WoWInterface SVN AlphaMapFansUpdate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 6
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 6

1,4 → 1,4
v3.33.30000 (Fan's Update)
v3.52.30000 (Fan's Update)
Includes Maps for Instances, Battlegrounds, & World Bosses, and the major non-Instance Cave systems
155,6 → 155,44
Change History
Changes in v3.52.30000 from v3.51.30000
- fix to 4340 error
Changes in v3.51.30000.BETA from v3.50.30000
- temporary fix to FlightMap support
- update for latest Gatherer version
Changes in v3.50.30000 from v3.33.30000
- WotLK Instance maps
- world maps now display Instance locations - click to display instance maps
- can now use Alt-Clicking to zoom up and down through all Instance levels, Exteriors and World Maps
- hold down ALT and CONTROL and turn off Instance Location icons via the new on-map quick options button
- player arrow slightly larger and should remain on top of other raid dots
- fix to Instance Boss highlighting on Instance maps when you target them
i.e. fix to removing the highlight when switching targets between different bosses
- update to BG Icons for WotLK
Changes in v3.33.30000 from v3.32.30000
168,8 → 206,6
Changes in v3.32.30000 from v3.31.30000
1,5 → 1,5
ALPHA_MAP_VERSION = "3.33.30000";
ALPHA_MAP_VERSION = "3.52.30000";
-- AlphaMap MapNotes compatible version
64,7 → 64,25
AM_BGChanging = { ["0.375 : 0.5 : 0 : 0.125"] = true,
-- 0 : 0.0625 : 0.125 : 0.1875 : 0.25 : 0.3125 : 0.375 : 0.4375 : 0.5 : 0.5625 : 0.625 : 0.6875 : 0.75 : 0.8125 : 0.875 : 0.9375 : 1
-- | | |
-- |
AM_BGChanging = { ["0.25 : 0.3125 : 0 : 0.0625"] = true,
["0.5625 : 0.625 : 0 : 0.0625"] = true,
["0.75 : 0.8125 : 0 : 0.0625"] = true,
["0.875 : 0.9375 : 0 : 0.0625"] = true,
["0.0625 : 0.125 : 0.0625 : 0.125"] = true,
["0.1875 : 0.25 : 0.0625 : 0.125"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.4375 : 0.0625 : 0.125"] = true,
["0.5 : 0.5625 : 0.0625 : 0.125"] = true,
["0.6875 : 0.75 : 0.0625 : 0.125"] = true,
["0.8125 : 0.875 : 0.0625 : 0.125"] = true,
["0 : 0.0625 : 0.125 : 0.1875"] = true,
["0.125 : 0.1875 : 0.125 : 0.1875"] = true,
["0.3125 : 0.375 : 0.125 : 0.1875"] = true,
["0.4375 : 0.5 : 0.125 : 0.1875"] = true,
-- need to dump the legacy at some point
["0.375 : 0.5 : 0 : 0.125"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.125 : 0.25"] = true,
["0.375 : 0.5 : 0.125 : 0.25"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.75 : 0.125 : 0.25"] = true,
78,9 → 96,9
["0.25 : 0.375 : 0.5 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.75 : 0.5 : 0.625"] = true,
["0.875 : 1 : 0.5 : 0.625"] = true,
-- Legacy format to allow for overlapping functionality
["0.375 : 0.500 : 0 : 0.125"] = true,
["0 : 0.125 : 0.125 : 0.250"] = true,
-- Legacy format to allow for overlapping functionality
["0.375 : 0.500 : 0.125 : 0.250"] = true,
["0.625 : 0.750 : 0.125 : 0.250"] = true,
["0.125 : 0.250 : 0.250 : 0.375"] = true,
110,6 → 110,11
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file="AM_InstanceLocs.en.lua"/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file=""/>
<Script file="AlphaMap.lua"/>
<Frame name="AlphaMapUnitTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
204,6 → 209,83
<Button name="AM_GenPOI_Template" virtual="true" enableMouse="true">
<AbsDimension x="22" y="22"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\Instance"/>
this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonDown", "RightButtonDown");
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 2 );
<HighlightTexture file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<Button name="AM_GenPOIControl_Template" hidden="true" virtual="true" enableMouse="true" frameStrata="FULLSCREEN_DIALOG">
<AbsDimension x="42" y="42"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="$parentTexture" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\Instance">
<AbsDimension x="28" y="28"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT">
<AbsDimension x="5" y="5"/>
<CheckButton name="$parentCheck" inherits="UICheckButtonTemplate">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT">
<AbsDimension x="-4" y="-4"/>
self:SetFrameLevel( self:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 2 );
<Backdrop bgFile="Interface\TutorialFrame\TutorialFrameBackground" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
<AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/>
<AbsValue val="16"/>
<AbsValue val="16"/>
<HighlightTexture file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<Frame name="AlphaMapPOITemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true" enableMouse="false">
<AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
429,7 → 511,7
<Frame name="AlphaMapAlphaMapNoteTemplate" hidden="true" virtual="true">
<AbsDimension x="24" y="24"/>
<AbsDimension x="30" y="30"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
450,7 → 532,7
<Texture name="$parentAFlag" file="Interface\WorldStateFrame\AllianceFlag" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
<AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
462,7 → 544,7
<Texture name="$parentHFlag" file="Interface\WorldStateFrame\HordeFlag" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
<AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
474,7 → 556,7
<Texture name="$parentHighlight" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\MyHighlight" hidden="true">
<AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
