WoWInterface SVN CooldownIconsRevamped

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 130 to Rev 131
    Reverse comparison

Rev 130 → Rev 131

Libs/LibCooldownIcons-1.0/LibCooldownIcons-1.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="LibCooldownIcons-1.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Libs/LibCooldownIcons-1.0/LibCooldownIcons-1.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,211
##AddOn : CooldownIcons R(evamped)
##Subfile : LibCooldownIcons-1.0.lua
##Author : Hati-EK
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibCooldownIcons", "1"
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
local CIR = CooldownIconsR
if not lib then return end
local Icon_Nil = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_QuestionMark"
-- i = LCI:tonumber <tonumber>, i<-R
-- i = LCI:tonumber (extended tonumber), i<-R
function lib:tonumber(s)
if type(s)=='boolean' then
if s then
return 1
return 0
return tonumber(s)
-- i = LCI:Getn(table), i<-N
function lib:Getn(t)
local i=0
for k,v in pairs(t) do
return i
-- b,i = LCI:inTable(v)| b<-{false,true}, i<-{v[indexes]}
function lib:inTable(value,tbl)
local b=false
local num=0
if type(tbl)~='table' and value==nil then
error('Failure in arguments. Arguments:( value='..tostring(value)..', table='..tostring(tbl)..')')
return false,nil
if type(tbl)=='table' then
for i,v in pairs(tbl) do
if v==value then
return b,num
function lib:indexInTable(value,tbl)
local b=false
local index=0
if type(tbl)~='table' or value==nil then
error('Failure in arguments. Arguments:( value='..tostring(value)..', table='..tostring(tbl)..')')
return false,nil
for i,v in pairs(tbl) do
if i==value then
return b,index
--##Texture Part
-- i = LCI:GetTexture(name), i<-TexturePath
function lib:GetTexture(name)
return Icon_Nil
function lib:GetConditionalByCase(case)
local r,e
if case=='stance' then
elseif case=='talentgroup' then
--elseif case=='buff' then
return r,e
--adds a Frame to a Table an event runs-through on trigger and returns the "new" table
function lib:RegisterFrameForEvent(frameid,event,t)
--create event in t if not already existent
if not t[event] then
if not self:inTable(frameid,t[event]) then
return t
function lib:UnregisterFrameForEvent(frameid,event,t)
--create event in t if not already existent
if not t[event] then return end
local inTable,num = self:inTable(frameid,t[event])
if inTable then tremove(t[event],num) end
return t
function lib:UnregisterFrameForAllEvents(frameid,t)
if #t>0 then
for e in pairs(t) do
function lib:GetCooldownByCmd(cmd,watch)
if cmd=='spell' then
return GetSpellCooldown(tonumber(watch) or watch)
elseif cmd=='item' then
return GetItemCooldown(tonumber(watch) or watch)
elseif cmd=='flag' then
return GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", watch)
error(tostring(cmd)..' is an invalid Command')
function lib:GetRangeByCmd(cmd,input)
if input then
if cmd=='spell' then
return IsSpellInRange(GetSpellInfo(input),"target")
elseif cmd=='item' then
return IsItemInRange(GetItemInfo(input),"target")
elseif cmd=='flag' then
local itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", input)
return IsItemInRange(itemLink, "target")
error(tostring(cmd)..' is an invalid Command')
--Function makes a copy of the table without the key
--and return this new tbl
function lib:DeleteFromTableByKey(tbl,value)
local store={}
for key,content in pairs(tbl) do
if key~=value then
return store
function lib:deepcopy(object)
local lookup_table = {}
local function _copy(object)
if type(object) ~= "table" then
return object
elseif lookup_table[object] then
return lookup_table[object]
local new_table = {}
lookup_table[object] = new_table
for index, value in pairs(object) do
new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value)
return setmetatable(new_table, _copy(object))
return _copy(object)
local fade_in = {}
local fade_out= {}
--improved UIFrameFadeIn(frame,time,startAlpha,endAlpha,type)
function lib:UIFrameFadeIn(frame,t,startAlpha,endAlpha,typ)
local now=GetTime()
if typ=='in' then
local IsInTable,num = self:inTable(frame.realname,fade_in)
if not IsInTable then
if now>fade_in[num][2] then
elseif typ=='out' then
local IsInTable,num = self:inTable(frame.realname,fade_out)
if not IsInTable then
if now>fade_in[num][2] then
Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceLocale-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Libs/AceLocale-3.0/AceLocale-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,136
--- **AceLocale-3.0** manages localization in addons, allowing for multiple locale to be registered with fallback to the base locale for untranslated strings.
-- @class file
-- @name AceLocale-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceLocale-3.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceLocale-3.0", 2
local AceLocale, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceLocale then return end -- no upgrade needed
-- Lua APIs
local assert, tostring, error = assert, tostring, error
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: GAME_LOCALE, geterrorhandler
local gameLocale = GetLocale()
if gameLocale == "enGB" then
gameLocale = "enUS"
AceLocale.apps = AceLocale.apps or {} -- array of ["AppName"]=localetableref
AceLocale.appnames = AceLocale.appnames or {} -- array of [localetableref]="AppName"
-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale
local readmeta = {
__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: fire off a nonbreaking error and return key
rawset(self, key, key) -- only need to see the warning once, really
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": "..tostring(AceLocale.appnames[self])..": Missing entry for '"..tostring(key).."'")
return key
-- This metatable is used on all tables returned from GetLocale if the silent flag is true, it does not issue a warning on unknown keys
local readmetasilent = {
__index = function(self, key) -- requesting totally unknown entries: return key
rawset(self, key, key) -- only need to invoke this function once
return key
-- Remember the locale table being registered right now (it gets set by :NewLocale())
-- NOTE: Do never try to register 2 locale tables at once and mix their definition.
local registering
-- local assert false function
local assertfalse = function() assert(false) end
-- This metatable proxy is used when registering nondefault locales
local writeproxy = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(self, key, value)
rawset(registering, key, value == true and key or value) -- assigning values: replace 'true' with key string
__index = assertfalse
-- This metatable proxy is used when registering the default locale.
-- It refuses to overwrite existing values
-- Reason 1: Allows loading locales in any order
-- Reason 2: If 2 modules have the same string, but only the first one to be
-- loaded has a translation for the current locale, the translation
-- doesn't get overwritten.
local writedefaultproxy = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(self, key, value)
if not rawget(registering, key) then
rawset(registering, key, value == true and key or value)
__index = assertfalse
--- Register a new locale (or extend an existing one) for the specified application.
-- :NewLocale will return a table you can fill your locale into, or nil if the locale isn't needed for the players
-- game locale.
-- @paramsig application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]
-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
-- @param locale Name of the locale to register, e.g. "enUS", "deDE", etc.
-- @param isDefault If this is the default locale being registered (your addon is written in this language, generally enUS)
-- @param silent If true, the locale will not issue warnings for missing keys. Can only be set on the default locale.
-- @usage
-- -- enUS.lua
-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "enUS", true)
-- L["string1"] = true
-- -- deDE.lua
-- local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("TestLocale", "deDE")
-- if not L then return end
-- L["string1"] = "Zeichenkette1"
-- @return Locale Table to add localizations to, or nil if the current locale is not required.
function AceLocale:NewLocale(application, locale, isDefault, silent)
if silent and not isDefault then
error("Usage: NewLocale(application, locale[, isDefault[, silent]]): 'silent' can only be specified for the default locale", 2)
-- GAME_LOCALE allows translators to test translations of addons without having that wow client installed
-- Ammo: I still think this is a bad idea, for instance an addon that checks for some ingame string will fail, just because some other addon
-- gives the user the illusion that they can run in a different locale? Ditch this whole thing or allow a setting per 'application'. I'm of the
-- opinion to remove this.
local gameLocale = GAME_LOCALE or gameLocale
if locale ~= gameLocale and not isDefault then
return -- nop, we don't need these translations
local app = AceLocale.apps[application]
if not app then
app = setmetatable({}, silent and readmetasilent or readmeta)
AceLocale.apps[application] = app
AceLocale.appnames[app] = application
registering = app -- remember globally for writeproxy and writedefaultproxy
if isDefault then
return writedefaultproxy
return writeproxy
--- Returns localizations for the current locale (or default locale if translations are missing).
-- Errors if nothing is registered (spank developer, not just a missing translation)
-- @param application Unique name of addon / module
-- @param silent If true, the locale is optional, silently return nil if it's not found (defaults to false, optional)
-- @return The locale table for the current language.
function AceLocale:GetLocale(application, silent)
if not silent and not AceLocale.apps[application] then
error("Usage: GetLocale(application[, silent]): 'application' - No locales registered for '"..tostring(application).."'", 2)
return AceLocale.apps[application]
Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,4
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceHook-3.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Libs/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,514
--- **AceHook-3.0** offers safe Hooking/Unhooking of functions, methods and frame scripts.
-- Using AceHook-3.0 is recommended when you need to unhook your hooks again, so the hook chain isn't broken
-- when you manually restore the original function.
-- **AceHook-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceHook:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceHook itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceHook, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceHook.
