREN.."3) Wailing Caverns, The Barrens" };
{ GREN.."4) Maraudon, Desolace" };
{ GREN.."5) Dire Maul, Feralas" };
{ GREN.."6) Razorfen Kraul, The Barrens" };
{ GREN.."7) Razorfen Downs, The Barrens" };
{ GREN.."8) Onyxia's Lair, Dustwallow Marsh" };
{ GREN.."9) Zul'Furrak, Tanaris" };
{ GREN.."10) The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Towns" };
{ WHITE.."1) Auberdine, Darkshore" };
{ WHITE.."2) Everlook, Winterspring" };
{ WHITE.."3) Atstranaar, Ashenvale" };
{ WHITE.."4) Splintertree Post, Ashenvale" };
{ WHITE.."5) Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountians" };
{ WHITE.."6) Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountians" };
{ WHITE.."7) Nijel's Point, Descolace" };
{ WHITE.."8) The Crossroads, The Barrens" };
{ WHITE.."9) Ratchet, The Barrens" };
{ WHITE.."10) Shadowprey Village, Descolace" };
{ WHITE.."11) Camp Taurajo, The Barrens" };
{ WHITE.."12) Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh" };
{ WHITE.."13) Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas" };
{ WHITE.."14) Camp Mojache, Feralas" };
{ WHITE.."15) Thalanaar, Feralas" };
{ WHITE.."16) Freewind Post, Thousand Needles" };
{ WHITE.."17) Cenarion Hold, Silithus" };
{ WHITE.."18) Gadgetzan, Tanaris" };
{ WHITE.."19) Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle" };
{ WHITE.."20) Rut'Theran Village, Teldrassil" };
{ WHITE.."21) Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Unmarked Towns" };
{ PURP.."1) Nighthaven, Moonglade" };
{ PURP.."2) Marshal's Refuge, Ungoro Crater" };
{ PURP.."3) Talonbranch Glade, Felwood" };
{ PURP.."4) Bloodvenom Post, Felwood" };
{ PURP.."5) Talrendis Point, Azshara" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Outdoor Raid Encounters" };
{ ORNG.."1) Azuregos" };
{ ORNG.."2) Dragons of Nightmare" };
{ ORNG.."3) Dragons of Nightmare" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."PVP Areas/Zones" };
{ CYAN.."1) Warsong Gultch" };
AtlasWorldEasternKingdoms = {
ZoneName = { "Eastern Kingdoms" };
Location = { "N/A" };
LevelRange = "1-70";
PlayerLimit = "N/A";
{ BLUE.."Major Cities" };
{ _RED.."1) Undercity, Tirisfal" };
{ _RED.."2) Ironforge, Dun Morogh" };
{ _RED.."3) Stormwind City, Elwynn Forest" };
{ _RED.."4) Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Instances" };
{ GREN.."1) Scarlet Monastery, Tirisfal Glade" };
{ GREN.."2) Stratholme, Eastern Plaguelands" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Naxxramas, Plaguewood" };
{ GREN.."3) Scholomance, Western Plaguelands" };
{ GREN.."4) Shadowfang Keep, Silverpine Forest" };
{ GREN.."5) Gnomeregan, Dun Morogh" };
{ GREN.."6) Uldaman, Badlands" };
{ GREN.."7) Blackwing Lair, Blackrock Mountian" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Mountian" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Blackrock Spire, Blackrock Mountian" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Molten Core, Blackrock Mountian" };
{ GREN.."8) The Stockades, Stormwind City" };
{ GREN.."9) The Deadmines, Westfall" };
{ GREN.."10) Zul'Gurrub, Stranglethorn Vale" };
{ GREN.."11) The Sunken Temple, Swamp of Sorrows" };
{ GREN.."12) Zul'Aman, Ghostlands" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Towns" };
{ WHITE.."1) The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest" };
{ WHITE.."2) Tarren, Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills" };
{ WHITE.."3) Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills" };
{ WHITE.."4) Aerie Peak, The Hinterlands" };
{ WHITE.."5) Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands" };
{ WHITE.."6) Revantusk Village, The Hinterlands" };
{ WHITE.."7) Menethil Harbor, Wetlands" };
{ WHITE.."8) Thelsmar, Loch Modan" };
{ WHITE.."9) Kargath, Badlands" };
{ WHITE.."10) Lakeshire, Redridge Mountians" };
{ WHITE.."11) Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows" };
{ WHITE.."12) Sentilnel Hill, Westfall" };
{ WHITE.."13) Darkshire, Duskwood" };
{ WHITE.."14) Grom'gol Base Camp, Strangethorn Vale" };
{ WHITE.."15) Booty Bay, Strangethorn Vale" };
{ WHITE.."16) Tranquilien, Ghostlands" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Unmarked Towns" };
{ PURP.."1) Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands" };
{ PURP.."2) Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands" };
{ PURP.."3) Thorium Point, Searing Gorge" };
{ PURP.."4) Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes" };
{ PURP.."5) Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Outdoor Raid Encounters" };
{ ORNG.."1) Dragons of Nightmare" };
{ ORNG.."2) Dragons of Nightmare" };
{ ORNG.."3) HighLord Kruul" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."PVP Areas/Zones" };
{ CYAN.."1) Alterac Valley" };
{ CYAN.."2) Arathi Basin" };
AtlasWorldOutlands = {
ZoneName = { "Outlands" };
Location = { "N/A" };
LevelRange = "58-70";
PlayerLimit = "N/A";
{ BLUE.."Major Cities" };
{ _RED.."1) Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Instances" };
