WoWInterface SVN InFlight

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 106 to Rev 93
    Reverse comparison

Rev 106 → Rev 93

1,6 → 1,6
Name: LibSharedMedia-3.0
Revision: $Revision: 112 $
Revision: $Revision: 107 $
Author: Elkano (
Inspired By: SurfaceLib by Haste/Otravi (
9,7 → 9,7
License: LGPL v2.1
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibSharedMedia-3.0", 8020001 -- 8.2.0 v1 / increase manually on changes
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibSharedMedia-3.0", 6010003 -- Increase manually on changes
local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not lib then return end
191,12 → 191,11
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard"] = [[Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Character Skills Bar"] = [[Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-Skills-Bar]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Blizzard Raid Bar"] = [[Interface\RaidFrame\Raid-Bar-Hp-Fill]]
lib.MediaTable.statusbar["Solid"] = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]]
lib.DefaultMedia.statusbar = "Blizzard"
if not lib.MediaTable.sound then lib.MediaTable.sound = {} end
lib.MediaTable.sound["None"] = 1 -- Relies on the fact that PlaySound[File] doesn't error on existing invalid input files.
lib.MediaTable.sound["None"] = C_RaidLocks and 1 or [[Interface\Quiet.ogg]] -- Relies on the fact that PlaySound[File] doesn't error on non-existing input.
lib.DefaultMedia.sound = "None"
local function rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
221,25 → 220,18
error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data, langmask) - key must be string, got "..type(key))
mediatype = mediatype:lower()
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.FONT and ((langmask and band(langmask, LOCALE_MASK) == 0) or not (langmask or locale_is_western)) then
-- ignore fonts that aren't flagged as supporting local glyphs on non-western clients
return false
if type(data) == "string" and (mediatype == lib.MediaType.BACKGROUND or mediatype == lib.MediaType.BORDER or mediatype == lib.MediaType.STATUSBAR or mediatype == lib.MediaType.SOUND) then
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.FONT and ((langmask and band(langmask, LOCALE_MASK) == 0) or not (langmask or locale_is_western)) then return false end
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.SOUND and type(data) == "string" then
local path = data:lower()
if not path:find("^interface") then
-- files accessed via path only allowed from interface folder
-- Only ogg and mp3 are valid sounds.
if not path:find(".ogg", nil, true) and not path:find(".mp3", nil, true) then
return false
if mediatype == lib.MediaType.SOUND and not (path:find(".ogg", nil, true) or not path:find(".mp3", nil, true)) then
-- Only ogg and mp3 are valid sounds.
return false
if not mediaTable[mediatype] then mediaTable[mediatype] = {} end
local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
if mtable[key] then return false end
mtable[key] = data
self.callbacks:Fire("LibSharedMedia_Registered", mediatype, key)