-- @class file
-- @name AceHook-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceHook-3.0.lua 877 2009-11-02 15:56:50Z nevcairiel $
local ACEHOOK_MAJOR, ACEHOOK_MINOR = "AceHook-3.0", 5
local AceHook, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEHOOK_MAJOR, ACEHOOK_MINOR)
if not AceHook then return end -- No upgrade needed
AceHook.embeded = AceHook.embeded or {}
AceHook.registry = AceHook.registry or setmetatable({}, {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end })
AceHook.handlers = AceHook.handlers or {}
AceHook.actives = AceHook.actives or {}
AceHook.scripts = AceHook.scripts or {}
AceHook.onceSecure = AceHook.onceSecure or {}
AceHook.hooks = AceHook.hooks or {}
-- local upvalues
local registry = AceHook.registry
local handlers = AceHook.handlers
local actives = AceHook.actives
local scripts = AceHook.scripts
local onceSecure = AceHook.onceSecure
-- Lua APIs
local pairs, next, type = pairs, next, type
local format = string.format
local assert, error = assert, error
-- WoW APIs
local issecurevariable, hooksecurefunc = issecurevariable, hooksecurefunc
local _G = _G
-- functions for later definition
local donothing, createHook, hook
local protectedScripts = {
OnClick = true,
-- upgrading of embeded is done at the bottom of the file
local mixins = {
"Hook", "SecureHook",
"HookScript", "SecureHookScript",
"Unhook", "UnhookAll",
"RawHook", "RawHookScript"
-- AceHook:Embed( target )
-- target (object) - target object to embed AceHook in
-- Embeds AceEevent into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
function AceHook:Embed( target )
for k, v in pairs( mixins ) do
target[v] = self[v]
self.embeded[target] = true
-- inject the hooks table safely
target.hooks = target.hooks or {}
return target
-- AceHook:OnEmbedDisable( target )
-- target (object) - target object that is being disabled
-- Unhooks all hooks when the target disables.
-- this method should be called by the target manually or by an addon framework
function AceHook:OnEmbedDisable( target )
function createHook(self, handler, orig, secure, failsafe)
local uid
local method = type(handler) == "string"
if failsafe and not secure then
-- failsafe hook creation
uid = function(...)
if actives[uid] then
if method then
self[handler](self, ...)
return orig(...)
-- /failsafe hook
-- all other hooks
uid = function(...)
if actives[uid] then
if method then
return self[handler](self, ...)
return handler(...)
elseif not secure then -- backup on non secure
return orig(...)
-- /hook
return uid
function donothing() end
function hook(self, obj, method, handler, script, secure, raw, forceSecure, usage)
if not handler then handler = method end
-- These asserts make sure AceHooks's devs play by the rules.
assert(not script or type(script) == "boolean")
assert(not secure or type(secure) == "boolean")
assert(not raw or type(raw) == "boolean")
assert(not forceSecure or type(forceSecure) == "boolean")
-- Error checking Battery!
if obj and type(obj) ~= "table" then
error(format("%s: 'object' - nil or table expected got %s", usage, type(obj)), 3)
if type(method) ~= "string" then
error(format("%s: 'method' - string expected got %s", usage, type(method)), 3)
if type(handler) ~= "string" and type(handler) ~= "function" then
error(format("%s: 'handler' - nil, string, or function expected got %s", usage, type(handler)), 3)
if type(handler) == "string" and type(self[handler]) ~= "function" then
error(format("%s: 'handler' - Handler specified does not exist at self[handler]", usage), 3)
if script then
if not secure and obj:IsProtected() and protectedScripts[method] then
error(format("Cannot hook secure script %q; Use SecureHookScript(obj, method, [handler]) instead.", method), 3)
if not obj or not obj.GetScript or not obj:HasScript(method) then
error(format("%s: You can only hook a script on a frame object", usage), 3)
local issecure
if obj then
issecure = onceSecure[obj] and onceSecure[obj][method] or issecurevariable(obj, method)
issecure = onceSecure[method] or issecurevariable(method)
if issecure then
if forceSecure then
if obj then
onceSecure[obj] = onceSecure[obj] or {}
onceSecure[obj][method] = true
onceSecure[method] = true
elseif not secure then
error(format("%s: Attempt to hook secure function %s. Use `SecureHook' or add `true' to the argument list to override.", usage, method), 3)
local uid
if obj then
uid = registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method]
uid = registry[self][method]
if uid then
if actives[uid] then
-- Only two sane choices exist here. We either a) error 100% of the time or b) always unhook and then hook
-- choice b would likely lead to odd debuging conditions or other mysteries so we're going with a.
error(format("Attempting to rehook already active hook %s.", method))
if handlers[uid] == handler then -- turn on a decative hook, note enclosures break this ability, small memory leak
actives[uid] = true
elseif obj then -- is there any reason not to call unhook instead of doing the following several lines?
if self.hooks and self.hooks[obj] then
self.hooks[obj][method] = nil
registry[self][obj][method] = nil
if self.hooks then
self.hooks[method] = nil
registry[self][method] = nil
handlers[uid], actives[uid], scripts[uid] = nil, nil, nil
uid = nil
local orig
if script then
orig = obj:GetScript(method) or donothing
elseif obj then
orig = obj[method]
orig = _G[method]
if not orig then
error(format("%s: Attempting to hook a non existing target", usage), 3)
uid = createHook(self, handler, orig, secure, not (raw or secure))
if obj then
self.hooks[obj] = self.hooks[obj] or {}
registry[self][obj] = registry[self][obj] or {}
registry[self][obj][method] = uid
if not secure then
self.hooks[obj][method] = orig
if script then
-- If the script is empty before, HookScript will not work, so use SetScript instead
-- This will make the hook insecure, but shouldnt matter, since it was empty before.
-- It does not taint the full frame.
if not secure or orig == donothing then
obj:SetScript(method, uid)
elseif secure then
obj:HookScript(method, uid)
if not secure then
obj[method] = uid
hooksecurefunc(obj, method, uid)
registry[self][method] = uid
if not secure then
_G[method] = uid
self.hooks[method] = orig
hooksecurefunc(method, uid)
actives[uid], handlers[uid], scripts[uid] = true, handler, script and true or nil
--- Hook a function or a method on an object.
-- The hook created will be a "safe hook", that means that your handler will be called
-- before the hooked function ("Pre-Hook"), and you don't have to call the original function yourself,
-- however you cannot stop the execution of the function, or modify any of the arguments/return values.\\
-- This type of hook is typically used if you need to know if some function got called, and don't want to modify it.
-- @paramsig [object], method, [handler], [hookSecure]
-- @param object The object to hook a method from
-- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook.
-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function)
-- @param hookSecure If true, AceHook will allow hooking of secure functions.
-- @usage
-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- -- Hook ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys, overwriting the secure status
-- self:Hook("ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys", true)
-- end
-- function MyAddon:ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type)
-- print(button:GetName() .. " is updating its HotKey")
-- end
function AceHook:Hook(object, method, handler, hookSecure)
if type(object) == "string" then
method, handler, hookSecure, object = object, method, handler, nil
if handler == true then
handler, hookSecure = nil, true
hook(self, object, method, handler, false, false, false, hookSecure or false, "Usage: Hook([object], method, [handler], [hookSecure])")
--- RawHook a function or a method on an object.
-- The hook created will be a "raw hook", that means that your handler will completly replace
-- the original function, and your handler has to call the original function (or not, depending on your intentions).\\
-- The original function will be stored in `self.hooks[object][method]` or `self.hooks[functionName]` respectively.\\
-- This type of hook can be used for all purposes, and is usually the most common case when you need to modify arguments
-- or want to control execution of the original function.
-- @paramsig [object], method, [handler], [hookSecure]
-- @param object The object to hook a method from
-- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook.
-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function)
-- @param hookSecure If true, AceHook will allow hooking of secure functions.
-- @usage
-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- -- Hook ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys, overwriting the secure status
-- self:RawHook("ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys", true)
-- end
-- function MyAddon:ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type)
-- if button:GetName() == "MyButton" then
-- -- do stuff here
-- else
-- self.hooks.ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys(button, type)
-- end
-- end
function AceHook:RawHook(object, method, handler, hookSecure)
if type(object) == "string" then
method, handler, hookSecure, object = object, method, handler, nil
if handler == true then
handler, hookSecure = nil, true
hook(self, object, method, handler, false, false, true, hookSecure or false, "Usage: RawHook([object], method, [handler], [hookSecure])")
--- SecureHook a function or a method on an object.
-- This function is a wrapper around the `hooksecurefunc` function in the WoW API. Using AceHook
-- extends the functionality of secure hooks, and adds the ability to unhook once the hook isn't
-- required anymore, or the addon is being disabled.\\
-- Secure Hooks should be used if the secure-status of the function is vital to its function,
-- and taint would block execution. Secure Hooks are always called after the original function was called
-- ("Post Hook"), and you cannot modify the arguments, return values or control the execution.
-- @paramsig [object], method, [handler]
-- @param object The object to hook a method from
-- @param method If object was specified, the name of the method, or the name of the function to hook.
-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked function)
function AceHook:SecureHook(object, method, handler)
if type(object) == "string" then
method, handler, object = object, method, nil
hook(self, object, method, handler, false, true, false, false, "Usage: SecureHook([object], method, [handler])")
--- Hook a script handler on a frame.