<AbsDimension x="48" y="48"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER">
810,28 → 892,13
<Frame name="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop" hidden="true" enableMouse="true">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="24"/>
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT"/>
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="AMMFTopH" file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<!-- if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.lock ) or ( AlphaMapConfig.lock == false ) ) then
end -->
<!-- AMMFTopH:Hide();
AMMFBottomH:Hide(); -->
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
852,36 → 919,19
<Frame name="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom" hidden="true" enableMouse="true">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="24"/>
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture name="AMMFBottomH" file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<!-- if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.lock ) or ( AlphaMapConfig.lock == false ) ) then
end -->
this:SetFrameLevel( this:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
<!-- AMMFBottomH:Hide();
AMMFTopH:Hide(); -->
<!-- if( not AlphaMapConfig.lock or AlphaMapConfig.lock == false ) then -->
this:GetParent().isMoving = true;
<!-- end -->
this:GetParent().isMoving = true;
3364,7 → 3414,7
<Layer level="Artwork">
<Texture name="AM_pArrow" file="Interface\AddOns\AlphaMap\Artwork\FaceOff">
<AbsDimension x="44" y="44"/>
<AbsDimension x="60" y="60"/>
<Anchor point="CENTER"/>
3467,6 → 3517,23
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI13" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI14" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI15" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI16" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI17" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI18" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI19" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI20" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI21" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI22" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI23" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI24" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI25" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI26" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI27" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI28" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI29" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI30" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI31" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Frame name="AM_FlightMapPOI32" inherits="AM_FlightMapPOITemplate"/>
<Minimap name="AlphaMapMinimap" AM_minimapPlayerModel="Interface\Minimap\MinimapArrow.mdx" AM_minimapArrowModel="Interface\Minimap\Rotating-MinimapArrow.mdl" hidden="true">
3490,7 → 3557,7
this.fadeOut = nil;
5006,7 → 5073,7
AM_NoteScaleSliderText:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "AM_NoteScaleSlider", "TOP", -10, 0);
6480,7 → 6547,7
<Frame name="AM_PlayerHighlight" parent="AlphaMapPing">
<AbsDimension x="24" y="24"/>
<AbsDimension x="48" y="48"/>
<Layer level="BACKGROUND">
6542,5 → 6609,39
<Frame name="AM_topOverlay" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" enableMouse="false">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameTop"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
<Frame name="AM_botOverlay" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" enableMouse="false">
<AbsDimension x="1002" y="32"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="AlphaMapMovementFrameBottom"/>
<Layer level="ARTWORK">
<Texture file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
2,7 → 2,7
-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- v3.33.30000 (Fans Update Version)
-- v3.52.30000 (Fans Update Version)
-- ////////////// DISCLAIMER / APOLOGY / CREDIT ///////////////////////////////
60,9 → 60,7
AM_Raid_Progress_Types = {};
AM_BG_Types = {};
--local AMC = {};
--local AMF = {};
local AMap = {};
local AM_Update_Timer_S = 0;
74,7 → 72,7
local AM_DEFAULT_SCALE = 0.8;
local AM_DEFAULT_MINIMAP_ANGLE = 268; -- just a slight adjustment from 274 to get it out from under the Blizzard Tracking button
local AM_ROTATIONAL_ADJUSTMENT = math.pi * 0.75;
local AM_ROTATIONAL_ADJUSTMENT2 = math.pi * 0.25;
91,6 → 89,7
-- Local Varibales
172,11 → 171,21
local AM_zones = {};
local AM_numOverlays = 0;
local gMapMenus = {};
local mapMapper = {
Cosmic = { c = -1 },
World = { c = 0 },
Kalimdor = { c = 1 },
Azeroth = { c = 2 },
Expansion01 = { c = 3 },
Northrend = { c = 4 },
local macroMaps = { World = true,
Kalimdor = true,
Azeroth = true,
Expansion01 = true,
Expansion02 = true,
Northrend = true,
local AM_SuppressBoxRefresh = true;
local AM_Realm = nil;
227,6 → 236,15
local AML = {};
AML.CustomPOIs = {};
AML.CustomPOIControls = {};
function AML.ProcessCustomPOIs(c, z, m, frame)
for _, func in ipairs(AML.CustomPOIs) do
func(c, z, m, frame);
function AML.AM_Strip(longName)
local _, _, shortName = string.find(longName, ".*\\(%a+%_*%a*%s*%a*)$");
237,8 → 255,10
-- &&**
function AML.AM_GetMapIndex(mapName)
for index, mapData in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
-- for index, mapData in pairs(AM_ALPHAMAP_LIST) do
for index, mapData in pairs(sortedMapList) do
if ( mapData.displayname == mapName ) then
