WoWInterface SVN InFlight

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 111 to Rev 93
    Reverse comparison

Rev 111 → Rev 93

40,8 → 40,8
-- end
-- @class file
-- @name AceDB-3.0.lua
-- @release $Id: AceDB-3.0.lua 1217 2019-07-11 03:06:18Z funkydude $
local ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR = "AceDB-3.0", 27
-- @release $Id: AceDB-3.0.lua 1193 2018-08-02 12:24:37Z funkydude $
local ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR = "AceDB-3.0", 26
local AceDB = LibStub:NewLibrary(ACEDB_MAJOR, ACEDB_MINOR)
if not AceDB then return end -- No upgrade needed
397,7 → 397,7
-- @param defaults A table of defaults for this database
function DBObjectLib:RegisterDefaults(defaults)
if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected, got %q."):format(type(defaults)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterDefaults(defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected.", 2)
validateDefaults(defaults, self.keys)
429,7 → 429,7
-- @param name The name of the profile to set as the current profile
function DBObjectLib:SetProfile(name)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:SetProfile(name): 'name' - string expected, got %q."):format(type(name)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:SetProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
-- changing to the same profile, dont do anything
471,7 → 471,7
-- @param tbl A table to store the profile names in (optional)
function DBObjectLib:GetProfiles(tbl)
if tbl and type(tbl) ~= "table" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:GetProfiles(tbl): 'tbl' - table or nil expected, got %q."):format(type(tbl)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:GetProfiles(tbl): 'tbl' - table or nil expected.", 2)
-- Clear the container table
509,15 → 509,15
-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
function DBObjectLib:DeleteProfile(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:DeleteProfile(name): 'name' - string expected, got %q."):format(type(name)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:DeleteProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if self.keys.profile == name then
error(("Cannot delete the active profile (%q) in an AceDBObject."):format(name), 2)
error("Cannot delete the active profile in an AceDBObject.", 2)
if not rawget(self.profiles, name) and not silent then
error(("Cannot delete profile %q as it does not exist."):format(name), 2)
error("Cannot delete profile '" .. name .. "'. It does not exist.", 2)
self.profiles[name] = nil
548,15 → 548,15
-- @param silent If true, do not raise an error when the profile does not exist
function DBObjectLib:CopyProfile(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:CopyProfile(name): 'name' - string expected, got %q."):format(type(name)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:CopyProfile(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if name == self.keys.profile then
error(("Cannot have the same source and destination profiles (%q)."):format(name), 2)
error("Cannot have the same source and destination profiles.", 2)
if not rawget(self.profiles, name) and not silent then
error(("Cannot copy profile %q as it does not exist."):format(name), 2)
error("Cannot copy profile '" .. name .. "'. It does not exist.", 2)
-- Reset the profile before copying
611,7 → 611,7
-- @param defaultProfile The profile name to use as the default
function DBObjectLib:ResetDB(defaultProfile)
if defaultProfile and type(defaultProfile) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:ResetDB(defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or nil expected, got %q."):format(type(defaultProfile)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:ResetDB(defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or nil expected.", 2)
local sv =
645,13 → 645,13
-- @param defaults A table of values to use as defaults
function DBObjectLib:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - string expected, got %q."):format(type(name)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected, got %q."):format(type(defaults)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'defaults' - table or nil expected.", 2)
if self.children and self.children[name] then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - a namespace called %q already exists."):format(name), 2)
error ("Usage: AceDBObject:RegisterNamespace(name, defaults): 'name' - a namespace with that name already exists.", 2)
local sv =
675,10 → 675,10
-- @return the namespace object if found
function DBObjectLib:GetNamespace(name, silent)
if type(name) ~= "string" then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - string expected, got %q."):format(type(name)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - string expected.", 2)
if not silent and not (self.children and self.children[name]) then
error(("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - namespace %q does not exist."):format(name), 2)
error ("Usage: AceDBObject:GetNamespace(name): 'name' - namespace does not exist.", 2)
if not self.children then self.children = {} end
return self.children[name]
717,15 → 717,15
if type(tbl) ~= "table" then
error(("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'tbl' - table expected, got %q."):format(type(tbl)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'tbl' - table expected.", 2)
if defaults and type(defaults) ~= "table" then
error(("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaults' - table expected, got %q."):format(type(defaults)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaults' - table expected.", 2)
if defaultProfile and type(defaultProfile) ~= "string" and defaultProfile ~= true then
error(("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or true expected, got %q."):format(type(defaultProfile)), 2)
error("Usage: AceDB:New(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile): 'defaultProfile' - string or true expected.", 2)
return initdb(tbl, defaults, defaultProfile)