-- The hook created will be a "safe hook", that means that your handler will be called
-- before the hooked script ("Pre-Hook"), and you don't have to call the original function yourself,
-- however you cannot stop the execution of the function, or modify any of the arguments/return values.\\
-- This is the frame script equivalent of the :Hook safe-hook. It would typically be used to be notified
-- when a certain event happens to a frame.
-- @paramsig frame, script, [handler]
-- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on
-- @param script The script to hook
-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script)
-- @usage
-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- -- Hook the OnShow of FriendsFrame
-- self:HookScript(FriendsFrame, "OnShow", "FriendsFrameOnShow")
-- end
-- function MyAddon:FriendsFrameOnShow(frame)
-- print("The FriendsFrame was shown!")
-- end
function AceHook:HookScript(frame, script, handler)
hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, false, false, false, "Usage: HookScript(object, method, [handler])")
--- RawHook a script handler on a frame.
-- The hook created will be a "raw hook", that means that your handler will completly replace
-- the original script, and your handler has to call the original script (or not, depending on your intentions).\\
-- The original script will be stored in `self.hooks[frame][script]`.\\
-- This type of hook can be used for all purposes, and is usually the most common case when you need to modify arguments
-- or want to control execution of the original script.
-- @paramsig frame, script, [handler]
-- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on
-- @param script The script to hook
-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script)
-- @usage
-- -- create an addon with AceHook embeded
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("HookDemo", "AceHook-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- -- Hook the OnShow of FriendsFrame
-- self:RawHookScript(FriendsFrame, "OnShow", "FriendsFrameOnShow")
-- end
-- function MyAddon:FriendsFrameOnShow(frame)
-- -- Call the original function
-- self.hooks[frame].OnShow(frame)
-- -- Do our processing
-- -- .. stuff
-- end
function AceHook:RawHookScript(frame, script, handler)
hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, false, true, false, "Usage: RawHookScript(object, method, [handler])")
--- SecureHook a script handler on a frame.
-- This function is a wrapper around the `frame:HookScript` function in the WoW API. Using AceHook
-- extends the functionality of secure hooks, and adds the ability to unhook once the hook isn't
-- required anymore, or the addon is being disabled.\\
-- Secure Hooks should be used if the secure-status of the function is vital to its function,
-- and taint would block execution. Secure Hooks are always called after the original function was called
-- ("Post Hook"), and you cannot modify the arguments, return values or control the execution.
-- @paramsig frame, script, [handler]
-- @param frame The Frame to hook the script on
-- @param script The script to hook
-- @param handler The handler for the hook, a funcref or a method name. (Defaults to the name of the hooked script)
function AceHook:SecureHookScript(frame, script, handler)
hook(self, frame, script, handler, true, true, false, false, "Usage: SecureHookScript(object, method, [handler])")
--- Unhook from the specified function, method or script.
-- @paramsig [obj], method
-- @param obj The object or frame to unhook from
-- @param method The name of the method, function or script to unhook from.
function AceHook:Unhook(obj, method)
local usage = "Usage: Unhook([obj], method)"
if type(obj) == "string" then
method, obj = obj, nil
if obj and type(obj) ~= "table" then
error(format("%s: 'obj' - expecting nil or table got %s", usage, type(obj)), 2)
if type(method) ~= "string" then
error(format("%s: 'method' - expeting string got %s", usage, type(method)), 2)
local uid
if obj then
uid = registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method]
uid = registry[self][method]
if not uid or not actives[uid] then
-- Declining to error on an unneeded unhook since the end effect is the same and this would just be annoying.
return false
actives[uid], handlers[uid] = nil, nil
if obj then
registry[self][obj][method] = nil
registry[self][obj] = next(registry[self][obj]) and registry[self][obj] or nil
-- if the hook reference doesnt exist, then its a secure hook, just bail out and dont do any unhooking
if not self.hooks[obj] or not self.hooks[obj][method] then return true end
if scripts[uid] and obj:GetScript(method) == uid then -- unhooks scripts
obj:SetScript(method, self.hooks[obj][method] ~= donothing and self.hooks[obj][method] or nil)
scripts[uid] = nil
elseif obj and self.hooks[obj] and self.hooks[obj][method] and obj[method] == uid then -- unhooks methods
obj[method] = self.hooks[obj][method]
self.hooks[obj][method] = nil
self.hooks[obj] = next(self.hooks[obj]) and self.hooks[obj] or nil
registry[self][method] = nil
-- if self.hooks[method] doesn't exist, then this is a SecureHook, just bail out
if not self.hooks[method] then return true end
if self.hooks[method] and _G[method] == uid then -- unhooks functions
_G[method] = self.hooks[method]
self.hooks[method] = nil
return true
--- Unhook all existing hooks for this addon.
function AceHook:UnhookAll()
for key, value in pairs(registry[self]) do
if type(key) == "table" then
for method in pairs(value) do
self:Unhook(key, method)
--- Check if the specific function, method or script is already hooked.
-- @paramsig [obj], method
-- @param obj The object or frame to unhook from
-- @param method The name of the method, function or script to unhook from.
function AceHook:IsHooked(obj, method)
-- we don't check if registry[self] exists, this is done by evil magicks in the metatable
if type(obj) == "string" then
if registry[self][obj] and actives[registry[self][obj]] then
return true, handlers[registry[self][obj]]
if registry[self][obj] and registry[self][obj][method] and actives[registry[self][obj][method]] then
return true, handlers[registry[self][obj][method]]
return false, nil
--- Upgrade our old embeded
for target, v in pairs( AceHook.embeded ) do
AceHook:Embed( target )
Libs/LibDebugLog-1.0/lib.xml New file
0,0 → 1,3
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
<Script file="LibDebugLog-1.0.lua"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Libs/LibDebugLog-1.0/LibDebugLog-1.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,171
LibDebugLog-1.0 - Library providing simple debug logging for WoW addons
Copyright (C) 2008 Adirelle
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibDebugLog-1.0", 100000 + tonumber(("$Revision: 20 $"):match("%d+"))
assert(LibStub, MAJOR.." requires LibStub")
local CBH = LibStub("CallbackHandler-1.0",false)
assert(CBH, MAJOR.." requires CallbackHandler-1.0")
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
lib.loggers = lib.loggers or {}
lib.debugging = lib.debugging or {}
lib.mixins = lib.mixins or {}
lib.options = lib.options or {}
lib.callbacks = lib.callbacks or CBH:New(lib)
function lib.callbacks:OnUsed(_, event)
if event == "MessageLogged" then
lib.quiet = true
function lib.callbacks:OnUnused(_, event)
if event == "MessageLogged" then
lib.quiet = false
local loggers = lib.loggers
local debugging = lib.debugging
local mixins = lib.mixins
local options = lib.options
function mixins:ToggleDebugLog(value)
value = not not value
if value ~= debugging[self] then
if not value then
self:Debug("Debug disabled")
debugging[self] = value
if value then
self:Debug("Debug enabled")
lib.callbacks:Fire(value and 'DebugLogEnabled' or 'DebugLogDisabled', self, value)
function mixins:IsDebugLogEnabled()
return debugging[self]
-- Based on AceDebug-2.0
local tmp = {}
local function LogMessage(self, a1, ...)
if lib.globalToggle == false or (lib.globalToggle == nil and not debugging[self]) then return end
local message, now, n = "", GetTime(), select('#', ...)
for i=1,n do tmp[i] = tostring(select(i, ...)) end
a1 = tostring(a1)
if a1:find("%%") and n >= 1 then
message = a1:format(unpack(tmp))
message = a1 .. " " .. table.concat(tmp, " ")
for i=1,n do tmp[i] = nil end
if lib.quiet then
lib.callbacks:Fire("MessageLogged", self, now, message)
("|cff7fff7f(DEBUG) %s:[%s.%3d]|r: %s"):format(
tostring(self), date("%H:%M:%S"), (now % 1) * 1000, message
function mixins:Debug(...)
local success, errorMsg = pcall(LogMessage, self, ...)
if not success then
function lib:SetGlobalToggle(value)
if value ~= nil then
value = not not value
if value ~= lib.globalToggle then
lib.globalToggle = value
lib.callbacks:Fire(value and 'GlobalDebugEnabled' or 'GlobalDebugDisabled', value)
function lib:GetGlobalToggle()
return lib.globalToggle
function lib:GetAce3OptionTable(logger, order)
if not loggers[logger] then return end
if not options[logger] then
options[logger] = {
name = 'Enable debug logs',
type = 'toggle',
get = function(info) return logger:IsDebugLogEnabled() end,
set = function(info, value) return logger:ToggleDebugLog(value) end,
disabled = function() return lib.globalToggle ~= nil end,
order = order or 100,
return options[logger]
local function iter(onlyNamed, logger)
while true do
local name
logger, name = next(loggers, logger)
if not logger then
elseif not onlyNamed or name ~= true then
return logger, name
function lib:IterateLoggers(onlyNamed)
return iter, onlyNamed
function lib:Embed(logger)
assert(type(logger) == 'table')
for name,func in pairs(mixins) do
logger[name] = func
if not loggers[logger] then
local name = rawget(logger, 'name')
loggers[logger] = name or true
self.callbacks:Fire('NewLogger', logger, name)
self.callbacks:Fire('NewBroker', logger, name) -- Compat
function lib:GetLoggerName(logger)
local name = loggers[logger]
return name ~= true and name or nil
lib.GetBrokerName = lib.GetLoggerName -- Compat
lib.IterateBrokers = lib.IterateLoggers -- Compat
for logger in pairs(loggers) do
Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.xml New file
0,0 → 1,5
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceTab-3.0.lua"/>
<Script file="AceConfigTab-3.0.lua"/>
Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceTab-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,434
--- AceTab-3.0 provides support for tab-completion.