return index;
748,16 → 768,16
amBGPOIs[name] = {};
local x1, x2, y1, y2 = WorldMap_GetPOITextureCoords(textureIndex);
if ( x1 > 0 ) then
x1 = string.sub( (tostring(x1)), 1, 5 );
x1 = string.sub( (tostring(x1)), 1, 6 );
if ( x2 > 0 ) then
x2 = string.sub( (tostring(x2)), 1, 5 );
x2 = string.sub( (tostring(x2)), 1, 6 );
if ( y1 > 0 ) then
y1 = string.sub( (tostring(y1)), 1, 5 );
y1 = string.sub( (tostring(y1)), 1, 6 );
if ( y2 > 0 ) then
y2 = string.sub( (tostring(y2)), 1, 5 );
y2 = string.sub( (tostring(y2)), 1, 6 );
local key = x1.." : "..x2.." : "..y1.." : "..y2;
amBGPOIs[name].x1, amBGPOIs[name].x2, amBGPOIs[name].y1, amBGPOIs[name].y2 = x1, x2, y1, y2;
1076,7 → 1096,7
GathererPOI = getglobal( "AlphaMapGathererPOI"..i );
if ( TomTom ) then
local i = 1;
local ttP = getglobal( "AM_TTP"..i );
1241,16 → 1261,114
return numOverlays;
-- )(
function AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(map)
if ( mapMapper[map] ) then
return mapMapper[map].c, mapMapper[map].z;
return "error";
function AML.DisplayInstanceLocs(c, z, m, frame)
local note, noteT;
local width = frame:GetWidth();
local height = frame:GetHeight();
local amUnitScale = AlphaMap_GetUnitScale();
local x, y;
local i = 0;
local lFloor = GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel();
if ( ( AlphaMapConfig.iLocs ) and ( AM_INSTANCE_LOCS ) and ( AM_INSTANCE_LOCS[m] ) ) then
for _, poi in ipairs(AM_INSTANCE_LOCS[m]) do
if ( ( not poi.floor ) or ( poi.floor == lFloor ) ) then
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
if ( not note ) then
note = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POI_Note_"..i, frame, "AM_GenPOI_Template");
note:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self)
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
if ( x > 500 ) then
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT");
GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT");
local i = 1;
while( self.tooltip[i] ) do
GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(self.tooltip[i], self.tooltip[i+1]);
i = i + 2;
note:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
note:SetScript("OnClick", function(self, mouseButton)
if ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) then
local map = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(self.toMap);
if ( map ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( map );
elseif ( self.toWorldMap ) then
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(self.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
noteT = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i.."Texture");
noteT:SetTexture( poi.icon );
x = ( poi.x * width ) / amUnitScale;
y = ( poi.y * height ) / amUnitScale; =;
note.tooltip = poi.tooltip;
note.toMap = poi.toMap;
note.toWorldMap = poi.toWorldMap;
note:SetPoint("CENTER", frame, "TOPLEFT", x, -y);
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
while (note) do
i = i + 1;
note = getglobal("AM_POI_Note_"..i);
-- Called when AlphaMap is loaded
function AlphaMapFrame_OnLoad()
SlashCmdList["ALPHAMAPSLASH"] = AlphaMap_Main_ChatCommandHandler;
1323,7 → 1441,7
gMapMenus = {};
--local mapZooms = {};
-- Called whenever AlphaMap is sent an event notification
function AlphaMapFrame_OnEvent()
if ( event == "WORLD_MAP_UPDATE" ) then
1773,6 → 1891,10
AlphaMapConfig.mute = false;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.iLocs == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = true;
if ( AlphaMapConfig.coords == nil ) then
AlphaMapConfig.coords = true;
1828,21 → 1950,24
AM_conts = { GetMapContinents() };
local dL;
local dL, mapFileName;
for i in ipairs(AM_conts) do
gMapMenus[i] = {};
gMapMenus[i][1] = {};
local zones = { GetMapZones(i) };
for z in ipairs(zones) do
AM_zones[i] = { GetMapZones(i) };
for z in ipairs(AM_zones[i]) do
gMapMenus[i][1][z] = {};
gMapMenus[i][1][z].text = zones[z];
gMapMenus[i][1][z].text = AM_zones[i][z];
gMapMenus[i][1][z].func = AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick;
gMapMenus[i][1][z].hasArrow = nil;
gMapMenus[i][1][z].value = nil;
AM_zones[i] = { GetMapZones(i) };
for j, map in ipairs( gMapMenus[i][1] ) do
SetMapZoom(i, j);
mapFileName = GetMapInfo();
mapMapper[ mapFileName ] = {};
mapMapper[ mapFileName ].c = i;
mapMapper[ mapFileName ].z = j;
dL = GetNumDungeonMapLevels();
if ( dL > 0 ) then
gMapMenus[i][1][j].func = nil; -- %%%
1896,7 → 2021,43
local i = #(AML.CustomPOIControls) + 1;
local controlButton = CreateFrame("Button", "AM_POIC"..i, UIParent, "AM_GenPOIControl_Template"); = i;
local controlButtonT = getglobal("AM_POIC"..i.."Texture");
local controlButtonC = getglobal("AM_POIC"..i.."Check");
controlButtonC:SetScript("OnShow", function(self)
self:SetFrameLevel( self:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
if ( AlphaMapConfig.iLocs ) then
controlButtonC:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
if ( self:GetChecked() ) then
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = false;
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = true;
controlButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
local v = getglobal(self:GetName() .. "Check");
if ( v ) then
self = v;
v = v:GetScript("OnClick");
if ( v ) then v(self); end
table.insert(AML.CustomPOIControls, controlButton);
if ( AlphaMapConfig.gmap == true ) then
2039,6 → 2200,8
table.insert(AML.CustomPOIs, AML.DisplayInstanceLocs);
-- signal that all variables have been loaded and the AddOn is ready to go...
