WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2365 to Rev 2380
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2365 → Rev 2380

75,58 → 75,69
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.override end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.override = v Aloft:DetermineDataSources() AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
castWarningOverrideEnable =
verifyInterval =
type = 'toggle',
type = 'range',
width = 'full',
name = L["Cast Warning Alpha Override Enable"],
desc = L["Enable changing alpha of actively casting units (requires AloftAlpha module to be enabled at UI load)"],
name = L["Verification Interval"],
desc = L["Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"],
order = 3,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable or not Aloft:GetModule("Alpha", true) end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverrideEnable end,
set = function(i, v)
AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverrideEnable = v
if Aloft:GetModule("Alpha", true) then Aloft:GetModule("Alpha"):EnableChange() end
min = 0.0,
max = 5.0,
step = 0.01,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.verifyInterval end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.verifyInterval = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
castWarningOverrideAlpha =
animate =
type = 'range',
type = 'toggle',
width = 'full',
name = L["Cast Warning Alpha Override"],
desc = L["Sets the alpha value of actively casting units (requires AloftAlpha module to be enabled at UI load)"],
name = L["Animated Cast Warning"],
desc = L["Animate cast warnings as cast bars"],
order = 4,
min = 0.01,
max = 1,
step = 0.01,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverrideEnable or not Aloft:GetModule("Alpha", true) end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverride end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverride = v AloftCastWarning:AdjustOptionValues() end,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.animate end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.animate = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
verifyInterval =
updateInterval =
type = 'range',
width = 'full',
name = L["Verification Interval"],
desc = L["Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"],
name = L["Update Interval"],
desc = L["The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"],
order = 5,
min = 0.0,
max = 5.0,
max = 2.0,
step = 0.01,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.verifyInterval end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.verifyInterval = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.animate end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.updateInterval end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.updateInterval = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
fadeDuration =
type = 'range',
width = 'full',
name = L["Fade Duration"],
desc = L["Sets the fade duration of animated cast warnings (0.0 is no fade)"],
order = 6,
min = 0.0,
max = 5.0, -- same as the ACTIVE_CAST_TIMEOUT constant in AloftCastWarning.lua
step = 0.1,
disabled = function(i) return not (AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable and AloftCastWarning.db.profile.animate) end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.fadeDuration end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.fadeDuration = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
tradeSkill =
type = 'toggle',
width = 'full',
name = L["Trade Skills"],
desc = L["Show cast warnings for trade skills"],
order = 6,
order = 10,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.tradeSkill end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.tradeSkill = v Aloft:DetermineDataSources() AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.tradeSkill = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
players =
134,7 → 145,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Players"],
desc = L["Show cast warnings for players"],
order = 7,
order = 11,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.players end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.players = v Aloft:DetermineDataSources() AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
145,43 → 156,45
width = 'full',
name = L["Friendly Units"],
desc = L["Show cast warnings for friendly units"],
order = 8,
order = 12,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.friendly end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.friendly = v Aloft:DetermineDataSources() AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.friendly = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
animate =
castWarningOverrideEnable =
type = 'toggle',
width = 'full',
name = L["Animated Cast Warning"],
desc = L["Animate cast warnings as cast bars"],
order = 9,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.animate end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.animate = v Aloft:DetermineDataSources() AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
name = L["Cast Warning Alpha Override Enable"],
desc = L["Enable changing alpha of actively casting units (requires AloftAlpha module to be enabled at UI load)"],
order = 13,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable or not Aloft:GetModule("Alpha", true) end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverrideEnable end,
set = function(i, v)
AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverrideEnable = v
if Aloft:GetModule("Alpha", true) then Aloft:GetModule("Alpha"):EnableChange() end
fadeDuration =
castWarningOverrideAlpha =
type = 'range',
width = 'full',
name = L["Fade Duration"],
desc = L["Sets the fade duration of animated cast warnings (0.0 is no fade)"],
order = 9,
min = 0.0,
max = 5.0, -- same as the ACTIVE_CAST_TIMEOUT constant in AloftCastWarning.lua
step = 0.1,
order = 10,
disabled = function(i) return not (AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable and AloftCastWarning.db.profile.animate) end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.fadeDuration end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.fadeDuration = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
name = L["Cast Warning Alpha Override"],
desc = L["Sets the alpha value of actively casting units (requires AloftAlpha module to be enabled at UI load)"],
order = 14,
min = 0.01,
max = 1,
step = 0.01,
disabled = function(i) return not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverrideEnable or not Aloft:GetModule("Alpha", true) end,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverride end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.alphaOverride = v AloftCastWarning:AdjustOptionValues() end,