-- Note: This library is not yet finalized.
-- @class file
-- @name AceTab-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceTab-3.0.lua 905 2009-12-15 16:48:32Z nevcairiel $
local ACETAB_MAJOR, ACETAB_MINOR = 'AceTab-3.0', 5
local AceTab, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACETAB_MAJOR, ACETAB_MINOR)
if not AceTab then return end -- No upgrade needed
AceTab.registry = AceTab.registry or {}
-- local upvalues
local _G = _G
local pairs = pairs
local ipairs = ipairs
local type = type
local registry = AceTab.registry
local strfind = string.find
local strsub = string.sub
local strlower = string.lower
local strformat = string.format
local strmatch = string.match
local function printf(...)
local function getTextBeforeCursor(this, start)
return strsub(this:GetText(), start or 1, this:GetCursorPosition())
-- Hook OnTabPressed and OnTextChanged for the frame, give it an empty matches table, and set its curMatch to 0, if we haven't done so already.
local function hookFrame(f)
if f.hookedByAceTab3 then return end
f.hookedByAceTab3 = true
if f == ChatFrameEditBox then
local origCTP = ChatEdit_CustomTabPressed
function ChatEdit_CustomTabPressed()
if AceTab:OnTabPressed(f) then
return origCTP()
return true
local origOTP = f:GetScript('OnTabPressed')
if type(origOTP) ~= 'function' then
origOTP = function() end
f:SetScript('OnTabPressed', function()
if AceTab:OnTabPressed(f) then
return origOTP()
f.at3curMatch = 0
f.at3matches = {}
local firstPMLength
local fallbacks, notfallbacks = {}, {} -- classifies completions into those which have preconditions and those which do not. Those without preconditions are only considered if no other completions have matches.
local pmolengths = {} -- holds the number of characters to overwrite according to pmoverwrite and the current prematch
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- RegisterTabCompletion( descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite )
-- See for detailed API documentation
-- descriptor string Unique identifier for this tab completion set
-- prematches string|table|nil String match(es) AFTER which this tab completion will apply.
-- AceTab will ignore tabs NOT preceded by the string(s).
-- If no value is passed, will check all tabs pressed in the specified editframe(s) UNLESS a more-specific tab complete applies.
-- wordlist function|table Function that will be passed a table into which it will insert strings corresponding to all possible completions, or an equivalent table.
-- The text in the editbox, the position of the start of the word to be completed, and the uncompleted partial word
-- are passed as second, third, and fourth arguments, to facilitate pre-filtering or conditional formatting, if desired.
-- usagefunc function|boolean|nil Usage statement function. Defaults to the wordlist, one per line. A boolean true squelches usage output.
-- listenframes string|table|nil EditFrames to monitor. Defaults to ChatFrameEditBox.
-- postfunc function|nil Post-processing function. If supplied, matches will be passed through this function after they've been identified as a match.
-- pmoverwrite boolean|number|nil Offset the beginning of the completion string in the editbox when making a completion. Passing a boolean true indicates that we want to overwrite
-- the entire prematch string, and passing a number will overwrite that many characters prior to the cursor.
-- This is useful when you want to use the prematch as an indicator character, but ultimately do not want it as part of the text, itself.
-- no return
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function AceTab:RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite)
-- Arg checks
if type(descriptor) ~= 'string' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'descriptor' - string expected.", 3) end
if prematches and type(prematches) ~= 'string' and type(prematches) ~= 'table' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'prematches' - string, table, or nil expected.", 3) end
if type(wordlist) ~= 'function' and type(wordlist) ~= 'table' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'wordlist' - function or table expected.", 3) end
if usagefunc and type(usagefunc) ~= 'function' and type(usagefunc) ~= 'boolean' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'usagefunc' - function or boolean expected.", 3) end
if listenframes and type(listenframes) ~= 'string' and type(listenframes) ~= 'table' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'listenframes' - string or table expected.", 3) end
if postfunc and type(postfunc) ~= 'function' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'postfunc' - function expected.", 3) end
if pmoverwrite and type(pmoverwrite) ~= 'boolean' and type(pmoverwrite) ~= 'number' then error("Usage: RegisterTabCompletion(descriptor, prematches, wordlist, usagefunc, listenframes, postfunc, pmoverwrite): 'pmoverwrite' - boolean or number expected.", 3) end
local pmtable = type(prematches) == 'table' and prematches or {}
-- Mark this group as a fallback group if no value was passed.
if not prematches then
pmtable[1] = ""
fallbacks[descriptor] = true
-- Make prematches into a one-element table if it was passed as a string.
elseif type(prematches) == 'string' then
pmtable[1] = prematches
if prematches == "" then
fallbacks[descriptor] = true
notfallbacks[descriptor] = true
-- Make listenframes into a one-element table if it was not passed a table of frames.
if not listenframes then -- default
listenframes = { ChatFrameEditBox }
elseif type(listenframes) ~= 'table' or type(listenframes[0]) == 'userdata' and type(listenframes.IsObjectType) == 'function' then -- single frame or framename
listenframes = { listenframes }
-- Hook each registered listenframe and give it a matches table.
for _, f in pairs(listenframes) do
if type(f) == 'string' then
f = _G[f]
if type(f) ~= 'table' or type(f[0]) ~= 'userdata' or type(f.IsObjectType) ~= 'function' then
error(format(ACETAB_MAJOR..": Cannot register frame %q; it does not exist", f:GetName()))
if f then
if f:GetObjectType() ~= 'EditBox' then
error(format(ACETAB_MAJOR..": Cannot register frame %q; it is not an EditBox", f:GetName()))
-- Everything checks out; register this completion.
if not registry[descriptor] then
registry[descriptor] = { prematches = pmtable, wordlist = wordlist, usagefunc = usagefunc, listenframes = listenframes, postfunc = postfunc, pmoverwrite = pmoverwrite }
function AceTab:IsTabCompletionRegistered(descriptor)
return registry and registry[descriptor]
function AceTab:UnregisterTabCompletion(descriptor)
registry[descriptor] = nil
pmolengths[descriptor] = nil
fallbacks[descriptor] = nil
notfallbacks[descriptor] = nil
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- gcbs( s1, s2 )
-- s1 string First string to be compared
-- s2 string Second string to be compared
-- returns the greatest common substring beginning s1 and s2
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local function gcbs(s1, s2)
if not s1 and not s2 then return end
if not s1 then s1 = s2 end
if not s2 then s2 = s1 end
if #s2 < #s1 then
s1, s2 = s2, s1
if strfind(strlower(s2), "^"..strlower(s1)) then
return s1
return gcbs(strsub(s1, 1, -2), s2)
local cursor -- Holds cursor position. Set in :OnTabPressed().
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- cycleTab()
-- For when a tab press has multiple possible completions, we need to allow the user to press tab repeatedly to cycle through them.
-- If we have multiple possible completions, all tab presses after the first will call this function to cycle through and insert the different possible matches.
-- This function will stop being called after OnTextChanged() is triggered by something other than AceTab (i.e. the user inputs a character).
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local previousLength, cMatch, matched, postmatch
local function cycleTab(this)
cMatch = 0 -- Counter across all sets. The pseudo-index relevant to this value and corresponding to the current match is held in this.at3curMatch
matched = false
-- Check each completion group registered to this frame.
for desc, compgrp in pairs(this.at3matches) do
-- Loop through the valid completions for this set.
for m, pm in pairs(compgrp) do
cMatch = cMatch + 1
if cMatch == this.at3curMatch then -- we're back to where we left off last time through the combined list
this.at3lastMatch = m
this.at3lastWord = pm
this.at3curMatch = cMatch + 1 -- save the new cMatch index
matched = true
if matched then break end
-- If our index is beyond the end of the list, reset the original uncompleted substring and let the cycle start over next time tab is pressed.
if not matched then
this.at3lastMatch = this.at3origMatch
this.at3lastWord = this.at3origWord
this.at3curMatch = 1
-- Insert the completion.
this:HighlightText(this.at3matchStart-1, cursor)
this:Insert(this.at3lastWord or '')
this.at3_last_precursor = getTextBeforeCursor(this) or ''
local IsSecureCmd = IsSecureCmd
local cands, candUsage = {}, {}
local numMatches = 0
local firstMatch, hasNonFallback, allGCBS, setGCBS, usage
local text_precursor, text_all, text_pmendToCursor
local matches, usagefunc -- convenience locals
-- Fill the this.at3matches[descriptor] tables with matching completion pairs for each entry, based on
-- the partial string preceding the cursor position and using the corresponding registered wordlist.
-- The entries of the matches tables are of the format raw_match = formatted_match, where raw_match is the plaintext completion and
-- formatted_match is the match after being formatted/altered/processed by the registered postfunc.