amLoaded = true;
2734,6 → 2897,11
bttn.toMap = nil;
if ( data.toWorldMap ) then
bttn.toWorldMap = data.toWorldMap;
bttn.toWorldMap = nil;
local lootT = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..index.."LootTexture");
if ( data.lootid ) then
2927,6 → 3095,11
note.toMap = nil;
if ( data.toWorldMap ) then
note.toWorldMap = data.toWorldMap;
note.toWorldMap = nil;
if ( data.lootid ) then
note.lootid = data.lootid;
3082,26 → 3255,6
-- Unit Updates / Icon Updates
function AlphaMapUnits_Update(tim)
--*** if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
--*** local ddStatus = UIDropDownMenu_GetText( AlphaMapZoneDropDown );
--*** if ( ( not ddStatus ) or ( ddStatus == "" ) ) then
--*** UIDropDownMenu_ClearAll(AlphaMapContinentDropDown);
--*** UIDropDownMenu_ClearAll(AlphaMapZoneDropDown);
--*** local ddI = AML.AM_GetTypeIndex(amContType);
--*** if ( ddI ) then
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, ddI);
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapContinentDropDown, amMapType );
--*** AML.AM_LoadSortedMapList(amContType);
--*** ddI = AML.AM_GetMapIndex(amAlphaMapMap.displayname);
--*** if ( ddI ) then
--*** AlphaMapFrame_LoadInstances();
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapZoneDropDown, ddI);
--*** UIDropDownMenu_SetText( AlphaMapZoneDropDown, amAlphaMapMap.displayname );
--*** end
--*** end
--*** end
--*** end
if ( AlphaMapFrame.isMoving ) then
3218,6 → 3371,8
0.5-amCos, 0.5-amSin,
0.5+amSin, 0.5-amCos);
AlphaMapPlayer:SetFrameLevel( AlphaMapPlayer:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() + 3 );
-- Position player ping if its shown
3510,6 → 3665,9
-- allow additional markers to be shown on the map
AML.ProcessCustomPOIs(continent, zone, map, AlphaMapDetailFrame);
-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- MapNotes Pins
-- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4158,8 → 4316,15
function DrawAlphaMapGatherer()
local noteCount, maxNotes = 0, Gatherer.Config.GetSetting("mainmap.count", 600);
if ( AMap.drawingG ) then
AMap.drawingG = true;
local setting = Gatherer.Config.GetSetting;
local noteCount, maxNotes = 0, setting("mainmap.count", 600);
local mapContinent = GetCurrentMapContinent()
local mapZone = GetCurrentMapZone()
local mainNote;
4169,7 → 4334,11
mapContinent, mapZone = selectedCont, selectedZone;
if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView) and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap ) and ( Gatherer.Storage.HasDataOnZone(mapContinent, mapZone) ) ) then
if ( ( not AlphaMapConfig.amClearView)
and ( not AlphaMapFrame.zoomed )
and ( not amAlphaMapMap )
and ( setting("mainmap.enable") )
and ( Gatherer.Storage.HasDataOnZone(mapContinent, mapZone) ) ) then
for nodeId, gatherType, num in Gatherer.Storage.ZoneGatherNames(mapContinent, mapZone) do
if (Gatherer.Config.DisplayFilter_MainMap(nodeId)) then
4178,7 → 4347,7
noteCount = noteCount + 1;
mainNote = AM_CreateGathererPOI(noteCount);
mainNote:SetAlpha(Gatherer.Config.GetSetting("mainmap.percent", 80) / 100);
mainNote:SetAlpha(setting("mainmap.opacity", 80) / 100);
xPos = xPos * AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetWidth();
yPos = yPos * AlphaMapDetailFrame:GetHeight();
4189,11 → 4358,11
local iconsize = Gatherer.Config.GetSetting("mainmap.iconsize", 16);
local iconsize = setting("mainmap.iconsize", 16);
mainNote.continent = mapContinent; = mapZone; = nodeId;
4216,6 → 4385,8
noteCount = noteCount + 1;
mainNote = getglobal("AlphaMapGathererPOI"..noteCount);
AMap.drawingG = nil;
function AlphaMapNotes_OnEnter( id, noteFrame )
4590,6 → 4761,7
AlphaMapConfig.mute = false;
AlphaMapConfig.coords = true;
AlphaMapConfig.hTips = true;
AlphaMapConfig.iLocs = true;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocX = AM_DefaultSliderX;
AlphaMapConfig.sliderLocY = AM_DefaultSliderY;
5999,6 → 6171,7
if ( ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) or ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( ( zoneName == ) or ( zoneName..AM_EXTERIOR == ) ) ) ) then
AlphaMapPing:SetFrameLevel( AlphaMapPlayer:GetFrameLevel() + 2 );
AlphaMapPing.timer = 3;
6188,14 → 6361,27
function AlphaMapAlphaMapKey_OnClick(mBttn, bttn)
local parent = bttn:GetParent();
local keyID = parent:GetID();
if ( mBttn == "LeftButton" ) then
if ( parent.toMap ) then
local bttnName = parent:GetName(); -- ??? Should this be before the ...Frame_Update(...
getglobal(bttnName.."Highlight"):Hide(); -- ???
bttnName = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap);
if ( bttnName ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( bttnName );
local bttnName = parent:GetName();
local iMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap);
if ( iMap ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( iMap );
elseif ( parent.toWorldMap ) then
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(parent.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
elseif ( ( parent.lootid ) and ( parent.lootid ~= "" ) and ( AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot ) ) then
if ( ( AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss ) and ( AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss == parent.lootid ) and ( not AtlasLootItemsFrame:IsVisible() ) ) then
6344,12 → 6530,28
local parent = note:GetParent();
local keyID = parent.control:GetID();
if ( mBttn == "LeftButton" ) then
if ( parent.toMap ) then
local iMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap);
if ( iMap ) then
for n=1, amNotesPerPage, 1 do
AlphaMapFrame_Update( AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(parent.toMap) );
AlphaMapFrame_Update( iMap );
elseif ( parent.toWorldMap ) then
for n=1, amNotesPerPage, 1 do
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(parent.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
elseif ( ( parent.lootid ) and ( AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot ) ) then
local boss = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapDetail"..keyID):GetText();
AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot(parent.lootid, boss, AM_AM_LOOT_POINT);
6540,7 → 6742,7
selectedCont = nil;
selectedZone = nil;
selectedMap = nil;
amContType = this.value;
amContType = this.value; -- is this doing anything ??? £££1
UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedID(AlphaMapContinentDropDown, this:GetID());
AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick(nil, AlphaMapRecent[amContType]);