position =
type = 'group',
name = L["Position"],
desc = L["Adjust the cast warning's position"],
order = 11,
order = 20,
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning.db or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
args =
229,7 → 242,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Height"],
desc = L["Sets the height of the cast warning"],
order = 12,
order = 21,
min = 2,
max = 32,
step = 1,
242,17 → 255,39
type = 'group',
name = L["Interruptable Cast Warning"],
desc = L["Cast warning appearance for interruptable spells"],
order = 13,
order = 22,
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning.db or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
args =
school =
type = 'toggle',
width = 'full',
name = L["Use Spell School Colors"],
desc = L["Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"],
order = 1,
get = function(i) return end,
set = function(i, v) = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
color =
type = 'color',
width = 'full',
name = L["Cast Warning Color"],
desc = L["Sets the color of the cast warning"],
order = 2,
disabled = function(i) return end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.color) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.color = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
texture =
type = 'select',
width = 'full',
name = L["Texture"],
desc = L["Sets the cast warning texture"],
order = 1,
order = 3,
get = function(i)
for k, v in pairs(Aloft.Options.args.castWarning.args.interruptable.args.texture.values) do
if v == AloftCastWarning.db.profile.texture then
272,7 → 307,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Backdrop Color"],
desc = L["Sets the backdrop color of the cast warning"],
order = 2,
order = 4,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.backdropColor) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.backdropColor = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
283,7 → 318,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Border Style"],
desc = L["Sets the style of the cast warning border"],
order = 3,
order = 5,
get = function(i)
for k, v in pairs(Aloft.Options.args.castWarning.args.interruptable.args.border.values) do
if v == AloftCastWarning.db.profile.border then
297,6 → 332,18
values = SML:List("border"),
borderColor =
type = 'color',
width = 'full',
name = L["Border Color"],
desc = L["Sets the border color of the cast warning"],
order = 6,
disabled = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.border == "None" end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderColor) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderColor = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
edgeSize =
type = 'range',
306,6 → 353,7
min = 1,
max = 32,
step = 1,
order = 7,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderEdgeSize end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderEdgeSize = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
318,21 → 366,10
min = 0,
max = 32,
step = 1,
order = 8,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderInset end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderInset = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
borderColor =
type = 'color',
width = 'full',
name = L["Border Color"],
desc = L["Sets the border color of the cast warning"],
order = 4,
disabled = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.border == "None" end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderColor) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.borderColor = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
uninterruptable =
340,17 → 377,39
type = 'group',
name = L["Uninterruptable Cast Warning"],
desc = L["Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"],
order = 14,
order = 23,
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning.db or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
args =
school =
type = 'toggle',
width = 'full',
name = L["Use Spell School Colors"],
desc = L["Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"],
order = 1,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerSchool end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerSchool = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
color =
type = 'color',
width = 'full',
name = L["Cast Warning Color"],
desc = L["Sets the color of the cast warning"],
order = 2,
disabled = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerSchool end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerColor) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerColor = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
texture =
type = 'select',
width = 'full',
name = L["Texture"],
desc = L["Sets the cast warning texture"],
order = 1,
order = 3,
get = function(i)
for k, v in pairs(Aloft.Options.args.castWarning.args.uninterruptable.args.texture.values) do
if v == AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerTexture then
370,7 → 429,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Backdrop Color"],
desc = L["Sets the backdrop color of the cast warning"],
order = 2,
order = 4,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBackdropColor) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBackdropColor = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
381,7 → 440,7
width = 'full',
name = L["Border Style"],
desc = L["Sets the style of the cast warning border"],
order = 3,
order = 5,
get = function(i)
for k, v in pairs(Aloft.Options.args.castWarning.args.uninterruptable.args.border.values) do
if v == AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorder then
395,6 → 454,18
values = SML:List("border"),
borderColor =
type = 'color',
width = 'full',
name = L["Border Color"],
desc = L["Sets the border color of the cast warning"],
order = 6,
disabled = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorder == "None" end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderColor) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderColor = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
edgeSize =
type = 'range',
404,6 → 475,7
min = 1,
max = 32,
step = 1,
order = 7,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderEdgeSize end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderEdgeSize = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
416,21 → 488,10
min = 0,
max = 32,
step = 1,
order = 8,
get = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderInset end,
set = function(i, v) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderInset = v AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end
borderColor =
type = 'color',
width = 'full',
name = L["Border Color"],
desc = L["Sets the border color of the cast warning"],
order = 4,
disabled = function(i) return AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorder == "None" end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderColor) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b, a) AloftCastWarning.db.profile.nointerBorderColor = { r, g, b, a } AloftCastWarning:UpdateAll() end,
hasAlpha = true,
colors =
438,7 → 499,7
type = 'group',
name = L["Colors"],
desc = L["Customize cast warning colors (based on spell school)"],
order = 15,
order = 24,
disabled = function(i) return not Aloft:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning:IsEnabled() or not AloftCastWarning.db or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile or not AloftCastWarning.db.profile.enable end,
args =
40,6 → 40,8
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Override"] = "Override"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"] = "Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Update Interval"] = "Update Interval"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Verification Interval"] = "Verification Interval"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Animated Cast Warning"] = "Animated Cast Warning"
70,6 → 72,8
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Uninterruptable Cast Warning"] = "Uninterruptable Cast Warning"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"] = "Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Use Spell School Colors"] = "Use Spell School Colors"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"] = "Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Cast Warning Color"] = "Cast Warning Color"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Sets the color of the cast warning"] = "Sets the color of the cast warning"
--[[ enUS ]] wL["Backdrop Color"] = "Backdrop Color"
328,6 → 332,8
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Override"] = "Override"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"] = "Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Update Interval"] = "Update Interval"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Verification Interval"] = "Verification Interval"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Animated Cast Warning"] = "Animated Cast Warning"
358,6 → 364,8
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Uninterruptable Cast Warning"] = "Uninterruptable Cast Warning"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"] = "Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Use Spell School Colors"] = "Use Spell School Colors"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"] = "Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Cast Warning Color"] = "Cast Warning Color"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Sets the color of the cast warning"] = "Sets the color of the cast warning"
--[[ koKR ]] wL["Backdrop Color"] = "Backdrop Color"
612,6 → 620,8
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Override"] = "Override"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"] = "Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Update Interval"] = "Update Interval"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Verification Interval"] = "Verification Interval"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Animated Cast Warning"] = "Animated Cast Warning"
642,6 → 652,8
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Uninterruptable Cast Warning"] = "Uninterruptable Cast Warning"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"] = "Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Use Spell School Colors"] = "Use Spell School Colors"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"] = "Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Cast Warning Color"] = "Cast Warning Color"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Sets the color of the cast warning"] = "Sets the color of the cast warning"
--[[ ruRU ]] wL["Backdrop Color"] = "Backdrop Color"
896,6 → 908,8
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Override"] = "Override"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"] = "Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Update Interval"] = "Update Interval"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Verification Interval"] = "Verification Interval"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Animated Cast Warning"] = "Animated Cast Warning"
926,6 → 940,8
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Uninterruptable Cast Warning"] = "Uninterruptable Cast Warning"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"] = "Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Use Spell School Colors"] = "Use Spell School Colors"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"] = "Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Cast Warning Color"] = "Cast Warning Color"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Sets the color of the cast warning"] = "Sets the color of the cast warning"
--[[ zhCN ]] wL["Backdrop Color"] = "Backdrop Color"
1180,6 → 1196,8
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Override"] = "Override"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"] = "Use the cast warning system to override the normal target nameplate cast bar"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Update Interval"] = "Update Interval"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "The amount of time, in seconds, between cast warning bar updates (0.0 is as fast as possible)"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Verification Interval"] = "驗證間隔"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Sets the rate at which spell cast verification is performed; this queries the casting unit regularly, after cast activity begins, to verify what spell (if any) is still being cast (0.0 is as fast as possible)"] = "設定在施法警告驗證執行上的比率;定期地來檢查施法單位來驗證哪種法術扔然在施放(0.0 是盡可能快)"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Animated Cast Warning"] = "施法警告動畫"
1210,6 → 1228,8
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Uninterruptable Cast Warning"] = "不可中斷施法警告"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Cast warning appearance for uninterruptable spells"] = "不可中斷法術的施法警告外觀€"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Use Spell School Colors"] = "Use Spell School Colors"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"] = "Enables use of spell school colors for cast warnings"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Cast Warning Color"] = "施法警告顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Sets the color of the cast warning"] = "設定施法警告的顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] wL["Backdrop Color"] = "背景顏色"