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    from Rev 17 to Rev 18
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Rev 17 → Rev 18

Libs/LibDataBroker-1.1/README.textile New file
0,0 → 1,13
LibDataBroker is a small WoW addon library designed to provide a "MVC": interface for use in various addons.
LDB's primary goal is to "detach" plugins for TitanPanel and FuBar from the display addon.
Plugins can provide data into a simple table, and display addons can receive callbacks to refresh their display of this data.
LDB also provides a place for addons to register "quicklaunch" functions, removing the need for authors to embed many large libraries to create minimap buttons.
Users who do not wish to be "plagued" by these buttons simply do not install an addon to render them.
Due to it's simple generic design, LDB can be used for any design where you wish to have an addon notified of changes to a table.
h2. Links
* "API documentation":
* "Data specifications":
* "Addons using LDB":
Libs/LibDataBroker-1.1/LibDataBroker-1.1.lua New file
0,0 → 1,90
assert(LibStub, "LibDataBroker-1.1 requires LibStub")
assert(LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0", true), "LibDataBroker-1.1 requires CallbackHandler-1.0")
local lib, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1", 4)
if not lib then return end
oldminor = oldminor or 0
lib.callbacks = lib.callbacks or LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0"):New(lib)
lib.attributestorage, lib.namestorage, lib.proxystorage = lib.attributestorage or {}, lib.namestorage or {}, lib.proxystorage or {}
local attributestorage, namestorage, callbacks = lib.attributestorage, lib.namestorage, lib.callbacks
if oldminor < 2 then
lib.domt = {
__metatable = "access denied",
__index = function(self, key) return attributestorage[self] and attributestorage[self][key] end,
if oldminor < 3 then
lib.domt.__newindex = function(self, key, value)
if not attributestorage[self] then attributestorage[self] = {} end
if attributestorage[self][key] == value then return end
attributestorage[self][key] = value
local name = namestorage[self]
if not name then return end
callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged", name, key, value, self)
callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged_", name, key, value, self)
callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged_""_"..key, name, key, value, self)
callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_AttributeChanged__"..key, name, key, value, self)
if oldminor < 2 then
function lib:NewDataObject(name, dataobj)
if self.proxystorage[name] then return end
if dataobj then
assert(type(dataobj) == "table", "Invalid dataobj, must be nil or a table")
self.attributestorage[dataobj] = {}
for i,v in pairs(dataobj) do
self.attributestorage[dataobj][i] = v
dataobj[i] = nil
dataobj = setmetatable(dataobj or {}, self.domt)
self.proxystorage[name], self.namestorage[dataobj] = dataobj, name
self.callbacks:Fire("LibDataBroker_DataObjectCreated", name, dataobj)
return dataobj
if oldminor < 1 then
function lib:DataObjectIterator()
return pairs(self.proxystorage)
function lib:GetDataObjectByName(dataobjectname)
return self.proxystorage[dataobjectname]
function lib:GetNameByDataObject(dataobject)
return self.namestorage[dataobject]
if oldminor < 4 then
local next = pairs(attributestorage)
function lib:pairs(dataobject_or_name)
local t = type(dataobject_or_name)
assert(t == "string" or t == "table", "Usage: ldb:pairs('dataobjectname') or ldb:pairs(dataobject)")
local dataobj = self.proxystorage[dataobject_or_name] or dataobject_or_name
assert(attributestorage[dataobj], "Data object not found")
return next, attributestorage[dataobj], nil
local ipairs_iter = ipairs(attributestorage)
function lib:ipairs(dataobject_or_name)
local t = type(dataobject_or_name)
assert(t == "string" or t == "table", "Usage: ldb:ipairs('dataobjectname') or ldb:ipairs(dataobject)")
local dataobj = self.proxystorage[dataobject_or_name] or dataobject_or_name
assert(attributestorage[dataobj], "Data object not found")
return ipairs_iter, attributestorage[dataobj], 0
Libs/LibDataBroker-1.1 Property changes : Added: bugtraq:number + true