6644,6 → 6846,12
info.text = sortedMapList[i].displayname;
info.func = AML.AlphaMapZoneButton_OnClick;
info.checked = nil;
-- &&**
-- if ( ( sortedMapListType ) and ( AlphaMapRecent[sortedMapListType] ) ) then
-- if ( i == AlphaMapRecent[sortedMapListType] ) then
-- info.checked = true;
-- end
-- end
7451,6 → 7659,8
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].hTips = AlphaMapConfig.hTips;
AlphaMapConfigurations[ configuration ].iLocs = AlphaMapConfig.iLocs;
7588,6 → 7798,8
if ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) then
if ( ( amAlphaMapMap ) and ( not AM_Minimap_Data[amAlphaMapMap.filename] ) and ( MouseIsOver(AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame) ) ) then
local iMap = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap(amAlphaMapMap.toMap);
if ( ( mouseButton == "LeftButton" ) and ( not amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) ) then
local x, y = GetCursorPosition();
x = x / AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:GetEffectiveScale();
7602,6 → 7814,21
elseif ( ( mouseButton == "RightButton" ) and ( amAlphaMapMap.zoomed ) ) then
elseif ( iMap ) then
AlphaMapFrame_Update( iMap );
elseif ( amAlphaMapMap.toWorldMap ) then
local cont, zone = AML.AlphaMap_GetWorldMap(amAlphaMapMap.toWorldMap);
if ( cont ~= "error" ) then
SetMapZoom(cont, zone); -- ))((
AM_WorldMapSelected = true;
AM_ManualMapChange = true;
selectedCont = GetCurrentMapContinent();
selectedZone = GetCurrentMapZone();
selectedMap = GetMapInfo();
7843,12 → 8070,61
if ( ( IsControlKeyDown() ) and ( IsAltKeyDown() ) and ( not AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
AML.tmpAlpha = AlphaMapFrame:GetAlpha();
if ( AML.tmpAlpha > 0.5 ) then
elseif ( ( ( not IsControlKeyDown() ) or ( not IsAltKeyDown() ) ) and ( AlphaMapMovementFrameTop:IsVisible() ) ) then
if ( AML.tmpAlpha > 0.5 ) then
if ( ( IsControlKeyDown() ) and ( IsAltKeyDown() ) and ( not AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() )
and ( not AML.controlsVisible ) ) then
local b, controls = 1, #(AML.CustomPOIControls);
local xO = ( controls - 1 ) * 22;
local control, prevC = AML.CustomPOIControls[b];
if ( control ) then
control:SetPoint("CENTER", "AlphaMapDetailFrame", "CENTER", -xO, 0);
prevC = control;
b = b + 1;
control = AML.CustomPOIControls[b];
while ( control ) do
control:SetPoint("LEFT", prevC:GetName(), "RIGHT", 1, 0);
prevC = control;
b = b + 1;
control = AML.CustomPOIControls[b];
AML.controlsVisible = true;
elseif ( ( ( not IsControlKeyDown() ) or ( not IsAltKeyDown() ) or ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) )
and ( AML.controlsVisible ) ) then
for _, control in ipairs(AML.CustomPOIControls) do
AML.controlsVisible = false;
8388,9 → 8664,19
while ( mapData[note] ) do
if ( string.find( mapData[note].text, targ ) ) then
if ( ( AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( mapData == amAlphaMapMap ) ) then
-- if ( AM_BossTargetted ) then
-- local n = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.."Target");
-- if ( n ) then n:Hide(); end
-- if ( ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted) ] ) and ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted) ] == "Temp" ) ) then
-- local highlight = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.."Highlight");
-- if ( ( highlight ) and ( highlight:IsVisible() ) ) then
-- highlight:Hide();
-- end
-- amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted) ] = nil;
-- end
-- end
AM_BossTargetted = {};
AM_BossTargetted.index = increment;
AM_BossTargetted = increment;
amH[ tostring(increment) ] = "Temp";
8423,6 → 8709,21
local inInstance, dType = IsInInstance();
local done = nil;
if ( ( AM_BossTargetted ) ) then --and ( not done ) ) then
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.."Target");
if ( note ) then
if ( ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted) ] ) and ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted) ] == "Temp" ) ) then
local highlight = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.."Highlight");
if ( ( highlight ) and ( highlight:IsVisible() ) ) then
amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted) ] = nil;
AM_BossTargetted = nil;
if ( ( targ ) and ( targ ~= "" ) and ( not UnitPlayerControlled("target") ) and ( inInstance ) ) then
local mapData, _, filename = AML.AlphaMap_GetMap( GetRealZoneText() );
if ( mapData ) then
8441,21 → 8742,6
if ( ( AM_BossTargetted ) and ( not done ) ) then
local note = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.index.."Target");
if ( note ) then
if ( ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted.index) ] ) and ( amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted.index) ] == "Temp" ) ) then
local highlight = getglobal("AlphaMapAlphaMapNote"..AM_BossTargetted.index.."Highlight");
if ( ( highlight ) and ( highlight:IsVisible() ) ) then
amH[ tostring(AM_BossTargetted.index) ] = nil;
AM_BossTargetted = nil;
local function AM_CheckBoss_Dungeon(msg, dType, mapData)
1,6 → 1,6
## Interface: 30000
## Title: AlphaMap |c0000FF00(v3.33.30000)|r
## Version: 3.33.30000
## Title: AlphaMap |c0000FF00(v3.52.30000)|r
## Version: 3.52.30000
## Author: Telic (Original v1 Jeromy Walsh)
## Notes: A semi-transparent worldmap overlay that does not interrupt character control. Update by
## OptionalDeps: Thottbot, MapNotes, MetaMap, CT_MapMod, FlightMap, NotesUNeed, GuildMap, AtlasLoot, Atlas, MobileMinimapButtons
342,14 → 342,6
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS1 = "Hilfe Tooltips anzeigen/verbergen.";
AM_TT_HELP_TIPS2 = "Beeinflusst nicht die Anzeige der Icon Tooltips auf den AlphaMap Karten.";
-- Everything below should be localised apart from the 'filename', 'lootid' entries which should NOT be changed --
-- The first 'name' field is used to equate with in game Zone name information to help determine when the player is in a specific --
-- Instance, and must therefore be spelt IDENTICALLY to the names of the Instances as displayed by the WoW Client in other native --
-- frames. --
AM_TYP_WM = "Weltkarte";
AM_TYP_GM = "Blizzard Karte";
AlphaMap FAQ.txt
1,7 → 1,7
The "README.txt" file included with the AlphaMap AddOn can answer many questions including a list of slash commands.
If something has changed or stopped working after you update your version of the AlphaMap - PLEASE check the Change Log section of the "Notes.txt" file, as it will list all changes made in that version of AlphaMap.
