WoWInterface SVN MorgDKP

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 24 to Rev 37
    Reverse comparison

Rev 24 → Rev 37

457,17 → 457,43
["The Illidari Council"] = true,
["Veras Darkshadow"] = true,
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = true,
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
["Keristrasza"] = true,
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = true,
["Epoch Hunter"] = true,
["Lieutenant Drake"] = true,
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = true,
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = true,
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = true,
["Medivh"] = true,
["Temporus"] = true,
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
["Sartharion"] = true,
["Shadron"] = true,
["Tenebron"] = true,
["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = true,
530,6 → 556,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = true,
["Tsu'zee"] = true,
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
["Elder Nadox"] = true,
["Herald Volazj"]= true,
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
["Anub'arak"] = true,
["Hadronox"] = true,
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = true,
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = true,
539,6 → 576,13
["Techbot"] = true,
["Viscous Fallout"] = true,
--Grizzly Hills
--Drak'Tharon Keep
["King Dred"] = true,
["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = true,
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = true,
567,6 → 611,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = true,
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = true,
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
["King Ymiron"] = true,
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = true,
["Archimonde"] = true,
873,6 → 930,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = true,
["Revelosh"] = true,
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
["Ionar"] = true,
["Loken"] = true,
["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = true,
["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
["Cyanigosa"] = true,
["Erekem"] = true,
["Ichoron"] = true,
["Lavanthor"] = true,
["Moragg"] = true,
["Xevozz"] = true,
["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = true,
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = true,
932,6 → 1010,13
["Zerillis"] = true,
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = true,
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
["Gal'darah"] = true,
["Moorabi"] = true,
["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = true,
["Gahz'ranka"] = true,
1106,17 → 1191,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "Rat der Illidari",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Veras Schwarzschatten",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Kapitän Skarloc",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Epochenjäger",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Leutnant Drach",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Aeonus",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Chronolord Deja",
["Medivh"] = "Medivh",
["Temporus"] = "Temporus",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Elitesoldat des Echsenkessels",
1179,6 → 1290,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Tendris Wucherborke",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Tsu'zee",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Meuteverprügler 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Botschafter der Dunkeleisenzwerge",
1188,6 → 1310,13
["Techbot"] = "Techbot",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Verflüssigte Ablagerung",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Blindauge der Seher",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Gruul der Drachenschlächter",
1216,6 → 1345,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Kriegshetzer O'mrogg",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Kriegshäuptling Kargath Messerfaust",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Anetheron",
["Archimonde"] = "Archimonde",
1522,6 → 1664,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Obsidianschildwache",
["Revelosh"] = "Revelosh",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Boahn",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Deviatfeendrache",
1581,6 → 1744,13
["Zerillis"] = "Zerillis",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "Untoter Held aus Zul'Farrak",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Blutfürst Mandokir",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Gahz'ranka",
1752,17 → 1922,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "Le conseil illidari",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Veras Ombrenoir",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = "Malygos",
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = "Anomalus",
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "Grand magus Telestra",
["Keristrasza"] = "Keristrasza",
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "Ormorok le Sculpte-arbre",
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "Drakos l'Interrogateur",
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "Gardien-tellurique Eregos",
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "Seigneur-mage Urom",
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "Varos Arpentenuée",
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Capitaine Skarloc",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Chasseur d'époques",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Lieutenant Drake",
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = "Grancrochet",
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "Chronoseigneur Epoch",
["Mal'Ganis"] = "Mal'Ganis",
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "Salramm le Façonneur de chair",
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Aeonus",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Chronoseigneur Déjà",
["Medivh"] = "Medivh",
["Temporus"] = "Temporus",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Elite de Glissecroc",
1825,6 → 2021,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Tendris Crochebois",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Tsu'zee",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
["Elder Nadox"] = "Ancien Nadox",
["Herald Volazj"]= "Héraut Volazj",
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "Jedoga Cherchelombre",
["Prince Taldaram"] = "Prince Taldaram",
["Anub'arak"] = "Anub'arak",
["Hadronox"] = "Hadronox",
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "Krik'thir le Gardien de porte",
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Faucheur de foule 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Ambassadeur Sombrefer",
1834,6 → 2041,13
["Techbot"] = "Techbot",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Retombée visqueuse",
--Grizzly Hills
--Drak'Tharon Keep
["King Dred"] = "Roi Dred",
["Novos the Summoner"] = "Novos l'Invocateur",
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "Le prophète Tharon'ja",
["Trollgore"] = "Trollétripe",
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Oeillaveugle le Voyant",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Gruul le Tue-dragon",
1862,6 → 2076,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Porteguerre O'mrogg",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Chef de guerre Kargath Lamepoing",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
["Constructor & Controller"] = "Constructeur & Contrôleur", --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = "Dalronn le Contrôleur",
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "Ingvar le Pilleur",
["Prince Keleseth"] = "Prince Keleseth",
