WoWInterface SVN BrokerRaidSave

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 26 to Rev 27
    Reverse comparison

Rev 26 → Rev 27

7,7 → 7,7
--L["Show text for no saved instances"] = true
--L["Show the plugin text instead of number, when the character has no saved instances."] = true
L["Short text"] = "簡短文字"
--L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Active]:[Expired]."] = true
--L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Group]:[Raid]:[Expired]."] = true
L["Instance Information"] = "副本進度資訊"
L["Show instance IDs"] = "顯示副本進度ID"
L["Show or hide the numeric instance IDs."] = "顯示或隱藏副本進度的ID數字"
64,5 → 64,15
-- 1.8 strings
--L["Hide expired instances from plugin text"] = true
--L["Don't display instances with expired ID's on the plugin text."] = true
--L["Active: "] = true
--L["Expired: "] = true
\ No newline at end of file +--L["Expired: "] = true + +-- 2.0 strings +--L["|cffeda55fLeft Click|r |cff19ff19on instance name to toggle ID extension."] = true +--L["|cffeda55fShift+Left Click|r |cff19ff19to paste instance info into chat."] = true +--L["|cff0090ffBlue|r |cff19ff19colored instance names, indicate|r |cff0090ffextended|r |cff19ff19IDs.|r"] = true +--L["Hide hint text"] = true +--L["Hides the tooltip information/hint text."] = true +--L["Enable scrolling"] = true +--L["Activates and displays a scrolling slider bar, for the tooltip."] = true +--L["Tooltip Maximum Height"] = true +--L["Sets the tooltip maximum height, after which it will be scrollable."] = true \ No newline at end of file
7,7 → 7,7
--L["Show text for no saved instances"] = true
--L["Show the plugin text instead of number, when the character has no saved instances."] = true
L["Short text"] = "Kurzer Text"
--L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Active]:[Expired]."] = true
--L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Group]:[Raid]:[Expired]."] = true
L["Instance Information"] = "Instanzinformation"
L["Show instance IDs"] = "Zeige Instanzen IDs"
L["Show or hide the numeric instance IDs."] = "Zeige oder Verberge die numerischen Instanzen IDs."
64,5 → 64,15
-- 1.8 strings
--L["Hide expired instances from plugin text"] = true
--L["Don't display instances with expired ID's on the plugin text."] = true
--L["Active: "] = true
--L["Expired: "] = true
\ No newline at end of file +L["Expired: "] = "Abgelaufen: " + +-- 2.0 strings +--L["|cffeda55fLeft Click|r |cff19ff19on instance name to toggle ID extension."] = true +--L["|cffeda55fShift+Left Click|r |cff19ff19to paste instance info into chat."] = true +--L["|cff0090ffBlue|r |cff19ff19colored instance names, indicate|r |cff0090ffextended|r |cff19ff19IDs.|r"] = true +--L["Hide hint text"] = true +--L["Hides the tooltip information/hint text."] = true +--L["Enable scrolling"] = true +--L["Activates and displays a scrolling slider bar, for the tooltip."] = true +--L["Tooltip Maximum Height"] = true +--L["Sets the tooltip maximum height, after which it will be scrollable."] = true \ No newline at end of file
4,10 → 4,10
L["(Updating...)"] = "(업데이트중...)"
L["Minimalistic LDB plugin that allows tracking of raid IDs across characters."] = "LDB창에 캐릭터별 귀속 던전 정보를 표시합니다."
L["General Options"] = "일반 설정"
--L["Show text for no saved instances"] = true
--L["Show the plugin text instead of number, when the character has no saved instances."] = true
L["Show text for no saved instances"] = "귀속된 던전 없음에 대한 문구 표시"
L["Show the plugin text instead of number, when the character has no saved instances."] = "귀속된 던전이 없는 캐릭터라면, 숫자 대신 플러그인 문구를 표시합니다."
L["Short text"] = "약식 표시"
--L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Active]:[Expired]."] = true
--L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Group]:[Raid]:[Expired]."] = true
L["Instance Information"] = "던전 정보"
L["Show instance IDs"] = "던전 ID 표시"
L["Show or hide the numeric instance IDs."] = "귀속된 던전 ID를 표시 또는 숨깁니다."
56,13 → 56,23
-- 1.7 strings
L["Expired"] = "만료됨"
--L["Hide expired instances from tooltip"] = true
L["Hide expired instances from tooltip"] = "툴팁에서 만료된 던전 숨김"
L["Don't display instances with expired ID's on the tooltip."] = "툴팁에 만료된 ID와 함께 던전을 표시하지 않습니다."
L["|cffeda55fLeft Click|r |cff19ff19on plugin to toggle Blizzard's Raid Information frame."] = "|cffeda55f좌-클릭|r |cff19ff19플러그인에 대한 블리자드 공격대 정보 창 표시/표시안함."
L["|cffeda55fRight Click|r |cff19ff19on plugin to open Configuration Menu."] = "|cffeda55f우-클릭|r |cff19ff19플러그인에 대한 설정 메뉴 열기."
-- 1.8 strings
--L["Hide expired instances from plugin text"] = true
--L["Don't display instances with expired ID's on the plugin text."] = true
--L["Active: "] = true
--L["Expired: "] = true
\ No newline at end of file +L["Hide expired instances from plugin text"] = "플러그인 문구에서 만료된 던전 숨김" +L["Don't display instances with expired ID's on the plugin text."] = "플러그인 문구 상 만료된 ID와 던전을 표시하지 않습니다." +L["Expired: "] = "만료: " + +-- 2.0 strings +--L["|cffeda55fLeft Click|r |cff19ff19on instance name to toggle ID extension."] = true +--L["|cffeda55fShift+Left Click|r |cff19ff19to paste instance info into chat."] = true +--L["|cff0090ffBlue|r |cff19ff19colored instance names, indicate|r |cff0090ffextended|r |cff19ff19IDs.|r"] = true +--L["Hide hint text"] = true +--L["Hides the tooltip information/hint text."] = true +--L["Enable scrolling"] = true +--L["Activates and displays a scrolling slider bar, for the tooltip."] = true +--L["Tooltip Maximum Height"] = true +--L["Sets the tooltip maximum height, after which it will be scrollable."] = true \ No newline at end of file
6,7 → 6,7
L["Show text for no saved instances"] = true
L["Show the plugin text instead of number, when the character has no saved instances."] = true
L["Short text"] = true
L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Active]:[Expired]."] = true
L["Only show the number of saved instances, in the format [Group]:[Raid]:[Expired]."] = true
L["Instance Information"] = true
L["Show instance IDs"] = true
L["Show or hide the numeric instance IDs."] = true
63,5 → 63,15
-- 1.8 strings
L["Hide expired instances from plugin text"] = true
L["Don't display instances with expired ID's on the plugin text."] = true
L["Active: "] = true
L["Expired: "] = true
\ No newline at end of file +L["Expired: "] = true + +-- 2.0 strings +L["|cffeda55fLeft Click|r |cff19ff19on instance name to toggle ID extension."] = true +L["|cffeda55fShift+Left Click|r |cff19ff19to paste instance info into chat."] = true +L["|cff0090ffBlue|r |cff19ff19colored instance names, indicate|r |cff0090ffextended|r |cff19ff19IDs.|r"] = true +L["Hide hint text"] = true +L["Hides the tooltip information/hint text."] = true +L["Enable scrolling"] = true +L["Activates and displays a scrolling slider bar, for the tooltip."] = true +L["Tooltip Maximum Height"] = true +L["Sets the tooltip maximum height, after which it will be scrollable."] = true \ No newline at end of file