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    from Rev 7 to Rev 15
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Rev 7 → Rev 15

1,5 → 1,8
--[[ $Id: AceLocale-3.0.lua 494 2008-02-03 13:03:56Z nevcairiel $ ]]
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceLocale-3.0", 1
--- **AceLocale-3.0** manages localization in addons, allowing for multiple locale to be registered with fallback to the base locale for untranslated strings.
-- @class file
-- @name AceLocale-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceLocale-3.0.lua 766 2009-04-04 08:26:05Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceLocale-3.0", 2
local AceLocale, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
15,14 → 18,23
-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale
local readmeta = {
__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: fire off a nonbreaking error and return key
__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: fire off a nonbreaking error and return key
rawset(self, key, key) -- only need to see the warning once, really
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": "..tostring(AceLocale.appnames[self])..": Missing entry for '"..tostring(key).."'")
rawset(self, key, key) -- only need to see the warning once, really
return key
-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale if the silent flag is true, it does not issue a warning on unknown keys
local readmetasilent = {
__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: return key
rawset(self, key, key) -- only need to invoke this function once
return key
-- Remember the locale table being registered right now (it gets set by :NewLocale())
-- NOTE: Do never try to register 2 locale tables at once and mix their definition.
local registering
-- local assert false function
52,15 → 64,30
__index = assertfalse
-- AceLocale:NewLocale(application, locale, isDefault)
--- Register a new locale (or extend an existing one) for the specified application.
-- :NewLocale will return a table you can fill your locale into, or nil if the locale isn't needed for the players
-- game locale.
-- @paramsig application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]
-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
-- @param locale Name of the locale to register, e.g. "enUS", "deDE", etc.
-- @param isDefault If this is the default locale being registered (your addon is written in this language, generally enUS)
-- @param silent If true, the locale will not issue warnings for missing keys. Can only be set on the default locale.
-- @usage
-- -- enUS.lua
-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "enUS", true)
-- L["string1"] = true
-- application (string) - unique name of addon / module
-- locale (string) - name of locale to register, e.g. "enUS", "deDE", etc...
-- isDefault (string) - if this is the default locale being registered
-- Returns a table where localizations can be filled out, or nil if the locale is not needed
function AceLocale:NewLocale(application, locale, isDefault)
-- -- deDE.lua
-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "deDE")
-- if not L then return end
-- L["string1"] = "Zeichenkette1"
-- @return Locale Table to add localizations to, or nil if the current locale is not required.
function AceLocale:NewLocale(application, locale, isDefault, silent)
if silent and not isDefault then
error("Usage: NewLocale(application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]): 'silent' can only be specified for the default locale", 2)
-- GAME_LOCALE allows translators to test translations of addons without having that wow client installed
-- Ammo: I still think this is a bad idea, for instance an addon that checks for some ingame string will fail, just because some other addon
-- gives the user the illusion that they can run in a different locale? Ditch this whole thing or allow a setting per 'application'. I'm of the
74,12 → 101,12
local app = AceLocale.apps[application]
if not app then
app = setmetatable({}, readmeta)
app = setmetatable({}, silent and readmetasilent or readmeta)
AceLocale.apps[application] = app
AceLocale.appnames[app] = application
registering = app -- remember globally for writeproxy and writedefaultproxy
registering = app -- remember globally for writeproxy and writedefaultproxy
if isDefault then
return writedefaultproxy
88,13 → 115,11
return writeproxy
-- AceLocale:GetLocale(application [, silent])
-- application (string) - unique name of addon
-- silent (boolean) - if true, the locale is optional, silently return nil if it's not found
-- Returns localizations for the current locale (or default locale if translations are missing)
--- Returns localizations for the current locale (or default locale if translations are missing).
-- Errors if nothing is registered (spank developer, not just a missing translation)
-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
-- @param silent If true, the locale is optional, silently return nil if it's not found (defaults to false, optional)
-- @return The locale table for the current language.
function AceLocale:GetLocale(application, silent)
if not silent and not AceLocale.apps[application] then
error("Usage: GetLocale(application[, silent]): 'application' - No locales registered for '"..tostring(application).."'", 2)