-- If no postfunc exists, then the formatted and raw matches are the same.
local pms, pme, pmt, prematchStart, prematchEnd, text_prematch, entry
local function fillMatches(this, desc, fallback)
entry = registry[desc]
-- See what frames are registered for this completion group. If the frame in which we pressed tab is one of them, then we start building matches.
for _, f in ipairs(entry.listenframes) do
if f == this then
-- Try each precondition string registered for this completion group.
for _, prematch in ipairs(entry.prematches) do
-- Test if our prematch string is satisfied.
-- If it is, then we find its last occurence prior to the cursor, calculate and store its pmoverwrite value (if applicable), and start considering completions.
if fallback then prematch = "%s" end
-- Find the last occurence of the prematch before the cursor.
pms, pme, pmt = nil, 1, ''
text_prematch, prematchEnd, prematchStart = nil, nil, nil
while true do
pms, pme, pmt = strfind(text_precursor, "("..prematch..")", pme)
if pms then
prematchStart, prematchEnd, text_prematch = pms, pme, pmt
pme = pme + 1
if not prematchStart and fallback then
prematchStart, prematchEnd, text_prematch = 0, 0, ''
if prematchStart then
-- text_pmendToCursor should be the sub-word/phrase to be completed.
text_pmendToCursor = strsub(text_precursor, prematchEnd + 1)
-- How many characters should we eliminate before the completion before writing it in.
pmolengths[desc] = entry.pmoverwrite == true and #text_prematch or entry.pmoverwrite or 0
-- This is where we will insert completions, taking the prematch overwrite into account.
this.at3matchStart = prematchEnd + 1 - (pmolengths[desc] or 0)
-- We're either a non-fallback set or all completions thus far have been fallback sets, and the precondition matches.
-- Create cands from the registered wordlist, filling it with all potential (unfiltered) completion strings.
local wordlist = entry.wordlist
local cands = type(wordlist) == 'table' and wordlist or {}
if type(wordlist) == 'function' then
wordlist(cands, text_all, prematchEnd + 1, text_pmendToCursor)
if cands ~= false then
matches = this.at3matches[desc] or {}
for i in pairs(matches) do matches[i] = nil end
-- Check each of the entries in cands to see if it completes the word before the cursor.
-- Finally, increment our match count and set firstMatch, if appropriate.
for _, m in ipairs(cands) do
if strfind(strlower(m), strlower(text_pmendToCursor), 1, 1) == 1 then -- we have a matching completion!
hasNonFallback = not fallback
matches[m] = entry.postfunc and entry.postfunc(m, prematchEnd + 1, text_all) or m
numMatches = numMatches + 1
if numMatches == 1 then
firstMatch = matches[m]
firstPMLength = pmolengths[desc] or 0
this.at3matches[desc] = numMatches > 0 and matches or nil
function AceTab:OnTabPressed(this)
if this:GetText() == '' then return true end
-- allow Blizzard to handle slash commands, themselves
if this == ChatFrameEditBox then
local command = this:GetText()
if strfind(command, "^/[%a%d_]+$") then
return true
local cmd = strmatch(command, "^/[%a%d_]+")
if cmd and IsSecureCmd(cmd) then
return true
cursor = this:GetCursorPosition()
text_all = this:GetText()
text_precursor = getTextBeforeCursor(this) or ''
-- If we've already found some matches and haven't done anything since the last tab press, then (continue) cycling matches.
-- Otherwise, reset this frame's matches and proceed to creating our list of possible completions.
this.at3lastMatch = this.at3curMatch > 0 and (this.at3lastMatch or this.at3origWord)
-- Detects if we've made any edits since the last tab press. If not, continue cycling completions.
if text_precursor == this.at3_last_precursor then
return cycleTab(this)
for i in pairs(this.at3matches) do this.at3matches[i] = nil end
this.at3curMatch = 0
this.at3origWord = nil
this.at3origMatch = nil
this.at3lastWord = nil
this.at3lastMatch = nil
this.at3_last_precursor = text_precursor
numMatches = 0
firstMatch = nil
firstPMLength = 0
hasNonFallback = false
for i in pairs(pmolengths) do pmolengths[i] = nil end
for desc in pairs(notfallbacks) do
fillMatches(this, desc)
if not hasNonFallback then
for desc in pairs(fallbacks) do
fillMatches(this, desc, true)
if not firstMatch then
this.at3_last_precursor = "\0"
return true
-- We want to replace the entire word with our completion, so highlight it up to the cursor.
-- If only one match exists, then stick it in there and append a space.
if numMatches == 1 then
-- HighlightText takes the value AFTER which the highlighting starts, so we have to subtract 1 to have it start before the first character.
this:HighlightText(this.at3matchStart-1, cursor)
this:Insert(" ")
-- Otherwise, we want to begin cycling through the valid completions.
-- Beginning a cycle also causes the usage statement to be printed, if one exists.
-- Print usage statements for each possible completion (and gather up the GCBS of all matches while we're walking the tables).
allGCBS = nil
for desc, matches in pairs(this.at3matches) do
-- Don't print usage statements for fallback completion groups if we have 'real' completion groups with matches.
if hasNonFallback and fallbacks[desc] then break end
-- Use the group's description as a heading for its usage statements.
usagefunc = registry[desc].usagefunc
if not usagefunc then
-- No special usage processing; just print a list of the (formatted) matches.
for m, fm in pairs(matches) do
allGCBS = gcbs(allGCBS, m)
-- Print a usage statement based on the corresponding registered usagefunc.
-- candUsage is the table passed to usagefunc to be filled with candidate = usage_statement pairs.
if type(usagefunc) == 'function' then
for i in pairs(candUsage) do candUsage[i] = nil end
-- usagefunc takes the greatest common substring of valid matches as one of its args, so let's find that now.
-- TODO: Make the GCBS function accept a vararg or table, after which we can just pass in the list of matches.
setGCBS = nil
for m in pairs(matches) do
setGCBS = gcbs(setGCBS, m)
allGCBS = gcbs(allGCBS, setGCBS)
usage = usagefunc(candUsage, matches, setGCBS, strsub(text_precursor, 1, prematchEnd))
-- If the usagefunc returns a string, then the entire usage statement has been taken care of by usagefunc, and we need only to print it...
if type(usage) == 'string' then
-- ...otherwise, it should have filled candUsage with candidate-usage statement pairs, and we need to print the matching ones.
elseif next(candUsage) and numMatches > 0 then
for m, fm in pairs(matches) do
if candUsage[m] then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(strformat("%s - %s", fm, candUsage[m])) end
-- Replace the original string with the greatest common substring of all valid completions.
this.at3curMatch = 1
this.at3origWord = strsub(text_precursor, this.at3matchStart, this.at3matchStart + pmolengths[desc] - 1) .. allGCBS or ""
this.at3origMatch = allGCBS or ""
this.at3lastWord = this.at3origWord
this.at3lastMatch = this.at3origMatch
this:HighlightText(this.at3matchStart-1, cursor)
this.at3_last_precursor = getTextBeforeCursor(this) or ''
Libs/AceTab-3.0/AceConfigTab-3.0.lua New file
0,0 → 1,105
--- AceConfigTab-3.0 provides support for tab-completion to AceConfig tables.
-- Note: This library is not yet finalized.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConfigTab-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConfigTab-3.0.lua 769 2009-04-04 11:05:08Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigTab-3.0", 1
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
local ac = LibStub("AceConsole-3.0")
local function printf(...)
-- getChildren(opt, ...)
-- Retrieve the next valid group args in an AceConfig table.
-- opt - AceConfig options table
-- ... - args following the slash command
-- opt will need to be determined by the slash-command
-- The args will be obtained using AceConsole:GetArgs() or something similar on the remainder of the line.
-- Returns arg1, arg2, ...
local function getLevel(opt, ...)
-- Walk down the options tree to the last arg in the commandline, or return if it does not follow the tree.
local path = ""
local lastChild
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
local arg = select(i, ...)
if not arg or type(arg) == 'number' then break end
if opt.plugins then
for k in pairs(opt.plugins) do
if string.lower(k) == string.lower(arg) then
opt = opt.plugins[k]
path = path..arg.." "
lastChild = arg
elseif opt.args then
for k in pairs(opt.args) do
if string.lower(k) == string.lower(arg) then
opt = opt.args[k]
path = path..arg.." "
lastChild = arg
return opt, path
local function getChildren(opt, ...)
local lastChild, path
opt, path, lastChild = getLevel(opt, ...)
local args = {}
for _, field in ipairs({"args", "plugins"}) do
if type(opt[field]) == 'table' then
for k in pairs(opt[field]) do
if opt[field].type ~= 'header' then
table.insert(args, k)
return args, path
--LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("ag_UnitFrames", aUF.Options.table)
local function createWordlist(t, cmdline, pos)
local cmd = string.match(cmdline, "(/[^ \t\n]+)")
local argslist = string.sub(cmdline, pos, this:GetCursorPosition())
local opt -- TODO: figure out options table using cmd
opt = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):GetOptionsTable("ag_UnitFrames", "cmd", "AceTab-3.0") -- hardcoded temporarily for testing
if not opt then return end
local args, path = getChildren(opt, ac:GetArgs(argslist, #argslist/2)) -- largest # of args representable by a string of length #argslist, since they must be separated by spaces
for _, v in ipairs(args) do
table.insert(t, path..v)
local function usage(t, matches, _, cmdline)
local cmd = string.match(cmdline, "(/[^ \t\n]+)")
local argslist = string.sub(cmdline, #cmd, this:GetCursorPosition())
local opt -- TODO: figure out options table using cmd
opt = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):GetOptionsTable("ag_UnitFrames")("cmd", "AceTab-3.0") -- hardcoded temporarily for testing
if not opt then return end
local level = getLevel(opt, ac:GetArgs(argslist, #argslist/2)) -- largest # of args representable by a string of length #argslist, since they must be separated by spaces
local option
for _, m in pairs(matches) do
local tail = string.match(m, "([^ \t\n]+)$")
option = level.plugins and level.plugins[tail] or level.args and level.args[tail]
printf("%s - %s", tail, option.desc)
LibStub("AceTab-3.0"):RegisterTabCompletion("aguftest", "%/%w+ ", createWordlist, usage)
Libs/AceSerializer-3.0/AceSerializer-3.0.xml New file
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<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
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--- **AceSerializer-3.0** can serialize any variable (except functions or userdata) into a string format,
-- that can be send over the addon comm channel. AceSerializer was designed to keep all data intact, especially
-- very large numbers or floating point numbers, and table structures. The only caveat currently is, that multiple
-- references to the same table will be send individually.