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "Skarvald le Constructeur",
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "Skadi le Brutal",
["King Ymiron"] = "Roi Ymiron",
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "Svala Tristetombe",
["Gortok Palehoof"] = "Gortok Pâle-sabot",
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Anetheron",
["Archimonde"] = "Archimonde",
2168,6 → 2395,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Sentinelle d'obsidienne",
["Revelosh"] = "Revelosh",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = "Général Bjarngrim",
["Ionar"] = "Ionar",
["Loken"] = "Loken",
["Volkhan"] = "Volkhan",
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = "Krystallus",
["Maiden of Grief"] = "Damoiselle de peine",
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = "Sjonnir le Sculptefer",
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Boahn",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Dragon féérique déviant",
2227,6 → 2475,13
["Zerillis"] = "Zerillis",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "Héros mort de Zul'Farrak",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
["Drakkari Colossus"] = "Colosse drakkari",
["Gal'darah"] = "Gal'darah",
["Moorabi"] = "Moorabi",
["Slad'ran"] = "Slad'ran",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Seigneur sanglant Mandokir",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Gahz'ranka",
2398,17 → 2653,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "伊利达雷议会",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "维尔莱斯·深影",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "斯卡洛克上尉",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "时空猎手",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "德拉克中尉",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "埃欧努斯",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "时空领主德亚",
["Medivh"] = "麦迪文",
["Temporus"] = "坦普卢斯",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "盘牙精英",
2471,6 → 2752,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "特迪斯·扭木",
["Tsu'zee"] = "苏斯",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "群体打击者9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "黑铁大师",
2480,6 → 2772,13
["Techbot"] = "尖端机器人",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "粘性辐射尘",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "盲眼先知",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "屠龙者格鲁尔",
2508,6 → 2807,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "战争使者沃姆罗格",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "酋长卡加斯·刃拳",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "安纳塞隆",
["Archimonde"] = "阿克蒙德",
2814,6 → 3126,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "黑曜石哨兵",
["Revelosh"] = "鲁维罗什",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "博艾恩",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "变异精灵龙",
2873,6 → 3206,13
["Zerillis"] = "泽雷利斯",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "祖尔法拉克阵亡英雄",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "血领主曼多基尔",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "加兹兰卡",
3044,17 → 3384,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "伊利達瑞議事",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "維拉斯·深影",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = "瑪里苟斯",
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = "艾諾瑪路斯",
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "大魔導師特雷斯翠",
["Keristrasza"] = "凱瑞史卓莎",
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "『樹木造形者』歐爾莫洛克",
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "『審問者』德拉高斯",
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "地脈守護者伊瑞茍斯",
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "法師領主厄隆",
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "瓦羅斯·雲行者",
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "史卡拉克上尉",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "紀元狩獵者",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "中尉崔克",
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = "肉鉤",
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "紀元時間領主",
["Mal'Ganis"] = "瑪爾加尼斯",
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "『血肉工匠』塞歐朗姆",
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "艾奧那斯",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "時間領主迪賈",
["Medivh"] = "麥迪文",
["Temporus"] = "坦普拉斯",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "盤牙精英",
3118,6 → 3484,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "特迪斯·扭木",
["Tsu'zee"] = "蘇斯",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
["Herald Volazj"]= "信使沃菈齊",
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "潔杜佳·尋影者",
["Prince Taldaram"] = "泰爾達朗王子",
["Anub'arak"] = "阿努巴拉克",
["Hadronox"] = "哈卓諾克斯",
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "『守門者』齊力克西爾",
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "群體打擊者9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "黑鐵大使",
3127,6 → 3504,13
["Techbot"] = "尖端機器人",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "粘性輻射塵",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
["King Dred"] = "崔德國王",
["Novos the Summoner"] = "『召喚者』諾沃司",
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "預言者薩隆杰",
["Trollgore"] = "血角食人妖",
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "先知盲眼",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "弒龍者戈魯爾",
3155,6 → 3539,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "戰爭製造者·歐姆拉格",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "大酋長卡加斯·刃拳",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = "『控制者』達隆恩",
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "『盜掠者』因格瓦",
["Prince Keleseth"] = "凱雷希斯王子",
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "『建造者』史卡沃",
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "『無情』斯卡迪",
["King Ymiron"] = "依米倫國王",
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "司瓦拉禍害使者",
["Gortok Palehoof"] = "戈托克·白蹄",
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "安納塞隆",
["Archimonde"] = "阿克蒙德",
3461,6 → 3858,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "黑曜石哨兵",
["Revelosh"] = "魯維羅什",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = "賈恩格林將軍",
["Ionar"] = "埃歐納",
["Loken"] = "克羅努斯",
["Volkhan"] = "渥克瀚",
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = "克利斯托魯斯",
["Maiden of Grief"] = "悲痛侍女",
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = "『塑鐵者』斯雍尼爾",
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "博艾恩",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "變異精靈龍",
3520,6 → 3938,13
["Zerillis"] = "澤雷利斯",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "祖爾法拉克陣亡英雄",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
["Gal'darah"] = "蓋爾達拉",
["Moorabi"] = "慕拉比",
["Slad'ran"] = "史拉德銳",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "血領主曼多基爾",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "加茲蘭卡",
3691,17 → 4116,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "일리다리 의회", -- check
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "베라스 다크섀도",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
["Malygos"] = "말리고스",
--The Nexus
["Anomalus"] = "아노말루스",
["Grand Magus Telestra"] = "대학자 텔레스트라",
["Keristrasza"] = "케리스트라자",
["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = "정원사 오르모로크",
--The Oculus
["Drakos the Interrogator"] = "심문관 드라코스",
["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = "지맥 수호자 에레고스",
["Mage-Lord Urom"] = "마법사 군주 우롬",
["Varos Cloudstrider"] = "바로스 클라우드스트라이더",
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "경비대장 스칼록",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "시대의 사냥꾼",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "부관 드레이크",
--The Culling of Stratholme
["Meathook"] = "살덩이고리",
["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = "시간의 군주 에포크",
["Mal'Ganis"] = "말가니스",
