WoWInterface SVN EasyDND

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 66 to Rev 67
    Reverse comparison

Rev 66 → Rev 67

80,7 → 80,12
local function ToggleDewdrop(a)
DEW:Open(a, "children", function()
local a = _.DEW.options.args.messages.args
local b, save = _.DEW.options.args, nil
a.msgcbt.type, a.msgmail.type, a.msgbank.type, a.msgah.type, a.msginst.type, a.msgbg.type = "text", "text", "text", "text", "text", "text"
a.message_blockparty.type, a.message_blockduel.type, a.message_blocktrade.type = "text", "text", "text"
a.message_blockguildinvite.type, a.message_blockguildpetition.type = "text", "text"
b.aceConfig.order = 35 b.blizzConfig.order = 40 b.activated.order = 45
--fix the menu position to not obscurate bar icons