If something has changed or stopped working after you update your version of the AlphaMap - PLEASE check the Change Log section of the "README.txt" file, as it will list all changes made in that version of AlphaMap.
9,7 → 9,7
A01 - You can toggle the display of the AlphaMap via various methods :
a.) Left-Click on the Minimap icon with the greek letter alpha
b.) Specify your own key in the WoW Key bindings
b.) Specify your own key in the WoW Key bindings e.g. use 'M' to toggle AlphaMap instead of the World Maps
c.) If the AlphaMap drop down boxes are 'free floating', then Left-Click on the alpha button
d.) Slash command "/am toggle" or "/am tog"
30,58 → 30,78
Q04 - How do I hide the bar control with the Drop Down Boxes ? (i.e. the MapSelector controls)
Q04 - How do I change the size and/or opacity of the AlphaMap ?
A04 - The Map Selector controls can be displayed in various positions, controlled from the third Tab of the AlphaMap Options frame with the label "Map Selector".
A04 - Hold down the <Alt> key and use the mouse wheel to make the AlphaMap larger/smaller
Hold down the <Alt> & <Shift> keys and use the mouse wheel to change the AlphaMap's opacity / alpha setting
Or use the sliders on the AlphaMap Options frame
A key binding is also provided for changing the opacity, as well as a slider that can be left displayed on the map itself
Q05 - How do I hide the bar control with the Drop Down Boxes ? (i.e. the MapSelector controls)
A05 - The Map Selector controls can be displayed in various positions, controlled from the third Tab of the AlphaMap Options frame with the label "Map Selector".
a.) Free floating - the controls will be on screen all the time, and can be moved where ever you like by 'unlocking' the pad lock symbol on the controls themselves
b.) Attached to the AlphaMap - the controls will only be shown when the AlphaMap Frame is shown. When this option is checked, then 2 further drop down boxes are displayed in the Options frame allowing you to specify where the Map Selector controls are attached to the AlphaMap. The controls will move when you move the AlphaMap.
c.) Docked to the Options Frame - if this option is checked, then the Map Selector controls will only appear in the Options frame, and you won't see them during normal play.
Q05 - The Map keeps changing back to the Zone my character is in. How do I view other Map zones in AlphaMap ?
Q06 - The Map keeps changing back to the Zone my character is in. How do I view other Map zones in AlphaMap ?
A05 - This is a compatibility issue with one of the other AddOns that you have installed. Some other AddOns will insist on continuously resetting the World Map to zone where your character is currently standing, so even when you change the map you are looking at in AlphaMap, the other AddOn immediately resets it. e.g. using the map coordinates in Telo's Infobar can cause this problem.
A07 - This is a compatibility issue with one of the other AddOns that you have installed. Some other AddOns will insist on continuously resetting the World Map to zone where your character is currently standing, so even when you change the map you are looking at in AlphaMap, the other AddOn immediately resets it. e.g. using the map coordinates in Telo's Infobar can cause this problem.
The easiest way to fix this problem is to use the AlphaMap "Pause" button which is available next to the Drop Down boxes in the Map Selector Controls. While paused, AlphaMap will ignore world map updates triggered by other AddOns, although it will still allow the map to change when you manually select a differnt map to look at, or your character physically moves between zones.
The AlphaMap Pause button can be very useful, but playing with the AlphaMap paused ALL the time is not recommended; For example, the status of PvP objectives may not be updated correctly when AlphaMap updating is paused.
Q06 - I try to view the Map for Upper Blackrock Spire, but it keeps changing back to the map for Lower Blackrock Spire. What's going on ?
Q07 - I try to view the Map for Upper Blackrock Spire, but it keeps changing back to the map for Lower Blackrock Spire. What's going on ?
A06 - Some Instances have been identified by Blizzard with the same overall name. For example, AlphaMap can detect that you are in Dire Maul, but it has no way of knowing whether you are in DireMaul West, North, or East.
A07 - Some Instances have been identified by Blizzard with the same overall name. For example, AlphaMap can detect that you are in Dire Maul, but it has no way of knowing whether you are in DireMaul West, North, or East.
In order to make sure you keep the correct Instance map available, you can use the AlphaMap Pause button, then open the map you need.
Q07 - Can I click on the AlphaMap to zoom in and out like I do on the World Map ?
Q08 - Can I click on the AlphaMap to zoom in and out like I do on the World Map ?
A07 - Open up the AlphaMap options, click on the 5th Tab labelled "Miscallaneous", and make sure that the "Mouse Interaction Mode" is enabled.
A08 - Open up the AlphaMap options, click on the 5th Tab labelled "Miscallaneous", and make sure that the "Mouse Interaction Mode" is enabled.
While enabled, then you will be able to <Alt>-Left/Right Click on the AlphaMap frame to zoom in and out of maps.
Since v2.90.20003 you can zoom in on areas of Instance/Battleground/Dungeon Exterior maps using the same functionality.
(Also since v2.90.20003, you can actually zoom in on areas of normal map zones to see individually discoverable areas. Must also hold down the Shift key. i.e. Shift-Alt-Left Click)
Since v2.90.20003 you can zoom in on areas of Instance/Battleground/Dungeon Exterior maps using the same functionality - so for example you can see one wing of an Instance map in x2 zoom to that area of the map more clearly.
Also, since v3.50.30000, you can now zoom between instance maps, all the way out to the world map zone that containst that instance.
Q08 - I have used the <Alt>-Click control to look at a different map, but now I can't use the Drop Down boxes, and there seems to be a drop in frame rate. What is causing this, and is there a way to fix it ?