["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = "살덩이창조자 살람",
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "아에누스",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "시간의 군주 데자",
["Medivh"] = "메디브",
["Temporus"] = "템퍼루스",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "갈퀴송곳니 정예병",
3764,6 → 4215,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "굽이나무 텐드리스",
["Tsu'zee"] = "츄지",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
["Elder Nadox"] = "장로 나독스",
["Herald Volazj"]= "사자 볼라즈",
["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = "어둠추적자 제도가",
["Prince Taldaram"] = "공작 탈다람",
["Anub'arak"] = "아눕아락",
["Hadronox"] = "하드로녹스",
["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = "문지기 크릭시르",
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "고철 압축기 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "검은무쇠단 사절",
3773,6 → 4235,13
["Techbot"] = "첨단로봇",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "방사성 폐기물",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
["King Dred"] = "랩터왕 서슬발톱",
["Novos the Summoner"] = "소환사 노보스",
["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = "예언자 타론자",
["Trollgore"] = "트롤고어",
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "현자 블라인드아이",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "용 학살자 그룰",
3801,6 → 4270,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "돌격대장 오므로그",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "대족장 카르가스 블레이드피스트",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
["Constructor & Controller"] = "건축가와 감시자", --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
["Dalronn the Controller"] = "감시자 달론",
["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = "약탈자 앙그바르",
["Prince Keleseth"] = "공작 켈레세스",
["Skarvald the Constructor"] = "건축가 스카발드",
--Utgarde Pinnacle
["Skadi the Ruthless"] = "학살자 스카디",
["King Ymiron"] = "왕 이미론",
["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = "소발라 소로우그레이브",
["Gortok Palehoof"] = "고르톡 페일후프",
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "아네테론",
["Archimonde"] = "아키몬드",
4107,6 → 4589,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "흑요석 파수꾼",
["Revelosh"] = "레벨로쉬",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
["General Bjarngrim"] = "장군 야르그린",
["Ionar"] = "이오나",
["Loken"] = "로켄",
["Volkhan"] = "볼칸",
-- Halls of Stone
["Krystallus"] = "크리스탈루스",
["Maiden of Grief"] = "고뇌의 여신",
["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = "무쇠구체자 쇼니르",
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "보안",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "돌연변이 요정용",
4166,6 → 4669,13
["Zerillis"] = "제릴리스",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "줄파락 죽음의 영웅",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
["Gal'darah"] = "갈다라",
["Moorabi"] = "무라비",
["Slad'ran"] = "슬라드란",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "혈군주 만도키르",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "가즈란카",
4337,17 → 4847,43
["The Illidari Council"] = "El concilio Illidari",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Veras Darkshadow",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Capitán Skarloc",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Cazador de eras",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Teniente Draco",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Aeonus",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Cronolord Deja",
["Medivh"] = "Medivh",
["Temporus"] = "Temporus",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Elite Colimillo Torcido",
4395,7 → 4931,7
["Captain Kromcrush"] = "Capit\195\161n Kromcrush",
["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "Cho'Rush el Observador",
["Guard Fengus"] = "Guardia Fengus",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = " Guardia Mol'dar",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = "Guardia Mol'dar",
["Guard Slip'kik"] = "Guardia Slip'kik",
["King Gordok"] = "Rey Gordok",
["Knot Thimblejack's Cache"] = "Carretilla de Knot Llavededo",
4409,6 → 4945,17
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Tendris Madeguerra",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Tsu'zee",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Gopleamasa 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Embajador Hierro Negro",
4418,6 → 4965,13
["Techbot"] = "Tecnobot",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Radiactivo viscoso",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Ciego el Vidente",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Gruul el Asesino de Dragones",
4446,6 → 5000,19
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Belisario O'mrogg",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Jefe de Guerra Garrafilada", -- check
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Anetheron",
["Archimonde"] = "Archimonde",
4750,6 → 5317,27
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Centinela Obsidiano",
["Revelosh"] = "Revelosh",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Boahn",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Drag\195\179n f\195\169rico descarriado",
4809,6 → 5397,13
["Zerillis"] = "Zerillis",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "H\195\169roe muerto Zul'Farrak",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Se\195\177or sangriento Mandokir",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Gahz'ranka",
4839,11 → 5434,11
["Anubisath Defender"] = "Защитник-анубисат",
["Battleguard Sartura"] = "Боевой страж Сартура",
["C'Thun"] = "Ка-Тун",
["C'Thun"] = "К'Тун",
["Emperor Vek'lor"] = "Император Век'лор",
["Emperor Vek'nilash"] = "Император Век'нилаш",
["Eye of C'Thun"] = "Око Ка-Туна",
["Fankriss the Unyielding"] = "Фанкрисс Непобедимый",
["Fankriss the Unyielding"] = "Фанкрисс Неприклонный",
["Lord Kri"] = "Лорд Кри",
["Ouro"] = "Оуро",
["Princess Huhuran"] = "Принцесса Хухуран",
4852,7 → 5447,7
["The Prophet Skeram"] = "Пророк Скерам",
["The Twin Emperors"] = "Близнецы Императора",
["Vem"] = "Вем",
["Viscidus"] = "Фиброзник",
["Viscidus"] = "Нечистотон",
--Auchenai Crypts
4863,147 → 5458,174
["Pandemonius"] = "Пандемоний",
["Tavarok"] = "Таварок",
--Shadow Labyrinth
["Ambassador Hellmaw"] = "Посланник Адская Глотка",
["Blackheart the Inciter"] = "Подстрекатель Черное Сердце",
["Grandmaster Vorpil"] = "Гроссмейстер Ворпил",
["Ambassador Hellmaw"] = "Посол Гиблочрев",
["Blackheart the Inciter"] = "Черносерд Проповедник",
["Grandmaster Vorpil"] = "Великий мастер Ворпил",
["Murmur"] = "Бормотун",
--Sethekk Halls
["Anzu"] = "Анзу",
["Darkweaver Syth"] = "Сит Черноплет",
["Darkweaver Syth"] = "Темнопряд Сит",
["Talon King Ikiss"] = "Король воронов Айкисс",
--Blackfathom Deeps
["Aku'mai"] = "Акумай",
["Aku'mai"] = "Аку'май",
["Baron Aquanis"] = "Барон Акванис",
["Gelihast"] = "Гелихаст",
["Ghamoo-ra"] = "Гхаму-ра",
["Lady Sarevess"] = "Леди Саревесс",
["Old Serra'kis"] = "Старина Серракис",
["Twilight Lord Kelris"] = "Сумеречный лорд Келрис",
["Twilight Lord Kelris"] = "Повелитель сумрака Келрис",
-- ["Lorgus Jett"] = "Лоргус Джетт", -- id 12902
--Blackrock Depths
["Ambassador Flamelash"] = "Посланник Огнехлыст",
["Ambassador Flamelash"] = "Посол Огнехлыст",
["Anger'rel"] = "Гневрел",
["Anub'shiah"] = "Ануб'сиах",
["Bael'Gar"] = "Баэл-Гар",
["Chest of The Seven"] = "Сhest of The Seven",
["Anub'shiah"] = "Ануб'шиа",
["Bael'Gar"] = "Бейл'Гор",
["Chest of The Seven"] = "Сундук Смертных",
["Doom'rel"] = "Думрел",
["Dope'rel"] = "Наиглесиас",
["Emperor Dagran Thaurissan"] = "Император Дагран Таурисан",
["Eviscerator"] = "Потрошитель",
["Fineous Darkvire"] = "Финей Темная Сила",
["Fineous Darkvire"] = "Точень Темнострой",
["General Angerforge"] = "Генерал Кузня Гнева",
["Gloom'rel"] = "Глумрел",
["Golem Lord Argelmach"] = "Повелитель големов Аргелмах",
["Gorosh the Dervish"] = "Горош Дервиш",
["Grizzle"] = "Гриззл",
["Hate'rel"] = "Хейтрел",