-- **AceSerializer-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceSerializer:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceSerializer itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceSerializer, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceSerializer.
-- @class file
-- @name AceSerializer-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceSerializer-3.0.lua 877 2009-11-02 15:56:50Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceSerializer-3.0", 2
local AceSerializer, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceSerializer then return end
-- Lua APIs
local strbyte, strchar, gsub, gmatch, format = string.byte, string.char, string.gsub, string.gmatch, string.format
local assert, error, pcall = assert, error, pcall
local type, tostring, tonumber = type, tostring, tonumber
local pairs, select, frexp = pairs, select, math.frexp
local tconcat = table.concat
-- quick copies of string representations of wonky numbers
local serNaN = tostring(0/0)
local serInf = tostring(1/0)
local serNegInf = tostring(-1/0)
-- Serialization functions
local function SerializeStringHelper(ch) -- Used by SerializeValue for strings
-- We use \126 ("~") as an escape character for all nonprints plus a few more
local n = strbyte(ch)
if n<=32 then -- nonprint + space
return "\126"..strchar(n+64)
elseif n==94 then -- value separator
return "\126\125"
elseif n==126 then -- our own escape character
return "\126\124"
elseif n==127 then -- nonprint (DEL)
return "\126\123"
assert(false) -- can't be reached if caller uses a sane regex
local function SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
-- We use "^" as a value separator, followed by one byte for type indicator
local t=type(v)
if t=="string" then -- ^S = string (escaped to remove nonprints, "^"s, etc)
res[nres+1] = "^S"
res[nres+2] = gsub(v,"[%c \94\126\127]", SerializeStringHelper)
elseif t=="number" then -- ^N = number (just tostring()ed) or ^F (float components)
local str = tostring(v)
if tonumber(str)==v or str==serNaN or str==serInf or str==serNegInf then
-- translates just fine, transmit as-is
res[nres+1] = "^N"
res[nres+2] = str
local m,e = frexp(v)
res[nres+1] = "^F"
res[nres+2] = format("%.0f",m*2^53) -- force mantissa to become integer (it's originally 0.5--0.9999)
res[nres+3] = "^f"
res[nres+4] = tostring(e-53) -- adjust exponent to counteract mantissa manipulation
elseif t=="table" then -- ^T...^t = table (list of key,value pairs)
res[nres] = "^T"
for k,v in pairs(v) do
nres = SerializeValue(k, res, nres)
nres = SerializeValue(v, res, nres)
res[nres] = "^t"
elseif t=="boolean" then -- ^B = true, ^b = false
if v then
res[nres] = "^B" -- true
res[nres] = "^b" -- false
elseif t=="nil" then -- ^Z = nil (zero, "N" was taken :P)
res[nres] = "^Z"
error(MAJOR..": Cannot serialize a value of type '"..t.."'") -- can't produce error on right level, this is wildly recursive
return nres
local serializeTbl = { "^1" } -- "^1" = Hi, I'm data serialized by AceSerializer protocol rev 1
--- Serialize the data passed into the function.
-- Takes a list of values (strings, numbers, booleans, nils, tables)
-- and returns it in serialized form (a string).\\
-- May throw errors on invalid data types.
-- @param ... List of values to serialize
-- @return The data in its serialized form (string)
function AceSerializer:Serialize(...)
local nres = 1
for i=1,select("#", ...) do
local v = select(i, ...)
nres = SerializeValue(v, serializeTbl, nres)
serializeTbl[nres+1] = "^^" -- "^^" = End of serialized data
return tconcat(serializeTbl, "", 1, nres+1)
-- Deserialization functions
local function DeserializeStringHelper(escape)
if escape<"~\123" then
return strchar(strbyte(escape,2,2)-64)
elseif escape=="~\123" then
return "\127"
elseif escape=="~\124" then
return "\126"
elseif escape=="~\125" then
return "\94"
error("DeserializeStringHelper got called for '"..escape.."'?!?") -- can't be reached unless regex is screwed up
local function DeserializeNumberHelper(number)
if number == serNaN then
return 0/0
elseif number == serNegInf then
return -1/0
elseif number == serInf then
return 1/0
return tonumber(number)
-- DeserializeValue: worker function for :Deserialize()
-- It works in two modes:
-- Main (top-level) mode: Deserialize a list of values and return them all
-- Recursive (table) mode: Deserialize only a single value (_may_ of course be another table with lots of subvalues in it)
-- The function _always_ works recursively due to having to build a list of values to return
-- Callers are expected to pcall(DeserializeValue) to trap errors
local function DeserializeValue(iter,single,ctl,data)
if not single then
ctl,data = iter()
if not ctl then
error("Supplied data misses AceSerializer terminator ('^^')")
if ctl=="^^" then
-- ignore extraneous data
local res
if ctl=="^S" then
res = gsub(data, "~.", DeserializeStringHelper)
elseif ctl=="^N" then
res = DeserializeNumberHelper(data)
if not res then
error("Invalid serialized number: '"..tostring(data).."'")
elseif ctl=="^F" then -- ^F<mantissa>^f<exponent>
local ctl2,e = iter()
if ctl2~="^f" then
error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected '^f', not '"..tostring(ctl2).."'")
local m=tonumber(data)
if not (m and e) then
error("Invalid serialized floating-point number, expected mantissa and exponent, got '"..tostring(m).."' and '"..tostring(e).."'")
res = m*(2^e)
elseif ctl=="^B" then -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
res = true
elseif ctl=="^b" then -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
res = false
elseif ctl=="^Z" then -- yeah yeah ignore data portion
res = nil
elseif ctl=="^T" then
-- ignore ^T's data, future extensibility?
res = {}
local k,v
while true do
ctl,data = iter()
if ctl=="^t" then break end -- ignore ^t's data
k = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
if k==nil then
error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
ctl,data = iter()
v = DeserializeValue(iter,true,ctl,data)
if v==nil then
error("Invalid AceSerializer table format (no table end marker)")
error("Invalid AceSerializer control code '"..ctl.."'")
if not single then
return res,DeserializeValue(iter)
return res
--- Deserializes the data into its original values.
-- Accepts serialized data, ignoring all control characters and whitespace.
-- @param str The serialized data (from :Serialize)
-- @return true followed by a list of values, OR false followed by an error message
function AceSerializer:Deserialize(str)
str = gsub(str, "[%c ]", "") -- ignore all control characters; nice for embedding in email and stuff
local iter = gmatch(str, "(^.)([^^]*)") -- Any ^x followed by string of non-^
local ctl,data = iter()
if not ctl or ctl~="^1" then
-- we purposefully ignore the data portion of the start code, it can be used as an extension mechanism
return false, "Supplied data is not AceSerializer data (rev 1)"
return pcall(DeserializeValue, iter)
-- Base library stuff
AceSerializer.internals = { -- for test scripts
SerializeValue = SerializeValue,
SerializeStringHelper = SerializeStringHelper,
local mixins = {
AceSerializer.embeds = AceSerializer.embeds or {}
function AceSerializer:Embed(target)
for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
target[v] = self[v]
self.embeds[target] = true
return target
-- Update embeds
for target, v in pairs(AceSerializer.embeds) do
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--[[ $Id: CallbackHandler-1.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $ ]]
local MAJOR, MINOR = "CallbackHandler-1.0", 5
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not CallbackHandler then return end -- No upgrade needed
local meta = {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end}
-- Lua APIs
local tconcat = table.concat
local assert, error, loadstring = assert, error, loadstring
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
local next, select, pairs, type, tostring = next, select, pairs, type, tostring
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: geterrorhandler
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
local code = [[
local next, xpcall, eh = ...
local method, ARGS
local function call() method(ARGS) end
local function dispatch(handlers, ...)
local index
index, method = next(handlers)
if not method then return end
ARGS = ...