So for example, starting at the map of Upper Blackrock spire you can do the following just by mouse clicking :
- click on the on map note for Blackwing Lair and the map will change to that Instance map
- <Alt> left click on the Blackwing lair map, and the view will zoom in to show the area you clicked in more detail
- <Alt> right click on the zoomed Blackwing lair map to zoom back out again
- <Alt> right click on the Blackwing lair map and you will be returned to the map of Upper Blackrock spire
- <Alt> right click on the UBRS map and you will be returned to the exterior map of Blackrock Mountain
- <Alt> right click on the Blackrock Mountain map, and the Burning Steppes zone map will be displayed
- you can then <Alt> left/right click between world maps, or click on the Instance symbols to open that Instance map
Q09 - I have used the <Alt>-Click control to look at a different map, but now I can't use the Drop Down boxes, and there seems to be a drop in frame rate. What is causing this, and is there a way to fix it ?
A08 - This issue is related to Q05 and is related to other AddOns that reset the map when no player icon is visible. Early releases of Gatherer could cause this, but that issue has now been resolved.
The resolution to this problem is again similar to Q05, and should be solved by use of the AlphaMap Pause button.
A09 - This issue is related to Q05 and is related to other AddOns that reset the map when no player icon is visible. Early releases of Gatherer could cause this, but that issue has now been resolved.
However, if other AddOn seem to be causing this, then the resolution to this problem is again similar to Q05, and should be solved by use of the AlphaMap Pause button.
Q09 - The AlphaMap seems to have disappeared, and isn't displayed when I use any of the options that should show it. Is there a way to get it back ?
Q10 - The AlphaMap seems to have disappeared, and isn't displayed when I use any of the options that should show it. Is there a way to get it back ?
A09 - There are 2 possibilities :
A10 - There are 2 possibilities :
a.) Its possible that the AlphaMap is being displayed, but is 100% transparent - double check the Alpha setting slider in the AlphaMap Options frame.
b.) When scaling the AlphaMap, and/or scaling the UI itself via Blizzards Options, it is possible for the AlphaMap to disappear off screen. Open up the AlphaMap Options, and change the scale of the AlphaMap frame; This will re-attach the AlphaMap to the center of the screen (toggle the display of the AlphaMap again in case you were changing the scale while the frame was invisible.)
b.) When scaling the AlphaMap, and/or scaling the UI itself via Blizzards Options, it is possible for the AlphaMap to disappear off screen. Open up the AlphaMap Options, and change the scale of the AlphaMap frame; (toggle the display of the AlphaMap again in case you were changing the scale while the frame was invisible.)
Q10 - I have moved the AlphaMap frame and set its scale and alpha just how I want. But when I open an Instance Map, it is displayed in a different position and at a different scale. Why have the settings changed ?
Q11 - I have moved the AlphaMap frame and set its scale and alpha just how I want. But when I open an Instance Map, it is displayed in a different position and at a different scale. Why have the settings changed ?
A10 - The map Settings for world map zones, Instances, Battlegrounds, Non-Instance maps are all saved separately.
So, for example you can display world maps be default in the upper left of the screen at one scale and with one transparency;
A11 - The map Settings for world map zones, Instances, Battlegrounds, Non-Instance maps are all saved separately.
So, for example you can display world maps by default in the upper left of the screen at one scale and with one transparency;
Instance maps can be displayed in the center of the screen at a different scale, at 100% opacity and all notes and note keys displayed;
Battleground maps could be displayed at much smaller scale, under the minimap with no notes or map keys displayed;
And Non-Instance maps such as World Boss maps or External dungeons could be displayed full screen.
97,18 → 117,18
Q11 - The second and third Tabs of the Options frame always seem to be coloured red, and I can't click on them. Why are they disabled ?
Q12 - The second and third Tabs of the Options frame always seem to be coloured red, and I can't click on them. Why are they disabled ?
A11 - As mentioned in Q10 above, AlphaMap saves its options separately for world maps/Instances/Battlegrounds/Non-Instance maps.
A12 - As mentioned in Q10 above, AlphaMap saves its options separately for world maps/Instances/Battlegrounds/Non-Instance maps.
The options on the second and third Tabs ONLY apply to the special AlphaMap maps such as Instances/Battlegrounds, and NOT to world maps.
So if you open up a world map in AlphaMap, and then open the options, the second and third tabs are unavailable.
But if you open up an Instance map, and then open the options, then the second and thrid tabs will be available, and you can control how AlphaMap's in built notes appear, what size they are, what colour background they use, whether to display extra information frames and map keys, and whether or not to show backgrounds for them also, etc. etc.
Q12 - I don't mind displaying all Instance maps with the same settings, but is there a way to show the different Battleground maps at different scales and positions by default ?
Q13 - I don't mind displaying all Instance maps with the same settings, but is there a way to show the different Battleground maps at different scales and positions by default ?
A12 - Yes; You can actually save the settings for all the Instance maps, Battleground maps, Non-Instance maps completely separately from each other; Or have one set of Options for Instances, but have different settings for each Battleground map...
A13 - Yes; You can actually save the settings for all the Instance maps, Battleground maps, Non-Instance maps completely separately from each other; Or have one set of Options for Instances, but have different settings for each Battleground map...
By default all Instance maps use one set of options, and all Battleground maps use one different set of options, etc.
But if you wanted to, for example, show Alterac Valley BG map at a different scale by default to the Warsong/AB maps, then you can do the following :
a.) Open up the Alterac Valley map in AlphaMap
120,9 → 140,9
Q13 - What's the HotSpot all about ?
Q14 - What's the HotSpot all about ?
A13 - You can use the HotSpot to make very quick changes to how the AlphaMap is displayed and/or what notes/information it displays by simply moving your mouse over the HotSpot; As soon as your mouse leaves the HotSpot, then the AlphaMap will revert to how it normally displays maps.
A14 - You can use the HotSpot to make very quick changes to how the AlphaMap is displayed and/or what notes/information it displays by simply moving your mouse over the HotSpot; As soon as your mouse leaves the HotSpot, then the AlphaMap will revert to how it normally displays maps.
For example, you might play with world maps displayed at 40% transparency, with no MapNotes / Gatherer Icons displayed, and you can use the HotSpot to quickly and easily make the Map full opaque and display notes/icons again for quick reference.
