WoWInterface SVN Aloft

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2319 to Rev 2457
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2319 → Rev 2457

305,6 → 305,7
AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.neutral = { r, g, b } = { r, g, b }
AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.groupPet = { r, g, b }
AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.tapped = { r, g, b }
AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.unknown = { r, g, b }
AloftFrame:UpdateAll() end,
350,6 → 351,7
width = "full",
name = L["Friendly Players"],
desc = L["Sets the background color for friendly players"],
-- disabled = function(i) return AloftFrame.db.profile.colorByClass end,
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.friendlyPlayer) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b) AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.friendlyPlayer = { r, g, b } AloftFrame:UpdateAll() end
444,6 → 446,15
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.groupPet) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b) AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.groupPet = { r, g, b } Aloft:DetermineDataSources() AloftFrame:UpdateAll() end
tapped =
type = 'color',
width = "full",
name = L["Tapped Units"],
desc = L["Sets the background color for tapped units"],
get = function(i) return unpack(AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.tapped) end,
set = function(i, r, g, b) AloftFrame.db.profile.backgroundColors.tapped = { r, g, b } AloftFrame:UpdateAll() end
unknown =
type = 'color',
51,8 → 51,6
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for all friendly types"] = "Sets the background color for all friendly types"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Set All Hostile"] = "Set All Hostile"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for all hostile types"] = "Sets the background color for all hostile types"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Unknown"] = "Unknown"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for unknown units"] = "Sets the background color for unknown units"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Pet"] = "Pet"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for your pet"] = "Sets the background color for your pet"
76,6 → 74,10
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for neutral units"] = "Sets the background color for neutral units"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Group Pets"] = "Group Pets"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for group pets"] = "Sets the background color for group pets"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Tapped Units"] = "Tapped Units"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for tapped units"] = "Sets the background color for tapped units"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Unknown"] = "Unknown"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Sets the background color for unknown units"] = "Sets the background color for unknown units"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Advanced"] = "Advanced"
--[[ enUS ]] L["Options for expert users"] = "Options for expert users"
175,6 → 177,8
--[[ koKR ]] L["Sets the background color for neutral units"] = "중립적 대상에 대한 배경 색상을 설정합니다."
--[[ koKR ]] L["Group Pets"] = "파티 소환수"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Sets the background color for group pets"] = "파티 소환수에 대한 배경 색상을 설정합니다."
--[[ koKR ]] L["Tapped Units"] = "Tapped Units"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Sets the background color for tapped units"] = "Sets the background color for tapped units"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Unknown"] = "Unknown"
--[[ koKR ]] L["Sets the background color for unknown units"] = "Sets the background color for unknown units"
272,6 → 276,8
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Sets the background color for neutral units"] = "Задает цвет фона для нейтральных"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Group Pets"] = "Питомцы группы"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Sets the background color for group pets"] = "Задает цвет фона для питомцев группы"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Tapped Units"] = "Tapped Units"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Sets the background color for tapped units"] = "Sets the background color for tapped units"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Unknown"] = "Unknown"
--[[ ruRU ]] L["Sets the background color for unknown units"] = "Sets the background color for unknown units"
369,6 → 375,8
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Sets the background color for neutral units"] = "设定中立方单位的背景颜色"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Group Pets"] = "队友宠物"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Sets the background color for group pets"] = "设定队友宠物的背景颜色"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Tapped Units"] = "Tapped Units"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Sets the background color for tapped units"] = "Sets the background color for tapped units"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Unknown"] = "Unknown"
--[[ zhCN ]] L["Sets the background color for unknown units"] = "Sets the background color for unknown units"
466,6 → 474,8
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the background color for neutral units"] = "設定中立單位的背景顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Group Pets"] = "隊伍寵物"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the background color for group pets"] = "設定隊伍寵物的背景顏色"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Tapped Units"] = "Tapped Units"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the background color for tapped units"] = "Sets the background color for tapped units"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Unknown"] = "未知"
--[[ zhTW ]] L["Sets the background color for unknown units"] = "設定未知單位的背景顏色"