["Hedrum the Creeper"] = "Хедрум-ползун",
["High Interrogator Gerstahn"] = "Главный следователь Герстан",
["High Priestess of Thaurissan"] = "Верховная жрица Таурисана",
["Houndmaster Grebmar"] = "Псарь Гребмара",
["Hurley Blackbreath"] = "Харли Темнодув",
["Hedrum the Creeper"] = "Хедрум Ползун",
["High Interrogator Gerstahn"] = "Верховный дознаватель Герштан",
["High Priestess of Thaurissan"] = "Верховная жрица Тауриссана",
["Houndmaster Grebmar"] = "Псарь Гребмар",
["Hurley Blackbreath"] = "Харли Пьяглдых",
["Lord Incendius"] = "Лорд Опалитель",
["Lord Roccor"] = "Владыка Роккор",
["Lord Roccor"] = "Лорд Роккор",
["Magmus"] = "Магмус",
["Ok'thor the Breaker"] = "Октор Крушитель",
["Ok'thor the Breaker"] = "Ок'тор Разрушитель",
["Panzor the Invincible"] = "Панцер Непобедимый",
["Phalanx"] = "Фаланга",
["Plugger Spazzring"] = "Стукарь Дурозвон",
["Princess Moira Bronzebeard"] = "Принцесса Мойра Золотая Борода",
["Pyromancer Loregrain"] = "Пиромант Лоргрейн",
["Ribbly Screwspigot"] = "Риббли Винтокран",
["Seeth'rel"] = "Сит-рел",
["The Seven Dwarves"] = "The Seven Dwarves",
["Phalanx"] = "Фаланкс",
["Plugger Spazzring"] = "Штоппор Наливалс",
["Princess Moira Bronzebeard"] = "Принцесса Мойра Бронзобород",
["Pyromancer Loregrain"] = "Пироман Зерно Мудрости",
["Ribbly Screwspigot"] = "Риббли Крутипроб",
["Seeth'rel"] = "Сит'рел",
["The Seven Dwarves"] = "Темные хранители",
["Verek"] = "Верек",
["Vile'rel"] = "Вил-рел",
["Warder Stilgiss"] = "Надсмотрщик Стилгисс",
["Warder Stilgiss"] = "Тюремщик Стилгисс",
--Blackrock Spire
["Bannok Grimaxe"] = "Баннок Мрачный Топор",
["Bannok Grimaxe"] = "Баннок Люторез",
["Burning Felguard"] = "Пылающий страж Скверны",
["Crystal Fang"] = "Хрустальный Клык",
["Ghok Bashguud"] = "Гок Башгууд",
["Ghok Bashguud"] = "Гок Крепкобив",
["Gizrul the Slavener"] = "Гизрул Поработитель",
["Halycon"] = "Халикон",
["Highlord Omokk"] = "Вождь Омокк",
["Mor Grayhoof"] = "Мор Серое Копыто",
["Mother Smolderweb"] = "Мать Дымная Паутина",
["Overlord Wyrmthalak"] = "Повелитель Вурмталак",
["Quartermaster Zigris"] = "Квартирмейстер Зигрис",
["Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin"] = "Пленяющая Духов Восгаджин",
["Spirestone Battle Lord"] = "Полководец Острого Камня",
["Spirestone Butcher"] = "Палач Острого Камня",
["Spirestone Lord Magus"] = "Лорд-маг Острого Камня",
["Urok Doomhowl"] = "Аррок Роковой Вой",
["Overlord Wyrmthalak"] = "Властитель Змейталак",
["Quartermaster Zigris"] = "Интендант Зигрис",
["Shadow Hunter Vosh'gajin"] = "Темная охотница Вос'гаджин",
["Spirestone Battle Lord"] = "Полководец из клана Черной Вершины",
["Spirestone Butcher"] = "Мясник из клана Черной Вершины",
["Spirestone Lord Magus"] = "Лорд-волхв из клана Черной Вершины",
["Urok Doomhowl"] = "Аррок Смертный Вопль",
["War Master Voone"] = "Воевода Вун",
["General Drakkisath"] = "Генерал Драккисат",
["Goraluk Anvilcrack"] = "Горалук Разбитая Наковальня",
["Goraluk Anvilcrack"] = "Горалук Треснувшая Наковальня",
["Gyth"] = "Гит",
["Jed Runewatcher"] = "Джед Руногляд",
["Lord Valthalak"] = "Владыка Вальтхалак",
["Jed Runewatcher"] = "Джед Руновед",
["Lord Valthalak"] = "Лорд Вальтхалак",
["Pyroguard Emberseer"] = "Пиростраж Углеглаз",
["Solakar Flamewreath"] = "Солакарский огнечервь",
["The Beast"] = "Зверь",
["Warchief Rend Blackhand"] = "Вождь Ренд Черная Рука",
["Warchief Rend Blackhand"] = "Вождь Ренд Чернорук",
--Blackwing Lair
["Broodlord Lashlayer"] = "Предводитель драконидов Разящий Бич",
["Broodlord Lashlayer"] = "Предводитель драконов Разящий Бич",
["Chromaggus"] = "Хроммагус",
["Ebonroc"] = "Эбонрок",
["Firemaw"] = "Огненное Брюхо",
["Ebonroc"] = "Черноскал",
["Firemaw"] = "Ошнечрев",
["Flamegor"] = "Пламегор",
["Grethok the Controller"] = "Греток Регулятор",
["Lord Victor Nefarius"] = "Лорд Виктор Нефариус",
["Nefarian"] = "Нефариан",
["Razorgore the Untamed"] = "Бритвосмерт Неукротимый",
["Vaelastrasz the Corrupt"] = "Веластрас Порочный",
["Vaelastrasz the Corrupt"] = "Валестраз Порочный",
--Black Temple
["Essence of Anger"] = "Сущность гнева",
["Essence of Desire"] = "Сущность желания",
["Essence of Suffering"] = "Сущность страдания",
["Gathios the Shatterer"] = "Гатиос Раскольщик",
["Essence of Anger"] = "Воплощение гнева",
["Essence of Desire"] = "Воплощение желания",
["Essence of Suffering"] = "Воплощение страдания",
["Gathios the Shatterer"] = "Гатиос Изувер",
["Gurtogg Bloodboil"] = "Гуртогг Кипящая Кровь",
["High Nethermancer Zerevor"] = "Верховный хаомант Зеревор",
["High Warlord Naj'entus"] = "Великий полководец Наджентус",
["Illidan Stormrage"] = "Иллидан Грозовая Ярость",
["High Nethermancer Zerevor"] = "Верховный пустомант Зеревор",
["High Warlord Naj'entus"] = "Верховный Полководец Надж'ентус",
["Illidan Stormrage"] = "Иллидан Ярость Бури",
["Illidari Council"] = "Совет Иллидари",
["Lady Malande"] = "Леди Маланда",
["Mother Shahraz"] = "Матушка Шахраз",
["Reliquary of Souls"] = "Reliquary of Souls",
["Reliquary of Souls"] = "Гробница душ",
["Shade of Akama"] = "Тень Акамы",
["Supremus"] = "Супремус",
["Teron Gorefiend"] = "Терон Жестокосердный",
["Teron Gorefiend"] = "Терон Кровожад",
["The Illidari Council"] = "Совет Иллидари",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Верас Черная Тень",
["Veras Darkshadow"] = "Верас Глубокий Мрак",
--Borean Tundra
--The Eye of Eternity
--["Malygos"] = true,
--The Nexus
--["Anomalus"] = true,
--["Grand Magus Telestra"] = true,
--["Keristrasza"] = true,
--["Ormorok the Tree-Shaper"] = true,
--The Oculus
--["Drakos the Interrogator"] = true,
--["Ley-Guardian Eregos"] = true,
--["Mage-Lord Urom"] = true,
--["Varos Cloudstrider"] = true,
--Caverns of Time
--Old Hillsbrad Foothills
["Captain Skarloc"] = "Капитан Скарлок",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Вечный Охотник",
["Epoch Hunter"] = "Охотник Вечности",
["Lieutenant Drake"] = "Лейтенант Дрейк",
--The Culling of Stratholme
--["Meathook"] = true,
--["Chrono-Lord Epoch"] = true,
--["Mal'Ganis"] = true,
--["Salramm the Fleshcrafter"] = true,
--The Black Morass
["Aeonus"] = "Эонус",
["Chrono Lord Deja"] = "Повелитель времени Дежа",
["Medivh"] = "Медив",
["Temporus"] = "Темпорус",
--Chamber of Aspects
--The Obsidian Sanctum
--["Sartharion"] = true,
--["Shadron"] = true,
--["Tenebron"] = true,
--["Vesperon"] = true,
--Coilfang Reservoir
--Serpentshrine Cavern
["Coilfang Elite"] = "Гвардеец Спиралезуба",
["Coilfang Strider"] = "Странник Спиралезуба",
["Fathom-Lord Karathress"] = "Повелитель глубин Каратресс",
["Hydross the Unstable"] = "Гидросс Нестабильный",
["Lady Vashj"] = "Леди Вайши",
["Leotheras the Blind"] = "Леотерас Слепой",
["Morogrim Tidewalker"] = "Морогрим Приливный Странник",
["Lady Vashj"] = "Леди Вайш",
["Leotheras the Blind"] = "Леотерас Слепец",
["Morogrim Tidewalker"] = "Морогрим Волноступ",
["Pure Spawn of Hydross"] = "Чистое порождение Гидросса",
["Shadow of Leotheras"] = "Тень Леотераса",
["Tainted Spawn of Hydross"] = "Оскверненное порождение Гидросса",
["The Lurker Below"] = "Житель глубин",
["The Lurker Below"] = "Скрытень глубин",
["Tidewalker Lurker"] = "Приливный крадень",
--The Slave Pens
["Mennu the Betrayer"] = "Менну Предатель",
5011,15 → 5633,15
["Rokmar the Crackler"] = "Рокмар Трескун",
["Ahune"] = "Ахун",
--The Steamvault
["Hydromancer Thespia"] = "Гидромант Феспия",
["Mekgineer Steamrigger"] = "Анжинер Паровая Оснастка",
["Warlord Kalithresh"] = "Предводитель Калитреш",
["Hydromancer Thespia"] = "Гидромант Теспия",
["Mekgineer Steamrigger"] = "Мекжинер Паропуск",
["Warlord Kalithresh"] = "Полководец Калитреш",
--The Underbog
["Claw"] = "Коготь",
["Ghaz'an"] = "Газан",
["Hungarfen"] = "Грибсон",
["Overseer Tidewrath"] = "Наблюдатель Гнев Прилива",
["Swamplord Musel'ek"] = "Владыка болот Мусил-ик",
["Ghaz'an"] = "Газ'ан",
["Hungarfen"] = "Голоднец",
["Overseer Tidewrath"] = "Наблюдатель Гнев Прилива", -- who is it?