NOTE 1 : A key binding is available to toggle this viewing mode if you want to mouse over icons that are displayed while the HotSpot is 'active', or if you leave the Map Selector HotSpot docked in the Options frame by default.
NOTE 2 : If you don't normally display the Map Selector drop down boxes, then the AlphaMap Minimap Button can be used as a HotSpot also.
130,9 → 150,9
Q14 - I heard there is a cool mode for viewing world maps in AlphaMap which gets rid of the border and map background, and just shows parts of the map you can travel to, saving screen real estate. How do I turn this on ?
Q15 - I heard there is a cool mode for viewing world maps in AlphaMap which gets rid of the border and map background, and just shows parts of the map you can travel to, saving screen real estate. How do I turn this on ?
A14 - Check the following Option :
A15 - Check the following Option :
a.) Open up a world map in AlphaMap
b.) Open up the AlphaMap Options
c.) Open the fifth Tab labelled Miscallaneous
140,42 → 160,43
Q15 - I am using the Compact viewing mode, but would like to see unexplored areas when playing with low level characters. Is there a way to see more of the map ?
Q16 - I am using the Compact viewing mode, but would like to see unexplored areas when playing with low level characters. Is there a way to see more of the map ?
A15 - There is no option for this built in to AlphaMap. To display unexplored areas of world maps in either "Standard" or "Compact" viewing modes you need to install "MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)"
"MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)" is compatible with the World Map Frame & AlphaMap. (It is also compatible with MetaMap and Cartographer as long as MetaMap's own 'FullWorldMap' functionality is disabled, and Cartographer's Foglight is disabled).
A16 - There is no option for this built in to AlphaMap. To display unexplored areas of world maps in either "Standard" or "Compact" viewing modes you need to install "MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)"
"MozzFullWorldMap (Fan's Update)" is compatible with the World Map Frame, Battlefield Minimap, & AlphaMap.
(It is also compatible with MetaMap and Cartographer as long as MetaMap's own 'FullWorldMap' functionality is disabled, and Cartographer's Foglight is disabled - i.e. make sure MetaMapFWM & Foglight are UN-Checked / disabled from the AddOns screen before you log in with your character).
Q16 - I am trying to change the Options for a Battleground map, but before I can change the option, the map changes to another one.
Q17 - I am trying to change the Options for a Battleground map, but before I can change the option, the map changes to another one.
A16 - World Map PvP events and Battleground events like Towers being captured will trigger updates to the world map, and can interrupt you when you were trying to look at another map, or change an Options setting for another map.
A17 - World Map PvP events and Battleground events like Towers being captured will trigger updates to the world map, and can interrupt you when you were trying to look at another map, or change an Options setting for another map.
As usual, if the map is changing when you don't want it to - use the AlphaMap Pause button, and then open the Options frame, and you should be certain of changing the correct Options.
Q17 - How can I make the AlphaMap BG maps open automaically when I enter a BG ?
Q18 - How can I make the AlphaMap BG maps open automaically when I enter a BG ?
A17 - Check the following option :
A18 - Check the following option :
a.) Open up the Battleground map in AlphaMap
b.) Open up the AlphaMap Options
c.) Open the third Tab laballed "AlphaMap Maps 2" ( "..... 2" )
d.) Check the "Use AlphaMap's BG maps by default when in Battlegrounds"
NOTE : The opposite is equally true, and if you don't want AlphaMap to open automatically when you enter a BG, then make sure the above Option is NOT checked - if left unchecked, then AlphaMap will display the world map view of the Battleground when you open
d.) Check the "Auto Open BG Maps" option
NOTE : The opposite is equally true, and if you don't want AlphaMap to open automatically when you enter a BG, then make sure the above Option is NOT checked.
(If the AlphaMap was automaticlly opened when you enter a BG, then it should auto-close when you leave.)
Q18 - I don't want to see the provided AlphaMap Notes on Battleground maps, but when I turn them off, I can't see any Battelground objectives such as Towers / Graveyards. Is there a way to disable the notes, but still show the BG Objectives ?
Q19 - I don't want to see the provided AlphaMap Notes on Battleground maps, but when I turn them off, I can't see any Battelground objectives such as Towers / Graveyards. Is there a way to disable the notes, but still show the BG Objectives ?
A18 - Yes. You can disable all the AlphaMap notes on Battleground maps, and you will still see the BG Tower / Bunker / Graveyard objectives and their Capture status when inside the Battleground.
The Battleground objective symbols are NOT displayed when you look at the AlphaMap map OUTSIDE OF the Battleground and it will look very blank with all the notes turned off also - the BG Objectives WILL still be shown when your character is inside the BG.
A19 - Yes. You can disable all the AlphaMap notes on Battleground maps, and you will still see the BG Tower / Bunker / Graveyard objectives and their Capture status when INSIDE the Battleground.
The Battleground objective symbols are NOT displayed when you look at the AlphaMap map OUTSIDE OF the Battleground and it will look very blank with all the notes turned off - But the BG Objectives WILL still be shown when your character is physically inside the BG.
Q19 - The Map Selector Drop Down boxes are too small / too large. Is there some way I can adjust their size separately to the UI / scale of the AlphaMap ?
Q20 - The Map Selector Drop Down boxes are too small / too large. Is there some way I can adjust their size separately to the UI / scale of the AlphaMap ?
A19 - Yes. There is a slash command provided "/am ddscale <value>". As an option that will be rarely used, there is no corresponding GUI component for this Option yet.
A20 - Yes. There is a slash command provided "/am ddscale <value>". As an option that will be rarely used, there is no corresponding GUI component for this Option yet.
The default scale value for the Map Selector controls is 0.7, and can be changed to any value between 0.3 and 1.4.
For example :
/am ddscale 0.6 -- will reduce the size of the Map Selector boxes slightly
Artwork/FaceOff.blp Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream