WoWInterface SVN LevelSnap

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 7 to Rev 8
    Reverse comparison

Rev 7 → Rev 8
13,7 → 13,6
LS_DISABLED = "Disabled";
LS_VERSION = "Version";
LS_STATUS = "Status";
LS_HIDEUI = "Hide UI";
LS_CLOSEWIN = "Close Windows";
LS_MAXIMUM = "Maximum";
21,14 → 20,12
LS_MINMAXSET2 = "%s level set to %s.";
LS_SHOWHIDE = "Automatically hide UI is %s.";
LS_CLOSEALL = "Automatically close all windows %s.";
LS_HELP_ONOFF = "Enable/Disable LevelSnap.";
LS_HELP_MIN = "Set the minimum level in which LevelSnap is active.";
LS_HELP_MAX = "Set the maximum level in which LevelSnap is active.";
LS_HELP_CLOSEWIN = "Closes all open windows before LevelSnap takes a screen shot.";
LS_HELP_UI = "Hides the UI when LevelSnap takes a screen shot.";
LS_HELP_STATUS = "Displays current LevelSnap option settings.";
LS_HELP_VERSION = "Displays version info.";
6,6 → 6,27
if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
-- Please submit your translation to
LS_TITLE = "LevelSnap";
LS_INFO = "Automatically snaps a screen shot when you level.";
LS_ENABLED = "Aktiviert";
LS_DISABLED = "Deaktiviert";
LS_VERSION = "Version";
LS_STATUS = "Status";
LS_CLOSEWIN = "Schlie\195\159e Windows";
LS_MAXIMUM = "Maximum";
LS_MINIMUM = "Minimum";
LS_MINMAXSET2 = "%s Level auf %s gesetzt.";
LS_CLOSEALL = "Schlie\195\159e alle Fenster automatisch %s.";
LS_HELP_ONOFF = "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere LevelSnap.";
LS_HELP_MIN = "Setzt Minimum-Level in welchem LevelSnap aktiv ist.";
LS_HELP_MAX = "Setzt Maximum-Level in welchem LevelSnap aktiv ist.";
LS_HELP_CLOSEWIN = "Schlie\195\159t alle offnen Fenster, bevor LevelSnap einen Screenshot schie\195\159t.";
LS_HELP_STATUS = "Zeigt derzeitige LevelSnap Optionen.";
LS_HELP_VERSION = "Zeigt Versionsinfo.";
\ No newline at end of file
26,6 → 26,7
- Removed Khaos registration
- Removed Slash Commands
- Change version format
- German translation provided by Lakar EU-Azshara
1.4.1 - Bugfix
1.4.0 - Level Cap 80
1.31 - Updated TOC for 2.4