["Swamplord Musel'ek"] = "Владыка болота Мусел'ек",
["The Black Stalker"] = "Черная Охотница",
--Dire Maul
5031,40 → 5653,58
["Alzzin the Wildshaper"] = "Алззин Перевертень",
["Hydrospawn"] = "Гидротварь",
["Isalien"] = "Изалиен",
["Lethtendris"] = "Летендрис",
["Lethtendris"] = "Лефтендрис",
["Pimgib"] = "Пимгиб",
["Pusillin"] = "Пузиллин",
["Zevrim Thornhoof"] = "Зеврим Терновое Копыто",
["Captain Kromcrush"] = "Капитан Кром-Крушитель",
["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "Чо-Раш Наблюдатель",
["Guard Fengus"] = "Страж Фенгус",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = "Страж Мол'дар",
["Guard Slip'kik"] = "Страж Слип'кик",
["Captain Kromcrush"] = "Капитан Давигром",
["Cho'Rush the Observer"] = "Чо'Раш Наблюдатель",
["Guard Fengus"] = "Стражник Фенгус",
["Guard Mol'dar"] = "Стражник Мол'дар",
["Guard Slip'kik"] = "Стражник Слип'кик",
["King Gordok"] = "Король Гордок",
["Knot Thimblejack's Cache"] = "Knot Thimblejack's Cache",
["Stomper Kreeg"] = "Топотун Криг",
["Illyanna Ravenoak"] = "Ильянна Вороний Дуб",
["Immol'thar"] = "Иммолтар",
["Lord Hel'nurath"] = "Лорд Хелнурат",
["Illyanna Ravenoak"] = "Иллиана Воронья Ольха",
["Immol'thar"] = "Бессмер'тер",
["Lord Hel'nurath"] = "Лорд Хел'нурат",
["Magister Kalendris"] = "Магистр Календрис",
["Prince Tortheldrin"] = "Принц Тортелдрин",
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Тендрис Кривое Дерево",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Цу-зи",
["Tendris Warpwood"] = "Тендрис Криводрев",
["Tsu'zee"] = "Цу'зи",
-- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
--["Elder Nadox"] = true,
--["Herald Volazj"]= true,
--["Jedoga Shadowseeker"] = true,
--["Prince Taldaram"] = true,
--["Anub'arak"] = true,
--["Hadronox"] = true,
--["Krik'thir the Gatewatcher"] = true,
["Crowd Pummeler 9-60"] = "Толпогон 9-60",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Посол Темной Стали",
["Electrocutioner 6000"] = "Электроразитель-6000",
["Dark Iron Ambassador"] = "Посол из клана Черного Железа",
["Electrocutioner 6000"] = "Электрошокер 6000",
["Grubbis"] = "Грязнюк",
["Mekgineer Thermaplugg"] = "Анжинер Термоштепсель",
["Techbot"] = "Технобот",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Липкое загрязнение",
["Mekgineer Thermaplugg"] = "Мекжинер Термоштепсель",
["Techbot"] = "Техбот",
["Viscous Fallout"] = "Липкая муть",
--Grizzly Hills
--Draktharon Keep
--["King Dred"] = true,
--["Novos the Summoner"] = true,
--["The Prophet Tharon'ja"] = true,
--["Trollgore"] = true,
--Gruul's Lair
["Blindeye the Seer"] = "Слепоглаз Провидец",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Груул Драконоубийца",
["Gruul the Dragonkiller"] = "Груул Драконобой",
["High King Maulgar"] = "Король Молгар",
["Kiggler the Crazed"] = "Кигглер Безумный",
["Krosh Firehand"] = "Крош Огненная Рука",
5078,18 → 5718,31
["Vazruden"] = "Вазруден",
["Watchkeeper Gargolmar"] = "Начальник стражи Гарголмар",
--Magtheridon's Lair
["Hellfire Channeler"] = "Заклинатель Ярого Пламени",
["Magtheridon"] = "Магеридон",
["Hellfire Channeler"] = "Чаротворец из цитадели Адского Пламени",
["Magtheridon"] = "Магтеридон",
--The Blood Furnace
["Broggok"] = "Броггок",
["Keli'dan the Breaker"] = "Келидан разрушитель",
["The Maker"] = "Созидатель",
["Keli'dan the Breaker"] = "Кели'дан Разрушитель",
["The Maker"] = "Мастер",
--The Shattered Halls
["Blood Guard Porung"] = "Кровавый страж Порунг",
["Grand Warlock Nethekurse"] = "Великий чернокнижник Черное Проклятие",
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "Вестник войны Омрогг",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Вождь Каргат Стальная Рука",
["Grand Warlock Nethekurse"] = "Главный чернокнижник Пустоклят",
["Warbringer O'mrogg"] = "О'мрогг Завоеватель",
["Warchief Kargath Bladefist"] = "Вождь Каргат Острорук",
--Howling Fjord
--Utgarde Keep
--["Constructor & Controller"] = true, --these are one encounter, so we do this as an encounter name
--["Dalronn the Controller"] = true,
--["Ingvar the Plunderer"] = true,
--["Prince Keleseth"] = true,
--["Skarvald the Constructor"] = true,
--Utgarde Pinnacle
--["Skadi the Ruthless"] = true,
--["King Ymiron"] = true,
--["Svala Sorrowgrave"] = true,
--["Gortok Palehoof"] = true,
--Hyjal Summit
["Anetheron"] = "Анетерон",
["Archimonde"] = "Архимонд",
5102,16 → 5755,16
["Attumen the Huntsman"] = "Аттумен Охотник",
["Chess Event"] = "Шахматы",
["Dorothee"] = "Дороти",
["Dust Covered Chest"] = "Dust Covered Chest",
["Dust Covered Chest"] = "Пыльный сундук",
["Grandmother"] = "Бабушка",
["Hyakiss the Lurker"] = "Хиакисс Тенетник",
["Julianne"] = "Джульенна",
["Hyakiss the Lurker"] = "Хиакисс Скрытень",
["Julianne"] = "Джулианна",
["Kil'rek"] = "Килрек",
["King Llane Piece"] = "King Llane Piece",
["Maiden of Virtue"] = "Пресветлая дева",
["Maiden of Virtue"] = "Благочестивая дева",
["Midnight"] = "Полночь",
["Moroes"] = "Мороуз",
["Netherspite"] = "Хаотиан Злобный",
["Netherspite"] = "Пустогнев",
["Nightbane"] = "Ночная Погибель",
["Prince Malchezaar"] = "Принц Малчезар",
["Restless Skeleton"] = "Недремлющий скелет",
5119,25 → 5772,25
["Rokad the Ravager"] = "Рокад Опустошитель",
["Romulo & Julianne"] = "Ромуло и Джульенна",
["Romulo"] = "Ромуло",
["Shade of Aran"] = "Призрак Арана",
["Shade of Aran"] = "Тень Арана",
["Shadikith the Glider"] = "Шадикит Скользящий",
["Strawman"] = "Балбес",
["Terestian Illhoof"] = "Терестиан Больное Копыто",
["The Big Bad Wolf"] = "Серый Волк",
["The Crone"] = "Карга",
["The Curator"] = "Хранитель",
["The Big Bad Wolf"] = "Злой и страшный серый волк",
["The Crone"] = "Ведьма",
["The Curator"] = "Смотритель",
["Tinhead"] = "Медноголовый",
["Tito"] = "Тито",
["Warchief Blackhand Piece"] = "Warchief Blackhand Piece",
-- Magisters' Terrace
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель Солнечный Скиталец",
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель'тас Солнечный Скиталец",
["Priestess Delrissa"] = "Жрица Делрисса",
["Selin Fireheart"] = "Селин Огненное Сердце",
["Vexallus"] = "Вексалиус",
["Celebras the Cursed"] = "Келебрас Проклятый",
["Celebras the Cursed"] = "Селебрас Проклятый",
["Gelk"] = "Джелк",
["Kolk"] = "Колк",
["Landslide"] = "Сель",
5146,7 → 5799,7
["Maraudos"] = "Мародос",
["Meshlok the Harvester"] = "Мешлок Жнец",
["Noxxion"] = "Ноксион",
["Princess Theradras"] = "Принцесса Терадраса",
["Princess Theradras"] = "Принцесса Терадрас",
["Razorlash"] = "Бритвохлест",
["Rotgrip"] = "Гнилопасть",
["Tinkerer Gizlock"] = "Ремонтник Гизлок",
5157,68 → 5810,70
["Cache of the Firelord"] = "Cache of the Firelord",
["Garr"] = "Гарр",
["Gehennas"] = "Гееннас",
["Golemagg the Incinerator"] = "Големагг Поджигатель",
["Golemagg the Incinerator"] = "Маг-лорд из клана Гордок",
["Lucifron"] = "Люцифрон",
["Magmadar"] = "Магмадар",
["Majordomo Executus"] = "Сенешаль Экзекутус",
["Majordomo Executus"] = "Мажордом Экзекутус",
["Ragnaros"] = "Рагнарос",
["Shazzrah"] = "Шаззрах",
["Sulfuron Harbinger"] = "Сульфуронский мститель",
["Sulfuron Harbinger"] = "Предвестник Сульфурон",
["Anub'Rekhan"] = "Ануб'рекхан",
["Anub'Rekhan"] = "Ануб'Рекан",
["Deathknight Understudy"] = "Дублер рыцаря Смерти",
["Feugen"] = "Фойген",
["Four Horsemen Chest"] = "Cундук Four Horsemen",
["Four Horsemen Chest"] = "Сундук Четырех Всадников",
["Gluth"] = "Глут",
["Gothik the Harvester"] = "Готик Жнец",
["Grand Widow Faerlina"] = "Великая вдова Фэрлина",
["Grobbulus"] = "Гроббулюс",
["Heigan the Unclean"] = "Хейган Нечистый",
["Grand Widow Faerlina"] = "Великая вдова Фарлина",
["Grobbulus"] = "Гроббулус",
["Heigan the Unclean"] = "Хейган Нечистивый",
["Highlord Mograine"] = "Верховный лорд Могрейн",
["Instructor Razuvious"] = "Наставник Разувиос",
["Kel'Thuzad"] = "Кел-Тузед",
["Instructor Razuvious"] = "Инструктор Разувиус",
["Kel'Thuzad"] = "Кел'Тузад",
["Lady Blaumeux"] = "Леди Бломе",
["Loatheb"] = "Лоатеб",
["Maexxna"] = "Мэксна",
["Loatheb"] = "Мерзот",
["Maexxna"] = "Мексна",
["Noth the Plaguebringer"] = "Нот Чумной",
["Patchwerk"] = "Патчверк",
["Sapphiron"] = "Сафирон",
["Patchwerk"] = "Лоскутик",
["Sapphiron"] = "Сапфирон",
["Sir Zeliek"] = "Сэр Зелиек",
["Stalagg"] = "Сталагг",
["Thaddius"] = "Таддиус",
["Thane Korth'azz"] = "Тан Кортазз",
["The Four Horsemen"] = "The Four Horsemen",
["The Four Horsemen"] = "Четыре Всадника",
--Onyxia's Lair
["Onyxia"] = "Ониксия",
--Ragefire Chasm
["Maur Grimtotem"] = "Маур Мрачный Тотем",
["Bazzalan"] = "Баззалан",
["Jergosh the Invoker"] = "Джергош Заклинатель",
["Maur Grimtotem"] = "Маур Мрачный Тотем",
["Taragaman the Hungerer"] = "Тарагаман Алчущий",
["Zelemar the Wrathful"] = "Зелемар Гневный",
["Jergosh the Invoker"] = "Жергош Призыватель Духов",
["Taragaman the Hungerer"] = "Тарагаман Ненасытный",
--Razorfen Downs
["Amnennar the Coldbringer"] = "Амненнар Хладоносец",
["Amnennar the Coldbringer"] = "Амненнар Хладовей",
["Glutton"] = "Обжора",
["Mordresh Fire Eye"] = "Мордреш Огненный Взор",
["Mordresh Fire Eye"] = "Мордреш Огненный Глаз",
["Plaguemaw the Rotting"] = "Чумобрюх Гнилой",
["Ragglesnout"] = "Круглорыл",
["Tuten'kash"] = "Тутен'каш",
["Henry Stern"] = "Генри Штерн",
--Razorfen Kraul
["Agathelos the Raging"] = "Агателос Яростный",
["Agathelos the Raging"] = "Агателос Свирепый",
["Blind Hunter"] = "Слепой охотник",
["Charlga Razorflank"] = "Чарлга Острый Бок",
["Charlga Razorflank"] = "Чарлга Остробок",
["Death Speaker Jargba"] = "Вестник смерти Джаргба",
["Earthcaller Halmgar"] = "Халмгар Зовущий Землю",
["Overlord Ramtusk"] = "Владыка Бараний Клык",
["Earthcaller Halmgar"] = "Заклинательница земли Халмгар",
["Overlord Ramtusk"] = "Властитель Таранный Клык",
--Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
["Anubisath Guardian"] = "Анубисат-страж",
["Ayamiss the Hunter"] = "Айамисс Охотник",
["Buru the Gorger"] = "Буру Обжора",
["Ayamiss the Hunter"] = "Айамисса Охотница",
["Buru the Gorger"] = "Буру Ненасытный",
["General Rajaxx"] = "Генерал Раджакс",
["Kurinnaxx"] = "Куриннакс",
["Lieutenant General Andorov"] = "Генерал-лейтенант Андоров",
5227,17 → 5882,17
--Scarlet Monastery
["Herod"] = "Ирод",
["Herod"] = "Герод",
["High Inquisitor Fairbanks"] = "Великий инквизитор Фэрбенкс",
["High Inquisitor Whitemane"] = "Великий инквизитор Белогрив",
["Scarlet Commander Mograine"] = "Командир Алого ордена Могрейн",
["High Inquisitor Fairbanks"] = "Верховный инквизитор Фэйрбанкс",
["High Inquisitor Whitemane"] = "Верховный инквизитор Вайтмейн",
["Scarlet Commander Mograine"] = "Командир Могрейн из Алого ордена",
["Azshir the Sleepless"] = "Азшир Бессонный",
["Azshir the Sleepless"] = "Азшир Неспящий",
["Bloodmage Thalnos"] = "Волшебник Крови Талнос",
["Fallen Champion"] = "Павший защитник",
["Interrogator Vishas"] = "Следователь Вишас",
["Ironspine"] = "Стальной Хребет",
["Fallen Champion"] = "Павший воитель",
["Interrogator Vishas"] = "Дознаватель Жестокос",
["Ironspine"] = "Железноспин",
["Headless Horseman"] = "Всадник без головы",
["Arcanist Doan"] = "Чародей Доан",
5246,16 → 5901,16
["Blood Steward of Kirtonos"] = "Кровавая прислужница Киртоноса",
["Darkmaster Gandling"] = "Темный магистр Гандлинг",
["Death Knight Darkreaver"] = "Темный Губитель, рыцарь Смерти",
["Death Knight Darkreaver"] = "Рыцарь смерти Темный Терзатель",
["Doctor Theolen Krastinov"] = "Доктор Теолен Крастинов",
["Instructor Malicia"] = "Наставник Малиция",
["Jandice Barov"] = "Джандис Бароу",
["Instructor Malicia"] = "Инструктор Коварница",
["Jandice Barov"] = "Джандис Баров",
["Kirtonos the Herald"] = "Киртонос Глашатай",
["Kormok"] = "Кормок",
["Lady Illucia Barov"] = "Леди Иллюция Бароу",
["Lady Illucia Barov"] = "Леди Иллюсия Баров",
["Lord Alexei Barov"] = "Лорд Алексей Баров",
["Lorekeeper Polkelt"] = "Хранитель мудрости Полкелт",
["Marduk Blackpool"] = "Мардук Чернопруд",
["Lorekeeper Polkelt"] = "Сказитель Полкелт",
["Marduk Blackpool"] = "Мардук Блэкпул",
["Ras Frostwhisper"] = "Рас Снегошепот",
["Rattlegore"] = "Громоклин",
["The Ravenian"] = "Равениан",
5264,67 → 5919,67
--Shadowfang Keep
["Archmage Arugal"] = "Верховный маг Аругал",
["Arugal's Voidwalker"] = "Демон Хаоса Аругала",
["Baron Silverlaine"] = "Барон Сильверлейн",
["Baron Silverlaine"] = "Барон Сребролен",
["Commander Springvale"] = "Командир Ручьедол",
["Deathsworn Captain"] = "Капитан Служителей Смерти",
["Deathsworn Captain"] = "Капитан служителей Смерти",
["Fenrus the Devourer"] = "Фенрус Пожиратель",
["Odo the Blindwatcher"] = "Одо Слепостраж",
["Razorclaw the Butcher"] = "Мясник Острокоготь",
["Wolf Master Nandos"] = "Волчарь Нандос",
["Odo the Blindwatcher"] = "Одо Слепой Страж",
["Razorclaw the Butcher"] = "Остроклык Мясник",
["Wolf Master Nandos"] = "Командир воргенов Нандос",
["Archivist Galford"] = "Архивариус Гэлфорд",
["Balnazzar"] = "Бальназар",
["Baron Rivendare"] = "Барон Райвендер",
["Archivist Galford"] = "Архивариус Галфорд",
["Balnazzar"] = "Балназзар",
["Baron Rivendare"] = "Барон Ривендер",
["Baroness Anastari"] = "Баронесса Анастари",
["Black Guard Swordsmith"] = "Оружейник Черной Гвардии",
["Cannon Master Willey"] = "Канонир мастер Уилли",
["Crimson Hammersmith"] = "Багровый Молотобоец",
["Black Guard Swordsmith"] = "Оружейник Черной Стражи",
["Cannon Master Willey"] = "Мастер-канонир Вилли",
["Crimson Hammersmith"] = "Молотобоец из Багрового Легиона",
["Fras Siabi"] = "Фрас Сиаби",
["Hearthsinger Forresten"] = "Хартзингер Форрестен",
["Magistrate Barthilas"] = "Судья Бартилас",
["Hearthsinger Forresten"] = "Певчий Форрестен",
["Magistrate Barthilas"] = "Мировой судья Бартилас",
["Maleki the Pallid"] = "Малекай Бледный",
["Nerub'enkan"] = "Неруб-энкан",
["Nerub'enkan"] = "Неруб'энкан",
["Postmaster Malown"] = "Почтальон Мэлоун",
["Ramstein the Gorger"] = "Рамштейна Яростного",
["Ramstein the Gorger"] = "Рамштайн Ненасытный",
["Skul"] = "Череп",
["Stonespine"] = "Каменный Гребень",
["The Unforgiven"] = "Непрощенный",
["Timmy the Cruel"] = "Тимми Жестокий",
["Timmy the Cruel"] = "Тайлер",
--Sunwell Plateau
["Kalecgos"] = "Калецгос",
["Kalecgos"] = "Калесгос",
["Sathrovarr the Corruptor"] = "Сатроварр Осквернитель",
["Brutallus"] = "Бруталл",
["Felmyst"] = "Сквернотуман",
["Kil'jaeden"] = "Kil'jaeden",
["Felmyst"] = "Пророк Скверны",
["Kil'jaeden"] = "Кил'джеден",
["M'uru"] = "М'ару",
["Entropius"] = "Энтропий",
["The Eredar Twins"] = "The Eredar Twins",
["Lady Sacrolash"] = "Lady Sacrolash",
["Grand Warlock Alythess"] = "Grand Warlock Alythess",
["Grand Warlock Alythess"] = "Главная чернокнижница Алитесса",
--Tempest Keep
--The Arcatraz
["Dalliah the Doomsayer"] = "Далия Глашатай Судьбы",
["Harbinger Skyriss"] = "Вестник Скайрис",
["Harbinger Skyriss"] = "Предвестник Скайрисс",
["Warden Mellichar"] = "Страж Мелличар",
["Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates"] = "Демон-провидец Соккотрат",
["Zereketh the Unbound"] = "Зерекет Освобожденный",
["Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates"] = "Провидец Гнева Соккорат",
["Zereketh the Unbound"] = "Зерекет Бездонный",
--The Botanica
["Commander Sarannis"] = "Командир Сараннис",
["High Botanist Freywinn"] = "Старший ботаник Фрейвин",
["High Botanist Freywinn"] = "Верховный ботаник Фрейвин",
["Laj"] = "Ладж",
["Thorngrin the Tender"] = "Торнгрин Нежный",
["Thorngrin the Tender"] = "Скалезуб Скорбный",
["Warp Splinter"] = "Узлодревень",
--The Eye
["Al'ar"] = "Алар",
["Al'ar"] = "Ал'ар",
["Cosmic Infuser"] = "Космический даритель",
["Devastation"] = "Разоритель",
["Grand Astromancer Capernian"] = "Старший астромант Каперниан",
["High Astromancer Solarian"] = "Верховный астромант Солариан",
["Grand Astromancer Capernian"] = "Верховный звездочет Каперниан",
["High Astromancer Solarian"] = "Верховный звездочет Солариан",
["Infinity Blades"] = "Клинки Бесконечности",
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель Солнечный Скиталец",
["Kael'thas Sunstrider"] = "Кель'тас Солнечный Скиталец",
["Lord Sanguinar"] = "Лорд Сангвинар",
["Master Engineer Telonicus"] = "Старший инженер Телоникус",
["Netherstrand Longbow"] = "Длинный лук Берега Хаоса",
5333,46 → 5988,46
["Solarium Priest"] = "Жрец Солариана",
["Staff of Disintegration"] = "Посох Распыления",
["Thaladred the Darkener"] = "Таладред Затемнитель",
["Void Reaver"] = "Пустотный разбойник",
["Void Reaver"] = "Страж Бездны",
["Warp Slicer"] = "Искореженная ломтерезка",
--The Mechanar
["Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill"] = "Страж ворот Смертекрут",
["Gatewatcher Iron-Hand"] = "Страж ворот Железнорук",
["Mechano-Lord Capacitus"] = "Механический лорд Способие",
["Nethermancer Sepethrea"] = "Хаомант Сепетея",
["Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill"] = "Страж ворот Точеный Нож",
["Gatewatcher Iron-Hand"] = "Страж ворот Стальная Клешня",
["Mechano-Lord Capacitus"] = "Механо-лорд Конденсарон",
["Nethermancer Sepethrea"] = "Пустомант Сепетрея",
["Pathaleon the Calculator"] = "Паталеон Вычислитель",
--The Deadmines