xpcall(call, eh)
index, method = next(handlers, index)
until not method
return dispatch
local ARGS, OLD_ARGS = {}, {}
for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i], OLD_ARGS[i] = "arg"..i, "old_arg"..i end
code = code:gsub("OLD_ARGS", tconcat(OLD_ARGS, ", ")):gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(next, xpcall, errorhandler)
local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
return dispatcher
-- CallbackHandler:New
-- target - target object to embed public APIs in
-- RegisterName - name of the callback registration API, default "RegisterCallback"
-- UnregisterName - name of the callback unregistration API, default "UnregisterCallback"
-- UnregisterAllName - name of the API to unregister all callbacks, default "UnregisterAllCallbacks". false == don't publish this API.
function CallbackHandler:New(target, RegisterName, UnregisterName, UnregisterAllName, OnUsed, OnUnused)
-- TODO: Remove this after beta has gone out
assert(not OnUsed and not OnUnused, "ACE-80: OnUsed/OnUnused are deprecated. Callbacks are now done to registry.OnUsed and registry.OnUnused")
RegisterName = RegisterName or "RegisterCallback"
UnregisterName = UnregisterName or "UnregisterCallback"
if UnregisterAllName==nil then -- false is used to indicate "don't want this method"
UnregisterAllName = "UnregisterAllCallbacks"
-- we declare all objects and exported APIs inside this closure to quickly gain access
-- to e.g. function names, the "target" parameter, etc
-- Create the registry object
local events = setmetatable({}, meta)
local registry = { recurse=0, events=events }
-- registry:Fire() - fires the given event/message into the registry
function registry:Fire(eventname, ...)
if not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) then return end
local oldrecurse = registry.recurse
registry.recurse = oldrecurse + 1
Dispatchers[select('#', ...) + 1](events[eventname], eventname, ...)
registry.recurse = oldrecurse
if registry.insertQueue and oldrecurse==0 then
-- Something in one of our callbacks wanted to register more callbacks; they got queued
for eventname,callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
for self,func in pairs(callbacks) do
events[eventname][self] = func
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if first and registry.OnUsed then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
first = nil
registry.insertQueue = nil
-- Registration of a callback, handles:
-- self["method"], leads to self["method"](self, ...)
-- self with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- "addonId" (instead of self) with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- all with an optional arg, which, if present, gets passed as first argument (after self if present)
target[RegisterName] = function(self, eventname, method, ... --[[actually just a single arg]])
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(eventname, method[, arg]): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
method = method or eventname
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
if type(method) ~= "string" and type(method) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - string or function expected.", 2)
local regfunc
if type(method) == "string" then
-- self["method"] calling style
if type(self) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): self was not a table?", 2)
elseif self==target then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): do not use Library:"..RegisterName.."(), use your own 'self'", 2)
elseif type(self[method]) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - method '"..tostring(method).."' not found on self.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,arg,...) end
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,...) end
-- function ref with self=object or self="addonId"
if type(self)~="table" and type(self)~="string" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(self or \"addonId\", eventname, method): 'self or addonId': table or string expected.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) method(arg,...) end
regfunc = method
if events[eventname][self] or registry.recurse<1 then
-- if registry.recurse<1 then
-- we're overwriting an existing entry, or not currently recursing. just set it.
events[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if registry.OnUsed and first then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
-- we're currently processing a callback in this registry, so delay the registration of this new entry!
-- yes, we're a bit wasteful on garbage, but this is a fringe case, so we're picking low implementation overhead over garbage efficiency
registry.insertQueue = registry.insertQueue or setmetatable({},meta)
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- Unregister a callback
target[UnregisterName] = function(self, eventname)
if not self or self==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): bad 'self'", 2)
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
if rawget(events, eventname) and events[eventname][self] then
events[eventname][self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(events[eventname]) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
if registry.insertQueue and rawget(registry.insertQueue, eventname) and registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] then
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = nil
-- OPTIONAL: Unregister all callbacks for given selfs/addonIds
if UnregisterAllName then
target[UnregisterAllName] = function(...)
if select("#",...)<1 then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): missing 'self' or \"addonId\" to unregister events for.", 2)
if select("#",...)==1 and ...==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): supply a meaningful 'self' or \"addonId\"", 2)
for i=1,select("#",...) do
local self = select(i,...)
if registry.insertQueue then
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(events) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(callbacks) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
return registry
-- CallbackHandler purposefully does NOT do explicit embedding. Nor does it
-- try to upgrade old implicit embeds since the system is selfcontained and
-- relies on closures to work.
Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.xml New file
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Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua New file
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--- **AceTimer-3.0** provides a central facility for registering timers.
-- AceTimer supports one-shot timers and repeating timers. All timers are stored in an efficient
-- data structure that allows easy dispatching and fast rescheduling. Timers can be registered, rescheduled
-- or canceled at any time, even from within a running timer, without conflict or large overhead.\\
-- AceTimer is currently limited to firing timers at a frequency of 0.1s. This constant may change
-- in the future, but for now it seemed like a good compromise in efficiency and accuracy.
-- All `:Schedule` functions will return a handle to the current timer, which you will need to store if you
-- need to cancel or reschedule the timer you just registered.
-- **AceTimer-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceTimer:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceTimer itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceTimer, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceTimer.
-- @class file
-- @name AceTimer-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceTimer-3.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $
Basic assumptions:
* In a typical system, we do more re-scheduling per second than there are timer pulses per second
* Regardless of timer implementation, we cannot guarantee timely delivery due to FPS restriction (may be as low as 10)
This implementation:
CON: The smallest timer interval is constrained by HZ (currently 1/10s).
PRO: It will still correctly fire any timer slower than HZ over a length of time, e.g. 0.11s interval -> 90 times over 10 seconds
PRO: In lag bursts, the system simly skips missed timer intervals to decrease load
CON: Algorithms depending on a timer firing "N times per minute" will fail
PRO: (Re-)scheduling is O(1) with a VERY small constant. It's a simple linked list insertion in a hash bucket.
CAUTION: The BUCKETS constant constrains how many timers can be efficiently handled. With too many hash collisions, performance will decrease.
Major assumptions upheld:
- ALLOWS scheduling multiple timers with the same funcref/method
- ALLOWS scheduling more timers during OnUpdate processing
- ALLOWS unscheduling ANY timer (including the current running one) at any time, including during OnUpdate processing
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceTimer-3.0", 5
local AceTimer, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceTimer then return end -- No upgrade needed
AceTimer.hash = AceTimer.hash or {} -- Array of [0..BUCKET-1] = linked list of timers (using .next member)
-- Linked list gets around ACE-88 and ACE-90.
AceTimer.selfs = AceTimer.selfs or {} -- Array of [self]={[handle]=timerobj, [handle2]=timerobj2, ...}
AceTimer.frame = AceTimer.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceTimer30Frame")
-- Lua APIs
local assert, error, loadstring = assert, error, loadstring
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
local select, pairs, type, next, tostring = select, pairs, type, next, tostring
local floor, max, min = math.floor, math.max, math.min
local tconcat = table.concat
-- WoW APIs
local GetTime = GetTime
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, geterrorhandler
-- Simple ONE-SHOT timer cache. Much more efficient than a full compost for our purposes.
local timerCache = nil
Timers will not be fired more often than HZ-1 times per second.
Keep at intended speed PLUS ONE or we get bitten by floating point rounding errors (n.5 + 0.1 can be n.599999)
If this is ever LOWERED, all existing timers need to be enforced to have a delay >= 1/HZ on lib upgrade.
If this number is ever changed, all entries need to be rehashed on lib upgrade.
local HZ = 11
Prime for good distribution
If this number is ever changed, all entries need to be rehashed on lib upgrade.
local BUCKETS = 131
local hash = AceTimer.hash
for i=1,BUCKETS do
hash[i] = hash[i] or false -- make it an integer-indexed array; it's faster than hashes
xpcall safecall implementation
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
local code = [[
local xpcall, eh = ... -- our arguments are received as unnamed values in "..." since we don't have a proper function declaration
local method, ARGS
local function call() return method(ARGS) end
local function dispatch(func, ...)
method = func
if not method then return end
ARGS = ...
return xpcall(call, eh)
return dispatch
local ARGS = {}
for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {
__index=function(self, argCount)
local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
return dispatcher
Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
local function safecall(func, ...)
return Dispatchers[select('#', ...)](func, ...)
local lastint = floor(GetTime() * HZ)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- OnUpdate handler
-- traverse buckets, always chasing "now", and fire timers that have expired
local function OnUpdate()
local now = GetTime()
local nowint = floor(now * HZ)
-- Have we passed into a new hash bucket?
if nowint == lastint then return end
local soon = now + 1 -- +1 is safe as long as 1 < HZ < BUCKETS/2
-- Pass through each bucket at most once
-- Happens on e.g. instance loads, but COULD happen on high local load situations also
for curint = (max(lastint, nowint - BUCKETS) + 1), nowint do -- loop until we catch up with "now", usually only 1 iteration
local curbucket = (curint % BUCKETS)+1
-- Yank the list of timers out of the bucket and empty it. This allows reinsertion in the currently-processed bucket from callbacks.