{ GREN.."1) Hellfire Citadel, Hellfire Peninsula" };
{ GREN.."2) Coilfang Reservoir, Zangarmarsh" };
{ GREN.."3) Auchindoun, Terokkar Forest" };
{ GREN.."4) Gruul's Lair, Blade's Edge Mountains" };
{ GREN.."5) Tempest Keep, Netherstorm" };
{ GREN.."6) Black Temple, Shadowmoon Valley" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Towns" };
{ WHITE.."1) Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula" };
{ WHITE.."2) Temple of Sha'naar, Hellfire Peninsula" };
{ WHITE.."3) Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula" };
{ WHITE.."4) Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula" };
{ WHITE.."5) Telredor, Zangarmarsh" };
{ WHITE.."6) Orebor Harborage, Zangarmarsh" };
{ WHITE.."7) Swamprat Post, Zangarmarsh" };
{ WHITE.."8) Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh" };
{ WHITE.."9) Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh" };
{ WHITE.."10) Sporeggar, Zangarmarsh" };
{ WHITE.."11) Allerian Stronhold, Terokkar Forest" };
{ WHITE.."12) Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest" };
{ WHITE.."13) Telaar, Nagrand" };
{ WHITE.."14) Garadar, Nagrand" };
{ WHITE.."15) Aeris Landing, Nagrand" };
{ WHITE.."16) Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains" };
{ WHITE.."17) Thunderlord Stronghold, Blade's Edge Mountains" };
{ WHITE.."18) Gronn'bor Shrine, Blade's Edge Mountains" };
{ WHITE.."19) Area 52, Netherstorm" };
{ WHITE.."20) The Stormspire, Netherstrom" };
{ WHITE.."21) Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley" };
{ WHITE.."22) Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley" };
{ WHITE.."23) Alter of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Outdoor Raid Encounters" };
{ ORNG.."1) Doom Lord Kazzak, Hellfire Peninsula" };
{ ORNG.."2) Doomwalker, Shadowmoon Valley" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."PVP Areas/Zones" };
{ CYAN.."1) Halaa, Nagrand" };
{ CYAN.."2) Eye of the Storm, Netherstorm" };
AtlasWorldNorthrend = {
ZoneName = { "Northrend" };
Location = { "N/A" };
LevelRange = "68-80";
PlayerLimit = "N/A";
{ BLUE.."Major Cities" };
{ _RED.."1) Dalaran" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Instances" };
{ GREN.."1) Utgarde Keep" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Utgarde Pennacle" };
{ GREN.."2) Drak'Tharon Keep" };
{ GREN.."3) Gundrak" };
{ GREN.."4) Azjol Nerub" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdon" };
{ GREN.."5) Chamber of Aspects" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Obsidian Sanctum" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Ruby Sanctum" };
{ GREN.."6) Vault of Archavon" };
{ GREN.."7) Naxxramas" };
{ GREN.."8) The Nexus" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."The Oculus" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."The Eye of Eternity" };
{ GREN.."9) The Violet Hold" };
{ GREN.."10) Ulduar" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Hall of Lighting" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Hall of Stone" };
{ GREN.."11) Icecrown Citadel" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Forge of Souls" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Pit of Saron" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Halls of Reflection" };
{ GREN.."12) Crusader's Coliseum" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Trial of the Champion" };
{ GREN..INDENT.."Trial of the Crusader" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Towns" };
{ WHITE.."1) Camp Winterhoof" };
{ WHITE.."2) Fort Wilderervar" };
{ WHITE.."3) Vengeance Landing" };
{ WHITE.."4) Valgarde" };
{ WHITE.."5) New Agamand" };
{ WHITE.."6) Westgarde Keep" };
{ WHITE.."7) Kamagua" };
{ WHITE.."8) Conquest Hold" };
{ WHITE.."9) Amberpine Lodge" };
{ WHITE.."10) Westfall Brigade Encampment" };
{ WHITE.."11) Camp Oneqwah" };
{ WHITE.."12) Star's Rest" };
{ WHITE.."13) Agmar's Hammer" };
{ WHITE.."14) Moa'ki Harbor" };
{ WHITE.."15) Wyrmrest Temple" };
{ WHITE.."16) Wintergarde Keep" };
{ WHITE.."17) Vemonspite" };
{ WHITE.."18) The Argent Stand" };
{ WHITE.."19) Zim'Torga" };
{ WHITE.."20) Warsong Hold" };
{ WHITE.."21) Valiance Keep" };
{ WHITE.."22) Unu'pe" };
{ WHITE.."23) Taunka'le Vilage" };
{ WHITE.."24) Fizzcrank Airstrip" };
{ WHITE.."25) Bor'gorok Outpost" };
{ WHITE.."26) Nesingwary Base Camp" };
{ WHITE.."27) Crusader's Pinnacle" };
{ WHITE.."28) K3" };
{ WHITE.."29) Frosthold" };
{ WHITE.."30) Brunnhildar Village" };
{ WHITE.."31) Camp Tunka'lo" };
{ WHITE.."32) Grom'arsh Crash Site" };
{ WHITE.."33) Argent Tournamen Grounds" };
{ WHITE.."34) Icecrown Ships (Wander)" };
{ WHITE..INDENT.."Orgrim's Hammer" };
{ WHITE..INDENT.."The Skybreaker" };
{ WHITE.."35) The Shadow Vault" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."Outdoor Raid Encounters" };
{ ORNG.."Unknown" };
{ GREY.." " };
{ BLUE.."PVP Areas/Zones" };
{ CYAN.."1) Wintergrasp" };
Atlas_RegisterPlugin("AtlasWorld", myCategory, myData);