["Brainwashed Noble"] = "Обманутый дворянин",
["Captain Greenskin"] = "Капитан Зеленая Шкура",
["Cookie"] = "Пышка",
["Edwin VanCleef"] = "Эдвин Ван Клиф",
["Foreman Thistlenettle"] = "Старшина Чертополохх",
["Brainwashed Noble"] = "Зомбированный дворянин",
["Captain Greenskin"] = "Капитан Зеленямс",
["Cookie"] = "Пирожок",
["Edwin VanCleef"] = "Эдвин ван Клиф",
["Foreman Thistlenettle"] = "Штейгер Чертополох",
["Gilnid"] = "Гилнид",
["Marisa du'Paige"] = "Мариса дю Пэж",
["Miner Johnson"] = "Шахтер Джонсон",
["Mr. Smite"] = "Ударр",
["Mr. Smite"] = "Мистер Каюк",
["Rhahk'Zor"] = "Рак'Зор",
["Sneed"] = "Снид",
["Sneed's Shredder"] = "Резак Снида",
["Sneed's Shredder"] = "Крошшер Снида",
--The Stockade
["Bazil Thredd"] = "Базиль Тредд",
["Bruegal Ironknuckle"] = "Бругал Железный Шарнир",
["Bruegal Ironknuckle"] = "Бругал Железный Кулак",
["Dextren Ward"] = "Декстрен Вард",
["Hamhock"] = "Хэмхок",
["Kam Deepfury"] = "Кэм Темная Ярость",
["Hamhock"] = "Хрупконог",
["Kam Deepfury"] = "Кам Гневливый",
["Targorr the Dread"] = "Таргорр Ужасный",
--The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
["Atal'alarion"] = "Атал'аларион",
["Avatar of Hakkar"] = "Аватара Хаккара",
["Dreamscythe"] = "Жнец Снов",
["Gasher"] = "Гашер",
["Gasher"] = "Ранокол",
["Hazzas"] = "Хаззас",
["Hukku"] = "Хукку",
["Jade"] = "Нефрит",
["Jammal'an the Prophet"] = "Джаммалан Пророк",
["Jammal'an the Prophet"] = "Джаммал'ан Пророк",
["Kazkaz the Unholy"] = "Казказ Нечистый",
["Loro"] = "Лоро",
["Mijan"] = "Миджан",
5383,29 → 6038,50
["Weaver"] = "Ткачик",
["Zekkis"] = "Зеккис",
["Zolo"] = "Золо",
["Zul'Lor"] = "Зул-Лор",
["Zul'Lor"] = "Зул'Лор",
["Ancient Stone Keeper"] = "Древний каменный хранитель",
["Archaedas"] = "Архедас",
["Baelog"] = "Бэлог",
["Digmaster Shovelphlange"] = "Мастер Лопаторукий",
["Galgann Firehammer"] = "Галганн Огненный Молот",
["Ancient Stone Keeper"] = "Древний Хранитель Камня",
["Archaedas"] = "Аркедас",
["Baelog"] = "Бейлог",
["Digmaster Shovelphlange"] = "Мастер Лопаторук",
["Galgann Firehammer"] = "Галганн Огнемолот",
["Grimlok"] = "Гримлок",
["Ironaya"] = "Железнайя",
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Обсидиановый страж",
["Ironaya"] = "Иронайа",
["Obsidian Sentinel"] = "Обсидиановый часовой",
["Revelosh"] = "Ревелош",
-- Ulduar
-- Halls of Lightning
--["General Bjarngrim"] = true,
--["Ionar"] = true,
--["Loken"] = true,
--["Volkhan"] = true,
-- Halls of Stone
--["Krystallus"] = true,
--["Maiden of Grief"] = true,
--["Sjonnir the Ironshaper"] = true,
--["The Tribunal of Ages"] = true,
-- The Violet Hold
--["Cyanigosa"] = true,
--["Erekem"] = true,
--["Ichoron"] = true,
--["Lavanthor"] = true,
--["Moragg"] = true,
--["Xevozz"] = true,
--["Zuramat the Obliterator"] = true,
--Wailing Caverns
["Boahn"] = "Боан",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Искаженный лесной дракончик",
["Deviate Faerie Dragon"] = "Загадочный волшебный дракон",
["Kresh"] = "Криг",
["Lady Anacondra"] = "Леди Анакондра",
["Lady Anacondra"] = "Повелительница Анакондра",
["Lord Cobrahn"] = "Лорд Кобран",
["Lord Pythas"] = "Лорд Пифас",
["Lord Pythas"] = "Лорд Питонас",
["Lord Serpentis"] = "Лорд Серпентис",
["Mad Magglish"] = "Безумный Магглиш",
["Mutanus the Devourer"] = "Мутанус-пожиратель",
["Mutanus the Devourer"] = "Мутанус Пожиратель",
["Skum"] = "Шкам",
["Trigore the Lasher"] = "Тригор Хлестун",
["Verdan the Everliving"] = "Вердан Бессмертный",
5428,36 → 6104,43
["Ysondre"] = "Исондра",
["Akil'zon"] = "Акилзон",
["Akil'zon"] = "Акил'зон",
["Halazzi"] = "Халаззи",
["Jan'alai"] = "Джаналайя",
["Malacrass"] = "Malacrass",
["Jan'alai"] = "Джан'алай",
["Malacrass"] = "Малакрасс",
["Nalorakk"] = "Налоракк",
["Zul'jin"] = "Зулджин",
["Zul'jin"] = "Зул'джин",
["Hex Lord Malacrass"] = "Повелитель проклятий Малакрасс",
["Antu'sul"] = "Анту'сул",
["Chief Ukorz Sandscalp"] = "Вождь Укорз Песчаная Проплешина",
["Chief Ukorz Sandscalp"] = "Вождь Укорз Песчаная Плешь",
["Dustwraith"] = "Пыльный Призрак",
["Gahz'rilla"] = "Газрилла",
["Gahz'rilla"] = "Газ'рилла",
["Hydromancer Velratha"] = "Гидромант Велрата",
["Murta Grimgut"] = "Мурта Мрачное Брюхо",
["Nekrum Gutchewer"] = "Некрум Брюхогрыз",
["Murta Grimgut"] = "Мурта Мрачнобрюх",
["Nekrum Gutchewer"] = "Некрум Кишкожуй",
["Oro Eyegouge"] = "Оро Вырвиглаз",
["Ruuzlu"] = "Руузлу",
["Sandarr Dunereaver"] = "Сандарр Барханный Разбойник",
["Sandarr Dunereaver"] = "Сандарр Разоритель Барханов",
["Sandfury Executioner"] = "Палач из клана Песчаной Бури",
["Sergeant Bly"] = "Сержант Блай",
["Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz"] = "Сумеречный жрец Сезз'зиз",
["Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz"] = "Темный жрец Шезз'зиз",
["Theka the Martyr"] = "Тека Мученик",
["Witch Doctor Zum'rah"] = "Знахарь Зум'рах",
["Zerillis"] = "Зериллис",
["Zul'Farrak Dead Hero"] = "Мертвый Герой Зул'Фаррака",
-- Zul'Drak
-- Gundrak
--["Drakkari Colossus"] = true,
--["Gal'darah"] = true,
--["Moorabi"] = true,
--["Slad'ran"] = true,
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Мэндокир Повелитель Крови",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Газранка",
["Bloodlord Mandokir"] = "Мандокир Повелитель Крови",
["Gahz'ranka"] = "Газ'ранка",
["Gri'lek"] = "Грилек",
["Hakkar"] = "Хаккар",
["Hazza'rah"] = "Хазза'рах",
5466,7 → 6149,7
["High Priestess Arlokk"] = "Верховная жрица Арлокк",
["High Priestess Jeklik"] = "Верховная жрица Джеклик",
["High Priestess Mar'li"] = "Верховная жрица Мар'ли",
["Jin'do the Hexxer"] = "Джин'до Наводящий Порчу",
["Jin'do the Hexxer"] = "Джин'до Проклинатель",
["Renataki"] = "Ренатаки",
["Wushoolay"] = "Вушулай",