local nexttimer = hash[curbucket]
hash[curbucket] = false -- false rather than nil to prevent the array from becoming a hash
while nexttimer do
local timer = nexttimer
nexttimer =
local when = timer.when
if when < soon then
-- Call the timer func, either as a method on given object, or a straight function ref
local callback = timer.callback
if type(callback) == "string" then
safecall(timer.object[callback], timer.object, timer.arg)
elseif callback then
safecall(callback, timer.arg)
-- probably nilled out by CancelTimer
timer.delay = nil -- don't reschedule it
local delay = timer.delay -- NOW make a local copy, can't do it earlier in case the timer cancelled itself in the callback
if not delay then
-- single-shot timer (or cancelled)
AceTimer.selfs[timer.object][tostring(timer)] = nil
timerCache = timer
-- repeating timer
local newtime = when + delay
if newtime < now then -- Keep lag from making us firing a timer unnecessarily. (Note that this still won't catch too-short-delay timers though.)
newtime = now + delay
timer.when = newtime
-- add next timer execution to the correct bucket
local bucket = (floor(newtime * HZ) % BUCKETS) + 1 = hash[bucket]
hash[bucket] = timer
else -- if when>=soon
-- reinsert (yeah, somewhat expensive, but shouldn't be happening too often either due to hash distribution) = hash[curbucket]
hash[curbucket] = timer
end -- if when<soon ... else
end -- while nexttimer do
end -- for curint=lastint,nowint
lastint = nowint
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reg( callback, delay, arg, repeating )
-- callback( function or string ) - direct function ref or method name in our object for the callback
-- delay(int) - delay for the timer
-- arg(variant) - any argument to be passed to the callback function
-- repeating(boolean) - repeating timer, or oneshot
-- returns the handle of the timer for later processing (canceling etc)
local function Reg(self, callback, delay, arg, repeating)
if type(callback) ~= "string" and type(callback) ~= "function" then
local error_origin = repeating and "ScheduleRepeatingTimer" or "ScheduleTimer"
error(MAJOR..": " .. error_origin .. "(callback, delay, arg): 'callback' - function or method name expected.", 3)
if type(callback) == "string" then
if type(self)~="table" then
local error_origin = repeating and "ScheduleRepeatingTimer" or "ScheduleTimer"
error(MAJOR..": " .. error_origin .. "(\"methodName\", delay, arg): 'self' - must be a table.", 3)
if type(self[callback]) ~= "function" then
local error_origin = repeating and "ScheduleRepeatingTimer" or "ScheduleTimer"
error(MAJOR..": " .. error_origin .. "(\"methodName\", delay, arg): 'methodName' - method not found on target object.", 3)
if delay < (1 / (HZ - 1)) then
delay = 1 / (HZ - 1)
-- Create and stuff timer in the correct hash bucket
local now = GetTime()
local timer = timerCache or {} -- Get new timer object (from cache if available)
timerCache = nil
timer.object = self
timer.callback = callback
timer.delay = (repeating and delay)
timer.arg = arg
timer.when = now + delay
local bucket = (floor((now+delay)*HZ) % BUCKETS) + 1 = hash[bucket]
hash[bucket] = timer
-- Insert timer in our self->handle->timer registry
local handle = tostring(timer)
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
if not selftimers then
selftimers = {}
AceTimer.selfs[self] = selftimers
selftimers[handle] = timer
selftimers.__ops = (selftimers.__ops or 0) + 1
return handle
--- Schedule a new one-shot timer.
-- The timer will fire once in `delay` seconds, unless canceled before.
-- @param callback Callback function for the timer pulse (funcref or method name).
-- @param delay Delay for the timer, in seconds.
-- @param arg An optional argument to be passed to the callback function.
-- @usage
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("TimerTest", "AceTimer-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- self:ScheduleTimer("TimerFeedback", 5)
-- end
-- function MyAddon:TimerFeedback()
-- print("5 seconds passed")
-- end
function AceTimer:ScheduleTimer(callback, delay, arg)
return Reg(self, callback, delay, arg)
--- Schedule a repeating timer.
-- The timer will fire every `delay` seconds, until canceled.
-- @param callback Callback function for the timer pulse (funcref or method name).
-- @param delay Delay for the timer, in seconds.
-- @param arg An optional argument to be passed to the callback function.
-- @usage
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("TimerTest", "AceTimer-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- self.timerCount = 0
-- self.testTimer = self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer("TimerFeedback", 5)
-- end
-- function MyAddon:TimerFeedback()
-- self.timerCount = self.timerCount + 1
-- print(("%d seconds passed"):format(5 * self.timerCount))
-- -- run 30 seconds in total
-- if self.timerCount == 6 then
-- self:CancelTimer(self.testTimer)
-- end
-- end
function AceTimer:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(callback, delay, arg)
return Reg(self, callback, delay, arg, true)
--- Cancels a timer with the given handle, registered by the same addon object as used for `:ScheduleTimer`
-- Both one-shot and repeating timers can be canceled with this function, as long as the `handle` is valid
-- and the timer has not fired yet or was canceled before.
-- @param handle The handle of the timer, as returned by `:ScheduleTimer` or `:ScheduleRepeatingTimer`
-- @param silent If true, no error is raised if the timer handle is invalid (expired or already canceled)
-- @return True if the timer was successfully cancelled.
function AceTimer:CancelTimer(handle, silent)
if not handle then return end -- nil handle -> bail out without erroring
if type(handle) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..": CancelTimer(handle): 'handle' - expected a string", 2) -- for now, anyway
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
local timer = selftimers and selftimers[handle]
if silent then
if timer then
timer.callback = nil -- don't run it again
timer.delay = nil -- if this is the currently-executing one: don't even reschedule
-- The timer object is removed in the OnUpdate loop
return not not timer -- might return "true" even if we double-cancel. we'll live.
if not timer then
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": CancelTimer(handle[, silent]): '"..tostring(handle).."' - no such timer registered")
return false
if not timer.callback then
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": CancelTimer(handle[, silent]): '"..tostring(handle).."' - timer already cancelled or expired")
return false
timer.callback = nil -- don't run it again
timer.delay = nil -- if this is the currently-executing one: don't even reschedule
return true
--- Cancels all timers registered to the current addon object ('self')
function AceTimer:CancelAllTimers()
if not(type(self) == "string" or type(self) == "table") then
error(MAJOR..": CancelAllTimers(): 'self' - must be a string or a table",2)
if self == AceTimer then
error(MAJOR..": CancelAllTimers(): supply a meaningful 'self'", 2)
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
if selftimers then
for handle,v in pairs(selftimers) do
if type(v) == "table" then -- avoid __ops, etc
AceTimer.CancelTimer(self, handle, true)
--- Returns the time left for a timer with the given handle, registered by the current addon object ('self').
-- This function will raise a warning when the handle is invalid, but not stop execution.
-- @param handle The handle of the timer, as returned by `:ScheduleTimer` or `:ScheduleRepeatingTimer`
-- @return The time left on the timer, or false if the handle is invalid.
function AceTimer:TimeLeft(handle)
if not handle then return end
if type(handle) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..": TimeLeft(handle): 'handle' - expected a string", 2) -- for now, anyway
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
local timer = selftimers and selftimers[handle]
if not timer then
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": TimeLeft(handle): '"..tostring(handle).."' - no such timer registered")
return false
return timer.when - GetTime()
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED: Run through our .selfs[] array step by step
-- and clean it out - otherwise the table indices can grow indefinitely
-- if an addon starts and stops a lot of timers. AceBucket does this!
-- See ACE-94 and tests/AceTimer-3.0-ACE-94.lua
local lastCleaned = nil
local function OnEvent(this, event)
if event~="PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" then
-- Get the next 'self' to process
local selfs = AceTimer.selfs
local self = next(selfs, lastCleaned)
if not self then
self = next(selfs)
lastCleaned = self
if not self then -- should only happen if .selfs[] is empty
-- Time to clean it out?
local list = selfs[self]
if (list.__ops or 0) < 250 then -- 250 slosh indices = ~10KB wasted (max!). For one 'self'.
-- Create a new table and copy all members over
local newlist = {}
local n=0
for k,v in pairs(list) do
newlist[k] = v
newlist.__ops = 0 -- Reset operation count
-- And since we now have a count of the number of live timers, check that it's reasonable. Emit a warning if not.
if n>BUCKETS then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(MAJOR..": Warning: The addon/module '"..tostring(self).."' has "..n.." live timers. Surely that's not intended?")
selfs[self] = newlist
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Embed handling
AceTimer.embeds = AceTimer.embeds or {}
local mixins = {
"ScheduleTimer", "ScheduleRepeatingTimer",
"CancelTimer", "CancelAllTimers",
function AceTimer:Embed(target)
AceTimer.embeds[target] = true
for _,v in pairs(mixins) do
target[v] = AceTimer[v]
return target
-- AceTimer:OnEmbedDisable( target )
-- target (object) - target object that AceTimer is embedded in.
-- cancel all timers registered for the object
function AceTimer:OnEmbedDisable( target )
for addon in pairs(AceTimer.embeds) do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Debug tools (expose copies of internals to test suites)
AceTimer.debug = AceTimer.debug or {}
AceTimer.debug.HZ = HZ
AceTimer.debug.BUCKETS = BUCKETS
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Finishing touchups
AceTimer.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
AceTimer.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
-- In theory, we should hide&show the frame based on there being timers or not.
-- However, this job is fairly expensive, and the chance that there will
-- actually be zero timers running is diminuitive to say the lest.